Page numbers in boldface refer to main entries for specific plants.

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E
F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J
K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O
P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T
U  |  V  |  W  |  Y  |  Z


African violets, 383

AHS Plant Heat-Zone Map, 6–7

All-America Rose Selection (AARS), 399

All-America Selections (AAS) winners, 30

Alliums. See Chives; Garlic; Onion family

American Horticultural Society (AHS), Plant Heat-Zone Map of, 6–7

American Rose Society (ARS), 399

Anise, 238

Annuals, xv, 6

Ants, 73, 325

Aphids, 73–75

nasturtiums as trap crop for, 377

Apollo, 178

Apothecaries, 404

Apples, 22, 285, 292–301

basics, 292–94

chilling requirements of, 294

columnar, 285, 292, 293, 295, 297–98, 301, 302–4

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

fertilizing, 297

growing in South, 294, 299

hardiness of, 294

harvesting, 300

Herbed Baked, 296–97

insects and diseases and, 298–99

planting, 294–95

pollination of, 293–94

pruning, 297–98

rootstocks of, 292–93

varieties of, 300–301

watering, 295–97

Apple scab, 299, 301

Aromatherapy, 258

Arugula, 52, 75, 112–13

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

in succession gardening, 17, 18

Asian greens, 18, 57, 79, 107–8

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

mizuna, 13, 21, 108, 116–19

in succession gardening, 16–17

see also Leafy greens


Bacterial canker, 340

Bags, as containers, 35–36

Balconies, 8

Bangkok Banquet theme garden, 135

Barash, Cathy Wilkinson, 349, 369, 404, 409

Bare-root plants, planting, 290–91

Basil, 13, 18, 54, 57, 172–74, 184, 215

basics, 173

cooking with, 172

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 174

in herbal soaks, 258

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

in Pasta with Fresh Herbs, 193

planting, 173

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

success with, 173

varieties of, 174

vinegar, 257

Baths, herbal, 258

Batting, as cold-weather wrap, 288

Bay, 175–78, 215

basics, 175–77

cooking with, 175

in Greek mythology, 178

harvesting, 178

in herbal soaks, 258

other uses of, 175–77

planting, 177

root pruning, 176

success with, 177–78

varieties of, 178

Bean poles, 82

Beans, 13, 22, 44, 53, 54, 79, 81–85

basics, 81

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

harvesting, 83

in A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

inoculant for, 82, 126

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

as nitrogen converters, 126

planting, 81–82

in A Royal Feast theme garden, 380–81

success with, 82

varieties of, 83–85

in windbreaks, 85

Beauty treatments:

hair rinses, 258–59

herbal baths, 258

skin treatments, 224, 258, 362–63

Bee balm. See Monarda


feverfew avoided by, 202

plants attractive to, 230, 234, 235, 253, 370

pollination by humans vs., 97

Beet greens, 90

Beets, 13, 53, 54, 76, 79, 90–91

basics, 90

edible flowers to use with, 373, 375

harvesting, 91

planting, 90

success with, 91

varieties of, 91

Begonia(s), 350, 352–55

basics, 352–53

cooking with, 355

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

in A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

planting, 353

Sorbet, 358

success with, 354

in Summertime Sorbet theme garden, 356–59

varieties of, 354–55

Begonias, 22

Bergamot. See Monarda


flower-laden ice cubes or blocks for, 179, 372, 387

May Wine, 269

violet syrup for, 387

Biennials, xv

Birds, protecting fruit from, 325

Black spot, 396–97

Blankets, as cold-weather wraps, 288

Blight, 165

Blood meal, 69

Blossom-end rot, 76, 164–65

Blueberries, 22, 285, 305–8

basics, 305–6

harvesting, 308

planting, 306–7

success with, 307–8

varieties of, 308

Bok choy, 18, 108

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

Bolting, 110–11, 186

Bone meal, 69

Borage, 22, 179–81

basics, 180

cooking with, 179–80

edible flowers of, 179, 180

harvesting, 181

in mixed planter, 181

planting, 180–81

success with, 181

Bordeaux mixture, 340

Boron, 68

“Borrowed landscape,” 346

Boston Tea Party, 230

Bouquets garnis, 215

Box within a box (container), 34

Brass containers, 35

Bubblers, 66

Bubble wrap, as cold-weather protection, 288

Buddhists, 360

Bulb food, 70

Bulbs, planting, 63

Burnet. See Salad burnet

Butter, rose-scented, 400

Butterflies, 235, 239, 375

Buying plants, 11, 61


Cabbage, 14

Cake, Rose Geranium Tea, 264–65

Calcium, 68, 69, 76

in common household items, 138

tomatoes and, 165

Calendulas, 22, 360–63

basics, 360

in beauty treatments, 258, 259, 362–63

cooking with, 361

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

harvesting, 361

in herbal remedies, 258, 259, 361–63

in herbal soaks, 258

legends about, 362

planting, 360–61

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

in succession gardening, 17

Canker, bacterial, 340

Cans, as containers, 37, 40

Cantaloupes, 14

Carrots, 53, 54, 79, 93–94, 238

basics, 93

harvesting, 94

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

planting, 93–94

success with, 94

varieties of, 94

Catmint, 227

Catnip, 226–27

Chamomile, 60, 182–84, 230

basics, 182–83

in beauty treatments, 182, 258, 259

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 183–84

in herbal soaks, 258

planting, 183

success with, 183

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

varieties of, 184

Chandoha, Walter, 193, 254

Chard. See Swiss chard

Chervil, 184, 185–87, 238

basics, 186

cooking with, 185

harvesting, 187

planting, 186–87

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

in succession gardening, 17

success with, 187

varieties of, 187

The Cheshire Car theme garden, 226–27

Chicken, edible flowers to use with, 375, 387

Chicory, 113


dill seeds as natural sedative for, edible flowers and, 350

A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

Chile peppers, 141

in succession gardening, 17

see also Pepper(s)

