
accountability, 125–126

adaptability, 185

adventure, 50, 82

affirmation, 61

See also mantras

Americans, happiness of, 13

Anders, Dominique, 33

art curator, 54–55

articulation, 132–133, 146–147

aspirations, 44

See also goal-setting

attention, 99, 134–135

authenticity, 43, 61–62

bad habits, 108

balance, 29, 34, 48, 74

“Be a Good Person/Oprah” clause, 168

beauty, 59

being boss, 12, 26–27, 34, 59

meaning of, 24–25, 31–33, 36, 50

positivity in, 42–43

practice of, 106–107

See also specific topics

Being Boss podcast, 17, 19, 30–31

belief, in self, 75

best-case scenario, 65, 68

Beyoncé, 58–59, 63

blame, 51, 53

blog, 10, 11–12

The Jealous Curator, 54–55

Bob the Drag Queen, 61

body, 119, 139

listening to, 111, 115

regeneration of, 180

bookkeeping, 86–87

books, positive, 75, 82

boundaries, 30, 76–103, 139

communication of, 100, 103

creation of, 84, 85 (fig.), 86

in day job, 94

decision-making and, 79–80, 86–87

dream job and, 90

emails and, 93–95, 97, 100

energy and, 79–81

money and, 88–89

partnering and, 164

self-definition and, 80

values and, 81, 85 (fig.), 87

warnings and, 80–81

“white space” for, 84, 85 (fig.), 86

Boyd, Autumn Witt, 170–172

Braid Creative, 12, 156–157

branding, 10–12, 145–147, 151

breath work, 47, 74, 115

Brown, Brené, 79

Brown, Jenni Heffernan, 33

bucket list, 181–183

budgeting, 130, 184

bullying, 59

business bestie, 174

business coach, 98–99

business model, 152–153

business plan, 144

buying, 88–89, 108

calendar, 101

Campbell, Joseph, 44

candle concentration, 72

candles, 148

career, 70–71, 85 (fig.)

Carrey, Jim, 163

Castillo, Brooke, 116

Chalkboard Method®, 125–129, 128 (fig.)

children, 185–186

clients, 12, 156–157

clothes, 97, 108, 112

coaches, 165

business, 98–99

health, 118–119

life, 44–47

collaboration, 166–167

See also partnering

commitment, 34–35

communication, 100, 103, 130, 173

competition, 150, 168, 173

complaining, 68–69

conditioning, 98

conferences, 165

confidence, 12, 25, 42, 157, 191

development of, 53, 57–63

conformity, 9–10

confusion, 109

content, 146–151, 184

contracts, 172

copyrights, 171

courage, 57, 68–69

creative entrepreneurs, 17, 19, 28

See also specific topics

creativity, 55, 80, 86, 110, 119–120

criticism, 52–55

curiosity, 48, 50

customers, 12, 156–157

daily grind, 109, 185

daily intentions, 134

daily lists, 102

Dalai Lama, 68

data analysis, 66, 67 (fig.)

day job, 11, 90, 94

decision-making, 45, 90, 99

boundaries and, 79–80, 86–87

fear and, 63–64

science experiment as, 65–66, 67 (fig.)

