Note: Page numbers which refer to tables are shown in italics.

9/11, effect 1–3, 4–5

2000, predictions for 314, 315

Abrahamson, Professor Eric 115

acceptance 233, 330–1

accidents, travel 2–3, 4–5

Acme 200–2, 203

adaptability 300–1

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (Bernstein) 170

Age of Turbulence, The (Greenspan) 228

airplanes 1–3, 4–5

Amaranth Advisors 65–6

Amazon 84–5

American companies 70–1, 122–3, 126–30

amniocentesis tests 44–6

Anaconda 139–40

angioplasty 48

Apple 143, 144, 158

art, Greek 242, 276

assessment 234–5, 269–70, 331–2

asset allocation 104–5

augmenting 235–7, 270–2, 312, 332–3

autistic savants 245–6

averaging 195–6, 207–10, 213–14

babies 44–6

see also childbirth

Bacon, Francis 247

bankruptcies 68–9

Barnevik, Percy 145

Batra, Dr Ravi 60

Bauermeister, Klaus 217–20

Bavelas, Janet 189–90

Beecher, Dr Henry 40–1

Begley, Sharon 320–1

Bell System 263–4

Bernstein, Peter 170

betting 171–8

Bhutan and happiness 286–7

Big Winners and Big Losers: The 4 Secrets of Long-Term Business Success and Failure (Marcus) 135

birth 49–52

see also pregnancy

Black Monday 220, 221–2

Blink (Gladwell) 242

blinking 242–4, 247–51, 259, 276–7, 279, 280

blood pressure 24, 27, 30, 37–8

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant (Kim and Mauborgne) 123–4

Bogle, John C. 97–8, 101

bonds 75–6, 90, 94, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105

see also securities

Box-Jenkins 192

brain 306

Break-Throughs (Nayak and Ketteringham) 143

breast cancer 20, 35–6, 319–20

breastfeeding 50

Brownlee, Shannon 319–20

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Collins and Porras) 116–17, 129–30, 133

business process management (BPM) 115

Business Week 63

butterfly effect 168–9, 226

Calculated Risks: How to Know when the Numbers Deceive You (Gigerenzer) 46–7

cancer 20, 30, 31, 35–7, 47–8, 319–20

Capablanca 242

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Schumpeter) 141

cardiovascular disease 25–6, 27, 28–9, 37–8, 48

cars 1–3, 300, 335

manufacturers 110–12, 324–6

Cesarean sections 49–52

chain reaction 168–9, 226

Challenge of Affluence, The (Offer) 291

Champy, James 113–14

chance 169–74, 175–83

chaos theory 168–9

Charles II 16–17

chess 242–4, 277

Chesterton, G.K. 238–9

childbirth 49–52

see also pregnancy

children, looking after 292–3, 294, 303–4

Chile 328

cholesterol 25–6, 28–9

Chrysler 110–11

coconuts 223, 225–6, 227–8, 231–2, 238–9, 331, 332

and Klaus Bauermeister 217–20

coffee 30

coins, tossing 169–70, 175–9

Collins, Jim 116–17, 129–30, 133

colonoscopy 320

Colvin, Geoffrey 253–4

companies, successful 70–1, 116–17

computers, personal 144–5

contrarian strategy 107, 214–15

control, illusion of 1–5, 11, 12, 182, 266–8, 272

and Cesarean sections 51–2

versus fatalism 183–6

copper 138–41, 145, 148

Corning Glass 140

Corrigan, Bernard 263

cortisol 296

countries, wealth and life satisfaction 288–90

crashes, financial 80–1, 210–13, 321

creative destruction 138–41, 143–4, 146, 152–4, 159–60, 310–11

credit scoring 195, 263–4

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi 257–8, 298–9

CT scans 47

Daily Reconstruction Method 291–4

Daimler Benz 110–12

Dawes, Robyn 262–3

deaths 2, 3, 25, 28–9, 32, 33–4, 318–19

and cancer 35, 36

Klaus Bauermeister 220

decision making 260–83

decision rules 262–8, 278, 282

De Geus, Arie 131

Dell 123, 255, 325

Diener, Ed 287–9

Digital Equipment 144

disasters, natural 8, 169, 225–7, 327–9

doctors 38, 42–3, 52, 56–7, 209, 249–51, 309

Dr Henry Beecher 40–1

errors 16–18, 19

and tests 20–1, 35–7, 44, 46

Dow 36,000: New Strategy for Profiting from the Current Rise in the Stock Market, The (Glassman and Hassett) 60–1

