

1. Fitch, Tad y Poirier, Michael, Into the Danger Zone: Sea Crossings of the First World War, The History Press, Stroud, 2014, p. 108.

2. Larson, Erik, Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, Broadway Books, Nueva York, 2016, p. 1. (Hay versión castellana de María Morés, Lusitania: el hundimiento que cambió el rumbo de la historia, Ariel, Barcelona, 2015.)

3. Simpson, Colin, «A Great Liner with Too Many Secrets», Life, 13 de octubre de 1972, p. 58.

4. Fitch, Tad y Poirier, Michael, Into the Danger Zone, p. 118; Hoehling, Adolph A. y Hoehling, Mary, The Last Voyage of the Lusitania, Madison Books, Lanham, 1996, p. 247.

5. Boorstin, Daniel Joseph, The Discoverers: A History of Man’s Search to Know His World and Himself, Vintage, Nueva York, 3, 1985, p. 1. (Hay versión castellana de Susana Lijtmaer, Los descubridores, Crítica, Barcelona, 1998.)

6. Smith, Kit, «44 Twitter Statistics for 2016», Brandwatch, 17 de mayo de 2016, disponible en <https://www.brandwatchoras-com/2016/05/44-twitter-stats-2016>.

7. Golder, Scott A. y Macy, Michael W, «Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work, Sleep, and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures», Science 333, n.º 6051, (2011), pp. 1878-1881. Ten en cuenta que esta investigación se llevó a cabo antes de que Donald Trump fuese elegido presidente y sus tuits pasaran a formar parte de la conversación política.

8. Para leer una crónica más completa del descubrimiento de De Marian, ver Roenneberg, Till, Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet Lag, and Why You’re So Tired, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2012, pp. 31-35.

9. Cromie, William J., «Human Biological Clock Set Back an Hour», Harvard University Gazette, 15 de julio de 1999.

10. Sheridan Dodds, Peter et al., «Temporal Patterns of Happiness and Information in a Global Social Network: Hedonometrics and Twitter», PloS ONE 6, n.º 12, (2011): e26752. Ver también Fusaroli, Riccardo, et al., «Timescales of Massive Human Entrainment», PloS ONE 10, n.º 4, (2015): e0122742.

11. Kahneman, Daniel et al., «A Survey Method for Characterizing Daily Life Experience: The Day Reconstruction Method», Science 306, n.º 5702 (2004), pp. 1776-1780.

12. Stone, Arthur A. et al., «A Population Approach to the Study of Emotion: Diurnal Rhythms of a Working Day Examined with the Day Reconstruction Method», Emotion 6, n.º 1 (2006), pp. 139-49.

13. Chen, Jing, Baruch, Lev y Demers Elizabeth, «The Dangers of Late-Afternoon Earnings Calls», Harvard Business Review, octubre de 2013.

14. Ibíd.

15. Chen, Jing, Baruch, Lev y Demers Elizabeth, «Oh What a Beautiful Morning! Diurnal Variations in Executives’ and Analysts’ Behavior: Evidence from Conference Calls». Encontrado en: <>.

16. Ibíd.

17. Esto lo podemos explicar también con matemáticas sencillas. Supongamos que hay un dos por ciento de probabilidad (0,02) de que Linda sea cajera de banco. Si hay una impresionante probabilidad del 99 por ciento (0,99) de que sea feminista, la probabilidad de que sea cajera de banco y también feminista es 0,0198 (0,02 x 0,99), que es menor del dos por ciento.

18. Tversky, Amos y Kahneman, Daniel, «Extensional Versus Intuitive Reasoning: The Conjunction Fallacy in Probability Judgment», Psychological Review 90, n.º 4, (1983), pp. 293-315.

19. Bodenhausen, Galen V., «Stereotypes as Judgmental Heuristics: Evidence of Circadian Variations in Discrimination», Psychological Science 1, n.º 5, (1990), pp. 319-322.

20. Ibíd.

21. Foster, Russell G. y Kreitzman, Leon, Rhythms of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Daily Lives of Every Living Thing, Yale University Press, New Haven, (2005), p. 11.

22. Hines, Carolyn B., «Time-of-Day Effects on Human Performance», Journal of Catholic Education 7, n.º 3, (2004), pp. 390-413, citando a Kelly, Tamsin L., «Circadian Rhythms: Importance for Models of Cognitive Performance» U.S. Naval Health Research Center Report, n.º 96-1, (1996), pp. 1-24.

23. Folkard, Simon, «Diurnal Variation in Logical Reasoning», British Journal of Psychology 66, n.º 1 (1975), pp. 1-8; Monk, Timothy Horas et al., «Circadian Determinants of Subjective Alertness», Journal of Biological Rhythms 4, n.º 4, (1989), pp. 393-404.

24. Matchock, Robert L. y Mordkoff, Toby, «Chronotype and Timeof-Day Influences on the Alerting, Orienting, and Executive Components of Attention», Experimental Brain Research 192, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 189-198.

25. Sievertsen, Hans Henrik, Gino, Francesca y Piovesan, Marco, «Cognitive Fatigue Influences Students’ Performance on Standardized Tests», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, n.º 10, (2016), pp. 2621-2624.

26. Pope, Nolan G., «How the Time of Day Affects Productivity: Evidence from School Schedules», Review of Economics and Statistics 98, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 1-11.

27. Wieth, Mareike B. y Zacks, Rose T., «Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-optimal Is Optimal», Thinking & Reasoning 17, n.º 4, (2011), pp. 387-401.

28. Hasher, Lynn, Zacks, Rose T. y May, Cynthia P., «Inhibitory Control, Circadian Arousal, and Age», en Gopher, Daniel y Koriat Asher (ed.), Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application, MIT Press, Cambridge, (1999), pp. 653-675.

29. May, Cindi, «The Inspiration Paradox: Your Best Creative Time Is Not When You Think», Scientific American, 6 de marzo de 2012.

30. Wieth, Mareike B. y Zacks, Rose T., «Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-optimal Is Optimal», Thinking & Reasoning 17, n.º 4, (2011), pp. 387-401.

31. Canfield McFee, Inez Nellie, The Story of Thomas A. Edison, Barse & Hopkins, Nueva York, 1922.

32. He aquí un método aún más sencillo. ¿A qué hora te levantas los fines de semana (o los días libres)? Si es a la misma hora que entre semana, probablemente seas una alondra. Si es un poco más tarde, probablemente seas un colibrí. Si es mucho más tarde —noventa minutos o más— probablemente seas un búho.

33. Roenneberg, Till et al., «Epidemiology of the Human Circadian Clock», Sleep Medicine Reviews 11, n.º 6, (2007), pp. 429-438.

34. Adan, Ana et al., «Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review», Chronobiology International 29, n.º 9, (2012), pp. 1153-1175; Preckel, Franzis et al., «Chronotype, Cognitive Abilities, and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Investigation», Learning and Individual Differences 21, n.º 5, (2011), pp. 483-492; Roenneberg, Till, Wirz-Justice, Anna y Merrow, Martha, «Life Between Clocks: Daily Temporal Patterns of Human Chronotypes», Journal of Biological Rhythms 18, n.º 1, (2003), pp. 80-90; Chelminski, Iwona et al., «Horne and Ostberg Questionnaire: A Score Distribution in a Large Sample of Young Adults», Personality and Individual Differences 23, n.º 4, (1997), pp. 647-652; Cavallera, G. M. y Giudici, S., «Morningness and Eveningness Personality: A Survey in Literature from 1995 up till 2006», Personality and Individual Differences 44, n.º 1, (2008), pp. 3-21.

35. Rayasam, Renuka, «Why Sleeping In Could Make You a Better Worker», BBC Capital, 25 de febrero de 2016.

36. Koskenvuo, Markku et al., «Heritability of Diurnal Type: A Nationwide Study of 8753 Adult Twin Pairs», Journal of Sleep Research 16, n.º 2, (2007), pp. 156-162; Hur, Yoon-Mi, Bouchard, Thomas J. y Lykken, David T., «Genetic and Environmental Influence on Morningness-Eveningness», Personality and Individual Differences 25, n.º 5, (1998), pp. 917-925.

37. Una posible explicación: los nacidos en estaciones con menos luz alcanzan su pico circadiano diario más pronto para poder aprovechar la limitada luz. Natale, Vincenzo y Adan, Ana, «Season of Birth Modulates Morning-Eveningness Preference in Humans», Neuroscience Letters 274, n.º 2, (1999), pp. 139-141; Caci, Hervé et al., «Transcultural Properties of the Composite Scale of Morningness: The Relevance of the ‘Morning Affect’ Factor», Chronobiology International 22, n.º 3, (2005), pp. 523-540.

38. Roenneberg, Till et al., «A Marker for the End of Adolescence», Current Biology 14, n.º 24, (2004): R1038–39.

39. Roenneberg, Till et al., «Epidemiology of the Human Circadian Clock», Sleep Medicine Reviews 11, n.º 6, (2007), pp. 429–438; Ver también Adan, Ana et al., «Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review», Chronobiology International 29, n.º 9, (2012): pp. 1153-1175.

40. Adan, Ana et al., «Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review», Chronobiology International 29, n.º 9, (2012), pp. 1153-1175. Ver también Walker, Ryan J. et al., «Age, the Big Five, and Time-of-Day Preference: A Mediational Model», Personality and Individual Differences 56, (2014), pp. 170-174; Randler, Christoph, «Proactive People Are Morning People», Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39, n.º 12, (2009), pp. 2787-2797; Caci, Hervé, Robert, Philippe y Boyer, Patrice, «Novelty Seekers and Impulsive Subjects Are Low in Morningness», European Psychiatry 19, n.º 2, (2004): pp. 79-84; Stolarski, Maciej, Ledzińska, Maria y Matthews, Gerald, «Morning Is Tomorrow, Evening Is Today: Relationships Between Chronotype and Time Perspective», Biological Rhythm Research 44, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 181-196.

41. Biss, Renée K. y Hasher, Lynn, «Happy as a Lark: Morning-Type Younger and Older Adult Are Higher in Positive Affect», Emotion 12, n.º 3, (2012), pp. 437-441.

42. Walker, Ryan J. et al., «Age, the Big Five, and Time-of-Day Preference: A Mediational Model», Personality and Individual Differences 56, (2014), pp. 170-174; Randler, Christoph, «Morningness-Eveningness, Sleep-Wake Variables and Big Five Personality Factors», Personality and Individual Differences 45, n.º 2, (2008), pp. 191-196.

43. Adan, Ana, «Chronotype and Personality Factors in the Daily Consumption of Alcohol and Psychostimulants», Addiction 89, n.º 4, (1994), pp. 455-462.

