Aachen cathedral, 209

Académie Française, 5, 219

Achilles, 334, 35, 37

Acre, 94, 249

Actium, 25

Adrianople, 85, 86

Adriatic Sea, 75, 79, 85, 117, 11819, 123, 187, 276

Aegean Sea, 80, 85, 128, 171, 276

Aegina, 85

Aemilius Paulus, 4, 5

Africa, 4, 47, 64, 70, 269

Agnadello, battle of, 129

Agrippina, Empress, 218

Alberti, Leon Battista, The Art of Building, 1478

Alcibiades, 38, 143

Aldus Manutius, 137, 145

Alexander the Great, 47, 138, 180; Lysippus as favourite sculptor, 14, 26, 60, 140; reign, 1823; figure of, 185; gilded statue, 264

Alexander sarcophagus, 258

Alexander, Tsar, 208

Alexandria, 71, 72, 87

Alexius Angelus (Alexius IV, emperor), 7981

Alexius I, emperor, 106

Alexius III, emperor, 79, 801

Alexius V, emperor, 81, 82

Alfieri, Vittorio, 214, 217, 240

Amalfi, 68

Anagni cathedral, 99

Anastasius, emperor, 65

Ancona, 118, 137

Andros, 85

Angel Gabriel, 93

Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar, Dowager Duchess, 189

Annals of Fine Arts, 231, 233

Annunciation, 70, 93

Antinous, 184, 267

Antiochus IV, king of Commagene, 17

Antonine altar, 17

Antwerp cathedral, 199

Apelles, 47, 13940, 149, 180

Aphrodite 159; of Cnidus, 139, 175

Apollo, 17; statues, 24, 59; sanctuary at Delphi, 50

Apollo Belvedere, 2, 170, 1812, 183, 200, 208, 210, 221, 230, 233

Aquileia, 70, 71

Aretino, Pietro, 146

Arezzo, 133

Argos, 147

Aristotle, 13, 130, 200

Arrotino, 170

art: seizure of treasures, 67, 199200, 20710; classical (ancient), 121, 1456, 233, 236, 25960, 274; Christian, 989, 260; Platonic ideal, 1468, 180, 228, 232; Venetian, 1489, 168, 176; pagan, 154; sublime, 1801, 184; Greek, 180, 182, 238, 259; Renaissance, 181; Roman imperial, 185; Napoleonic, 211; Egyptian, 234; Etruscan, 234; Roman, 238, 259; gothic, 247; Hellenistic, 257, 25960, 262; psychological effect, 273; see also sculpture, ancient

Ascension Day, 117, 212

Asia, 129, 275

Athena, 142

Athens, 17, 345, 41, 1413, 229, 234, 274; falls to Turks, 141; sack by Sulla, 200 LANDMARKS: Acropolis, 141, 143, 238; Parthenon, 35, 59, 138, 139, 1413, 175, 229, 231, 232; Piraeus, 59; tomb of Philopappas, 17, 138; see also Parthenon sculptures

Attila the Hun, 70

Auerstadt, battle of, 238

Augustus, emperor, 23, 257, 46, 177, 201, 25960, 267; triumphal arch, 47, 141; on coins, 133; mausoleum, 141; Prima Porta statue, 260

Aurelii family, 136

Austerlitz, battle of, 203

Austria, 1913, 196, 207, 224, 242, 244, 276

Baldwin of Flanders, 77, 85, 86

Balkans, 21, 24, 108

Barletta, 88

Bassae, 229

Belgium, 199

Belisarius, 64, 65

Bellini, Gentile, 149, 159, 167; Procession in the Piazza San Marco, 112, 113, 114, 122, 152

Bellini, Giovanni, 145, 148, 149, 167; The Madonna and Child Enthroned, 196

Bellini, Jacopo, 149, 150, 159

Belluno, 141

Beltrame, Achille, 253

Belvedere Torso, 183, 221

Bembo, Pietro, 1445, 275

Bergamo, 156

Berlin, University of, 238

Bern, 4

Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 172

Bessarion, Cardinal, 1345, 161, 163

Black Sea, 118, 129

Boeotia, 237

Bologna, 118, 130, 199; church of San Giacomo Maggiore, 150, 151

Bonaparte, Elisa, 206, 215

Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonaparte, Pauline, 206, 217

Borghese, Prince, 206, 217

Boyle, Nicholas, 186

Bozzotti, Maria, 275n

Bramante, Donato, 275

Brandenburg, 238

Britain, 191, 207; Roman conquest, 46

British Museum, 209, 257; krater, 35

bronze, 50, 160, 171, 182, 185, 2635; see also metal casting

Bruges, 199

Bulgars, 86

Byron, Lord, 187, 229, 245; Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage quoted, 223

Byzantine empire, 16, 623; relations with Venice, 68, 701, 757, 123; disputed throne, 7981; fall, 856; revival, 118

Byzantium, 212, 30, 134, 2689, 270, 275

Cacault, François, 214

Calamis (sculptor), 143

Caligula, emperor, 23

Canal, Martino da, 92, 107, 109

Canaletto (Antonio Canal), 158, 159, 176, 224

Canova, Antonio, 8, 198, 208, 210, 21122; relations with Napoleon, 211, 21417; appointed Director of Museums in Rome, 217; negotiates return of art treasures, 21819, 239; suggests horses be placed on waterfront in Venice, 224, 235; in London, 2245; examines Elgin marbles, 226, 2289; death and funeral, 23940; Cupid and Psyche, 213; ‘Ideal Heads’, 221

