
Acetaminophen, 307, 317

Activity, sleep disrupted by, 57–58

Acupuncture, 386

Adenoids, 340

Adopted children, 319–28

attachment process and, 323

bedtime rituals for, 326–27

bonding with, 323, 327

co-sleeping with, 323–24

creating sleep situation for, 322

lovies for, 325–26

night waking in, 152, 327–28

observing and listening to, 322–23

professional help for, 328

sleep history of, 320–21

Adult sleep, 361–70

bedtime routine for, 368–69

environment for, 367–68

exercise and, 366–67

organizing for, 365

relaxation techniques and, 369

substances to avoid, 365–66

worry about, 362–63

Air quality, 72

Alarm clocks and timers, 72–73, 180, 193, 224, 253, 276

Alcohol intake, 366, 375

Allergies, 66, 68, 161, 247, 250, 335, 338, 339, 372, 383

air quality and, 72

defined, 336

ear infections and, 315

food, 82, 84, 149, 154, 200, 336

night waking and, 153–54

symptoms of, 336–37

Alternative medicine, 385–87

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 86, 371

American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 385

American Heart Association, 87

Angela (author’s daughter), xvii

Antibiotics, 317

Aquariums or fish bowls, 161, 250

Aromatherapy, 101

Aspirin, 317

Asthma, 66, 161, 247, 338, 339, 372, 383

air quality and, 72

defined, 335

night waking and, 153–54

symptoms of, 336–37

Attachment, 185, 323. See also Bonding

Audiobooks, 92–93, 136, 161, 177, 254, 282

Awakening, 196. See also Early birds; Sleep schedule

difficulty during, 383

timing of, 43, 48–50

Baby and child monitors, 279, 281, 375, 376, 378

Bad dreams, 205, 206, 211, 212–13

Bed(s), 291–93. See also Crib-to-bed move

bunk, 278, 293, 377, 378

qualities needed in, 65–67

safety precautions for, 66, 375, 376

for sleeping only, 101–2, 368

toddler, 291–92

water, 66, 375

Bed-to-floor-to-out-the-door technique, 223–24

Bed-wetting, 145, 259–61, 309, 383


childproofing checklist for, 377–78

special big-kid, 225–26

as a special sleeping place, 277–78

television in, 85

Bedtime, 43–48, 196. See also Sleep schedule

determining optimum, 46–48

early awakening and, 192–93

parental disagreements on, 128

signs of too late, 45–46, 148

timing of, 43, 44–46

Bedtime battles, 105–22

bedtime routine and, 108–9

reasons for, 105–8

solutions for ending, 109–12

Bedtime charts, 114–16, 139–40

for adopted children, 326–27

for different homes, 117

for independent sleep, 280

Bedtime routine, 59–64, 91, 106, 201

for adopted children, 326–27

for adults, 368–69

beginning earlier, 109–10

changing perspective on, 108–9

evolution of, 122

importance of, 60–61

for independent sleep, 280

keys for good, 63–64

lack of enticing, 107

night-weaning and, 176–77

nighttime fears and, 237–38

parental presence in, 126

popularity with children, 61–62

putting together, 112–13

for siblings, 110–11, 349–50

sleep log for, 17, 18, 20

for special needs children, 312–13

sufficient time for, 131–32

for twins, 329

writing down, 111–12

Bedtime setting. See Sleep environment

Big-kid bed hoopla, 294–95

Biological clock, 25, 43, 55–58, 71, 131, 245–46. See also Darkness; Light

adult sleep and, 363–64

bedtime routine and, 60

characteristics of, 8–9

individuality in, 44

jet lag and, 356

resetting, 8, 195

sleepiness regulated by, 55–57

wake-up time and, 48–50

Blankets, 68–70, 232, 371, 376, 378

Bonding, 323, 327. See also Attachment


ear infections and, 318

weaning from, 117–18, 150, 155, 350–52

Brain development, 51

Breastfeeding, 102, 117–18, 156. See also Weaning

caffeine intake and, 365

fearing the end of, 170

as a habit, 168–69

as a lovey, 167–68

multipurpose benefit of, 166–67

reluctance to substitute, 167

sacred process phenomenon of, 169–70

as a sleep aid, 125–26

teething relief and, 307

Breastmilk, 81, 166

Brigham and Women's Hospital, 57

Bruxism, 148, 199–204, 309

prevention of, 201–2

reasons for, 200–201

signs of, 199

treatment of, 202–3

Bumper pads, 373–74

Bunk beds, 278, 293, 377, 378

Burglar alarms, 265

Caffeine, 365–66

Camping, in the bedroom, 282

Canadian Paediatric Society, 86

Car trips, 253–54, 354–55, 372, 384

Carbon monoxide alarms, 372

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 373

Caregivers, 52, 183–85, 303

CD players and tape recorders, 161, 282

Chamomile, 317

Change, 347–57. See also Stress

family life events, 347–49

new baby, 349–50

night waking and, 154–55

separation anxiety and, 150

trips and sleepovers, 353–57

Charts. See Bedtime charts; Comparison chart; Sticker charts

Child abuse, 372

Childproofing, 197, 265, 294, 376, 377–78. See also Safety

Children’s Memorial Hospital, 309

Chiropractic care, 386

Choking hazards, 378

Cigarette smoke, 318, 337, 339, 366, 371–72

Clearing the mind for sleep, 96

Co-sleeping. See also Independent sleep; Lying with child

with adopted children, 323–24

in an unfamiliar place, 355

nightmares and, 207–8

safety precautions for, 375–76

with siblings, 140, 161, 284–85

without nursing, 187–90

Coleton (author’s son), xvii, xxiv, 61, 74, 108, 165, 170, 178, 189, 230, 236, 253

