and mindfulness, 190
of problems, 20
of your baggage, 286–289
accomplishment, from full schedule, 123
acquaintances, saying “no” to, 106–108
actions, in building habits, 284–285
Adele, 240
Adult Children of Alcoholics, 299
affirmations, 220–221
Airbnb, 245
Airbnb Experiences, 300
Al-Anon, 299
Albright, Madeleine, 60
Alcoholics Anonymous, 299
Amazon, 204
ambition, meditation effects on, 206
Anderson, Tracy, 133
Angelou, Maya, 248
characteristics of, 187
and decision making, 184
Aniston, Jennifer, 240
ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide), 189
antidepressants, 273
defined, 18–19
as sign of needing mental health day, 250–251
Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 296
apologizing, 114
appreciation, 41
managing, 157–160
meditation, 207–208
mental health, 295–296
ashtanga yoga, 259
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), 189
attachment theory, 238
attention, 129
and mindfulness, 180
positive aspects of problems with, 22
and procrastination, 135
mindfulness as, 175
somatic, 254
ayurveda, 285
babies (having a baby), 85–86
bad, being, 86
baggage, acceptance of, 286–289
balance, 75–87
and allocation of attention, 129
changes in, 84–86
deciding on your future, 84–86
discovering your current, 79–84
finding vs. creating, 4
finding your own, 76–77
pie chart for, 77–79
as skill, 291–292
Banks, Tyra, 166
baths, 266
“Because I’m a Woman” ad campaign, 58
Beck, Martha, 236
Becoming (Obama), 65
becomingsuperwomanbook.com, 301
connection of beliefs and thoughts with, 216–218
being the best, and success, 142
beliefs, identifying, 215–218
Bell, Kristen, 269
Bendet, Stacey, 259
Benjamin Button (character), 44
Berry, Halle, 268
BFF method, 184
confirmation, 195
negativity, 188
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 121
birds, 247
blue light, and sleep, 161
body clock (internal clock), 119–122
defining personal, 90–93
for family, 240
importance of setting, 95–99
maintaining, 119
professional, 93–95
saying “no,” 103–114
setting and maintaining, 100–103
Brady, Tom, 21
and dopamine, 147–150
technology and changes in, 150–152
brainstorming, reverse, 200–201
experienced by author, 3–4, 9–13
learning from, 27
making up for deficit in Emotional Wellness after, 84–85
schedule before, 122–123
break time, scheduling, 130–132
Brontë, Emily, 113
Brown, Brené, 288
Brown, Helen Gurley, 58
brushing teeth, meditation during, 209
Brzezinski, Mika, 68–69
Buffett, Warren, 254–255
Bumble, 120
defined, 18
experienced by famous women, 64–65
“joy bucket” to curb, 121
leading to other problems, 17–21
resentment as cause of, 132
as path to success, 123–124
and prioritizing tasks, 134–135
productivity vs., 117–118
cadence (internal rhythm)
finding your, 130–132
and mental health days, 127
caffeine, 251
calculators, 165
calendar invitations, accepting, 130–131
Candy Crush (app), 158
budgeting time and energy for, 76–80
in identity, 83
mindfulness principles in, 181
setting goals for, 67–68
Carrey, Jim, 286
catalysts, 279
catastrophizing, 188–194, 196–197
categories, balance pie chart, 82, 84
catharsis, 279
Catskill Mountains, 124–127
chaos, scheduling and, 141
choreography, for life routines, 259–260
“chunking,” of information, 252–253
Churchill, Winston, 268
Cisco, 204
Clash of Clans, 158
classes, taking, 245–246
cleaning, in night routines, 266
Cleveland Clinic, 267
clinical disorders, depression and anxiety as, 19
Clinton, Hillary, 5
close friends, 240–241
clubs, joining, 246
Coca-Cola, 254
codependency, 239
cognitive function, 205
Coldplay, 29
Columbia University, 218
Comedy Improvisational Manual, 72
commitment, to oneself, 30–32
communication, mindfulness in, 183–184
communication apps, 120
community, creating, 226–227
comparisons, making fair, 60
confidence, 217–218
confirmation bias, 195
Congleton, Ben, 256
as good quality, 227
and productivity, 139–141
constant availability, 156–157
contrast, of pain, 279
and manifestation, 220
over activity of mind, 203–204
