
Note: Figure references are in italics

Ahlberg, Hakon 501

airport: Frankfurt 3; Manchester 3

Alberti, L.B. 11, 19 22

Architecture d’aujourd’hui 44, 47

Architecture without Architects 84, 89

artificial neural network (ANN) 255

Ashford, Kent 154

Asplund, Gunnar 1415, 501, 53

Auepark 67, 69, 71

Augé, Marc 3, 6, 1334

automaton 162, 197, 199, 203

Bacon, Francis 104, 111

Banham, Reyner 24850

Barbican 2801 see also London

Bardot, Brigitte 81

Barkers Pool 123, 125 see also Sheffield

Bern 2

binocular vision ii, 98, 241, 258

Blenheim 107

Böcklin, Arnold 834

Bolles and Wilson 17 see also Münster City Library

Borer, Pat 15, 75 see also Wales Institute for Sustainable Education (WISE)

bosquet 107

Bourdieu, Pierre 67, 98, 101, 159, 163, 1701

brains in jars 96

Brown, Capability 107, 108

Browne, Tom 110

building information modelling (BIM) 2612, 265 see also computer-aided design (CAD)

Burke, Edmund 137, 139, 141 see also sublime, the

Capri 8, 82 see Villa Malaparte

Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) 72

Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) 265, 26, 274

chado 1789, 1824

Chamberlin Powell and Bon 280

Chambers, William 108

chaniwa 179, 180, 181, 183

Chapter House, Wells Cathedral 723

Charles II 104

Charter of Athens 2, 6, 114, 155, 277, 291

Chartreuses village 197

chashitsu 179, 181, 183

Chenal, Pierre 44, 47

Cheyenne camp 165

Chermayeff, Serge i

cinema of attractions 217, 2456, 250

circulation: airport 3; cloister 23, 172; corridors 162, 209; dignity of 29; King Edward VII Hospital 280; Konigsberg Stock Exchange 16; method of transport 2, 140, 148, 278; Muthesius, Hermann 35; promenade architecturale 44, 48; room relationships 13, 40, 42, 70, 162; space for movement 206; staircases 12, 28, 302, 34, 206; steps 34; Viollet-le-duc, Eugène-Emmanuel 23

cloister 1112, 234, 104, 1723

Colegio do Espirito Santo 104

Collie, John 145, 148

computer aided design (CAD) 218, 259262 see also building information modelling (BIM)

Confucianism 162, 193, 195

Congress of Athens 150

corridor: King Edward VII Hospital 280; Lauriston School 204, 2067, 209; long closure 126; movement 266; railway trains 132; social rules 162; stairs 33; theatres 301; WISE building 78, 80

Cottbus Technical University library 2412 see also Herzog & de Meuron

Craven, Clifford 1437

Croome Court 108

da Cunha, Dilip 230, 232, 236 see also Mathur and da Cunha

Dada 113, 116

Daoism 1001, 185, 189, 194

Das englische Haus 12, 35 see also Muthesius, Hermann

Davies, William 144

Debord, Guy 1134, 119

de Certeau, Michel 11415, 119

De Chirico, Giorgio 83

De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill ii see also Mendelsohn, Erich

Deleuze, Gilles 48, 119, 253, 257

Department of Rites 1934

dérive 113, 266

Descartes, René 96

Dong 217, 2201, 2235, 2279

Douglas, Mary 6, 160

Drachten 153

Drexler, Arthur 12

Duchamp, Marcel 235

East Royal Tombs, Zunhua, Hebei Province, China 156, 162, 18692

Ecole des Beaux Arts 12

Eisenstein, Sergei 46, 49

Elne 24

Engwicht, David 151, 155

Enigma of the Oracle 83

Epidaurus 166, 167, 168

Evans, Robin 162, 215

Exhibition Road 1501, 1534 see also London

Fénelon 197

feng-shui 185, 189, 194

Ford, Richard 102, 111

Fountain Place, Poynton 1545

Frazer, John 259, 262

Galileo 142

Garnier, Charles 12, 25, 279, 31, 334, 162

Godard, Jean-Luc 17, 812, 87 see also Le mépris

Goffman, Erving 5, 7, 99, 101, 159, 163

Gold Route 122, 123, 124 see also Sheffield

Gothenburg Art and Industry Exhibition Pavilion 15, 50, 514 see also Asplund, Gunnar

Guildhall 167 see also London

Gunning, Tom 217, 2456, 250

habitus 159

Hackney 162, 204, 254 see also London

Häring, Hugo 132

Héré, Emmanuel 199200, 203

Herzog, & de Meuron 212, 217, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 2889, 291

