Ability bias, 48–52
AbleGamers, 46
Accessibility, 54–58
making accessibility accessible, 57–58
making design accessible, 75
products, 117
Americans with Disabilities Act (U.S.), 55
Apple, 120
Assistive solutions, 115
fixed thinking, 118
Berkeley (California), 31–32
Bic for Her, 78
Brewster-Douglass housing, 66–70, 71
Brown, Tiffany, 65–66, 69–76, 84. See also 400 Forward; Urban Arts Collective
Burnett, Margaret, 82–83
Captioning, 104
Caro, Robert, 68
Cerf, Vint, 122
China, 110
Chinese Exclusion Act (U.S.), 133
Complexity, human, and design, 91, 95–102
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (U.N.), 55
Curb cuts, 31–32
Cyberball, 34
Daniels, Gilbert, 97
Department of Veterans Affairs (U.S.), 123
Designing for, 77
Design, participatory, 80–81
architecture, 69–72
Díaz-Merced, Wanda, 121
and exclusion, 28–32
mismatched human interaction, 52–53
Dodge LaFemme, 77–78
Dragon, 43
Empathy, 110–112
examples of, 27–28
experts, 81–82
leaders who experience, 13
linked to pain, 33–34
Exclusive designs, 32
discrimination and racism, 80
Fantoni da Fivizzano, Carolina, 119
Farber, Betsy, 52
Farber, Sam, 52
Final Fantasy VII, 45
FingerWorks, 119–120
400 Forward, 72–73
Friedman, Joseph, 118
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 93
Geertz, Clifford, 103
Gender and software, 82
GenderMag project, 82–83
Hartman, Gordon, 123
Hartman, Maggie, 123
Hartman, Margaret, 78
Hartman, Morgan, 123
Hearing AI, 107
IDEO, 120
business justification, 11–12, 124–128
design of, 20
fears of, 8–11
and gaming, 43–47
leadership in, 86–88
work culture, 38
difference from accessibility and universal design, 54–57
making connection, 84
one-size-fits-one, 104
Inclusive designers, skills of, 48
Independent Living Movement, 32
Interdependence, 58–59
iPhone, 120
Jaynes, E. T., 93
Job skills, 139–140
Juran, Joseph, 96
Learning biases, 85
Le Corbusier, 68
Machanavajhala, Swetha, 107
Matchmaking, 80
Microsoft, 42, 53, 54, 82, 107
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 66
Mismatched interactions, 52–53
cognitive, sensory, and societal, 109
Moivre, Abraham de, 93
Moore, Iacofano, Goltsman (MIG), 5
Morgan’s Inspiration Island, 123
Moses, Robert, 68
National Bureau of Standards (U.S.), 104
Newton, Isaac, 92
New York City, 68
Nuance Communications, Inc., 43
O’Neil, Cathy, 127–128
Ontario College of Art and Design, 53
OXO Good Grips kitchen tools, 52
Paley, Vivian Gussin, 15–16, 19, 20, 31, 36
Pareto, Vilfredo, 95–96
Parker, T. J., 120
Personas, 98
persona spectrum, 104–109
Pharmacy OS, 121
PillPack, 120–121
Pineda, Victor, 21
PneuChair, 123
Porter, John R., 41–46, 51, 58
Wall of Exclusion, 42
Purdue University, 34
Quetelet, Adolphe, 91–95, 102, 103, 136
Roberts, Ed, 32
Rose, Todd, 92
Shut-in-shut-out, 17
Smart Cities Initiative, 21
Sonification, 121
Thick data, 103–104
Thomas-Suh, Ruth, 33
Turri, Pellegrino, 119
United States Air Force, 96–97
Universal design, 55–56
one-size-fits-all, 104
University of California, 32
University of Pittsburgh, 123
University of Washington, Human Centered Design and Engineering program, 42
Urban Arts Collective, 72
Westerman, Wayne, 119–120
Williams, Kipling, 33–34
Workforce Rehabilitation Act (U.S.), 55
World Bank, 29
World Economic Forum, 139–140
World Health Organization, 51
World of Warcraft, 45
World Report on Disability, 51