conversation, pauses in, 183
Copeland, Misty, 210
core beliefs, changing, 217
cortisol, 189
Cosmopolitan magazine, 58
Cowell, Simon, 119
Cox, Laverne, 258–259
creativity, 228
credit, claiming, 105–106
crises, 277–289
and accepting your baggage, 286–289
cultivating joy in, 284–286
finding benefits in, 278–281
and power of negative thinking, 281–284
Crow, Sheryl, 269
Cuban, Mark, 119
cues, in building habits, 284–285
Daily DBT Diary, 296
daily plan, 128–130
importance of, 140–141
prioritizing tasks in, 132–135
dancing, 89–90
“dating yourself,” 30
DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy), 287
decision, identifying, 198
decision fatigue, 197
decision making
and HALT system, 184
Super Pros/Cons lists for, 199–202
and 3Ps of mindfulness, 197–201
Declaration of Independence, 250
DeGeneres, Ellen, 183, 204, 269
Delevingne, Cara, 269
Deloitte, 118
annual workplace cost of, 257
and app usage, 158–159
defined, 18
and imbalance, 83
medication and therapy for treating, 269–273
occasional, 19
seeking mental health treatment for, 268
detail-orientation, 22
dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), 287
dialectical thinking, 288–289, 293
difference, making a, 51
digital detox, 155–163
digital diet maintenance plan, 163–166, 260–261
disconnecting, 77
disgust, characteristics of, 187
distancing, by naming emotions, 186
“doing it all,” 59–60
dopamine, 147–150
drama, in relationship, 243
dream jobs, defining, 51–53
Duff, Hilary, 64–65
eating, mindful, 181
Eat Pray Love (Gilbert), 81
eBay, 257
education, of romantic partner, 238–239
Einstein, Albert, 166
Eliot, T. S., 213
email, managing, 160
allowing, to dictate schedule, 141
pausing before responding to, 183–184, 202
scheduling time to respond to, 131
emotional intelligence (EQ), 23–25, 189
Emotional Wellness
allocating more time/energy to, 82–85
and boundaries, 90
budgeting time and energy for, 78–80
and community, 226
continual development of, 292–293
and EQ, 189
and Fitness, 66
importance of, 25–26
limiting technology use and, 151–152
maintaining, 274
making up for deficit in, 84–85
meditation effects on, 205
prioritizing tasks related to, 134–135
and problems, 23–24
and romantic relationships, 237
and sleep, 266
and success, 6
and wealth, 54
and yoga, 87
checking magnitude of, 194–195
as driver in decision making, 198
duration of, 188
naming, 186–189
pausing to deal with, 183–184
processing, 185–189
in response to imagination, 196–197
for women in business, 189
in workplace, 202
empathy, 22
Employee assistance programs (EAPs), 297–298
budgeting, for balance, 77–81
drained by relationships, 243
enforcement, of boundaries, 101–102
engagement, to self, 30–32
Engelbert, Cathy, 118
Enjoli perfume, 58
EQ (emotional intelligence), 23–25, 189
equine therapy, 95–99
Equinox, 83
Errico, Lavinia, 83
eulogies, 46
eustress, 21
excuses, making for friends or family, 243
executive functioning, 151
exhaustion, 251
extreme statements, in self-talk, 215
“eye time,” in technology use, 146
Facebook Messenger, 120
fact checking, in processing, 194–196
fact finding, in processing, 194
budgeting time and energy for, 78–80
obligation to, 248
relationships with, 239–240
saying “no” to, 109–111
setting goals for, 68–69
characteristics of, 187
fight-or-flight response to imagined, 197
thinking about, 281–284
fear of missing out (FOMO), 162
feelings. see also emotions
about current balance, 81–82
connection of beliefs and thoughts with, 216–218
for describing emotions, 187
fight-or-flight response, 197
budgeting time and energy for, 78–80
setting goals for, 67–68
finding meaning of life, 49–50
finding your purpose, 46–49, 47
“finding yourself,” 35–36
adding to four F words, 66
in balance, 83
budgeting time and energy for, 78–80
setting goals for, 70–71
“5,4,3,2,1” method, 184
five-year plans, 136–137
“Fix You” (song), 29
flexibility, in schedule, 129
flexible spending accounts (FSAs), 298
flight plan, for “having it all,” 71
