abilities, 99, 112, 247–48, 257, 484–85
absolute charismatic leaders, 580
abusiveness, 234–35
accommodation, 350
Accomplishment Record, 1139
accountability, 229, 244, 360–62, 693
ensuring, 362
ethical, 362
meaning of, 360–61
purposes of, 361
and responsibility, 360, 361–62
sensed, 361–62
accounting practices, 211–12
achievement motive (subconscious), 179, 181–82
acquiescence, 151
acquisitions and mergers, 701
action learning, 1090
activity level, 136–50
antecedents of, 136
of charismatic leaders, 587, 607
effects on followers, 136–39
inactive or laissez-faire leadership, 142–49
and motivation, 139–42
Adams, Charles Francis, 1053
Adams, Henry, 1053
Adams, John Quincy, 711, 1053, 1087
adaptive model of organizations, 30, 754
Addams, Jane, 899, 900, 1054, 1087
Adelphia, 208
Adjective Checklist (ACL), 634, 708
adult continuing education, 1061
Affective Communication Test, 584
affective model, 482–83
affirmative action, 903, 943–44
fall of Taliban in, 317
Soviet invasion of, 713
voting rights in, 317–18
war in, 796
AFL-CIO, 736
top-down decision making in, 1032
ubuntu in, 990
African Americans, 943, 949–64
charismatic-transformational leaders, 958
cognitive and interpersonal abilities, 953
constraints on, 951–53
emergence as leaders, 950–51
as entrepreneurs, 951
family life of, 954–55
financial support for, 952–53
group memberships of, 951
hard-core unemployed, 961
job satisfaction of, 956
marginality of, 955
in mixed racial groups, 961–62
motivation of, 956
performance as leaders, 957–58
performance evaluations of, 962–64
race relations in transition, 949–50
self-esteem of, 956–57
in slum subculture, 954
socioeconomic status of, 954
strategies for, 964
stress of, 955
as subculture, 949
underrepresentation of, 951
values of, 955–56
and authority, 363
effects of, 875
older workers, 976–78
and power, 287
and satisfaction, 192
and status imbalance, 1164–65
and succession, 888
agency theory, 58, 682–83, 687
aggressiveness, 123–24
agreeableness, 121
agreement, and participative leadership, 476
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 596, 597
Aleuts, 969–72
Alexander, tsar of Russia, 234
Alexander the Great, 52, 595, 626, 656
Alliance for Leadership Development, 13
allies, 336
Allina Health System, 208–9
Allport-Vernon Study of Values, 169
Allstate Insurance, 948
altruism, 227–28
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 736
ambition, 88
American Airlines, 305, 698, 1159
American dream, 639
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 736, 1115
American Historical Society, 711
American Presidential Management Inventory, 709
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), 975
Ameritech, 884
Amundsen, Roald, 108
analytical-evaluative tasks, 676
androgyny, 924–26
anger, 90–91
Anglo-American, 699
Anglo-American cluster of nations, 991–92
cultural differences within, 994–95
leadership in, 1021
multinationals, 1043
animals, leadership in, 7
answerability, 360
Anthony, Susan B., 899
appearance, 82–83
applicability, 24–25
Arab cluster of nations, 993–94, 1002, 1032
Arafat, Yasir, 286, 339, 577, 616
Armstrong, Michael, 459
Army, U.S., see military leadership
Arnold, Benedict, 1056
arrogance, 234
Arthur Anderson, 202, 208, 218, 235
elected to public office, 968
as entrepreneurs, 951
management and leadership, 968–69
as war brides, 968
assembly bonus effect, 797
expected developments in, 1202
future research on, 1201–2
importance of, 1124
purposes of, 1123–24
self-assessment, 1130–32
see also performance appraisals
assessment centers, 6, 1147–55
cost-effectiveness of, 1154–55
methods in, 1148
prescreening for, 1150
reliability of, 1150–52
variables in, 1149–50
virtual, 1149
assessment program, 1089, 1125, 1129, 1149–50, 1151, 1152
career planning in, 1064
minorities in, 953
self-managed teams in, 784
women in, 901–2, 916, 919, 928
Atatürk, Kemal, 195, 230, 835, 1003, 1058
athletic teams:
effects of change in managers of, 892, 893, 1053
integrating competition and cooperation in, 775–76
Leadership Scale for Sports, 735–36
atom bomb, development of, 629–30, 776
attachment theory, 1055
attempted leadership, 19
attention, 134
attitudes, training to improve, 1099–1100
attribution, of leadership, 16
attribution theories, 65–66
augmentation effect, 386–87
Augustus Caesar, 578
Australia, leadership in, 1040
Austria, leadership in, 1021
authoritarianism, 151–57
definition of, 151
F scale as measure of, 151–53, 155, 156, 280, 1028
and leadership, 153–57
national differences in, 1028–29
right-wing, 153
authoritative leaders, 42
authoritative vs. authoritarian parenting, 155