Chilling requirements, for fruit trees and shrubs, 286–87, 289

A Chinatown Greengrocer theme garden, 133–34

Chinese kale, or Chinese broccoli, 18, 108

Chives, 18, 22, 54, 79, 184, 191–94

basics, 191–92

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

garlic, 13, 194, 257

garlic, in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

in A Green Springtime theme garden, 388–89

harvesting, 192–94

in Pasta with Fresh Herbs, 193

planting, 192

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

success with, 192

varieties of, 194

Chlorine, 68

Chopsticks, 47

Chrysanthemums, 364–66

basics, 364–65

cooking with, 366

planting, 365

success with, 365–66

varieties of, 366

Cilantro, 52, 53, 54, 195–96, 238

basics, 195

cooking with, 195

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 196

planting, 195–96

in succession gardening, 17

success with, 196

varieties of, 196

vinegar, 257

Citrus, 285, 309–12

basics, 309–10

harvesting, 311

planting, 310

success with, 310–11

varieties of, 311–12

Claiborne, Craig, 237

Clay pots, 31–32

strawberry pots, 33

Cleopatra, 397

Cloches, 47, 55

Clutter, 26–27

Codling moths, 298–99

Colchicum, 248, 249


clay pots and, 31, 32

protection against, 4, 287–90

winter-chill requirements and, 286–87, 239

see also Winter protection

Collards, 79, 105, 106–7

see also Leafy greens

Color effects, 21–24

abstract concepts and, 23–24

containers and, 24, 32

Color wheel, 23

Commitment level, 15

Complementary colors, 23

Compost, 71

Concrete containers, 35


Herb Jelly, Quick, 206

Lecso (Hungarian Pepper Salsa), 137

Rosemary Pesto, 243

Containers, 31–40

clay pots, 31–32

color effects and, 24, 32

drainage holes in, 40

drip trays for, 35

for fruits, 286

groupings of, 24–26

grow bags, 35–36

hanging, 10, 35, 64

household items and found art as, 36–39, 40

metal or concrete, 35

paper pulp, 35

planting, 61–64

plastic, 32–33, 36–37, 40

self-watering pots, 66

size of, 39

of space-age materials, 33

strawberry pots, 33

visual order and 26–27

wheeled bases for, 286, 289

wire, 35, 64

wooden, 34–35, 40

Cool colors, 23

Copper, 68

Copper fungicide, 340

Coriander, 195

Corkscrew stakes, 163

Corn, 14

Corn salad (mâche), 113

Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

County extension offices, 74

Crabapples, 301

Creasy, Rosalind, 280

Crème fraîche:

making your own, 344

Strawberries with Scented Geraniums and, 343

Crocus, 247

autumn, 248, 249

see also Saffron crocus

Crystallized flowers, 180

Cucumbers, 18, 52, 54, 57, 76, 79, 95–97

basics, 95

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

dill and, 197, 198

harvesting, 96

human pollination of, 97

planting, 95–96

success with, 96

varieties of, 96–97

Cultivars, xvi

Cultivator forks, 47

Cupid, 397

Currants, 285, 313–20

basics, 314–15

fertilizing, 317

harvesting, 319

insects and diseases and, 318–19

planting, 315–16

pruning, 317–18

varieties of, 319–20

watering, 316–17

Cutworms, 75


Damping-off, 59–60

Daylilies, 22, 367–69

basics, 367–68

cooking with, 369

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

harvesting, 368–69

planting, 368

success with, 368

varieties of, 369

Deadheading, 26

DeBaggio, Tom, 104

Decks, 9

Designing container gardens, 19–28

accenting plants’ best features in, 20–21

color effects in, 21–24

design fundamentals and, 19–20

groupings in, 24–26

neat appearance in, 26–27

surprises and adjustments in, 28


Apples, Herbed Baked, 296–97

Begonia Sorbet, 358

edible flowers to use in, 355, 369, 373, 387, 400

Minted Melon and Grape Salad, 328

Rose Geranium Tea Cake, 264–65

Strawberries with Scented Geraniums and Crème Fraîche, 343–44

Dianthus (pinks), 370–73

basics, 371

in celebrations of love, 372

cooking with, 373

harvesting, 372

planting, 371

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

success with, 371–72

varieties of, 372–73

Dibbles, 47

Digestive aids, 216, 224

Dill, 52, 184, 197–99, 238

basics, 197–98

cooking with, 197

cucumbers and, 197, 198

harvesting, 199

planting 198

success with, 198–99

varieties of, 199

Dill seeds, 197, 199

Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

Direct sowing, 62

Diseases, 72, 73, 76

Dolomite lime, 70


bare-root plants and, 290–91

winter chill and, 286–87, 289

Double-potting, 4, 396

Downy mildew, 76

Drainage holes, 40

Drip trays, 35, 57

Drip watering systems, 66–67


herbs, 170–71

roses, 398

seeds, 171


Edible flowers. See Flowers, edible

Edible Flowers from Garden to palate (Barash), 349, 404

Edibles, xiv

Edible Sunshine theme garden 282–84

Eggplant, 18, 20, 22, 54, 57, 75, 79, 101–2

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 102

planting, 101–2

success with, 102

varieties of, 102

Egypt, ancient, 360

Endive, 113


Pasta with Fresh Herbs, 193

Pasta with Summer vegetables, 104

Pork, Herbed Roast, 254–55

Entryways, as garden spaces, 9–10

Escarole, 113

Espaliers, 42, 44–45

The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

Bangkok Banquet, 135

A Chinatown Greengrocer, 133–34

Mediterranean Medley, 134–35

The Salsa Bowl, 132

A Taste of Italy, 132–33

Evelyn, John, 248

Exotic Herbs (Saville), 343


Fall frost date, 7

Fava beans, 13, 79, 82, 83, 85

see also Beans

Fennel, 18, 200–201, 238

basics, 200–201

harvesting, 201

in herbal soaks, 258

in mixed planter, 181

planting, 201

success with, 201

varieties of, 201

Fennel seeds, 171, 200, 215

Fertilizers, 51, 67–70, 350

nutrient balance and, 67–68

organic vs. synthetic, 71

Feverfew, 22, 202–4

basics, 202

harvesting, 204

as medicine, 203

planting, 202–3

success with, 203

varieties of, 204

Figs, 285, 321–26

basics, 321–22

fertilizing, 324

harvesting, 325–26

heat requirements of, 323

insects and diseases and, 325

planting, 322–23

pruning, 324–25

varieties of, 326

watering, 323–24

Finocchio, 200–201

Fire escapes, 8

Fish emulsion, 69

Fish pellets, timed-release, 67

Flea beetles, 75

Floating row covert, 4, 55, 288

Florists, eating flowers from, 350

Flowers, 22–23

Flowers, edible, 349–412

color show of, 23, 24

cooking with, 349

crystallized, 180

herb flowers as, 171, 349–50

mail-order sources for, 414–15

in Mardi Gras Salad, 280

preparation of, 351

safety concerns and, 350–51

see also specific edible Flowers


as cold-weather wrap, 288

as space fillers, 62

Focaccia, 240–41

Foliage, color show of, 23

Found art, as containers, 36–39, 40

Frisée, 113

Frost, last spring and first fall dates of, 7

Fruits, 14, 285–347

color show of, 23

containers for, 286

edible flowers to use with, 373, 379, 400

espaliered, 42, 44–45

flowers of, 22, 314

mail-order sources for, 414

planting techniques for, 290–91

space required for, 286

winter-chill requirements for, 286–87, 289

winter protection for, 287–90

years to wait before first harvest of, 285

see also specific fruits

Fungicides, 71


Garden blankets, 288

Gardens, integrating container plants into, 10

Garden spaces, 3–10, 27

balancing what you want with reality of, 13–14

size and structure of, 8

specific space considerations for, 8–10

sunlight and, 3–5, 12

water and, 7

weather cycles and hardiness zones and, 6–7

wind and, 5

Garden terminology, xiv–xvi

Garlic, 121

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

green, 124

Green Garlic Soup, 122

see also Onion family

Garlic chive(s), 13, 194

in The Fthnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

vinegar, 257

Garnishes, edible flowers as, 349, 350, 375, 379, 400

Gear boxes, 45

Genus, xv-xvi

Geraniums, scented, 21, 262–65

basics, 263

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 265

in Herbed Baked Apples, 296–97

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

planting, 263

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

in Rose Geranium Tea Cake, 264–65

Strawberries with Crème Fraîche and, 343–44

success with, 263–65

varieties of, 265

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

Gerard, John, 404

Gibbons, Euell, 179

Gifts from your garden, 215, 259

Gilbert, Jim, 293–94, 302, 304

Glazed-clay pots, 31–32

Gloves, 46

Gooseberries, 285, 313–20

basics, 314–15

fertilizing, 317

harvesting, 319

insects and diseases and, 318–19

planting, 315–16

pruning, 317–18

varieties of, 320

watering, 316–17

Grape(s), 285, 327–35

chilling requirements for, 329–30

fertilizing, 331

hardiness of, 329

harvesting, 334

and Melon Salad, Minted, 328

planting, 330–31

pruning, 331, 332–34

size of vines, 327

support structures for, 330–31

varieties of, 334–35

watering, 331

Grapefruit, 309–10, 312

see also Citrus

Grape leaves, 334

Grapevine wreaths, 332

Greece, ancient, 192, 208, 211, 360

Greenhouses, 309

Green in Snow mustard, 108

Green onions. See Scallions

Greens. See Leafy greens; Lettuce; Salad greens; Spinach; Spinach substitutes

Greensand, 68–69, 70

A Green Springtime theme garden, 388–89

Groupings, 24–26

Grow bags, 35–36

Growing season:

