Ibn Saud, 563–64, 568, 677

Iceland, 256, 527, 625

the Immortals, 220

impeachment, 204, 257, 524, 592, 644, 802, 808, 891, 932

imperialism. See specific countries and regions

imperial preference system, 144, 167, 302, 580

imperial presidency, 8, 346, 537, 588, 760, 812, 817, 828, 916

impressment of sailors, 116–19, 125, 130, 233

improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 955–56

independence movements. See specific countries

Index, 235

India: and the American Civil War, 236

and China, 681

and the Cold War, 679

and decolonization, 571–72

and military aid, 713

and the neutralist movement, 652

and the new international system, 961

and Nixon, 789–90

and nuclear arms controls, 755

and Pakistan, 680–81, 712–13, 788–90, 808

and the Paris Peace Conference, 426

and the Seven Years' War, 14

and the Soviet Union, 789

Indiana, 95

Indian Territory, 235

Indochina, 530, 531, 572, 573–74, 634, 641, 647, 660, 661, 806. See also Vietnam

Vietnam War

Indonesia, 170, 634–35, 693

industrialization, 135, 177, 182, 285, 302

inflation, 811, 820

The Influence of Seapower upon History (Mahan), 303

The Inquiry, 419

Institute for Inter-American Affairs, 557

Insular Cases, 364

Insurgente (ship), 87

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 774, 818

intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF), 720, 868–69, 896–97

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank), 580, 902

International Business Machines (IBM), 447, 462

International Harvester, 466

internationalism: and Acheson-Lilienthal Plan, 607

and Bush (G. W.), 938–39

and Clinton, 931

and collective security, 502

and Congressional power struggles, 814, 852

and economic nationalism, 412

and Eisenhower, 649

and Ford, 812, 814

and Foreign Affairs, 441

and the Gilded Age, 271, 297

and the Great Depression, 486

and Hoover, 478–79

and Jefferson, 66

and Kellogg, 443

and Madison, 66

and neutrality, 509

and nuclear arms reduction, 690

and the peace movement, 358, 504–6

and Powell, 938

and Reagan, 864

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 512, 518, 520, 521, 541, 543

