Page numbers in bold indicate photos and figures.
charging head tax, 12
Civil War (1861–1865)
decline in immigration after, 11
immigrants serving on both sides, 43
key historic events during, 43–44
famous immigrants during, 45
key historic events during, 44
levels of immigration in, 45
new wave of immigration, 14
top ten emigration countries during, 45
worldwide economic crisis, 43
Ellis Island becoming overcrowded in, 15
famous immigrants during, 56–57
“Gentlemen's Agreement” of 1907, 16
Immigration Act of 1903, 15
Japanese and Korean Exclusion Movement, 55
key historic events during, 55
levels of immigration in, 55, 56
growth in numbers of eastern European Jews (1903–1906), 15
Patricia Fitzgerald's story, 60–65
top ten emigration countries during, 56
Alien Land Law of California in 1913, 73
famous immigrants during, 74–75
Giacomo “Jack” Ubaldi's story, 81–86
key historic events during, 73–74
levels of immigration in, 73, 74
Literacy Act of 1917, 16–17, 74
Mexican Revolution (1910), 16
Sister Mary Tesar's story, 77–80
top ten emigration countries during, 74
World War I, impact on immigration, 16
Bertha Renner Zeichner's story, 90–94
Bureau of Immigration stepping up domestic enforcement of illegal aliens, 17
economic growth during, 87
famous immigrants during, 88–89
Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 (setting temporary quotas), 17, 87
key historic events during, 87
levels of immigration in, 17, 87, 88
National Origins Act of 1924 (setting permanent quotas), 17, 87
top ten emigration countries during, 88
Bureau of Naturalization, merger in 1933 with Bureau of Immigration, 106
famous immigrants during, 106–107
Johannes von Trapp's story, 120–27
key historic events during, 105–106
levels of immigration in, 106
decline during Great Depression, 17
Maria Franziska von Trapp's story, 115–19
people fleeing Europe, 18
top ten emigration countries during, 106
Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 (Philippine Independence Act), 106
Aniela Szeliga's story, 149–59
Displaced Persons Act of 1948, 130, 163
famous immigrants during, 130–31
key historic events during, 129–30
levels of immigration in, 130
top ten emigration countries during, 130
War Brides Act of 1945, 18, 130
Ava Rado-Harte's story, 166–73
closure of Ellis Island in 1954, 19, 21, 22, 26
famous immigrants during, 164–65
fear of Communism and immigration policies, 18–19
Hungarian Refugee Act of 1956, 163
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, 163
Internal Security Act of 1950, 18, 163
key historic events during, 163–64
levels of immigration in, 164
Refugee-Escapee Act of 1957, 163
Refugee Relief Act of 1953, 163–64
top ten emigration countries during, 164
Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, 198
Emilio Estefan's story, 222–29
famous immigrants during, 198–99
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 197
amendment to in 1969, 198
key historic events during, 197–98
levels of immigration in, 198
top ten emigration countries during, 198
famous immigrants during, 232–33
key historic events during, 231–32
levels of immigration in, 231, 232
Pastor Jim Macnee's story, 248–56
Stella Dushats's story, 234–39
Supreme Court in 1974 upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231
top ten emigration countries during, 232
US withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975, 231
famous immigrants during, 258–59
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 257
Jacques Torres's story, 272–76
key historic events during, 257–58
levels of immigration in, 258
Redress Act of 1988, 258
Refugee Act of 1980, 257
Supreme Court narrowing residency deportation provision of Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 257
top ten emigration countries during, 258
US Refugee Act of 1980, 204
Carlos Escobar's story, 295–98
Commission on Immigration Reform, 1997 report, 278
famous immigrants during, 279
Golly Ramnath's story, 299–303
Immigration Act of 1990, 277
key historic events during, 277–78
levels of immigration in, 278
top ten emigration countries during, 278–79
arriving immigrants have better education, 305
famous immigrants during, 307–308
key historic events during, 305–307
levels of immigration in, 307
Marie Gonzalez's story, 331–34
Sister Christine Feagan's story, 314–28
top ten emigration countries during, 307