Note: Page numbers with t indicate tables; those in bold indicate illustrations or figures.
Abrahams, Charlie, 26–27, 133–134, 156
Abrahams, Jim, 26–27, 125, 156
Abrahams, Nancy, 26–27
absolute contraindications to ketogenic diet use, 44–45
Accera, Inc., 284
acetoacetate ketone, 34
acetoacetic acid, 16
acetone ketone, 34
acute illness management during diet, 175–176
admissions process at Johns Hopkins, 60, 74–75
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), 274
Adult Epilepsy Diet Center, Johns Hopkins, 203, 279
age and use of ketogenic diet, 45–47
outcome effects of, 46t
Allen, Frederick M., 285
allergies and ketogenic diet, 51–55
egg, 52–53
formula for, 55
meal plan sample for, 55
milk, 52
peanuts/tree nut, 54
soy, 53
wheat, 54–55
alpha linolenic acid, 120–121
alternative diets
choosing, 194–195
definition of, 193
low-glycemic index treatments (LGIT) as, 193
modified Atkins diet (MAD) as, 193
when and why to use, 193–195
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and ketogenic diet studies, 283–284
American Epilepsy Society, 125, 156
American Medical Association, 21
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and ketogenic diet studies, 284
ancillary testing as pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendation, 129
animal models, 35–36
anticonvulsant medications, reducing, 149–150
Aquafina Flavor Splash®, 206
Arm & Hammer toothpaste, 73
Asparagus, Lima Bean, and Salami Salad, 263
Atkins, Robert C., 198
Atkins diet. See modified Atkins diet (MAD)
Atkins Foundation, 200
autistic spectrum disorders and ketogenic diet studies, 284
average food values, hand calculation, 89
Axona®, 284
babysitter meals for ketogenic diet, 178
Bayer Multistix 10SG, 67
Beef Stew, 247
Berger, Eli, 158
Berger, Oliver, 158
Berger, Talia, 158
beta-hydroxybutyrate ketone, 34
beta-hydroxybutyric acid, 16
Bicitra®, 166
Bickford Flavorings, 69
blood in urine, testing strips for, 67
Blueberry Muffins, 267–268
bone metabolism as long-term side effect of ketogenic diet, 168
brain surgery for seizures, 4–5, 5t
brain tumors and ketogenic diet studies, 282
Brake, Cynthia, 242
Brake, Dennis, 242
breakthrough seizures, 71, 136, 151
Broiled Fish with Tartar Sauce, 246
Broiled Steak with Broccoli, 244
Brownies, 262–263
Bugs Bunny sugar-free multivitamins, 73, 207
Burger with “Potato Salad,” 245
Butter Lollipops, 241
Calcimix, 73
calcium, 116–117
Calcium Carbonate, 117
Calcium Citrate powder, 117
calcium supplements, 117, 117t
calculating ketogenic diet, 77–103
common questions/answers about, 93–94
diet order test, 95–96
estimating caloric requirements and, 77–78, 79t
fluid allotment and, 79–80
James case study on, 80–82
liquid formulas and, 97–99, 101–103
liquid meal plan and, 99–101
meal test, 96–97
methods of, meal plans, 87–93
protein allowances and, 78, 79t
requirements for, 77
rules for, 82–87
caloric intake, essentials for figuring, 77
handicapped children and, 78
Caltrate®, 117
Carb-Friendly Greek Salad, 262
carbohydrate-free calcium, 73
carbohydrate-free toothpaste, 73
carbohydrate gram counter, 201
carbohydrate reduction with MAD, 205–206
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 165
Carey, Mariah, 140
carnitine and fine-tuning the ketogenic diet, 150
carnitine deficiency as short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 167
carnitine supplements, 119
Carnitor®, 119
Carson Harris Foundation, 157, 157