Cape Artemisium, 32

Cape of Good Hope, 129

Capitoline Venus, 2, 200

Caracalla, emperor, 17, 269, 270

Carpaccio, Vittore, 151, 153; St Augustine in his Study, 1601

Carrey, Jacques, 142

Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo, 177

Castiglione, Sabba di, 159

Castlereagh, Lord, 208, 218, 221

casting, process of, 5061; see also metal casting

casts, 1712

Catholicism, 239

Cellini, Benvenuto, 538, 171, 263

Cestius, 133

Champollion, Jean François, 209n

Chaptal, Jean Antoine, 206

chariot racing, 223, 267, 3644, 49, 116; teams, 43, 645; replaced by imperial ritual, 667

chariots, 12, 347, 44, 978, 2678

Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 133

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 130, 168, 236

Charles I, King of England, 172

Charles IX, King of France, 200

chemistry, 175

Chilone, Vincenzo, 224, 227

Chioggia, 127

Chios, 14, 30, 140, 237, 257, 259, 2678

Choiseul-Daillecourt, M. de, 237

Chonai, 79n

Christianity, 63, 70, 101, 108, 132, 146, 238; destruction of pagan art, 154; and fall of Roman empire, 236

Christians, 15, 18, 20, 63, 236; destruction of statues, 174

Chronicon Paschale, 112

Cicognara, Count Leopold, 214, 224, 23540; Il Bello, 235

Cimaroli, Battista, 177

Cimon, 38

Circe, 26

Claudius, emperor, 46

Clement VII, Pope, 130

Clement XIII, Pope, 213

Clement XIV, Pope, 213

Cleosthenes of Epidamnus, 49

Code Civil (Napoleonic), 201

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 172

Colleoni, Bartolomeo, 152, 155, 1567, 158

Cologne, 27

Colonna, Giovanni, 132

Commagene, 17

Commodus, emperor, 45

Constantine, emperor: rise to power, 1516; patronage of Christians, 15, 18, 20; founding of Constantinople, 16, 212, 25, 2831, 62, 112, 268; sun symbolism 1620, 28; adventus, 17, 24; ‘thirteenth apostle’, 22, 63; hippodromes, 24, 28; association with St Mark’s horses, 48, 60, 141, 173, 258, 268, 270, 271; acclaimed emperor, 64; preservation of Roman empire, 70; aped by Venetian doges, 117; equestrian statue ascribed to, 154

Constantine V, emperor, 66

Constantinople: St Mark’s horses in, 5, 13, 14, 48, 63, 141, 173, 237, 254, 257, 274; foundation, 16, 212, 25, 2831, 62, 901, 112, 268; falls to Ottoman Turks, 62, 128, 1345; Nika riots, 656, 68; Book of Ceremonies, 67; population, 67; rebuilding, 68, 26970; Venetian community, 68, 71, 73, 76, 81, 11718; Venetian conquest, 68, 8091, 92, 95, 117, 134, 135; Genoan community, 75; trade, 757; treasures removed to Venice, 8791, 935, 106; quadrigae used in triumphs, 98; podesta, 1056; Easter procession, 1078; imperial coronations, 109

LANDMARKS: Church of the Holy Apostles, 22, 72, 82, 89; church of St Polyeuktos, 88, 94; hippodrome, 2430, 60, 634, 66, 84, 89, 90, 11012, 114, 140, 257, 268, 274, 275; imperial forums, 73; Mese, 29; Milion, 29, 63, 901, 237, 257, 26871; Santa Sophia, 22, 68, 86, 88, 99; Stama, 29, 268

Constantius, emperor, 88

Contarini, Gasparo, 130

Contarini family, 136

copper, 10, 50, 56, 175, 1845, 2545, 2637, 270, 277; see also metal casting

Corfu, 80, 117

Corinth, 5, 49

Corippus, 267

Cornaro family, 136

Corone, 128

Correggio, 3, 181

Corsica, 191, 192n

Coryat, Thomas, 94, 140, 1656, 169

Crete, 85, 110, 175

Crome, J. F., 2578, 259

Croton, 147

Crouzet-Pavan, Elisabeth, 135

crusaders, 7787

crusades, 77, 135; see also Fourth Crusade

Ctesiphon, 269

Cyprus, 128, 166

Cyriacus of Ancona, 1378, 1423

Cyzicus, 138

Dalmatian coast, 75, 117, 128, 136, 196

Damascus, 73

Dancing Faun, 170

Dandolo, Count Girolamo, 237

Dandolo, Enrico, 7680, 83, 847, 8991, 92, 95, 107, 123, 247; death in Constantinople, 86, 95

Dandolo, Giovanni, 107

Dandolo, Raniero, 86

Dante, 145; Inferno, 103

Danube, River, 21

Daru, Pierre, History of the Venetian Republic quoted, 190

David, Jacques Louis, 6, 201; The Oath of the Horatii, 177

de Quincy, Quatremère, 6, 215, 219

Delphi, 14, 24, 49, 50, 59, 258, 262; charioteer, 50, 51, 189

Demetrius Poliorcetes, 258, 259

Demus, Otto, 116

denarius, 44

Denon, Vivant, 2034, 206, 209, 210, 21516, 217, 219

Desaix, Louis Charles Antoine, 215

Description d’Egypte, 204

Diaghilev, Sergei, 246

Dickens, Charles, 244

Dio Cassius, 30

Diocletian, emperor, 15, 88

Dioscuri, 139, 184, 200

Directory, 3, 192; overthrown, 201

doges, 71, 86, 10520, 126, 131, 191, 275, 276; elections, 109, 120; ceremonials, 11012, 117, 120, 134; decline, 11820; succession, 119; corno, 194, 195

