ABB, 108

Acer, 107


      to aging population, 7, 64–70

      to capital cost changes, 10, 140–147

      catalysts for, 205–206

      to globalization, 7, 83–89

      to labor market gap, 10, 156–164

      mind-set for, 204–207

      to new competitors, 174–179

      to new consuming class, 9, 25–26, 98–109

      resistance to, 204

      to resource management improvements, 9–10, 120–128

      to technological disruption, 45–52

      to urbanization, 23–30

Adchemy, 52

Additive manufacturing. See 3-D printing

Adoption. See Technology adoption


      to aging population, 66–68

      data monetization by, 49

      to middleweight city consumers, 101


      Arab Spring in, 111–112

      fertility rate in, 56

      foreign direct investment in, 80

      marketing to, 106

      mobile banking in, 176

      mobile Internet population in, 79

      new competitors in, 11, 84–85

      new consuming class of, 101, 102

      public-private partnerships in, 198

      talent training programs in, 161

      trade growth to, 7

      urbanization in, 15–16, 23, 29

African countries

      Angola, 76

      Ghana, 15–16, 23, 29, 80

      Kenya, 41, 85, 176, 197

      Morocco, 80, 81 (table)

      Nigeria, 84, 102

      South Africa, 55 (fig.), 81 (table), 113 (table), 161

      Tanzania, 89

      Tunisia, 111–112

Aggregators, 173, 198


      adaptation mind-set and, 206

      globalization and, 82–83, 87–89, 88 (fig.)

      in investing, 145–146

      in manufacturing, 82–83

      in trade, 87–89

Aging population, 53–70

      adaptation to, 7, 64–70

      advertising and marketing to, 66–68

      in China, 58–60, 61, 67

      emerging markets comparison of, 57 (table), 58–60, 63 (table)

      in Europe, 61, 65, 69, 70, 195

      fertility rate decline and, 7, 55–58, 55 (fig.), 61

      fiscal policy and, 83, 85

      goods and services for, 67–70

      health-care industry and, 64, 66–67, 183, 185

      in India, 67, 68

      in Japan, 53–54, 65, 69, 195

      labor market gap from, 7, 59 (table), 60–61, 64–66, 194–195

      life expectancy increase of, 58, 60, 61

      new consuming class of, 66–70, 101

      overview, 6, 54

      real estate for, 68

      in retirement, 62–64, 63 (table), 194–195

      robotics for, 53–54

      in Singapore, 67, 68

      social security for, 62

      structural change for, 61–64, 68

      talent retention of, 64–66, 160, 194–195

      technology adoption by, 67, 69, 70

Agriculture. See Food

Ahrendts, Angela, 178

Airbnb, 154, 172

Airline industry, 15, 85, 145

Alibaba, 2, 9, 98, 165–166

Alliance for Financial Inclusion, 192

Allianz, 51

Amazon, 69, 142, 162

Android, 51

Angola, 76

Annan, Kofi, 15

Apple, 43 (table), 98


      adoption acceleration of, 42

      grocery delivery, 25

      health, 52

      labor market redefined by, 154

      messaging, 2, 42, 48, 172, 176

      photo, 48, 172

      transportation, 25–26, 29–30, 31–32, 47, 48, 154, 171

Arab Spring, 111–112

Argentina, 77, 81 (table), 113 (table)

Arthur, W. Brian, 33

Asian countries

      Pakistan, 161

      Philippines, 113 (table)

      Taiwan, 5, 113 (table), 174

      Thailand, 7, 84

      See also China; Japan; Singapore; South Korea

AstraZeneca, 85

Atos, 161

Audi, 175

Australia, 120, 141, 159 (table)

