
4 Real Life 293, 294, 295


Aba Nigeria 40, 45, 46

Akemi 12, 15, 54

Albergo Backpackers Hostel 81, 85

Alexander MB 171

Algeria 1924, 26, 2934, 3739, 41, 80, 211

Algiers Algeria 20, 29

All Nippon Airways 12, 13

Amazon River 11, 112, 141, 143, 146, 149, 153, 175, 212, 237

Antigua 153

Aquila 206

Arafura Sea 251, 293

Argentina 8182, 112, 119124, 127, 164, 182, 207

Arlit Nigeria 38, 40, 42, 46, 296

Arteaga, Melchor 134

Ascension Island 105106, 266

Assamaka Niger 3742, 59

Atenas del Ucayali 144

Atlantic Ocean 11, 29, 39, 46, 80, 89107, 123, 163, 175, 180, 182, 198, 211, 266, 294

Australia 11, 209, 218, 255, 277, 292294

Austria 296


Baie-des-Sables QC 166

Baisha China 242, 244

Baja California Mexico 182, 204

Bali Indonesia 291, 292

Balino, Martin Alberto 121122

Banff AB 173

Bangassou Central African Republic 62, 77

Bangui Central African Republic 59, 6165, 73

Banku Queen 40, 41, 59

Baron Indonesia 274, 275277

Beagle Channel 123, 124

Beijing China 218, 224227, 230, 236, 252

Belgium 293

Belize 153

Beth (boat crew) 293

Beth (Machu Picchu) 130138

Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands 209

Bingham, Hiram 134, 137

Birmingham England 11, 12

Blambangan Indonesia 280, 281, 291, 296

Bolivia 127130

Bomu River 65

Bonaparte, Napoleon 99, 105

Boston MA 130, 133, 154

Bouar Central African Republic 5961

Bradley, John 293

Bravura 185, 188190, 194, 195, 199

Brazil 11, 81, 84, 111119, 142, 150153, 212

Bright 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 64, 71, 211, 296

Bright Silver Fox 205

Buenos Aires Argentina 8182, 119121, 124

Bulgaria 296


Cabedelo Nautica Boatyard 112

Calgary AB 172173

Cameroon 4647, 4955, 61, 73, 295,

Camping Zerib 21

Canada 11, 150, 154155, 159176, 180181, 206, 211, 212, 218, 251, 284, 295

Cap-de-la-Madeleine QC 167168

Cape Horn Chile 11, 112, 122123

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 112

Cape Town South Africa 24, 7982, 9192, 95, 104, 188

Caracas Venezuela 153

Caroline Islands 210

Castella, Nova 99

Central African Republic 46, 53, 55, 5973, 77

Chagos 294

Chaplin SK 171

Chatwin, Bruce 242

Chichijima Japan 215216

Chile 11, 112, 122123, 128, 173

China 180, 209, 211, 213, 218, 223247, 252

Chizani Diamond 81, 83

Chongqing China 236, 238, 239

Chotard, Olivier 55, 6073, 77, 79, 100, 118, 211

Cidaun Indonesia 268

Cipatujah Indonesia 269, 271

Cleese, John 242

Colombia 129, 152153

Congo River 48, 55, 65, 68, 211

Corning, J.L. 129

Costa Rica 153

Crofton, Dick 32

Cuzco Peru 129132, 136, 138, 141

Cyrille 130, 132, 136138


Dar es Salaam Tanzania 79

Darso 256259, 274, 278, 290

Datong China 230232, 240

DeBarcza, George 185, 189, 199

Denmark 296

Devon England 298

Diefenbaker, John 163

Domineer 204

