
Page numbers in bold indicate photos and figures.

Abdulmajid, Iman. See Iman

Achner, Bernard, 146

Adamic, Louis, 75

Adams, Amy, 258

Aigner, Lucien, 107

Albright, Madeleine, 131

Algerian War, 185

Alien Land Law of California in 1913, 73

American born, stories of

Johannes von Trapp's story, 12027, 121

Sister Christine Feagan's story, 31428

American Dream Act. See DREAM Act

American Farmer (ship), 116, 120

American Field Service, 268

American Immigration Council, 205

American–Mexican border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of

American Red Cross, 206

amnesty, 1986 immigration law allowing for, 257, 261

more than 105 million seek amnesty in 1988, 258

anarchists denied entry to US in 1903, 55

Anconia (ship torpedoed by submarine), 8283

Anderson, Pamela, 279

Andrews, Julie, 115, 119, 125

Angel Island, 152

“Angel of Queens.” See Munoz, Jorge

Ann-Margret, 131

Antin, Mary, 45

Argentina as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

Arizona desert, crossing illegally, 297

Arizona Senate Bill 1070, 25, 35, 205, 206, 307, 327

Ark Restaurants, 21920

Arnaz, Desi, 107

Ascania (ship), 180, 187

Ashland, KY, 248

Asian immigration to the US, 277, 305

arriving at Angel Island in San Francisco Bay in 1940, 152

dwarfs from Asia, photo of from 1900, 68

See also individual countries, i. e., China, Vietnam, etc.

Asimov, Isaac, 88


becoming responsibility of Citizenship and Immigration Services, 305306

difficulty of winning, 338

Mexicans not eligible for, 324

US State Department issuing guidelines in 1972, 231

See also refugees

Atlas, Charles, 56

Auer, Mischa, 88

Austin Powers (movie), 259

Australia as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

Austria and Austrian immigration to US

Bertha Renner Zeichner's story, 9094

Maria Franziska von Trapp's story, 11519

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1950s, 164

Rado-Harte's escape to Austria from Hungary, 36, 16870

Sister Mary Tesar's story, 7780

Steve Keschl's story, 17479

“Autumn in New York” (song), 88

Avengers, The (TV show), 164

Aykroyd, Dan, 232

Bacardi family, 226, 227

Balkan region, immigration from, 15

Barge Office, 46

used as a temporary location after 1897 fire at Ellis Island, 44

used before Ellis Island, 14

Barnard College, 242

Barpeta (ship), 14142

Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 232

Bastianich, Lidia, 192

Batali, Mario, 192

Batista, Fulgencio, 227

Baum, Joe, 190

Bavarian immigrant, photo of, 65

See also Germany and German immigration to US

Bay of Pigs invasion, 228

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, 299

Beame, Abraham, 57

Beard, James, 191

Beatles (music group), 232

Belarsky, Clarunia, 236

Belarsky, Isabel, 234, 235, 236, 237

Belarsky, Sidor, 106, 234, 236, 237

Belgium, Hitler's conquests in leading to “stateless” aliens, 18

Bemelmans, Ludwig, 75

Bergensfjord (ship), 121

Berlin, Irving, 45

Bethe, Hans, 107

Bethlehem, PA, 85

Bikel, Theodore, 125

Board of Emigration Commissioners (New York State), 13

Board of Immigration, 337

Boiardi, Ettore, 75

Bolivia and Christine Feagan's story, 314, 316

Bond, Kit, 333

Border Patrol

becoming Customs and Border Protection in 2003, 306

founding of in 1924, 16

increasing size of in 1996, 278

Supreme Court ruling in 1975 not allowing profiling by, 231

surveillance by, 33, 34, 296, 308

checking vehicles, 322

checkpoints, 316, 319, 326

See also Mexican–American border, crossing of

Border Wars (TV show), 35

Bordoni, Irène, 57

Bosnian immigration, 319, 320

Boston, MA, 53

Boston University, 180, 188, 193, 194, 202

Boulud, Daniel, 218

Brazil as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

Brewer, Jan, 35, 307

Briganti, Stephen A., 2123

Brin, Sergey, 233

British-American Club, 238

Brooklyn College, 302

Brosnan, Pierce, 258

Brown University, 341

Bruce, Nigel, 107

Brynner, Jules “Yul,” 131, 132

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 164

Bulgaria and Bulgarian immigration to US, 14, 15

Kiril Tarpov's story, 30913

Bulgarian-American Arts Festival, 309

Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (New York City), 309

Bureau of Immigration formed in 1891, 14, 44

merging again in 1933 with Bureau of Naturalization, 106. See also Immigration and Naturalization Service

name changed to Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization in 1906, 55

and rise in number of Jews from eastern Europe, 15

setting up immigrant inspection agencies across US, 14

splitting of Immigration and Naturalization Bureaus in 1913, 73

stepping up domestic enforcement of illegal aliens in 1920s, 17

Bureau of Naturalization

merging again in 1933 with Bureau of Immigration, 106. See also Immigration and Naturalization Service

splitting of Immigration and Naturalization Bureaus in 1913, 73

Bush, George W., 277, 293

Byrne, David, 198

Byrne, Gabriel, 258

Cage, Nicholas, 290

Cambodia, 231

Cameron, James, 232

TSS Cameronia (ship), 95

Canada and Canadian immigration to US, 18

as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

illegal immigrants from other countries coming to US via Canada, 319

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1910s, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 279

Pastor Jim Macnee's story, 24856

Supreme Court in 1974 upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231

Canseco, José, 198

Capra, Frank, 56

Cardin, Pierre, 172

Cardoza, David, 33

Carey, Hugh, 217

Caribbean women at Ellis Island, 84

See also individual countries, i.e., Cuba, Haiti, etc.