casein-free diets and ketogenic diet, 55
Charlie Foundation, The, 6, 26, 27, 105, 133, 156, 156
Scientific Advisory Board, 125
Cheeseburger Pie, 259
Cheesecake Meal, 250
Cheese Pizza, 265–266
Chef’s Salad with Maple Walnut Whip, 238
Chicken Cutlet with Apple à la Mode, 247
Chicken Fingers and Cole Slaw, 246–247
Chicken Soup and Custard, 240
Chicken with Mashed Turnips, 248
Child Neurology Society, 125
children and use of ketogenic diet, 39–48
commitment to diet and, 47–48
contraindications to use of, 44–45
gastrostomy tube or formula-fed, 43 –44
Glut-1 and, 43
infantile spasms and, 41–42
intelligence and, 47
myoclonic-astatic (Doose) epilepsy and, 42
referring a child for, 126–128
super-responders of, 40–41
tuberous sclerosis complex and, 43
when to use, 39–40
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 61
Chocolate Bavarian, 252–253
Chocolate Ice Cream, 262
Chocolate Macadamia Nut Muffins, 257–258
cholesterol levels and short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 166–167
clinical seizures, 47
coconut oil, as MCT oil source, 120
Complete Amino Acid Mix®, 98
and food allergies, 55
constipation as non-Ketogenic diet problem, 146–147
constipation as short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 166
constipation supplements, 118–119
contraindications to ketogenic diet use, 44–45
absolute, 127
relative, 127
cooking. See ketogenic diet cooking
counseling as pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendation, 128
Counting Crows, 157
Cream of Tomato Soup with Grilled Swordfish, 241
Creamy Crab Dip, 265
creativity and ketogenic diet, 179–180
cross multiplication, food list and, 89–92
Custard or Eggnog Snack, 252
Dasani Natural Flavored Water®, 206
death as long-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 169
decision tree, ketogenic diet, 152
Deep Dish Pizza, 259–260
dehydration, 163
Depakote®, 4
Deviled Egg with Berry Parfait, 239–240
dextrin, 70
dextrose, 70
diabetes and ketogenic diet studies, 284–285
diabetic ketoacidosis, 23, 285
diarrhea, management of, 176–177
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), 115, 116
dietary therapy, adults and, 277–280
diet order test, 95–96
Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, 198, 200, 201
drop seizures, 47
Duritz, Adam, 157
eat, refusal to, 164
Easy Apple-Sausage Bake, 235
egg allergies and ketogenic diet, 52–53
Eggs Benedict, 242
electrical seizures, 47
electroencephalogram (EEG), seizures and, 3, 4, 31, 31t
infantile spasms and, 41–42
energy, food sources for, 15
Epilepsia, 125
epilepsy. See also seizure
definition of, 3
fasting as treatment for, 21
intractable seizures and diet use for, 39–40
Epilepsy Cure Initiative, 157–158, 158
equipment needed for ketogenic diet, 66–68
gram scales, 66
optional, 67–68
testing strips for blood in urine, 67
testing strips for ketone levels, 67
estimating energy requirements (EER), 79t
expert consensus statement, 125–130
areas of certainty, 129
areas of flexibility, 129–130
key tables, 126–128
overview of, 125–126
pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendations, 128–129
extracts, pure flavoring, 69
ketogenic diet failure and, 47–48
whole, involvement in diet, 182
fats, 15
carnitine and, 119
exchange list, and Jeremy’s lunch, 93
fine-tuning the ketogenic diet and, 141–142, 142t
KetoCal® Liquid and, 97
ketogenic ratio and, 148
LGIT and, 221
MCT oil and, 120