Company in the bedroom, 160–61, 282

Comparison chart, 379, 380

Computers and electronics, 58, 75


of bedtime routine, 59–64

of sleep schedule, 43–50, 196

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 278, 371, 373

Cornell University, 10

Cortisol, 44, 241

Coughing, 383

Cradle safety precautions, 373–75

Cranial osteopathy, 386

Craniopathy, 386

Craniosacral therapy (CST), 386

Crib safety precautions, 373–75

Crib-to-bed move, 287–98

approaches to, 294–96

planning, 290–91

reasons for, 287–90

rejection of, 296–97

Cry-it-out approach, xix–xx, 31–32, 133

Crying, excessive, 32–35

Curiosity, 106–7

Curtain and blind cords, 372, 378

Czeisler, Charles, 57

Darkness, 8, 56, 157, 247, 251, 256

biological effects of, 56–57

fear of, 71, 229, 234, 238–39, 277, 293

morning awakening and, 195

as a nursing cue, 179–80

David (author’s son), xvii, 61, 110–11, 117–18, 120, 121, 189

Daylight saving time, 255–58

Dehumidifiers, 72

Dehydration, 200

Delta sleep, 6

Dement, William C., xviii, 45–46

Dentists, 202–3

Diabetes, 84, 260

Diet. See Nutrition and diet

Doctors. See Health care providers

Dream catchers, 215

Dreaming stage of sleep, 4, 6–7. See also Bad dreams; Nightmares

Ear infections, 247, 250, 315–18, 337

causes of, 315

help for, 317

night waking and, 153

reducing chance of, 317–18

signs of, 316

Earaches, 200, 202

Early birds, 191–98

encouraging longer sleep in, 195–96

inability to change, 196–98

natural change in, 198

possible causes, 192–94

Echinacea, 317

Electric blankets, 378

Exercise, 85–88

for adults, 366–67

benefits of, 86–87

play as, 87–88

timing of, 88, 130–31

Expectations, reasonable, 36

Eyesight, protection of, 71

Family bedtime, 276

Family bestseller, 117–22, 179, 350

Fathers, 183–85

Fire-safety measures, 70, 372, 378

Flashlights, 232, 355

Flexibility, 36, 122

Food allergies, 82, 84, 149, 154, 200, 336

Food sensitivities, 84, 260

Futons, 292–93

Gastroesophageal reflux diesease

(GERD). See Reflux

Gelula, Richard L., 255

Get-Out-of-Bed-Free cards, 116


for independent sleep, 283–84

for night visitors, 227–28

for night-weaning, 181–82

for pacifiers, 353

Goldenseal, 317

Growth hormones, 6

Guardrails, 278, 291, 292, 293, 295, 375, 377

Guided imagery, 96

Hand washing, 317–18, 373

Health care providers. See also Professional help

allergies, asthma, reflux and, 338

bed-wetting and, 261

bruxism and, 201–2

ear infections and, 316

regular appointments with, 372

sleep disorders and, 384–85

snoring and, 340–41

teething and, 306, 307

Health problems

adult, 370

beds and, 66

night waking and, 152, 153

nightmares/terrors and, 214

sleep deficiency and, 10

Hearing problems, 316

Holistic medicine, 385–86

Homeopathy, 307, 317, 385–86

Hopkins-Best, Mary, 319

Hormones, 6, 44, 51, 56, 166, 241, 362

Humidifiers, 72

Humor, 37–38

Hunger, 149, 194, 369

Hunger alert, 195–96

Ibuprofen, 307, 317

I’ll-be-right-back technique, 134–35, 281

Independent sleep, 269–85

answering child's calls, 281

bedtime routine for, 280

explaining, 276

family bedtime and, 276

identifying problems, 277

during naptime, 280

planning for, 273–74

preparing bedroom for, 277–78

questions to consider, 270–71

sneaky approach, 279–80

in stages, 275

temporary co-sleeping and, 280–81

Insomnia, 86, 152–53, 309, 336, 337

Insulin, 79