Dolce, Ludoviso, Dialogo della Pittura, 146

Donatello, 54, 156, 157, 160

Doni, Anton Francesco, 152

Dresden, 180

ducats, 123

Duino, 249

Dürer, Albrecht, 152

Dying Gladiator, 221

Egypt, 3, 26, 53, 77, 78, 209, 264, 275; Mameluke, 135; Napoleon’s expedition, 206; art, 234

Eirene, empress, 106

Elba, 207

electroplating, 266

Eleutherae, 237

Elgin, Lord, 209, 222, 226, 2279, 230; see also Parthenon sculptures

Elijah, 978, 99

Elsner, Jas, 267

England, 128, 129, 1701, 172, 181, 210

English, 213, 218, 242

Enlightenment, 4, 5, 177, 235, 242

Ephesus, 17

equestrian statues, 1557

Eraclea, 116

Etruscans, 41, 44; art, 234

Euboea, 32, 41, 128

Eugenius IV, Pope, 137

Euphranor (sculptor), 143

Euphrates, river, 21

Eusebius of Caesarea, bishop, 20

evangelists, 1002

Ezekiel, 75, 97

Falier, Angelo, 106

Falier, Doge Ordelafo, 106

Falier, Giovanni, 211

Ferrara, 129, 235

Ficino, Marsilio, 146

Filarete (Antonio Averlino), 154

Fire-gilding, 2646

First World War, 244, 2512

Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 161

Florence, 54, 148, 181, 200, 217, 240; baptistery, 266; Church of Santa Croce, 214; Tribuna, 170, 174

Fontaine, Pierre-François-Léonard, 203

Fontainebleau, 171, 216

Fourth Crusade, 5, 14, 7783 passim, 122, 247

Fra Urbino, 1412

France, 128, 133, 167, 189, 191, 195, 245; king of, 130; under Napoleon, 201, 214, 235; in defeat, 20710

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 219, 224

Francis I, King of France, 171, 172, 200

Franco, Veronica, 167

Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor, 127

French, 213, 218, 242

French Revolution, 186, 189, 190, 192, 196, 235

Friuli, 128

Futurists, 251

Galata, 117

Galeazzo, Gian, 128

Galliazzi, Vittorio, 90, 258, 259

Gattalamata (Erasmo da Narni), 156

Gaul, 47

Gavagnin, Armando, 254

Gazette Nationale, 6

Genoa, 68, 75, 77, 117, 11819, 127

George Syncletus, 667

German, 238, 242

Germanicus, 46

Germany, 123, 186, 189, 206, 2379

Geta, Caesar, 269, 270

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 139; Gates of Paradise, 266

Gibbon, Edward, 62, 177, 236

gilding, 2645; fire-, 2656

Giorgione, 152; Sleeping Venus, 148, 273

Giotto, 275, Expulsion from the Temple, 1023

Giustinian, Pietro, 140

Giustiniani, Bernardo, 31, 91

Goess, Count Peter von, 224

Goethe, Johan Wolfgang von, 12, 49, 1859, 233, 234; Italian Journey quoted, 69

gold, 2545, 2646

Golden Horn, 117

Goldoni, Carlo, 176

Goths, 236

Gozzi, Carlo, 195

Gradenigo, Doge Pietro, 119; exhumed, 194

Gradenigo, Marco, 117

Grand Tour, 234

Grande Armée, 203, 207

Greece, 85, 182, 229, 237; ancient, 7, 12, 180, 234, 238; horses, 33, 49; four-horse chariots, 36; bronze casting, 50, 59; under Roman empire, 131, 180, 184; climate, 181

Greek, 137, 144, 238

Greeks, 401, 59, 238, 259; Orthodox, 81; in Venice, 1345; craftsmen, 26970

Gregory the Great, Pope, 236

Guardi, Francesco, 176

Guasco, Octave, 185

Habsburgs, 12930, 218

Hadrian, emperor, 23, 138, 143, 154, 184, 228, 254, 267

Hadrian’s Wall, 264

Haimo of Auxerre, 100

Halicarnassus, mausoleum, 257

Hamilton, William, 209, 21819, 2212, 228

Hampton Court, 172

Hannibal, 136

harma, 97

Hartleben, Lehmann, 256

Hawkwood, Sir John, 1489

Haydon, Benjamin, 2303, 238, 273

Hector of Troy, 334, 37

Helen of Troy, 84, 147

Helicon, Mount, 25

Heliopolis, 26

Helios, 35

Hellespont, 21, 80

Henry, emperor, 86

Henry III, King of France, 1667

Henry IV, King of France, 200

Hera, head of, 84

Herculaneum, 256

Hercules: statues, 256, 84; reliefs, 93, 11416; statuette, 264

Herod, King, 249

Herodotus, 181

Heyne, Christian, Gottlieb, 89

hippodromes, 2230, 423, 11012, 114, 116, 11820, 275; spina, 24, 27; obelisks, 26, 27; ‘eggs’, 27