44. Yu, Ji Hee et al., «Evening Chronotype Is Associated with Metabolic Disorders and Body Composition in Middle-Aged Adults», Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100, n.º 4, (2015), pp. 1494-1502; Ju Kim, Seog Ju Kim et al., «Age as a Moderator of the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Morningness-Eveningness», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 68, n.º 2, (2010), pp. 159-164; Chelminski, Iwona et al., «Horne and Ostberg Questionnaire: A Score Distribution in a Large Sample of Young Adults», Personality and Individual Differences 23, n.º 4, (1997), pp. 647-652; Drennan, Michael D. et al., «The Effects of Depression and Age on the Horne-Ostberg Morningness- Eveningness Score», Journal of Affective Disorders 23, no. 2, (1991), pp. 93-98; Randler, Christoph et al., «Eveningness Is Related to Men’s Mating Success», Personality and Individual Differences 53, n.º 3. (2012), pp. 263-267; Kasof, J., «Eveningness and Bulimic Behavior», Personality and Individual Differences 31, n.º 3, (2001), pp. 361-369.

45. Yam, Kai Chi, Fehr, Ryan, y Barnes, Christopher M., «Morning Employees Are Perceived as Better Employees: Employees’ Start Times Influence Supervisor Performance Ratings», Journal of Applied Psychology 99, n.º 6, (2014), pp. 1288-1299.

46. Gale, Catharine y Martyn, Christopher, «Larks and Owls and Health, Wealth, and Wisdom», British Medical Journal 317, n.º 7, 174, (1998), pp. 1675-1677.

47. Roberts, Richard D. y Kyllonen, Patrick C., «Morning-Eveningness and Intelligence: Early to Bed, Early to Rise Will Make You Anything but Wise!», Personality and Individual Differences 27, (1999), pp. 1123-1233; Piffer, Davide et al., «Morning-Eveningness and Intelligence Among High-Achieving US Students: Night Owls Have Higher GMAT Scores than Early Morning Types in a TopRanked MBA Program», Intelligence 47, (2014), pp. 107-112.

48. Randler, Christoph, «Evening Types Among German University Students Score Higher on Sense of Humor After Controlling for Big Five Personality Factors», Psychological Reports 103, n.º 2, (2008), pp. 361-370.

49. Bodenhausen, Galen V., «Stereotypes as Judgmental Heuristics: Evidence of Circadian Variations in Discrimination», Psychological Science 1, n.º 5, (1990), pp. 319-322.

50. Wieth, Mareike B. y Zacks, Rose T., «Time-of-Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-optimal is Optimal», Thinking & Reasoning 17, n.º 4, (2011), pp. 387-401.

51. May, Cynthia P. y Hasher, Lynn, «Synchrony Effects in Inhibitory Control over Thought and Action», Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24, n.º 2, (1998), pp. 363-379; Adan, Ana et al., «Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review», Chronobiology International 29, n.º 9, (2012), pp. 1153-1175.

52. Correa, Ángel, Molina, Enrique y Sanabria, Daniel, «Effects of Chronotype and Time of Day on the Vigilance Decrement During Simulated Driving», Accident Analysis & Prevention 67, (2014), pp. 113-118.

53. Anderson, John A. E. et al., «Timing Is Everything: Age Differences in the Cognitive Control Network Are Modulated by Time of Day», Psychology and Aging 29, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 648-658.

54. Gunia, Brian C., Barnes, Christopher M. y Sah, Sunita «The Morality of Larks and Owls: Unethical Behavior Depends on Chronotype as Well as Time of Day», Psychological Science 25, n.º 12, (2014), pp. 2272-2274; Kouchaki, Maryam y Smith, Isaac Horas, «The Morning Morality Effect; The Influence of Time of Day on Unethical Behavior», Psychological Science 25, n.º 1, (2013), pp. 95-102.

55. Currey, Mason (ed.), Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Knopf, Nueva York, 2013, pp. 62-63. (Hay versión en castellano de José Adrián Vitier, Rituales cotidianos: cómo trabajan los artistas, Turner, Madrid, 2014.)

56. Ibíd., pp. 29-32, 62-63.

57. Vetter, Céline et al., «Aligning Work and Circadian Time in Shift Workers Improves Sleep and Reduces Circadian Disruption», Current Biology 25, n.º 7, (2015), pp. 907-911.

58. Van Proeyen, Karen et al., «Training in the Fasted State Improves Glucose Tolerance During Fat-Rich Diet», Journal of Physiology 588, n.º 21, (2010), pp. 4289-4302.

59. Deschenes, Michael R. et al., «Chronobiological Effects on Exercise: Performance and Selected Physiological Responses», European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 77, n.º 3, (1998), pp. 249-560.

60. Facer-Childs, Elise y Brandstaetter, Roland, «The Impact of Circadian Phenotype and Time Since Awakening on Diurnal Performance in Athletes», Current Biology 25, n.º 4, (2015), pp. 518-522.

61. Medarov, Boris I., Pavlov, Valentin A., y Rossoff, Leonard, «Diurnal Variations in Human Pulmonary Function», International Journal of Clinical Experimental Medicine 1, n.º 3, (2008), pp. 267-273.

62. Drust, Barry et al., «Circadian Rhythms in Sports Performance: An Update» Chronobiology International 22, n.º 1, (2005), pp. 21-44; P. Rosa, João Paulo et al., «2016 Rio Olympic Games: Can the Schedule of Events Compromise Athletes’ Performance?», Chronobiology International 33, n.º 4, (2016), pp. 435-440.

63. American Council on Exercise, «The Best Time to Exercise», Fit Facts (2013), disponible en <>.

64. Debono, Miguel et al., «Modified-Release Hydrocortisone to Provide Circadian Cortisol Profiles», Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 94, n.º 5, (2009), pp. 1548-1554.

65. Meuret, Alicia E. et al., «Timing Matters: Endogenous Cortisol Mediates Benefits from Early-Day Psychotherapy», Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, (2016), pp. 197-202.

66. Clay Wright, Melanie et al., «Time of Day Effects on the Incidence of Anesthetic Adverse Events», Quality and Safety in Health Care 15, n.º 4, (2006), pp. 258-263. La cita al final del párrafo es de la principal autora del artículo y aparece en «Time of Surgery Influences Rate of Adverse Health Events Due to Anesthesia», Duke News, 3 de agosto de 2006.

67. Lee, Alexander et al., «Queue Position in the Endoscopic Schedule Impacts Effectiveness of Colonoscopy», American Journal of Gastroenterology 106, n.º 8, (2011), pp. 1457-1465.

68. Un estudio encontró una diferencia de género, y llegó a la conclusión de que «las colonoscopias realizadas por la tarde tendían a tener una tasa menor de detección de pólipos y adenomas [...] [pero] la tasa de detección de adenomas menor en las colonoscopias de la tarde parece afectar principalmente a las pacientes femeninas». Singh, Shailendra et al., «Differences Between Morning and Afternoon Colonoscopies for Adenoma Detection in Female and Male Patients», Annals of Gastroenterology 29, n.º 4, (2016), pp. 497-501. Otros pocos estudios se han mostrado más circunspectos respecto al efecto del momento del día. Ver, p. ej., Waye, Jerome D., «Should All Colonoscopies Be Performed in the Morning?», Nature Reviews: Gastroenterology & Hepatology 4, n.º 7, (2007), pp. 366-367.

69. Sanaka, Madhusudhan R. et al., «Afternoon Colonoscopies Have Higher Failure Rates Than Morning Colonoscopies, American Journal of Gastroenterology 101, n.º 12, (2006), pp. 2726-2730; Waye, Jerome D., «Should All Colonoscopies Be Performed in the Morning?» Nature Reviews: Gastroenterology & Hepatology 4, n.º 7, (2007), pp. 366-367.

70. Linder, Jeffrey A. et al., «Time of Day and the Decision to Prescribe Antibiotics» JAMA Internal Medicine 174, n.º 12, (2014), pp. 2029-2031.

71. Dai, Hengchen et al., «The Impact of Time at Work and Time Off from Work on Rule Compliance: The Case of Hand Hygiene in Health Care», Journal of Applied Psychology 100, n.º 3, (2015), pp. 846-862. La cifra del 38 por ciento representa las «probabilidades ajustadas de cumplimiento en el transcurso de un turno de doce horas o un descenso de 8,7 puntos porcentuales en la tasa de cumplimiento para un cuidador medio en el transcurso de un turno de doce horas».

72. Ibíd.

73. Horne, Jim y Reyner, Louise, «Vehicle Accidents Related to Sleep: A Review», Occupational and Environmental Medicine 56, n.º 5, (1999), pp. 289-294.

74. Caba, Justin, «Least Productive Time of the Day Officially Determined to Be 2:55 PM: What You Can Do to Stay Awake?», Medical Daily, 4 de junio de 2013, disponible en <>.

75. Kouchaki, Maryam y Smith, Isaac Horas, «The Morning Morality Effect: The Influence of Time of Day on Unethical Behavior», Psychological Science 25, n.º 1, (2014), pp. 95-102; Kouchaki, Maryam, «In the Afternoon, the Moral Slope Gets Slipperier», Harvard Business Review, mayo de 2014.

76. Neily, Julia et al., «Association Between Implementation of a Medical Team Training Program and Surgical Mortality», JAMA 304, n.º 15, (2010), pp. 1693-1700.

77. Sievertsen, Hans Henrik, Gino, Francesca y Piovesan, Marco, «Cognitive Fatigue Influences Students’ Performance on Standardized Tests», Proceedings of the National Academ of Sciences 113, n.º 10, (2016), pp. 2621-2624.

78. Gino, Francesca, «Don’t Make Important Decisions Late in the Day», Harvard Business Review, 23 de febrero de 2016.

79. Sievertsen, Hans Henrik, Gino, Francesca y Piovesan, Marco, «Cognitive Fatigue Influences Students’ Performance on Standardized Tests», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, n.º 10, (2016), pp. 2621-2624.

80. Cho, Kyoungmin, Barnes, Christopher M. y Guanara, Cristiano L., «Sleepy Punishers Are Harsh Punishers: Daylight Saving Time and Legal Sentences», Psychological Science 28, n.º 2, (2017), pp. 242-247.

81. Danziger, Shai, Levav, Jonathan y Avnaim-Pesso, Liora, «Extraneous Factors in Judicial Decisions», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, n.º 17, (2011), pp. 6889-6892.

82. Ariga, Atsunori y Lleras, Alejandro, «Brief and Rare Mental ‘Breaks’ Keep You Focused: Deactivation and Reactivation of Task Goals Preempt Vigilance Decrements», Cognition 118, n.º 3, (2011), pp. 439-443.

83. Hunter, Emily M. y Wu, Cindy, «Give Me a Better Break: Choosing Workday Break Activities to Maximize Resource Recovery», Journal of Applied Psychology 101, n.º 2, (2016), pp. 302-311.

84. Zacher, Hannes, Brailsford, Holly A. y Parker, Stacey L., «Micro-Breaks Matter: A Diary Study on the Effects of Energy Management Strategies on Occupational Well-Being», Journal of Vocational Behavior 85, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 287-297.

85. Bergouignan, Audrey et al., «Effect of Frequent Interruptions of Prolonged Sitting on Self-Perceived Levels of Energy, Mood, Food Cravings and Cognitive Function», International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 13-24.