Jet lag, 356–57

Kluytmans, Terry, 147

Kryger, Meir, 102

Laboratory for Children’s Sleep and Arousal Disorders, 299

Larks, 191, 198

Leach, Penelope, 143

Learning and sleep deficiency, 10

Light, 8, 56, 157, 224, 256, 276

adult sleep and, 367–69

biological effects of, 56–57

early awakening and, 193, 195

eyesight and, 71

natural sunlight lamps for, 195

as a nursing cue, 179–80

Light sleepers, 151–52

Little Mommy or Daddy, 304

Love/mothering hormones, 166

Lovies, 69, 136, 151, 254, 282, 303

breastfeeding as, 167–68

encouraging attachment to, 73–75, 325–26

Lying with child, 115–16. See also Co-sleeping; Parental presence

Mass, James, 10

Massage, 93–94, 177

Mattresses, 367, 372, 373, 375, 377

on the floor, 292–93

qualities needed in, 65–67

Medication, 84

adult use of, 366, 376

bed-wetting and, 260

night waking and, 154

nightmares/terrors and, 214

sleep, 79, 384

Melatonin, 56, 79

Menstruation and sleep, 362

Milestones, developmental, 149–50, 322

Mobiles and crib toys, 374

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), 81

Monsters, fear of, 233, 234–35, 236–37

Morning Fairy, 283–84

Morning snuggles, 224

Mothers, preference for, 126

Mouth breathing, 383

Mouth guards, 203

Muscle weakness, 384

Music, 107, 135, 136, 161, 196, 224, 276, 282

benefits of, 97–99

during car trips, 355

during naps, 247, 250, 252, 254

night-weaning and, 177, 180, 183

to relieve nighttime fears, 232–33

Music boxes, 282

Naps, 48, 51–54, 241–54

for adults, 370

benefits of, 51–52

breastfeeding prior to, 175

in the car, 253–54

early awakening and, 192, 194, 195

independent sleep during, 280

jet lag and, 357

length of, 241–42, 245, 246–48

night sleep and, 241, 242

night waking and, 147–48

overly long, late, 55, 106, 130

rituals for adopted children, 326–27

routine for, 249–50

setting time for, 54

signs of need for, 242–45

sleep deficiency and, 12

sleep log for, 17, 18, 19

timing of, 44, 52–53, 245–46

tips for reluctant nappers, 250–53

National Kidney Foundation, 261

National SAFE Kids Campaign, 371

National Sleep Foundation, xviii, 29–30, 123, 141–42, 255, 311, 361, 385

Natural sunlight lamps, 195

Naturopathy, 386

Night-lights, 56, 137, 194, 232, 261, 355, 367, 372, 378

Night terrors, 145, 208–16, 383

dealing with, 209–10

defined, 208–9

identifying, 211, 212–13

preventing, 211–15

professional help for, 215–16

sleep deficiency and, 10, 148, 214

in special needs children, 309

talking about, 210

Night visits, 217–28

evaluation of, 218–19

mixed messages about, 220–21

sleeping through, 159–60

solutions for, 223–28

Night waking, 129, 141–64, 383

in adopted children, 152, 327–28

reasons for, 144–46

sleep log for, 17, 18, 21

solutions and ideas for, 156–64

Night-weaning, 165–90

co-sleeping and, 187–90

enlisting help for, 183–85

location change for, 180–81

objection to term, 170

obstacles to, 166–70

planning for, 185–86

time perimeters in, 178–79

Nightmares, 145–47, 205–8, 211–16, 277, 383

bad dreams distinguished from, 206

dealing with, 206–7

identifying, 211, 212–13

nap schedule and, 148

preventing, 211–15

professional help for, 215–16

sleep deficiency and, 10

talking about, 208

Nighttime fears, 107, 125, 145–47, 148, 229–39

explaining away, 230

parental messages about, 230

practical tactics for, 232–33