Holland, 129, 191

Holy Land, 77, 78, 86

Homer, 334, 37, 137, 180

homosexuality, 245, 246

Horace, 145

horses: burial, 33; rarity in Greece, 33; teams of four, 334; harness, 401; ideal, 1489; breeds, 238, 260; manes, 260; in Texas, 272

horses of St Mark’s: taken to Paris, 1–4, 1967, 2015, 214, 274; symbolism, 8; cast in copper, 10, 175, 1845, 236, 2624, 2667, 270; gilding, 10, 59, 185, 1889, 220, 236, 254, 2647, 270; aesthetic impact, 1011, 2734; manes, 10, 260; eyes, 11, 261, 262; harness, 11, 41, 127, 267; size and proportions, 12, 1889, 232, 236, 257, 260, 267; origins, 1314, 301, 48, 60, 13843, 1735, 185, 23040, 25671; attributions, 14, 5960, 13840, 1423, 230, 231, 237, 238; in Constantinople, 5, 13, 14, 48, 63, 141, 173, 237, 254, 257, 274; brought to St Mark’s, 8991, 947, 274; identification, 8991; copied by Giotto in Padua, 103, 104; Petrarch’s description, 110, 133, 138; Bellini’s depiction, 112, 113; functions in Venice, 11718, 1278, 131; model for Julius Caesar’s horse, 134; Cyriacus’s description, 1378; as ideal horses, 148; as artistic models, 14852, 156, 161; as tourist attractions, 152, 154, 157, 161; position, 1578; reproductions, 15961, 272; seized by Napoleon, 172; Winckelmann’s account, 1845; Goethe’s description, 1879, 233; return from France, 210, 211, 21921, 2237, 276; Canova’s early knowledge, 212; and Parthenon sculptures, 222, 2303, 257; Cicognara’s treatise, 2368; in Rogers’s poem, 2467; Ruskin’s description, 248; Proust’s description, 249; in Rilke’s poem, 2501; collapse of Campanile, 251; First World War, 252, 2534; Second World War, 254; pollution threat, 2545, 276; placed inside St Mark’s, 255; styles, 259, 262, 267, 270; Roman era date, 2667, 269; as cultural icons, 2727; Zanella’s poem, 2756

Horses of the Carrousel, The, 198

Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel, 1701

Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 238

Hundred Years War, 128

Hungarians, 75, 76, 78, 98, 119, 243

Hungary, 149; kings of, 108; queen of, 171

Hypatius, proclamation of, 65, 66

iconoclasts, 49

Iliad, 33, 36

Impressionists, 201n

India, 166

Innocent III, Pope, 77, 7880, 856

Isaac II, emperor, 79, 81

Ischia, 41

Istanbul, 88; Archaeological Museum, 258

Italia, 214

Italian, 137, 145, 186, 213

Italy, 6, 47, 68, 6971, 77, 133, 139, 156, 186; French invasion (1494), 129; Habsburg domination, 130; travel in, 154; antiquities on display, 16970; Napoleon invades, 1902, 199200, 235; removal of art treasures, 206, 209, 217, 235; genius of, 21314; Napoleon proclaims himself king, 216; revived nationalism, 235, 23940, 241; in First World War, 2512

Jacoff, Michael, 90, 99102

James, Henry, 245, 249

Jena, battle of, 238

Jerusalem, 77, 108; Solomon’s Temple, 94; Temple, 1023

Jews, 196

John of Austria, Don, 166

John the Deacon, 121

John, emperor, 98

Jones, Inigo, 171

Josephine, Empress, 206, 208

Josephus, 23

Julius Caesar, 5, 106, 134, 195, 201

Julius II, Pope, 16970

Junius Brutus, 5, 195, 201

Jupiter, 46

Justin II, emperor, 26, 64

Justinian, emperor, 63, 656, 67, 68, 70; corpse violated, 82; porphyry head of, 89, 93

Knight, Payne, 228, 229

Knights of the Golden Spur, 168

La Sensa, 117

Lake Coniston, 249

Laocoön, 2, 170, 171, 182, 200, 221

Latin, 137, 1445, 146

Latins, 81

lead, 263, 265

League of Cambrai, 129

Lecky, William, 62

Lefkandi burial, 324, 36, 38

Leghorn, 4

Leitz, Joseph, 237

Leo I, emperor, 107

Leo the Great, Pope, 20

Leopardi, Alessandro, 1567, 158

Lepanto, battle of, 166, 276

Lepcis Magna, 269

Levant, 1289

Libérateur (ship), 193

liberty, 67, 181, 1834

Licinius, emperor, 25

Lille, Comte de, 191

Liverpool, Lord, 208

Livy, 133, 145

Lombardy, 192

London, 74, 2245, 2279; Apsley House, 216; Burlington House, 228, 230; Royal Academy, 225, 230; Somerset House, 230

London Courier, 208, 210, 220

Louis IX, King of France, 87

Louis XIV, King of France, 172, 203; equestrian statue, 58, 60

Louis XV, King of France, 206

Louis XVI, King of France, 191, 207, 235

Louis XVIII, King of France, 207, 218, 220

Louis Napoleon, Emperor, 243

Lysippus, 14, 26, 60, 143, 175, 185, 231, 237, 238, 259; Chariot of the Sun, 140, 141, 258

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 129

Magi, Filippo, 261, 262

Manin, Daniele, 2423, 244, 254, 276

Manin, Ludovico, 194

Mann, Thomas, Death in Venice, 241, 246

Mantegna, Andrea, 145

Mantua, 129

Manuel, emperor, 757, 98, 110

Marat, Jean Paul, 201

Marathon, battle of, 262

Marcian, emperor, 88

Marcus Aurelius, emperor, 45, 136; equestrian statue, 54, 1547, 184, 200, 260, 262, 266