Carnegie, PA, 157

Carnera, Primo “The Ambling Alp,” 106

Caruso, Enrico, 56

Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14

Betty Dornbaum processed at, 66, 70

Ellis Island replacing in 1892, 44

opening of in 1855, 43

Castro, Fidel, 164, 195, 222, 224, 22728

CBP. See Customs and Border Protection

CBS News (TV show), 278

Census Bureau, 305, 343

Center for Emerging Art, 166

Chan, Charlie (fictional character). See Oland, Warner

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 107

Chaplin, Charles “Charlie,” 75, 88, 147

Chaplin, Hannah, 88

Chauchoin, Lily. See Colbert, Claudette

“Chef Boyardee.” See Boiardi, Ettore

Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres award, 180

Chevalier de L'Ordre du Mérite Agricolec award, 180, 210

Chez Hansi restaurant (Paris), 213, 214

Child, Julia, 180, 19091, 19294, 210

children, immigrant

child labor, 71, 73

impact of illegal immigration on, 323, 32425

See also DREAM Act

China and Chinese immigration to US, 28

arriving at Angel Island in 1940, 152

during California Gold Rush, 43

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1940s, 130

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 279

in 2000s, 307

popularity of Sound of Music movie in, 125

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 13, 44

repealed in 1943, 130

Chopra, Deepak, 199

Citizenship and Immigration Services, 317

taking over some of INS duties in 2003, 305306

Civil War (1861–1865)

decline in immigration after, 11

immigrants serving on both sides during the war, 43

Claiborne, Anne Elisabeth Jane “Liz,” 107

Claiborne, Craig, 19091

Clark, William, 30

Cleese, John, 199

Cleveland, Grover, 44

Cleveland Clinic, 266, 269, 270, 271

Clinton, Bill, 278

Clive, E. E., 75

CNN/Gallup poll, 25

CNN Hero Award, 261, 26465

Coan, Peter Morton

firsthand experience with modern-day immigration, 3536

writing of Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words, 26, 36

Coen Brothers, 234

Cohen, Leonard, 199

Cohen, Sacha Baron, 308

Colbert, Claudette, 57

Cold War, 18, 163

Colombia and Colombian immigration to US, 307

Iris Gomez's story, 200209

Jorge Munoz's story, 26165

Columbia University, 18788, 190, 19192, 242

Comimagesneci, Nadia, 259

Comerford, Cristeta, 258

Commission on Immigration Reform, 1997 report of, 278


difficulty of living under, 166, 222, 22324, 311

growing fear of in US during the 1950s, 18

Internal Security Act of 1950, 163

Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 36, 164

Ava Rado-Harte's story, 16669

Steve Keschl's story, 17576

Refugee Relief Act of 1953 saving people from, 16364

spread of in Southeast Asia in the 1970s, 231

Congo and Martine Kalaw's story, 33537

“Cooking in Concert” (TV show), 193

Cornell University, 191

Corps of Discovery, 30

Cortez, Ricardo, 56

Costa Rica and Costa Rican immigration to US

Cubans using as an access point to US, 22829

Marie Gonzalez's story, 33134

Costello, Frank, 45

coyote guides and crossing the Mexican–American border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of

“criminal alien” category, 278

Crisp, Donald, 57

Croatia and Croatian immigration, 13, 319

Cuba and Cuban immigration to US

Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, 198

Cuban refugees paroled into US in 1960, 197

Emilio Estefan's story, 22229

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 2000s, 307

photo of refugees in Port Everglades, FL, in 1963, 195

spiking after Castro becomes dictator in 1959, 164

US response to Cuban refugee crisis in 1980, 257

Cugat, Xavier, 75

Customs and Border Protection taking over some of INS duties in 2003, 306

Customs Service run by Treasury Department, 14

Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovakian immigration to US

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

Czolgosz, Leon, 55

Daché, Lilly, 75

Daguin, Ariane, 24047, 241

Danbury, CT., prison in, 32223

Dante Alighieri (ship), 83

D'Artagnan (food stores), 240, 24446, 247

D'Artagnan in New York (Daguin), 240

Declaration of Intention to become a US citizen

of Albert Einstein, 108

of Yul Brynner, 132

Decré, Fred, 189

Decré, Martin, 189

de Gaulle, Charles, 180, 185

de Kooning, Willem, 89

de la Renta, Oscar, 198

De Laurentiis, Agostino “Dino,” 232

Democratic Republic of the Congo and Martine Kalaw's story, 33537

Denmark and Danish immigration to US, 55

Department of Homeland Security allowing a one-year delay in deportation for Marie Gonzalez, 333

created in 2002, 305

deportation, 14, 28, 314

Bahamian government ordering for Haitian refugees in 1978, 231

based on Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, 278

and “criminal alien” category, 278

Ellis Island as national headquarters for from 1920 through 1940s, 17

fears in 1919 of anarchists leading to deportations, 74

Immigration and Customs Enforcement taking responsibility for in 2003, 306, 321, 324, 325

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift meatpacking raid, 32023

major government crackdown in 2009, 306

Mexican repatriation program in 1931 to discourage immigration, 105

question about Zeituni Onyango being deported, 2627, 308

Supreme Court narrowing residency deportation in 1984, 257

threat of for potential DREAM Act beneficiaries, 329, 33233, 335, 336, 337, 340, 341