Herzog, Werner 129

Hortus Botanicus, Leiden 103

Husserl, Edmund 1423

Igualada Cemetery 217, 230, 231, 232, 234, 237 see also Miralles, Enric

Imperial Hotel 59 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

Ji Tang village 220

Jorn, Asger 114

Kant, Immanuel 100, 130, 136, 1389, 141

Kassel Theatre project 15, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71 see also Scharoun, Hans

Keiller, Patrick 17, 217, 2445, 247, 24950

Keller, Rolf 2778

King Edward VII Hospital 280

Kittler, Friedrich 81

Königsberg Stock Exchange 1516 see also Scharoun, Hans

Koolhaas, Rem 239

koshikake machiai 181

Kracauer, Siegfried 252, 2567

Kroll, Lucien 161, 177

Kyu-misu-dera Temple, Kyoto, Japan, 578

Lakoff, George 99, 101

Lao Tzu 72

Larkin, Philip 132

Lauriston School 162, 2045, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211 see also London

Le Corbusier 24, 1314, 44, 45, 469, 63, 86, 150, 155, 278

Lee, Laurie 1289, 133, 247, 282

Lefebvre, Henri 136, 141, 246, 24850, 281

Le mépris 17, 813, 867 see also Godard, Jean-Luc

Lettrist International 113

Lewerentz, Sigurd 15, 50, 54

Libera, Adalberto 8, 82, 84, 86 see also Villa Malaparte

London: Barbican 2801; cab drivers 130; Cavendish Square 196; Exhibition Road in Kensington 1501; gravel walks 103; Gray’s Inn Fields 104; Guildhall 167; Kempster, William 276; King Edward VII Hospital Extension 280; Lauriston School, Lee, Laurie 128, 282; Hackney 162, 204; public works 1178; Stoke Newington High Street 218, 254; Tack, Dora 160; Tate Modern 239; Victoria Park 110; Wilson, Peter 17; Wright, Frank Lloyd 63

Long, Richard 6, 216

Lunéville, gardens of 162, 1967, 198, 199, 200, 2013

Lury, Celia 2523, 2567

McLuhan, Marshall 216, 259

Malaparte, Curzio 81, 84 see also Villa Malaparte

marche 12

Martel, France 12

Massumi, Brian 254

Mathur, Anuradha 230, 232, 236 see also Mathur and da Cunha

Mathur and da Cunha 217, 230, 2323, 235, 236, 2378

Mattern, Hermann 15, 65, 68, 71

Meggitt, Mervyn 168, 171

Melville, Jean-Pierre 244

Mendelsohn, Erich ii see also De la Warr Pavilion

Mercat de Santa Caterina 233

Milan Prada Foundation 239 see also Herzog & de Meuron

Milner, Edward 11011

Ministry of Transport 146, 148

Miralles, Enric 217, 23031, 2334, 237

Moholy-Nagy, László 24850

Monastery of St Gall, plan of 17, 172

Monderman, Hans 152

Mongolian yurt 165

montage 46, 49, 217, 245, 247, 249

Mukoleku 16970

Mumbai peninsula 2303

Münster City Library 17 see also Bolles and Wilson

Muthesius, Hermann 12, 18, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 162 see also Das englische Haus and Wie baue ich mein Haus

naka-kuguri 1813

Nanterre 118

New Babylon, The 114

New Road, Brighton 144, 153

Nidd, River 106

Nieuwenhuys, Constant 114

nijiri-guchi 183

Nitschke, Günter 57, 64, 80, 181, 1834

Nivola house, 86

Nunez, Rafael 99, 101

O’Sullivan, Timothy 19

Ocatillo 60 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

Odyssey, The 17, 81, 83, 86, 89, 100

OMA 239

Opéra, Paris 12, 257, 28, 32, 111, 162 see also Garnier, Charles

Orphism 46, 48

Ottoneum 66, 71 see also Kassel Theatre project

paifang 156, 185, 1889, 191

Palladio, Andrea 11, 19, 212, 74, 79 see also Villa Barbaro, Maser

parti 12, 303

Pavilion Gardens 11011

Peace Gardens 123, 1245 see also Sheffield

pedestrian 4, 17, 689, 945, 103, 105, 113, 133, 142, 1445, 147, 14952, 154, 244, 261, 280, 283