and Roosevelt (T.), 348

and Truman, 589

and U.S. culture, 341

and Wilson, 382, 407, 427–28, 433, 482

and the Wise Men, 612

and the World Court, 451–52

and World War I, 406–7

and World War II, 439

International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, 620–21

international law. See specific agreements and institutions

International Monetary Fund, 580

International Telephone and Telegraph, 447, 463, 687, 787

International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 934

Internet, 948, 959

intifada, 880, 899, 936

investment capital, 447

Iran: and arms sales, 799, 847, 878

and the "axis of evil," 943

and the Baghdad Pact, 673

and Bush(G. W.), 946–47

and Carter, 847–50

and the Cold War, 606, 671–73

hostage crisis, 847–51, 858–59, 860, 888

and human rights abuses, 846

Iran-Iraq War, 878, 879–80, 898, 899

and the Iraq War, 958–60

and the Nixon Doctrine, 798–99

and the Persian Gulf War, 911

revolutions, 339, 848–50

and the Six-Day War, 759

Soviet influence in, 601

and the "three pillar" policy, 750–51

U.S. nation-building in, 564–67

Iran-Contra scandal, 865, 866, 891, 897, 915

"Irangate," 878–79

Iraq: and al Qaeda, 955

and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 960

and the "axis of evil," 943

and the Baghdad Pact, 673

and the Eisenhower Doctrine, 678

and international terrorism, 941, 959

and the Iran-Iraq War, 878, 879–80, 898, 899

and the Iraq War, 4, 945–51, 951–61, 961–64

and multinational corporations, 448

oil resources, 448, 562

Osiraq nuclear installation, 872

and Persian Gulf War, 901, 908–12, 911, 917, 922–23

Iraq Syndrome, 958

Iraq War, 4, 945–51, 951–61, 961–64

Ireland, 192, 215, 404, 424, 425

ironclad warfare, 245

Iron Curtain speech, 605

Iroquois Confederacy, 24, 43

Irreconcilables, 429, 430, 433, 452

Isaacson, Walter, 702, 796

Ishii, Kikujiro, 385

Islam: and Afghanistan, 853

and the Balkans conflict, 924, 929–30, 932

and Christian missionaries, 159, 273–74, 561

and clash of civilizations, 653

conflict with Hindus, 571

and the Eisenhower Doctrine, 678

and globalization, 919–20

and the intifada, 936

and Iranian Revolution, 847–49

and the Iraq War, 954–55, 958–59

and Lebanon conflict, 873

and pan-Arabism, 680, 749

and Qaddafi, 876

and the Roosevelt-Saud meeting, 569

and the Taliban, 884

and terrorism, 940

and the Tripolitan War, 39, 98, 101

and the U.S. military, 565

Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 626

isolationism: and Bush (G. W.), 939–40

and communication advances, 336

and economic crises, 486

and the Gilded Age, 271–72

and globalization, 921

and Jefferson, 96

myths and misconceptions, 1, 482

and NATO, 626

unilateralism contrasted with, 6

and Vietnam, 765, 811

and Washington, 83

and World War I, 406–7

and World War II, 502–6, 518, 525, 526, 536, 538, 594

Israel, 874

Arab-Israeli negotiations, 922–23

and Carter, 840–41

and the Cold War, 671, 673–79

and Egypt, 840–42

and the Jordanian crisis, 800–801

and Kennedy, 713–14, 746

and Lebanon, 872–73, 875

and Libya, 876

and Nixon, 799, 807

and nuclear weapons, 746, 749–50, 755

and the October War, 804–6

and the Oslo Accords, 935

and the Persian Gulf War, 909

and Reagan, 878–80

and the Six Day War, 746–51, 750

and the Soviet Union, 658

and the Suez Crisis, 674–76

and terrorism, 940

U.S. arms sales to, 871–72

and the Yom Kippur War, 804–6

Italian immigrants, 283

Italo-Ethiopian War, 505–7

Italy: and air power, 515

and the American Civil War, 243

and the Cold War, 615

colonialism, 268

and the Five-Power Treaty, 454

and French imperialism, 225

impact of World War II, 596

and Italian immigrants, 283–84

ItaloEthiopian conflict, 503

and the Locarno conference, 460

and the London Agreements, 669

and the Marshall Plan, 618, 621

and the Munich crisis, 513–14

and nation-building, 224

and NATO, 626

and the Paris Peace Conference, 422

and post-war settlements, 582, 601

power of, 267

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 509

and the Spanish Civil War, 508

and U.S. expansionism, 297, 305

and U.S. philanthropy, 343

and war debts, 462

and World War I, 424, 425, 437

and World War II, 531, 552, 553, 554, 559

Iwo Jima, 694

J. P. Morgan & Co., 276

Jackson, Andrew: and Britain, 167–68

and the Democratic Party, 181

and diplomatic representatives, 164–65

and elections, 164–75

and foreign policy style, 165–66, 179

and gun-boat diplomacy, 170–71

and Native Americans, 131–33, 146–48, 172–73