See also illegal immigration

detention at Ellis Island, 18

of enemy aliens in 1941, 129

Faye Lundsky in detention because of sickness, 4950

photo of legal detainees in 1893, 54

Detweiler, Max, 125

Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors. See DREAM Act

Devvarman, Somdev, 307

Displaced Persons Act of 1948, 130, 163

Divac, Vlade, 259

“Dog Boy” [El Perrero]. See Millan, Cesar

Dog Psychology Center (Los Angeles, CA), 280, 290

Dog Whisperer, The (TV show), 36, 280, 292, 29394

Domingo, Placido, 198

Dominican Republic as one of top ten emigration countries

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 27879

in 2000s, 307

Dornbaum, Betty, 6672

Doyle, Jack “The Gorgeous Gael,” 107

DREAM Act, 105, 206207, 327, 32930

Marie Gonzalez's story, 33134

Martine Kalaw's story, 33537

sponsors and supporters of, 330

Tam Tran's story, 33841

Dubin, Al, 45

Dubinsky, David, 75

Duke, Vernon, 88

Dumas, Alexandre, 240

Durbin, Richard, 333

Dushats, Galina, 234, 236, 238, 239

Dushats, Stella, 23439, 235

Dutch immigration. See Netherlands and Dutch immigration to US

Dvorák, Antonín, 45

dwarfs from Asia, photo of from 1900, 68

East Side of New York, 50

economic recession of 2007, 306

Einstein, Albert, 107

Declaration of Intention to become a US citizen, 108

taking oath of allegiance in 1940, 109

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 185

Ellis Island, 14, 2123, 36, 43

becoming national headquarters for deportation beginning in the 1920s, 17

becoming overcrowded in 1900s, 15

closure of in 1954, 19, 21, 22, 26, 164

Ellis Island Oral History Project, 3738

few blacks coming through, 84

fire at in 1897, 44

fresh surge of immigrants in 1920s, 17

main building, 22, 75

new, fireproof building opening in 1900, 55

photo of dwarfs from Asia outside of, 68

reopened in 1990 after restoration, 27778

opening of in 1892, 14, 44, 51

photos from, 22, 51, 54, 58, 62, 65, 68, 76, 84, 94, 98

reasons for immigration during the Ellis Island era, 27

Registry Room (Great Hall), 76, 116, 14447

renaming as Ellis Island: The National Museum of Immigration, 22, 23

reopening to the public in 1990 after restoration, 27778

as a security center for suspected subversives during 1950s, 1819

twelve million processed during its operation, 26, 27

uses of during World War II, 18, 129

See also post-Ellis Island era

Ellis Island Immigration Museum, 19, 21

Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words (Coan), 26, 234

“Ellis Island of the West,” 152

“El Perrero” [Dog Boy]. See Millan, Cesar

El Salvadore and El Salvadoran immigration

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1990s, 279

in 2000s, 307

and Temporary Protected Status, 31920

Elwes, Cary, 258

Emerson Electric Co., 317

enemy aliens, 129

“Energetic Mind: The Revolutionary Style of Dog Training, The” (Millan), 289

Episcopal Church, 16

Escobar, Carlos, 29598

Escobar, Pedro, 295, 298

Escobar, Rosalinda, 295, 298

Estefan, Emilio, 199, 22229, 223

Estefan, Gloria, 165, 222, 223, 22728

Estefan Enterprises, 222

E-Verify, 317

Ewing, Patrick, 232

Factor, Max, 56

Faison, George, 242, 24346

Feagan, Christine (Sister), 31428

Federov, Sergei, 279

Felix and Cynthia, mistreatment by the legal system, 32325

Fermi, Enrico, 107

Fessaguet, Roger, 189

Field of Dreams (movie), 314

Filipinos. See Philippines

Firth, Colin, 232

Fisher Controls, 317

Fitzgerald, Patricia, 6065

Flanagan, Edward “Father,” 56

Food Channel (TV network), 193, 272

Forbes, Malcolm, 216

Forbes, Steve, 216

Ford, Gerald, 231

Fox, Michael J., 233

France and French immigration to US

André Soltner's story, 21021

Ariane Daguin's story, 24047

de Gaulle changing constitution, 185

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

Jacques Pépin's story, 18095

Jacques Torres's story, 27276

not always filling quota for immigrants, 186, 214

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

Franey, Pierre, 18889, 190, 191

Frankel, Max, 131

Frankfurter, Felix, 45

Fraser, Douglas, 88

French Culinary Institute (New York City), 180, 210, 272, 273

French immigration. See France and French immigration to US

“French White House,” 180, 18586, 190

Fuentes, Daisy, 199

Gagnere, Olivier, 172

Garbo, Greta, 88

Garcia, Andy, 198, 199

Garvey, Marcus, 75

General Harry Taylor (ship), 149, 157

“Gentlemen's Agreement” of 1907, 16

Georgetown University, 260

Germany and German immigration to US

mail-order brides (picture brides), 93

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

returning to Germany before World War II, 18

in steerage on the SS Bremen in 1925, 92

Tam Tran's story, 33841

tattooed German stowaways in 1911, 79

treatment of immigrants during World War II, 18

Gibran Kahlil, 45

Godfather Part III, The (movie), 199

Goldman, Emma, 75

Goldwyn, Samuel, 45

Gomez, Iris, 200209, 201

Gonzalez, Marie Nazareth, 330, 33134

Google, 233

Gorky, Arshile, 88

Gosling, Ryan, 279

Got, Midori, 258

Graf, Steffi, 307

Graham, Bill, 131

Grammy Award, 222

Grant, Cary, 88

Grant, Madison, 74

Great Depression, 17, 44, 87

Great Dictator, The (movie), 147

Great Hall at Ellis Island. See Ellis Island, Registry Room

Greece and Greek immigration to US, 13, 14, 15, 17

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1960s, 198

Greeley, Horace, 30

green cards (permanent resident alien cards), 33, 36, 177, 187, 188, 214, 246, 261, 275, 291, 298, 310, 33537

same rules applied to green card holders as other immigrants, 204, 207

See also visas; work permits

Gretzky, Wayne, 259

Grove, Andréw, 165

Guastavino's restaurant (New York City), 246

Guglielmi, Rodolfo. See Valentino, Rudolph

Haiti and Haitian immigration to US

admission of refugees after Bahamian government orders them to leave, 231

given temporary protected status after the earthquake, 205

Hamilton College, 335

Hansard, Glen, 279

Harrison, Benjamin, 14

Hart-Celler Act. See Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Harvard University Medical School, 270

Hatch, Orrin, 329

Havana (movie), 199, 224

Hayek, Salma, 259

Hayman, Fred, 165

Haymes, Dick, 107

“head tax” on new immigrants in 1880s, 12

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, 23637

Herkimer, NY, 158

Hernandez, Juano, 75

Hersholt, Jean, 75

HIAS. See Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

Hill, Joe, 56

Hillman, Sidney, 57

Himmler, Heinrich, 122

Hispanic immigration, 277

impact on US population demographics in 2050, 343

and Marshalltown, Iowa, 31415, 31819, 320, 325, 327

See also individual countries, i. e., Cuba, Mexico, etc.

