Nagasaki, Japan, 591, 593, 596, 694
Namibia, 883
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French: abdication, 129
and Britain, 114
and the Convention of 1800, 89–90
and embargoes, 119
and Louisiana, 102, 103–4, 106
and maritime conflicts, 122
Napoleonic Wars, 67–68, 115, 145
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 225, 229–30, 237, 243–45, 246, 249, 251–53
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 652, 673, 675–79, 711, 713–14, 747–49, 800, 804
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 692
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 344
National Cash Register, 462
National Council for the Prevention of War, 451
National Defense Act, 405
National Defense Education Act, 692
National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), 824, 825
National Guard, 396, 397, 405, 541, 769
nationalism. See specific countries and groups
nationalization of industries, 528, 600, 672, 675, 688, 788, 876
National Liberation Front (NLF), 726, 739–40, 752, 821
National Republicans, 137, 141
National Security Act, 614
National Security Agency (NSA), 647, 764, 891, 897
National Security Council (NSC): and Bundy, 703
and Bush (G. W.), 947
and the Department of State, 865
established, 614
and Kennedy, 705–6
and Nixon, 764
NSC-49, 637
NSC-68, 635, 638–39, 647, 659, 754, 830, 868
NSC-162/2, 660
NSC-174, 665
National Security Decision Directive 75, 867
National Security Study Memorandum 39, 791
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), 825, 883
"National War," 220
nation-states, 12–13, 267, 338
Native Americans: and the American Civil War, 235
and the American Revolution, 23–25
and the Caste War of Yucatán, 217
and the Great Lakes conflict, 73–74
and Jackson, 131–33, 146–48, 172–73
and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 112
and Louisiana, 102
and Manifest Destiny, 181
and peace negotiations, 34
resistance of, 280
and slavery, 183
and the Trail of Tears, 173
and U.S. expansionism, 4, 41–45, 46, 49, 57, 58, 59–60, 145–47, 148, 172, 269
and U.S. Indian policy, 269–70
and the War of 1812, 127, 128, 129, 131–32. See also specific tribes
naturalization, 116
Naval Appropriations Act, 452
Naval Expansion Act, 405
naval power: advocates of, 303
and arms limitation, 452–56, 479–80, 482
and Caribbean bases, 294–95, 305
and the Civil War, 247–54
commerce raiders, 247–48
and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 721
and the Cuban Revolution, 499
Dreadnought battleships, 307
and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, 738–39
and impressment of sailors, 116–19, 125, 130, 233
ironclad warfare, 245
and Japan, 362
and the Liberty incident, 748
and the Lusitania incident, 402, 403, 406, 505
and the Napoleonic Wars, 68
and neutral rights, 69
and Pacific bases, 261–62, 263, 296
and the Revolutionary War, 23
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 494
and slave trade, 186
and submarine warfare, 402, 408–9, 505, 721, 774, 795
and the Turkish crisis, 609–10
and U.S. vulnerability, 284
and the War of 1812, 127–28, 129
and World War II, 533–34. See also blockades
lend-lease program
navigation rights, 46
Near East Relief, 561
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 652, 679–80, 711, 712–13, 789
Nelson, Horatio, 40, 88, 99–100, 114
neo-conservatives, 810, 830, 886, 921, 939, 943–50, 959
neo-mercantilism, 137–38
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 935
Netherlands, 13, 23, 51, 519, 634–35
Neutrality Acts, 506–11, 517–18, 525, 534, 589
New Brunswick, 185–86, 187, 188
New Deal, 494–95, 501, 515, 546, 568, 581, 613, 703, 863
New Economic Policy, 782–83
New England, 12, 37, 120, 129, 139, 152–53
New Freedom program, 380
New Frontier program, 703, 704
New Granada, 135
New Guinea, 539
New Look program, 659, 664, 673, 690, 700, 785
New Orleans, Louisiana, 102, 103, 104, 129, 132–33, 283
New Republic, 594
newspapers, 72, 178, 235–36, 311, 428, 470, 504. See also specific publications
New York Daily News, 691
New York Evening Post, 239–40
New York Herald, 192, 248, 265, 287, 412
New York Herald-Tribune, 509, 576
New York Post, 180
New York Times, 219, 291, 678, 837–38, 845, 899, 920, 944, 948, 952
New York Tribune, 179
New Zealand, 745
Ngo Dinh Diem, 662, 726, 727, 736
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 727
Nguyen Tat Than. See Ho Chi Minh
Nguyen Van Thieu, 755, 759, 797, 802, 820, 821
and canal proposals, 219–20, 259, 291
and Carter, 885–86
cease-fire negotiation, 892–93
CIA activities in, 685
civil war, 851
and the Cold War, 887–88, 897–98, 915
coups, 500
dictators, 684
and dollar diplomacy, 374
and "Irangate," 879
and isthmian canal plans, 367, 388
and Mexico, 476
and the Peace Progressives, 445
and the Reagan Doctrine, 884, 889–90
revolution in, 857–58
U.S. withdrawal from, 473–74, 497
and U.S. expansionism, 215, 221
as U.S. protectorate, 386
Nine-Power Pact, 455, 490, 512
nitrate, 447
Nitze, Paul, 612, 628, 638–39, 754, 803, 868
Nixon, Richard M.: and ABM systems, 774, 814
and Africa, 790–91
and anti-Communism, 637
background, 763
and China, 775–79, 784–85, 791–93, 804, 903
and the Cold War, 759
economic policies, 781–83
and elections, 699
and executive powers, 760–61, 811–12, 916
foreign policy legacy, 808–9, 963
and the Grand Design, 770–79
impeachment threat, 802
and India, 789–90
and Israel, 799
and Johnson, 757
and Kissinger, 763–64
and Latin America, 684–86, 688, 786–88
and Middle East, 798–801, 807, 808
Nixon Doctrine, 785, 798–99, 801
and Pakistan, 680
and presidential pardon, 815
priorities, 779–80
and public opinion, 767, 792–93, 796
and realism, 5–6
and the Soviet Union, 794
and Vietnam, 755, 765–70, 796–97, 802, 808–9
and Watergate, 770, 801–5, 807, 809, 818, 820
and the White House tapes, 812
Nobel Peace Prize, 358, 361, 443, 780, 842
No Foreign War Crusade, 504
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 357–63, 465, 845
Nootka Sound, 67
Normandy, 579
Norodom Sihanouk, Prince, 768
Norris, George, 429
North, Frederick, Lord, 26, 29–30
North Africa, 39, 97, 268, 539, 543, 552–53, 554, 595, 601
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 926
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Able Archer exercises, 861, 896
and Afghanistan, 958
and the Balkans conflict, 930
and the Cyprus conflict, 816–17
and Eisenhower, 665
and Johnson, 742
and the Korean War, 645–46
and Kosovo, 933
origins, 625–26
and the Soviet Union, 772, 861
and Truman, 650
and West German rearmament, 668
North China, 468, 489, 503, 511
Northern Alliance, 942
North Korea, 701, 751–52, 823, 834, 936, 939, 943, 959. See also Korean War
North Pole, 215
North-South conflict, 653, 846, 860, 920
and Cambodia, 768–69
escalation of war, 726, 736, 739, 752, 793, 796, 821
and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, 738–39
and Johnson, 739–40
and Laos, 708
and peace negotiations, 766–68, 775–76, 797, 802, 820
