Copyright © 2016 by JH Simon


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


This book is not intended as a substitute for legal, medical or mental health advice. The intent of this book is to provide general advice on the topic matter covered. If professional advice or expert assistance is required, it should be sought out.

The penny drops

Down the rabbit hole

Sharpen your sword

First things first

The enduring effects of life under a narcissist regime

Why me? Qualifying as a target

Get em’ while they’re young

The ideal target

Mortal Gods

The parental emotion

The normalising power of shame

Fit in, play nice. Measure up, get it right

The shame/grandiosity continuum

The law of grandiosity

The misunderstood emotion

When shame becomes toxic

The core of the narcissist

Comrades in shame

Responding to shamelessness

The core of the target

On the true self

On the ego

On the false self

Looking in the wrong place

Goodbye world

An integrated ego

The consequences of dissociation

The game

Step into my web: Mind Control 101

Sanctioned Superiority


Hijacking your reality

Understand your obstacles

Obstacle one: Enmeshment

Obstacle two: The psychological cage

Obstacle three: Love starvation

Obstacle four: Low shame tolerance

Obstacle five: Fear

Obstacle six: Guilt

Obstacle seven: Addiction to shamelessness

Stay on course

Shattering the myth

Let the brain re-washing begin

Practice One: Get allies

Limbic resonance

The hard truth about family

Finding a true ally


Practice Two: Unleash your true self

Give shape to your true self

Sit, and wait

The fine line between thought and true self

Practice Three: Skill up

Practice Four: Flex your muscles

Be special, be fair

Go forth and conquer… your shame

Practice Five: Even the scale

The emotional investment mismatch

The emotional investment trap

The humour trap

The conversation trap

Practice Six: Boundaries

Having something to defend

Blowing your top

Enough is enough

Practice Seven: Scorched Earth

Don’t touch the hot potato

Refuse to take the bait

The Blame Game

Trust, but verify

New beginnings

Coup d'état

Out with the old, in with the new

Revenge is a dish best not served at all