unsaturated, 232t
Faux Fried Rice, 260
Faux Mac and Cheese, 261
fever, management of, 177
fine-tuning the ketogenic diet, 131–154
carnitine and, 150
changing ketogenic ratio as, 148–149
decision tree and, 150–151, 152
family’s expectations and, 133–134
first months on diet and, 143–146
free foods and, 140–141
goals of, 132
limits of, 154
meal plans and, 138–140
meal/snack frequency and, 142–143
measuring ketosis levels and, 136–137
medication levels and, 149–150
modified Atkins diet and, 150
nondiet problems and, 146–148
overview of, 131–132
regain lost seizure control, tricks to, 153, 153t
specific foods and, 141
at start of diet, 137–138
tracing problem causes and, 134–136
First Do No Harm (TV film), 26, 133, 156
first-generation drugs, 4
first months on diet, common problems in, 143–146
hunger, 145–146
weight gain, 143–145
flavorings, food, 69–70
fluid allotment, calculating ketogenic diet and, 79–80
fluids and MAD, 206
food allergies. See allergies Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 72
food intake, timing of, 142
food label reading, 208–209
food sources for energy, 15
Food Values (Bowes & Church), 89
formula-fed children, 43–44
formula for allergies and ketogenic diet, 55
free foods, explained, 140–141
French Toast, 258–259
frequently asked questions, modified Atkins diet use, 212–213
Frosting, 258
fructose, 70
Fruit2O®, 206
future studies on ketogenic diet, 36–37
gastrointestinal intolerance supplements, 118–119
gastrostomy tubes (G-tubes), 43–44
gelatin, 69
genetically modified mice, 36
Geyelin, Rawle, 21
glucose, 70
Glut-1 deficiency, 7, 43, 273–274
gluten-free diets and ketogenic diet, 55
glycemic index values, common foods, 220t
going off the ketogenic diet, 183–189
anxiety/relief from, 189
long-term consequences of not, 184–185
seizure-free children and, 187–189
timing of, 183–184
weaning the diet and, 185–187, 187t
gram scales, 66
definition of, 51
ketogenic diet and, 51
Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children, 22
Harris, Carson, 275
Harris, Gerry, 157
Harris, Michael, 157
Hartman, Adam, 33
H&B Pharmacy, 73
health care systems, 6–7
heavy whipping cream, 68–69
height changes and long-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 168
Hot Dog and Ketchup, 243
Howland, Charles, 22
Howland, John, 22
hunger, tricks to modify without increasing calories, 145–146
hunger as problem with diet, 145–146
Huttenlocher, Peter, 215
hyperactivity syndromes and ketogenic diet studies, 285
hypoglycemia, 163
hypoxia and ketogenic diet studies, 283
illness/infection as short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 164–165
infantile spasms, 7, 11, 41–42
inflammatory disease/migraines and ketogenic diet studies, 286
initiating ketogenic diet, 59–75
admissions process at Johns Hopkins, 60, 74–75
carbohydrates and, 70–71
child’s cooperation and, 64–66
diet team and, 73–74
equipment needed for, 66–68
family’s psychological state and, 63–64
fasting and, 61–62
fine-tuning phase of, 62–63
flavorings for food used in, 69–70
medications and, 71–73
overview of, 59–60
problems with, 62
special foods for, 68–69
Institute of Medicine, 117
calcium guidelines from, 117t
vitamin D guidelines from, 118t
intelligence and use of ketogenic diet, 47
Internet and modified Atkins diet (MAD) use, 207
Internet sites, parent support group, 158–160
James case study, 80–82
assessment, 81
goals, 82
initial diet, 81