authority, 353–59
acceptance of, 357
centralized vs. distributed, 356
changing patterns of, 359
as dependent on leaders and followers, 354–55
dispersion of, 743
meaning of, 353–54
parallel structures of, 358
and power, 355–56
in RAD scales, 363–64
for self-management, 872
strength and ubiquity of, 356–57
zones of acceptance, 355
zones of indifference, 355
autocratic-authoritarian leadership cluster, 440–41
autocratic leaders, 29, 44, 439–57
abuse and punishment from, 446–47
comparisons of democratic and, 452–57
democratic vs., 439–42
drawbacks of, 446–47
effective, 445–46
effects of, 443–50
latent or underlying structure, 442
moderating the effects of, 450–52
prototype experiments, 644
use of power and ability, 443
automation complacency, 787
basic desire for, 294
in bureaucracies, 303–4
of subordinates, 148–49
in tasks, 793–94
of team members, 305, 317, 871
average group member’s relation with leader (ALS), 379n
Avon Products, 1041
bargaining, 335
Barksdale, James, 857
Barton, Clara, 1054
Batista, Fulgencio, 33, 883, 1056
Battle of Trafalgar, 614
Bay of Pigs, 300
Beckworth, Jim, 970
bedfellows, 336
changes in, 349
constraints on, 941–42
purposive, 17
behavioral conditioning, 64
behavioral contagion, 592
behavior modeling, 1077–78, 1105
belonging, 176
Bem Sex-Role Inventory (SRI), 907, 923
Benedict, Saint, 353
Benedict XVI, Pope, 892
Bentham, Jeremy, 201
Bethlehem Steel, 231
biased perceptions, 385–86
Big Five factor stucture of personality, 120–23, 144, 185, 222, 587, 634, 1015
biological-genetic theories of leadership, 48–49
birth order, 1054
Bismarck, Otto von, 379
Blackfoot Indians, 59
Blacks. see African Americans; race
Blair, Tony, 715
Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid, 59, 351, 511–16
basic concept of, 511
constraints and goals in, 514
and Hersey and Blanchard, 519–20
interrelations as moderators, 516
on leadership effectiveness, 500–501
management functions as moderators, 515–16
situational contingencies affecting outcomes, 513–16
subordinate as moderator, 514
task as moderator in, 514–15
blocking tactics, 163–64
boards of directors, 685–86, 891
Bolivar, Simon, 595
Borgia, Cesare, 160
Botswana, training in, 1118
boundary-spanning activities, 321
Bourgiba, Habib, 195
Braniff Airways, 691
decision making in, 1034–35
educational system in, 1058
family influence in, 1053
management traits in, 1024
multinationals in, 1042
origins of leaders in, 997–98
women in, 1001
British Airways, 699
British Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, 776
British prime ministers, 715
Brooks Beverage Management, 737
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), 597, 736
Brown, Jerry, 268
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 708
Buchanan, James, 158, 708, 711, 712
Buddha, 618
authority in, 356
careers in, 1067
chain of command in, 746
and distribution of power, 303–4
legitimatization in, 344
sense-thinking managers in, 747
succession in, 888
Burke, James, 199
Burns, James MacGregor, 702
Bush, George H. W., 331, 379, 466n, 592, 615, 704, 708, 714–15, 1053, 1091
Bush, George W., 228, 234, 253, 284, 285, 339, 355, 379–80, 408, 410, 578, 590, 611, 704, 706, 708, 714, 715, 824, 1053, 1091, 1198
Bush, Jeb, 1053
Bush, Prescott, 1053
CEO succession in, 893
for-profit organizations, 727–28
LBDQ studies in, 556–58
legitimacy in, 344–45
persistence in, 877–78
transformational leadership in, 641–42
businessman, as leader, 27
buzz groups, 1072
Cadbury, Sir Adrian, 199
Caesar, Julius, 14, 49, 52, 578
California Personality Inventory (CPI), 36, 180
California Psychological Inventory (CPI), 1138
Caligula, 194
entrepreneurship in, 1011
leadership in, 1021
origins of leaders in, 997
prime ministers of, 707, 708–9, 715
traditionalism vs. modernity in, 1003
work values in, 1012
Canute, King, 633
Capra, Frank, 973
Cárdenas, Lázaro, 1056
career change, 1066
career mobility, 1065–66
career paths, 1065
career planning, 1064
career preparation, 1063–67
career success or failure, 1067
caring-interpersonal leaders, 28
Carlyle, Thomas, 49
Carrier air conditioning, 784
carrot-and-stick reinforcement, 385
Carson, Jan, 221
Carter, Jimmy, 12, 143, 253, 285, 620, 703, 704, 705, 709, 713, 714, 824, 853, 1198
Castro, Fidel, 33, 230, 300, 616, 631, 713, 883, 1056
catalysts, 30
CBS, 885
celebrities, 579
Celeste, Richard, 973
Celestial Seasonings, 753
Center for Creative Leadership, 13, 36, 1075, 1132
Center for Leadership Studies, 13
centrality, effects of, 485
of authority, 356
decentralization vs., 742–43
of networks, 864–65
central vs. peripheral routing, 622
