Absinthe Shaken, 90–91
Death in the Afternoon, 162–163
Earthquake, 52–53
Green Swizzle, 60–61
Albee, Edward, 120–121
Lamb’s Wool, 26–27
Alexandra, 92–93
Angostura Bitters
Champagne CockTail, 44–45
Gin & Coconut Water, 126–127
Pink Gin, 80–81
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Whiskey Cock-Tail, 152–153
Apicius, 18–21
apple cider
Stone-Fence, 30–31
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Jack Rose, 68–69
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Lamb’s Wool, 26–27
apricot brandy
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Pompier, 160–161
May Queen, 88–89
aromatic bitters
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Manhattan, 74–75
“Arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel, The” (Betjeman), 84–85
“Aunt and the Sluggard, The” (Wodehouse), 56–57
Austen, Jane, 32–33
bay leaves
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
Beer Milkshake, 94–95
Boilermaker, 172–173
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
Lamb’s Wool, 26–27
May Queen, 88–89
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Berlin Station Chief, 140–141
Betjeman, John, 84–85
Big Sleep, The (Chandler), 86–87
Old Fashioned, 118–119
see also individual types of bitters
Black Coffee (Christie), 72–73
Bleeding Edge (Pynchon), 142–143
Boilermaker, 172–173
Bourbon & Coke, 76–77
Hot Toddy, 158–159
Mint Julep, 62–63
Old Fashioned, 118–119
Stone-Fence, 30–31
Brandy & Soda, 58–59
Brandy Alexander, 120–121
Brandy Eggnog, 148–149
Brandy Smash, 48–49
Champagne Cocktail, 86–87
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
May Queen, 88–89
Satan’s Whisker, 72–73
Stinger, 136–137
brandy, apricot
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Pompier, 160–161
brandy, cherry
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
(Capote), 112–113
Breakfast of Champions
(Vonnegut), 132–133
Brideshead Revisited
(Waugh), 92–93
Bronx Cocktail, 66–67
Bukowski, Charles, 172–173
Burroughs, William S., 168–169
Bushnell, Candice, 180–181
Cain, James M., 76–77
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Cannery Row (Steinbeck), 94–95
Capote, Truman, 112–113, 176–177
cardamom pods
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Casino Royale (Fleming), 100–101
Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 96–99
Caudle, 146–147
Champagne CockTail, 44–45
Champagne Cocktail, 86–87
Death in the Afternoon, 162–163
Chandler, Raymond, 86–87, 102–103, 114–115
Chartreuse, Green
Webster F. Street LayAway Plan, 104–105
Chartreuse, Yellow
May Queen, 88–89
cherries, maraschino
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Manhattan, 74–75
Old Fashioned, 118–119
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Tequila Sunrise, 142–143
Tom Collins, 116–117
Whiskey Cock-Tail, 152–153
Whiskey Sour, 122–123
cherry brandy
Singapore Sling, 128–129
chocolate fudge
Beer Milkshake, 94–95
Christie, Agatha, 72–73, 80–81
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 40–41
cinnamon/cinnamon sticks
Brandy Eggnog, 148–149
Caudle, 146–147
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
Hot Toddy, 158–159
Rum Toddy, 38–39
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Stone-Fence, 30–31
Clover Club, 154–155
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Stone-Fence, 30–31
Bourbon & Coke, 76–77
Vodka & Coke, 168–169
history of, 11
origins of word, 12
Coconut Water, Gin &, 126–127
coffee liqueur
Alexandra, 92–93
Earthquake, 52–53
Sidecar, 82–83
Stinger, 136–137
Sidecar, 82–83
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Collins, Norman, 82–83
Conditum Paradoxum
(Surprise Wine), 18–19
Cosmopolitan, 180–181
cranberry juice
Cosmopolitan, 180–181
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
crème de cacao
Alexandra, 92–93
Brandy Alexander, 120–121
crème de menthe
Green Swizzle, 60–61
Satan’s Whisker, 72–73
Stinger, 136–137
crème fraîche
Alexandra, 92–93
Brandy Alexander, 120–121
Crying of Lot 49, The (Pynchon), 122–123
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Daiquiri, 110–111
Frozen, 124–125
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
David Copperfield (Dickens), 42–43
Death in the Afternoon, 162–163
Diary of Samuel Pepys, The, 26–27
Dickens, Charles, 36–43
Earthquake, 52–53
Brandy Eggnog, 148–149
Caudle, 146–147
Clover Club, 154–155
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Gin Fizz, 130–131
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Faulkner, William, 158–159
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson), 128–129