Hispanic Ministry Office, 314, 315

Hitler, Adolf, 105, 106, 12122, 343

Ho, David, 199

Hodur, Francis, 45

Holocaust, 26, 164

David Saltman's story, 103

homosexual immigrants, 232

Hong Kong refugees, special permission given in 1962, 197

Hoover, Herbert, 87

Hope, Bob, 26, 57, 58

Hopkins, Anthony, 232

Houdini, Harry, 75

House Beautiful (magazine), 191

Hovnanian, Kevork S., 165

Howard Johnson Company, 180, 18889

Howe, James Wong, 56

How Green Was My Valley (movie), 57

Hungarian Refugee Act of 1956, 163

Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 36, 164

Ava Rado-Harte's story, 16669

Steve Keschl's story, 17576

Hungary and Hungarian immigration to US

Ava Rado-Harte's story, 16673

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

Hurok, Sol, 57

I-9 forms, 318

ICE. See Immigration and Customs Enforcement

illegal immigration

along Mexico–US border, 33, 34, 35

Carlos Escobar's story, 29598

Cesar Millan's story, 28094

crossing the Mexican–American border, 308

film about, 327

impact of on children, 323, 32425

Jorge Munoz's story, 26165

legal status of illegal immigrants

Felix and Cynthia, mistreatment by the legal system, 32325

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift meatpacking raid, 32023

Martha and Moises gaining citizenship, 325

major government crackdown in 2009, 306

Marie Gonzalez's story, 33134

and Marshalltown, Iowa, 31415, 31721

Martine Kalaw's story, 33537

need for a Social Security number to have “good papers,” 318

rise in children born to illegal immigrants in 2000s, 306

seen as a Mexican problem even though there are illegal Canadians too, 328

and Social Security numbers, 318, 324

black market for, 314

fraudulent use carrying prison time, 32123

Martine Kalaw's story, 336

surge of in 2000s, 33

Tam Tran's story, 33841

See also deportation

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, 278

Iman, 232

immigration, 2627

comparison of numbers between Ellis Island era and the post-Ellis Island era, 27

as a contentious political issue

in 2000s, 306

in 2010s, 25

education levels of immigrants arriving in 2000s, 305

effect of 9/11 attacks, 305

golden era of, 1119

legal status of lawful immigrants, 204207

levels of

between 1880 and 1890, 43

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 15, 55, 56

in 1910s, 73, 74

in 1920s, 17, 87, 88

in 1930s, 17, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 277

1993 poll showing Americans favoring decreases in immigration, 278

in 2000s, 305, 307

number of legal immigrants becoming naturalized citizens in 2005, 306

reverse immigration

after World War II, 18

during economic recession 2007–2008, 306

tied with America's quest to conquer the Western frontier, 30, 31

treatment of lawful immigrants, 204207

See also green cards; illegal immigration; migration flows; “New Immigrants” (1954–2010); “Old Immigrants” (1892–1954); visas

Immigration Act of 1882, 1213

Immigration Act of 1903, 15

Immigration Act of 1990, 277

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 314, 317, 321, 324

cracking down on illegal immigration in 2009, 306

going door to door looking for illegal immigrants, 32526

taking over some of INS duties in 2003, 306

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 197

amendment to in 1969, 198

Supreme Court narrowing residency deportation provision in 1984, 257

Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, 163

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 317

banning admission of homosexuals in 1979, 232

Border Patrols increased because of 1996 legislation, 278

formed in 1933, 106

merged into Department of Homeland Security in 2002, 305

moved from Labor Department to Justice Department in 1940, 129

organizing internment and detention facilities during World War II, 129

Supreme Court upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231

Immigration Quota Act of 1924. See National Origins Act of 1924 (setting permanent quotas)

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 257

Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 (setting temporary quotas), 17, 87, 105

Impellitteri, Vincent, 56

India and Indian immigration to US, 305

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 279

in 2000s, 307

Paul Laric immigrating from Yugoslavia to US through India, 13348

INS. See Immigration and Naturalization Service

Internal Security Act of 1950, 18, 163

internment. See Japanese Americans, interned during World War II

Iowa Veterans Home, 317

Ireland and Irish immigration to US

being checked for glaucoma in the early 1920s, 98

Irish potato famine of 1845–1852, 43, 60

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

Patricia Fitzgerald's story, 6065

Irglová, Markéta, 308

Istanbul University Medical School, 268

Italy and Italian immigration to US

Giacomo “Jack” Ubaldi's story, 8186

in the 1880s, 13

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 73, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 231, 232