accountability of, 693
and agency theory, 687
annual reports to stockholders, 610
average tenure of, 882–83
and boards of directors, 685–86
as change agents, 699
compensation of, 199–200, 202, 208, 231, 261, 692–93, 724–25
competencies of, 688–89
declining confidence in, 285
dual, 695
ethics of, 208
failure of, 689–92
international studies of, 1020
liability of, 209
measuring empowerment of, 309–10
newly appointed, 875
performance appraisals of, 1124–25
professionalization of, 683–84
relationship to stakeholders and shareholders, 686
roles of, 685
as scapegoats, 691
selection of, 697
self-aggrandizement of, 199–200
status of, 254
succession of, see succession
chain of command, 746
challengers, 30
Chamberlain, Neville, 10, 131, 193, 340
chameleon behavior, 164
absence of, 720
control of, 349
in the dominant culture, 752–53
as driven by opportunity, 595
effects of, 679–80
future, 1165
hasty, 819
and hierarchical levels, 739
indexes of, 75
organizational process of, 656
power sharing in planning of, 316–18
radical, 646
strategic, 695–97
stress of, 813–14
change-induction and therapeutic groups, 68
change-oriented leadership, 501
antecedents of, 501–4
consequences of, 504, 507, 509–10
character, 219–29
and altruism, 227–28
and authenticity, 223–24
and integrity, 222–23
justice and fairness, 224–27
and moral reasoning, 216
other virtues of, 228–29
traits of, 220–22
use of term, 219
and values, 167
character types, 35–36
charisma, as grace from God, 590
charismatic leaders, 28, 30, 42, 286, 575–617
behaviors specified in, 627
characteristics of, 582–87
college presidents, 593
in complex organizations, 597–600
concepts of, 575–78
in crises, 56, 592–94, 627, 822
criticisms of theory, 605–6
effectiveness of, 449
emergence of, 592–97
empirical studies of, 600–605
and ethics, 217–18
failures of, 599–600
followers of, 587–92
future research on, 1190–91
infallibility of, 606
inspirational leaders compared to, 606–17
national influences on, 1039–40
personalized vs. socialized, 230, 1055
similar concepts, 580–81
strategic leadership of, 689
succession to, 952
training of, 1105–6
and transformational leadership, 620, 645
types of, 578–80
utility of, 598–99
vision of, 632
charismatic relationship theories, 581–82, 618
charismatic-transformational leadership, 50–51, 581, 626, 645–46
and race, 958
Chase Manhattan Bank, 737
cheating, 230
Chenault, Ken, 964
Cherokee nation, 970
children, leadership among, 81
charismatic leadership in, 594, 596
collectivist society of, 759
Communist Party in, 632
conflict resolution in, 1018
Cultural Revolution in, 467, 993
emperor of, 57
and Hong Kong, 1000
long-term orientation in, 1012
management practices in, 995
origins of leaders in, 997, 998
overseas family ownership, 989
participation vs. direction in, 1034
political leaders in, 193–94
Tiananmen Square (1989), 282
transformational leaders in, 641
Chinese Americans, 967–69
Chippewa Nation, 597
Churchill, Winston, 10, 49, 131, 204, 386, 607, 703, 1056
Ciba-Geigy, 1042
Cicero, 4
circularity, 451
Civil Rights Act (1964), 903
Civil Rights Act (1991), 935
civil servants, 732
Civil War, U.S., 8, 49, 52, 53
clan culture, 754–55
Clark, Wesley, 878
Clausewitz, Carl von, On War, 49
Cleopatra, 899
Cleveland, Grover, 711
Clinton, Bill, 13, 213, 228, 230, 253–54, 285, 331, 408, 410, 592, 615, 637, 704, 706, 710, 715, 1056
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 615, 704, 899–900, 901
close charismatic leaders, 579–80
close supervision, 464
coaching, 1091–92
coalitions, 292–93
coercive power, 270, 271, 272, 277–82, 287, 288–89
cognitive complexity, 526–27
cognitive-experiential self theory, 56
cognitive models, 482
cognitive processes, 64–65
cognitive resources model, 62–63
cognitive style, 169–70
cognitive theories, 47–48, 64–65
Cohen, Ben, 500
cohesiveness, 133, 568, 765–66, 778–79
collaboration, 336, 342, 350, 799
collective identity, 589
collective motivation, 1191
of Asian Americans, 968–69
and globalization, 1005–9
of Hispanics, 966–67
collectivist societies, 759
Colombian drug gangs, 735, 1205
Colquitt Organizational Justice Scale, 225
communication, 125–28
asynchronous, 860
computer-mediated, 1062–63
consistency in, 126
distorted, 413
effect of distance on, 842
effects of language, 432–33
electronic, 855–62
eloquence and rhetoric, 586–87, 635, 703
in emergencies, 832–33
evolution of language, 900n
experimental, 863–71
gender differences in, 915–16
language in cross-cultural research, 982–83
linguistic competence, 127
meaning conveyed in, 126, 608–9
media of, 855
national differences in, 1030–31