political maneuvering, 742
and the Pueblo incident, 751–52, 823
and the Sino-Soviet rivalry, 757. See also Vietnam
Vietnam War
Northwest Company, 151
November Revolution, 415
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), 755–56, 780, 799
nuclear weapons: and the Acheson-Lilienthal Plan, 607–8
and anti-ballistic missiles (ABM), 772, 774–75, 794–95, 814
and Britain, 547, 688, 755, 866
and Bush (G. H. W.), 922
and the Cold War, 611, 635–37, 651–52, 690–91
and the Council of Foreign Ministers, 601
and the Cuban Missile crisis, 719–25, 742, 773
The Day After, 861
and espionage, 607
and Gorbachev, 914
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 774, 818
intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF), 720, 868–69, 896–97
and Iraq, 947
and Kennedy, 704–5
and missile defense, 869–71
multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles (MIRVs), 772, 774, 795, 818, 819
and mutual assured destruction, 771, 795, 855, 867, 869, 895
MX mobile land-based missiles, 868
and Nixon, 766–67
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), 755–56, 780, 799
and the October War, 805
and Okinawa bases, 784
Pershing missiles, 868
and the Potsdam Conference, 590
and Presidential Directive 59, 855–56
and Reagan, 867–69, 895, 896–97
and SALT agreements, 775, 794–95, 807, 818–19, 827, 835, 851–52, 854, 867, 868
and Sino-American relations, 903
and South Africa, 628
and the Soviet Union, 592–93, 610, 635–37, 658, 710, 755, 772–75, 867–71, 907
and the "Star Wars" program, 870–71, 895
and the Taiwan Straits crisis, 663–64, 960
and the Tehran Conference, 554
and U.S. postwar power, 594, 598
and Wallace, 611
and the Yalta Conference, 584, 588–89. See also arms control and reduction
Oates, Joyce Carol, 898
Odría, Manuel, 684
Office for the Coordination of Commercial and Cultural Relations between the American Republics, 529
Office of Facts and Figures, 542
Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations (OFRRO), 543
Office of Lend-Lease Administration (OLLA), 542
Office of Navel Intelligence, 280
Office of Policy Coordination, 622
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 542, 543
Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA), 557–58
Office of War Information (OWI), 542
Ohio River, 48
Ohlmert, Ehud, 960
oil: and Afghanistan, 853
and Angola, 824
embargoes and shortages, 448, 805–6, 811, 876
and Iran, 564–66, 606–7, 672–73, 798–99, 847, 850, 879–80
and Iraq, 879–80, 908–9, 945, 952
and Libya, 876
and Nigeria, 842
and the October War, 805
and OPEC, 850–51
and Saudi Arabia, 562
and U.S. Middle East policy, 562–69, 629, 671
whale oil, 39
Ojibwa Indians, 43
Oklahoma, 235
Olympic Games, 854
Omar, Mullah, 943
Oneida Indians, 43
One World tour, 581
On the Beach (Shute), 690
Open Door Notes, 330, 331, 333–35
Open Door policy, 446, 489–90, 549, 563, 574–75
Open Skies, 670
Operation Bugout, 642
Operation Bumpy Road, 706
Operation Desert Storm, 910, 911
Operation Duck Hook, 766–67
Operation Eagle Claw, 858
Operation Frequent Wind, 821
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 951
Operation Mongoose, 707, 720, 722
Operation PBSUCCESS, 684–85
Operation Rollback, 622
Operation Torch, 552
Operation Urgent Fury, 888
Operation Vittles, 624
opium, 210, 211, 274, 958. See also heroin
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 607
Oregon territory: and immigrants, 178
and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 114
and Manifest Destiny, 180, 181
and trade with East Asia, 189, 209
and U.S. expansionism, 134, 144, 149–51, 188–89, 189–92
Oregon Trail, 189
Organization of American States (OAS), 627, 707, 717, 732
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 850–51
Origin of Species (Darwin), 267
Orlando, Vittorio, 422
Osgood, Robert, 691
Osiraq nuclear installation, 872
Oslo Accords, 935
Ostend Manifesto, 218
O'Sullivan, John L., 180, 184–85, 191, 194, 198
Oswald, Richard, 29, 30, 31–32
Ottawa Indians, 43
Otto, Louis Guillaume, 36
Ottoman empires, 412, 418, 421, 424
Outer Mongolia, 464
Pacific Northwest, 144, 149, 152, 157, 164, 188–89. See also Oregon Territory
pacifism, 97, 385, 405, 504, 690
Pact of Paris, 478
Pakenham, Richard, 190
Pakistan: and Baghdad Pact, 673
conflict with India, 712–13, 789–90, 808
and India, 680–81
and September 11 terrorist attacks, 942
and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 853, 855, 883–84
and the Taliban, 958
and terrorism, 940
and U.S.-China relations, 777–78, 901, 942–43
Palestine: and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 749, 799–800, 841, 842, 880
and autonomy talks, 857
and Carter, 835
and peace talks, 959–69
and the Soviet Union, 923
and World War II, 555
and Zionism, 555, 562, 567, 568–69, 628–29, 835
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 747, 800, 872–73, 875–76, 899, 923, 935
Palestinian Authority, 935
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount, 222, 232, 241, 243
Pan-African Congress, 441
and decolonization, 733–34
and hemispheric security, 528
and isthmian canal plans, 219, 291, 367–69, 500
and Johnson, 758–59
and Pan-Americanism, 472
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 501
and Roosevelt (T.), 377
and Taft, 377
and U.S. interventionism, 162, 386. See also Panama Canal
Panama Canal, 386, 387, 391, 473, 733–34, 836–38, 885
Pan American Airways, 528, 878
Pan-American Pact, 382
Pan-American Union, 293
Paris Peace Talks, 755
Paris Universal Exposition, 342
Park Chung Hee, 834–35
Parker Island, 215
Pax Americana, 467
Peace Corps, 711–12
"Peace Day," 343–44
peacekeeping efforts, 423, 715, 747, 873, 927–30
peace movement, 357–63, 382, 443–44, 451, 477–78, 504
Peace of Ghent, 130
Peace of Westphalia, 12–13
Peace Progressives, 444–45, 452, 470, 474
Pearl Harbor, 6, 262, 296, 484, 535–36, 538, 541, 549–50, 574, 581, 592
Peel, Sir Robert, 186–87, 191–92
Pelosi, Nancy, 903
Peninsular Campaign of 1862, 241
Peninsular War, 128
Penkovsky, Oleg, 720
Pennsylvania, 43
Penrose, Boies, 444
Pentagon, 10, 544, 741, 937, 940. See also U.S. Department of Defense
People's Liberation Army, 902
People's Republic of China, 637, 675, 701, 765, 770, 775–79. See also China
Perdicaris, Ion, 346–47
Perle, Richard, 817, 868, 897, 945, 949
Perón, Juan, 556
Perry, Matthew, 212–13
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 128
Pershing missiles, 868
Persian Gulf, 565–66, 853, 854–56, 878–80
Persian Gulf War, 901, 908–12, 911, 917, 922–23
Petty, William, Earl of Shelburne, 29, 33, 37
Phan Boi Chau, 339
philanthropy, 342–43, 465, 561
Philip Dru: Administrator (House), 380
Philippe, Louis, 166
Philippines: and China, 329
and human rights issues, 846
and independence, 634
and Japan, 355
and the "Philippine Insurrection," 327–28
and Puerto Rico, 366
and the Russo-Japanese War, 360, 362
and the Spanish-American War, 309, 316–18, 320–24, 326–29, 335–37
and the Treaty of Paris, 320–24
as trustee-ship, 573