and the Panama Congress, 162–63

and partisanship, 140

and Texas, 173–75, 194, 195

and trade issues, 144, 166–71

and U.S. expansionism, 149, 171–75

and the War of 1812, 133

and the West Indies, 167–68

Jackson, Andrew (freed slave), 240

Jackson, C. D., 664, 665

Jackson, Francis James, 122–23

Jackson, Henry "Scoop," 691, 803–4, 817–20, 827–29, 831, 849–50, 868

Jackson-Vanik amendment, 803–4, 805, 840, 904, 908

Jacobins, 72

Jagan, Cheddi, 718

Jamaica, 343, 387

James, Henry, 340, 345

James, William, 323

Japan: and the Amau Doctrine, 503

and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 453

and arms reduction, 452, 453, 454–55, 456, 480

and Britain, 213–14

and Carter, 834

and China, 268, 302, 317, 331, 334, 384–85, 510–12, 530–31, 534–36, 576–77, 630

and Clinton, 936

and the Council of Foreign Ministers, 602

diplomatic service in, 279–80

and dollar diplomacy, 375–76

economic power of, 884–85

and Eisenhower, 693–95, 700

growth of, 303

and Hawaii, 306, 317, 355

and Hitler, 513

and human rights, 353

and immigration legislation, 467–68

impact of World War II, 596

and imperialism, 338

and Indochinese colonies, 572–73, 573–74

and interwar years, 439

and isolationism, 209, 502

and Korea, 640, 646

and Manchuria, 449, 464, 486–91, 487

and the Marco Polo Bridge incident, 510–11

and the Meiji Restoration, 224, 268

and missionaries, 274

modernization of, 273

as nation-state, 224

naval power, 362

and Nixon, 761, 778–79, 783–85

and nuclear weapons, 591, 694

opening of, 212–14

and the Paris Peace Conference, 421

Pearl Harbor attack, 6

and the Philippines, 355

postwar occupation of, 633–34, 637

power of, 268

and race issues, 351, 355

and racism, 355–57

reconstruction, 634

and regional hegemony, 437

revolutions, 383

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 496, 509

Russo-Japanese War, 359–62, 486

Sino-Japanese war, 510–12

sovereignty restored, 646–47

and trade, 209–10

and Truman, 650

and U.S. exports, 446

and U.S. investment capital, 447

and Vietnam, 661, 744–45, 783

Western influences, 177

and World War I, 384–85

and World War II, 529–32, 534–35, 540, 548, 554–55, 579, 579, 586, 591–93, 596

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 905, 906

Java, 539

Jay, John: and the Barbary states, 39

and diplomatic negotiations, 29–33

and expansionism, 41, 46–48, 49

as foreign affairs secretary, 35–36

and Native Americans, 45

and trade conflicts, 75–76, 77, 78–81

Jay Treaty, 7, 78–81, 85, 89, 115, 358, 427

jazz music, 668

Jefferson, Thomas: and Anglophobia, 118

and the Barbary states, 39–40

and the Constitutional Convention, 51

death of, 158–59

and enlightened diplomacy, 3

and European wars, 68

and expansionism, 49–50, 101–14, 138, 182

foreign policy legacy, 64–67, 92, 93–94, 272, 963

foreign policy style, 95

and France, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 391

and Genet, 71–73

and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 112

and maritime conflicts, 115, 116, 117–19, 121

and the Model Treaty, 17

and nationalism, 50–51

and Native Americans, 124

and neutral rights, 69, 70

and political parties, 64

and republicanism, 65–66, 96–97

and slave revolts, 63

and the State Department, 58

trade and commerce issues, 38–39, 67, 79, 137, 142

and the Tripolitan War, 98–101

and U.S. exceptionalism, 4–5

and U.S. imperialism, 2

and the War of 1812, 127

Jeffersonians, 72

Jerusalem, 935–36, 960 "Jewish Question," 285

Jews and Judaism: and anti-Semitism, 351–52, 516, 567, 568, 799

and the Holocaust, 567–68, 598, 629

Jewish-Americans, 568

and Nazi Germany, 516–17, 518

and Russia/Soviet Union, 284–85, 351–53, 803–4, 818, 897–98

and World War I, 399

Jiménez, Marcus Pérez, 684

jingoism, 279, 283, 293, 302, 313


John Paul II, 881

Johns Hopkins University, 441

Johnson, Andrew, 251, 252, 254, 256, 258

Johnson, Hiram, 429, 504

Johnson, Louis, 638

Johnson, Lyndon Baines: and ABM systems, 774

background, 729–30

and the Berlin Wall, 710

and the Bricker Amendment, 657

De Gaulle on, 729

and detente, 731, 808

and Ford, 813

and Latin America, 732–36, 759

and the Middle East, 746–51, 758, 759

and Nixon, 757

and race issues, 762

and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, 756

and Vietnam, 702, 731–32, 735–36, 736–45, 746–47, 749, 751–52, 754, 755–56, 757–59

Johnson Act, 504, 525

John XXIII, 885

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): creation and role of, 544