Pepler, George 144

Persistent Model 2689, 2712

phantom ride 217, 2457

Philharmonie, Berlin 1516 see also Scharoun, Hans

Phillips, Robert 102

Picon, Antoine 261, 264

Pinos, Carme 2301, 234

plane 4, 60, 63, 94, 97, 230, 233, 256, 259, 266, 274

Playtime 3, 133 see also Tati, Jacques

Pollock, Jackson 86

Ponti, Gio 86

promenade architecturale 4, 13, 44, 45

Proust, Marcel 94, 1301, 133, 284

public works 93, 11719, 137

Purple Rose of Cairo, The 2845

railway 129, 1323, 1445, 247, 249

Reclaim the Streets movement 115

reverberation 1212, 126

Richard, François 199

Rievaulx Abbey 161, 1723, 175

rite of passage 162

Robinson in Ruins 244, 246 see also Keiller, Patrick

Robinson in Space 129, 244 see also Keiller, Patrick

Rocher 197, 199, 200, 2013

roji 179, 180, 1813

roji-mon 181

Rudofsky, Bernard 17, 84, 85, 86, 89, 117

Ryoanji temple 734

San Gimignano 2

San Michele Hotel 86

Save our Streets campaign 151

Scharoun, Hans 1516, 657, 68, 69, 70, 71, 162

Schaulager Museum, Basel 212, 239, 240 see also Herzog & de Meuron

Schminke House 1516, 18 see also Scharoun, Hans

Select Committee on Public Walks 109

Sheffield: City Council 142, 1445, 1478; Craven, Clifford 143; Diagonal Road Scheme 1445, 147; Gold Route 122, 1236; Peace Gardens 123, 1245; replanning and reconstruction 1423; ring road 94, 135; School of Architecture 11, 17, 229, 257; Sheffield Replanned 1456

simulation 21819, 256, 2603, 265, 273

Sitte, Camillo 2

Situationists 4, 93, 11214, 116

Skhería 87

Skvallertorget 153

Snelson, Kenneth 270

soto-roji 1813

St James Park 104 see also London

stairs: De la Warr Pavilion in Bexhill ii; dignity of 29; East Royal Tombs 191; Gothenburg Art and Industry Exhibition Pavilion 534; Lauriston School 206; Le Corbusier 47; Paris Opera 12, 27; parti 314; Rievaulx abbey 173; Rudofsky, Bernard 86; Schminke House 16; servants 43; spatial device 266; Stockholm City Library 14; Vitra Haus 243; Wells Cathedral 723; Willits Villa 55; WISE building 767, 79; Wycombe General 279; Yamamura House 60

Stalker 93, 11617, 119

Stanislaus titular King of Poland, 196

Star Trek 6

Stockholm City Library 14

Stoke Newington High Street 2546 see also London

Storer House 60 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

Stuart, James 196

sublime, the 86, 94, 13541 see also Burke, Edmund

Surrealists 93, 113, 116

Taliesin West 60, 61, 624 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

Tati, Jacques 3, 133 see also Playtime

terrains vagues 116

threshold: bodily movement 99, 164; chado principle of kei 182; divisions and transitions 2, 5, 6, 59, 64, 96, 121, 1602, 204; dragon of the gate 228; internal verandah, engawa 60; modernist hospital 278; nijiri-guchi 183; ritual crossing of 169, 170, 181, 284

Through Miller’s Dale 247

tobi-ishi 183

topology 2523, 257, 270, 273

Touch of Evil 2445, 250 see also Welles, Orson

Traffic in Towns 150, 290

trains: modes of transport 64, 1278, 1323, 136, 159, 217, 245, 247, 2834; railway trains 132; underground trains 132; electric trains 277

tsukubai 183

Turner, Victor 169171, 264

uchi-roji 181, 182, 183

Ulrich, Roger 280

Ulysses 813, 869 see also Odyssey, The

Un Flic (1972) 2445 see also Melville, Pierre

Vahl, Joost 152

van Gennep, Arnold 169

vernacular 3, 13, 160, 282

Versailles 1067, 111, 199, 203

Villa Barbaro, Maser 22, 74 see also Palladio, Andrea

Villa Malaparte 8, 82, 85 see also Libera, Adalberto and Malaparte, Curzio

Villa on Procida 85

Villa Savoye 3, 13, 18, 44, 45, 467, 49 see also Le Corbusier

Viollet-le-duc, Eugène-Emmanuel 11, 17, 234, 28

virtual reality 216, 218, 260, 284

VitraHaus 2423 see also Herzog & de Meuron

Vitruvius 3, 11, 1922

Walbiri 168

Wales Institute for Sustainable Education (WISE) 15, 72

walkabout 129

Wasmuth portfolio 55 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

wayfinding 280

Welles, Orson 244 see also Touch of Evil

Whately, Thomas 107

Wie baue ich mein Haus 13, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43 see also Muthesius, Hermann

Wilhelmine Theatre 69

Willits villa 567 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

Wilson, Peter 8, 17, 812, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 see also Bolles and Wilson

WISE Building 758 see also Wales Institute for Sustainable Education

Woodland Cemetery 15 see Asplund, Gunnar

Worlidge, John 105

Wright, Frank Lloyd 15, 18, 55, 567, 59, 60, 61, 624, 163

Wycombe General Hospital, 279

Yamamura House 59 see also Wright, Frank Lloyd

yori-tsuki 181

Yorke Rosenberg and Mardall 280

Zaugg, Rémy 23940, 243

Zen 1789, 1813

Zhang pole 222, 224