Abhyanga ‘oil massage’ ref1
adobo, Filipino vegetable ref1
Agni (digestive fire) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Ama ref1
amaranth porridge with pear and cinnamon-spiced sunflower seeds ref1
apricot tahini and cardamom cream ref1
aromatherapy ref1
asafoetida ref1
roasted broccoli, cauliflower and aubergine salad ref1
Avilochan, Dr ref1
basil ref1
bean and jaggery fudge with toasted almonds ref1
black bean soup with avocado and lime ref1
see also green bean; mung bean
beauty ref1
biryani, Iamb and vegetable ref1, ref2
biscuits, Dosha digestive ref1
black bean soup with avocado and lime ref1
black pepper ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
black turtle bean ref1
black-eyed beans and ‘collards’, Creole ref1
blood-builders ref1
body types ref1
bone broth ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
bonito flakes ref1
Brazil nut ref1
breaks, three-day ref1
breathing, Dosha ref1
broccoli ref1
cream of broccoli soup with black sesame and watermelon seeds ref1
roasted broccoli,
cauliflower and aubergine salad ref1
soft-boiled eggs with cumin courgette and broccoli dippers ref1
spiced mince and gravy on swede mash with broccoli trees ref1
Sri Lankan mustard fish curry with broccoli pea ‘rice’ ref1
broth, potassium ref1
buckwheat ref1
butter, salty ref1
‘butter’, miso and avocado ref1
butternut squash ref1
cabbage ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
cakes ref1
carrot ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
carrot halwa ref1
chestnut, carrot and ginger muffins with pumpkin seeds ref1
golden paneer with tomato-y green beans and carrots ref1
hot carrot cake and walnut smoothie bowl ref1
Moroccan carrot soup ref1
sautéed cucumber, green beans, beetroot and carrot salad bowl ref1
tempeh, carrot, wakame, pea and quinoa pilaf ref1
tikka fish, carrot, fennel and mustard stir-fry and pak choi ref1
cashew nut ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
sweet cashew, raisin and cinnamon uttapams ref1
cauliflower ref1
celeriac l47
celeriac, Puy lentils, hazelnuts, red cabbage and mint ref1
celery ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
caramelised celery, avocado and radicchio salad ref1
chard ref1
coconut, squash, lentil and leek curry with rainbow chard ref1
chicory powder ref1
chocolate ref1
choona spiced apple juice ref1
chuma (spice blends) ref1, ref2
chutneys ref1
cinnamon ref1
‘circle of life’ ref1
coconut cream ref1
coconut, squash, lentil and leek curry with rainbow chard ref1
drinking coconut milk ref1
coconut (creamed) ref1
coconut (desiccated) ref1, ref2
coconut, lime and mint ladoo ref1
coconut sambal ref1
drinking coconut milk ref1
coconut flour, steamed coconut pudding with raspberry sauce ref1
brown lentil, spinach and coconut hotpot ref1
coconut creams with vanilla chai plum compote ref1
drinking coconut milk ref1
watercress, coconut and rice herbal porridge ref1
collard greens ref1
compote, plum ref1
congee, fig, cinnamon and cardamom slowcooker ref1
cookie dough bites, banana and date ref1
cooking equipment ref1
corn, potato and chilli soup ref1
cough syrup, honey and onion ref1
cravings ref1
cream, apricot tahini and cardamom ref1
crêpes, chestnut ref1
cumin and rose lassi ref1
dashi ref1
banana and date cookie dough bites ref1
dhokla with green chutney ref1
digestion ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
digestive disorders ref1
digestives ref1
dill and mustard dressing ref1
dips, spicy ref1
dosas, breakfast ref1
Dosha breathing ref1
Dosha chuma spice mix ref1
Dosha digestive biscuits ref1
Dosha spice mix ref1
Dosha walnut balls, chocolate ref1
Doshas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
combinations ref1
discovering your type ref1
profiles ref1
Qualities ref1
and skin type ref1
and the star of Ayurveda ref1
and Tastes ref1
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse ref1
eating ref1
ectomorphs ref1
Elements ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
endomorphs ref1
Essential Forces ref1
facial massage ref1
fasting ref1
fats ref1
fennel ref1
fenugreek seed ref1
feta and spinach hand pies ref1
fig, cinnamon and cardamom slowcooker congee ref1
flapjack, quinoa and coriander seed ref1
flaxseeds ref1
foot soaking ref1
fruit with spicy dip ref1
fudge, bean and jaggery fudge with toasted almonds ref1
garammasala ref1
garlic ref1
ginger ref1
gluten ref1
Goldenspoon ref1
grains ref1
gram flour ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
grape, fennel, mint and salt refresher ref1
gravy ref1
tomato gravy ref1
green bean ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
halwa, carrot ref1
harira ref1
hazelnut ref1
health ref1
Hemsley + Hemsley philosophy ref1
herbs ref1
homes, as havens ref1
hotpot, pink pepper lamb ref1
hunger ref1
jaggery ref1
bean and jaggery fudge with toasted almonds ref1
kale, butternut squash and orange zest soup ref1
Kapha ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