professional help for, 239

real vs. imagined, 231–32

solutions for, 231–38

No-Cry Sleep Solution, The: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night (Pantley), xxiv, 165

Noise, 58, 157, 193, 367

Nutrition and diet, 79–84

for adults, 369

foods that break the rules, 81–83

important foods, 83

naps and, 246–47

night waking and, 149, 152–53

nightmares/terrors and, 214

sleep inducing, 80

sleep preventing, 80–81

sleepwalking and, 268

timing and amount of meals, 84

Obesity, 340

One-step-at-a-time switcheroo, 295

Original Slumber Bear, 74

Overtiredness, 106, 131, 214

Oxytocin, 166

Pacifier, 117–18, 155, 351, 352–53, 372

Pacifier Fairy, 353

Pajamas, 70, 371

Pantley’s Gentle Removal Plan, 171–76, 353

Parental presence, 123–40

don’t stay option, 133–40

making a decision on, 127–29

night waking and, 155–56, 159, 160

problems caused by, 127

reasons for wanting, 124–26

stay option, 130–33

Patience, 164, 175–76, 313–14

Pediatric psychologists and therapists, 387

Persistence, 35–36

Pets, 161, 233, 282, 373, 376

Physical fitness. See Exercise

Pillows, 67–68, 371, 376

Pinworms, 200

Play, 87–88, 130–31, 195

Portable cribs, 374

Power of 5-3-1, 138–39

Power Sleep (Mass), 10

Prayer, 99–101, 146, 147, 237, 369

Prebedtime routine. See Bedtime routine

Pregnancy and sleep, 362

Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine, The (Kryger), 102

Prize Chain, 228

Professional help. See also Health care providers; Support and support groups

for adopted children, 328

for nightmares/terrors, 215–16

for nighttime fears, 239

for special needs children, 314

Progressive muscle relaxation, 94–95, 369

Prolactin, 166

Promise of Sleep, The (Dement), xviii, 44–45

Quiet, 72–73, 107

Quiet ears technique, 96

Reading, 75, 91–92, 113–14, 195, 235, 256. See also Storytelling

Reflux, 81, 84, 335, 338, 339, 383

defined, 336

night waking and, 153, 154Gentle Removal

signs of, 337

in special needs children, 309

Relaxation techniques, 89–102, 268 stay option, 133

for adults, 369

for bruxism, 202

as a crutch, 102

REM stage of sleep, 4, 7

Rubber Band Bounce, 225, 226–27, 279

Sadeh, Avi, 11, 299

Safety, 371–78

bed, 66, 375, 376

bunk bed, 278, 377

co-sleeping, 375–76

cradle and crib, 373–75

general precautions, 371–73

sleep environment, 77, 294

Safety gates, 264, 265, 378

Sears, William, 185

Second wind, 6, 52, 54, 106, 243

Separation anxiety, 299–304

causes of, 300

effects on sleep, 300–301

helping a child with, 301–4

night waking and, 150–51

signs of, 301

Serotonin, 79

Setbacks, 343–46

Sheets, 372, 373, 375

Sheldon, Stephen, 309, 314


bedtime routine for, 110–11, 349–50

new, 202, 289–90, 349–50

sleeping with, 140, 161, 284–85


amount required, 11–13, 47–48

effects on...sleep, 10–13

important facts about, 4–9

Sleep apnea, 200, 309, 339, 340, 372

Sleep cycles, 86, 141, 241

Sleep deficiency, 148, 214, 255–56

effects of, 9–13

signs of, 48

Sleep disorder(s), 102, 379–87

alternative medicine for, 385–87

bed-wetting and, 260

defined, 382

exercise and, 86

night waking and, 153, 383

questions for analysis of, 381–82

signs of, 383–84

solutions for children with, 384–87

Sleep disorder centers, 385

Sleep environment, 65–77. See also Bed(s); Blankets; Darkness; Lovies; Pajamas; Pillows; Quiet; Temperature of bedroom