and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 721

and Kennedy, 704

and the Korean War, 641, 642, 644

and Laos, 708

and the National Security Act (1947), 614

and Nixon, 764, 803

and the Powell Doctrine, 875, 922

and the Soviet Union, 609

and Vietnam, 738, 767

Jones, Jesse, 543

Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, 141, 197

Jones Act, 367

Jordan, 750, 874

and Bin Laden, 940

and the Iraq War, 958

and the Lebanon crisis, 678–79

and Libya, 876

military aid to, 677, 746–47

and Nixon, 807

and the PLO, 800–801

and Reagan, 871

and the Yemen civil war, 713–14

Jordan, Michael, 918–19

Josef, Franz, 251

Juan de Fuca Strait, 192

Juarez, Benito, 252

Jusserand, Jules, 6, 345, 361

just-war, 934

Kagan, Robert, 944

Kahn, Ayub, 681

Kalakaua, 262

Kamehameha II, 208, 209

Kansas, 215

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 239

Kaplan, Lawrence, 57

Karnow, Stanley, 366

Kashmir, 681, 789

Katsura Taro, 362

Kearney, Stephen, 200

Keegan, John, 934

Kellogg, Frank B., 442–43, 444, 451, 469–70, 473, 476, 477–78

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 443, 477–78, 481, 489–90

Kemmerer, Edwin, 443, 463, 471

Kennan, George, 285, 333–34

Kennan, George F., 583, 602, 604–5, 610, 612, 622, 625, 627, 709

Kennedy, David, 549–50, 594

Kennedy, Edward, 775, 820, 831, 851

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 727–28

Kennedy, John F.: and the Alliance for Progress, 689, 716–19, 732–33, 735, 786–87