nonverbal, 127–28, 857, 915–16
open and closed channels of, 852–53
speech fluency, 83
style of, 127
and successful performance, 855
synchronous, 860
timing of, 126–27
communication apprehension (CA), 144
Communications Style Inventory, 635
Communications Workers of America (CWA), 1115
communication theories, 62
government agencies, 732–33
grassroots leaders in, 658–59
homogeneity in, 296
legitimization in, 344
local vs. cosmopolitan, 725–26
power structures in, 295–96
socioeconomic status of, 725
sociometrics of, 847–48
training leaders for, 1117
transformational leadership in, 635
comparative research, 71
compassion, 228–29
compatibility, 767–68
of CEOs, 199–200, 202, 208, 231, 261, 692–93, 724–25
and globalization, 1003–4
merit rating system, 301
pay for performance, 370, 381–82
and RAD scales, 364
and status, 191–92
valuing of, 175
and empowerment, 305
and esteem, 252
and expert power, 270
interpersonal, 118–20
linguistic, 127
national differences in, 1019
and power, 326
relevance of, 117–18
socioemotional, 118–35
of subordinates, 789
in transactional and transformational leadership, 635–36
writing, 127
competition, 350
complexity leadership, 624–25
compliance induction theory, 19–20
computer-assisted behavior modeling, 1078
computer-assisted instruction (CAI), 1077
computerization, 680, 803–4, 1163–64
computer-mediated communications, 1062–63
confidence, 89, 189, 357, 468, 585, 920, 1070
confirmatory factor analysis, 72
conflict, 319–52
of authority, 354–55
with the boss, 329
cognitive vs. emotional, 319–20
conditions for reduction of, 332–35
in contingent reinforcement, 385
in different assignments, 321
in different perspectives, 321–22
of discordant expectations, 329–30
domino effect in, 321
between family and work, 322
freedom from, 585–86
future research on, 1192
gender differences in reactions to, 918–19
generational, 332
in incongruities, 323–27
and legitimatization, 320, 343–51
national differences in, 1017–18
between organizational levels, 328–29
over control of resources, 322
person in the middle of, 327–28
and problem solving, 341–42
role conflict, 320, 322, 327–28, 332, 816, 1187–88
of status, 325–26
with subordinates, 329
between two leaders, 324
within-role, 327–31
Confucius; Confucian theories, 4, 200, 220, 993, 995–96, 1022, 1194
Conger-Kanungo (CK) questionnaire, 602, 604
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 597, 736, 1115
consciousness raising, 632
consensus, search for, 340–41, 345–46, 443, 705
considerate leadership, 464–65, 539
alignment with objectives, 568–69
leaders in the middle of, 566–67
organizational contingencies on, 565–66
situational factors in, 554–55
consideration, 129
individualized (IC), 622, 1192
national differences in, 1037–38
training in, 1104–5
Constitution, U.S., 5, 178, 354, 355, 439, 704, 712
Constitutional Convention (1787), 5, 969
constructive controversy, 351, 494
consultation, national differences in, 1030–31
content analysis, 76
contingencies, planning for, 832
contingency model, 483, 511, 522–37, 1200–1201
alternative, 535–36
criticisms of, 534–36
implications of, 537
validity of, 530–33
contingency theories, 61–62
contingent motivation, 374
contingent punishment, 368, 370–72, 373, 375–76
contingent recommendations, 382
contingent reinforcement, 366, 367, 368
applying, 373–76
augmentation effect, 386–87
avoidance of, 386
biased perceptions in, 385–86
conflicts in, 385
ephemeral or negative effects of, 385
and feedback, 387–92
individual differences in, 387
as jackass theory, 384–85
limits to, 381–87
model for, 374–75
moderating conditions, 382–83
national differences in, 1040–41
and performance appraisal, 392–95
positive vs. negative, 383–84
and prototypical leader, 398
contingent reward, 367, 370, 401
behaviors resulting in, 375–76
and biased perceptions, 385–86
pay and performance, 381–82
in transactional leadership, 623–24, 647, 1041
in transformational leadership, 647
continuity, 696
continuous improvement, 81
continuous joint processes, 342
continuous learning, 1061–62
contractual power, 288
of change, 349
in directive leadership, 465
giving up, 286
and power, 269
of resources, 322
span of, 741–42
use of term, 348n
convenience sampling, 1171
conventionality, 151
conviction, 89
Coolidge, Calvin, 143, 158, 579, 706, 708, 709, 1056
cooperation, 58, 92, 350, 767, 797–98, 1008
Coors, 786–87
Coppola, Francis Ford, 973
corporate crime, costs of, 219
corporate culture, see organizational culture
corruption, 203–4, 206–10, 236
and globalization, 1003
and power, 289–90
cosmopolitans, 725–26
Cotwin studies, 104–5