fennel seeds
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 62–67
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 164–165
Flaubert, Gustave, 150–151
Fleming, Ian, 100–101
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 90–91
Frozen Daiquiri, 124–125
Gibson, 114–115
Gimlet, 102–103
Alexandra, 92–93
Berlin Station Chief, 140–141
Bronx Cocktail, 66–67
Clover Club, 154–155
Gibson, 114–115
Gimlet, 102–103
Gin & Coconut Water, 126–127
Gin & Tonic, 134–135
Gin Fizz, 130–131
Gin Rickey, 64–65
Gin Twist, 34–35
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
House of Lords Martini, 132–133
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Pin, 106–107
Pink Gin, 80–81
Pompier, 160–161
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Tom Collins, 116–117
Very Dry Martini, 96–97
Vesper Martini, 100–101
Webster F. Street LayAway Plan, 104–105
White Angel, 112–113
ginger, fresh
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
ginger ale
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Glass Key, The (Hammett), 74–75
grains of paradise
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
Great Gatsby, The
(Fitzgerald), 62–67
Green Swizzle, 60–61
Greene, Graham, 110–111
Jack Rose, 68–69
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Tequila Sunrise, 142–143
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Hammett, Dashiell, 74–75, 78–79
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer), 140–141
Hemingway, Ernest, 68–69, 90–91, 124–127, 162–163
High Wind in Jamaica, A (Hughes), 70–71
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
History of New York, A (Irving), 30–31
Hock & Seltzer, 84–85
Hocus Pocus (Vonnegut), 138–139
Caudle, 146–147
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
Hot Toddy, 158–159
Rose Petal Wine, 20–21
Rum Toddy, 38–39
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
honey syrup
Pompier, 160–161
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Hot Toddy, 158–159
Apple, 150–151
House of Lords Martini, 132–133
Hughes, Richard, 70–71
ice cream, vanilla
Beer Milkshake, 94–95
Inimitable Jeeves, The (Wodehouse), 58–59
Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 44–53
Irving, Washington, 30–31
Islands in the Stream (Hemingway), 124–127
Jack Rose, 68–69
Kerouac, Jack, 108–109, 174–175
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
May Queen, 88–89
Lamb’s Wool, 26–27
Larkin, Philip, 134–135
lemon peels/zest
Pink Gin, 80–81
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Vesper Martini, 100–101
Lemonade, Spiked, 164–165
lemons/lemon juice
Berlin Station Chief, 140–141
Bourbon & Coke, 76–77
Champagne CockTail, 44–45
Champagne Cocktail, 86–87
Clover Club, 154–155
Gin & Coconut Water, 126–127
Gin Fizz, 130–131
Gin Twist, 34–35
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Hot Toddy, 158–159
House of Lords Martini, 132–133
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Negus, 32–33
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Rum & Lemon Punch, 42–43
Rum Toddy, 38–39
Sidecar, 82–83
Sonnie Boy, 170–171
Spiked Lemonade, 164–165
Tequila Sunrise, 142–143
Tom Collins, 116–117
Very Dry Martini, 96–97
Vodka & Coke, 168–169
Vodka Tonic, 178–179
Webster F. Street LayAway Plan, 104–105
Whiskey Cock-Tail, 152–153
Whiskey Sour, 122–123
Lillet Blanc
Vesper Martini, 100–101
limes/lime juice
Cosmopolitan, 180–181
Daiquiri, 110–111
Frozen Daiquiri, 124–125
Gimlet, 102–103
Gin & Tonic, 134–135
Gin Rickey, 64–65
Margarita, 174–175
Pompier, 160–161
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Vodka & Coke, 168–169
Vodka Tonic, 178–179
Lolita (Nabokov), 106–107
London, Jack, 156–157
Long Good-Bye, The (Chandler), 102–103
Love in the Ruins (Percy), 130–131
Mailer, Norman, 140–141
Manhattan, 74–75
Mansfield Park (Austen), 32–33
Margarita, 174–175
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 38–39
House of Lords Martini, 132–133
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Very Dry Martini, 96–97
Vesper Martini, 100–101
May Queen, 88–89
McCullers, Carson, 170–171
metric conversions, 182
Brandy Eggnog, 148–149
Absinthe Shaken, 90–91
Brandy Smash, 48–49
Green Swizzle, 60–61
Mint Julep, 62–63
Pineapple Rum, 36–37
Sherry Cobbler, 46–47
Spiked Lemonade, 164–165
Wine Infused with Mint, Thyme & Sage, 16–17
Nabokov, Vladimir, 106–107
Negus, 32–33
Apple Hot Toddy, 150–151
Brandy Alexander, 120–121
Caudle, 146–147
Lamb’s Wool, 26–27
Old Fashioned, 118–119
On the Road (Kerouac), 108–109
onion, pickled
Gibson, 114–115
orange blossom water