Dow Jones Industrial Average index (DJIA) 60, 79–84, 210–11, 212, 310, 321

Down’s syndrome 44–6

driving 1–3, 4–5

earthquakes, predicting 169, 226–7, 327–8

economics 147–50, 305–6, 310, 321–4

effectiveness 155

efficiency 155

Efficient Market Hypothesis 182–3

elections, forecasting 196

electricity suppliers 224–5, 256

emotions 106–8, 187–8, 279–81

Enron 68

entrepreneurs 141, 144–5, 151, 152, 154, 155

equity funds 67, 93, 97–8, 100

Ericsson, Anders 252

Evergreen Project 134

evidence-based medicine 48–9, 52–3

exercise 26, 27, 28

experts, consulting 272–5, 276–7, 278, 281, 282

failure 120–1, 131–2, 135, 151, 152–3, 159, 274

of businesses 329–30

and L’Oréal 256

and Toyota 324–6

Fairchild, Gregory 115

fakes, art 242, 276–7

Fama, Professor Eugene F. 98, 182

fatalism 183–6, 187

fatty diets 28–9

Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 168

fiber optics 139, 145

finance 59–109, 210–13, 227–8, 310

financial crashes 80, 210–13, 321

Fisher, Dr. Elliott S. 53

flu 318–19

flying 1–3, 4–5

food and happiness 306

forecasting 190–3, 196–210, 215–16, 224–5, 310

Fortune (magazine) 68, 116, 122–3, 325

Fortunes 11–12, 176, 180–1

Foster, Richard 129, 131–2, 156

Framingham studies 37–8

French life expectancy 28–9

Fryback, Dennis 320

fund managers 95–100

future-perfect thinking 235–6

future, predicting 189–216, 235–7, 316–33

futurologists, Parisien 314–15

Galbraith, John Kenneth 86

Galton, Francis 195–6, 208, 214

gambling 171–9

GDP and life satisfaction 288–90

geniuses 241, 245–6, 253–4

Georgios 71–4

Geus, Arie de 131

Gigerenzer, Gerd 20–1, 46–7, 246, 249–50

Gilbert, Daniel 300–2

Gladwell, Malcolm 242

Glassman, James, K. 60–1

GlaxoSmithKline 18–19

GM 157, 324

gold prices 71–4

golf 151–2, 230–1, 298

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap . . . and Others Don’t (Collins) 133