Donald BC 173174

Donnacona QC 167168

Dose of Salts 204

Douala Cameroon 47

Dove 208

Dover England. 15, 219

Drumheller AB 172

Durban South Africa 80, 181


East Timor 294

Ebina Japan 219, 226

Ecuador 129

Eduardo 114116

Egypt 295

El Mansour, Yacoub 29

Enchantress 204

England 1112, 1416, 24, 31, 33, 72, 80, 91, 164, 206, 219, 277, 284, 294297

Equipe, L’ 78

Eric 130, 132, 137

Erry 255


Fast Forward 205

Flores Island Indonesia 292

Fortaleza Brazil 84, 116

France 11, 24, 25, 79, 223

Francesco 143145, 148

François 78

Fredericton NB 164165

Frost, Jim 293


Ga, Eiji 252, 292

Ga, Mrs. 252, 259, 292


Cameroon 5355

Gaspé QC 164165

Gautier, Emile 39

Gbadolite Zaire 62

Georges 81

Gerard 78

Germany 223, 296

Gertrude 61

Graham, Robin Lee 208

Grajagan Indonesia 280-284, 289

Greece 14

Green Cross Foundation 204

Guadalupe Mexico 198

Guam 11, 183, 214215

Guangzhou China 243-246

Guatemala 153154, 295

Guinea 55, 63


Hachijojima Japan 217

Haike 119

Haiti 228

Halifax NS 159, 161, 163164, 175, 182

Halifax Youth Hostel 161, 164, 168

Harrington, Pauline 204

Harris, Eddy 48

Hawaii Yacht Club 204

Hilo HI 179, 190, 194, 197, 198, 203204

Hinano 214217

Hisao 214216

Hoegh Musketeer 181, 193

Honduras 153

Hong Kong 243, 246, 251

Hoogeveen, David 205

Hoogeveen, Hans 183, 204213

Hoogeveen, Sabrina 205

Hoogeveen, Terri 205

Hornal, Bob 150, 153, 175, 180, 218

Ho Shi-Xiu 242, 296

House of Nazareth 164

Hout Bay Yacht Club 86

Hovington, André 166169

Hovington, Lucie 166169

Hovington, Paulette 166167

Hovington, Pierrette 167, 169

Howgate, Bernie 171

Hungary 296

Hussain, Otong 254


Idenau Cameroon 52, 61

India 294

Indian Ocean 11, 46, 253, 256, 272, 274, 293

Indonesia 218, 252261, 265285, 289292, 295, 297

Ingo 130, 133, 137

In Guezzam Algeria 2122, 30, 33, 3738

In Salah Algeria 19, 39

Iquitos Peru 144145, 150, 152

Isabel 78

Italy 14, 223

Ito 13, 14, 15


Jacques 78

Jakarta Indonesia 252253, 259260, 268, 290291

Jamestown St. Helena 99

Japan 1114, 31, 54, 64, 180184, 194, 206, 212, 214219, 223226, 243, 247, 252, 257, 265267, 291292

Java Indonesia 252, 259, 268, 275277, 280, 296

Java Sea 251, 260

Jeanie 167

Jenny 155

Jin Chon 224

João Pessoa Brazil 112

Johnson, George 214

Jordan 295


Kampala Uganda 78

Kawasaki Japan 217, 226

Keenan, Gordon 80

Kembé Central African Republic 73, 77

Kenya 46, 55, 7980, 211, 293

Kimo 204

Kind O’ Magic 85

Kirsten 130, 133

Kolingba, General André 59

Komodo Indonesia 291

Kona Kai Marina 183184, 204

Kowloon China 246, 251

Kuga, Koichi 214, 215, 217, 218, 252

Kuga, Tsuse 214, 215, 217

Kumamoto Japan 12

Kumasi Ghana 23

Kyushu Japan 12


Labuhanbajo Indonesia 292

Ladouceur, Nadya 169, 212, 218, 227, 228231, 233, 235243, 251261, 265285, 291-296, 299