86. Wu, Li-Ling et al., «Effects of an 8-Week Outdoor Brisk Walking Program on Fatigue in Hi-Tech Industry Employees: A Randomized Control Trial», Workplace Health & Safety 63, n.º 10, (2015), pp. 436-445; Oppezzo, Marily y Schwartz, Daniel L., «Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking», Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40, n.º 4, (2014), pp. 1142-1152.

87. Wendsche, Johannes et al., «Rest Break Organization in Geriatric Care and Turnover: A Multimethod Cross-Sectional Study», International Journal of Nursing Studies 51, n.º 9, (2014), pp. 1246-1257.

88. Kim, Sooyeol, Park, Young Ah, y Niu, Qikun, «Micro-Break Activities at Work to Recover from Daily Work Demands», Journal of Organizational Behavior 38, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 28-41.

89. Finkbeiner, Kristen M., Russell, Paul N., y Helton, William S., «Rest Improves Performance, Nature Improves Happiness: Assessment of Break Periods on the Abbreviated Vigilance Task», Consciousness and Cognition n.º 42, (2016), pp. s277-285.

90. Barton, Jo y Pretty, Jules, «What Is the Best Dose of Nature and Green Exercise for Improving Mental Health? A Multi-Study Analysis», Environmental Science & Technology 44, n.º 10, (2010), pp. 3947-3955.

91. Nisbet, Elizabeth K. y Zelenski, John M., «Underestimating Nearby Nature: Affective Forecasting Errors Obscure the Happy Path to Sustainability», Psychological Science 22, n.º 9, (2011), pp. 1101-1106; Finkbeiner, Kristen M., Russell, Paul N. y Helton, William S., «Rest Improves Performance, Nature Improves Happiness: Assessment of Break Periods on the Abbreviated Vigilance Task», Consciousness and Cognition 42, (2016), pp. 277-285.

92. Kim, Sooyeol, Ah Park, Young, and Niu, Qikun, «Micro-Break Activities at Work to Recover from Daily Work Demands», Journal of Organizational Behavior 38, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 28-41.

93. Rhee, Hongjai y Kim, Sudong, «Effects of Breaks on Regaining Vitality at Work: An Empirical Comparison of ‘Conventional’ and ‘Smartphone’ Breaks», Computers in Human Behavior 57, (2016), pp. 160-167.

94. Sianoja, Marjaana et al., «Recovery During Lunch Breaks: Testing Long-Term Relations with Energy Levels at Work», Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 1-12.

95. Ver, p. ej., McCrory, Megan A., «Meal Skipping and Variables Related to Energy Balance in Adults: A Brief Review, with Emphasis on the Breakfast Meal», Physiology & Behavior 134, (2014), pp. 5154; y Szajewska, Hania y Ruszczyński, Marek, «Systematic Review Demonstrating That Breakfast Consumption Influences Body Weight Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Europe», Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 50, n.º 2, (2010), pp. 113-119, donde los autores advierten sobre que «los resultados deberían intepretarse con un grado sustancial de cautela debido a los deficientes reportes del proceso de revisión y la falta de información sobre la calidad de los estudios incluidos».

96. Dhurandhar, Emily J. et al., «The Effectiveness of Breakfast Recommendations on Weight Loss: A Randomized Controlled Trial», American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 100, n.º 2, (2014), pp. 507-513.

97. Brown, Andrew W., Bohan Brown, Michelle M. y Allison, David B., «Belief Beyond the Evidence: Using the Proposed Effect of Breakfast on Obesity to Show 2 Practices That Distort Scientific Evidence», American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 98, n.º 5, (2013), pp. 1298-1308; Levitsky, David A. y Pacanowski, Carly R., «Effect of Skipping Breakfast on Subsequent Energy Intake», Physiology & Behavior 119, (2013), pp. 9-16.

98. Chowdhury, Enhad y Betts, James, «Should I Eat Breakfast? Health Experts on Whether It Really Is the Most Important Meal of the Day», Independent, 15 de febrero de 2016. Ver también Mohammadi, Dara, «Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?» New Scientist, 22 de marzo de 2016.

99. Ver, p. ej., <http://saddesklunchorascom>, la fuente de la quizá dudosa cifra del 62 por ciento en ese párrafo.

100. Sianoja, Marjaana et al., «Recovery During Lunch Breaks: Testing Long-Term Relations with Energy Levels at Work», Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 1-12.

101. Kniffin, Kevin M. et al., «Eating Together at the Firehouse: How Workplace Commensality Relates to the Performance of Firefighters», Human Performance 28, n.º 4, (2015), pp. 281-306.

102. Trougakos, John P. et al., «Lunch Breaks Unpacked: The Role of Autonomy as a Moderator of Recovery During Lunch», Academy of Management Journal 57, n.º 2, (2014), pp. 405-421.

103. Sianoja, Marjaana et al., «Recovery During Lunch Breaks: Testing Long-Term Relations with Energy Levels at Work», Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 1-12. Ver también Rhee, Hongjai y Kim, Sudong, «Effects of Breaks on Regaining Vitality at Work: An Empirical Comparison of ‘Conventional’ and ‘Smartphone’ Breaks», Computers in Human Behavior 57, (2016), pp. 160-167.

104. Immen, Wallace, «In This Office, Desks Are for Working, Not Eating Lunch», Globe and Mail, 27 de febrero de 2017.

105. Rosekind, Mark R. et al., «Crew Factors in Flight Operations 9: Effects of Planned Cockpit Rest on Crew Performance and Alertness in Long-Haul Operations», NASA Technical Reports Server, 1994, disponible en: < 6379>.

106. Leigh Signal, Tracey et al., «Scheduled Napping as a Countermeasure to Sleepiness in Air Traffic Controllers», Journal of Sleep Research 18, n.º 1, (2009), pp. 11-19.

107. Garbarino, Sergio et al., «Professional Shift-Work Drivers Who Adopt Prophylactic Naps Can Reduce the Risk of Car Accidents During Night Work», Sleep 27, n.º 7, (2004), pp. 1295-1302.

108. Beijamini, Felipe et al., «After Being Challenged by a Video Game Problem, Sleep Increases the Chance to Solve It», PloS ONE 9, n.º 1, (2014), e84342.

109. Mander, Bryce A. et al., «Wake Deterioration and Sleep Restoration of Human Learning», Current Biology 21, n.º 5, (2011), R183184; Beijamini, Felipe et al., «After Being Challenged by a Video Game Problem, Sleep Increases the Chance to Solve It», PloS ONE 9, n.º 1, (2014), e84342.

110. Lovato, Nicole y Lack, Leon, «The Effects of Napping on Cognitive Functioning», Progress in Brain Research 185, (2010), pp. 155-166; Studte, Sara, Bridger, Emma y Mecklinger, Axel, «Nap Sleep Preserves Associative but Not Item Memory Performance», Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 120, (2015), pp. 84-93.

111. Milner, Catherine E. y Cote, Kimberly A., «Benefits of Napping in Healthy Adults: Impact of Nap Length, Time of Day, Age, and Experience with Napping», Journal of Sleep Research 18, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 272-281; Campbell, Scott S. et al., «Effects of a MonthLong Napping Regimen in Older Individuals», Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59, n.º 2, (2011), pp. 224-232; Li, Junxin et al., «Afternoon Napping and Cognition in Chinese Older Adults: Findings from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study Baseline Assessment», Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 65, n.º 2, (2016), pp. 373-380.

112. Milner, Catherine E. y Cote, Kimberly A., «Benefits of Napping in Healthy Adults: Impact of Nap Length, Time of Day, Age, and Experience with Napping», Journal of Sleep Research 18, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 272-281.

113. Esto ocurre especialmente cuando se acompaña de luz brillante. Ver Kaida, Kosuke, Takeda, Yuji y Tsuzuki, Kazuyo, «The Relationship Between Flow, Sleepiness and Cognitive Performance: The Effects of Short Afternoon Nap and Bright Light Exposure», Industrial Health 50, n.º 3, (2012), pp. 189-196.

114. Bakalar, Nicholas, «Regular Midday Snoozes Tied to a Healthier Heart», The New York Times, 13 de febrero de 2007, informando de Naska, Androniki et al., «Siesta in Healthy Adults and Coronary Mortality in the General Population», Archives of Internal Medicine 167, n.º 3, (2007), pp. 296-301. Nota de advertencia: este estudio mostró una correlación entre la siesta y un menor riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardíacas, no que la siesta tuviese necesariamente ese beneficio.

115. Faraut, Brice et al., «Napping Reverses the Salivary Interleukin-6 and Urinary Norepinephrine Changes Induced by Sleep Restriction», Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100, n.º 3, (2015), E416-426.

116. Zaregarizi, Mohammad et al., «Acute Changes in Cardiovascular Function During the Onset Period of Daytime Sleep: Comparison to Lying Awake and Standing», Journal of Applied Physiology 103, n.º 4, (2007), pp. 1332-1338.

117. Brooks, Amber y Lack, Leon C., «A Brief Afternoon Nap Following Nocturnal Sleep Restriction: Which Nap Duration Is Most Recuperative?», Sleep 29, n.º 6, (2006): pp. 831-840.

118. Tietzel, Amber J. y Lack, Leon C., «The Recuperative Value of Brief and Ultra-Brief Naps on Alertness and Cognitive Performance», Journal of Sleep Research 11, n.º 3, (2002) pp. 213-218.

119. Milner, Catherine E. y Cote, Kimberly A., «Benefits of Napping in Healthy Adults: Impact of Nap Length, Time of Day, Age, and Experience with Napping», Journal of Sleep Research 18, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 272-281.

120. Reyner, Luise A. y Horne, James A., «Suppression of Sleepiness in Drivers: Combination of Caffeine with a Short Nap», Psychophysiology 34, n.º 6, (1997), pp. 721-725.

121. Hayashi, Mitsuo, Masuda, Akiko, y Hori, Tadao, «The Alerting Effects of Caffeine, Bright Light and Face Washing After a Short Daytime Nap», Clinical Neurophysiology 114, n.º 12, (2003), pp. 2268-2278.

122. Ver en el «Manual del hacker del tiempo» de este capítulo las instrucciones de la napuccino y cómo echarse una siesta perfecta.

123. McLean, Renwick, «For Many in Spain, Siesta Ends», The New York Times, 1 de enero de 2006; Yardley, Jim, «Spain, Land of 10 P.M. Dinners, Asks If It’s Time to Reset Clock», The New York Times, 17 de febrero de 2014; Mayo, Margarita, «Don’t Call It the ‘End of the Siesta’: What Spain’s New Work Hours Really Mean», Harvard Business Review, 13 de abril de 2016.

124. BaHammam, Ahmed S., «Sleep from an Islamic Perspective», Annals of Thoracic Medicine 6, n.º 4, (2011), pp. 187-192.

125. Bilefsky, Dan y Anderson, Christina, «A Paid Hour a Week for Sex? Swedish Town Considers It», The New York Times, 23 de febrero de 2017.