initial evaluation, 80–81
plan, 82
Jefferson Medical College, 46
Jell-O and Whipped Cream, 252
Jell-O gelatin, 69
Jell-O Mold, 250
Johns Hopkins Hospital, 3, 40, 22, 26, 59
Kelly, Millie, 25
Keppra®, 4
Kessler, Sudha, 42
KetoCal®, 97–98, 163, 173, 257
and modified Atkins diet (MAD) use, 207–208
designing meals with, 108–110, 109t, 110t
diet calculation for, 107, 107t
features for caregivers, 106, 112–113
Fluid and Diet Schedule feature of, 112
overview of, 105–107
weekly menu planner and, 111, 112, 112t
Keto Cookies/Keto Cereal, 235–236
Keto Donut, 249
Ketogenic Cookbook, The (Brake & Brake), 242
ketogenic diet
basics of, 16
calculating, 77–103
children and use of, 39–48
discovery of, 23–25
explained, 15–16
fine-tuning, 131–154
as “first-line” therapy, 273–276
foods, 17–18
future studies on, 36–37
going off, 183–189
history of, 21–23
indications/contraindications to starting, 126–128
initiating, 59–75
ketone bodies and, 34–35
key tables for, 126–128
medications role in, 71–73, 276
modified Atkins diet (MAD), comparisons to, 198, 200–201, 201, 202t
myths/misunderstandings about, 18–20
nonepileptic treatments and, 281–286
outcomes of, 27–32, 27t, 29t, 31t
renewed interest in, 25–27
side effects of, 18, 40, 118 –119, 161 –169
team, 73–74
ketogenic diet centers, 6
ketogenic diet cooking. See also recipes, ketogenic diet
applesauce and, 235
basic techniques of, 230–231
Bavarian cream meals and, 244
breakfast/lunch/dinner, 233–241, 242–251
commercial products and, 243
exchange lists for, 231, 232t, 233
preparing, questions about, 253–256
sample meal plans for, 227–256
snacks, 251–253
supplements and, 233
tips for, 229–230
treats, 241–242
ketogenic diet decision tree, 152
ketogenic diet don’ts, 175
ketogenic diet outcomes, 7t, 24t, 27–32, 27t, 29t, 31t
Ketogenic Eggnog, 251
ketogenic formulas, 10
ketogenic liquid formulas, preparation of, 101–103
ketogenic ratio, raising or decreasing, 148–149
ketone bodies, 16
ketogenic diet and, 34–35
levels of, in blood and urine, 35, 67
types of, 34
ketone levels, testing strips for, 67
ketone-sensitive, 137
KetoPAG, 157
Keto Pancakes with “Syrup,” 234
keto shake, 163
ketosis, 16
levels, measuring, 136–137
signs of too much, 177–178
ketoteam, 73–74
ketotic, 16
KetoVolve® kosher formula, 51, 98, 173
Keto Waffle with “Syrup,” 249
Keto Yogurt, 252
key tables for ketogenic diet, 126–128
contraindications to use of, 127
probable benefit, 126
suggestion of benefit, 126–127
kidney stones, 67
as short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 165–166
knock-out/in mice, 36
definition of, 49
diet and ketogenic diet, 49–51
formulas, 51
meal plan, sample, 50
Koski, Michael, 257
laboratory evaluation as pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendation, 128–129
lactose, 70
Lamb with Cucumber and Tomato Salad, 248
Lemon Caper Salad Dressing, 260–261
Lennox, William, 22
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 30, 42, 44, 274
LGIT. See Low Glycemic Index Treatment (LGIT)
calculating ketogenic diet and, 97–99
preparation of ketogenic, 101–103
liquid meal plan, setting up, 99–101
Livingston, Samuel, 25
long-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 167–169
bone metabolism as, 168
death as, 169
height changes and, 168
miscellaneous complications of, 169
low-carbohydrate multivitamin/calcium, 207
Low Glycemic Index Treatment (LGIT), 219–223
effectiveness of, 222