and U.S. imperialism, 4, 365–67
as U.S. colony, 335
and the Vietnam War, 745
and Wilson, 380
and World War II, 534, 536, 539
Philippine Sea, 579–80
Phillips, Howard, 897
Phillips, William, 572
Pickering, Timothy, 84, 87, 89
Pierce, Franklin, 215–16, 217–18
Pigtail War, 268
Pinckney, Charles C., 52, 84, 85
Pinckney, Thomas, 81
Ping-Pong diplomacy, 777
Pinkney, William, 123
piracy, 39–40, 99, 101, 141, 145, 170, 171, 230
Pitt, William the Elder, 75
Pitt, William the Younger, 38
Plains Indians, 112
Plan of 1776, 17
Platt Amendment, 325, 369, 386, 500, 687
Plimpton, George, 649
Poindexter, John, 891
Poinsett, Joel, 143, 158, 173, 234
Point Four program, 648
Poland: and the American Civil War, 244–45
and the Cold War, 585–86, 590, 608, 622, 652, 665–67, 780, 866–67, 881
economic aid to, 463
and the fall of the Soviet Union, 905–6
German invasion of, 515
independence movements, 225
and the Paris Peace Conference, 422
partition of, 51
and postwar instability, 597
and World War II, 517, 518, 519, 533, 547–48, 554, 582–83
Policy Planning Staff, 605, 638
political parties, 63–67, 72, 182, 277. See also specific parties
Polk, George, 616
Polk, James K., 179, 190–92, 194, 197–98, 199–205, 206–7, 217, 221
Polly (ship), 115
Pope, Allen, 693
Popular Front for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), 824–25
Portugal, 23, 122, 128, 425, 626, 716, 824
Powell, Colin, 875, 909, 922, 924, 929, 932, 938, 942, 946, 949–51, 959
Powers, Francis Gary, 698
Powers, Thomas, 704
Prague Spring, 756
Pravda, 856
preemptive war, 59, 527, 581, 663, 747, 939, 944, 947–48, 950
Prescott, William H., 201–2, 204
Present at the Creation (Acheson), 595
Presidential Directive 59, 855–56
presidential powers. See executive powers
imperial presidency
privateers, 70–71, 84, 87, 128, 141, 230, 231, 248
Progressive Era, 340, 363–64, 372
Project Ajax, 673
Project Democracy, 891
Project Troy, 648
Prophetstown, Indiana, 124
Prussia, 13, 23, 40, 51, 114, 253, 424
psychological warfare (psywar), 660, 664, 685, 786–87, 788
public opinion: and anti-Americanism, 131, 468, 686, 701, 743, 849, 954, 958, 962
British views on the U.S., 117
and the Cold War, 616
and conservatism, 811
and Eurocentricity, 437
and Ford, 815
impact on foreign policy, 7–8, 345
and the Iranian hostage crisis, 850, 858
and isolationism, 503–4, 514, 921
and the Jay Treaty, 78
and lend-lease, 525
manipulation of, 520
and the Marshall Plan, 619
and the Munich crisis, 514
and the Panama Canal treaty, 837
and Pearl Harbor, 550
and postwar internationalism, 581
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 520, 537
and the Sino-Japanese war, 511
and social activism, 302–3
and Truman, 649
and U.S. expansionism, 320, 323–24
and the War of 1812, 128–29
and Wilsonian internationalism, 428, 432
and World War I, 404, 405, 410
Puccini, Giacomo, 213
Puerto Rico, 387
colonial rule, 4
and the Gilded Age, 279
and the Philippines, 366
and the Roosevelt Corollary, 372
and the Spanish-American War, 315, 318–19, 320, 335
and trade agreements, 288
and U.S. expansionism, 293
and U.S. imperialism, 364–65
as U.S. colony, 335
Puget Sound, 149
Pulitzer, Joseph, 311
Puritans, 4
Pu Yi, 491
Qaddafi, Muammar el-, 876
Qavam, Ahmad, 606–7
Quakers, 359
Quasi-War, 87
Quemoy island, 663–64, 693, 699
Quitman, John, 214
race issues: and African Americans, 441
and anti-colonialism, 714–15
apartheid, 627–28, 683, 716, 842–43, 882
and the Caribbean, 389–90
and Carter, 842
and the Civil War, 176–77
and the Cold War, 626, 653, 655, 656, 681–83
and Cuba, 261
and domestic politics, 762
and emancipation, 239, 241–42, 246
hierarchy of race, 5
and immigrants, 282–85, 467–68
and imperialism, 5, 305, 306, 322
and the Korean War, 644
and Latin America, 161, 392, 472, 498
and the League of Nations, 422, 430
and Manifest Destiny, 181
and Mexico, 198, 200, 202, 204, 217
and the Middle East, 561–62
and Native Americans, 172
and Nixon, 790
and the Paris Peace Conference, 418
and the Philippines, 327, 328, 366
and propaganda, 655–56
and Puerto Rico, 364
and Roosevelt (T.), 360
and Russo-Japanese War, 339
scientific racism, 5
and segregation, 355, 389–90, 560, 655, 681–83, 715, 758, 842–43
and social changes, 302
and the Spanish-American War, 320–21
and U.S. expansionism, 260
and U.S. immigration, 351–57
and U.S. imperialism, 305, 306
and U.S. isolationism, 440
and Vietnam, 822
and Wilson, 381
and the Young America movement, 214
Radford, Charles, 790
Radical Republicans, 251
Radio Free Europe (RFE), 648–49, 665, 667, 756
Radio Liberation, 665
railroads, 178–79, 215, 219, 236, 262, 268–69, 282, 375–76, 488
Randolph, John, 110, 163, 164–65
Rangoon, 539
Reagan, Nancy, 865, 895, 896, 897
Reagan, Ronald: and anti-Communism, 914
background, 862–63
and China, 776, 778–79, 840, 901
and the Cold War, 861–62, 893–99
and Eastern Europe, 828–29
and executive powers, 916
foreign policy legacy, 963
foreign policy style, 862–71
and the Helsinki summit, 827–28
and the Iran-Contra scandal, 865, 866
and the Iranian hostage crisis, 860
and Kissinger, 828–29
and the Middle East, 871–80, 915
and nuclear weapons, 867–69, 895, 896–97
and the Panama Canal treaty, 837
Reagan Doctrine, 865–66, 881–93
and the Soviet Union, 862, 863–67, 881–88, 893–99
and Taiwan, 778
and U.S. exceptionalism, 4
reciprocal trade agreements, 142, 288, 296, 500–501
Red and Black Books, 419
Red Army, 548, 554, 579, 584, 601
Red Cross. See American Red Cross
Red Sea Regatta, 747
religion: and anti-Communism, 654–55
and the Gilded Age, 283
and imperialism, 304
and the Mexican-American War, 203
religious conflict, 571, 873, 924, 957
religious revival, 654–55
religious right, 812
and the Second Great Awakening, 159
and U.S. expansionism, 139
and Wilson, 379, 381–82. See also Catholicism
Remington, Frederic, 311
Remington Rand, 447
reparations, 421, 448, 456–58, 461, 480–81
Republican Guard, 910, 911–12, 953
Republican Party (Jeffersonian): and conflicts with France, 82, 86
and the Louisiana Purchase, 109
and Native Americans, 125
origins, 72
and trade conflicts, 78–80, 81
and U.S. expansionism, 106
and the War of 1812, 126–27, 132
Republican Party (modern): accomplishments of, in 1920s, 482–83
and anti-Communism, 658
and arms control, 803
and China/U.S relations, 779
and the Chinese civil war, 632, 636
and the Civil War, 237
and Clinton, 935
and collective security, 436
and disarmament, 439
and European reconstruction, 456, 457, 461
and foreign trade, 276
and the Gilded Age, 277–78
and the Great Depression, 479
and Kennedy, 704
and Kissinger, 763
and the Korean War, 660–61
and the League of Nations, 429, 430, 432–33
and Manifest Destiny, 222
and the Marshall Plan, 619
and the Pact of Paris, 478
and the Peace Progressives, 444–45
and race issues, 260
and Roosevelt (T.), 346
and Root, 348
and slavery, 222–23
and the Spanish-American War, 311
and trade agreements, 288
and Truman, 644
and U.S. expansionism, 260, 308–9
and Vietnam, 738