Florida State University, 171
and being present, 178
and productivity, 129
follow-up, with new people, 179–180
FOMO (fear of missing out), 162
formation flying, 247
four F words, 65–71
free activities, 246
as chosen family, 240–241
close, 240–241
on Facebook, 156
online vs. in-person, 168
saying “no” to, 106–108
support of, 225–226
FSAs (flexible spending accounts), 298
fugazi, 147
budgeting time and energy for, 78–80
setting goals for, 69–70
game apps, 158
Gates, Melinda, 121
ghosting, 244
Gilbert, Elizabeth, 81
The Glass Castle (Walls), 240
Glossier, 121–122
manifesting, 219–222
prioritizing tasks based on, 133–134, 136
goal-setting, 65–67
for Family, 68–69
for Finance, 67–68
for Fitness, 70–71
flight plan for, 71–73
for Fun, 69–70
in night routines, 264
specificity in, 74
Golden Girls, 266
Goodall, Jane, 249
good qualities
discovering one’s own, 33–35
for people in your community, 226–227
for significant others, 238–239
in work relationships, 228–229
Google apps, 158
Goop, 213
and happiness, 39–44
in morning routines, 262
gratitude journals, 41–42
Green, Sir Philip, 166–167
Greenfield, Susan, 152
group meetings, 130–131
“gut,” listening to, 252–255
Haddish, Tiffany, 64
HALT System, 184
Happify, 295
characteristics of, 187
forcing yourself to be happy, 202
and gratitude, 39–44
optimal salary for, 48
“harder,” working, 117
hard work, manifestation and, 222, 223
Harvard Health, 41
Harvard University, 129
Having It All (Brown), 58
“having it all,” 57–74
defining, 58–59
flight plan for, 71–73
and four F words, 65–71
and job crafting, 50
and leaning in, 60–65
and timing, 59–60
healthy habits, building, 284–285, 292
heartfulness, 176
Herd, Whitney Wolfe, 120
Hewlett-Packard, 257
“the hey method,” 247
Hollis, Rachel, 264–265
“How I Am Awesome” list, 33–34
Hudson, Kate, 240
Huffington, Arianna, 180
Huffington Post, 180
hunger, decision making and, 184
hyperperception, 22
ice, grounding exercises with, 185
identity, career in, 83
illnesses, 251–252
imagination, emotions in response to, 196–197
imbalance, 75
immune system
meditation effects on, 205
mental health day to improve, 251–252
improvisation, 72
“I’m so bad” (skit), 86
in person support groups, 298–299
Inside Out (film), 186
Instagram, 156
in equine therapy, 96
in self-care, 44–46
intentions, setting, 44–46
“Into the Mystic” (song), 165
intuition, 252–255
invitations, meeting, 130–131
iPod, 164
Jablow, Jennie, 209
J.Crew, 119
Jefferson, Thomas, 135
job interviews, 217
job titles, 53–54
Jolie, Angelina, 210–211
JOMO (joy of missing out), 162
Jones, Rashida, 121
journaling, 216
cultivating, in crises, 284–286
sparking, in online life, 156
“joy bucket,” 121
and making meaningful connections, 233
using schedule to add to, 130
joy of missing out (JOMO), 162
“Just Not Sorry” email plug-in, 114
Kahlo, Frida, 239
Kaling, Mindy, 186
karma, 221–222
kenzoku, 240
kindness, 244–245
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 268
knee-jerk reactions, 183
Kondo, Marie, 156
Kunis, Mila, 35
Lady Gaga, 221
achievements and problems of, 2–4
breakdown experienced by, 9–13
on building skills, 211–212
digital detox by, 153–155
on mental health days, 124–127
as Miss America pageant judge, 139–140
PTSD experienced by, 15–16
Lawrence, Jennifer, 162
leadership, 22
legacies, 46
licensed clinical social workers (LICSWs), 298
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Kondo), 156
life coaches, 235–237
Lincoln, Abraham, 268
loneliness, decision making and, 184
Lovato, Demi, 268
love letter, to yourself, 35
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (Eliot), 213
Lyft, 172
Lyons, Jenna, 119
Madonna, 213
Markle, Meghan, 240
Mayer, Marissa, 132
McConaughey, Matthew, 147
McCormack, Will, 121
of companies, 49–50
of life, finding, 49–50
of work, 49
medication, for mental health, 269–273
meditation, 203–223
clearing your mind, 204–208
learning to meditate, 206–207
and manifestation, 219–222
mantras in, 213–214
and mindset, 214–219