explained, 219–220
glycemic index values, 220t
key success points of, 223
MAD and ketogenic comparisons to, 220, 221
menu, 221–222
seizure freedom and, 222–223
side effects of, 222
Macadamia Buttercrunch, 242
Macaroon Cookies, 241–242
macro nutrients, 115
maltose, 70
mannitol, 70
Maruyama, Hiroshi, 158
Massachusetts General Hospital, 219
Matthew’s Friends, 156–157, 157, 217
Maye, Margaret, 157
Mayo Clinic, 23
Mazola No-stick, 69
MCT ketogenic diet, 215–218
MCT oil, 119–120
Mead Johnson’s Poly-Vi-Sol, 73
Mead Johnson’s Unicap-M, 73
meal plan calculating, methods of, 87–94
computer program as, 87–88
cross multiplication and, 89–92
meat exchange lists and, 88
vegetables and fruits in, 88
meal preparation time savers, 171–172
meal test, 96–97
meat exchange lists, 88
Medical Record, 21
medication levels, adjusting, 149–150
medications and ketogenic diet, 71–73
carbohydrate content of, 71–72
pharmacists and, 72–73
starches and sugars in, 71
starvation/diet initiation phase and, 72
medications for seizures, 4
medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, 25, 141–142, 142t, 177
Megan’s story, 8–10
metabolism, ketogenic diet and, 16
Microlipid®, 99
food allergy use for, 55
kosher formula, 51
Microlipid (Mead Johnson)®, 98
micro nutrients, 115
milk allergies and ketogenic diet, 52
Mini Mexican Pizza Squares, 264
mitochondrial disorders and ketogenic diet, 44
modified Atkins diet (MAD)
adult use of, 277–280
future directions of, 202–203
history of, 197–203
ketogenic diet comparisons to, 198, 200–201, 201, 202t
need for alternatives and, 201
pioneer patients of, 197–198
recipes, 257–270
two day food sample of, 199–200
modified Atkins diet (MAD), using, 205–213
discontinuing use of diet and, 212
fine-tuning diet and, 210–211
first month of, 205–207
food label reading and, 208–209
frequently asked questions about, 212–213
Internet and, 207
Keto-Cal® and, 207–208
long-term use and monitoring while, 210
month two of, 209–210
switching to ketogenic diet and, 211
Modular formula, 98
Ketogenic diet using, 100–101
multivitamin supplements, 73, 115–116
Mushroom and Spinach Curry, 266–267
myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome), 7, 11, 42
myoclonic seizures, 47
Nature Made calcium plus vitamin D, 117
Neal, Elizabeth, 215–218
Nei, Maromei, 46
Nestle Pure Life Natural Fruit Flavored Water®, 206
Neumann, Gary, 157
New England Journal of Medicine, 198
non-Ketogenic diet problem, 146–148
constipation as, 148
overview of, 146–147
thirst as, 147–148
nonstick cooking spray, 69
nonsugar carbohydrates, 70
Nordli, Douglas, 42
Now Foods, 117
Nutricia North America, 97, 257
nutritional evaluation as pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendation, 128
O Clear Water®, 206
Ohaus scale, 66
Ohtahara syndrome, 274
Omega 3 fatty acid, 120–121
organic foods and ketogenic diet, 56
OsCal, 73
Palliser-Bosomworth, Neil, 257
Pam nonstick spray, 69
Pancakes or Waffles, 269–270
parent support groups, 155–160
Carson Harris Foundation, 157, 157
Charlie Foundation, 156, 156
Epilepsy Cure Initiative, 157–158, 158
in Israel, 158
in Japan, 158
Matthew’s Friends, 156–157, 157
Web sites for, 158–160
Parkinson’s disease and ketogenic diet studies, 284
peanut allergies and ketogenic diet, 54
Peanut Butter Balls, 251
Peanut Butter Celery Snacks, 237–238
Peanut Butter Cookies, 262
Peanut Butter Muffins, 235
Peanut Butter Muffins with Keto Icing, 253