Renata Nieri's story, 11014

and World War II, 18

It's a Wonderful Life (movie), 56

J-1 visa. See visas

Jacques Torres Chocolate, 272

Jade (hip-hop artist), 291

Jamaica as one of top ten emigration countries

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

James, C. L. R., 164

James Beard Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award, 210

Japan and Japanese immigration to US

barred by Alien Land Law of California in 1913, 73

and the “Gentlemen's Agreement” of 1907, 16

in the 1880s, 13

Japanese and Korean Exclusion Movement in 1905, 55

popularity of Sound of Music movie in, 125

treatment of immigrants in US during World War II, 18

Japanese Americans, interned during

World War II, 18

Redress Act of 1988 providing compensation, 258

“War Relocation Camps,” 12930, 135

photo of Shibuya family, 139

Jefferson, Arthur Stanley. See Laurel, Stan

Jefferson, City, MO, 331

Jennings, Peter, 199

Jewish Daily Forward (newspaper), 96

Jewish Federation of San Jose, 234, 236

Jewish immigration

Ava Rado-Harte's story, 16673

Betty Dornbaum's story, 6672

Faye Lundsky's story, 4754

Golda Meir remembering, 29

growth in immigration of eastern European Jews (1903–1906), 15

Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, 105106

Justice Department approving entry of Soviet Jewish immigrants in 1977, 231

medical examination of Jewish immigrants in 1907, 62

pogroms in Russia, 26, 44

Stella Dushats's story, 23439

Johnson, Howard, 18889

Johnson, Lyndon B., 197

Jolson, Al, 45

Josephson, Barry, 291

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift meatpacking raid, 32023

Julie & Julia (movie), 194, 258

Kahn, Gus, 45

Kalaw, Martine Mwanj, 330, 33537

Károlyi, Béla, 258

Kazan, Elia, 75

Keeler, Ruby, 75

Keller, Thomas, 218

Kennedy, Edward, 204

Kennedy, John F., 197, 293

Kennedy, Joseph P., 189

Keschl, Steve, 36, 17479, 175

Khrushchev, Nikita, 221

Khrushchev, Sergei, 221

Kim, Byung-Hyun, 279

Kipling, Rudyard, 45

KISS (rock group), 165

Kissinger, Henry, 107

Kluge, John, 88

Knauff, Ellen, 19

Knights of Labor, 13

Koppel, Ted, 164

Korea and Korean immigration to US

Japanese and Korean Exclusion Movement in 1905, 55

Korean War, start of in 1950, 163

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 279

Korean War, 163

Kournikova, Anna, 279

KQED (TV station, San Francisco, CA), 19293

Krebs, Richard. See Valtin, Jan

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 165

Ku Klux Klan, 16, 87

Kunis, Milena “Mila,” 279

Kuznets, Simon, 88

La Côte Basque restaurant (New York City), 189

Lansbury, Angela, 130

Lansky, Meyer, 75

Lantos, Tom, 131

Laos, 231

Laotian immigration, 320

Laric, Ivan, 133, 14446

Laric, Paul, 13348

Laric, Vilko, 13334, 136, 14748

La Société des Cuisiniers de Paris [Society of Chefs of Paris], 184

Lassie (TV show), 282, 287

La Technique: An Illustrated Guide to the Fundamental Techniques of Cooking (Pépin), 191

Latina (magazine), 331

Laurel, Stan, 75

Leach, Archibald Alexander. See Grant, Cary

Le Caravelle restaurant (New York City), 189, 217

Le Cirque restaurant (New York City), 217, 272

Le Cygne restaurant (New York City), 217

Lee, Ang, 233

legal status

of illegal immigrants

Felix and Cynthia, mistreatment by the legal system, 32325

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift meatpacking raid, 32023

Martha and Moises gaining citizenship, 325

of lawful immigrants, 204207

Légion d'Honneur award, 210

Le Grenouille restaurant (New York City), 217

Lennon, John, 232

Lennox Industries, 317

Le Pavillon restaurant (New York City), 187, 18889, 190

Levantine region, immigrants from, 15

Levitt, Alfred, 75

Lewis, Meriwether, 30

Lin, Yutang, 106

Literacy Act of 1917, 1617, 74

Lofgren, Zoe, 329, 330, 341

Long Island, NY, 110

Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 292

Lotsky, Jacob, 26

Luciano, Charles, 57

Lugosi, Bela, 26, 88

Lundsky, Faye, 4754

Lutèce Cookbook, The (Soltner and Britchky), 210

Lutèce restaurant (New York City), 210, 212, 215, 21617, 21920

Lutringhauser, Ernest, 186

Luxembourg, Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

M&M Company, 275

Ma, Yo-Yo, 198

Maccioni, Sirio, 272

MacMillan, Harold, 185

Macnee, Jim (Pastor), 24856

Macnee, Patrick, 164

Macnee, Sara, 24950, 251, 252, 25354, 255, 256

Macpherson, Elle, 258

Madame Chocolat, 272

Mahler, Gustav, 57

mail-order brides (picture brides), 93

main building at Ellis Island. See Ellis Island

Malisse, Xavier, 279

Mandelbrot, Benoît, 165

Manhattan, NY, 7172

Manhattan Community College, 302

Mann, Thomas, 107

Maribor Remembered (Laric), 14748

Marine Hospital Service run by Treasury Department, 14

Mars, Frank C., 275

Marshalltown, Iowa, 31428

Marshall University, 248, 249

Martha and Moises gaining citizenship, 325

Martin, Mary, 125

Massachusetts General Hospital, 270

Master Chefs of France, 210

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child), 192, 194

Matsui, Hideki, 307

Matthews, Dave, 199

Mazurki, Mike, 75

McAdams, Rachel, 307

McCarthyism, 163

McCully, Helen, 191, 194

McKay, Claude, 75

McKinley, William, assassination of, 55

Mehta, Zubin, 198

Meilleurs Ouvriers de France award, 210

Meir, Golda, 29, 57

men immigrating to America first, then bringing family, 48

Menotti, Gian Carlo, 89

Meskwaki [Bingo] Casino, 317

Mexican–American border, crossing of, 29698, 308

Border Patrol checkpoints, 296, 316, 319, 326

checking vehicles, 322

and coyote guides, 33, 280, 28285, 295, 29698

crossing the Arizona desert, 297

Tijuana border, 35, 280, 28285, 285, 296

“Tortilla Curtain,” 33, 33

See also Border Patrol

Mexico and Mexican immigration to US, 277, 305

Carlos Escobar's story, 29598

Cesar Millan's story, 28094

crossing the Mexican–American border, 28285

in the 1880s, 13

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift meatpacking raid, 32023

Mexican repatriation program in 1931 to discourage immigration, 105

Mexican Revolution (1910), 16, 73

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1910s, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 278