Google 123, 142–3, 144, 157

grandmasters 242–4, 277

Great Depression of 1990, The (Batra) 60

Greek art 242, 276

Greeks 71–2, 170, 279

Greenspan, Alan 228, 331

Guillain-Barre paralysis 319

gurus 112–16, 117–21, 123–6, 129, 131–2, 133–6, 214–15

Hadler, Dr. Norton M 48

Haiti 328, 329

Hammer, Michael 113–14

happiness 262–3, 284–308, 312, 326–7

Harry Potter Rule 273

Harvard School of Public Health 23–5

Hassett, Kevin A. 60–1

health 7, 16–19, 20–58, 309–10, 318–21

heart disease 25–6, 27, 28–9, 37–8, 48

hedge funds 65–7, 92–3

heights, male INSEAD MBA students 198–200

herd instinct 106–7, 213–14

Hillis, L. David 48

hindsight 190, 204–7, 235–6

Howard, John 262–3

Hulbert, Mark 99

human error 18

human judgment 193–5

hurricanes 329

IBM 71, 125, 144

illusion of certainty 20–1

illusion of control 1–5, 11, 12, 182, 256–7, 266–8, 272

and Cesarean sections 51–2

versus fatalism 183–6

illusion of success 150–2

illusory correlation 108, 201–4

imagination, limitations 301–2

IMF 62–3

income 147, 148, 149, 326–7

independence assumption 209

index funds 95, 98, 100, 101, 103, 109, 310

influenza 318–19

innovation 124, 134, 152, 155, 159–60, 229

In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Known

Companies (Peters and Waterman) 116, 117, 118–19, 130, 133

internet, as source of information 275

intuition 194–5, 242–3, 247–51, 266, 276–7, 279, 280

investment 59–109

Irrational Exuberance (Shiller) 61–2

Japan 28, 287, 312

Jensen, Professor Michael 99–100

Jobs, Steve 124–5, 143, 144

judgment 193–5

Kahneman, Daniel 241, 258–9, 291–4

Kaplan, Sarah 129, 131–2, 156

Keck, Donald 139, 140

Ketteringham, J.M. 143

Kim, Chan 123–4

known knowns 231, 232

known unknowns 231, 232

Kolb, Ben 17–18

Kouros 242, 276

Lancet, The 23–5

Layard, Richard 289–90

life expectancy 21–37, 42–3, 296, 298, 309

life satisfaction 285–308, 327

longevity 16, 21–2, 28–9, 296

Long Term Capital Management Fund (LTCM) 64–5

L’Oréal 256

lottery winners 290

luck 2, 22, 164–7, 173–81, 186, 258, 307

and fund management 95–8

and wishes 5–7

lung cancer 47

Malkiel, Professor Burton G. 97, 100

mammography 20, 35–6, 319–20

management theories 113–16, 117–21, 310

manufacturers, cars 110–12, 324–6

marathon 255

Marcus, Alfred 135

marital happiness 262–3

Markowitz, Harry 229–30

Mauborgne, Renée 123–4

Maurer, Robert 139, 140

media, effect 3, 7–8, 107, 151

medicine 16–21, 23–58, 309–10, 318–21

meditation 299

Meegeren, Han van 277

Meehl, Paul 194–5

memories, short 107

Merck 128

mergers 110–12

Meriwether, John 64–5

meteorology 206–7

Microsoft 70, 129

Miller, Bill 96–7

mind, power of 41, 42

models, statistical 191–5, 311, 317, 328, 330

money 59–109, 227–8, 310, 321–4

and happiness 287–91, 304–6, 327

and lending 194–5

motivation 254

motor manufacturers 110–12, 324–6

mutual funds 98–102

NASDAQ 83–5, 211–12

natural disasters 8, 169, 225–7, 327–9

Nayak, P.R. 143

New England Journal of Medicine 36

newsletters, investment 99

Newsweek 320–1

Nobel prize winners 296

noise 198–204, 207–8

Norem, Julie 298

Norwegian life expectancy 28, 29

nuns 295–6

obesity 26–7, 31–4

Offer, Avner 291

Olsen, Ken 144

one-off decisions 261, 262, 268–72

optimism bias 271

Oscar winners 296

over-diagnosis 55

overweight 26–7, 31–4

pacemakers 41

pack instinct 106–7, 213–14

Page, Larry 142–3

painkillers 40–1

paintings, forgeries 277

pandemic 318–19

paradox of control 5, 161

Parkinson, C. Jay 139–40

past, understanding to predict future 204–7, 215–16

patterns 176, 178, 180, 197–8, 201–4, 243

Paxil 18–19

pay 147, 148, 149, 326–7

personal computers (PCs) 144–5

Peters, Tom 116, 117, 118–19, 130

physical activity 26, 27, 28

physicians see doctors

placebos 40–2

plane travel 1–3, 4–5

planning, to minimize negative consequences 218–19, 227

plasma fibrinogen 296

Popper, Karl 119