Peanut Butter Sandwich Meal, 236
Pedialyte®, 176
Pelouse scale, 66
Pepper Steak Stir Fry and Bavarian Cream, 244
Pfeifer, Heidi H., 219–223
Pizza, 245
Polycose®, 70
food allergy use for, 55
kosher formula, 51
Polycose Powder (Abbott)®, 98
portable, making ketogenic diet, 172–175
postal scale, 66
Powerade Zero®, 206
pre-Ketogenic diet evaluation recommendations, 128–129
ancillary testing as, 129
counseling as, 128
laboratory evaluation as, 128–129
nutritonal evaluation as, 128
Prins, Mayumi L., 283
problems during start of ketogenic diet, 162–164
acidosis and, 163
dehydration and, 163
hypoglycemia and, 163
overview of, 162–163
refusal to eat as, 164
vomiting and, 163–164
prospective studies explained, 125
pure flavoring extracts, 69
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency (PDCD), 273, 274
Quiche Lorraine (Custard with Bacon), 237
Raspberry Cheesecake in a Cup, 264–265
Raspberry Crumble, 268–269
food allergy use for, 55
kosher formula, 51
recipes, ketogenic diet
Beef Stew, 247
Broiled Fish with Tartar Sauce, 246
Broiled Steak with Broccoli, 244
Burger with “Potato Salad,” 245
Butter Lollipops, 241
Cheesecake Meal, 250
Chef’s Salad with Maple Walnut Whip, 238
Chicken Cutlet with Apple à la Mode, 247
Chicken Fingers and Cole Slaw, 246–247
Chicken Soup and Custard, 240
Chicken with Mashed Turnips, 248
Chocolate Bavarian, 252–253
Cream of Tomato Soup with Grilled Swordfish, 241
Custard or Eggnog Snack, 252
Deviled Egg with Berry Parfait, 239 –240
Easy Apple-Sausage Bake, 235
Eggs Benedict, 242
Hot Dog and Ketchup, 243
Jell-O and Whipped Cream, 252
Jell-O Mold, 250
Keto Cookies/Keto Cereal, 235–236
Keto Donut, 249
Ketogenic Eggnog, 251
Keto Pancakes with “Syrup,” 234
Keto Waffle with “Syrup,” 249
Keto Yogurt, 252
Lamb with Cucumber and Tomato Salad, 248
Macadamia Buttercrunch, 242
Macaroon Cookies, 241–242
Peanut Butter Balls, 251
Peanut Butter Celery Snacks, 237–238
Peanut Butter Muffins, 235
Peanut Butter Muffins with Keto Icing, 253
Peanut Butter Sandwich Meal, 236
Pepper Steak Stir Fry and Bavarian Cream, 244
Pizza, 245
Quiche Lorraine (Custard with Bacon), 237
Scrambled Egg Breakfast, 233–234
Shrimp Scampi, 240
Spaghetti, 242–243
Spinach Salad, 239
Strawberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with Bacon, 236
Tacos, 248–249
Thanksgiving Custard, 251
Turkey or Ham Rollup, 252
Tuna Salad Plate, 237
Western Omelet, 234–235
recipes, modified Atkins diet
Asparagus, Lima Bean, and Salami Salad, 263
Blueberry Muffins, 267–268
Brownies, 262–263
Carb-Friendly Greek Salad, 262
Cheeseburger Pie, 259
Cheese Pizza, 265–266
Chocolate Ice Cream, 262
Chocolate Macadamia Nut Muffins, 257–258
Creamy Crab Dip, 265
Deep Dish Pizza, 259–260
Faux Fried Rice, 260
Faux Mac and Cheese, 261
French Toast, 258–259
Frosting, 258
Lemon Caper Salad Dressing, 260–261
Mini Mexican Pizza Squares, 264
Mushroom and Spinach Curry, 266–267
Pancakes or Waffles, 269–270
Peanut Butter Cookies, 262
Raspberry Cheesecake in a Cup, 264–265
Raspberry Crumble, 268–269
Shrimp Scampi, 263
Turnip Fries, 261
recommended daily allowance (RDA), 78, 79t, 107, 144
refusal to eat, 164
Reglan®, 164
relative contraindications to ketogenic diet use, 44–45
repeat seizure, odds of, 3–4
retrospective studies explained, 125
role-playing, parents and, 65
Ross Carbohydrate-free (RCF)®, 98
Royal gelatin, 69
Rugby’s calcium gluconate, 73
rules of diet, following exactly, 180–181