and Wilson, 419
and World Court, 451
and World War I, 403, 405, 416
Republic of Biafra, 790–91
Republic of China, 384, 619. See also Taiwan
Republic of Texas, 175
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), 504
Revolution in Military Affairs, 933–34
Rhineland, 512
Rhodesia, 843–44
Rice, Condoleezza, 904, 907, 938–39, 943, 947, 950, 959–60
Richards, William, 208
Rickover, Hyman, 831
Ridgway, Matthew, 644
Rio Pact, 626–27 Risorgimento, 225
Rives, William Cabell, 164, 166, 167
RMS Falaba, 402
RMS Lusitania, 402, 403, 406, 505
Roberts, Edmund, 168–69
Robeson, Paul, 441
Roche, John, 747
Rockefeller, John D., 276
Rockefeller, Nelson, 529, 557, 762, 828
Rockefeller Foundation, 845
Rockhill, W. W., 331
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of, 29–30
Rodney, Thomas, 141
Roebuck, J. A., 244
Rogers, Will (humorist), 461
Rogers, William, 764, 768, 777, 779, 792
Rogers Act, 443
Rogers Plan, 800
Roland, Charles, 234
Rolling Thunder campaign, 739
Roman Catholicism. See Catholicism
Romania, 422, 424, 425, 517, 582, 583, 601, 603, 756, 777, 906
Roosevelt, Alice, 362
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: and advisors, 541–42, 544
and Africa, 560–61
and China, 574–78
and cross-Channel attack plans, 551–54
death of, 587
and decolonization, 569–74, 634
and destroyers-bases deal, 522–23, 524
and domestic issues, 484, 492–94
and election campaign of 1940, 523
and executive power, 588
foreign policy legacy, 546, 587–88
and German Jews, 516–17
and the Good Neighbor policy, 497–501, 529, 555–60, 716
and impact of World War II, 538
Japan and Pacific theaters, 529–32, 534–36, 551
and Latin America, 470, 472, 473, 497–501, 528, 555–60
and the lend-lease program, 524–26, 534, 542, 549–50, 552, 553, 558, 562, 564, 565, 571, 580
and the Middle East, 561–69
and the Morgenthau Plan, 584
and the Munich settlement, 513–15
and neutrality policy, 504–12, 517–19, 525, 528–29, 534, 536, 537
new agencies established by, 542–43
and the outbreak of World War II, 517–18
and the postwar international order, 579–80, 582–85
and public support, 520–22, 527, 529
and rearmament, 519–20, 541, 550
Roosevelt Doctrine, 524
and the scope of national security, 526–27
and the Soviet Union, 495–96, 532–33, 547, 549, 552, 554, 583, 586–87
and the State Department, 541, 542
and Truman, 588–89, 592, 598, 599
and the USS Greer, 533–34
and war aims, 548–49
and the World Economic Conference, 494–95
and the Yalta Conference, 584–87
Roosevelt, Kermit, 673
Roosevelt, Theodore: on Adee, 279
and Asia, 354–57
background, 344–45
and elections, 379
FDR contrasted with, 501
and foreign aid, 343
foreign policy legacy, 376–77
foreign policy style, 345–50
and the Gentleman's Agreement, 356, 416, 440, 468
and gunboat diplomacy, 735
and isthmian canal plans, 326, 367, 368–69
and the Lusitania, 402
and McKinley's assassination, 336
and the Monroe Doctrine, 369–72
on the National Defense Act, 405
and naval power, 494
and peace efforts, 358–63
and the Philippine War, 328, 329, 339
and presidential powers, 381, 427, 442
and Reagan, 864
and reparation payments, 382
and Russia, 351–52
and the Spanish-American War, 316, 318
and Taft, 374–75
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 369, 370–71, 377, 497
Root, Elihu: background, 348
on Coolidge, 442
and Council of Foreign Relations, 441
and expansionism, 324
foreign policy legacy, 963
and internationalism, 406, 435, 442, 451
on McKinley, 312
and modernization efforts, 348–50
and the Nine-Power Treaty, 455
and the Panama Canal, 369
and the peace movement, 357–59
and Puerto Rico, 364
and the Roosevelt Corollary, 371
and Russia, 414
and the Russo-Japanese War, 360, 362
and war debts, 481
and the "Wise Men," 612
and the World Court, 452
Ross, Edward, 346
Rothschild, Carl Meyer von, 266
Rove, Karl, 946
Royal Navy, 116–17, 128, 135, 151, 177, 510
Rumsfeld, Donald, 813, 828, 938–39, 942, 944–47, 949–50, 952–54, 957
Rush, Richard, 154
Rush-Bagot agreement, 149
Rusk, Dean, 703, 706, 714, 721, 730, 748, 751, 756
Rusk, Jeremiah, 290
Russell, Jonathan, 123, 221, 231–32, 242, 244
Russell, Richard, 734
Russia: and the American Civil War, 228–29, 235, 243–44, 245–46, 250
American diplomats in, 36
and the Balkans conflict, 934
and the breakup of the Soviet Union, 913
and Britain, 177
and citizen activism, 343
and diplomatic representatives, 164, 168, 237
and dollar diplomacy, 376
and European rivalries, 13
famine, 275–76
and France, 122
and Hungary, 216
and Iran, 565
and Iraq, 950
and Japan, 534
and Jewish immigrants, 284–85, 351–53
and the Mexican Revolution, 476
and the Monroe Doctrine, 151–52
and Napoleon, 114
and nationalism, 962
and neutral shipping, 23
and new international system, 961
and the Paris Peace Conference, 422–23
and persecution of Jews, 284–85, 351–53, 803–4, 818, 897–98
and the Russo-Japanese War, 358–62
and terrorism, 942
and trade negotiations, 141, 142, 464–66
tsarist government, 343
and Turkey, 160
and U.S. expansionism, 149, 189, 257
and the War of 1812, 125
and World War I, 398, 399, 411, 413, 414–15, 424, 437
and World War II, 548, 550, 553–54. See also Soviet Union
Russian-American Company, 152, 157, 257
Russo-Japanese War, 339, 359–60, 486
Rutland, Robert, 126
Sacramento Union, 356
Safire, William, 914
Saint-Domingue, 62–63, 87, 103, 105–7, 110. See also Haiti
Sakharov, Andrei, 897
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Marquess of, 307–8
SALT talks. See Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT)
Salvador, 387
Samana Bay, 256–57, 259–60, 295
Sánchez, Oscar Arias, 892–93
Sandinistas, 858, 886, 889, 890, 892–93
Sandino, César Augusto, 474, 858
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 174, 196, 200–201, 204, 205
Santo Domingo, 225, 257, 288, 295, 305. See also Dominican Republic
Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 677
Saudi Arabia, 874
and Iran, 960
and the Iran-Contra scandal, 891
and Nixon, 807
and the October War, 805
and oil, 562–64
and the Palestinian issue, 568
and the Persian Gulf War, 909–10, 911
and the Six-Day War, 759
and U.S. Middle East policy, 677, 750–51, 798
and Yemen civil war, 713–14
and the Yom Kippur War, 804–5
Savimbi, Jonas, 883
Schiff, Jacob, 352
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 482, 543
Schofield, John, 253
School of the Americas, 719
Schroeder, Gerhard, 938
Schurmann Commission, 366
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 565
Scott, Hugh, 812
Scott, Winfield, 185, 186, 201, 204
Scottish Enlightenment, 16
Scowcroft, Brent, 828, 901–4, 909–10, 912, 914, 926, 948
Scrymers, James, 276
Second Great Awakening, 159
Second New Deal, 505
Secord, Richard, 891
Sedition Acts, 87
segregation, 355, 389–90, 560, 655, 681–83, 715, 758, 842–43
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 296, 476, 490, 931
separation of powers, 8, 51–53
September 11 terrorist attacks, 10, 917, 938, 939–42