counseling, 1096
countercultures, 751–52
creativity, 111, 620–21, 793–94, 801–2, 1185–86
credentialing, 940–41
Crimean War, 146
criminal organizations, 735, 1205
as challenges, 836–37
charismatic leaders in times of, 56, 592–94, 627, 822
transcending, 838
critical incidents technique, 664
Cromwell, Oliver, 178
cross-cultural leadership, see globalization
cross-validated competencies, 70
crowds, leaders of, 31
crystallized intelligence, 677
Bay of Pigs in, 300
Soviet missile crisis in, 707
cue-behavior-reinforcement theories, 63–64
cultural paradigm, 751
culture, and character, 221
Cummins, Inc., 199
Curie, Marie, 899
cynicism, 790
D’Amato, Alfonse, 973
D-Day, 308–9
Debs, Eugene V., 736
deceit, 230
decentralization, 742–43
decision making:
delegation of, 304, 362–63, 459, 461–62
and empowerment, 304
by higher authority, 474–75
Job Choice Exercise (JCE), 181
judgment in, 85
and leadership style, 487–88
moral, 216
national differences in, 1032, 1043–44
quality of, 480–81
questionable, 236
by rule, 335–36
shared, 465
strategic, 701
and technology, 473
time lag before consequences, 676–77
training in, 1100
defensive avoidance, 819–20, 825
Defining Issues Test (DIT), 204, 206, 215, 216, 217, 218, 237, 1053
de Gaulle, Charles, 578, 703, 1057
deindividuation, 759
delegation, 143–44, 149, 362–64
and agency theory, 682–83
of decision making, 304, 362–63, 459, 461–62
future research on, 1200
hierarchical effects of, 364
and organizational levels, 473
in RAD scales, 363–64
reasons for, 363
Dell, Michael; Dell Computer, 688
Deming, W. Edwards, Total Quality Management, 627, 1051
democracy, and power, 310–16
democratic leaders, 29, 32, 44, 439–57
autocratic vs., 439–42
benefits of, 447–49
comparisons of autocratic and, 452–57
drawbacks of, 449
effects of, 443–50
ideal types, 443–44
latent or underlying structure, 442
moderating the effects of, 450–52
prototype experiments, 644
training of, 1101
democratic leadership cluster, 441–42
democratic subordinates, 418
Deng Xiaoping, 595
deontics, 220
departments, power of, 299
dependency, 298–99
Deutsche Bank, 699
family influences in, 1053–57
future research on, 1202–3
leader-subordinate relations, 1064–65
learning from experience, 1087–89
nature vs. nurture, 1051–52
opportunities in childhood and adolescence, 1057–58
relation of leadership to, 13
stages in, 1052–53
travel experiences, 1065, 1087–88
see also training
Developmental Challenge Profile (DCP), 1089
development/change orientation, 509
deviations, 253
Dewey, John, 201
Diefenbaker, John George, 708
Digital Equipment, 699
Diocletian, 243
frequency of, 486
and satisfaction, 478
situational factors in, 468
use of term, 136n, 460, 516–17n, 721n, 852n, 960n
direction, use of term, 136n, 460, 517n
directive leadership, 458–96
antecedents of, 468–75
close supervision in, 464
contingent effects of, 484–89, 623
discrepancies between self vs. others’ descriptions, 467–68
effects of, 475–84
forcing, coercing, and controlling, 465
models of, 489–96
multistyle approach to, 466–67
national differences in, 1029–32
participative leadership vs., 458–59
personal antecedents, 468–69
for practical tasks, 488
and satisfaction, 478–79
situational antecedents, 472–75
superior-subordinate relations, 471–72
training for, 1101–2
and transformational leadership, 627
disabilities, 975–76
disasters, dealing with, 831–33, 838
discipline, 389
discretionary leadership, 358–59
affirmative action against, 903, 943–44
laws against, 952
racial, 219
discussion leadership, training in, 1100
discussions, as training method, 1071–72
disinhibition of deindividuation, 759
dissonance, 339–40
distant charismatic leaders, 579–80
distributive justice, 224–26
challenge of, 945–49
costs of, 943
leading and managing, 947–49
pursuit of, as organizational goal, 943–44
research in, 944–45
within groups, 943
“divide and conquer,” 339
document falsification, 235
dogmatism, 151
Dole, Elizabeth, 901
Domenici, Peter, 973
dominative leaders, 29, 87, 123–24, 154
domino effect, 321, 404–5, 407–8, 452, 487, 567
Douglass, Frederick, 950, 1087
Dover Corporation, 737
Doyle Dane Bernbach, 753
dress codes, 609
drivership, 17
Drucker Foundation, 13
DuBois, W. E. B., 950
Dulles, John Foster, 194
Dulworth, Ed, 311
Dunlap, “Chainsaw Al,” 230, 234
DuPont, 902
duties, use of term, 221
duty, sense of, 229
Eastern Airlines, 683
Eastern European nations, 994
Eaton manufacturing, 737
economic theories of organization, 58
economy, effects on organizations of, 722–23
Eddy, Mary Baker, 605
Eden, Anthony, 194
education, 1058–63
adult continuing education, 1061