Automotive manufacturing industry

      agility in, 82–83

      aging talent retention in, 65

      capital productivity optimization in, 141–142

      circular economy approach in, 124

      design for switchability in, 128

      new competitor adaptation in, 175–176

      R&D, 141–142

      robotics in, 53

      sector crossover of, 173

      talent training programs in, 163

Axa, 65

Axel Springer, 52

Bangalore, India, 29, 105

Banking industry

      aging consumer services in, 69

      peer-to-peer services in, 47, 85, 143–144, 145, 171

      telecommunications and, 176–177

      See also Investing; Monetary policy

Bannister, Roger, 205–206

Barmer, 177

Battery power, 36, 127

Baxter (robot), 37

Beijing, China, 24

Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine, 111

Bharti Airtel, 170

Biofuel, 118, 128, 194

BMW, 83, 175

Boeing, 85

Bolivia, 77

Bonds, 10, 134 (fig.), 146

Bouazizi, Mohamed, 111

Bowers & Wilkins, 84

B&Q retailer, 124


      connectedness rank of, 80, 81 (table)

      fertility rate decline in, 55 (fig.)

      goods and services customization for, 104

      infrastructure deficit in, 135–136

      mobile banking in, 177

      new competitor entry of, 168, 170

      new consuming class of, 97, 101, 102

      Porto Alegre, 25

      real estate in, 133

      Santa Catarina, 5, 174

      talent training in, 163, 196–197

      urbanization speed and scale in, 20 (fig.)

Bread riots, 111–112

British Gas, 65

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 6

Bunyad, 161

Burberry, 48, 178–179


      San Francisco, 27, 29, 30

      Silicon Valley, 58, 64, 77, 86, 175, 189

Canada, 69, 96, 133, 144, 159 (table)

Capital cost, 131–148

      adaptation to changes in, 10, 140–147

      aging population and, 183, 185

      decrease scenario, 10, 138–140

      distribution unevenness and, 135

      fiscal policy and, 183, 185

      increase scenario, 10, 132–138, 183, 185

      interest rate and, 133, 134 (fig.), 138–140, 141, 144–145

      productivity optimization and, 140–142

      savings rate and, 137–138, 139

      volatility, 88 (fig.), 138–140, 145–147

      See also Digital capital

Capital flows. See Financial globalization

Carbon emissions, 36, 119–120


      demand increase for, 114–115

      driverless, 37, 202

      insurance and price transparency, 173

      new consuming class for, 96

      sharing services, 25–26, 31–32, 47, 48, 154, 167–168

      3-D printed, 38

      See also Automotive manufacturing industry

Chawla, Sona, 51–52

Chevrolet, 128


      day care for, 193–194

      retiree ratio to, 63 (table)

Children of Men (movie), 56

Chile, 116, 195


      aging population in, 58–60, 61, 67

      connectedness rank of, 80, 81 (table)

      e-commerce takeover by, 1–2, 9, 96, 98, 99 (fig.), 165–166

      in economic center of gravity, 5, 17, 19 (fig.)

      fertility rate decline in, 55 (fig.)

      foreign direct investments from, 76

      goods and services customization for, 103–104, 105

      immigration of talent from, 77

      labor market gap in, 155, 156

      marketing to, 105–106, 107

      new competitor entry of, 168, 170

      new consuming class of, 93–94, 96–97, 97 (fig.), 98, 99 (fig.), 101

      renewable energy plan of, 126

      rural lifestyle in, 18–19

      savings rate in, 137–138

      talent return incentives in, 193

      tourism growth from, 77–78, 94

      trade flows of, 7

      urbanization speed and scale in, 18–22, 20 (fig.), 21 (fig.)

China regions and cities

      Beijing, 24

      Foshan, 25

      Guangzhou, 101

      Hong Kong, 21 (fig.), 81 (table), 113 (table)

      Inner Mongolia, 135

      Shanghai, 21 (fig.), 24, 71

      Shenzhen, 101

      Tianjin, 5, 21 (fig.)