126. Personal de la Clínica Mayo, «Napping: Do’s and Don’ts for Healthy Adults», disponible en <>.

127. Zacher, Hannes, Brailsford, Holly A., y Parker, Stacey L., «Micro-Breaks Matter: A Diary Study on the Effects of Energy Management Strategies on Occupational Well-Being», Journal of Vocational Behavior 85, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 287-297.

128. Levin, Daniel Z., Walter, Jorge y Murnighan, J. Keith, «The Power of Reconnection: How Dormant Ties Can Surprise You», MIT Sloan Management Review 52, n.º 3, (2011), pp. 45-50.

129. Peterson, Christopher et al., «Strengths of Character, Orientations to Happiness, and Life Satisfaction», Journal of Positive Psychology 2, n.º 3, (2007), pp. 149-156.

130. Ver Brones, Anna y Kindvall, Johanna, Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, 2015; Quito, Anne, «This Four-Letter Word Is the Swedish Key to Happiness at Work», Quartz, 14 de marzo de 2016.

131. Fritz, Charlotte, Fu Lam, Chak y Spreitzer, Gretchen M., «It’s the Little Things That Matter: An Examination of Knowledge Workers’ Energy Management», Academy of Management Perspectives 25, n.º 3, (2011), pp. 28-39.

132. Alderman, Lesley, «Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing», The New York Times, 9 de noviembre de 2016.

133. Finkbeiner, Kristen M., Russell, Paul N. y Helton, William S., «Rest Improves Performance, Nature Improves Happiness: Assessment of Break Periods on the Abbreviated Vigilance Task», Consciousness and Cognition, 42, (2016), pp. 277-285.

134. Duckworth, Angela, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Scribner, Nueva York, 2016, p. 118. (Hay versión castellana de Núria Martí, Grit: el poder de la pasión y la perseverancia, Urano, Barcelona, 2016.)

135. Pappas, Stephanie, «As Schools Cut Recess, Kids’ Learning Will Suffer, Experts Say», Live Science (2011). Disponible en <>.

136. Brodesser-Akner, Claude, «Christie: ‘Stupid’ Mandatory Recess Bill Deserved My Veto», 20 de enero de 2016, disponible en <>.

137. Jarrett, Olga S. et al., «Impact of Recess on Classroom Behavior: Group Effects and Individual Differences», Journal of Educational Research 92, n.º 2, (1998), pp. 121-126.

138. Rasberry, Catherine N. et al., «The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance: A Systematic Review of the Literature», Preventive Medicine 52 (2011), S10–20.

139. Barros, Romina M., Silver, Ellen J., y Stein, Ruth E. K., «School Recess and Group Classroom Behavior», Pediatrics 123, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 431-436; Pellegrini, Anthony D. y Bohn, Catherine M., «The Role of Recess in Children’s Cognitive Performance and School Adjustment», Educational Researcher 34, n.º 1, (2005), pp. 13-19.

140. Alvarez Boyd, Sophia, «Not All Fun and Games: New Guidelines Urge Schools to Rethink Recess», National Public Radio, 1 de febrero de 2017.

141. Walker, Timothy D., «How Kids Learn Better by Taking Frequent Breaks Throughout the Day», KQED News Mind Shift, 18 de abril de 2017; Connelly, Christopher, «More Playtime! How Kids Succeed with Recess Four Times a Day at School», KQED News, 4 de enero de 2016.

142. Wheaton, Anne G., Ferro, Gabrielle A. y Croft, Janet B., «School Start Times for Middle School and High School Students-United States, 2011-2012 School Year», Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64, n.º 3, (7 de agosto de 2015), pp. 809-813.

143. Weintraub, Karen, «Young and Sleep Deprived», Monitor on Psychology 47, n.º 2, (2016), p. 46, citando a Keyes, Katherine M. et al., «The Great Sleep Recession: Changes in Sleep Duration Among US Adolescents, 1991-2012», Pediatrics 135, n.º 3, (2015), pp. 460-468.

144. Edwards, Finley, «Early to Rise? The Effect of Daily Start Times on Academic Performance», Economics of Education Review 31, n.º 6, (2012), pp. 970-983.

145. Gruber, Reut et al., «Sleep Efficiency (But Not Sleep Duration) of Healthy School-Age Children Is Associated with Grades in Math and Languages», Sleep Medicine 15, n.º 12, (2014), pp. 1517-1525.

146. Grupo de Trabajo sobre Sueño Adolescente, «School Start Times for Adolescents», Pediatrics 134, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 642-649.

147. Wahlstrom, Kyla et al., «Examining the Impact of Later High School Start Times on the Health and Academic Performance of High School Students: A Multi-Site Study», Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (2014). Ver también Vorona, Robert Daniel et al., «Dissimilar Teen Crash Rates in Two Neighboring Southeastern Virginia Cities with Different High School Start Times», Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 7, n.º 2, (2011), pp. 145-151.

148. Malaspina McKeever, Pamela y Clark, Linda, «Delayed High School Start Times Later than 8:30 AM and Impact on Graduation Rates and Attendance Rates», Sleep Health 3, n.º 2, (2017), pp. 119-125; Crist, Carolyn, «Later School Start Times Catch on Nationwide», District Administrator, 28 de marzo de 2017.

149. Wheaton, Anne G., Chapman, Daniel P. y Croft, Janet B., «School Start Times, Sleep, Behavioral, Health, and Academic Outcomes: A Review of the Literature», Journal of School Health 86, n.º 5, (2016), pp. 363-381.

150. Owens, Judith A., Belon, Katherine y Moss, Patricia, «Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behavior», Archives of Pediatrics & AdolescentMedicine 164, n.º 7, (2010), pp. 608-614; Perkinson-Gloor, Nadine, Lemola, Sakari y Grob, Alexander, «Sleep Duration, Positive Attitude Toward Life, and Academic Achievement: The Role of Daytime Tiredness, Behavioral Persistence, and School Start Times», Journal of Adolescence 36, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 311-318; Morgenthaler, Timothy I. et al., «High School Start Times and the Impact on High School Students: What We Know, and What We Hope to Learn», Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 12, n.º 12, (2016), pp. 168-189; Boergers, Julie, Gable, Christopher J. y Owens, Judith A., «Later School Start Time Is Associated with Improved Sleep and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents», Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 35, n.º 1, (2014), pp. 11-17; Wahlstrom, Kyla, «Changing Times: Findings from the First Longitudinal Study of Later High School Start Times», NASSP Bulletin 86, n.º 633, (2002), pp. 3-21; Lufi, Dubi, Tzischinsky, Orna y Hadar, Stav, «Delaying School Starting Time by One Hour: Some Effects on Attention Levels in Adolescents», Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 7, n.º 2, (2011), pp. 137-143.

151. Carrell, Scott E., Maghakian, Teny y West, James E., «A’s from Zzzz’s? The Causal Effect of School Start Time on the Academic Achievement of Adolescents», American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3, n.º 3, (2011), pp. 62-81.

152. Evans, M.D.R., Kelley, Paul y Kelley, Johnathan, «Identifying the Best Times for Cognitive Functioning Using New Methods: Matching University Times to Undergraduate Chronotypes», Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, (2017), p. 188.

153. Edwards, Finley, «Early to Rise? The Effect of Daily Start Times on Academic Performance», Economics of Education Review 31, n.º 6, (2012), pp. 970-983.

154. Jacob, Brian A. y Rockoff, Jonah E., «Organizing Schools to Improve Student Achievemen Start Times, Grade Configurations, and Teacher Assignments», Education Digest 77, n.º 8, (2012), pp. 28-34.

155. Wheaton, Anne G., Ferro, Gabrielle A. y Croft, Janet B., «School Start Times for Middle School and High School Students-United States, 2011-2012 School Year», Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64, n.º 30, (7 de agosto de 2015), pp. 809-813; Weintraub, Karen, «Young and Sleep Deprived», Monitor on Psychology 47, n.º 2, (2016), p. 46.

156. El término proviene originalmente de Shum, Michael S., «The Role of Temporal Landmarks in Autobiographical Memory Processes», Psychological Bulletin 124, n.º 3, (1998), p. 423. Shum, que se doctoró en psicología por la Universidad de Northwestern, abandonó la ciencia conductual, obtuvo un segundo doctorado en lengua inglesa, y ahora es novelista.

157. Dai, Hengchen, Milkman, Katherine L. y Riis, Jason, «The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior», Management Science 60, n.º 10, (2014), pp. 2563-2582.

158. Ibíd.

159. Peetz, Johanna y Wilson, Anne E., «Marking Time: Selective Use of Temporal Landmarks as Barriers Between Current and Future Selves», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40, n.º 1, (2014), pp. 44-56.

160. Dai, Hengchen, Milkman, Katherine L. y Riis, Jason, «The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior», Management Science, 60, n.º 10, (2014), pp. 2563-2582.

161. Riis, Jason, «Opportunities and Barriers for Smaller Portions in Food Service: Lessons from Marketing and Behavioral Economics», International Journal of Obesity, 38, (2014), S19-24.

162. Dai, Hengchen, Milkman, Katherine L. y Riis, Jason, «The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior», Management Science, 60, n.º 10, (2014), pp. 2563-2582.

163. Stein, Sadie, «I Always Start on 8 January», Paris Review, 8 de enero de 2013; Beard, Alison, «Life’s Work: An Interview with Isabel Allende», Harvard Business Review, mayo de 2016.

164. Dai, Hengchen, Milkman, Katherine L. y Riis, Jason, «Put Your Imperfections Behind You: Temporal Landmarks Spur Goal Initiation When They Signal New Beginnings», Psychological Science, 26, n.º 12, (2015), pp. 1927-1936.

165. Brandts, Jordi, Rott, Christina y Solà, Carles, «Not Just Like Starting Over: Leadership and Revivification of Cooperation in Groups», Experimental Economics, 19, n.º 4, (2016), pp. 792-818.

166. Riis, Jason, «Opportunities and Barriers for Smaller Portions in Food Service: Lessons from Marketing and Behavioral Economics», International Journal of Obesity, 38, (2014), S19-24.

167. Norcross, John C., Mrykalo, Marci S. y Blagys, Matthew D., «Auld Lang Syne: Success Predictors, Change Processes, and Self-Reported Outcomes of New Year’s Resolvers and Nonresolvers», Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58, n.º 4, (2002), pp. 397-405.

168. Kahn eligió a los varones blancos porque sus perspectivas laborales y salariales se veían menos afectadas por la discriminación racial y sexual, y porque era menos probable que sus trayectorias profesionales se interrumpiesen al tener hijos. Eso le permitía separar las condiciones económicas de factores como el color de la piel, la etnicidad y el género.

169. Kahn, Lisa B., «The Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating from College in a Bad Economy», Labour Economics, 17, n.º 2, (2010), pp. 303-316.