delegating, 28, 93

discipline, 107

See also habits; routines

Donahue, Caroline, 33

doubts, 26, 41–42, 55, 58

“do the work,” 14, 34–35, 107, 143–150

dream clients, 12, 156–157

dream day, 111–114, 117, 139

dream job, 90, 100–101

dream salary, 163

economy, 9

Edison, Thomas, 63

education, 15, 85 (fig.), 190

email marketing, 66

emails, 83, 93–95, 97, 100, 108

emotional habits, 123

emotions, 47, 116, 136, 138

“fraudy feelings,” 52–55

employee handbook, 92, 94

energy, 79–81

boosts for, 82, 84, 103, 122

drains of, 83–84, 103, 122, 154–155

money as, 162

enthusiasm, 133

entrepreneurs, 17, 19, 28, 91

See also specific topics

environment, 112

envy, 114

ethics, 14, 48, 164, 167

Etsy, 15–16

evenings, 112–113

exchange value, 153


candle concentration, 72

employee handbook, 92

find your values, 47

what’s working, what’s kinda working, what’s not working, 154–155

See also worksheets

expectations, 35, 41, 92, 103, 166

experiences, 70

failure, 54–55, 62–63

family time, 86–87, 185–186

farmers, 144

Farrer, Lindsay, 33

fatigue. See rest

Faulds, Tammy, 44–47

fear, 26, 41–42, 50, 62, 108

decision-making and, 63–64

about money, 162

of work, 88–89

food, 83, 97, 102, 115, 120, 122

Ford, Henry, 65

Forleo, Marie, 111

“fraudy feelings,” 52–55

freedom, 9, 19, 159, 181, 184

money and, 31–32

friends, 17, 17 (photo), 20 (photo), 21 (photo), 117, 188, 190

Gentile, Tara, 152–153

geographic information systems, 15

Gladwell, Malcolm, 158

Glamour magazine’s blog, 11

goal-setting, 124, 131

Chalkboard Method®, 125–129, 128 (fig.)

income, 159, 160–161 (fig.)

Goddard, Joanna, 11

graphic design, 154–155, 158

gratitude, 73, 138

Greiner, Lori, 91

habits, 30, 107–108, 122–123

intentions, 131–137

money-making, 130

about sleep, 115–116

Hansen, Christine, 115

happiness, 13–14, 27, 32, 66

money and, 88–89

Hartwig, Melissa, 115, 123

health, 85 (fig.), 93, 111

health coach, 118–119

health insurance, 165

health care, 118–119

herbal teas, 120

hobbies, 70–71, 85 (fig.)

home, 85 (fig.), 165–166

honesty, 89, 151

hot shit list, 145

housekeeping, 165–166

humility, 50

hunters, 144

Hurricane Katrina, 14

hustling, 27–29, 118

hypothesis, 65–66, 67 (fig.)

idea lists, 102

imagination, 65, 68, 73, 111

impatience, 51, 73

imposter syndrome, 52

impressions, 146

income goals, 159, 160–161 (fig.)

inner voices, 118

insecurities, 41–42, 58, 60

inspiration, 20, 48

Instagram, 20, 66

intentions, 43, 131, 133, 138, 174, 190

monthly, 132, 134–137

investment, in self, 163, 165–166

invitation designer, 11–12

iTunes, 19–20

Jarvis, Paul, 35

The Jealous Curator (blog), 54–55

jewelry, 189, 189 (photo)

jewelry-making business, 15–16

job satisfaction, 13

job security, 9–10, 42

jobs, 13–15, 32

Johnson, Chalene, 53

journaling, 135–136, 138

Kluge, Lindsay, 65, 120

Krysa, Danielle, 54–55

Kuretsky, Amy, 118–119

lateness, 51

Lee, Katie, 109

legal protection, 170–172

legitimacy, 151

Lewis, Michelle, 33

life, 31–32, 34, 65, 70, 179, 180

rules for, 93, 103

life coach, 44–47

life hustle, 29, 180–181, 184–185

lists, 75, 102, 145, 181–183

love, 61, 143

luck, 51, 65

magic, 125–126, 135

list-making magic, 102

Mandatory Lazy Days, 96–97

Mandela, Nelson, 62

manifestation, 68

See also goal-setting

mantras, 61, 125, 127, 129, 162

marketing, 66, 153

Marston, Ralph, 124

meditation, 68, 72, 115

mental habits, 122–123

mindset, 30

money, 31, 47, 85 (fig.), 119, 143, 162–163

boundaries and, 88–89

business bestie and, 174

freedom and, 31–32

happiness and, 88–89

what’s working, what’s kinda working, what’s not working, 154–155

money goals, 159, 160–161 (fig.)

money-making habits, 130

monthly intentions, 132, 134–137

mood, 13, 120

mood board, 114

moon, 135–137

morning routine, 109–110, 112–113

motivation, 55, 96, 164

Mount Everest, 10–12

movement, 119

names, business, 170–171

negative self-talk, 52–53

negativity, 51, 72, 83, 108

“fraudy feelings,” 52–55

nighttime routine, 116

non-compete, 168, 173

nonconformity, 10

non-negotiables, 131

numbers, 159, 160–161 (fig.)