Serbia, 398, 424, 920, 924, 931, 932–34 Seven Days in May (film), 703
Seven Years' War, 14–15, 25, 102
Seward, William Henry: and Alaska, 251
background, 227
and the Civil War, 230, 231–33, 237, 241, 242, 247
and colonization programs, 238
and convergence theory, 255
and emancipation, 239
and Fenians (Irish expatriates), 254
foreign policy style, 227–28
and Mexico, 252–53
and the Polish rebellion, 245
and the Republican Party, 278
and slavery, 239
and the Trent affair, 233
Shamir, Yitzhak, 923
Shandong province, 421, 429, 455
Shanghai Communiqué, 792
Sharon, Ariel, 935–36
Sharpsburg, Maryland, 241
Shays's Rebellion, 50–51
Sheffield, James, 475–76
Sheffield, John Holroyd, Earl of, 35, 37
Shelburne. See Petty, William, Earl of Shelburne
Shevardnadze, Eduard, 896
Shiites, 912, 920, 954, 955–56
Shinseki, Eric, 953
Shore, Dinah, 621
Shotwell, James T., 451
Shriver, Sargent, 712
Shufeldt, Robert W., 286
Shultz, George, 783, 864–65, 873, 875, 878, 880, 882–83, 896
Shute, Nevil, 690 "shuttle diplomacy," 661, 806
Siam, 169
Siberia, 414–15
Sierra Leone, 275
Silent Majority, 811–12
Sinai Peninsula, 747, 750, 841
Sinatra Doctrine, 899
Singapore, 539
Sino-Japanese War, 329–30, 510–12
Sioux Indians, 112
Six-Day War, 746–51, 759, 798–800, 876
Sixth Fleet, 653, 678, 714, 749
slavery: and abolitionism, 107, 176, 178, 183, 203, 238, 250
and Britain, 183–84, 186–87, 191, 195, 231, 239
and the Civil War, 5, 234, 236, 249–50
and Cuba, 183, 195, 217–18, 260–61
and emancipation, 239, 241–42, 246
fugitive slaves, 240
and Lincoln, 223, 229–30, 239, 260
and Louisiana, 105–7
and Manifest Destiny, 181, 184
and the Mexican-American War, 203
and missionaries, 274–75
and the Missouri Compromise, 137
and partisanship, 140
and population growth, 94
and pseudo-science, 5
and republicanism, 241–42, 250
and the Republican Party, 222–23
slave revolts, 62–63, 106–7, 110, 145, 183–84
slave trade, 52
and the Thirteenth Amendment, 264
and trade conflicts, 76
and U.S. expansionism, 137, 148–49, 176–77, 183, 214–18
and the War of 1812, 152
and Western territories, 206–7
and the Wilmot Proviso, 204
Slidell, John, 199, 232, 234, 243–44, 246–47
Slovenia, 931
smallpox, 327
Smith, Gaddis, 848–49
Smith, Gerard, 774
Smith, Ian, 843
Smith, Jacob, 328
Smith-Mundt Act, 648
Snow, Edgar, 776
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 822–23
Social Progress Trust Fund, 689
Social Security, 505
Society to Promote the Cessation of Hostilities, 235–36
Socony, 462
"soft power," 439–40, 914, 921, 962
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 826
Somoza, Anastasio, 474, 500, 558, 684, 857, 885
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 827
Sonnenfeldt Doctrine, 827
Soong Mayling, 576
Soulé, Pierre, 218
Sousa, John Philip, 302
South Africa: and Angola, 824, 825, 899
and apartheid, 627–28, 683, 716, 842–45, 882
and Britain, 308
and the Cold War, 627–28, 882–83, 917
and Nelson Mandela, 716
and nuclear arms reduction, 755
South America, 135, 501. See also specific countries South Asia, 569, 596, 679–81, 701, 712
South Carolina, 784
Southeast Asia: and the Cold War, 634–35, 650, 660–61
and colonialism, 268
and decolonization, 596
and nuclear policy, 660
and trade negotiations, 169
and World War II, 529, 530, 535, 536, 569. See also specific countries such as Vietnam
Southeast Asia Command, 573
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 662, 680
southern Africa, 825, 842–45, 882–83
Southern Rhodesia, 843–44
South Korea, 639–41, 647, 650, 660, 701, 745, 834–35, 846, 866, 870, 961. See also Korean War
South Manchuria Railroad, 488
South Pole, 169–70
South Vietnam, 737, 738, 753, 767–68, 793, 820, 822. See also Vietnam War
Soviet Union, 425
and Afghanistan, 852–55, 856, 860, 942
and arms control, 696–98, 794–95, 818–20, 835–36, 851–52
and the arms race, 704–5
and the Baghdad Pact, 673
and Britain, 584–85
and the Cold War, 600–611, 612, 615, 617, 618, 620–25, 627–31, 633, 635–42, 645–49, 651–54, 658–60, 904–5
collapse of, 2, 908, 913–14, 914–15, 917–18, 936
and the Committee on the Present Danger, 830
and Czechoslovakia, 756–57
diplomatic recognition of, 495–97
and East Asia, 468, 486, 488, 511, 693–94, 725–26, 730–31, 757, 761, 771, 775, 778, 792, 793, 839–40, 901, 903
and Eastern Europe, 600–601, 665–69, 751, 757, 781, 913, 924
espionage, 636
and Germany, 623–25, 669–70, 695–96, 700, 709–10, 757, 780–81, 906–7
and the Helsinki summit, 826–29
and human rights, 285, 352–53, 846, 898
and "imperial overstretch," 758
and Indonesia, 693
and Jewish immigrants, 803–4, 818, 897–98
and Johnson, 758–59
and Laos, 708
and Latin America, 473, 627, 686–88, 689, 699, 707–8, 717–18, 719–25
and Libya, 876
and the Marshall Plan, 618
and the Middle East, 628–29, 671–74, 675–79, 713–14, 746–49, 798, 800, 803–7, 847, 871, 873, 878, 880, 912, 923
and monetary policy, 494
and the Nazi-Soviet Pact, 515, 517
and nuclear weapons, 592–93, 610, 635–37, 658, 710, 755, 772–75, 867–71, 907
and oil, 448
and the Pacific war, 591–92
and Reagan, 862, 863–67, 881–88, 893–99
and South Asia, 680–82, 789–90
and Southeast Asia, 662, 726, 738–44, 794
and the space race, 689–92
and the Spanish Civil War, 507
and Stalin's death, 651
and the Third World, 711
and trade with the West, 444, 464–66, 766–67
and World War I, 415
and World War II, 517, 519, 532–34, 538, 539, 546–48, 550–51, 554, 558, 562, 565–66, 575, 578, 579, 582–87, 589–93, 594, 595–97. See also Russia
Soviet-West German Treaty, 781
space race, 691–92
and the American Revolution, 11, 22, 27, 28, 31
and the Barbary States, 97
and boundary disputes, 67
and diplomatic negotiations, 32
and the Dominican Republic, 250
and European rivalries, 13
and fascism, 485
and the Floridas, 110
and France, 88
and the Iraq War, 951
and the Jay Treaty, 80–81
and maritime conflicts, 115, 119–20
and the Monroe Doctrine, 154
and Native Americans, 43, 44, 59, 61
and the Peninsular War, 122, 128
and Santo Domingo, 225
and the Seven Years' War, 14
and South American independence movements, 135–36, 161
and the Spanish-American War, 2, 261, 299, 309–14, 314–24, 315, 326, 335–36, 340
and trade agreements, 35, 38, 288
and U.S. expansionism, 46–48, 57, 144–47, 148–49, 293, 299
Special Forces, 705
spies and espionage, 13, 19, 20, 455, 536, 607, 636
Spring-Rice, Cecil, 345
Spykman, Nicholas, 581
spy planes, 695
SS Mayaguez, 823–24
SS-20 intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), 868
St. Marks (fort), 147
St. Vincent, 343
Stalin, Joseph: and the Berlin Blockade, 624–25
and China, 630
and the Council of Foreign Ministers, 602
diplomatic relations with the U.S., 496
and the Korean War, 640, 642, 645
on lend-lease, 552
and the Marshall Plan, 622–23
and nuclear weapons, 591–93, 635, 636–37
and the postwar international order, 548–49, 582–87, 603
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 545, 546–47
and the Tehran Conference, 554, 566
and trade with the West, 465–66, 606
and Truman, 589–90, 603–4, 650