of African Americans, 951, 953–54
career issues, 1063–67
and character, 220
charismatic leaders in, 593
college presidents, 593, 657–58, 847
continuous learning, 1061–62
effects of leadership style, 455
ethical, 204–5
European institutions, 733–34
evaluation of, 1117–18
for executives, 1061
grades in, 1128
higher education, 1059–61
importance of, 1059–61
LBDQ studies in, 559–61
leadership training, 1111
leaders in, 31–32
legitimacy in, 345–46
and level of management achieved, 113–15
MBA programs, 1112
MBAs awarded to African Americans, 951
MBAs awarded to women, 902
military institutions, 1061
of Native Americans, 970–71
primary and secondary, 1058–59
professional schools, 1060
public schools, 734
Pygmalion effect in, 612
relation of leadership to, 13
research results on, 98–99
and satisfaction, 192
school principals, 658
substitutes for leadership in, 870
transformational leadership in, 639–40
universities, 733
and values, 169
women in law school, 902
effective leadership, 19, 340, 1197
ego ideal, 592
hieroglyphs, 5
Instruction of Ptahhotep, 4–5, 353
leadership in, 1023
and Mideast conflicts, 616
women in, 1001
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 193, 331, 356, 589, 591, 660, 704, 705, 708, 711, 712, 853, 878, 1056, 1197
E-leadership, 860–62
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 899
E-learning, 1076–77
elitism vs. populism, 291–92
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 49, 899
emergencies, dealing with, 832–33
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 160
emotional control, 90
emotional intelligence, 124–25, 1070
empirically oriented leaders, 621
empirical research, 618–19
employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 311, 313–14, 738
Empowering Instrument (EI), 309, 310
empowerment, 304–10
benefits of, 306
in charismatic leadership, 611–12
measurement of, 309
problems with, 307
psychological, 305
representative democracy vs., 311
self-empowerment, 309
structural, 305
successful, 307–8
of teams, 783
enablement, 762
enacted values, 167
engineering leadership, specialized training in, 1110–11
Enron scandal, 202, 207–8, 235, 237, 459
and external environment, 721
foresight in, 688
management style of, 42
national differences in, 1011
rags-to-riches, 30
succession in, 888
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 881, 889
environment effects, 474, 716–55
E-environment, 860–61
internal, 736–46
organizational culture, 746–55
theories and models, 719–20
trait vs. situation approach, 717–19
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 903
equity, negotiation of, 380–81
Ericsson General Electric, 305, 1042
error criticality, 792–93
espoused values, 167
essays, evaluation of, 1127
esteem, 249–57
maintaining, 257
need for, 249–50
peer and buddy nominations, 254–55
self-esteem, 189–90, 250–51, 391, 956–57
and status, 256–57
in teams, 770
unearned, 252–53
ethicality, defined, 219
Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS), 206
Ethical Position Questionnaire, 201
ethics, 199–238
and accountability, 362
bending the rules, 210
changed norms of, 209–10, 219–20
and character, 219–29
education in, 204–5
and effectiveness, 210–13
future research on, 1194–96
measurement of, 206
moral exemplars, 205–6
and moral reasoning, 206, 215–19
national differences in, 1013–14
in negotiations, 204
and philosophy, 200–204
trade-offs, 204
unethical behavior, 206–9
vices of leadership, 229–36
eupsychian management, 59
exchange relationship, 378–81, 401
exchange theories, 63
excitability, 90
executive charismatic leaders, 580
executive leadership, 683–93
Executive Position Description Questionnaire (EPDQ), 661
executives, 29
accountability of, 693
characteristics of, 31
competencies of, 688–89
development programs for, 1112–13
education for, 1061
effectiveness of, 686–88
failure of, 689–92
functions of, 58
intuition of, 699
redundant, 690
roles of, 685
social skills of, 688–89
succession process of, see succession
sudden deaths of, 894
turnover of, 890–91
unethical behavior of, 209
women, see women
Exercise Communication, 1020–21
Exercise Supervise, 434–36, 1024, 1026
existentially oriented leaders, 621
expectancy induction, 612
expectancy-reinforcement theory, 61
of authority, 354
of charismatics’ followers, 611
of customers, 328
discordant, 329–30
gender stereotyped, 912
of groups, 766
of leadership style, 450–51
organizationally defined, 63
within-role, 327
learning from, 1087–88
and participative leadership style, 469–70
expert power, 270, 272, 273–74, 287, 288–89
expert systems, 297