observation, 66, 67 (fig.), 74

office space, 165

one-word intentions, 132, 134

online friends, 17, 188

openness, 150

operating agreement, 167–168, 173

opportunities, 41, 70–71, 125–127, 138

Oprah, 168

orbit exercise, 70–71, 71 (fig.)

organization, 132–133, 188

overnight success, 18–19

ownership, 60

parenting, 185–186

partnering, 164, 166, 174–175

operating agreement for, 167–168, 173

Patent and Trademark Office, U.S., 170–171

patience, 48

paycheck, 163

personal branding, 145–147

photographers, 41–42, 90

physical boundaries, 87

physical habits, 122–123

planning, 35, 45–46

podcast, 17, 19, 28

positivity, 42–43, 68–70, 73, 75, 82

Post-its, 101

pretending, 61–62, 65, 68, 73, 111

priorities, 99

project task lists, 102

protection, 81, 170–172

Pryor, Jay, 125, 127

publishing, 147–148

quitting, 55

reading list, 75

reality, 114, 117, 124, 166

recognition, 45

rejections, 63

relationships, 30, 70–71, 85 (fig.), 188, 190

resilience, 49

respect, 100

responsibility, 53, 60, 70, 164

rest, 27, 45, 82, 93, 96, 133, 187

sleep, 115–116, 119

rituals, 120, 134–138

road trip, 181, 184

Robbins, Tony, 63, 131

routines, 30, 107, 116, 132

morning, 109–110, 112–113

rituals, 134–138

schedule, 28, 101

science experiment, decision-making as, 65–66, 67 (fig.)

security, 9, 43

self, 54, 60, 75, 157

employee handbook for, 92, 94

investment in, 163, 165–166

success and, 98–99

self-care, 93, 111, 187

health care compared to, 118–119

self-criticism, 52–53

self-definition, 80

self-deprecation, 52, 116

self-doubt, 26, 55, 58

self-esteem, 57

self-love, 61

self-talk, negative, 52–53

Sethi, Ramit, 31

sharing, 49

Shih, Jenny, 98–99

Shinn, Florence Scovel, 116

sleep, 115–116, 119

social media, 83, 95, 108

space, 125–127, 165

orbit exercise, 70–71, 71 (fig.)

“white,” 84, 85 (fig.), 86

See also goal-setting

Spencer, Ezzie, 136–137

spoken boundaries, 100

spoken content, 151

spoken intentions, 135

strategies, 25, 174

Street, Tara, 156–157

success, 98–99

goal-setting for, 124–129, 128 (fig.)

overnight, 18–19

sugar, 115

tanning salon, 14–15

Tate, Tisha, 74

taxi light, 62

tea ritual, 120

teamwork, 49, 166

technology, 163, 165

telephone, 97

thoughts, 68, 72, 116

time, 51, 135–137

family, 86–87, 185–186

goal-setting and, 124, 128, 128 (fig.)

toolbelt, 158, 175

tracking, 63, 130

goal-setting and, 126–128

money goals, 159, 160–161 (fig.)

trademarks, 171–172

travel, 180–181, 184–185, 187

trust, 34–35, 54, 126, 150–151, 191

validation, 26

values, 43, 57, 61, 63, 146, 152–153

boundaries and, 81, 85 (fig.), 87

definition of, 44–46

discovery of, 47–49

success and, 98–99

vibrations, higher, 118

victimization, 26, 51, 53

vision, 29, 49

voice, 118, 150–151

Von Bargen, Sarah, 88–89

walking, 117

want list, 102

water, drinking, 82, 115

website-design, 16, 152–153, 158

weekly lists, 102

Whaley, Shannon, 33

“white space,” 84, 85 (fig.), 86

Willingham, Jessica, 33

work, 31–32, 34, 59, 143, 179

breath work, 47, 74, 115

fear of, 88–89

teamwork, 49, 166

work ethic, 14, 164, 167

work week, 91–92


balanced boss, 122–123

Chalkboard Method®, 128–129

creating boundaries, 84–85

dream day, 112–113

find your values, 48–49

monthly income goals, 160–161

orbit exercise, 70–71

scientific method for creatives, 66–67

See also exercises

worst-case scenario, 65, 68

writing, 100, 110, 135–136, 138

yearly intentions, 134

yin and yang, 137

yoga, 115, 117, 148