and Turkish crisis, 609
and West German rearmament, 645–46
and World War II strategy, 517, 552–53, 582, 591–93
Standard Oil, 276
Stanley, Henry M., 287
"Star Wars" program, 870–71, 895
Stead, William, 342
Stealth F-117 fighter, 910
Sternburg, Hermann Speck von, 345, 361, 363
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 599
Stevens, John L., 297
Stilwell, Joseph, 575–77
Stimson, Henry L.: and arms reduction, 479–80
and Bundy, 703
and the Council on Foreign Relations, 441
and economic crises, 480
foreign policy legacy, 963
foreign policy style, 478–82, 483, 653
and the Japan embargo, 531
and Latin American dictatorships, 627
and the Manchuria crisis, 488–91
on Marshall, 542
and Nicaragua, 473–74
and nuclear weapons, 541–42, 592, 597
on role of foreign policy, 650
and the Wise Men, 612
and World War II, 520, 530, 541–42
Stimson Doctrine, 489–90
Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, 883, 884
Stockton, Robert, 200
Stone, Edward Durrell, 654
Story, Joseph, 133
Straight, Willard, 375
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 721, 767
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT), 775, 794–95, 807, 818–19, 827, 835, 851–52, 854, 867–68
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 869, 913–14
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 869–71, 895, 896–97
Stroessner, Alfredo, 684
Strong, Josiah, 305
Stuart, Reginald, 214
submarine warfare, 402, 408–9, 505, 721, 774, 795
sub-Saharan Africa, 268
Sudan, 876
Sudetenland, 513. See also Munich crisis
Suez Canal, 539
sugar, 262, 263, 309–10, 325–26, 687
Sukarno, Achmed, 634–35, 693, 711
Sullivan, William, 849
Sunni Muslims, 920, 954, 955, 956, 957
Sun Yat-sen, 468
Sussex (ship), 404
Symington, Stuart, 691
Syria, 425, 874
CIA intervention in, 677–78
and the Iraq War, 958
and Lebanon, 872–73
and Libya, 876
and the Middle East crisis, 746–47, 748–49
and Nixon, 807
and the October War, 805
and the Palestinian conflict, 800–801
and the United Arab Republic, 713
and the Yom Kippur War, 805
Taft, William Howard: and benevolent supervision, 373, 377
and dollar diplomacy, 374–75
and elections, 379
and international law, 451
and Japan, 362
and Knox, 372–73
and the League of Nations, 421, 430
and the Lusitania crisis, 406
and the Paris Peace Conference, 419
and railroads, 375–76
and Roosevelt (T.), 372–73
and Russia, 352
Tahiti, 141
Taiwan: and the Cold War, 693
and the Iran-Contra scandal, 891
and Taiwan Straits crises, 640, 660, 662–64, 693, 776, 936
and U.S.-China relations, 744, 776, 778–79, 792, 804, 839–40, 855, 901
and the Vietnam War, 744. See also Formosa
Takahira Kogoro, 362
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, 85, 88
tariffs: and the American Civil War, 230
and the "American System," 137–38
and Clinton, 926
connection to foreign policy, 3
and dollar diplomacy, 373
and economic depression, 485
and France, 39
and Hawaii, 296
and imperialism, 302
and Kennedy, 724
and the League of Nations, 430
and the Locarno Conference, 462
and the Model Treaty, 17
and the Nine-Power Treaty, 455
and the Panama Congress, 163
and Puerto Rico, 364–65
and reciprocity, 288–89, 293–94, 500–501
and Republicans, 276, 278, 288
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 495, 497
and Russia, 353
and Seward, 256
and the Spanish-American War, 309–10
and U.S. economic growth, 270, 446–48
and World War I, 457
Tass, 856
Taubman, William, 723
Taylor, Frederick, 342
Taylor, Maxwell, 705
Taylor, Zachary, 197, 198, 199, 200, 216, 218
Team B, 830
Teapot Dome scandal, 476
Tehran Conference, 551, 554–55, 566, 579, 586
telegraph, 178, 225, 266, 268–69, 338
television, 791–92
Teller, Edward, 869–70
Teller Amendment, 314, 318, 321, 324
Tennessee, 95
Tenskwatawa, 123–24
Ten Years' War, 290
territorial acquisitions, 9
terrorism: and Clinton, 936–37
and England, 959
impact on foreign policy, 962
and "Irangate," 879
and Ireland, 281
and Islamic fundamentalism, 919
and the Lebanon crisis, 872–73
and the PLO, 93, 747, 800, 899
and Russia, 343
September 11 attacks, 10, 917, 938, 939–42
and Zionism, 628
Texas: and European powers, 177
and immigrants, 178
and the Louisiana Purchase, 107
and Manifest Destiny, 180, 181
and the Mexican-American War, 194–97, 202, 206
and the Monroe Doctrine, 155, 157, 158
and U.S. expansionism, 9, 139, 144, 145, 148–49, 190
textiles, 784–85
Thatcher, Margaret, 895
Third World, 652, 690, 701, 711–19, 728–29, 761, 766, 785–86, 834. See also specific countries
Thirteenth Amendment, 264
Thurmond, Strom, 826
Tiananmen Square, 902–3
Tibet, 692
Tiger Island, 256
Tilden, 263
Tilman, "Pitchfork Ben," 323
Time-Life publications, 574
Times (Dubuque), 311
Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 283
Tito, Josip Broz, 601, 617, 637, 646, 652, 670, 711, 924
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 8, 138, 245
Tolstoy meeting, 583
Tomahawk missiles, 868
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 738–39, 769
Tora Bora, Afghanistan, 943
Tories, 191
torture, 5, 84, 328, 470, 685, 929, 955, 960
Toscanini, Arturo, 529
total diplomacy, 638
Toussaint L'Ouverture, 105–6
Tower, John, 900
Trading with the Enemy Act (1917), 785
"Trail of Tears," 173
transcontinental railroad, 215, 282
Transcontinental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty), 149–51, 150, 164
Trans World Airlines, 564
Traub, James, 962
Treaty of Chemulpo, 286
Treaty of Fort Jackson, 131–32, 146
Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 43
Treaty of Ghent, 130, 131–32, 133
Treaty of Greenville, 80
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 205
Treaty of Kanagawa, 213
Treaty of Paris, 129, 320, 431
Treaty of Portsmouth, 361, 362
Treaty of San Ildefonso, 106
Treaty of San Lorenzo, 81
Treaty of Versailles, 503
Treaty of Wanghsia, 211
Treaty of Washington, 255, 626
Trent affair, 232–33, 237, 247
Trilateral Commission, 830–31, 832, 900
Tripartite Pact, 531, 535, 536
Tripoli, Libya, 39, 98, 100, 877
Tripolitan War, 97–101
Trist, Nicholas, 201, 204, 205
Trujillo, Rafael, 389, 473, 558, 560, 689, 717, 885
Truman, Harry S.: and Asia, 650
and atomic weapons, 607–8
and the Balkans, 602–3
and containment policy, 595, 635
and defense spending, 647–48
and domestic scandals, 649
and East Asia, 630
foreign policy style, 588–93
and the Greek Civil War, 616–17
and the Iron Curtain speech, 605
and Israel, 629
and the Korean War, 640, 642, 644
and the Montreux Convention, 609
and NSC-68, 638–39
and nuclear weapons, 591, 592, 635–36
and postwar demobilization, 598–600
and race issues, 592, 599, 627–28
and the Red Scare, 637
and Soviet relations, 606
Truman Doctrine, 614, 616, 617
and Wallace, 610–11
and Western Europe, 646, 668–69
Truxtun, Thomas, 87
Tshombe, Moise, 715
Tuchman, Barbara, 576
Tucker, Nancy, 759
Tucker, Robert, 93
Tufts University, 441
Turkey: and the Baghdad Pact, 673
and the Cold War, 614
commercial treaties with the U.S., 168