in 2000s, 307

Supreme Court in 1974 upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231

taking advantage of amnesty offer in 1986, 257

Meyzin, Robert, 189

Mezei, Ignatz, 19

MGH. See Massachusetts General Hospital

Miami, FL, 201202, 203, 22526

Miami Beach, FL, 166, 168, 171, 17273

Miami Sound Machine (music group), 227, 228

Miami University of Ohio, 271

Michigan State University, 202

migration flows of top ten emigration countries

during 1890s, 45

during 1900s, 56

during 1910s, 74

during 1920s, 88

during 1930s, 106

during 1940s, 130

during 1950s, 164

during 1960s, 198

during 1970s, 232

during 1980s, 258

during 1990s, 27879

during 2000s, 307

Millan, André, 290

Millan, Cesar, 36, 279, 28094, 281

Millan, Ilusión, 28889

Ming, Yao, 307

Mogilny, Alexander, 259

mojado [the illegal ones]. See illegal immigration

Montalbán, Ricardo, 130

Moody Bible Institute, 248

Moore, Annie, 45

Moreno, Antonio, 56

Moreno, Barry, 1119

Moreno, Wenceslao “Señor Wences,” 107

Mormons, 1314, 55

Mowbray, Alan, 88

Mulberry Street, photo of, 59

Munoz, Jorge, 26165, 262

Murray, Arthur, 45

Murray, Philip, 56

Mussolini, Benito, 343

Mutombo, Dikembe, 259, 260

Myers, Mike, 259

My Life (Meir), 29

Nabokov, Vladimir, 131

Naismith, James, 45

National Basketball Association, 260, 291

National Defense Authorization Act of 2010, 329

National Football League, 291

National Geographic Channel, 35

National Immigration Law Center, 206

National Origins Act of 1924 (setting permanent quotas), 17, 87

National Park Service, 37

Navratilova, Martina, 232

Nazi Germany, 105106, 343

Albert Einstein's growing concerns about, 108

and Maria Franziska von Trapp, 11516

Sweden sympathetic to during World War II, 121

NBA. See National Basketball Association

Neeson, Liam, 258

Negri, Pola, 88

Netherlands and Dutch immigration to US

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

photo of Dutch boys, 46

Nevelson, Louise, 89

Newfoundland, 106

“New Immigrants” (1954–2010), 1112, 30, 344

coming after closure of Ellis Island, 19, 21, 22

differing from those who came through Ellis Island, 2829, 36

difficulties in obtaining a visa, 32, 33, 36

settling in the West, 30

See also specific decades in index of dates

Newman, Pauline, 56

Newsweek (magazine), 217

New York City

longest serving doorman in, 174, 174, 177

receiving largest number of immigrants, 13

New York Times (newspaper), 190, 217, 264, 265

1993 poll showing Americans favoring decreases in immigration, 278

New York Tribune (newspaper), 30

New Zealand as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

NFL. See National Football League

Nichols, Mike, 107

Nieri, Renata, 11014

NILC. See National Immigration Law Center

9/11 attacks, 305

Kiril Tarpov's story, 309, 31213

Nixon, Richard M., 198, 217, 218

Nizer, Louis, 56

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, dealing with, 25056

Norway and Norwegian immigration to US, 55

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1920s, 88

Nureyev, Rudolf, 232

Obama, Barack, 25, 329

honoring Jorge Munoz as an American hero, 261

and Zeituni Onyango, 2627, 308

Ocean's Eleven (movies), 199

O'Dwyer, William, 75

Officier du Mérite National award, 210

Olajuwon, Hakeem, 258

Oland, Warner, 45

“Old Immigrants” (1892–1954), 11

coming through Ellis Island, 21

differing from “New Immigrants,” 2829, 36

See also specific decades in index of dates

Once (movie), 279, 308

On Death and Dying (Kübler-Ross), 165

Ono, Yoko, 131

On the Waterfront (movie), 75

Onyango, Zeituni “Aunty Zeituni,” 2627, 308

Oz, Frank, 131

Ozawa, Seiji, 198

Padilla, Daniel, 336

padrones, 13

Palmer raids of 1919, 74

Papashvily, George, 88

Papers (movie), 327

Papua New Guinea, 115, 117

Parker, Tom, 89

Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 74

Patriot Act of 2001, 305

Pawtucket, RI, 6364

PBS (TV network), 192, 193, 272

Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 97, 129

Pei, Ieoh Ming (I. M.), 107

Peopling of America Center on Ellis Island, 21

Pépin, Claudine, 192, 194

Pépin, Gloria, 194

Pépin, Jacques, 165, 18095, 181

Perlman, Itzhak, 165

permanent resident alien cards. See green cards

Pew Hispanic Center, 277

Phifer, Roman, 291

Philadelphia, PA, 120, 123

Philippians 4:4–7, 251, 254

Philippine Independence Act. See Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 (Philippine Independence Act)

Philippines and Filipino immigration to US

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 278

in 2000s, 307

restriction of Filipino immigration in 1934, 106

Phoenix, Joaquin, 233

Pickford, Mary, 57

“picture brides.” See mail-order brides (picture brides)

Pittsburgh, PA, 171

Veterans Administration Hospital in, 271

Playboy (magazine), 217

Plummer, Christopher, 115, 119, 120, 125

pogroms in Russia, 26, 44

Faye Lundsky's story, 4754

Poland and Polish immigration to US

Aniela Szeliga's story, 14959

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

Poland given to Russia at end of World War II, 157

SS Polk (ship), 133, 143


of Italy in the 1930s, 18687

of US

contemporary immigrants younger than native population, 277

in 1890s, 43

in 1900, 55, 343

in 1930, 105

Mexican population in US in 1990s, 277

percentage of Hispanics in 2050, 343

Portugal and Portuguese immigration to US, 14, 17

one of top ten emigration countries in 1960s, 198

post-Ellis Island era, 2728

See also “New Immigrants” (1954–2010)

pre–Ellis Island era of immigration, 1114, 36

key historic events during, 4344

reasons for immigration since the Ellis Island era, 2728

See also Ellis Island; “New Immigrants”; “Old Immigrants”