in morning routines, 262
myths about, 222–223
types of, 208–212
walking, 125
meditation centers, 299
meeting people
mindfulness in, 177–181
tips for, 245–247
group, 130–131
outdoor, 122
productivity and, 119
formation of positive, 43
remembering names, 178–180
mental exercise, meditation as, 206
mental fatigue, 123–124
mental health days
and productivity, 124–127
signs of needing, 250–252
taking, as self-care, 255–257
using, 275
mental health treatment, seeking, 19, 268–274
mental hygiene, maintaining, 209
mental illness
depression and anxiety as, 19
seeking treatment for, 275
mental wellness, 23–25
meticulousness, 22
Microsoft, 50
clearing your, 204–208
control over activity of, 203–204
mindfulness, 175–202
about how to spend time, 63–64
current state of, 176–177
during digital detox, 154
in gratitude journal, 43
in meeting new people, 177–181
pausing in, 182–185
pouncing in, 197–201
processing in, 185–197
procrastinating with, 135
3 Ps of, 181–182
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, 299
Mindfulness Daily (app), 296
mindset, 214–219
Miraval, 95
Miss America Organization, 139
Miss America pageant, 139–141
and Finance goals, 67–68
and happiness, 48
Moore, Mandy, 268
Morissette, Alanis, 287
morning routines, 260–263
Morrison, Van, 165
movie, of your life, 34–35
multitasking, 22
names, remembering, 178–180
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 296, 299
National Institute of Mental Health, 296–297
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 295
Navy SEALS, 214
negative aspects, of stress, 20–21
negative self-talk
and mindfulness, 188–189
stopping, 190–193
negative thinking, power of, 281–284
negativity bias, 188
and changing unhealthy habits, 292
and technology use, 150–152
news, online vs. print, 168
newsletters, in email, 160
newspapers, 164
Nextdoor, 298
night routines, 263–267
Nike, 50
nomophobia, 150
no-phones-for-an-hour rule, 121
The Notebook (film), 81
notebooks, 165
notifications, on phone settings, 156–157
Nye, Bill, 230
Obama, Michelle, 65
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandra, 64
One-Note, 120
online forums, 296–297
optimism, 40
options, identifying, 198–199
organization, 22
Osbourne, Sharon, 5
Otogawa, Kobun Chino, 236
outdoor meetings, 122
overbooked schedules, 122–124
Oz, Daphne, 234–235
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 213
paradox, truth as, 287
Parker, Madalyn, 256
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 166
Parks and Recreation (television series), 121
pattern recognition, 253
pausing, 182–185
peer mentors, 235
percentages, converting to, 80
“perfect” balance, 87
positive aspects of, 22
personal boundaries, 90–93
personal mission statement, 54
pessimism, 21
phases, in life, 60
phone addiction, 143
phones, limits on, 121. see also smartphone use
physical changes, with emotions, 187
Physical Health, 78–80
physical health, meditation effects on, 205
daily (see daily plan)
for digital detox, 173
for digital diet maintenance, 163–166
for “having it all,” 71–73
for use of technology, 152–155
planners, physical, 164–165
point of view, processing situation from another, 195
Pokémon Go, 158
positive aspects
of life, focus on, 40
of problems, 21–23
of stress, 20–21
positive attitude, 228
positive memories, formation of, 43
positive self-talk, 214–215
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 15–16
pouncing, 197–201
power of negative thinking, 281–284
power poses, 218
Predictable Time Off (PTO), 132
presence (being present), 176–178
during digital detox, 154–155
and mindfulness, 181
and technology use, 146
pride, about decisions made, 201
Princeton University, 48
principles, of romantic partner, 238
and balance, 76–82
of daily tasks, 132–138
of self, 36–38
admitting to, 14–17
burnout leading to other, 17–21
and Emotional Wellness, 23–24
learning to handle, 24–26
looking for solutions to, 286
perception of, 27
positive aspects of, 21–23
problem-solving, 23–24