kitchari ref1
kola kanda ref1
kombu ref1
leek ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
coconut, squash, lentil and leek curry ref1
lemon basil almond drizzle cake ref1
lettuce ref1
lime and coriander bone broth ref1
mango lassi mousse ref1
marrow ref1
masalachai ref1
matcha latte ref1
see also specific meats
meditation ref1
mesomorphs ref1
millet ref1
millionaires, cardamom ref1
mind-body balance ref1
minestrone, quinoa ref1
mint ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
mousse, mango lassi ref1
muffins, chestnut, carrot, ginger and pumpkin seed ref1
mung bean ref1
noodle(s) ref1
nurture ref1
nutrition ref1
nutritional supplements ref1
oat(s), quinoa and coriander seed flapjack ref1
Ojas ref1
okra ref1
spiced okra with cream ref1
olive oil
opposites ref1
overeating ref1
pak choi, fish, carrot, fennel and mustard tikka stir-fry ref1
Panchakarmas (detoxes) ref1
paneer ref1
golden paneer with tomato-y green beans and carrots ref1
parsnip ref1
pasta, Zac ‘n’ cheese with basil courgette ref1
pastry ref1
peanut, sesame, ginger and honey ladoo ref1
pies, spinach and feta hand pies ref1
pilaf, tempeh, carrot, wakame, pea and quinoa ref1
pinwheels, teff pinwheels with apricot tahini and cardamom cream ref1
Pitta ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
pizza pudas ref1
potassium broth ref1
corn, potato and chilli soup ref1
power pose ref1
Prakriti (basic) mind–body type ref1, ref2, ref3
Prana l6, ref1
prune, black pepper and sesame seed chutney ref1
pseudocereals ref1
psychic energies, three ref1
pulses ref1
quinoal ref1
radicchio, caramelised celery, avocado and radicchio salad bowl ref1
radish ref1
Thai white radish and glass noodle salad with beetroot egg ref1
ragi ref1
raisin ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
sweet cashew, raisin and cinnamon uttapams ref1
rasam ref1
raspberry sauce ref1
respiratory remedy ref1
rest, enforced ref1
restorative action ref1
retreats ref1
rhubarb and ginger chutney ref1
rice ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
ricotta ref1
risotto, beetroot anise millet ref1
rituals ref1
rosemary mung bean bread ref1
rosemary tea ref1
roti, ragi roti with miso and avocado butter ref1, ref2
routines ref1
Rumi ref1
salabat – Filipino ginger tea ref1
salmon, lemon, turmeric and black pepper salmon with spring greens ref1
sambal, coconut ref1
sambhar powder ref1
Samhita, Charaka ref1
seasons ref1
seeds ref1
see also specific seeds
self-care ref1
sesame seed
shiitake and sweetcorn Chinese-style soup ref1
shortbread, gram ref1
skin type ref1
sleep ref1
smoothie bowl, hot carrot cake and walnut ref1
smoothies, sunflower seed smoothie with rosewater ref1
sound bathing ref1
black bean soup with avocado and lime ref1
butternut squash, kale and orange zest soup ref1
chicken soup for the soul with gram dumplings ref1
Chinese-style shiitake and sweetcorn soup ref1
corn, potato and chilli soup ref1
cream of broccoli soup with black sesame and watermelon seeds ref1
harira – lightly spiced lamb and mung bean soup ref1
Moroccan carrot soup ref1
proper miso soup ref1
quick green simmer soup ref1
quinoa minestrone ref1
spring-clean vegetable brown rice soup ref1, ref2
vegetable soba noodle soup with miso bone broth ref1
wahay soup ref1
stews ref1
Tamilnadu vegetable and lentil stew with cucumber raita ref1
stir-fry, tikka fish, carrot, fennel, mustard and pak choi ref1
stomach ref1
suff ref1
sun (Surya) ref1
swede ref1
swede mash ref1
sweet potato ref1
sweet potato and orange porridge ref1
sweetcorn and shiitake Chinese-style soup ref1
sweeteners ref1
tahini apricot and cardamom cream ref1
tamari ref1
tamarind ref1
tapioca ref1
tarka dal with grated courgette ref1
Tastes (Rasas) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
teff flour ref1
tejas ref1
tempeh, carrot, wakame, pea and quinoa pilaf ref1
thoran, cabbage ref1
tikka fish, carrot, fennel and mustard stir-fry and pak choi ref1
time of day ref1
toast, olive oil toast with ricotta, honey and orange zest ref1
tofu, proper miso soup ref1
tomato ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
toxins ref1
travel ref1
Tridoshic ref1
tulsitea ref1
turmeric ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
uttapams, sweet cashew, raisin and cinnamon ref1
Vaidyas (Ayurvedic practitioners) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
vanilla chai plum compote ref1
Vata ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Vata spice mix ref1
Vedas ref1
vegetable masala for the brain ref1
vegetable soba noodle soup with miso bone broth ref1
Vikriti (current) mind–body type ref1, ref2, ref3
vital energy ref1
waffles, teff ref1
wahay soup ref1
wakame, tempeh, carrot, pea and quinoa pilaf ref1
walnut ref1
Water (element) ref1, ref2, ref3
watercress, coconut and rice herbal porridge ref1
watermelon seed ref1
wheat ref1
whey ref1
‘whiteboard worry’ technique ref1
World Health Organization (WHO) ref1