and anti-Communism, 704, 724

assassination, 724, 727–28

background, 702–3

and China, 726

and Clinton, 928

and the Cold War, 6–7, 704–5

and detente, 808

idealism, 703

and internationalism, 702

Kennedy Doctrine, 718

and Khrushchev, 708–10

and Latin America, 705–8, 716–19, 719–25

and missile gap, 691, 699

and Nixon, 763

and the Third World, 711–19

and Vietnam, 703, 708, 712, 726–29, 736

Kennedy, Paul, 494, 653, 758

Kennedy, Robert, 703, 722, 730, 751

Kenner, Duncan, 249

Kent, Sherman, 543

Kent State University, 769

Kentucky, 24, 61, 95, 126, 128, 239

Kerry, John, 949

Key, Francis Scott, 130

Keynes, John Maynard, 420

Khan, Yahya, 789

Khmer Rouge, 769, 846, 882

Khomeini, Ruhollah, 848, 850, 859, 878

Khrushchev, Nikita: and the Bay of Pigs invasion, 707

Cold War philosophy, 667

and the Cuban Missile crisis, 719–25

and Eisenhower, 697–99

and the Geneva Summit, 670

and Hungary, 666

and Kennedy, 705, 708–10

and nuclear weapons, 696–97

and Poland, 665–66

retirement, 730

and Southeast Asia, 681

and the Suez Crisis, 676, 677

and the Taiwan Straits crisis, 693

and the United Nations, 699

visit to the U.S., 697–98, 839

and West Berlin, 695–96

Kimball, Warren, 546, 553, 570, 574, 584

Kim Il-Sung, 639, 640, 645, 650

Kindelberger, Charles, 485

King, Ernest, 550–51, 581

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 682, 751, 833

King, Rufus, 53

Kingdom of Naples, 23, 166

Kipling, Rudyard, 323

Kirk, Alexander, 563

Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 884, 886

Kishi Nokosuke, 695

Kissinger, Henry A.: and Angola, 824–25

and arms control, 794–95, 819

background, 762

and Bush (G. W.), 939

and Cambodia, 823–24

and Carter, 846

and China, 804, 903

and congressional powers, 814–15, 818

and the Cyprus conflict, 816–17

and Ford, 813, 828

foreign policy legacy, 808–9, 963

and the Grand Design, 770–79

and the Helsinki summit, 827

and the Iranian Revolution, 849

and Japan, 784

and the Middle East, 798–801, 805–6

and Nixon, 763–64

and the NSC, 764, 865

and the October War, 805–6

and Ostpolitik, 781

and Reagan, 828–29

realism of, 5–6

and the Third World, 786

and U.S. policy revision, 759, 760

and Vietnam, 755, 765–70, 796–97, 821, 823

and Watergate, 803

Klopsch, Louis, 343

Knights of Columbus, 475–76

Knowland, William, 646–47

Knox, Frank, 520

Knox, Henry, 44, 60, 61, 72, 269

Knox, Philander, 372–73, 375–76, 429

Koh Tang, 823–24

Kolchak, Alexander, 423

Korea, 257, 286–87, 361, 362, 377, 426, 597. See also North Korea

South Korea

Korean War: casualties, 893, 915

and the Cold War, 639–49, 658–59, 660, 665, 855–56

economic impact, 634

impact on Truman, 649–50

impact on U.S. status, 810

and Laos, 708

and the Marshall Plan, 620

and nuclear threats, 766

and public opinion, 956

settlement of, 661–62

stalemate in, 9

and U.S. East Asia policy, 630

and Vietnam, 731, 739

Korry, Edward, 787–88

Kosovo, 932–34, 938

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), 932, 934

Kossuth, Louis, 216–17

Kosygin, Alexei, 748–49, 756

Kowloon, 330

Krauthammer, Charles, 881, 921

Kristallnacht, 516

Kristol, William, 945

Kuomintang Party, 468–69, 510–11

Kurds, 912, 920, 956

Kuwait, 562, 908–9, 910–12, 911, 952

Kwantung Army, 488, 489

Kyoto Protocol, 939

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 158, 160

LaFeber, Walter, 645

Laird, Melvin, 764, 768

Lake, Anthony, 925, 926, 927, 929

Lake Champlain, 129, 130

Lake Erie, 128

Lamont, Thomas, 441, 443, 458, 468, 475, 481

Lamour, Dorothy, 558

Lane, Arthur Bliss, 596

Langer, William, 585

Lansing, Robert, 385, 404, 408–9, 419, 423, 430, 440, 464, 656

Lansky, Meyer, 686