Marengo, battle of, 215

Marie-Louise of Austria, Empress, 206, 216

Mark Antony, 25

Markman, Sidney, 257, 259

Mars, 203, 21516

Mars Ultor, 47

Marseilles, 4, 175

Maxentius, emperor, 17, 24, 262

Medici, Catherine de’, 200

Medici, Cosimo de’, 54, 55, 146

Medici, Francesco de’, 170

Mediterranean Sea, 678, 71, 92, 118, 123, 1378, 175

mercury, 2646

metal casting, 5061; lost-wax method, 53, 59; indirect method, 589, 60, 2624

Metternich, Prince, 224

Michael Palaiologos, emperor, 117

Michelangelo, 54, 146, 1545, 157, 160, 181; Madonna, 199

Michiel, Doge Vitale, 75

Milan, 125, 128, 129, 200; duke of, 127

Milton, Henry, 2045, 220

Milvian Bridge, battle of the, 15, 17, 18, 24

Mocenigo, Doge Alvise, 167

Modena, 200

Modon, 128

Molmenti, Pompeo, 166

Montfaucon, Bernard de, L’Antiquité expliquée, 172, 181

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brède et de, 6, 176

Morosini, Doge Marino, 108

Morosini, Domenico, 95

Morosini, Thomas, 85, 86

Moses, 20

Mother of God, 98

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 273

Munich, National Museum, 161

music, 176, 273

Mussolini, Benito, 254

Myron, 237

Naples, royal family, 218

Napoleon Bonaparte: seizure of St Mark’s horses, 1, 3, 56, 172, 1978, 211; on men of genius, 7; downfall, 8, 207; demolitions in Venice, 125, 158, 235; in Italy, 172, 1904, 199200, 235; overthrow of Venetian republic, 189, 194, 213; signs Treaty of Campio Formio, 196; first consul, 201; emperor, 201; commissions triumphal arches, 2034; depicted in quadriga, 204; lack of aesthetic taste, 2056; relations with Canova, 211, 21417; king of Italy, 216; Il Bello, 235

Napoleonic Wars, 186

Negroponte, 128

Nelson, Lord, 218

Nelson, Robert, 272

Nemea, 49

Nero, emperor, 478, 50, 60, 1401, 182, 185, 218; reign of, 106, 174, 185, 236; head of, 237; gilding statue of Alexander, 264

New Testament, 100, 103

New York Public Library, 272

Nicaea, 21

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 186

Nievo, Ippolito, 194

Nika riots, 656, 68

Niketas Choniates, 79, 825, 89, 98, 259, 271

obelisks, 268

Oddy, Andrew, 266

Odyssey, 33

Old Testament, 97, 100, 103

Olivetti, 8, 255

Olympia, 41, 49, 274; statue of Zeus, 139

Olympic Games, 379, 41, 49, 143, 239, 274

Orestes, 39

Orpheus, 211

Orwell, George, Animal Farm, 201

Ottoman empire, 16, 142

Ovid, 423

Padua, 73, 125, 127, 128, 133, 145, 160, 168; Arena (or Scrovegni) Chapel, 1023, 104, 275; basilica of Sant’Antonio, 156; Palazzo della Raggione, 146; University, 275n

Palazzeschi, Aldo, Il Doge, 277

Palladio, Andrea, 125, 1689, 171, 187, 211, 213, 224, 248, 275

Palma il Giovane, Jacopo, 83, 92

Paphos, 159

Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai, 29, 31, 90, 140, 237

Paris, 74, 140, 172, 198, 210, 237, 244, 250; arrival of St Mark’s horses, 1–4, 274; centre of European culture, 7; sewerage system, 203; Canova in, 214, 216; removal of St Mark’s horses, 21921, 223, 276

LANDMARKS: Arc de Triomphe, 203; Arc du Carrousel, 198n, 203, 205, 219, 221, 266, 274; Esplanade des Invalides, 221; Hôpital des Invalides, 197; Louvre, 5, 2001, 204, 20710, 220, 221; Musée Napoleon, 201, 206, 207; Musée Royale, 207; Palais Royal, 209; Place de Vendôme, 203, 204; Place du Carrousel, 203, 220; Sainte-Chapelle, 87; Tuileries, 191, 2001, 202, 204, 207, 214, 220

Parma, 200

Parthenon sculptures, 209, 222, 22533, 257, 260, 274

Parthians, 47, 1401, 269

Patroclus, 37

Paul III, Pope, 54

Pausanias, 49, 143, 258

Peleus and Thetis, 35

Peloponnese, 85, 128, 176, 229

Pemble, John, 244; Venice Rediscovered, 245

Pergamum, 257

Perseus, 4; Cellini’s, 547, 263

Persia, 259

Perugia, 200

Peschiera, 192

Petrarch, 110, 111, 1324, 137, 138; edited by Bembo, 145

Phidias, 14, 59, 1389, 140, 142, 143, 175, 180, 225, 230, 231; Canova as ‘the new’, 213

Philip of Macedon, 21, 138, 184

Philip II, King of Spain, 166, 167

Philopappus of Commagene, 17, 138

Piazzetta, Giambattista, 177

Pincus, Debra, 108, 136

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 2334, 236; Capricci, 234; Vedute, 234

Pisa, 68, 75, 77, 118

Pisano, Giovanni, 102

Pius VI, Pope, 2, 199, 214, 218

Pius VII, Pope, 207, 214, 21618

plague, 168, 175

Plato, 17, 1467, 180; Idea or Form of Beauty, 1467, 273

Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 13940, 143, 145, 1467, 174, 175, 180, 182, 185, 228, 258, 264