expressive leadership, 501–2
expressiveness, 755
extroversion-introversion, 86–87, 121
EIMP program, 1142–43, 1144, 1145
women in management, 902
failure, preparation for, 203
fairness, 224
falling dominoes, 321, 404–5, 407–8, 452, 487, 567
family firms:
and globalization, 989
succession in, 886
family influence, 999, 1053–58
family size, 1054
family status, 1056–57
family-work balance, 322, 904–5, 914, 937, 942
Farrakhan, Louis, 233–34
favoritism, 256
fear, 814
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1090
Federal Bureau of Prisons, 657
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 341, 832, 881
Federal Express (FedEx), 582–83, 642, 784, 1063, 1130
Federated Stores, 902
constraints on, 387–92
in context, 390–91
credibility of the source for, 392
deflection of, 413
distortion in, 389
electronic facilitation of, 1098
gender differences in reactions to, 919
impact of, 402–3
ineffective, 388
lack of impact, 384
from leaders, 402–3
negative, 383, 388–90, 392, 402
peer (buddy) ratings, 1097, 1129
in performance appraisals, 392–94
problems in, 391–92
requirements in, 388
seeking, 431–32
subordinates as moderators of, 390–91
subordinates as sources of, 412–13
survey, 1097
in training programs, 1096–98
video, 1073–74
fellowship programs, 1113
fence sitters, 336
Ferraro, Geraldine, 973
Fiedler’s Contingency Model, 511, 881
and LPC, see least preferred coworker
see also contingency model
field independence, 188
field surveys, 71
Fiorina, Carly, 902
first-curve plans, 622
first impressions, importance of, 250
in career preparation, 1063–64
consistency vs., 521–22
Florida Power & Light, 856
fluid intelligence, 677
focus, 134
Focus-Culture Questionnaire, 637
Follett, Mary Parker, 781
followers, 400–436
absence of, 9
authoritarian, 155
of charismatics, 587–92
collective self of, 183
contrasting, 418–19
creativity of, 790
effects of active leadership on, 136–39
explanations from, 417–18
feedback from, 412–13
good, 409–10
identification with leaders, 22, 588–90, 592
impact on leaders, 408–19
impression management by, 411–12
influence of leaders on, 401–8
interest and competence of, 414–15
and leader-member exchange, 419–28
leaders as models for, 19
leaders recognized as such by, 22
maturity of, 414
and participative leadership, 470
perceptions of, 309–10
reciprocal relationship with, 428–36
and relations-oriented leaders, 508–9
research about, 6
role of, 10–11
self-leading, 405–6
structural clarity for, 739
susceptible, 410
transformation of, 591–92
see also subordinates
Food for the Hungry/Kenya, 749
Ford, Gerald, 614, 704, 705, 706, 708, 712, 714
Ford, Henry, 222, 236–37, 440, 881, 1056
foreign assignments:
training leaders for, 1116
of women, 939
foresight, 688
forgiveness, 229
formal-informal incongruence, 324
for-profit organizations, 727–28
Fox, Vicente, 631
centralization in, 1000
decision making in, 1034–35
leadership in, 1021
management traits in, 1024
multinationals in, 1042
origins of leaders in, 997, 998
in World War II, 703
Francis, Saint, 579
Frank, Billy, Jr., 969
Franklin, Benjamin, 969, 1054, 1087
freedom, 203
French and Raven power model, 270–71, 286–87
Fromm, Eric, 575
frustration, 814
F scale, 151–53, 155, 156, 280, 1028
Full Range of Leadership Development program, 1101, 1109–10, 1111
functional distance, 844
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B), 505
age-status imbalance, 1164–65
considerations in, 1160–61
expected developments in research, 1160
information revolution, 1164
leadership theories, 1168
methodological issues, 1169–78
in national security, 1162–63
new paradigms, 1167–68
organizational change, 1165–66
personnel practices, 1167
societal changes, 1161–62
substantive issues, 1183–1205
in technologies, 1163
gainsharing programs, 305
Galatea effect, 612–13
Gallup, Patricia, 500
Gallup Polls, 704
Gallup Poll Social Audit, 950
game playing, 164, 1074–76, 1182
Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 56, 203, 386, 578, 593, 609, 616, 703, 835, 1053, 1087
Garner, John, 10
Gault, Stanley, 886
gays and lesbians, 978
gender, use of term, 900n
gender differences:
absence of, 924–25
in cognitive and noncognitive skills, 916
in leadership potential, 915–21
in leadership style, 921–30
moderating effects on, 931–34
in moral values, 920–21
in personality and motivation, 917–18
in power and use of power, 265, 921
in psychosocial development, 914–15
in Pygmalion effect, 931
in reactions to conflict, 918–19
in reactions to feedback, 919
in self-confidence, 920
in sex-role identification, 919–20
in socialization, 913–14
in sociometric skills, 916