processing, 185–197
dating apps used as, 148
and prioritizing tasks, 133–134
strategic, 135–138
productivity, 117–142
and break time, 130–132
and consistency, 139–141
deciding on most important tasks, 132–135
and mental health days, 257
and mindfulness, 181
and procrastination, 135–138
and scheduling, 122–129
tips for increasing, 118–122
professional boundaries, 93–95
professionals, relationships with, 234–237
Pros/Cons lists, 199–202
PsychCentral, 297
PTO (Predictable Time Off), 132
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 15–16
purpose, finding your, 46–49, 47
quitting your job, as goal, 136, 137
realism, 21
recharging, meditation for, 204
recurring thoughts, labeling, 189–190
reflection, prompts for, 43–44
reframing, of work, 50–51
relationships, 225–248
boundaries in, 100–101
with close friends, 240–241
creating a community, 226–227
doing your part in, 227
with family, 239–240
letting go of unhealthy, 242–245
meeting new friends, 245–247
with professionals, 234–237
romantic, 237–239
saying “no” in, 106–111
and success, 40
at work, 228–234
repetitive motion, meditation during, 210–211
resentment, scheduling break time to prevent, 132
resolutions, 136
resources, drained by relationship, 243
retreats, 300
reverse brainstorming, 200–201
rewards, in building habits, 284–285
Rhimes, Shonda, 102
Rich Bitch (Lapin), 65
Rihanna, 166
rituals, for self-care, 258–259
Robbins, Tony, 237
rock balancing, 259
Romance, 78–81
romantic relationships, 169, 237–239
roses, 43
changing, for variety, 246–247
importance of, 274
for self-care, 259–267
Rumi, 278
rumination, 215–216
sadness, characteristics of, 187
and happiness, 48
and mental health days, 256–257
Sawyer, Diane, 139
saying “no,” 103–114
as disappointment, 115
to family, 109–111
to friends and acquaintances, 106–108
to mentees, 111–113
to significant others, 108–109
and success, 115
tips for, 113–114
at work, 103–106
allowing inbox to dictate, 141
for chaotic life, 141
and mental health days, 124–127
overbooked, 122–124
prioritizing tasks in, 132–135
and productivity, 119, 122–129
sleep in, 180
weekday and weekend, 128–129
Schumer, Amy, 86
search, for enjoyment, 148–150
security, 238
See’s Candies, 254
self, 29–55
changes in, due to toxic relationship, 243
commitment to oneself, 30–32
discovering one’s good qualities, 33–35
and finding meaning of life, 49–50
finding your purpose, 46–49
and “finding yourself,” 35–36
happiness and gratitude with, 39–44
intentionality in self-care, 44–46
and job crafting, 50–54
and selfishness, 36–38
setting boundaries to value, 100–101
checking in on, 250–252
creating rituals for, 258–259
intentionality in, 44–46
and intuition, 252–255
quiz about, 37–38
routines for, 259–267
seeking mental health treatment, 268–274
taking mental health days, 255–257
self-confidence, improving, 218–219
self-empowerment, 218–219, 222
self-judgment, and catastrophizing, 194
negative, 188–193
positive, 214–215
Seneca, 284
senses, 253
sensitivity, 22
Serenity Prayer, 280
service providers, relationships with, 234–237
serving others, 42
seven-day digital detox, 155–163
shame, 288
shared history, 241
significant others. see also romantic relationships
maintenance of self and, 38
need for, 55
saying “no” to, 108–109
silence, 183
simple technology, 166–167
Singh, Lilly “Superwoman,” 5, 64
situational anxiety, 19
Slack, 120
and blue light, 161
in night routines, 266
and performance, 267
poor, as sign of needing mental health day, 251
in schedule, 180
and technology use, 154
sluggishness, 251
small changes (baby steps), 120
“smarter,” working, 117–118, 130, 138
smartphone use, 144–147
benefits of, 171–172
changing setting, 156–157
in morning routines, 262–263
phone-free zones, 163
using simpler technology, 166–167
withdrawal from, 153–154
smiling, to release ANP, 189
Smith, Dodie, 266
Snapchat, 161
social activities, timing of, 120
social connections. see also relationships
benefits of, at work, 229–230
creating, 226–227
