About the Book
About the Author
Also by Arthur Ransome
List of Illustrations
Title Page
1. Beginning Already
2. The Plan
3. Consulting Slater Bob
4. Mrs Blackett Makes Conditions
5. Pioneers and Stay-At-Homes
6. News From the Wilderness
7. Trek To Tyson’s
8. High Topps
9. Two Kinds Of Camping Places
10. Prospecting
11. Fending off the Enemy
12. Pot of Paint
13. Can’t Anybody Dowse?
14. Desperation
15. Titty Makes Up Her Mind To It
16. Sinking the Well
17. Shifting Camp
18. The White Spots
19. Roger Alone
20. What’s Become of Him?
21. Staking Their Claim
22. Crushing and Panning
23. Jack-In-The-Box
24. Buried Alive
25. Hurrying Moles
26. ‘We’ve Got To Do It All Ourselves’
27. A Run On Blowpipes
28. Charcoal-Burners
29. Blast Furnace
30. Disaster
31. Smoke Over High Topps
32. In The Gulch
33. At Beckfoot
34. The Natives
35. The End
The Backstory