in verbal and nonverbal communication skills, 915–16
in ways of thinking, 916
General Electric, 445, 458–59, 673, 686, 688, 752, 1051, 1109, 1125, 1129
General Foods, 311
General Motors, 342, 348, 403, 453, 474, 660, 751–52, 786–87, 902, 1042, 1116
Generation X, 332
genetic theories, 48–49, 104–6
geocentrism, 1043–44
George III, king of England, 193, 195, 704
Germanic cluster of nations, 992
Holocaust in, 609
industrial democracy in, 312, 316
leadership in, 1021, 1023, 1024
multinationals in, 1035, 1042, 1043
origins of leaders in, 998
in World War II, 385, 703, 710, 779, 822
Geva, Eli, 229
Giamatti, A. Bartlett, 973
GI Bill, 247
Gillespie-Numeroff Burnout Inventory, 642, 835
Giuliani, Rudolph, 973
Gladstone, William E., 1054
glass ceiling, 935–36, 938–39, 940
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Study, 1011
globalization, 980–1048
and compensation, 1003–4
cultural and institutional changes, 999–1010
GLOBE project, 172, 982, 983, 986–89, 1007, 1028
horizontal vs. vertical relations, 1007
idealism vs. pragmatism, 1004–5
individualism vs. collectivism, 1005–9
issues of consequence, 981–87
leadership across cultures, 1021–26
leadership styles, 1026–41
multinational corporations, 1041–47
and national wealth, 981–82
and opportunities for women, 1001
origins of leaders, 996–99
particularistic vs. universalistic orientation, 1003
personal values, motives, and goals, 1010–21
planning, control, and accounting, 1002
and research methods, 982–83
socioeconomic development, 1001–2
strategic challenges of, 694–95
traditionalism vs. modernity, 1002–3
and universality, 987–96
within-country cultural differences, 983, 996
Global Leadership Program, 1116
Globe Organizational Policies and Practices, 721–22
GLOBE project, 172, 982, 983, 986–89, 1007, 1028
achievement of, 20–21
alignment with, 568–69
practical objectives, 488
Golden Rule, 200, 220, 221, 993
Goldman, Emma, 901
Goldman Sachs, 699
Goldwater, Barry, 177
Goldwyn, Sam, 230
Golem effect, 613
Goodyear, 886
Gorbachev, Mikhael, 585, 616, 629, 703, 899
Gordon Personal Profile (GPP), 125, 635
Gore, Bill; Gore-Tex, 697
Gore, W. L., & Associates, 474
Gough Adjective Checklist (ACL), 634, 708
governments and government agencies, 732–33
Grace, Eugene, 231
Grant, Ulysses S., 49, 53, 706, 711, 712, 713, 879
Grasso, Ella, 973
Gratian, The Art of Worldly Wisdom, 49
Greece, mythology of, 4–5
greed, 231
Greenfield, Jerry, 500
grounded theory, 48
group-assessed charisma, 580
group decision support systems (GDSS), 858–59
group discussions, 300–301
group dynamics, 56–57
Group Embedded Figures Test, 188
group leaders, 28–29
group processes, leaders as foci of, 16–17
group rewards, 386
groups, 756–85
centrality in, 865
changes in membership, 880
coalitions in, 292–93
cohesiveness of, 765–66, 778–79
compatibility within, 767–68
conflicts in, 569
conformity within, 299–300
decisions made by, 480–81, 858–59
deindividuation in, 759
development of, 61
drive and motivation of, 777
early interest in, 758
effects of leaders on, 774–84
effects on leaders of, 765–74
expectations of, 766
frames of reference, 771
functionally diverse, 770–71
goals of, 773
harmony of, 767
history of success or failure, 771
inner vs. outer circle, 419
leader functions, 756–57
leaderless, 255–56
leader roles, 756
leadership linked to outcomes of, 763
location within, 777
marathon, 762
member characteristics in, 760
norms of, 771–73
opportunities to lead, 768
overt and covert effects of, 759–60
peripheral involvement in, 865
persistence in, 876–77
problem solving by, 801
repressors and sensitizers in, 867
responses to stress, 819–20
simulations in assessment of, 1126
solidarity of, 766–67
status and esteem of, 770
as substitute for leadership, 870
teams vs., 757–65; see also teams
unstructured, moving to structured teams, 762–63
visibility of, 302
we-they relations in, 825
group variables, 774
Grove, Andrew, 497
Guilford Martin Personality Inventory, 1141
Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, 1138, 1142
habitual followership, 621
Hamilton, Alexander, 704
Hammer, Armand, 976n harassment, sexual, 910
Harding, Warren G., 158, 579, 706, 708, 709, 711, 712, 713, 1056
hard tactics, 402
Harvard Business School, 660
Haworth furniture, 737
Hayes, Rutherford B., 162
headship, 23
health and well-being, 82, 193–97
health care:
effects of leadership style, 455
LBDQ and LOQ studies in, 561
transformational leaders in, 642
unethical behavior in, 208–9
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Philosophy of Mind, 6
height, 82
Henry IV, king of France, 331