and the Cyprus conflict, 815–17
and the Greek Civil War, 615
and the Greek revolution, 142–43
and the Monroe Doctrine, 152–53
and NATO, 646
and the new international system, 961
and trade negotiations, 143
and the Turkish crisis, 609–10
U.S. missiles in, 722
and war with Russia (1828), 160
and World War I, 425
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 301
Turner, Henry McLeod, 274
Turner, Stansfield, 855
Turner, Ted, 918
Tutsis, 928
Tutu, Desmond, 882
Tutwiler, Margaret, 924
TWA hijacking, 877
Twenty-One Demands, 384
"Twin Pillars" approach, 798
Tyler, John, 195, 196, 208–9, 210–11, 317–18
U-boats, 378, 396–97, 402, 403–4, 408–9, 533–34. See also naval power
submarine warfare
The Ugly American (Lederer and Burdick), 711
Ukraine, 913–14
The Uncertain Trumpet (Taylor), 705
unemployment, 485, 493, 541, 919
unilateralism, 6–7, 452, 484, 735, 783, 864, 938–39, 944, 960, 963
United Arab Emirates, 798
United Arab Republic, 678, 713
United China Relief, 530
United Fruit Company, 447, 684
United Nations: and Castro, 688
and the Congo, 715
and debt of U.S., 937
and the Greek Civil War, 616
and Iran, 606
and the Iraq War, 949
and Khrushchev, 699
and the Korean War, 640–41
leadership of, 538
and the Palestinian issue, 628
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 549
and South African apartheid, 683
and sovereignty of U.S., 657
and Stalin, 586
and the Suez Crisis, 676
and the Third World, 711
UN Charter, 626–27
and Vietnam, 823
United Nations Declaration, 571
United Nations Organization, 590, 597–98
United Nations Resolution 242, 749, 799–800, 922
United Nations Security Council, 489, 590, 608, 641, 898, 909, 949, 951
United Nations Trusteeship Council, 683
United States Information Agency, 937
U.S. Air Force, 647
U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), 953–54, 956
U.S. Congress. See U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
U.S. Constitution, 8, 12, 54–55, 57, 106, 809
U.S. Department of Commerce, 446, 448, 927
U.S. Department of Defense: and arms reduction, 819
and Cold War strategy, 867
and Cuba, 707
and global arms sales, 814
and the Iraq War, 953
and Kennedy, 714
and Kosovo, 933
and neoconservatives, 953
and nuclear test bans, 697
and the October War, 805
and the "Pentagon Papers," 770, 802
and Vietnam, 728
U.S. Department of Justice, 891
U.S. Department of State: and Acheson, 614
and Adams (J. Q.), 138
and Africa, 716, 790–91, 882, 883
and Berlin negotiations, 781
Bureau of African Affairs, 683
and Clinton, 937
and Communist Russia, 464
creation and role of, 58
and dollar diplomacy, 373, 375
and economic development, 468
embassy and library closures, 937
and foreign lending, 449
and foreign trade, 446
and French Indochina, 573
growth of, 653
and Hoover, 443
and the Iraq War, 953
and isthmian canal plans, 326
Jackson's reform of, 164–65
and Japan, 212
and the "Jewish Question," 285
and Kennan, 604–5
and Kennedy, 714
and the League of Nations, 451
and the lend-lease program, 526
and the "Long Telegram," 604
and the Middle East, 448
and the National Security Council, 865
and Nicaragua, 889
and Nixon, 790–91, 794, 800, 801
and oil shortages, 448
and the Peace Corps, 712
and the Red Scare, 637
role and influence of, in 1930s, 493
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 496, 541–42, 572, 586–87
and Root, 350
and the Spanish Civil War, 508
and Truman, 599
and the Wise Men, 612–13
U.S. Department of War, 520, 567. See also U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic, 581
U.S. House of Representatives: and Alaska, 258
and Britain's ship seizures, 75
and the Cold War, 616
and conflicts with France, 86
and the Cyprus conflict, 816
and the Jay Treaty, 82
and the Mexican-American War, 204
and the Monroe Doctrine, 157
and the Persian Gulf War, 910
and Reagan, 860
and representation, 51–52
and Sino-American relations, 903
and South African apartheid, 843
and trade conflicts, 79–80
and treaty abrogation, 352
and Vietnam, 803
U.S. Information Agency, 667
U.S. Marines, 101, 389, 823, 910, 911, 952
U.S. merchant marine, 116–17. See also specific vessels
U.S. Military Academy, 95, 287
U.S. Naval Academy, 273
U.S. Navy: advocates of, 303
bases, 296
and Central America, 220
and China, 331
creation of, 87
and diplomacy, 371
and the Gilded Age, 280
and Jackson, 170–71
and the Monroe Doctrine, 153
and Pacific trade routes, 207
and piracy, 141
and the Quasi-War, 87
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 520
and Roosevelt (T.), 356
and the Sino-Japanese war, 512
and the Tripolitan War, 98, 101
and U.S. philanthropy, 343
and World War II, 526, 534, 548, 550
U.S. Senate: and Adams (J. Q.), 163
and arms reduction treaties, 455
and arms sales, 871
and the Balkans conflict, 930–31
and Britain's ship seizures, 75
and canal proposals, 326
and China, 903–4
and Cleveland, 288, 295–97, 306
and the Cold War, 616
and the Convention of 1800, 90
and detente, 820
and dollar diplomacy, 373
and the Dominican Republic, 372
and expansionism, 214
foreign affairs role, 52–53
and Hughes, 442
influence on foreign policy, 444
and the Iraq War, 949
and the Jay Treaty, 78, 79, 82
and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, 478
and the League of Nations, 428–29, 431–32, 450–51
and McCarthy, 657
and McKinley, 317
and the Mexican-American War, 205
and Oregon, 192
and Pacific basin, 295–97, 306, 317, 326
and the Panama Canal treaty, 838
and the Persian Gulf War, 910
and the Philippines, 323, 324, 327
and representation, 51
and Roosevelt (F. D.), 505
and Roosevelt (T.), 358, 362, 372
and Seward, 257
and Sino-American relations, 903
and Taft, 373–74
and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 769
and trade conflicts, 77–78
and Treaty of Washington, 626
and U.S. expansionism, 260
and Watergate, 802
U.S. special forces, 942
U.S. Supreme Court, 269, 364, 508, 523, 682, 812, 840
USS Abraham Lincoln, 952
USS Baltimore, 294
USS Boston, 297
USS Constellation, 87
USS Enterprise, 790
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, 609
USS George Washington, 99, 419
USS Greer, 533–34
USS Harlan County, 928
USS Indianapolis, 495
USS Kearney, 534
USS Lexington, 170
USS Liberty, 748
USS Maine, 313
USS Nimitz, 858
USS Oregon, 326
USS Panay, 512
USS Philadelphia, 99–100
USS Potomac, 170
USS Reuben James, 534
USS Stark, 880
USS Tuscaloosa, 524
USS Vincennes, 880
uti possidetis principle, 130
U-2 spy aircraft, 681, 692, 698–99, 722, 773
Van Buren, Martin, 164, 173–75, 185, 195, 203
Vance, Cyrus, 832–33, 835, 837, 839, 849, 852, 855, 859–60, 925
Vancouver Island, 67, 190, 192
Vandenberg, Arthur, 538–39, 615
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 219, 220
Van Fleet, James, 616
Vatican, 621
Velvet Revolution, 906
Venezuela, 387
Blount on, 306
and British Guiana, 307–8
and Eisenhower, 688
and independence movements, 135
and the Mann Doctrine, 733
and Nixon, 684
and Roosevelt (T.), 369–71
and World War II, 556