170. Esta idea es una piedra angular de la teoría del caos y la complejidad. Ver, p. ej., Rickles, Dean, Hawe, Penelope y Shiell, Alan, «A Simple Guide to Chaos and Complexity», Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 61, n.º 11, (2007), pp. 933-937.

171. Oreopoulos, Philip, Von Wachter, Till y Heisz, Andrew, «The Short- and Long-Term Career Effects of Graduating in a Recession», American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, n.º 1, (2012), pp. 1-29.

172. Schoar, Antoinette y Zuo, Luo, «Shaped by Booms and Busts: How the Economy Impacts CEO Careers and Management Styles», Review of Financial Studies. Disponible en: <>.

173. Oyer, Paul, «The Making of an Investment Banker: Stock Market Shocks, Career Choice, and Lifetime Income», Journal of Finance, 63, n.º 6, (2008), pp. 2601-2628.

174. Altonji, Joseph G., Kahn, Lisa B. y Speer, Jamin D., «Cashier or Consultant? Entry Labor Market Conditions, Field of Study, and Career Success», Journal of Labor Economics, 34, n.º S1, (2016); S361-401.

175. Abel, Jaison R., Deitz, Richard y Su, Yaqin, «Are Recent College Graduates Finding Good Jobs?», Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 20, n.º 1, (2014).

176. Beaudry, Paul y DiNardo, John, «The Effect of Implicit Contracts on the Movement of Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Micro Data», Journal of Political Economy, 99, n.º 4, (1991), pp. 665-688; ver también Grant, Darren, «The Effect of Implicit Contracts on the Movement of Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys», ILR Review, 56, n.º 3, (2003), pp. 393-408.

177. Phillips, David P. y Barker, Gwendolyn E. C., «A July Spike in Fatal Medication Errors: A Possible Effect of New Medical Residents», Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25, n.º 8, (2010), pp. 774-779.

178. Englesbe, Michael J., et al., «Seasonal Variation in Surgical Outcomes as Measured by the American College of Surgeons-National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP)», Annals of Surgery, 246, n.º 3, (2007), pp. 456-465.

179. Olds, David L. et al., «Effect of Home Visiting by Nurses on Maternal and Child Mortality: Results of a 2-Decade Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial», JAMA Pediatrics, 168, n.º 9, (2014), pp. 800-806; Olds, David L. et al., «Effects of Home Visits by Paraprofessionals and by Nurses on Children: Follow-up of a Randomized Trial at Ages 6 and 9 Years», JAMA Pediatrics, 168, n.º 2, (2014), pp. 114-121; Tavernise, Sabrina, «Visiting Nurses, Helping Mothers on the Margins», The New York Times, 8 de marzo de 2015.

180. Olds, David L., Sadler, Lois y Kitzman, Harriet, «Programs for Parents of Infants and Toddlers: Recent Evidence from Randomized Trials», Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48, n.º 3-4 (2007), pp. 355-391; Thorland, William et al., «Status of Breastfeeding and Child Immunization Outcomes in Clients of the Nurse-Family Partnership», Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21, n.º 3, (2017), pp. 439-445; Asociación Enfermera-Familia, «Trials and Outcomes» (2017). Disponible en <>.

181. Klein, Gary, «Performing a Project Premortem», Harvard Business Review, 85, n.º 9, (2007), pp. 18-19.

182. Meredith, Marc y Salant, Yuval, «On the Causes and Consequences of Ballot Order Effects», Political Behavior 35, n.º 1, (2013), pp. 175-197; Grant, Darren P., «The Ballot Order Effect Is Huge: Evidence from Texas», 9 de mayo de 2016. Disponible en <>.

183. Danziger, Shai, Levav, Jonathan y Avnaim-Pesso, Liora, «Extraneous Factors in Judicial Decisions», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, n.º 17, (2011), pp. 6889-6892.

184. Mantonakis, Antonia et al., «Order in Choice: Effects of Serial Position on Preferences», Psychological Science 20, n.º 11, (2009), pp. 1309-1312.

185. Simonsohn, Uri y Gino, Francesca, «Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgment from 10 Years of MBA Admissions Interviews», Psychological Science 24, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 219-224.

186. Danziger, Shai, Levav, Jonathan y Avnaim-Pesso, Liora, «Extraneous Factors in Judicial Decisions», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, n.º 17, (2011), pp. 6889-6892.

187. Page, Lionel y Page, Katie, «Last Shall Be First: a Field Study of Biases in Sequential Performance Evaluation on the Idol Series», Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73, n.º 2, (2010), pp. 186-198; Galinsky, Adam y Schweitzer, Maurice, Friend & Foe: When to Cooperate, When to Compete, and How to Succeed at Both, Crown Business, Nueva York, (2015), p. 229.

188. Bruine de Bruin, Wändi, «Save the Last Dance for Me: Unwanted Serial Position Effects in Jury Evaluations», Acta Psychologica 118, n.º 3, (2005), pp. 245-260.

189. Inskeep, Steve y Vedantan, Shankar, «Deciphering Hidden Biases During Interviews», edición de la mañana de la National Public Radio, 6 de marzo 2013, entrevista con Uri Simonsohn, en la que cita a Simonsohn, Uri y Gino, Francesca, «Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgment from 10 Years of MBA Admissions Interviews», Psychological Science 24, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 219-224.

190. Watkins, Michael, The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels, leído por Kevin T. Norris (Gildan Media LLC, Flushing, 2013). Audiolibro.

191. Charan, Ram, Drotter, Stephen y Noel, James, The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company, 2ª ed. (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2011).

192. Wellford, Harrison, «Preparing to Be President on Day One», Public Administration Review 68, n.º 4, (2008), pp. 618-623.

193. Bendersky, Corinne y Parikh Shah, Neha, «The Downfall of Extraverts and the Rise of Neurotics: The Dynamic Process of Status Allocation in Task Groups», Academy of Management Journal 56, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 387-406.

194. Fogg, Brian J., «A Behavior Model for Persuasive Design» en Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (ACM, Nueva York, 2009). Para una explicación de las olas motivadoras, ver <>.

195. Weick, Karl E., «Small Wins: Redefining the Scale of Social Problems», American Psychologist 39, n.º 1, (1984), pp. 40-49.

196. Amabile, Teresa y Kramer, Steven, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work (Harvard Business Review Press, Cambridge, 2011).

197. Wolfinger, Nicholas, «Want to Avoid Divorce? Wait to Get Married, but Not Too Long», Institute for Family Studies, 16 de julio de 2015, que analizaba los datos de Copen, Casey E. et al., «First Marriages in the United States: Data from the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth», National Health Statistics Reports, n.º 49, 22 de marzo de 2012.

198. Stanley, Scott et al., «Premarital Education, Marital Quality, and Marital Stability: Findings from a Large, Random Household Survey», Journal of Family Psychology 20, n.º 1, (2006), pp. 117-126.

199. Francis-Tan, Andrew y Mialon, Hugo M., «“A Diamond Is Forever” and Other Fairy Tales: The Relationship Between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration», Economic Inquiry 53, n.º 4, (2015), pp. 1919-1930.

200. Jaques, Elliot, «Death and the Mid-Life Crisis», International Journal of Psychoanalysis 46, (1965), pp. 502-514.

201. A su popularidad contribuyó Gail Sheehy, autor del exitoso libro en 1974, Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life, que describe variaciones de la crisis de la mediana edad pero no cita a Jaques hasta la página 369. (Hay versión castellana de Iris Menéndez Sallés, Las crisis de la edad adulta, Pomaire, Santiago de Chile, 1977.)

202. Jaques, Elliot, «Death and the Mid-Life Crisis», International Journal of Psychoanalysis 46, (1965), pp. 502-514.

203. Stone, Arthur A. et al., «A Snapshot of the Age Distribution of Psychological Well-Being in the United States», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, n.º 22, (2010), pp. 9985-9990.

204. Blanchflower, David G. y Oswald, Andrew J., «Is Well-Being U-Shaped over the Life Cycle?», Social Science & Medicine 66, n.º 8, (2008), pp. 1733-1749.

205. Ver también Chai Cheng, Terence, Powdthavee, y Oswald, Andrew J., «Longitudinal Evidence for a Midlife Nadir in Human Well-Being: Results from Four Data Sets», Economic Journal 127, n.º 599, (2017), pp. 126-142; Steptoe, Andrew, Deaton, Angus, y Stone, Arthur A., «Subjective Wellbeing, Health, and Ageing», Lancet 385, n.º 9968, (2015), pp. 640-648; Frijters, Paul y Beatton, Tony, «The Mystery of the U-Shaped Relationship Between Happiness and Age», Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 82, n.º 2-3, (2012), pp. 525-542; Graham, Carol, Happiness Around the World: The Paradox of Happy Peasants and Miserable Millionaires (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009). Algunos estudios han mostrado que aunque la forma de U se mantiene constante en diferentes países, varía de país a país en el «punto de inflexión», cuando el bienestar alcanza su punto más bajo y empieza su ascenso. Ver Graham, Carol y Ruiz Pozuelo, Julia. «Happiness, Stress, and Age: How the U-Curve Varies Across People and Places», Journal of Population Economics 30, n.º 1, (2017), pp. 225-264; Bert van Landeghem, «A Test for the Convexity of Human Well-Being over the Life Cycle: Longitudinal Evidence from a 20-Year Panel», Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 81, n.º 2, (2012), pp. 571-582.

206. Blanchflower, David G. y Oswald, Andrew J., «Is Well-Being U-Shaped over the Life Cycle?», Social Science & Medicine 66, n.º 8, (2008), pp. 1733-1749.

207. Schwandt, Hannes, «Unmet Aspirations as an Explanation for the Age U-Shape in Wellbeing», Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 122, (2016), pp. 75-87.

208. Weiss, Alexander et al., «Evidence for a Midlife Crisis in Great Apes Consistent with the U-Shape in Human Well-Being», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, no. 49, (2012), pp. 19949-19952.

209. Touré-Tillery, Maferima y Fishbach, Ayelet, «The End Justifies the Means, but Only in the Middle», Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141, n.º 3, (2012), pp. 570-583.

210. Ibíd.

211. Eldredge, Niles y Jay Gould, Stephen, «Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism», en Thomas Schopf, (ed.), Models in Paleobiology (Freeman, Cooper and Company, San Francisco, 1972), pp. 82-115; Jay Gould, Stephen y Eldredge, Niles, «Punctuated Equilibria: The Tempo and Mode of Evolution Reconsidered», Paleobiology 3, n.º 2, (1977), pp. 115-151.

212. Gersick, Connie J. G., «Time and Transition in Work Teams: Toward a New Model of Group Development», Academy of Management Journal 31, n.º 1, (1988), pp. 9-41.

213. Ibíd.

214. Gersick, Connie J. G., «Marking Time: Predictable Transitions in Task Groups», Academy of Management Journal 32, n.º 2, (1989): 274-309.

215. Gersick, Connie J. G., «Pacing Strategic Change: The Case of a New Venture», Academy of Management Journal 37, n.º 1, (1994), pp. 9-45.