saccharin, 69
sample meal plans, ketogenic diet, 17–18
Scooby Doo sugar-free multivitamins, 207
Scrambled Egg Breakfast, 233–234
second-generation drugs, 4
seizure, 3–13
breakthrough, 71
dietary treatments and, 6
diets for, effectiveness of, 7, 7t
diets for, when to use, 11–13
explained, 3–4
ketogenic diet, success of, 10–11
ketogenic diet outside U.S. and, 6–7
medications and, 4
Megan’s story about, 8–10
surgery and, 4–5
seizure, diets for
ketogenic, availability of, 6–7
ketogenic, Megan’s story and, 8–10
ketogenic, success of, 10–11
overview of, 6
when to use, 11–13
seizure control, tricks to regain lost, 153, 153t
seizure numbers, baseline, 217t
selenium, 121
Seyfried, Thomas, 282
short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 164–167
carnitine deficiency as, 167
cholesterol levels and, 166–167
constipation as, 166
illness/infection as, 164–165
kidney stones as, 165–166
vitamin/mineral deficiency as, 165
weight changes as, 164
side effects of ketogenic diet, 18, 40, 118–119, 161–169
long-term, 167–169
preventing, prior to starting, 161–162
problems during start with, 162–164
short-term, 164–167
snacks, creating with KetoCalculator, 111, 111t
Solace Nutrition, 98
sorbitol, 70
lipsticks/soaps and, 71
soy allergies and ketogenic diet, 53
Spaghetti, 242–243
Sperling, Michael, 46
Spinach Salad, 239
Splenda, 69
Standard Meals, KetoCalculator, 108–110, 109t, 110t
Stevia, 69
Strawberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with Bacon, 236
sucrose, 70
SUDEP (sudden unexpected death in epilepsy patients), 169
sugar alcohols, 70
sugar-free chewables, 207
super-responders to ketogenic diet, 40–41
supplements, 115–121
calcium and vitamin D, 116–117, 117t–118t
carnitine, 119
constipation, 118–119
gastrointestinal intolerance, 118–119
MCT oil and, 119–120
multivitamin, 115–116
oral citrate, 118
selenium, 121
sweeteners, 69
Tacos, 248–249
Talbot, Fritz, 286
teenagers, 71
diet fine-tuning tips for, 139–140
Tegretol®, 4
testing strips for blood in urine, 67
testing strips for ketone levels, 67
Thanksgiving Custard, 251
thirst as non-Ketogenic diet problem, 148
time savers for meal preparation, 171–172
timing of food intake, 142
Tom’s Natural toothpaste, 73
transgenic mice, 36
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and ketogenic diet studies, 283
tree nut allergies and ketogenic diet, 54
Trileptal®, 4
trips, meal planning for long, 178–179
tuberous sclerosis complex, 7, 43
Turkey or Ham Rollup, 252
Tuna Salad Plate, 237
Turnip Fries, 261
Ultra Bright toothpaste, 73
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Composition Database, 105
University of Chicago, 215
University of Texas at Houston, 45–46
urine dipstick, 137
vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), 5
vegetarian lifestyle and ketogenic diet, 55–56
vitamin D supplements, 117, 118t
vitamin/mineral deficiency as short-term side effects of ketogenic diet, 165
vomiting, 163–164
management of, 176–177
Wawa dairies, 69
weaning off of the ketogenic diet, 185–187, 187t
seizures during, 187–189
Web sites, parent support groups, 158–160
Weekly Menu Planner, 111, 112, 112t
weight changes as short-term side effect of ketogenic diet, 164
weight gain as problem with diet, 143–145
Western Omelet, 234–235
wheat allergies and ketogenic diet, 54–55
Wheless, James, 45–46
Williams, Emma, 156–157
Worden, Lila, 186
Zofran®, 164
Zonegran®, 165