making meaningful, 230–234
with smartphones, 172–173
and success, 40
social media
benefits of scaling down, 169
and depression, 158–159
fast from, 161–162
somatic awareness, 254
somatic therapy, 258–259
sound systems, 165
Spade, Kate, 54
speaking up, 105–106
spiritual advisors, 236
standing meetings, 119
stoicism, 283
Stone, Emma, 162
eustress, 21
meditation for management of, 204, 205
physical effects of, 205
positive and negative aspects of, 20–21
and sleep, 251
and being the best, 142
and boundaries, 114–115
busyness as path to, 123–124
and happiness, 39–40
limiting technology use and, 151–152
and saying “no,” 115
skill building by successful people, 223
and team connections, 230
Super Men
balance for, 86
good qualities for, 238–239
Super Pros/Cons lists, 199–202
as destructive ideal, 14
as fictional, 8
origin story of, 1–2
Super Woman
defining, 8
Superwoman vs., 2
The Super Woman Guide to Trips, Treatments, and Therapies for Balance on a Budget (Lapin), 300–302
The Super Woman Journal, 60, 79, 133–134, 264, 302
The Super Woman Quiz, 301
The Super Woman Squad, 302
support groups
online, 296–297
in person, 298–299
Swayze, Patrick, 89
talking, to strangers, 247
Talkspace, 295
Tan, Amy, 259
Taylor, Elizabeth, 32
benefits of using less, 167–172
and changes in brain, 150–152
developing plan for use of, 152–155
digital diet maintenance plan, 163–166
and dopamine, 147–150
seven-day digital detox, 155–163
smartphone use, 144–147
use of simpler, 166–167
technology-free day, 162
10% Happier, 208
text messages, scheduling time to respond to, 131
“thank-you sandwich,” 105
therapist, finding a, 297–298
identifying beliefs behind, 215–218
naming, 189–190
3 Ps of mindfulness, 181–182
pausing, 182–185
pouncing, 197–201
processing, 185–197
three-year plans, 136–137
Thrive Global, 180
Tiffany’s, 30–31
balance as equal distribution of, 87
budgeting, for balance, 77–81
keeping, without smartphones, 164
as valuable asset, 102
valuing others, 146
wasting, on apps, 158
time management, 121–122
of “having it all,” 59–60
in planning activities, 92–93
of responses and decision making, 202
tiredness, decision making and, 184
titles, job, 53–54
TopShop, 166
touch, self-soothing with, 202
toxic relationships, ending, 242–245
toxic relationships, letting go of, 242–245
Transcendental Meditation (TM), 213
as paradox, 287
Twitter, 156
ultimate outcome, of decision making, 199, 200
“uncomfortable,” 94–95
understanding, as quality, 238
unhealthy relationships, letting go of, 242–245
Union, Gabrielle, 107
University College London, 284
Unroll.Me, 160
U.S. Special Forces, 214
validation, 227
acting in accordance with, 176
living by own, 45
shared, with friends, 241
of significant other, 238
Venmo, 161
visualization, 221
Vogue, 198
voice, using, 105–106
vulnerability, 288
walking meditation, 125
Walls, Jeannette, 240
wardrobe, simplifying, 119
Warrior, Padmasree, 204
watches, 164
weighting, for Super Pros/Cons list, 199–201
Weight Watchers system, 79
Weiss, Emily, 121
Whitman, Meg, 257
WHO (World Health Organization), 17*
“why,” finding your, 46–49
Williams, Serena, 236–237
Williams, Wendy, 167
Wintour, Anna, 198
wishes, making, 39
withdrawal, from smartphone use, 153–154
The Wolf of Wall Street (film), 147
burnout experienced by, 4–5, 17*
in business, emotions for, 189
confidence for, 217–218
Wood, Natalie, 32
Woods, Elle, 41
work. see also career
affected by personal issues, 16–17
improved by digital diet, 170, 171
job crafting, 50–54
loving, 55
personal perception of, 49
relationships at, 228–234
saying “no” at, 103–106
setting boundaries at, 93–95
and smartphone use, 144–146
smartphone use at, 173
working smarter, 117–118
work/life balance, 76–77
workplace, emotions in, 202
workweek, productive hours in, 118
World Health Organization (WHO), 17
worry, 22
worst-case scenario, 282
wounds, healing, 278
Yahoo, 132
Yale University, 49
YouTube, 161
Zeta-Jones, Catherine, 269
Zuckerberg, Randi, 234–235