216. Moran, Malcolm, «Key Role for Coaches in Final», The New York Times, 29 de marzo de 1982; Wilkinson, Jack, «UNC’s Crown a Worthy One», New York Daily News, 20 de marzo de 1982; Kirkpatrick, Curry, «Nothing Could Be Finer», Sports Illustrated, 5 de abril de 1982.

217. En las cuatro temporadas que Ewing pasó en Georgetown, los Hoyas llegaron a las finales de la NCAA en tres ocasiones.

218. Kirkpatrick, Curry, «Nothing Could Be Finer», Sports Illustrated, 5 de abril de 1982.

219. Moran, Malcolm, «North Carolina Slips Past Georgetown by 6362», The New York Times, 30 de marzo de 1982.

220. Berger, Jonah y Pope, Devin, «Can Losing Lead to Winning?», Management Science 57, n.º 5, (2011), pp. 817-827.

221. Ibíd.

222. «Key Moments in Dean Smith’s Career», Charlotte Observer, 8 de febrero de 2015.

223. Bonezzi, Andrea C., Brendl, Miguel, and De Angelis, Matteo, «Stuck in the Middle: The Psychophysics of Goal Pursuit», Psychological Science 22, n.º 5, (2011), pp. 607-612.

224. Ver Seifert, Colleen M. y Patalano, Andrea L., «Memory for Incomplete Tasks: A Re- Examination of the Zeigarnik Effect», Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, 1991), p. 114.

225. Isaac, Brad, «Jerry Seinfeld’s Productivity Secret», Lifehacker, 24 de julio de 2007, pp. 276-286.

226. Grant, Adam, 2 Fail-Proof Techniques to Increase Your Productivity (Inc. Video). Disponible en <>.

227. Koo, Minjung y Fishbach, Ayelet, «Dynamics of Self-Regulation: How (Un) Accomplished Goal Actions Affect Motivation», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, n.º 2, (2008), pp. 183-195.

228. Ford, Cameron y Sullivan, Diane M., «A Time for Everything: How the Timing of Novel Contributions Influences Project Team Outcomes», Journal of Organizational Behavior 25, n.º 2, (2004), pp. 279-292.

229. Hackman, J. Richard y Wageman, Ruth, «A Theory of Team Coaching», Academy of Management Review 30, n.º 2, (2005), pp. 269-287.

230. Schwandt, Hannes, «Why So Many of Us Experience a Midlife Crisis», Harvard Business Review, 20 de abril de 2015. Disponible en <>.

231. Koo, Minkyung et al., «It’s a Wonderful Life: Mentally Subtracting Positive Events Improves People’s Affective States, Contrary to Their Affective Forecasts», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95, n.º 5, (2008), pp. 1217-1224.

232. Breines, Juliana G. y Chen, Serena, «Self-Compassion Increases Self-Improvement Motivation», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38, n.º 9, (2012), pp. 1133-1143; Neff, Kristin D. y Germer, Christopher K., «A Pilot Study and Randomized Controlled Trial of the Mindful Self-Compassion Program», Journal of Clinical Psychology 69, n.º 1, (2013), pp. 28-44; Neff, Kristin D., «The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Self-Compassion», Self and Identity 2, n.º 3, (2003), pp. 223-250; Shapira, Leah B. y Mongrain, Myriam, «The Benefits of Self-Compassion and Optimism Exercises for Individuals Vulnerable to Depression», Journal of Positive Psychology 5, no. 5, (2010), pp. 377-389; Yarnell, Lisa M. et al., «Meta-Analysis of Gender Differences in Self-Compassion», Self and Identity 14, n.º 5, (2015), pp. 499-520.

233. Running USA, 2015 Running USA Annual Marathon Report, 26 de mayo de 2016, disponible en <>; Ahotu Marathons, 2017–2018 Marathon Schedule, disponible en <>; Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon, Race History, disponible en <>; Cave, Andrew y Miller, Alex, «Marathon Runners Sign Up in Record Numbers», Telegraph, 24 de marzo de 2016.

234. Alter, Adam L. y Hershfield, Hal E., «People Search for Meaning When They Approach a New Decade in Chronological Age», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, n.º 48, (2014), pp. 17066-17070. Para leer una crítica de algunos de los datos de Alter y Hershfield, ver Larsen, Erik G., «Commentary On: People Search for Meaning When They Approach a New Decade in Chronological Age», Frontiers in Psychology 6, (2015), p. 792.

235. Alter, Adam L. y Hershfield, Hal E., «People Search for Meaning When They Approach a New Decade in Chronological Age», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, n.º 48, (2014), pp. 17066-17070.

236. Chairusmi, Jim, «When Super Bowl Scoring Peaks—or Timing Your Bathroom Break», Wall Street Journal, 4 de febrero de 2017.

237. Hull, Clark L., «The Goal-Gradient Hypothesis and Maze Learning», Psychological Review 39, n.º 1, (1932), p. 25.

238. Hull, Clark L., «The Rat’s Speed-of-Locomotion Gradient in the Approach to Food», Journal of Comparative Psychology 17, n.º 3, (1934), p. 393.

239. Markman, Arthur B. y Brendl, C. Miguel, «The Influence of Goals on Value and Choice», Psychology of Learning and Motivation 39, (2000), pp. 97-128; Koo, Minjung y Fishbach, Ayelet, “Dynamics of Self-Regulation: How (Un) Accomplished Goal Actions Affect Motivation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, n.º 2, (2008), pp. 183-195; Bonezzi, Andrea, Brendl, C. Miguel, y De Angelis, Matteo, «Stuck in the Middle: The Psychophysics of Goal Pursuit», Psychological Science 22, n.º 5, (2011), pp. 607-612; Huang, Szu-Chi, Etkin, Jordan, y Jin, Liyin, «How Winning Change Motivation in Multiphase Competitions», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112, n.º 6, (2017), pp. 813-837; Conlon, Kyle E. et al., «Eyes on the Prize: The Longitudinal Benefits of Goal Focus on Progress Toward a Weight Loss Goal», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47, n.º 4, (2011), pp. 853-855.

240. Kristen Berman, «The Deadline Made Me Do It», Scientific American, 9 de noviembre de 2016, disponible en <>.

241. Birkimer, John C. et al., «Effects of Refutational Messages, Thought Provocation, and Decision Deadlines on Signing to Donate Organs», Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24, n.º 19, (1994), pp. 1735-1761.

242. Shu, Suzanne B. y Gneezy, Ayelet, «Procrastination of Enjoyable Experiences», Journal of Marketing Research 47, n.º 5, (2010), pp. 933-944.

243. Gneezy, Uri, Haruvy, Ernan y Roth, Alvin E., «Bargaining Under a Deadline: Evidence from the Reverse Ultimatum Game», Games and Economic Behavior 45, n.º 2, (2003), pp. 347-368; Don A. Moore, «The Unexpected Benefits of Final Deadlines in Negotiation», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40, n.º 1, (2004), pp. 121-127.

244. Huang, Szu-Chi y Zhang, Ying, «All Roads Lead to Rome: The Impact of Multiple Attainment Means on Motivation», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 236-248.

245. Amabile, Teresa M., DeJong, William y Lepper, Mark R., «Effects of Externally Imposed Deadlines on Subsequent Intrinsic Motivation», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 34, n.º 1, (1976), pp. 92-98; Amabile, Teresa M., «The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Componential Conceptualization», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45, n.º 2, (1983), pp. 357-377; Deci, Edward L. y Ryan, Richard M., «The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the Self-Determination of Behavior», Psychological Inquiry 11, n.º 4, (2000), pp. 227-268.

246. Ver, p. ej., Pinfari, Marco, «Time to Agree: Is Time Pressure Good for Peace Negotiations?», Journal of Conflict Resolution 55, n.º 5, (2011), pp. 683-709.

247. Diener, Ed, Wirtz, Derrick y Oishi, Shigehiro, «End Effects of Rated Life Quality: The James Dean Effect», Psychological Science 12, n.º 2, (2001), pp. 124-128.

248. Kahneman, Daniel et al., «When More Pain Is Preferred to Less: Adding a Better End», Psychological Science 4, n.º 6, (1993), pp. 401-405; Fredrickson, Barbara L. y Kahneman, Daniel, «Duration Neglect in Retrospective Evaluations of Affective Episodes», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65, n.º 1, (1993), pp. 45-55; Schreiber, Charles A. y Kahneman, Daniel, «Determinants of the Remembered Utility of Aversive Sounds», Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 129, n.º 1, (2000), pp. 27-42.

249. Redelmeier, Donald A. y Kahneman, Daniel, «Patients’ Memories of Painful Medical Treatments: Real-Time and Retrospective Evaluations of Two Minimally Invasive Procedures», Pain 66, n.º 1, (1996), pp. 3-8.

250. Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Nueva York, 2011), p. 380. (Hay versión castellana de Joaquín Chamorro Mielke, Pensar rápido, pensar despacio, Debate, Barcelona, 2012.)

251. Loewenstein, George F. y Prelec, Dražen, «Preferences for Sequences of Outcomes», Psychological Review 100, n.º 1, (1993), pp. 91-108; Baumgartner, Hans, Sujan, Mita, y Padgett, Dan, «Patterns of Affective Reactions to Advertisements: The Integration of Moment-to-Moment Responses into Overall Judgments», Journal of Marketing Research 34, n.º 2, (1997), pp. 219-232; Do, Amy M., Rupert, Alexander V., y Wolford, George, «Evaluations of Pleasurable Experiences: The Peak-End Rule», Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15, n.º 1, (2008), pp. 96-98.

252. Healy, Andrew y Lenz, Gabriel S., «Substituting the End for the Whole: Why Voters Respond Primarily to the Election-Year Economy», American Journal of Political Science 58, n.º 1, (2014), pp. 31-47; Healy, Andrews y Malhotra, Neil, «Myopic Voters and Natural Disaster Policy», American Political Science Review 103, n.º 3, (2009), pp. 387-406.

253. Newman, George E., Lockhart, Kristi L. y Keil, Frank C., «“Endof-Life” Biases in Moral Evaluations of Others», Cognition 115, n.º 2, (2010), pp. 343-349.

254. Ibíd.

255. English, Tammy y Carstensen, Laura L., «Selective Narrowing of Social Networks Across Adulthood Is Associated with Improved Emotional Experience in Daily Life», International Journal of Behavioral Development 38, n.º 2, (2014), pp. 195-202.

256. Carstensen, Laura L., Isaacowitz, Derek M. y Charles, Susan T., «Taking Time Seriously: A Theory of Socioemotional Selectivity», American Psychologist 54, no. 3, (1999), pp. 165-181.