Pliny the Younger, 42

Plutarch, 4

Po, River, 252

Pola, 136

Polyclitus, 1479, 180, 237

Pompey, 46

Portugal, 129

Possagno, 198, 211, 240

pottery, Roman, 145

Praxiteles, 139, 140, 159, 175, 180

Prince Regent, 225

Procopius, 65

Proust, Marcel, 249

Prussia, 191, 207, 208, 238, 244

pyramids, 273

Pyromachus (sculptor), 143

Pythian Games, 49

quadrigae, 5, 13, 14, 31, 59, 98, 140, 143, 230, 238, 2578; illustrations, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 99; on triumphal arches, 478, 236, 260, 269, 271; in Christian art, 98101, 275; used in triumphs, 98, 274; St Mark’s horses as, 118, 158, 1745; on frontispiece to Description d’Egypte, 204; recreated in Paris, 221; used in apotheosis, 224; of Septimius Severus, 26970

Raphael, 3, 145, 170, 181, 232

Rascia, king of, 108

Ravenna, 70, 108

relics, 72, 87, 112

Renaissance, 8, 53, 139, 174, 2478, 274; attitude to the past, 132; intellectual life, 144; rediscovery of classical writers, 147; Florentine, 149; typical scholar’s study, 160, 161; periods of art, 181

repristino, 246

revolutions of 1848, 14; in Venice, 2423

Rhodes, 140, 258, 259

Riace warriors, 59, 262

Richardson, Jonathan, 1745

Richter, Gisela, 256

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 249; ‘San Marco’, 2501

Robertson, Andrew, 210

Robespierre, Maximilien, 4

Rogers, Samuel, 247

Romagna, 129

Roman empire, 70, 105, 131, 149; Venetian ‘lords of quarter and half a quarter’ of the Roman [ie. Byzantine] empire, 1067, 117; late, 139; collapse, 174, 236

Romans, 402, 44, 59, 248, 259; ‘decadent’, 238

Rome, 70, 116, 181, 189, 274; art treasures seized, 23, 200, 21314, 221; ancient, 45, 7, 12, 14, 98, 106, 132, 136, 180, 2345; Constantine’s entry, 17, 24; Etruscan kings, 41, 44, 46; authority over Byzantine church, 79, 81, 82; sacked by Charles V, 130, 236; association with St Mark’s horses, 1401, 173, 254, 2567; art collections, 170; republican, 177, 201; imperial, 201, 203; Canova in, 21213, 216, 225, 226; French leave, 217; Canova negotiates return of art treasures, 21819; architecture, 2334

LANDMARKS: Accademia of San Luca, 216; Ara Pacis, 260, 262; arch of Augustus, 47, 141; Arch of Constantine, 1718, 108, 203, 260; arch of Nero, 478, 174, 237; arch of Septimius Severus, 269, 270; Arcus Tiberi, 256; Augustus’ mausoleum, 141; Baths of Diocletian, 132; Belvedere, 16970; Capitoline Hill, 256, 46, 48, 54, 136, 140, 154, 158, 216, 262, 269; Capitoline Museums, 5, 169, 171, 200; Castel Sant’Angelo, 254; Church of the Holy Apostles, 213; Circus Maximus, 226, 41, 42; Colosseum, 17, 223, 106, 203; Forum, 46, 47, 48, 170, 216, 256; Palatine Hill, 22; Palazzo Altemps, 170; Palazzo Venezia, 252, 254; Pantheon, 132; Piazza del Popolo, 26n; Piazza del Quirinale, 139; Pincio Hill, 170; pyramid of Cestius, 133; St John Lateran, 154; St Peter’s, 20; Sistine Chapel, 170; Spada Palace, 267; Temple of Janus, 1389; Trajan’s Column, 203; Trajan’s forum, 158; Vatican, 169, 175, 183, 229; Via Sacra, 256

Romulus and Remus, 133; statue, 84

Rootes, William, 204

Rosetta Stone, 209

Rossi, Giovanni, 275n

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 5, 176, 177, 186

Rubens, Peter Paul, 170; Descent from the Cross, 199

Ruskin, John, 72, 74, 102, 135, 244, 245, 246, 2479

Russia, 207

St Agatha, 87

St Anastasius, 87

St Augustine, 160, 161

St Demetrius, 93

St George, 93

St Helena, 87

St Jerome, 24, 978, 100, 161

St Lucia, 87

St Mark, 70, 1001, 110, 121, 131, 136, 188, 213; body brought to Venice, 71, 96, 121, 136; relics, 72; lion, 87, 276; statue, 101; feast day, 112, 251; body rediscovered, 121

St Mark’s basilica, Venice, 78, 889, 100, 188, 250, 277; rebuilding, 734, 923, 1012, 103, 106, 135; procurators, 93, 163, 168; reliefs of Hercules, 93, 11416; arrival of the horses, 947, 274; burial place of doges, 1089; as hippodrome, 119; civic ritual in, 122; Canova’s funeral, 211, 240; new republic celebrated, 242; Manin’s burial, 244; Ruskin’s description, 248; collapse of Campanile, 251; horses moved inside, 255, 256

baptistery, 109; chapel of St John the Evangelist, 109; chapel of San Isodoro, 109; Loggia, 5, 8, 89, 947, 10910, 112, 116, 118, 132, 134, 138, 163, 211, 224, 235, 250, 2524, 275, 276; mosaic of St Peter, 148; Palo d’Oro, 106, 109; Porta dei Fiori, 100; Porta San Alipio mosaic, 93, 96, 97, 100, 114, 116; Treasury, 87, 88, 934; see also horses of St Mark’s