for adults, 367–68

making changes in, 157–59

night waking and, 148–49

safety of, 77, 294

sleeping cubby in, 76–77

specific sleeping place in, 76

Sleep hygiene, 152

Sleep in America (poll), 123, 125, 131, 142, 311

Sleep inertia, 7

Sleep logs, 17–23, 310, 379

Sleep medication, 79, 384

Sleep-onset associations, 155–56, 227

Sleep plan, 25–28

crying and, 32–35

night-weaning and, 185–86

questions for, 22–23

sleep disorders and, 379–87

for special needs children, 311

steps in, 35–36

for twins, 333

worksheet for, 26–28, 310

Sleep schedule

consistency in, 43–50, 196

for twins, 331–32

Sleep stages, 4–8

Sleep talking, 10, 145, 266–68

Sleeping cubby, 76–77

Sleeping Like a Baby (Sadeh), 299

Sleepwalking, 10, 145, 216, 263–66, 267–68, 309

Smoke detectors, 258, 372

Snoring, 200, 309, 337, 339–41, 383

causes of, 339

medical advice on, 340–41

Sore throat, 337, 383

Special needs children, 152, 214, 309–14

defining sleep issues in, 310–11

professional help for, 314

routines and rituals for, 312–13

Stanford University, xviii, 86

Sticker charts

to encourage night dryness, 261

for night visitors, 227–28

for night-weaning, 182

Stone, Richard A., 71

Storytelling, 92–93, 114, 177–78, 195. See also Reading

Stress. See also Change; Worries

adult sleep and, 365

bruxism and, 200–201, 202

exercise and, 86

nightmares/terrors and, 214–15

sleepwalking and, 268

Strollers, napping in, 250–51, 254

Stuffed animals, 161, 232

Support and support groups. See also Professional help

for parents of twins, 334

for sleep disorders, 379–80

Survey/test families, xx–xxiii, 142, 227

Sweating during sleep, 383

Teething, 200, 247, 250, 305–8, 344

night waking and, 151

relieving discomfort of, 306–7

symptoms of, 305–6

Tel Aviv University, 11

Television, 58, 75, 161, 368

before bed, 111

fitness diminished by, 85–86

monitoring programs, 211, 234

Temperature of bedroom, 71–72, 247, 367, 371

Tiredness, signs of, 248–49. See also Overtiredness

Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Crafic (Hopkins-Best), 319

Toddler beds, 291–92

Toileting, 145, 193–94, 214, 247, 265, 289

Tonsils, 340

Tooth grinding. See Bruxism

Tot Finder window stickers, 378

Toy boxes, 378

Transitional objects. See Lovies

Trips and vacations, 353–57

Tryptophan, 79, 82

Twins, 161, 329–34

routines for, 329

sleep schedule for, 331–32

sleeping arrangements for, 329–30

University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Scheie Eye Institute, 71

Vanessa (author’s daughter), xvii, 284

Vitamin deficiencies, 200

Wake-up time. See Awakening

Water beds, 66, 375

Weaning, 120–21. See also Night-weaning

from the bottle, 117–18, 150, 155, 350–52

night waking and, 150, 154–55

from pacifiers, 117–18, 155, 352–53

Websites, 373, 147, 378, 17, 26, 389

Weekend promise, 224–25

Wet diapers, 145, 193–94

White noise, 96, 107, 135, 136, 157, 161, 193, 224, 276, 282

benefits of, 72–73, 97–99

during car trips, 355

during naps, 247, 250, 252

night-weaning and, 177, 180, 183

to relieve nighttime fears, 232–33

White paper technique, 96

Window guards, 264, 378

Window safety, 372, 378

Worksheets, 26–28, 310

Worries, 125. See also Stress

Yo-yo syndrome, 287–88, 297

Yoga, 97, 369