      Wuhan, 58–59

China’s Second Continent (French), 77

Cignifi, 177

Circular economy, 123–125

Cities. See Emerging cities; Megacities; Urbanization

Clamadieu, Jean-Pierre, 108

Clarks Village, 93–94

Climate change, 119

Cloud technologies, 38, 172

Coca-Cola, 82, 106

Colbree, 84

Colombia, 164, 176

Commodity prices

      increase in, 111–112, 114–116, 115 (fig.), 117 (table), 118–119

      oil correlation to, 82, 117 (table), 118, 127

      trend break in, 9–10, 113–114, 115 (fig.)

      volatility resilience, 127–128

      See also Resource management

Competition. See New competitors

Connectedness ranking, 80, 81 (table), 86–87

Consumer surplus, 38, 48–50

Consumption. See New consuming class

Cosmopolitan capitalism, 144

Crowd-sourced funding, 47, 85, 143–144

Danone, 23, 67

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 37


      aggregation, 173, 198

      cloud, 38, 172

      digitization of, 39, 41, 46 (fig.)

      economic value of, 41, 44

      globalization of, 7, 78–79, 82

      monetization of, 49–50

      new goods and services from, 47, 49

      open, 41, 197, 198

      optimization of, 46–47

      privacy and protection policy, 189–190

      product tracking, 39, 47, 85, 196

      productivity gains from, 196–197

      RFID tracking, 39, 48, 85, 122

      sensors, 38, 47, 70

      See also Digital capital

Debt, government, 62, 139–140, 186 (fig.)

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. See DARPA

Demand, 114–116, 117 (table)

Denmark, 191, 193–194, 195, 199

Detroit, Michigan, 135

Deutsche Bank, 5, 69, 95

Deutsche Telekom, 177

Diageo, 104, 160

Digital capital, 47–52, 74, 86

Digital media

      digitization of, 39, 46 (fig.)

      investing in start-up, 52

      monetization of, 50

      sector crossover in, 173–174

Digital platforms

      new capital sources via, 143–144

      new competitor entry via, 165–166, 170–172

      new talent via, 154, 158, 160–161, 162

      trade globalization via, 74, 85–86

Digitization, 39, 41, 46 (fig.)

Disruptive forces

      benefits of, 8, 203

      types of, 4–7

      See also Technological disruption

Driverless cars, 37, 202

Drugstores, 51–52, 66

Dylan, Bob, 60

eBay, 41, 74, 165–166


      aggregation, 173

      Alibaba, 2, 9, 98, 165–166

      Amazon, 69, 142, 162

      China takeover of, 1–2, 9, 96, 98, 99 (fig.), 165–166

      digitization influence on, 39, 46 (fig.)

      eBay, 41, 74, 165–166

      Etsy, 85, 158, 160

      grocery delivery, 25

      new consuming class and, 1–2, 9, 98

      new talent pools in, 158, 160

      price transparency, 173

      start-up talent acquisition in, 52

      subscription revenue model in, 49–50

      3-D printing in, 39, 50, 84

      trade globalization and, 74, 85

      urban adaptation to, 25

Economic center of gravity, 5, 16–18, 19 (fig.)

Economic value

      of data, 41, 44

      of emerging markets, 5, 97 (fig.), 170

      of environmental damage, 119

      of globalization, 80

      government size and, 191

      interest rates and, 139–140

      of new consuming class, 96, 97 (fig.)

      savings rates and, 137–138, 139

      of technological disruption, 34

      of tourism, 77

      urbanization speed and scale per, 20 (fig.)


      by mobile Internet, 161

      public spending on, 192

      STEM, 155, 156, 158, 159 (table)

      talent training, 161, 162–164, 183, 196–197

      See also Universities

Emerging cities

      infrastructure deficit in, 131–132, 133, 135–136

      middleweight, 97 (fig.), 100–102, 174

      operational complexity management in, 28–30

      speed and scale of, 16, 18–22, 20 (fig.)

      See also Urbanization

Emerging markets

      aging population comparison in, 57 (table), 58–60, 63 (table)

      connectedness rank of, 80, 81 (table)

      cosmopolitan capitalism with, 144

      economic center of gravity in, 5, 16–18, 19 (fig.)

      economic value of, 5, 97 (fig.), 170

      foreign direct investments from, 76

      history of, 16–18, 168, 170

      overview, 4–5, 16–18

      speed and scale of, 5, 100, 170, 171 (table)

      trade between, 73–74

      traits of, 100

      See also New competitors; New consuming class


      biofuel, 118, 128, 194

      cost decline of, 36, 126–127

      efficiency measures, 122, 123, 125–127, 196, 199

      environmental costs of, 119–120, 196

      financial globalization and, 80

      natural gas, 2, 36, 116, 125, 141, 196

      new competitor wave in, 168, 170

      regulation of, 196

      renewable, 36, 122, 126–127, 199

      storage, 36, 127

      supply and demand, 117 (table)

      technological disruption in, 36

      See also Oil

Enernoc, 122

Engineering, STEM and, 155, 156, 158, 159 (table)