St Martin, 14951, 153

St Paul the Martyr, 87

St Peter Damian, 100

St Symeon, 87

St Theodore, 71, 72; statue, 72, 87, 101

Salamis, 85

Samos, 51, 59

Samson, 116

Sand, George, 125

Sangallo, Giuliano da, 142

Sanskrit, 237

Sansovino, Francesco, 1401, 152

Sansovino, Jacopo, 54, 162, 163, 168, 171, 173, 235, 248, 251

Sanudo, Marin, 136

Sardinia, 191

Savelli, Paolo, 156

Savoy, 192; house of, 239

Scandinavia, 275

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, 2378

Schlegel, Friedrich von, 237

Schwarzenberg, Prince of, 219

Scipio Africanus, 136

Scott, Walter, 210

Scrovegni, Enrico, 1023

sculpture, ancient (classical), 13941, 146, 174, 259; see also Parthenon sculptures

Sea of Marmara, 85, 138

Second Sophistic period, 267

Second World War, 254

Seine, River, 220

Selene, 35, 230, 232

Septimius Severus, emperor, 21, 30, 26971

Serbs, 110

sestertius, 48

Sgrabi, Vittorio, 276

Shaftesbury, third Earl of, 181

Shakespeare, William, 237

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 245

Sicily, king of, 108, 117

Sidon, 258

Siena cathedral, 102

silver, 265

Sirmium, 24

Sitte, Camillo, 245

Sixtus IV, Pope, 169

Sobry, M., 237

Society of Dilettanti, 228

Sol, 1718, 26, 27

Sol Invictus, 17, 20

Soldani, Massimiliani, 171

Song of Songs, 100

Sophocles, 39

Soranzo, Doge Giovanni, 109, 136

Spain, 167, 191, 205, 206, 207

Sparta, 264

Spinario, 171, 200

Standing Venus, 1745

Stendhal, 213

Stephen (monk), 667

Stravinsky, Igor, 246

Strong, Eugenie, 256

Stuart, James, and Nicholas Revett, Antiquities of Athens, 143

Suetonius, 48, 134

Sulla, 200

sun, 1620, 268, 40; see also Sol, Sol Invictus

Symonds, John Addington, 245

Syracuse, 50

Syria, 17

Tacitus, 140, 236

Taj Mahal, 273

Talier, Angelo, 195

Tarentum, 26

Tarquinia, 41

Telemachus, 33

terraferma, 128, 129, 134, 136, 1913, 198, 211

Theodora, empress, 65

Theodosius I, emperor, 27, 63, 108, 111

Theodosius II, emperor, 30, 80, 89, 259

Theophilus, 265

Thrace, 85, 86

Thucydides, 30

Thurn und Taxis, Princess Marie von, 249

Tiber, River, 236

Tiberius, emperor, 46, 268

Tiepolo, Doge Giacomo, 105, 108

Tiepolo, Giambattista, 176

Tigris, River, 269

tin, 50, 56, 263, 265

Tintoretto, 3, 196, 245

Tiridates, King of Armenia, 140

Titian, 3, 146, 152, 1678, 169, 170, 176, 196, 211, 213, 245, 275; Assumption, 167; The Death of St Peter Martyr, 196

Trafalgar, battle of, 218

Trajan, emperor, 17, 22, 203; forum in Rome, 158

Treaty of Amiens, 215

Treaty of Campio Formio, 196

Treaty of Tolentino, 199, 207, 218

Treviso, 128, 211

Trier, 21, 24

Trieste, 129, 175, 184, 241

Trinidad, 4

triumphal arches, 478, 2367, 256, 267, 269, 271

triumphs, 447, 64, 98, 267, 274

Troy, fall of, 70, 84

Turin, 200

Turks, 98, 118, 128, 176, 276; take Constantinople, 62, 128, 1345; take Athens, 141; defeated at Lepanto, 166