257. Ibíd.

258. Otras investigaciones han hecho descubrimientos similares. Ver, p. ej., Lang, Frieder R., «Endings and Continuity of Social Relationships: Maximizing Intrinsic Benefits Within Personal Networks When Feeling Near to Death», Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 17, n.º 2, (2000), pp. 155-182; Wrzus, Cornelia et al., «Social Network Changes and Life Events Across the Life Span: A Meta-Analysis», Psychological Bulletin 139, n.º 1, (2013), pp. 53-80.

259. Carstensen, Laura L., Isaacowitz, Derek M., y Charles, Susan T., «Taking Time Seriously: A Theory of Socioemotional Selectivity», American Psychologist 54, n.º 3, (1999), pp. 165-181.

260. Legg, Angela M. y Sweeny, Kate, «Do You Want the Good News or the Bad News First? The Nature and Consequences of News Order Preferences», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 279-288; Marshall, Linda L. y Kidd, Robert F., «Good News or Bad News First? » Social Behavior and Personality 9, n.º 2, (1981), pp. 223-226.

261. Legg, Angela M. y Sweeny, Kate, «Do You Want the Good News or the Bad News First? The Nature and Consequences of News Order Preferences», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 279-288.

262. Ver, p. ej., Ross Jr., William T. y Simonson, Itamar, «Evaluations of Pairs of Experiences: A Preference for Happy Endings», Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 4, n.º 4, (1991), pp. 273-282. Esta preferencia no es uniformemente positiva. Por ejemplo, los apostantes tienden a hacer apuestas más improbables en la última carrera del día. Esperan acabar dando la campanada, pero suelen acabar simplemente con los bolsillos más vacíos. McKenzie, Craig R. M. et al., «Are Longshots Only for Losers? A New Look at the Last Race Effect», Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29, n.º 1, (2016), pp. 25-36. Ver también Vestergaard, Martin D. y Schultz, Wolfram, «Choice Mechanisms for Past, Temporally Extended Outcomes», Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282, n.º 1810, (2015), p. 2014-1766. Correcto???

263. O’Brien, Ed y Ellsworth, Phoebe C., «Saving the Last for Best: A Positivity Bias for End Experiences», Psychological Science 23, n.º 2, (2012), pp. 163-165.

264. McKee, Robert, Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting (ReaganBooks/HarperCollins, Nueva York, 1997), p. 311. (Hay versión castellana de Jessica J. Lockhart Domeño, El guión: sustancia, estructura, estilo y principios de la escritura de guiones, Editorial Alba, Barcelona, 2004.)

265. August, John, «Endings for Beginners», podcast Scriptnotes 44, 3 de julio de 2012, disponible en <>.

266. Hershfield, Hal et al. «Poignancy: Mixed Emotional Experience in the Face of Meaningful Endings», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, n.º 1, (2008), pp. 158-167.

267. Bischke, Jon, «Entelo Study Shows When Employees Are Likely to Leave Their Jobs», 6 de octubre de 2014, disponible en <>.

268. Sutton, Robert I., Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best... and Learn from the Worst (Business Plus/Hachette, Nueva York, 2010). (Hay versión castellana de Efrén del Valle Peñamil, Conecta, Barcelona, 2011.) Esa terrible jefa podría ser ella misma infeliz. Ver Foulk, Trevor et al., «Heavy Is the Head That Wears the Crown: An Actor-Centric Approach to Daily Psychological Power, Abusive Leader Behavior, and Perceived Incivility», Academy of Management Journal 60.

269. Gillespie, Patrick, «The Best Time to Leave Your Job Is...», Money (CNN), 12 de mayo de 2016, disponible en <>.

270. Boxall, Peter, «Mutuality in the Management of Human Resources: Assessing the Quality of Alignment in Employment Relationships», Human Resource Management Journal 23, n.º 1, (2013), pp. 3-17; Allen Morris, Mark, «A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Vocational Interest-Based Job Fit, and Its Relationship to Job Satisfaction, Performance, and Turnover», tesis, Universidad de Houston, 2003; Nye, Christopher D. et al., «Vocational Interests and Performance: A Quantitative Summary of over 60 Years of Research», Perspectives on Psychological Science 7, n.º 4, (2012), pp. 384-403.

271. Bach, Deborah, «Is Divorce Seasonal? UW Research Shows Biannual Spike in Divorce Filings», UW Today, 21 de agosto de 2016, disponible en <>.

272. Sudath, Claire, «This Lawyer Is Hollywood’s Complete Divorce Solution», Bloomberg Businessweek, 2 de marzo de 2016.

273. Amabile, Teresa y Kramer, Steven, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, (Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, 2011).

274. Singal, Jesse, «How to Maximize Your Vacation Happiness», New York, 5 de julio de 2015.

275. Mehta, Suketu, Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (Vintage, Nueva York, 2009), p. 264. (Hay versión castellana de Aurora Echevarría Pérez, Ciudad total: Bombay perdida y encontrada, Random House, Barcelona, 2006.)

276. Bartky, Ian R., Selling the True Time: Nineteenth-Century Timekeeping in America (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2000).

277. Ancona, Deborah G. y Chong, Chee-Leong, «Timing Is Everything: Entrainment and Performance in Organization Theory», Academy of Management Proceedings 1992, n.º 1, (1992), pp. 166-169. Esta línea de pensamiento fue presagiada por Joseph McGrath, un psicólogo social de la Universidad de Michigan, en McGrath, Joseph E., «Continuity and Change: Time, Method, and the Study of Social Issues», Journal of Social Issues 42, n.º 4, (1986); pp. 5-19; McGrath, Joseph E. y Kelly, Janice R., Time and Human Interaction: Toward a Social Psychology of Time (Guilford Press, Nueva York, 1986); y McGrath, Joseph E. y Rotchford, Nancy L., «Time and Behavior in Organizations», en Cummings, L. L. y Staw, Barry M. (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior 5 (JAI Press, Greenwich, 1983), pp. 57-101.

278. Honma, Ken-Ichi, Von Goetz, Christina y Aschoff, Jürgen, «Effects of Restricted Daily Feeding on Freerunning Circadian Rhythms in Rats», Physiology & Behavior 30, n.º 6, (1983), pp. 905-913.

279. Ancona define sincronización del ritmo biológico organizacional como «el ajuste o moderación de una conducta para sincronizarla o para que vaya al ritmo de otra conducta» y sostiene que puede ser «consciente, subconsciente o instintiva».

280. Roenneberg, Till, Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet Lag, and Why You’re So Tire (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2012), p. 249.

281. Chen, Ya-Ru, Blount, Sally y Sanchez-Burks, Jeffrey, «The Role of Status Differentials in Group Synchronization» en Blount, Sally, Mannix, Elizabeth A., y Neale, Margaret Ann (eds.), Time in Groups, vol. 6 (Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, 2004), pp. 111-113.

282. Baumeister, Roy F. y Leary, Mark R., «The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation», Psychological Bulletin 117, n.º 3, (1995), pp. 497-529.

283. Ver DeWall, C. Nathan et al., «Belongingness as a Core Personality Trait: How Social Exclusion Influences Social Functioning and Personality Expression», Journal of Personality 79, n.º 6, (2011), pp. 1281-1314.

284. Mønster, Dan et al., «Physiological Evidence of Interpersonal Dynamics in a Cooperative Production Task», Physiology & Behavior 156, (2016), pp. 24-34.

285. Bond, Michael y Howgego, Joshua, «I Work Therefore I Am», New Scientist 230, n.º 3079, (2016), pp. 29-32.

286. Un dabbawala suele ganar una media de 120 dólares al mes; no es una espléndida cantidad para los estándares indios, pero lo suficiente para mantener una familia rural.

287. Kamal, Oday, «What Working in a Kitchen Taught Me About Teams and Networks», The Ready, 1 de abril de 2016, disponible en <>.

288. Kraus, Michael W., Huang, Cassy y Keltner, Dacher, «Tactile Communication, Cooperation, and Performance: An Ethological Study of the NBA», Emotion 10, n.º 5, (2010), pp. 745-749.

289. Vickhoff, Björn et al., «Music Structure Determines Heart Rate Variability of Singers», Frontiers in Psychology 4, (2013), pp. 1-16.

290. Blumenthal, James A., Smith, Patrick J. y Hoffman, Benson M., «Is Exercise a Viable Treatment for Depression?» ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 16, n.º 4, (2012), pp. 14-21.

291. Weinstein, Daniel et al., «Singing and Social Bonding: Changes in Connectivity and Pain Threshold as a Function of Group Size», Evolution and Human Behavior 37, n.º 2, (2016), pp. 152-158; Tarr, Bronwyn, Launay, Jacques y Dunbar, Robin I. M., «Music and Social Bonding: “Self-Other” Merging and Neurohormonal Mechanisms», Frontiers in Psychology 5, (2014), pp. 1-10; Vickhoff, Björn et al., «Music Structure Determines Heart Rate Variability of Singers», Frontiers in Psychology 4, (2013), pp. 1-16.

292. Clift, Stephen M. y Hancox, Grenville, «The Perceived Benefits of Singing: Findings from Preliminary Surveys of a University College Choral Society», Perspectives in Public Health 121, n.º 4, (2001), pp. 248-256; Wade, Leanne M., «A Comparison of the Effects of Vocal Exercises/Singing Versus Music-Assisted Relaxation on Peak Expiratory Flo Rates of Children with Asthma», Music Therapy Perspectives 20, n.º 1, (2002), pp. 31-37.

293. Weinstein, Daniel et al., «Singing and Social Bonding: Changes in Connectivity and Pain Threshold as a Function of Group Size», Evolution and Human Behavior 37, n.º 2, (2016), pp. 152-158; Cohen, Gene D. et al., «The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on the Physical Health, Mental Health, and Social Functioning of Older Adults», Gerontologist 46, n.º , (2006), pp. 726-734.

294. Grape, Christina et al., «Choir Singing and Fibrinogen: VEGF, Cholecystokinin and Motilin in IBS Patients», Medical Hypotheses 72, n.º 2, (2009), pp. 223-225.

295. Beck, R. J. et al., «Choral Singing, Performance Perception, and Immune System Changes in Salivary Immunoglobulin A and Cortisol», Music Perception 18, n.º 1, (2000), pp. 87-106.

296. Fancourt, Daisy et al., «Singing Modulates Mood, Stress, Cortisol, Cytokine and Neuropeptide Activity in Cancer Patients and Carers», Ecancermedicalscience 10, (2016), pp. 1-13.

297. Weinstein, Daniel et al., «Singing and Social Bonding: Changes in Connectivity and Pain Threshold as a Function of Group Size», Evolution and Human Behavior 37, n.º 2, (2016), pp. 152-158; Fancourt, Daisy et al., «Singing Modulates Mood, Stress, Cortisol, Cytokine and Neuropeptide Activity in Cancer Patients and Carers», Ecancermedicalscience 10, (2016), pp. 1-13; Clift, Stephen y Hancox, Grenville, «The Significance of Choral Singing for Sustaining Psychological Wellbeing: Findings from a Survey of Choristers in England, Australia and Germany», Music Performance Research 3, n.º 1, (2010), pp. 79-96; Clift, Stephen et al., «What Do Singers Say About the Effects of Choral Singing on Physical Health? Findings from a Survey of Choristers in Australia, England and Germany», artículo presentado en la VII Conferencia Trienal de la Sociedad Europea para las Ciencias Cognitivas de la Música, Jyväskylä, Finlandia, 2009.

