2 The origins of the linen industry in north Armagh and the Lagan valley
3 Drapers and bleachers in the early Ulster linen industry
4 The market book of Thomas Greer, a Dungannon linendraper, 1758–9
5 The linen industry portrayed in the Hincks prints of 1783
6 Ulster landowners and the linen industry
7 The political economy of linen: Ulster in the eighteenth century
8 The ‘linen triangle’ in the 1790s
9 Women in the domestic linen industry
10 The introduction of the flying shuttle into the weaving of linen in Ulster
11 The evolution of the linen trade in Ulster before industrialisation
12 A handloom weaving community in County Down
1 Thomas Turner. New methods of improving flax and flax-seed and bleaching cloth (1715)