England, 29, 31–32, 93–94, 143

Environmental conservation, 36, 119–120, 122, 196

Estonia, 192, 197

Etsy, 85, 158, 160


      aging population in, 61, 65, 69, 70, 195

      connectedness ranks in, 81 (table)

      in economic center of gravity, 16–18, 19 (fig.)

      fertility rate decline in, 7, 55 (fig.), 56–57

      government decentralization in, 192

      Industrial Revolution, 16, 18, 33, 202

      interest rate in, 139, 140

      labor market recovery cycles in, 150

      local manufacturing in, 27

      oil extraction in, 116, 141

      reuse and recycling in, 124, 196

      talent immigration from and to, 77, 158

      talent training in, 196

      unemployment rates in, 184 (table)

European countries

      Denmark, 191, 193–194, 195, 199

      Estonia, 192, 197

      France, 48, 65, 124, 161, 191

      Greece, 82, 113 (table), 184 (table), 192

      Ireland, 184 (table), 191

      Kazakhstan, 116, 141

      Netherlands, 113 (table), 184 (table)

      Norway, 126, 143, 191

      Russia, 81 (table)

      Spain, 162, 192

      Sweden, 28, 55 (fig.), 196

      See also Germany; United Kingdom

Expedia, 172


      acquisitions, 2, 48, 172

      adoption speed of, 43 (table)

      new competitor entry against, 172

Fan Milk International, 23

Federal Reserve, 10, 138

Feldstein, Martin, 133

Fertility rate, 7, 55–58, 55 (fig.), 61

Finance. See Banking industry; Capital cost; Investing; Monetary policy

Financial crisis of 2008, 4, 76, 138–139

Financial globalization

      agility for, 87–89, 88 (fig.)

      growth of, 7, 74–76

      implications of, 80, 82

Financial hedging, 128, 145

Fink, Larry, 205

Finland, 191

Fiscal policy, 83, 85, 183, 185, 186 (fig.)

Flows, 7, 71–72

      See also Globalization


      increased price of, 111–112, 113 (table), 114, 118–119

      oil correlation to, 82, 118, 127

      price volatility resilience, 127–128

      waste solutions, 121 (table), 122–123

Food and beverage industry

      new consuming class in, 103–104, 105, 106

      spending increase in, 112, 113 (table)

Ford Motor Company, 145, 167

Foreign direct investing, 76, 80

Fortune Global 500

      life span of, 167

      location evolution of, 5, 169 (fig.)

Foshan, China, 25

Fracking, 2, 36, 116, 125, 141, 196

France, 48, 65, 124, 161, 191

Free Mobile, 48

Freemiums, 49

French, Howard, 77

Frito-Lay, 103

Fujitsu, 70, 88–89

Gates, Bill, 205

GDP (gross domestic product). See Economic value

Gene sequencing, 33–34, 60

General Electric, 51, 80, 104, 108, 175


      aging population in, 61, 69

      connectedness rank of, 80, 81 (table), 86–87

      Deutsche Bank, 5, 69, 95

      Deutsche Telekom, 177

      digital media investments in, 52

      e-commerce market in, 99 (fig.)

      fertility rate decline in, 7, 55 (fig.), 56–57

      labor policy and recovery in, 181–182, 193

      public spending in, 191–192

      urbanization speed and scale in, 20 (fig.)