length of, 12

stretching, 55


Hair rinses, herbal, 258–59

Hanging containers (baskets), 10

wire, 35, 64

Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

Hardening off, 60

Hardiness Zone Map, U.S.D.A., 6, 7, 414–15

Hardiness zones, 6–7

Harpocrates, 397

Headaches, feverfew remedies for, 203


AHS Plant Heat-Zone Map and, 6–7

protection against, 4

sources of, for starting seeds indoors, 57–58

Height variations, 25–26

Heirloom vegetables, 92

Herbs, 54, 169–284

defined, 169

drying, 170 71

flowers of, 22, 171, 349–50

in Focaccia, 240–41

Fresh, Pasta with, 193

gifts from your garden, 215, 259

herbal vinegars, 257–59

Herbed Baked Apples, 296–97

Herbed Roast Pork, 254–55

mail-order sources for, 414

Quick Herb Jelly, 207

in windowsill gardens, 184

see also specific herbs

Herbal (Gerard), 404

Herbal remedies:

baths, 258

calendula in, 258, 259, 361–63

digestive aids, 216, 224

dill in, 197

feverfew in, 203

hair rinses, 258–59

for headaches, 203

mint in, 224

skin treatments, 224, 258, 362–63

for wounds, 361–62

Herbal teas, 277

see also Teas

Herbed Baked Apples, 296–97

Herbed Roast Pork, 254–55

Herbicides, 71, 350

Honeybees. See Bees

Horsemint. See Monarda

Hose attachments, 66

Hoses, 66

Hotcaps, 55

Hot colors, 23

Houseboat decks, 9

Household items:

as containers, 36–39, 40

as garden tools, 47

A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

Hummingbirds, 230, 231, 232

Hungarian Pepper Salsa (Lecso), 137

Hybrids, 92

Hydrotherapy, 258

Hyssop, 230


Ice cream, edible flowers to use with, 387

Ice cubes or blocks, flower-laden, 179, 372, 387

Indoor windowsill gardens, 10

Inoculant, 82, 126

Insecticidal soap, 73–74

Insecticides, 71, 350


in edible flowers, 351

harmful, 72, 73–76

plants repellent to, 121, 213, 224

see also specific insects

Insulating materials, 288

Iron, 68


Jekyll, Gertrude, 410

Jelly, Quick Herb, 206

Jiffy pellets, 56–57

Johnny-jump-ups, 383–84


Kale, 14, 20, 22, 57, 73, 79, 105, 107

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

in Pasta with Summer Vegetables, 104

in succession gardening, 16–17

tulip as companion plant for, 408

see also Leafy greens

A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

Kitchen gardens, 98

Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

Komatsuna, 108

Kopcisnki, Peter, 137


Lamb, Charles, 125

Lamb’s lettuce (mâche), 113

Language of flowers, 188, 190, 395

Latin names, xv–xvi

Lavender, 22, 205–12

antiseptic qualities of, 211

basics, 207

in beauty treatments, 259

harvesting, 211–12

in herbal soaks, 258

in Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

planting, 210

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

success with, 210–11

varieties of, 212

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

vinegar, 257

Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

Lavender mint, 207, 208–9, 228

Lavender thyme, 207, 208–9

Leafy greens, 54, 79, 103–8

basics, 103–5

beet, 90

collards, 79, 105, 106–7

cooking, 103

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 105

planting, 105

success with, 105

varieties of, 105–8

see also Asian greens; Kale; Mustard greens; Spinach; Spinach substitutes; Swiss chard

Lecso (Hungarian Pepper Salsa), 137

Leeks, 79, 123–24

see also Onion family Legumes:

inoculant for, 82, 126

as nitrogen converters, 126

see also Beans; Peas

Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

Lemon balm, 224, 228

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

Lemongrass, 213–14, 215

basics, 214

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 214

planting, 214

success with, 214

vinegar, 257

Lemons, 310, 312

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

see also Citrus

Lemon thyme, 281

in The Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

in Mardi Gras Salad, 280

Spinach with, 151

Lemon verbena, 215, 216–17

basics, 217

harvesting, 217

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

planting, 217

in Quick Herb Jelly. 206

success with, 217

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

Lettuce, 22, 53, 54, 57, 79, 109–12

basics, 109–10

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

cut-and-come-again, 112

in A Green Springtime theme garden, 388–89

harvesting, 111

in Mardi Gras Salad, 280

in mesclun and other salad mixes, 114–15

planting, 110

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

in succession gardening, 17, 18

success with, 110–11

varieties of, 111–12

see also Salad greens

Liberty teas, 230


for starting seeds indoors, 59

sunlight, 3–5, 12

Lilies, 367

see also Daylilies

Lima beans, 79, 85

see also Beans

Lime, 51

dolomite, 70

Limes, 310, 312

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

see also Citrus

Linnaeus, Carl, 37

Liquid seaweed, 69–70


pinks in celebrations of, 372

roses in language of, 395


Mâche, 113

Magnesium, 68, 69

in common household items, 138

Magnesium sulfate, 69, 70

Mail-order sources, 414–22

Maintenance, 26, 65–76

fertilizing, 67–70

harmful insects and, 72, 73–76

plant diseases and, 72, 76

preventing and treating problems, 72–76

pruning, 70–72

watering, 65–67

Malabar spinach, 18, 22, 79, 151–52

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

Manganese, 68

Manure, 71

Marc Antony, 397

Mardi Gras Salad, 280

Marigolds, 22, 52, 54, 374–75

basics, 374

cooking with, 375

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in mixed planter, 181

planting, 374–75

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

success with, 375

Tagetes lucida (Mexican tarragon), 273

varieties of, 375

Marjoram, 221–22

basics, 221

in The Cheshire Cat theme garden, 226–27

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 221, 222

oregano vs., 236

planting, 222

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

success with, 222

topiaries, 245

varieties of, 222

vinegar, 257

Master Gardener programs, 74

May Wine, 269

Medicinal plants. See Herbal remedies

Mediterranean Medley theme garden, 134–35

Melon and Grape Salad, Minted, 328

Mesclun, 53, 114, 115

in succession gardening, 18

Metal containers, 35

Mexican tarragon, 273

Micronutrients, 51, 68

in common household items, 138

Mildew, 76, 396–97

Miner’s lettuce. See Purslane

Mint, 223–28

basics, 224–25

in beauty treatments, 259

in The Cheshire Cat theme garden, 226–27

cooking with, 223

harvesting, 228

in herbal soaks, 258

lavender, 207, 208–9, 228

in Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

many uses of, 224

Minted Melon and Grape Salad, 328

planting, 225

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

success with, 225

in Summertime Sorbet theme garden, 356–59

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

varieties of, 228

vinegar, 257

Mites, 97, 299, 311

Mizuna, 13, 21, 108

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

Molybdenum, 68

Monarda (bergamot, bee balm, Oswego tea, horsemint), 22, 229–31

basics, 230

harvesting, 231

in A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

planting, 230–31

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

success with, 231

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

varieties of, 231

Monofilament, vines growing on, 43–44

Mountain spinach (orach), 18, 22, 152

Mustard greens, 18, 22, 103, 107

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

see also Leafy greens

Mustard spinach, 16–17

Mythology, 178, 225, 386, 388, 397


Naftaly, Bruce, 161

Napoleon, 385

Nasturtiums, 22, 44, 54, 376–79

basics, 376

cooking with, 379

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

in herbal soaks, 258

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

in mixed planter, 181

origin of name, 378

planting, 376–77

in A Royal Feast theme garden, 380–81

in succession gardening, 18

success with, 377

varieties of, 378–79

vinegar, 257

Native Americans, 229, 230

Neatness, in overall appearance of garden, 26–27

Nectarines, 336–41

basics, 336–37

harvesting, 341

insects and diseases and, 336, 338, 340–41

planting, 337–38

pruning, 338–40

varieties of, 341

New Zealand spinach, 151

Nightshade family, 142, 159

Nitrogen, 67–68, 69

Nitrogen converters, inoculant for, 82, 126

Nosegays, of fresh herbs, 215


Onion family, 120–24

basics, 120–21

leeks, 79, 123–24

stallions. 17, 54, 79, 121–23

success with, 121

see also Chives; Garlic

Open-pollinated plants, 92

Orach, 18, 22, 152

Orangeries, 309

Oranges, 309–10, 312

see also Citrus

Oregano, 215, 235–37

basics, 236

cooking with, 235

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 237

in herbal soaks, 258

marjoram vs., 236

planting, 236

success with, 236

varieties of, 237

vinegar, 257

Organic, use of word, 71

Ornamentals, xiv

Osmocote, 67

Oswego tea. See Monarda


Pansies, 22, 54, 382–87

basics, 382

in The Cheshire Cat theme garden, 226–27

cooking with, 386–87

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in A Green Springtime theme garden, 388–89