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, 17–18, 20, 23, 28, 31, 33, 39
Vermont, 95
Veterans of Future Wars, 504
Videla, Jorge, 847
Vietminh, 662
Vietnam, 168–69, 276, 327, 573. See also Vietnam War
Vietnam War, 737
and air power, 738–41, 745, 754–55, 767, 793, 797, 820, 823–24
and antiwar movement, 909–10
and Britain, 810
and Cambodia, 740, 768–70, 776, 882, 899
and China, 662, 743, 757, 765–66, 775–78, 851
and the Cold War, 754–55, 757, 915
cost of, 811
and the domino theory, 661
and El Salvador, 887
end of, 820–22
escalation of, 793
independence movement, 635, 650
and Johnson, 702, 731–32, 735–36, 738–45, 746–47, 749, 751–52, 754, 755, 757–59
and Kennedy, 703, 708, 712, 726–29, 736
and Kissinger, 755, 765–70, 796–97, 821, 823
and neo-conservatives, 939
and Nixon, 755, 765–70, 796–97, 802, 808–9
peace negotiations, 773, 792, 796, 798
and presidential powers, 810, 812
protests against, 751
and Reagan, 862
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 822–23
and the Soviet Union, 794, 840
Vietnam Syndrome, 825, 863, 864, 929
and Watergate, 802
Villa, Francisco "Pancho," 394–96, 397
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 406
Virginius (ship), 261
Vladivostok, 414–15
Voice of America (VOA), 621, 648, 667–68
Vorster, John, 843
Walesa, Lech, 906
Walker, Martin, 895
Walker, Robert, 207
Walker, William, 214, 216, 220, 238
Wallace, Henry A., 541–43, 581, 587–88, 610–11
Walt, Stephen, 921
Walworth, Arthur, 415
Ward, John, 211–12
War of 1812, 95, 100, 114, 125–33, 134, 138, 144–45, 153, 172, 186
War of 1898, 309–14, 314–24, 315, 326, 335–36
War Plan Orange, 356
War Powers Act, 803
War Powers Resolution, 814
War Refugees Board, 567
War Room, 317
Warsaw Pact, 666, 669, 756, 757, 761, 776, 781, 904
Washington, Booker T., 344
Washington, D.C., 130
Washington, George: aspiration for the U.S., 1, 9–10, 56
on Canada, 18
and conflicts with France, 87, 88
foreign policy legacy, 92, 272, 963
and Genet, 72
and maritime conflicts, 115
and military power, 57–58
and Native Americans, 23, 24, 60, 61, 269
and neutral rights, 70
and political parties, 72
and presidential power, 8
and the Revolutionary War, 18, 26
and trade conflicts, 75, 77, 78, 79
and the Tripolitan War, 98
on western settlers, 46
Washington, Madison, 186
Washington Conference, 453–54, 467, 479–80
Washington Post, 691, 802, 903–4
Washington Treaties, 490
Watergate scandal, 770, 790, 801–7, 809, 810, 815–16, 818, 820, 860, 862, 939
Watterson, Henry, 299
Wayne, "Mad" Anthony, 74, 80 Wealth of Nations (Smith), 16
weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 943, 945, 947, 951, 956
Weatherford, William, 131
Webb-Pomerene Act, 446
Webster, Daniel, 153, 186, 187, 200, 207–9, 216
Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 186, 187, 192
Wedemeyer, Albert C., 631
Weed, Thurlow, 240
Weinberger, Caspar, 865, 873, 875, 878, 890, 895, 896
Weinberger Doctrine, 875
Weizmann, Chaim, 568
Welles, Gideon, 257
Welles, Sumner, 493, 498–99, 520–21, 535, 541, 556, 580, 581, 626
Wells, David, 286
West Bank, 747, 841, 874, 880, 899, 923, 935–36
West Berlin, 623–25, 695–96, 780–81
Western Europe. See specific countries
Western European Union, 669
West Florida, 14, 29, 46, 109, 111, 145, 146
West Germany, 646, 668–70, 724–25, 742–46, 755, 757, 759, 772, 780–81, 828
West Indies: and Britain, 167–68
and conflicts with France, 87, 167
and European rivalries, 14
and the Jay Treaty, 85
and mercantilism, 74
and slave revolts, 63
and the sugar trade, 12
and trade issues, 37, 76–78, 120, 143–44
and U.S. expansionism, 52, 256, 257
and U.S. independence, 17–18, 20, 21, 27, 29, 37–40
Westmoreland, William C., 739–40
West Pakistan, 789–90
Weyler, Valeriano "Butcher," 310, 312
Wheeler, Burton K., 525
Whigs, 181–82, 191, 203, 204–5, 207, 278
Whistler, James McNeill, 179, 342
White, Andrew Dickson, 279
White, Walter, 441
White, William Allen, 453–54, 518, 521, 522
White Revolution, 848
Wilhelm II, 267, 332, 361, 363
Wilkes, Charles, 207, 232–33, 247
Wilkinson, James, 46
William IV, 168
Williams, G. Mennen, 715
Williams, William Apple-man, 334
Willkie, Wendell, 522–23, 525, 571, 581
Wills, Garry, 936
Wilson, Edith, 431
Wilson, Francis Huntington, 373
Wilson, Henry Lane, 391
Wilson, Huntington, 355
Wilson, James Harrison, 305
Wilson, Woodrow: on American global influence, 341
background, 379–83
and the Balfour Resolution, 567
and the Caribbean, 387
and Central America, 387, 472–73
and Central Europe, 462
and collective security, 912
and executive powers, 442
foreign policy legacy, 2–4, 379, 963
and the Fourteen Points, 412, 416, 417, 418, 426, 428, 434
and interventionism, 386
and Kennedy, 703
and the League of Nations, 5, 427–35
and the Mexican revolution, 390–98
public opinion on, 580–81
and revolutions, 383–88
and Rhee, 639
and Roosevelt (T.), 350
and Russia, 464
and the Spanish-American War, 335
and the State Department, 384
stroke, 431
and World War I, 398–410, 410–27
Wilson (film), 581
Wilson-Gorman tariff, 293–94, 309–10
Wilson Plan, 388
Windward Passage, 388
Winthrop, John, 4, 16, 206, 440, 864
Wisconsin School, 334
Witte, Sergei, 361
Wolfowitz, Paul, 830, 922, 939, 943–44, 945, 953
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 452, 506
Women's Patriotic League, 318
Women's Peace Party, 396–97
Wood, Leonard, 325
World Economic Conference, 494–95
World Health Organization (WHO), 937
World Peace Foundation, 357
World Trade Center, 940
World Trade Organization, 926
World War Foreign Debts Commission, 457–58
World War I: casualties, 437
impact on Russia, 548
and isolationism, 6
and Liberia, 375
and U.S. global power, 2
and U.S. intervention, 410–27
and U.S. neutrality, 398–410. See also specific countries and events
World War II, 540
and alliance diplomacy, 546–55
conclusion of, 579–93
impact of, 595–96
and isolationism, 6
and the Marshall Plan, 617–21, 622, 632, 634, 719
Pacific theater, 579
scope of wartime activities, 555–78
and South Africa, 627
and U.S. global power, 2–3, 483, 594
and U.S. intervention, 538–39, 539–46
and U.S. neutrality, 517–36, 536–37. See also specific countries and events
Wright, Jim, 892–93
Wyandot Indians, 43
Yalta Conference, 569, 584–86, 587, 589
Yancey, William Lowndes, 234
Yardley, Herbert, 455
Yellowstone River, 151
Yeltsin, Boris, 913
Yemen, 713–14
Yom Kippur War, 804–6
Yoshida Shigeru, 745
Yosuke Matsuoka, 491
Young, Owen D., 443, 459, 466, 481
Young Plan, 481
Yucatán, Mexico, 217
Yugoslavia: and the Cold War, 601, 614, 617, 646, 756
and the neutralist movement, 652
and the Paris Peace Conference, 422
and postwar settlements, 583, 597
and the Soviet Union, 658, 670
and trade barriers, 462–63
and World War I, 425. See also Balkans
former Yugoslavia
zaibatsu, 633–34
Zelaya, José Santos, 374
Zemurray, "Sam the Banana Man," 373–74
Zhdanov, Andrei, 622
Zhou En-lai, 577, 631, 662, 664, 777, 778, 792, 804
Zieger, Robert, 408
Zimmermann Telegram, 409