Ghana, 15–16, 23, 29, 80

Ghosn, Carlos, 173


      acceleration of, 71–72

      adaptation to, 7, 83–89

      agility and, 82–83, 87–89, 88 (fig.)

      business location and, 86–87

      connectedness ranking, 80, 81 (table), 86–87

      data, 7, 78–79, 82

      finance, 7, 74–76, 80, 82, 87–89, 88 (fig.)

      government centralization level and, 192

      immigration patterns and, 7, 76–77, 86

      immigration policy and, 185–186

      implications of, 79–83

      labor market, 77, 86, 158

      mobile Internet, 78–79

      new competitor instant entry from, 80, 84–85, 170–172

      new competitor waves from, 167, 168, 169 (fig.), 170

      penalty, 107–108

      R&D, 85–86

      resource management and, 118–119

      tourism increase from, 77–78, 94

      trade, 6–7, 71–74, 75 (fig.), 85–86, 87–89, 185–186

Glossybox, 49

Goods and services

      for aging population, 67–70

      customization for new consuming class, 102–105

      price transparency of, 173

      reuse and recycling of, 123–125, 196

      RFID tracking of, 39, 48, 85, 122

      switchability design for, 128

      See also Manufacturing; New goods and services; Trade


      acquisitions by, 51, 171

      driverless cars by, 37, 202

      energy efficiency measures of, 122

      location and operational complexity of, 29

      new competitor entry against, 171, 172

Government, 181–199

      bond decline, 10, 134 (fig.)

      data usage for productivity, 196–197

      debt, 62, 139–140, 186 (fig.)

      future centralization of, 191–192

      future role of, 192–193

      future size of, 191

      incentive programs, 193–194

      private partnerships with, 27–28, 29–30, 198–199

      public spending, 188–189, 191–193

      regulations for productivity, 194–196

      talent training programs, 163–164, 196–197

      technology adoption by, 194, 196–197

      See also Infrastructure; Policy

Great Depression, 115 (fig.), 206–207

Great Moderation, 3–4

Greece, 82, 113 (table), 184 (table), 192

Gross domestic product (GDP). See Economic value

Guangzhou, China, 101

Health-care industry

      aging population and, 64, 66–67, 183, 185

      apps, 52

      drugstores and, 51–52, 66

      labor market gap in, 152, 161–162

      medical breakthroughs, 33–34, 35, 37–38, 47, 60

      mobile, 177

      new consuming class adaptation by, 104

Helix, 83

H&M, 125

Homeplus, 25

Hong Kong, 21 (fig.), 81 (table), 113 (table)

Hospital Corporation of America, 64

House of Cards (television series), 174

Hydrogen fuel cells, 127

IBM, 108

I:CO, 125

Illumina, 34


      fertility rate decline and, 56, 57–58

      patterns of, 7, 76–77

      policy, 185–186

      talent, 77, 86, 158

Income inequality, 186–189


      aging population in, 67, 68

      connectedness rank of, 80, 81 (table)

      cosmopolitan capitalism in, 144

      in economic center of gravity, 19 (fig.)

      fertility rate decline in, 55 (fig.)

      foreign direct investments from, 76

      goods and services customization for, 103, 104–105

      new competitor entry of, 170

      new consuming class of, 96, 97–98

      operational complexity management in, 29

      public-private partnerships in, 198–199

      renewable energy plan of, 126

      smart city technology in, 41

      space exploration by, 2–3

      urbanization speed and scale in, 20 (fig.), 131–132

Indian cities

      Bangalore, 29, 105

      Mumbai, 29, 131–132

      Pune, 41

      Surat, 25

Industrial Revolution, 16, 18, 33, 202


      data and productivity gains, 196–197

      deficit, 131–132, 133, 135–136

      energy storage and, 36

      financing partnerships, 29–30

      policy and new business opportunity, 197–199

      private partnerships for, 27–28, 29–30, 198–199

      public spending, 188–189, 191–193

      repurposed services for, 28

      smart city technology and, 28, 41, 198

      urban innovation in, 23, 28

      See also Transportation

Inner Mongolia, China, 135


      acceleration of, 33–34, 35 (fig.), 42

      ripple effect of, 202

      time and betting on, 50–51

      urbanization and, 23, 25–28

Instacart, 25

Insurance industry, 46 (fig.), 50, 173

Interconnection. See Globalization

Interest rates

      decrease, 133, 134 (fig.), 138–140

      increase, 141, 144–145

Internet. See Mobile Internet

Internet of Things, 38, 40 (fig.)

Intuition reset, 8–12, 204–207

      See also Adaptation; Trend break