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
orange liqueur
Margarita, 174–175
orange peels/zest
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Stone-Fence, 30–31
oranges/orange juice
Bronx Cocktail, 66–67
Hock & Seltzer, 84–85
Old Fashioned, 118–119
Screwdriver, 176–177
Sherry Cobbler, 46–47
Tequila Sunrise, 142–143
Osborne, Charles, 72–73
Our Man in Havana (Greene), 110–111
pepper, black
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
pepper, cayenne
Satan’s Whisker, 72–73
pepper, long
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
Pepys, Samuel, 26–27
Perceval, the Story of the Grail (Troyes), 22–23
Percy, Walker, 130–131
Peychaud, Antoine Amédée, 12
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), 36–37
Piment (Spiced White Wine), 22–23
Pin, 106–107
pineapples/pineapple juice
Pin, 106–107
Pineapple Rum, 36–37
Singapore Sling, 128–129
Pink Gin, 80–81
Playback (Chandler), 114–115
Poe, Edgar Allan, 148–149
Pompier, 160–161
Negus, 32–33
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Wine Spodiodi, 108–109
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
Postman Always Rings
Twice, The (Cain), 76–77
Pynchon, Thomas, 116–117, 122–123, 142–143
Pynson, Richard, 24–25
Rabbit, Run (Updike), 118–119
Rabbit Is Rich (Updike), 136–137
Ramos Gin Fizz, 166–167
Clover Club, 154–155
Hock & Seltzer, 84–85
Rob Roy, Sweet, 138–139
Rose Petal Wine, 20–21
Alexandra, 92–93
Brandy Eggnog, 148–149
Daiquiri, 110–111
Eye-Opener, 50–51
Frozen Daiquiri, 124–125
Green Swizzle, 60–61
Hangman’s Blood, 70–71
Pineapple Rum, 36–37
Rum & Lemon Punch, 42–43
Rum Toddy, 38–39
“Rummy Affair of
Old Biffy, The”
(Wodehouse), 60–61
Rushdie, Salman, 178–179
rye whiskey
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Manhattan, 74–75
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
Sage, Wine Infused with Mint, Thyme &, 16–17
Saint Ronan’s Well (Scott), 34–35
Salinger, J. D., 96–99
Satan’s Whisker, 72–73
Scorpion I, 16–17
Scotch whisky
Berlin Station Chief, 140–141
Scotch & Soda, 98–99
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Scott, Walter, 34–35
Screwdriver, 176–177
Shakespeare, William, 146–147
Sherry Cobbler, 46–47
Sonnie Boy, 170–171
Sidecar, 82–83
Singapore Sling, 128–129
“Small Rain, The” (Pynchon), 116–117
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Sonnie Boy, 170–171
Spiked Lemonade, 164–165
star anise
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
Steinbeck, John, 94–95, 104–105
Stinger, 136–137
Stone-Fence, 30–31
Beer Milkshake, 94–95
May Queen, 88–89
Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway), 68–69
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Sweet Thursday (Steinbeck), 104–105
“Sympathy in White Major” (Larkin), 134–135
Sonnie Boy, 170–171
Margarita, 174–175
Tequila Sunrise, 142–143
Thin Man, The (Hammett), 78–79
This Is the Boke of Cokery, 24–25
Thompson, Hunter S., 128–129
Three Act Tragedy (Christie), 80–81
Thyme & Sage, Wine Infused with Mint,, 16–17
Tom Collins, 116–117
Trinity Town (Collins), 82–83
triple sec
Cosmopolitan, 180–181
Troyes, Chrétien de, 22–23
Uncle Fred in the Springtime (Wodehouse), 88–89
vermouth, dry
Bronx Cocktail, 66–67
Clover Club, 154–155
Gibson, 114–115
House of Lords Martini, 132–133
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Pompier, 160–161
Very Dry Martini, 96–97
vermouth, sweet
Bronx Cocktail, 66–67
Knickerbocker Martini, 78–79
Manhattan, 74–75
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Very Dry Martini, 96–97
Vesper Martini, 100–101
Cosmopolitan, 180–181
Screwdriver, 176–177
Spiked Lemonade, 164–165
Vesper Martini, 100–101
Vodka & Coke, 168–169
Vodka Tonic, 178–179
White Angel, 112–113
Waugh, Evelyn, 92–93
Webster F. Street LayAway Plan, 104–105
Berlin Station Chief, 140–141
Boilermaker, 172–173
Horse’s Neck, 156–157
Manhattan, 74–75
Scotch & Soda, 98–99
Sweet Rob Roy, 138–139
Whiskey & Soda, 56–57
Whiskey Cock-Tail, 152–153
Whiskey Sour, 122–123
Wine Spodiodi, 108–109
see also bourbon
White, E. B., 160–161
White Angel, 112–113
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee), 120–121
Williams, Tennessee, 166–167
Caudle, 146–147
Conditum Paradoxum (Surprise Wine), 18–19
Rose Petal Wine, 20–21
Wine Infused with Mint, Thyme & Sage, 16–17
wine, red
Hippocras (Mulled Red Wine), 24–25
Smoking Bishop, 40–41
wine, sparkling
Champagne CockTail, 44–45
Champagne Cocktail, 86–87
Death in the Afternoon, 162–163
wine, white
Hock & Seltzer, 84–85
Piment (Spiced White Wine), 22–23
Wine Spodiodi, 108–109
Yeats, William Butler, 154–155