Laos, 705, 708, 737, 740, 753, 770, 814

La Petite Democrate (ship), 71, 73

Larkin, Thomas, 197, 199

Latin America: and anti-Communism, 683–84

and Carter, 833–34, 837, 846–47

and the CIA, 684–86, 689, 705–7, 717–18, 720, 733, 786–87, 889–90

and the Cold War, 626–35, 683–89, 732, 808, 917

colonialism, 4, 154, 268

and the Columbian Exposition (1893), 300

diplomatic missions to, 140

economic crises, 684–85

fascism in, 556

and Germany, 515

and the Good Neighbor Policy, 497, 499, 556, 559–60

and Hoover, 497

and human rights, 833–34, 847

and Johnson, 732–36, 759

and Kennedy, 716–19, 728

and maritime conflicts, 119–20

and missionaries, 159, 441

and the Monroe Doctrine, 153–58, 161

and Nixon, 684, 786–88

and Reagan, 915

and the Republican era, 470–77

and republicanism, 160–61

revolutions, 144, 153, 158, 160, 383

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 498

and Roosevelt (T.), 377

and the Soviet Union, 473, 627, 686–88, 689, 699, 707–8, 717–18, 719–25

and Taft, 377

and trade with the U.S., 142, 143, 288, 447, 500–501

U.S. intervention in, 161–64

and U.S. expansionism, 145–46, 148, 293–94

and war claims disputes, 141

and Wilson, 382

and World War I, 413

and World War II, 527–29, 555, 556–59. See also specific countries

Latvia, 519

Laval, Pierre, 507

League of Nations: and domestic politics, 450–51

and European imperialism, 437

and German rearmament, 494

and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 507

and the Manchurian Crisis, 488–90, 491

negotiations for, 5, 405, 416, 420, 421, 423, 427–35

origins, 383

and Palestine, 628

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 494, 504–5, 581

and the Sino-Japanese War, 512

League of Women Voters, 452

League to Enforce Peace, 406

Leahy, William, 544, 586, 602, 610

Lebanon, 678–79, 871, 872–73, 874, 875, 877, 878, 959

LeClerc, Victor, 105

Lederer, William, 711

Le Duc Tho, 797

Lee, Arthur, 19, 20

Lee, Robert E., 241

Leeward Islands, 387

Leffler, Melvyn, 603

Legion of Merit, 683–84

LeMay, Curtis, 704, 865

Le Monde, 942

lend-lease program: administration of, 542

and China, 534

debt from, 605, 795, 818

and India, 571

and Latin America, 558

and the Middle East, 562–65

and Roosevelt (F. D.), 524–26, 549–50

and the Soviet Union, 552–53, 589–90

and trade negotiations, 580

Lenin, Vladimir, 412, 414, 464, 465, 466

Leopold II, 287

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 291

Lewinsky, Monica, 932

Lewis, Cornwall, 242–43, 244

Lewis, Meriwether, 104–5, 112

Lewis and Clark expedition, 104–5, 112–14, 113

Libby, Frederick J., 451, 452

Libby, Lewis "Scooter," 922, 939, 945

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), 694

liberation theology, 885

Liberia, 239, 275, 375, 448, 560–61

Libya, 876, 898

Life, 776

Lilienthal, David, 607

Liliuokalani, 296, 306

Lin Biao, 776

Lincoln, Abraham: and blockades, 243

and Clay, 237

and colonization programs, 238, 241

and emancipation, 241–42, 246

and emphasis on the Union, 224

Gettysburg Address, 250

and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, 239

and the Mexican-American War, 203

and the Polish rebellion, 245

and pragmatism, 5, 963

and Russia, 246

and Seward, 227, 228

and slavery, 223, 229–30, 239, 260

and the Trent affair, 233

Lind, John, 392

Lindbergh, Charles, 438–39, 477, 521, 565

Lippmann, Walter, 6, 463, 555–56, 581, 615

Lithuania, 519, 907, 908

Little Rock, Arkansas, 682

Litvinov, Maxim, 496–97

Livingston, Robert R., 26, 33, 35

Livingstone, David, 287

Locarno Conference, 460, 462

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 302, 318, 324, 350, 393, 427, 429–30, 432–34, 453