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

in Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

planting, 383

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

in succession gardening, 16–17

success with, 384, 385

“thoughts” and, 188, 386

varieties of, 386

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

Panty hose, 47

Paper pulp containers, 35

Paradisus (Parkinson), 198

Parkinson, John, 198

Parsley, 18, 52, 79, 215, 238–41

basics, 238–39

in beauty treatments, 259

cooking with, 238

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 241

in Pasta with Fresh Herbs, 193

planting, 239–41

success with, 241

varieties of, 241


with Fresh Herbs, 193

with Summer Vegetables, 104

Patios, 9

Pattypans, 158

see also Squash

Pavord, Anna, 407

Peaches, 285, 336–41

basics, 336–37

harvesting, 341

insects and diseases and, 336, 338, 340–41

planting, 337–38

pruning, 338–40

varieties of, 341

Peas, 53, 54, 76, 79, 125–29

basics, 125–26

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

in A Green Springtime theme garden, 388–89

harvesting and varieties of, 127–29

as nitrogen converters, 126

in Pasta with Summer Vegetables 104

planting, 126–27

presprouting indoors, 128

snap, 13, 16–17, 128–29

in succession gardening, 16–17, 18

success with, 127

supports for, 43–44, 126, 129

Pea shoots, 125–26

Peat moss, 50

Peat pots, 56

Peppers, 13, 22, 54, 57, 79, 136–41

basics, 136–38

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 93–100

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 140

Lecso (Hungarian Pepper Salsa), 137

micronutrients for, 138

planting, 138–39

in succession gardening, 17

success with, 139–40

varieties of, 140–41

Peppermint, 223, 224, 228

Perennials, xv, 6

Perlite, 50

Perpetual spinach (spinach beet), 18, 79, 152

Persephone, 388

Pesticides, 72

mint as, 224

Pesto, Rosemary, 243

pH, of soil, 51–53, 70

Phosphorus, 67–68, 69, 70

Photographs, as visual aids in design process, 21

Photosynthesis, 282

Pickles, 197, 198

growing cucumbers for, 95, 96–97

Pineapple sage, 255–56

in A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

Pinks. See Dianthus

Planning container gardens, 11–18, 27

commitment level and, 15

food preferences and, 12

garden conditions and, 12

for maximum impact and continuous good looks, 15–18

reality check for, 13–14

succession planting and, 16–18

unusual and gourmet varieties and, 13

see also Designing container gardens

Plant diseases, 72, 73, 76


bare-root plants, 290–91

bulbs, 63

containers, 61–64

transplants, 63

trees or shrubs in temporary nursery pots, 291

into wire baskets, 64

Planting seeds, 47

directly into container, 62

indoors, 54–60

Plants. See Seedlings; Transplants

Plant tower (container), 34

Plastic containers, 32–33, 36–37, 40

Plastic milk or water jugs, 47

Plastic storage units, 48

Pluto, 225

Pollination, by humans, 97

Pools, decks around, 9

Porches, 8

Pork, Herbed Roast, 254–55

Potassium, 67–68, 69

Potatoes, 18, 79, 142–46

basics, 142–43

harvesting, 146

new-potato bin for, 144

planting, 143–45

presprouting, 144

success with, 145–46

varieties of, 146

Potting mixes, 49–51, 72

seed-starting medium, 56

see also Soil

Powdery mildew, 76

Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

Preventive care, 76

Pruners, 46–47

Pruning, 70–72

espaliers and, 42

root, 176

spur, 332–33

into vase shape, 338–39

Pumpkins, 14, 158

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

see also Squash

Purslane, 13, 18, 113–14

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

Pyrethrum, 71, 73, 74


Quilt batting, as cold-weather wraps, 288


Radicchio, 114–15

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

Radishes, 53, 54, 79, 147–48

basics, 147

harvesting, 148

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

planting, 147–48

in succession gardening, 18

varieties of, 148

Raspberry tea, 230

Red clover, 230

Reproductive system, 246–47

Riesling, in May Wine, 269

Roberts-Dominguez, Jan, 122

Rocket. See Arugula

Rock phosphate, 69, 70

Rome, ancient, 192, 208, 211, 360, 397, 399–400

Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

Rooftops, 9

Rootbound plants, 61

Root pruning, 176

Rosaries, 397

Rose Geranium Tea Cake, 264–65

Rose hips, 398

Rosemary, 22, 184, 188, 215, 242–44

basics, 242–43

in beauty treatments, 259

cooking with, 242

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 244

in herbal soaks, 258

in Herbed Roast Pork, 254–55

Pesto, 243

planting, 244

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

success with, 244

topiaries, 245

varieties of, 244

Roses, 22, 44, 390–400

basics, 390–91

categories of, 390–91

cooking with, 399–400

drying, 398

in fables, legends, and folktales, 397

fertilizing, 393–94

harvesting 397–98

messages conveyed by, 395

not for containers, 392–93

pests and diseases and, 396–97

planting, 391–93

pruning, 394–95

varieties of, 390, 398–99

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

watering, 393

weatherizing, 395–96

Rose water, 400

Rotenone, 73, 74

Row covers, 4, 55, 288

A Royal Feast theme garden, 380–81

Rust, 396–97


Safety concerns:

allergic reactions to tulips and, 406

edible flowers and, 350–51

saffron crocus and, 248, 249

Saffron, 247

Saffron crocus, 22, 246–49

basics, 248

harvesting, 249

planting, 248–49

reproductive system of, 246–47

safety warning for, 248, 249

success with, 249

Sage, 22, 184, 215, 252–56

basics, 252–53

in beauty treatments, 258, 259

cooking with, 252, 255–56

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

dried, 252, 253

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

harvesting, 253

in herbal soaks, 258

in Herbed Roast Pork, 254–55

pineapple, 255–56

pineapple, in A Hummingbird Garden theme garden, 232–34

planting, 253

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

success with, 253

varieties of, 253–55

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

vinegar, 257

The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

Salad burnet, 13, 258, 260–61

basics, 260–61

cooking with, 260

harvesting, 261

planting, 261

success with, 261

Salad greens, 54, 112–15

arugula, 17, 18, 52, 75, 112–13

endive and escarole, 113

mâche, 113

in mesclun and other salad mixes, 114–15

purslane, 13, 18, 113–14

radicchio, 114–15

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

in succession gardening, 18

see also Lettuce


edible flowers to use in, 361, 373, 375, 379, 400, 409

Mardi Gras, 280

Minted Melon and Grape, 328

Salsa, Hungarian Pepper (Lecso), 137

The Salsa Bowl theme garden, 132


Fresh Tomato, 156–57

Rosemary Pesto, 243

Saville, Carole, 343

Scale, 311

Scallions (green onions), 54, 79, 121–23

in The Salad Basket theme garden, 116–19

in succession gardening, 17

see also Onion family

Scented geraniums. See Geraniums, scented

Scientific names, xv–xvi

Scions, 292

Scoops, improvised, 47

Seaweed, liquid, 69–70

Secrecy, rose symbolism and, 397

Seed catalogs, 12

Seed coat, 59

Seedlings, 59

acclimating to outdoor climate, 60

moving into larger pot, 60

protecting against disease, 59–60

thinning, 59


drying, 171

equipment for, 56–58

planting, 47

saving for next year, 52

starting indoors, 54–60

starting with transplants vs., 53–54

Seed-starting kits, 58

Seed-starting medium, 56

Self-watering pots, 66

Shade cloth, 64

Shakespeare, William, 188–90

Shepherd, Renée, 156

Side dishes:

Spinach with Lemon Thyme, 151

Stuffed Squash Blossoms with Fresh Tomato Sauce, 156–57

Silence, symbolism of, 397


of containers, 39

of garden space, 8

of plants, 14

Skin treatments, 224, 362–63

herbal soaks, 258

Slugs, 75

Snails, 75

Snap peas, 13, 128–29

in succession gardening, 16–17

see also Peas

Snow peas, 128

see also Peas

Society garlic, 194

Soil, 49–53

additions for, 51–53

commercial mixes, 49–51, 72

garden, planting in, 51

mixing fertilizer into, 51, 67, 70

pH of, 51–53, 70

seed-starting medium, 56

storing components for, 45, 48

warming in yet-unplanted containers, 55

Sorbets, 356

Begonia, 358


Fresh Tomato, 161

Green Garlic, 122

Space fillers, 62

Spaces. See Garden spaces

Spearmint, 223, 228, 258

Species, xv-xvi

Spinach, 18, 53, 79, 149–50

basics, 149

in Dinner at the Four Seasons theme garden, 302–4

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

harvesting, 150

with Lemon Thyme, 151

planting, 149

success with, 149–50

varieties of, 150

Spinach beet, 79, 152

in succession gardening, 18

Spinach substitutes, 150–52

New Zealand spinach, 151

orach, 18, 22, 152

spinach beet, 18, 79, 152

see also Malabar spinach

Spring frost date, 7

Spur pruning, 332–33

Squash, 14, 20, 22, 52, 54, 57, 76, 79, 153–58

basics, 154

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

harvesting, 155

planting, 154

in succession gardening, 18

success with, 154–55

summer vs. winter, 154

varieties of, 155–58

Squash blossoms, 153–54, 155

Stuffed, with Fresh Tomato Sauce, 156–57


for tomatoes, 163, 164

tying plants to, 47

see also Trellises

Starts, 59

Stepladders, displaying plants on, 25

Steps, as garden spaces, 9–10

Stevia, 266–67

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

Storage, of supplies, 27, 37, 45, 48

Strawberries, 285, 342–45

basics, 342–44

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 345

planting, 344

with Scented Geraniums and Crème Fraîche, 343–44

success with, 345

varieties of, 345

Strawberry pots, 33

String beans (snap beans), 79, 83

see also Beans

Structure of garden space, 8

Stuffed Squash Blossoms with Fresh Tomato Sauce, 156–57

Styrofoam peanuts, 62

Succession planting, 16–18

Sugar substitute, 266–67

Sulfur, 68, 69

in common household items, 138

Summertime Sorbet theme garden, 356–59

Sunflowers, 14, 18, 54, 401–4

basics, 402, 405–6

cooking with, 403

harvesting, 403

in A Kids’ Garden theme garden, 86–89

planting, 402–3

success with, 403

varieties of, 403–4

Sunflower seeds, 402, 403

Sunlight, 3–5, 12

Superphosphate, 69, 70

Supplies, storing, 27, 37, 45, 48


bean poles, 82

stakes, 47, 163, 164

wire cages or demicages, 41–43, 163, 164

see also Trellises

Sweet cicely, 238

Sweet woodruff, 22, 268–70

basics, 269

harvesting, 270

in May Wine, 269

planting, 269

success with, 269–70

Swiss chard, 20, 21, 22, 79, 106

in Pretty in Pink theme garden, 250–51

Systemics, 350


Tangelos, 309–10

see also Citrus

Tangerines, 309–10

see also Citrus

Tarragon, 215, 271–73

basics, 271–72

cooking with, 271, 272

harvesting, 272

planting, 272

success with, 272

varieties of, 272–73

for winter, 273

A Taste of Italy theme garden, 132–33

Tat soi, 108

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

Taylor’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables (Watson), 92

Tea Cake, Rose Geranium, 264–65

Tea plant, 274, 276–77

Teas, 274–77

Boston Tea Party and, 230

catnip, 226

chamomile, 182, 183

herbal, 277

herbs for, as gifts from your garden, 215

lemon verbena, 216

monarda, 229, 230

sage, 252

Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

Terminology, xiv-xvi

Terra-cotta pots, 31–32

Theme gardens:

The Cheshire Cat, 226–27

Country Kitchen in the Round, 98–100

Dinner at the Four Seasons, 302–4

Edible Sunshine, 282–84

The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep, 130–35

A Green Springtime, 388–89

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 346–47

A Hummingbird Garden, 232–34

A Kids’ Garden, 86–89

Lavender Lady, 208–9

Lemonade Party, 218–20

Pretty in Pink, 250–51

Romeo and Juliet, 188–90

A Royal Feast, 380–81

The Salad Basket, 116–19

Summertime Sorbet, 356–59

Tea Time, 274–77

Victorian Splendor, 410–12

Theophrastus, 314

Thinning seedlings, 59

Thrift-shop finds, as containers, 38–39

Thyme, 22, 184, 215, 230, 278–81

basics, 279

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 281

in herbal soaks, 258

lavender, 207, 208–9

in Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

lemon, 218–20, 281

lemon, in Mardi Gras Salad, 280

Lemon, Spinach with, 151

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

planting, 279

in Quick Herb Jelly, 206

success with, 279

in Tea Time theme garden, 274–77

varieties of, 281

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

vinegar, 257

Tiered effects, 25, 34

Toddlers, A Garden for, 86–89

Tomatillos, 13

Tomatoes, 14, 22, 37, 54, 72, 79, 159–68

basics, 159–60

box within a box for, 34

choosing and planting transplants, 162

in Country Kitchen in the Round theme garden, 98–100

determinate vs. indeterminate, 160

in Edible Sunshine theme garden, 282–84

in The Ethnic Market at Your Doorstep theme garden, 130–35

fertilizing, 68, 164

Fresh Tomato Soup, 161

getting an early start for, 162–63

in Hanging Gardens of Babylon theme garden, 346–47

harvesting, 165

in Pasta with Summer Vegetables, 104

planting, 160–64

in Romeo and Juliet theme garden, 188–90

saving seeds of, for next year, 52

in soup (Fresh Tomato Soup recipe), 161

starting seeds indoors for, 57, 160–62

in Stuffed Squash Blossoms with Fresh Tomato Sauce, 156–57

in succession gardening, 16–17

success with, 164–65

supports for, 45, 163–64

varieties of, 166–68

watering, 164, 165

Tomato hornworms, 75–76

Tools, 46–47

storing, 37, 45, 48

watering, for 66–67

Toothache remedies, 224

Topiaries, 245

Topsoil, 50–51

Trace minerals, 68

“Traditional gardens,” xiv-xv

Transplants, 59

buying, 61

planting into containers, 63

starting with seeds vs., 53–54

Trellises, 26, 40–45

for espaliers, 42, 44–45

for grapevines, 330–31

monofilament and, 43–44

for peas, 43–44, 126, 129

securing, 44

for tomatoes, 45, 163–64

tying plants to, 47

wire demicages, 41–43

Trex, 34

Trowels, 46

True leaves, 59

Tulip, The (Pavord), 407

Tulips, 22, 405–9

allergic reactions to, 406

cooking with, 409

harvesting, 408

kale as companion plant for, 408

in Lavender Lady theme garden, 208–9

origin of name, 407

planting, 406–7

in succession gardening, 16–17

success with, 407–8

varieties of, 408–9

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12


U.S.D.A. Hardiness Zone Map, 6, 7, 414–15


Valentino, Flavio, 193

Varieties, xvi

Vase shape, pruning into, 338–39

Vegetables, 71, 79–168

All-America Selections (AAS) winners, 80

attractive aspects of, 20–21

color show of, 23

edible flowers to use with, 361, 375, 409

flowers of, 22

heirloom, 92

mail-order sources for, 414

plant size of, 14

Summer, Pasta with, 104

sunlight needed by, 3–5, 12

in three seasons, 79

yield of, in container gardens, 80

see also specific vegetables

Venus, 397

Vermiculite, 50

Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

Vinegars, herbal, 257–59

in bath, 258–59

calendula, 258, 259, 362

gifts of, 259

in kitchen, 257–58

making, 257, 362

safety precautions for, 259

Violas, 22, 54, 382–87

basics, 382–83

cooking with, 386–87

in Lemonade Party theme garden, 218–20

planting, 383

success with, 384, 385

in Summertime Sorbet theme garden, 356–59

varieties of, 385–86

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12

Violet(s), 22, 54, 188, 382–87

basics, 383

candied, 387

cooking with, 386–87

in mythology, 386

Napoleon and, 385

planting, 383

success with, 384–85

syrup, 387

varieties of, 335

in Victorian Splendor theme garden, 410–12


Wands, 66

Water, 7

Watercress, 378

Water-holding crystals, 53

Watering, 15, 65–67, 76

seed-starting mix and seedlings, 58, 60

strawberry pots, 33

Watering cans, 66

Watermelon, 14

Watson, Benjamin, 92

Weather, 6–7

hardiness zones and, 6–7, 414–15

length of growing season and, 12

protecting plants against, 4, 287–90

Weed barrier, 64

Wheels, for containers, 286, 289

Whiskey barrels, 37

Wind, 5

Windbreaks, beans as, 85

Window boxes, 10, 26

plastic pots in, 33

Windowsill gardens, indoor, 10

herbs in, 184

Wine, May, 269

Wine barrels, 37

Winter chill, 286–87, 289

Winter plant covers, 288

Winter protection, 287–90

insulating materials for, 288, 289

moving container and, 289

setting wrapped container down into ground for, 289

temperature guidelines for, 287–89

A Winter Salad Bowl theme garden, 119

Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 188

Wire cages, 163, 164

demicages, 41–43

Wire containers (baskets), 35

planting in, 64

Wooden containers, 34–35, 40

making your own, 34

Wounds, herbal treatment for, 361–62

Wreaths, grapevine, 332


Yard-sale finds, as containers, 38

Yogurt, edible flowers to use with, 355, 387


Zinc, 68

Zucchini, 153, 155–57

see also Squash