Turner, William, 247

Tyche, 28, 29, 112, 268, 270

Tyre, fall of, 75

Uccello, Paolo, 148

Udine, 128

Ulm, battle of, 203

usury, 74, 103

Valéry, Monsieur, 245

Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists, 156

Vasco da Gama, 129

Veneti, 116

Venetian Academy, 214, 224, 235, 239

Venetian empire, 105, 136, 138

Veneto, 70, 89, 243; artists, 144, 148

venezianita, 246

Veneziano, Paolo, 149, 151

Venice, 3, 6, 31, 54; trade, 68, 71, 747, 82, 85, 86, 92, 94, 11819, 123, 126, 1289, 175, 245; first inhabitants, 6970, 72, 194; architecture, 712, 1356, 1689, 187, 2479, 275; artificial heritage, 73, 176; shipyards, 77; elections, 85; treasures looted from Constantinople, 8791, 935, 106; thirteenth-century prosperity, 92, 1223; under doges, 10520; processions, 108, 112, 114, 1212; scuole, 112, 122; republic, 12131, 186; ‘marriage’ with the sea, 117; political crisis, 11719; Great Council, 11920, 1256, 135, 1934; the Serrata, 119, 125, 194; nobility, 11920, 1256, 163, 191, 1934, 195; Council of Ten, 119, 176, 196; cittadini, 122; new building, 1223, 235; Piovego, 122; fires, 123, 162; colleganza, 123; aristocracy, 123, 125; Senate, 126, 127, 145, 156, 163, 158, 1923; Collegio, 126, 192; Signoria, 126, 156; at war, 1279, 166, 1756; secret of survival, 1301; Petrarch visits, 1334; Roman heritage, 1346, 156, 163; influx of Greeks, 1345; combined Roman and Greek heritage, 1367, 233; Cyriacus visits, 138; Bembo’s history, 145; art, 1489, 168, 176; Dürer visits, 152; the Schiavoni, 161; Coryat visits, 166; alleged public torture, 166; decadimento, 166; Bucintoro, 167, 196; courtesans, 167, 177; outbreak of plague, 168; economic decline, 169, 175, 190, 225, 241, 242; loss of purpose, 176; subject to derision, 177; Goethe visits, 1869, 233; singers, 1867; theatre, 187; fall of republic, 189, 190, 194, 213; barnabotti, 191; reduced military strength, 191; threatened by Napoleon, 1924; ‘tyranny’, 192, 193; art treasures seized, 193, 196, 206, 214, 221; Committee of Public Instruction established, 194; history revised, 194; Tree of Liberty erected, 1945; Golden Book, 195; Jewish ghetto opened up, 196; handed over to Austria, 196, 239, 2413; lion, 197, 221; Canova negotiates return of art treasures, 21819, 239; integrated into kingdom of Italy, 235; growing Italian nationalism, 23940, 241; Canova’s funeral, 23940; carbonari, 239; economic recovery, 241; tourists and expatriates, 241, 2446, 276; middle classes, 2423; new republic, 242, 244, 254; Wagner visits, 243; incorporated into Italy, 2434; riots, 244; sexual licence, 245; decay, 2456; restoration, 246; Ruskin visits, 2478; Proust visits, 249; collapse of Campanile, 251, 277; air raids, 252; floods, 276; see also doges; horses of St Mark’s

LANDMARKS: Accademia, 112, 151, 240; Arsenale, 135, 224, 226; Bacino, 72, 162, 169; Campanile, 73, 94, 128, 1623, 224, 244n, 251, 277; Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 152, 154, 157; Church of St Barnabas, 191; Church of San Cipriano, 194; Church of San Gemignano, 73, 158, 235; Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, 1245, 169, 224; Church of San Nicolo, 167; Church of Santa Maria dei Frari, 156, 167, 196, 240; Church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 108, 156, 196; Church of the Redentore, 169; Colonna del Bando, 94, 251; Dandolo Palace, 88; Doge’s Palace, 72, 92, 94, 120, 126, 135, 136, 162, 193, 224, 252, 254; Fenice, 195; Florian’s coffee-house, 177, 242, 254; Fondacio dei Tedeschi, 123; Fondacio dei Turchi, 245, 246; Giudecca, 169; Grand Canal, 74, 167, 244; Lido, 78, 167, 187, 245, 246; Loggetta, 163, 248, 251; Merceria, 74; Molo, 72, 94; monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore, 196; Murano, 123, 167; Palazzo Farsetti, 212; Palazzo Foscari, 167; Piazza San Marco, 73, 78, 923, 97, 101, 106, 108, 11011, 114, 11618, 120, 121, 125, 127, 147, 154, 156, 158, 1623, 166, 177, 1789, 1945, 197, 211, 224, 235, 239, 2425, 251, 275; Piazetta, 72, 73, 87, 94, 101, 109, 125, 135, 1623, 169, 188, 197, 224, 226, 249, 251; Porto della Carta, 120; Procuratie Nuove, 235; Procuratie Vecchie, 162; Quadri coffee-house, 177; Rialto, 69, 745, 123; Rialto Bridge, 1245; Sansovino’s Library, 162, 163, 173, 235, 251; Scala dei Giganti, 120, 136; Torcello, 72; Torre dell’Orologio, 1478, 1612; Zecca, 163; see also St Mark’s basilica

Venus de’ Medici, 170, 172, 174, 200

Venus Victrix, 217

Verona, 73, 125, 128, 186; Comte de Lille proclaimed king of France, 191; French occupy, 192

Veronese, 196, 221; Marriage at Cana, 206

Verrochio, Andrea del, 152, 1557

Versailles, 172, 200

Vespasian, emperor, 106

vestigia, 133

Vesuvius, Mount, 256

Vicenza, 128, 168

Vickers, Michael, 89n

Vico, Enea, 158

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 172

Victory, 131, 204, 220, 271

Vienna, 170, 219

Virgil, 133, 145, 259

Virgin Mary, 70, 80, 93, 106, 130, 132; see also Mother of God

Vitruvius, 168

Vivaldi, Antonio, 176

Vix krater, 38

Voltaire, 5

Vulgate, 97

Wagner, Richard, 243, 246

Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 161

Waterloo, battle of, 207, 208

Wellington, Duke of, 208, 209, 216, 221

Winckelmann, Johann, 6, 1805, 200, 228, 230, 234, 238, 247, 273

Yeats, W. B., 62

York, 64

Zanella, Giacomo, 275

Zanetti, Anton Maria di Gerolamo and Anton Maria Alessandro, 1734, 223

Zara, 78, 79, 80, 119; Cathedral of St Anastasia, 151, 153

Zeno, Doge Reniero, 107, 108, 109, 11617, 118

Zeno, Marino, 105

Zeus Helios, 29, 90, 91, 268

Zeuxis, 147, 228

Ziani, Pietro, 1056, 108