Presidential Citizen's Medal, 261

Presley, Elvis, 89

Previn, André, 107

Princeton University, 336

profiling not allowed in 1977 Supreme Court ruling, 231

Providence, RI, 64

Puccini, Giacomo, 57

Puck, Wolfgang, 232

Puerto Rican migration occurring in 1945, 130

Puglia, Frank, 57

Queens, NY, 200, 261, 26364


changing to a preference system in 1965, 197

during the Hungarian Revolution, 170, 171, 176

for Filipinos, 106

France not always filling quota for immigrants, 186, 214

Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, 163

not lifted in 1933 for Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, 106

permanent quotas established in National Origins Act of 1924, 17, 87, 105

quotas not filled during the Great Depression, 17

restriction of Filipino immigration in 1934, 106

temporary quotas established in Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, 17, 87

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 75

Rado-Harte, Ava, 36, 16673, 167

Ramnath, Golly, 299303, 300

Rand, Ayn, 89

Ratoff, Gregory, 88

Reagan, Ronald, 257, 261

Redman (rapper), 291

Redress Act of 1988, 258

Reel, Jay, 28889

Refugee Act of 1980, 204, 257

Refugee-Escapee Act of 1957, 163

Refugee Relief Act of 1953, 16364

refugees, 305

after US withdrawal from Vietnam, 231, 257

Cuban refugees after Castro takeover, 196, 197, 202, 226, 257

Displaced Persons Act of 1948, 130, 163

Haitian refugees, 231

Hong Kong refugees, special permission given in 1962, 197

from the Hungarian Revolution, 163, 166, 169, 170, 171

measures allowing to stay in US in 1997, 278

from the Mexican Revolution of 1910, 16

Refugee Act of 1980, 204, 257

Refugee-Escapee Act of 1957, 163

Refugee Relief Act of 1953 rescuing people from Communism, 163

refugee status, 149, 226, 318, 319

foreigners ineligible for refugee status if they committed a nonpolitical crime in own country, 278

War Refugee Board, 18

and World War I, 17

and World War II, 18, 106

See also asylum

Registry Room (Great Hall) at Ellis Island. See Ellis Island, Registry Room

Reichmann, Heidi, 26

Reston, James, 88

reverse immigration

Germans, Italians, and Japanese returning home before World War II, 18

immigrants returning home because of lack of work in 2007–2008, 30, 32, 306

“reverse revenues,” 306

Rickover, Hyman G., 56

Rin Tin Tin (TV show), 282, 287

Ritz-Carlton Hotel (Palm Springs, CA), 272, 274

Robinson, Edward G., 56

Rockne, Knute, 45

Rodriguez, Rita M., 165

Romania and Romanian immigration to US, 15, 17, 29

Betty Dornbaum's story, 6672

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 18

moves INS to the Department of Justice in 1940, 129

sending Japanese Americans to relocation centers, 12930, 135, 139

Rossellini, Isabella, 232

Roybal-Allard, Lucille, 330

Russia and Russian immigration to US

Faye Lundsky's story, 4754

and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 16364

Ava Rado-Harte's story, 16669

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1990s, 278

in 2000s, 307

pogroms in Russia, 26, 44

Faye Lundsky's story, 4748

Stella Dushats's story, 23439

treatment of Jews in the 1970s, 23436

Russian Tea Room restaurant (New York City), 190

Sacco, Nicola, 57

Saltman, David, 95103

San Diego, CA, 28687

Santana, Carlos, 198

School of the Sisters of Notre Dame (Wilton, CT), 77

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 199

Scotland and Scottish immigration

David Saltman's story, 95103

photo of Scottish family, 49

See also United Kingdom

Scranton, PA, 82, 85

Secada, Jon, 232

September 11, 2001, attacks, 305

Kiril Tarpov's story, 309, 31213

Serious Man, A (movie), 234

Shahn, Ben, 57

Sharapova, Maria, 279

Shatner, William, 164

Shibuya, Ryohitsu and family, 139

Siciliano, Angelo. See Atlas, Charles

Sikorsky, Igor, 75

Simmons, Gene, 165

Simon, Rene, 21112

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 26

Skelton, Ike, 33233

Skouras, Spyros, 75

Smith, Charles Kingsford, 89

Social Security numbers and illegal

immigration, 318, 324

black market for, 314

fraudulent use carrying prison time, 32123

Martine Kalaw's story, 336

Society of Chefs of Paris [La Société des Cuisiniers de Paris], 184

Soltner, André, 21021, 212

Soltner, Simone, 210, 214, 219

Somalis having refugee status, 319

Sosa, Sammy, 259

Soulé, Henri, 188, 189

Sound of Music, The (movie), 36, 77, 115, 119, 120, 121

comparisons with real von Trapp experiences, 125

original poster for, 118

South Africa as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 249

South Korea. See Korea and Korean immigration to US

South Vietnam, US withdrawal from in 1975, 231

See also Vietnam and Vietnamese immigration to US

Stalin, Joseph, 343

“stateless” aliens during World War II, 18

Staten Island, NY, 9597

Statue of Liberty

Betty Dornbaum's memory of, 66, 70

Patricia Fitzgerald's memory of, 63

Paul Laric's memory of, 146

unveiling of in 1886, 30, 32, 44

Statue of Liberty–Ellis Island Foundation, 21, 23

steerage of a steamship, 46, 49, 63, 89, 92, 92

Stewart, Patrick, 259

stock market crash of 1929, 87

Stokowski, Leopold, 57

Stowe, VT, 116, 120, 12325

Strasberg, Lee, 57

Streetcar Named Desire, A (movie), 75

“Street Singer, The.” See Tracy, Arthur

Stroheim, Erich von, 57

student visas. See visas

Styne, Jule, 75

Sudanese immigration, 319, 320

Sumac, Yma, 131

Supreme Court

foreigners ineligible for refugee status if they committed a nonpolitical crime in own country, 278