Porras, Jerry 116–17, 129–30, 133

Porsche cars 300

portfolios of investment 104–6

Positive Power of Negative Thinking, The (Norem) 298

positive psychology 295–9

practice, importance 243–4, 248, 252–7, 259

Prediction Markets 208

pregnancy 44–6

see also childbirth

preparedness 328–9

prices 147–50

probability 170–4

property 93, 213

prostate cancer 31, 36–7, 47, 320

PSA test 47

psychology 295–9

experiment 266–7

questions, how asked 303–4

Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel) 97, 100

real estate 93, 213

recession 321–2, 323

recruitment methods 195, 278

reengineering 113–14, 115

Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Hammer and Champy) 113–14

repetitive decisions 261, 264, 266, 277–8, 280

return on stocks 102–3

Richter scale 226, 328

risk 23–34, 104, 156, 229, 237–9, 271–2

risk and return 102–3

Roberson, Bruce 134

Romains, Jules 54–5

roulette wheel 171–2, 173, 174

running 255

S&P 500 93, 95, 96–7, 98, 101, 179, 323

companies’ performance 116, 117, 122, 133

salaries 147, 148, 149, 326–7

salt 30, 41

satisfaction with life 285–308, 327

savants 245–6

scans 47

Scholes, Myron 64, 65

Schrempp, Jürgen Erich 111–12

Schultz, Peter 139

Schumpeter, J. 141

Schwarz, Professor Norbert 303

Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Harmonic Wealth Through Proven Principles, The (Ray) 273

screening, health 36–7, 43–8, 319–20

securities 229, 310

see also bonds

Seligman, Martin 287–9, 296, 297

serotonin 306

Seroxat 18–19

sex 292, 293

Shakespeare, William 241

Shapiro, A.K. 42

Shaw, George Bernard 247

Shell, Donald 18

Shiller, Robert 61–2, 322–3

Siegel, J.J. 75, 76, 322–3

Simon, Herbert 197, 244

single exponential smoothing 192, 203–4

sleep 294

sminking 262–8, 277–8, 282

smoking 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 38

socializing 292, 293–4

socio-economic phenomena 8

sport 230–1, 247–8, 250, 253–4, 255, 298

standard deviation 229, 234

see also statistics

start-ups 151, 159

state of flow 299

statistics 191–5, 228–30, 311, 317, 328, 330

see also standard deviation

statues 242, 276

stock markets 60–2, 179–83, 310, 321–4

stock-pickers 95–9

stocks 94, 102–3

see also securities

Stocks for the Long Run (Siegel) 75–7

students, heights 198–200

Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert) 300–2

subprime mortgage lending 93, 212–13

subway uncertainty 223–5, 331–2

success 116–17, 122, 127–30, 135, 153–4, 273, 324–6

and happiness 298–9

illusion 150–2

Surowiecki, James 195–6

swine flu 318–19

tasks, completing versus outcome 304

tennis 230–1, 247–8, 250


preventive 35–7, 43–9, 319–20

results 20–1, 45–6

unfolding 180

Tetlock, Philip 278

thinking 268–72, 277, 278, 281

“This won’t hurt a bit: How we can save billions by cutting out unnecessary procedures that kill tens of thousands a year” (Begley) 320–1

three As 232–6, 312, 330–3

tobacco 24

see also smoking

tonsillectomy 30–1

Toyota 324–6

traders 9–11, 67

travel 1–3, 4–5

trends, long-term 147–50

tulips 210–11

Tversky, Amos 241, 258

uncertainty 217–39, 270–1, 331–3

unfolding test 180

unique decisions 261, 262, 268–72

unknown unknowns 231, 232, 331

unpredictability 181–2

see also chance

US companies 70–1, 122–3, 126–30

vaccination 318, 319

venture capital 75, 90, 92, 93–4, 158–9, 186

Vermeer masterpieces 277

vitamins 31

wages 147, 148, 149, 326–7

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 322–3

Waterman, Robert H. Jr 116, 117, 118–19, 130, 133

wealth see money

weather forecasting 206–7

Welch, Dr. Gilbert H. 47–8, 55, 320

What Really Works: The 4 + 2 Formula for Sustained Business Success (Roberson et al.) 134, 135

Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki) 195–6

Wiseman, Richard 186

wishes, making 5–7

Woods, Earl 151–2

Woods, Tiger 151–2, 254

WorldCom 68–9

Xerox 124–5

Yom Kippur War 168