298. Munip Sanal, Ahmet y Gorsev, Selahattin, «Psychological and Physiological Effects o Singing in a Choir», Psychology of Music 42, n.º 3, (2014), pp. 420-429; Eyre, Lillian, «Therapeutic Chorale for Persons with Chronic Mental Illness: A Descriptive Survey of Participant Experiences», Journal of Music Therapy 48, n.º 2, (2011), pp. 149-168; Myskja, Audun y Nord, Pål G., «The Day the Music Died: A Pilot Study on Music and Depression in a Nursing Home», Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 17, n.º 1, (2008), pp. 30-40; Baily, Betty A. y Davidson, Jane W., «Effects of Group Singing and Performance for Marginalized and Middle-Class Singers», Psychology of Music 33, n.º 3, (2005), pp. 269-303; Gale, Nicholas S. et al., «A Pilot Investigation of Quality of Life and Lung Function Following Choral Singing in Cancer Survivors and Their Carers», Ecancermedicalscience 6, n.º 1, (2012), pp. 1-13.

299. Southcott, Jane E., «And as I Go, I Love to Sing: The Happy Wanderers, Music and Positive Aging», International Journal of Community Music 2, n.º 2–3, (2005), pp. 143-156; Silber, Laya, «Bars Behind Bars: The Impact of a Women’s Prison Choir on Social Harmony», Music Education Research 7, n.º 2, (2005), pp. 251-271.

300. Stewart, Nick Alan Joseph y Lonsdale, Adam Jonathan, «It’s Better Together: The Psychological Benefits of Singing in a Choir», Psychology of Music 44, n.º 6, (2016), pp. 1240-1254.

301. Tarr, Bronwyn et al., «Synchrony and Exertion During Dance Independently Raise Pain Threshold and Encourage Social Bonding», Biology Letters 11, n.º 10, (2015).

302. Cohen, Emma E. A. et al., «Rowers’ High: Behavioural Synchrony Is Correlated with Elevated Pain Thresholds», Biology Letters 6, n.º 1, (2010), pp. 106-108.

303. Brown, Daniel James, The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics (Penguin Books, Nueva York, 2014), p. 48. (Hay versión castellana de Guillem Usandizaga, Remando como un solo hombre, Nórdica Libros, Madrid, 2015.)

304. Blount, Sally y Janicik, Gregory A., «Getting and Staying In-Pace: The ‘In-Synch’ Preference and Its Implications for Work Groups», en Sondak, Harris, Neale, Margaret Ann y Mannix, E. (eds.), Toward Phenomenology of Groups and Group Membership, vol. 4, (Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, 2002), pp. 235-266; ver también Mogan, Reneeta, Fischer, Ronald y Bulbulia, Joseph A., «To Be in Synchrony or Not? A Meta-Analysis of Synchrony’s Effects on Behavior, Perception, Cognition and Affect», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , (2017), pp. 13-20; Leroy, Sophie et al., «Synchrony Preference: Why Some People Go with the Flow and Some Don’t,», Personnel Psychology 68, n.º 4, (2015), pp. 759-809.

305. Thomke, Stefan Horas y Sinha, Mona, «The Dabbawala System: On-Time Delivery, Every Time», Harvard Business School case study, 2012, disponible en <>.

306. Tunçgenç, Bahar y Cohen, Emma, «Interpersonal Movement Synchrony Facilitates Pro-Social Behavior in Children’s Peer-Play», Developmental Science 18, Diciembre 2016. Disponible en: <>.

307. Tunçgenç, Bahar y Cohen, Emma, «Movement Synchrony Forges Social Bonds Across Group Divides», Frontiers in Psychology 7, (2016), p. 782.

308. Rabinowitch, Tal-Chen y Meltzoff, Andrew N., «Synchronized Movement Experience Enhances Peer Cooperation in Preschool Children», Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 160, (2017), pp. 21-32.

309. Watts, Duncan, «Using Digital Data to Shed Light on Team Satisfaction and Other Questions About Large Organizations», Organizational Spectroscope, 1 de abril de 2016, disponible en <>.

310. Walton, Gregory M. y Cohen, Geoffrey L., «A Brief Social-Belonging Intervention Improves Academic and Health Outcomes of Minority Students», Science 331, n.º 6023, (2011), pp. 1447-1451; Walton, Gregory M. et al., «Two Brief Interventions to Mitigate a ‘Chilly Climate’ Transform Women’s Experience, Relationships, and Achievement in Engineering», Journal of Educational Psychology 107, n.º 2, (2015), pp. 468-485.

311. Clausen, Lily B., «Robb Willer: What Makes People Do Good?» Insights by Stanford Business, 16 de noviembre de 2015, disponible en <>.

312. No es totalmente seguro que Groucho dijera esto, tampoco. Ver Shapiro, Fred R., The Yale Book of Quotations (Yale University Press, New Haven, 2006), p. 498.

313. Oettinger, Anthony G., «The Uses of Computers in Science», Scientific American 215, n.º 3, (1966), pp. 161-166.

314. Crosson, Frederick J., Human and Artificial Intelligence (Appleton-Century-Crofts, Nueva York, 1970), p. 15.

315. Shapiro, Fred R., The Yale Book of Quotations (Yale University Press, New Haven, 2006), p. 498.

316. «The Popularity of “Time” Unveiled» BBC News, 22 de junio de 2006, disponible en <>. Alan Burdick también habla de ello en su perspicaz libro sobre el tiempo. Ver Burdick, Alan, «Why Time Flies: A Mostly Scientific Investigation» (Simon & Schuster, Nueva York, 2017), p. 25. (Hay versión castellana de Pablo Hermida Lazcano, Por qué el tiempo vuela: una investigación no sólo científica, Plataforma, Barcelona, 2018.)

317. Para leer sobre la fascinante historia de la nostalgia, y las fuentes de estas citas, ver Sedikides, Constantine et al., «To Nostalgize: Mixing Memory with Affect and Desire», Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 51, (2015), pp. 189-273.

318. Wildschut, Tim et al., «Nostalgia: Content, Triggers, Functions», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91, n.º 5, (2006), pp. 975-993.

319. Routledge, Clay et al., «The Past Makes the Present Meaningful: Nostalgia as an Existential Resource», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101, n.º 3, (2011), pp. 638-622; Van Tilburg, Wijnand A. P., Sedikides, Constantine y Wildschut, Tim, «The Mnemonic Muse: Nostalgia Fosters Creativity Through Openness to Experience», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 59, (2015), pp. 1-7.

320. Cheung, Wing-Yee et al., «Back to the Future: Nostalgia Increases Optimism», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39, n.º 11, (2013), pp. 1484-1496; Zhou, Xinyue et al., «Nostalgia: The Gift That Keeps on Giving», Journal of Consumer Research 39, n.º 1, (2012), pp. 39-50; Van Tilburg, Wijnand A. P., Igou, Eric R. y Sedikides, Constantine, «In Search of Meaningfulness: Nostalgia as an Antidote to Boredom», Emotion 13, n.º 3, (2013), pp. 450-461.

321. Zhou, Xinyue et al., «Heartwarming Memories: Nostalgia Maintains Physiological Comfort», Emotion 12, n.º 4, (2012), pp. 678-684; Turner, Rhiannon N. et al., «Combating the Mental Health Stigma with Nostalgia», European Journal of Social Psychology 43, n.º 5, (2013), pp. 413-422.

322. Baldwin, Matthew, Biernat, Monica y Landau, Mark J., «Remembering the Real Me: Nostalgia Offers a Window to the Intrinsic Self», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108, n.º 1, (2015), pp. 128-147.

323. Gilbert, Daniel T. y Wilson, Timothy D., «Prospection: Experiencing the Future», Science 317, n.º 5843, (2007), pp. 1351-1354.

324. Chen, M. Keith, «The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets», American Economic Review 103, n.º 2, (2013), pp. 690–731.

325. Ibíd.

326. La conversación empezó con Sapir, Edward, «The Status of Linguistics as a Science», Language 5, n.º 4, (1929), pp. 207-214. Ese punto de vista ha sido desacreditado por, entre otros, Noam Chomsky, Syntactic Structures, 2ª ed. (Mouton de Gruyter, Berlín y Nueva York, 2002), pero se ha vuelto a reconsiderar más recientemente. Ver p. ej., Gumperz, John J y Levinson, Stephen C., «Rethinking Linguistic Relativity», Current Anthropology 32, n.º 5, (1991), pp. 613-623; Pütz, Martin y Verspoor, Marjolyn (eds.), Explorations in Linguistic Relativity, vol. 199 (John Benjamins Publishing, Ámsterdam y Filadelfia, 2000).

327. Ver Hershfield, Hal E., «Future Self-Continuity: How Conceptions of the Future Self Transform Intertemporal Choice», Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1235, n.º 1, (2011), pp. 30-43.

328. Oyserman, Daphna, «When Does the Future Begin? A Study in Maximizing Motivation», Aeon, 22 de abril de 2016, disponible en <>. Ver también Lewis Jr., Neil A y Oyserman, Daphna, «When Does the Future Begin? Time Metrics Matter, Connecting Present and Future Selves», Psychological Science 26, n.º 6, (2015), pp. 816-825; Oyserman, Daphna, Bybee, Deborah y Terry, Kathy, «Possible Selves and Academic Outcomes: How and When Possible Selves Impel Action», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91, n.º 1, (2006), pp. 188-204; Oyserman, Daphna, Terry, Kathy y Bybee, Deborah, «A Possible Selves Intervention to Enhance School Involvement», Journal of Adolescence 25, n.º 3, (2002), pp. 313-326.

329. Zhang, Ting et al., «A ‘Present’ for the Future: The Unexpected Value of Rediscovery», Psychological Science 25, n.º 10, (2014), pp. 1851-1860.

330. Keltner, Dacher y Haidt, Jonathan, «Approaching Awe, a Moral, Spiritual, and Aesthetic Emotion», Cognition & Emotion 17, n.º 2, (2003), pp. 297-314.

331. Rudd, Melanie, Vohs, Kathleen D. y Aaker, Jennifer, «Awe Expands People’s Perception of Time, Alters Decision Making, and Enhances Well-Being», Psychological Science 23, n.º 10, (2012), pp. 1130-1136. Ayudar a los demás también expande nuestra percepción del tiempo, elevando nuestro sentido de «afluencia del tiempo»; ver Cassie Mogilner, Chance, Zoë y Norton, Michael I., «Giving Time Gives You Time», Psychological Science 23, n.º 10, (2012), pp. 1233-1238.

332. «We’re way past tents», un juego de palabras con «past tense» («tiempo verbal pasado») (N. de la t.).