narrowing residency deportation provision in 1984, 257

not allowing profiling by Border Patrol in 1977, 231

upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely in 1974, 231

Surmain, André, 21314, 215, 217, 220

Sweden and Swedish immigration to US, 55

holding Nazi sympathies during World War II, 121

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1920s, 88

Swift meatpacking plant, 314, 317, 318, 320, 325

Juan and Elizabeth after Swift raid, 32023

Syracuse University, 335, 336

Talent, Jim, 33233

Talking Heads (music group), 198

Tarpov, Angel, 30910, 311

Tarpov, Kiril, 30913, 310

Tarzan (movies), 56, 141

Taylor, Elizabeth, 107

Taylor, Susan Douglas, 337

Teichman, Moses. See Murray, Arthur

Teller, Edward, 107

Temporary Protected Status, 319

Tesar, Mary (Sister), 7780

Three Little Pigs (charcuterie in New York City), 24244

Three Musketeers, The (Dumas), 240

Tijuana border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of

RMS Titanic (ship), sinking of in 1912, 73

Tito, Josip Broz, 185

Torres, Jacques, 259, 27276, 273

“Tortilla Curtain.” See Mexican–American border, crossing of

Toscanini, Arturo, 12526

tourist/visitor's visa. See visas

Townes, Leslie. See Hope, Bob

TPS. See Temporary Protected Status

Tracy, Arthur, 57

Tran, Tam, 330, 33841

Trapp Family Singers. See von Trapp, Georg; von Trapp, Maria Franziska

Treasury Department

put in charge of immigration in 1890, 14

requiring Ellis Island fireproofed after 1897, 44

Trebek, Alex, 232

Trénet, Charles, 131

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, 73

Trigére, Pauline, 107

Trinidad, Golly Ramnath's story of immigrating from, 299303

Try to Remember (Gomez), 200, 202204

Tsai, Ming, 192

Tsiang, H. T., 89

Turkey and Turkish immigrants to US, 14, 15

Murat Tuzcu's story, 26671

Tuzcu, Murat, 26671, 267

Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 (Philippine Independence Act), 106

Ubaldi, Giacomo “Jack,” 8186

UCLA, 338, 339

underclass, 29

United Kingdom as one of top ten emigration countries

in 1890s, 45

in 1900s, 56

in 1910s, 74

in 1920s, 88

in 1930s, 106

in 1940s, 130

in 1950s, 164

in 1960s, 198

in 1970s, 232

in 1980s, 258

See also Scotland

University of Miami, 227

University of Missouri, 334

USCIS. See Citizenship and Immigration Services

US–Mexican border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of

Utica, NY, 158

Valentino, Rudolph, 75

Valtin, Jan, 107

Van Halen, Eddie, 199

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 57

Vietnam and Vietnamese immigration to US, 277

boat people, 338

US response to, 257

one of top ten emigration countries

in 1980s, 258

in 1990s, 279

in 2000s, 307

Vietnam War, 231

visas, 120, 121, 237, 291

expiration of, 143, 144, 179, 301, 309

staying on illegally after, 328

granting to refugees of the Hungarian Revolution, 164, 171

J-1 visa, 275

“New Immigrants” difficulties in obtaining, 32, 36

student visas, 33, 137, 226, 274, 301

for physician training, 269, 270

tourist/visitor's visa, 33, 137, 301302, 324, 335

work visas, 309, 310, 311

See also green cards (permanent resident alien cards); work permits

Vitae Society, 331

Vongerichten, Jean-George, 218

von Trapp, Agathe Whitehead, 115, 122

von Trapp, Georg, 36, 107, 120, 122

von Trapp, Joahnnes, 12027, 121

von Trapp, Kristina, 126

von Trapp, Maria Augusta, 115, 120, 126

von Trapp, Maria Franziska, 36, 107, 11519, 116

von Trapp, Sam, 120, 126

von Trapp, Werner, 117

Voskovec, George, 164

Walcott, Derek, 165

Wang, An, 131

Wang, Wayne, 199

war brides, 19

and War Brides Act of 1945, 18, 130

War Refugee Board, 18

“War Relocation Camps.” See Japanese Americans, interned during World War II

Wasner, Franz, 12526

“We are Marie” campaign, 332

Weissmuller, Johann “Johnny,” 56, 141

Weisz, Rachel, 308

“We're in the Money” (song), 45

West, Barbara, 75

West, importance of in the history of immigration, 30, 31

Westminster College (Fulton, MO), 331

WGBH (TV station, Boston, MA), 192

White House, 180, 18990

Wiesel, Elie, 164

Wilander, Mats, 307

Wilder, Billy, 107

Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, 93

Wilson, Woodrow, 74

Winfrey, Oprah, 29293

Winwar, Frances, 57

WNET (TV station, New York City), 192

work permits, 206, 31920, 336, 33940, 341

See also green cards (permanent resident alien cards); Social Security numbers; visas

work visas. See visas

World's Fair in 1939, 189

World Trade Center, 190

World War I, 343

Bertha Renner Zeichner's story, 9091

effecting mass immigration from Europe, 74

Giacomo “Jack” Ubaldi's story, 8283

impact on immigration, 16

Sister Mary Tesar's story, 7879

World War II, 18, 343

Aniela Szeliga's story, 15456

David Saltman's story, 97103

impact on immigration to US, 129

internment of Japanese Americans during, 12930, 135, 139

Jacques Pépin's story, 18283

Paul Laric's story, 137

Poland given to Russia at end of World War II, 157

preludes to in 1932 and 1933, 106

“stateless” aliens during, 18

Sweden holding Nazi sympathies during, 121

US entry into in 1941, 129

Yahoo!, 233

Yang, Jerry, 233

Yezierska, Anzia, 56

YMCA, 16

Yoelson, Asa. See Jolson, Al

Young, Neil, 199

Youngman, Henny, 57

Yugoslavia and Yugoslavian immigration

Hitler's conquests leading to “stateless” aliens from, 18

Paul Laric's story, 13348

Zeichner, Bertha Renner, 9094

Zeta-Jones, Catherine, 307

Zucco, George, 75