2The 1930s: Financial Power Slumbering
4Japan’s Failed Quest for Dollars through Manufacturing
5Anticipating Japan’s Bankruptcy, 1937–1940
6Birth of an Embargo Strategy: The Alternative to Bankrupting Japan
7Export Controls, 1940 to Mid-1941
8The Japanese Financial Fraud in New York
9An Aborted Financial Freeze, Early 1941
10Japan’s Vulnerability in Strategic Resources
11The Vulnerability of the Japanese Economy and People
12The Vulnerability of Japanese Exports to the United States
13The Vulnerability of Japan in Petroleum
14Momentum for the Financial Freeze, May–July 1941
15The Fictitious U.S. Oil Shortage
16Freeze: The Crucial Month of August 1941
18Calamity: The Economy under Siege
19Futility: The Final Negotiations
Epilogue: Bankruptcy and War Crimes
Appendix 1: The U.S. Oil Shortage that Never Was
Appendix 2: Details of the OSS/State Department Study of Japanese Foreign Trade and Finance
Photographs follow page 180