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 616, 656

Logan, George, 88

Logevall, Fredrick, 7

London, Jack, 338

London Agreements, 669

London Conference, 479–80

Long, Stephen, 151

Long Telegram, 604–5, 610

Lon Nol, 768

López, Narciso, 214, 217

Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Marquis of, 524

Louisiana, 9, 70, 73, 89–90, 91, 101–9

Louisiana Purchase, 107, 108, 137, 353

Louis XVI, 19

Lovett, Robert, 612, 639

Lowell, James Russell, 279

Loyalists, 45

Luce, Henry, 511, 574–75, 581, 594, 632

Lumumba, Patrice, 711, 715, 812

Lusitania incident, 402, 403, 406, 505

MacArthur, Douglas, 548, 550–51, 577, 633–34, 641–44, 650, 768

MacDonald, Ramsay, 486

Macdonough, Thomas, 130

Maceo, Antonio, 310

Machado, Gerardo "Butcher," 450, 498

MacLeish, Archibald, 523, 598

Macmillan, Harold, 718

Macon's Bill No. 2, 122

Madero, Francisco, 391

Madison, Dolley, 123

Madison, James: criticisms of, 123

and expansionism, 48

and the Floridas, 111, 112

foreign policy legacy, 94

and Genet, 72

on independence movements, 135–36

and Jefferson, 95, 121

and maritime conflicts, 119, 121, 122

and nationalism, 50

and Native Americans, 124–25

realism, 5

and republicanism, 65–66

and trade issues, 52, 67, 75, 79, 142

and the War of 1812, 126, 127, 129–30

and war powers, 53

Mafia, 283, 707

MAGIC intercepts, 535

Maginot Line, 519

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 280, 303, 349, 359

Maine, 129, 137, 185–86, 187, 188

Malaya, 539

Malenkov, Georgi, 658

Manchukuo, 491

Manchuria, 487

and disarmament talks, 453, 455

and economic diplomacy, 375–76, 449, 468

and the end of World War II, 592–93

and great power conflict, 486–92

Japanese domination of, 503

and the Korean War, 640, 642

and the Russo-Japanese War, 360–62

Soviet withdrawal from, 630–31

and U.S.-Soviet relations, 464, 601, 640

and World War I, 384

Mandela, Nelson, 716

Manifest Destiny: and Britain, 184–94

and Canada, 184–85, 192

and Civil War, 251

and economic power, 286

and Hawaii, 317

and Jefferson, 2

and the Louisiana Purchase, 107–9

moral component, 594, 598

and the pre-Civil War era, 180–84

and secessionism, 215

as sectional issue, 222–23

and Seward, 255

and slavery, 181, 184

and Texas, 175

and the War of 1812, 126

and the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 186

Mann, Thomas, 732–33, 735

Mann Doctrine, 733

Mao Zedong: and Chinese Civil War, 574, 577–78, 630, 631

and the Cold War, 637, 725

and Communist rebellions, 751

and the Korean War, 640, 642, 644–45, 660

and nuclear weapons, 731

on the Paris Peace Conference, 426

relations with the U.S., 776, 792

and the Soviet Union, 761

and Taiwan Straits crises, 663, 693

on Watergate, 807

Marco Polo Bridge incident, 510

Marcos, Ferdinand, 745

Marcuse, Herbert, 543

Marcy, William, 179–80, 228

Mariana Islands, 319

Marshall, George C., 542, 552–53, 598, 612, 614, 629–32, 649

Marshall, John, 59, 85, 86, 269

Marshall Plan, 617–21, 622, 632, 634, 719

Martí, José, 310, 687

Martinez, Maximiliano, 560

Martinique, 343

Marx, Karl, 179

Marxism-Leninism, 866

Maryland, 239

Masaryk, Jan, 619

Masaryk, Thomas, 418

Mason, James, 232, 234, 249

masonic lodges. See Freemasons

Massachusetts, 50

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 16

Mastny, Vojtech, 757

Matamoros, Mexico, 199

Mathews, George, 111

Matsu island, 663–64, 693, 699

Maverick, Maury, 503

Maximilian I, 251, 253

McCarthy, Joseph R., 637, 649, 657

McCarthyism, 915

McClellan, George, 241

McCloy, John J., 612, 849

McCormack, John, 525

McCormick, Joseph Medill, 430

McCoy, Frank, 474

McFarlane, Robert, 878, 879

McGillivray, Alexander, 43, 60–61

McGovern, George, 711–12, 796, 797, 860

McHenry, James, 89

McKinley, William: and Blaine, 279

and China, 331–34

and the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 326

and Cuba, 324–25

and elections, 324

and executive powers, 442

and Roosevelt (T.), 345

and the Spanish-American War, 311–14, 316, 317–22

and the Treaty of Paris, 431

and U.S. expansionism, 308–9, 336

McKinley tariff of 1890, 296

McLane, Louis, 164, 167

McNamara, Robert, 703, 714, 719, 720, 730, 735, 741, 770, 832

McPherson, Harry, 746, 759

Mead, Walter Russell, 729

Meade, Richard, 263

Mediterranean, 553–54

Meiji Restoration, 224, 268

Meir, Golda, 800

Melason, Richard, 863

Mellon, Andrew, 430

Mendes-France, Pierre, 668–69

mercantilism, 3, 12, 16, 21, 74, 77, 137, 139, 288

Merry, Anthony, 96

Metternich, Klemens Wenzel von, 156

Mexico, 885

and the American Civil War, 234–35, 238, 244, 247, 252

American economic influence, 276, 290

boundaries, 193

and British interventionism, 161–62

and Coolidge, 474–77

cultural influence, 498

economic bailout, 937

and European interventionism, 252–53

and filibusters, 214–15, 222

and France, 225, 229, 243, 244, 251–52, 252–53

and Germany, 394, 409

and the Good Neighbor Policy, 556

and Guatemala, 292

and immigration, 356

and independence movements, 135

and the Iraq War, 950, 951

and Native Americans, 44

and Nicaragua, 374, 473

and oil resources, 448, 449, 475, 527–28

and the Peace Progressives, 445

revolutionary movements, 339, 377, 378, 383, 390–98, 471, 474–76, 482

and slavery, 183

and trade agreements, 143, 288–89

and U.S. expansionism, 4, 134, 158, 171, 173–75, 181, 184–85, 189, 191–92, 251, 255, 256, 264

and U.S. interventionism, 160, 162, 164

and U.S. regional influence, 387

and the U.S.-Mexican War, 176–77, 194–207, 202, 206, 212–13

and war debts, 221

and Wilson, 415, 423, 464

and World War II, 558–59

Mexico City, 201, 251

Middle East, 874

and Bush (G. H. W.), 922–23

and Bush (G. W.), 939, 942–43, 945–51, 951–60, 960–61, 963

and Carter, 835, 840–42, 847–51, 871, 909

and Clinton, 935

and the Cold War, 671–79

and colonialism, 268, 569, 674, 676, 679, 876

and cultural globalization, 919

and decolonization, 438, 596

and Eisenhower, 671, 677, 701

and ethnic conflict, 920

and immigration, 758

and Johnson, 746–51, 758, 759

and Kennedy, 713–14, 728

and Kissinger, 805–6

and missionaries, 159, 274, 561

and neo-cons, 945

and the new world order, 961

and Nixon, 798–801, 807, 808

and oil resources, 448

and the Palestinian issue, 628–29

and the Paris Peace Conference, 418, 421

and the Persian Gulf War, 901, 908–12, 911, 917, 922–23

and postwar settlements, 561–70

and Reagan, 871–80, 915

and the Six-Day War, 746–51

and the Soviet Union, 628–29, 671–74, 675–79, 713–14, 746–49, 798, 800, 803–7, 847, 871, 873, 878, 880, 912, 923

and the Suez Crisis, 674–77

and trade agreements, 168

and Vietnam, 661, 752

and World War II, 539, 555, 595

and the Yom Kippur War, 804–6

Midway Island, 257, 579

Miles, Nelson A., 319

military-industrial complex, 700, 817

militias, 86, 128

Mill, John Stuart, 246

Millspaugh, Arthur, 566

Milosevic, Slobodan, 924, 930, 933, 934

Ming-Mang, King of Vietnam, 169

Miranda, Francisco de, 135

missile defense system, 869–71, 939, 941

missions and missionaries: and Asia, 209, 210, 211, 330, 332, 354–55

and China, 305

and Hawaii, 208, 209

and Japan, 532

and Latin America, 162

and Liberia, 561

and the Middle East, 159, 274, 561

and Oregon territory, 189

role and impact of, 273–75

and the Sino-Japanese war, 511

and the Spanish-American War, 318–19

and U.S. expansionism, 159–60

and World War I, 440–41

Mississippi, 95, 172

Mississippi River: diplomatic negotiations on, 32, 47–48, 70

and the Louisiana Purchase, 107

and the Revolutionary War, 27, 28, 30, 32

and Spain, 38

and trade issues, 38, 81

and the Transcontinental Treaty, 164

and U.S. expansionism, 46–49, 57, 67, 91, 136, 139

and the War of 1812, 129, 131

Missouri, 148, 239

Missouri Compromise, 137, 148–49, 223

Mitchell, George, 903, 935

Mitterand, François, 930

Mobile Act, 109

Mobutu, Joseph, 844–45

Model Treaty, 17, 21, 40, 413

Mogadishu, Somalia, 927

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 565, 607, 673, 847

Mohawk Indians, 43, 124

Môle St. Nicolas, 294, 388

Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, 547, 552, 589, 601–2, 622, 658

Molotov Plan, 622

Mondale, Walter, 843

monetary policy, 485, 495, 782–83

Mongolia, 468

monopolies, 411–12

Monroe, James: and the cabinet system, 140

and Clay, 160

and commercial expansion, 141–42

foreign policy legacy, 272

and the Greek crisis, 153, 155–56

on independence movements, 135–36

and Jackson, 165

and the Jay-Gardoqui talks, 47–48

and Latin America, 153–58, 161

and Louisiana, 105

and Native Americans, 172

and the Northwest Ordinance, 41

and Russia, 152

and trade negotiations, 141–42, 166, 288

and U.S. expansionism, 138, 139–40, 145, 147, 148. See also Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Doctrine: and Argentina, 171

and Brazil, 306

and Cleveland, 306–8

development of, 151–58

and Hughes, 472

and the League of Nations, 432

and Mexico, 198, 252, 253

and Napoleon III, 229

and no-transfer principle, 259

Roosevelt Corollary, 369, 370–71, 377, 497

and the Russo-Japanese War, 363

Montevideo Conference, 499–500

Montreux Convention, 609

Moore, John Bassett, 451

Moorer, Thomas, 748

Morales, Carlos, 371

Morgan, J. P., 342

Morgan, John Hunt, 253–54

Morgan, John Tyler, 267, 277, 350, 481

Morgan, Pierpont, 340

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 493, 531, 542

Morgenthau Plan, 584

Morocco, 39, 40, 98, 362–63, 424, 425

Morrow, Dwight, 476–77, 479–80, 963

Morse, Wayne, 677

Mosaddeq, Mohammad, 566, 672

most-favored nation status, 76–77, 142, 211, 212, 286, 470, 742, 840, 904, 927

MoveOn.org, 948

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 920

Mozambique, 882

Mugabe, Robert, 843–44

mujahideen, 853–54, 883

Multilateral Force (MLF), 724–25

multilateralism, 261, 295, 962, 963

multinational corporations, 447, 449, 920

multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles (MIRVs), 772, 774, 795, 818, 819

Munich Conference, 536–37, 547

Munich crisis, 513–15

Munsey's Magazine, 342

Murder in the Air (film), 869

Murphy, Robert, 596, 624

Murrow, Edward R., 523

Muscat, 169

Music USA, 668

Muslims. See Islam

Mussolini, Benito, 460, 503

Mutsu (ship), 454–55

Mutual Defense Assistance Act, 647

Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan, 663

MX mobile land-based missiles, 868