Lake Louise 173

Lake Titicaca 130, 212

Laos 252

La Paz Bolivia 128-129

Larrikin 293, 294

Last Respect Rental 23

Las Vegas NV 185

Learoyd, Jelli 259

Learoyd, Leo 255, 259261, 266, 277, 280, 283

LeClerc, Marcel 166

Leon, Napoleon Polo 129, 131133, 135, 137

Leshan China 240

Lewis, Dave 153, 175

Libya 39

Lijiang China 241, 243, 244

Lima Peru 141142, 145, 149

Limassa Central African Republic 65, 67, 70, 7273

Limbe Cameroon 5152

Limbongo Central African Republic 68, 70

Lin Xiaoping 232

Livingstone, David 70

Los Angeles CA 182186, 205, 208

Lualaba River 70

Luis 114116

Lumajang Indonesia 278

Luxor Egypt 295


Machu Picchu Peru 129138, 141, 211, 295

Madagascar 55, 79, 99

Magallanes, Hernando de 122

Mahe 294

Malaysia 218, 252

Mali 30, 38

Managua Nicaragua 153

Manaus Brazil 153

Mandreselva 144

Mao Tse-tung 227

Maramba Zambia 79

Marianas 183186, 204206, 208214

Marianas Yacht Club 214

Marjorie 186

Marquesas 207

Marshall Islands 207, 209210

Marshall, William 209

Masami 13

Masayuki 196

Matsuoka 214, 216

Mauritania 30

Mediterranean Cargo Service 80, 181

Mediterranean Sea 11, 14, 24, 293

Mertle, Frank 210

Mexico 154, 182-184, 193, 199, 204205, 211, 293

Milkwood 90, 92100, 102, 105, 111, 116, 127, 131, 153, 182185, 192, 204, 293

Millennium 293

Mobaye Central African Republic 62, 65, 67, 70, 73

Mobutu, Sese Seko 62, 65, 7778

Mojave Desert 182

Moluccas 293

Mombasa Kenya 79

Moncton NB 164

Monga Zaire 77

Monique 260261, 268,–274, 277284, 289292, 295, 297

Montreal QC 165, 168170, 212, 218, 228, 267, 290, 292, 294, 297

Morocco 20, 22, 25-30, 38, 47, 63, 80, 124, 253

Mostafa 26-28, 40


Nauss, Jack 159161, 163, 170, 175

Nellie 78

Netherlands 123

Newcastle-upon-Tyne England 296297

New Zealand 182, 190, 196, 214

N’Gaoundal Cameroon 5354

Nienhuis, Doug 164, 168169

Niger 30, 3742, 45

Nigeria 4552, 93

Nile River 152, 237, 295

Nusabarung Indonesia 277-278


Oahu HI 203204

Oda 1315

Ogasawara Japan 215

O’Hanlon, Redmond 68

Okanagan Lake 175

Olinda Brazil 112116

Oron Nigeria 46, 5052

Oubangui River 62, 65, 68, 77, 143, 152, 239


Pacific Ocean 11, 163, 172, 175176, 180, 182184, 187199, 207209, 212, 215217, 284, 292

Palin, Michael 29, 96, 242

Palmyra Syria 295

Pameungpeuk Indonesia 269, 271

Panama 153

Pantai Ayah Indonesia 273

Papua New Guinea 291

Paraiba River 111

Pascal 118, 119

Pauline 59-60

Peggys Cove NS 161162, 165

Pelabuhan Jayanti Indonesia 268269, 271

Pelabuhan Lampon Indonesia 280

Pelabuhanratu Indonesia 253, 255256, 260, 265266, 277

Penanjung Bay 272, 273

Pereira, Duarte Coelho 115

Perth Australia 210

Peru 112, 129138, 141152, 211, 239, 251, 295

Petra 211212

Petra Jordan 295

Philippines 206, 214

Philippine Sea 212

Phillippe 166

Point Loma Youth Hostel 184

Pondok Kencana 255

Pondok Kencana Indonesia 260, 280

Portsmouth England 80

Princess of Scandinavia 296-297

Pucallpa Peru 142143, 146

Puger Indonesia 278-279, 281


Qin Shihuang 232

Quebec City QC 165, 167

Quebec City Yacht Club 167


Rabat Morocco 20, 22, 28-30, 38, 47, 63

Rabat Youth Hostel 80

Radio Bay 296

Raleigh NC 153154, 175

Reard, Louis 209

Red Sea 12, 29, 295

Regina SK 171

Renean Indonesia 274

Reynolds, Harvey 182183, 193, 204

Rio Cusichaca 131

Rio de Janeiro Brazil 116119

Rio Grande Argentina 121, 122

Rio Paqaymayo 132

Rio Tambo 141

Rio Ucayali 141, 143, 146, 153, 237, 239, 251

Rob 293

Roberto 113114 Rodolfo 136, 137

Rojas, Miguel 143-144, 150

Romania 296

Royal Cape Yacht Club 81, 83, 112

Ruthers, Patrick 196

Rwanda 55


Sahara Desert 2329, 39, 42, 46, 92, 294

St. Helena 92, 99105, 198, 204

St. John’s NL 163, 171

St. Lawrence River 165166

Saipan Marianas 183186, 204-210, 212, 214

Salvador Brazil 116117, 142

San Diego CA 11, 179, 182, 184186, 195, 197, 198, 204

Sapcote England 12, 14, 24, 33, 80, 164, 297

Satéma Central African Republic 66, 68

Schouten, Willem Corneliszoon 123

Senegal 30

Sète Youth Hostel 24

Seychelles 294

Shandita 144153, 165, 175, 237

Sheng Hai 84

Shuttleman, Stan 196

Sicamous BC 175

Simon, Ted 15, 96, 296

Singapore 252, 259, 268, 291

Slikey 40, 41, 42

Slocum, Joshua 207

Smiling Cove Marina 213-214

Smith, Glenda 9092, 95, 97, 100, 102, 104106, 112

Smith, Mike 86, 89-101, 103-106, 111112, 131, 211

Smith, Tamsyn 91, 93, 97, 102104, 106, 111

Smith, Warren 90-91, 93, 97, 102-106

South Africa 11, 14, 24, 41, 79-86, 91-92, 95, 104, 184, 188

South China Sea 251

South Korea 223

Spain 28-29

Stanley, Sir Henry Morton 70

Stoney Stanton England 297

Sue 293

Suez Canal 295

Suharto 292

Sukarno 252

Sumatra Indonesia 252, 276

Süssenguth, Hans 130

Sweden 296

Syria 295


Tahiti 204, 206

Tai, Jake 204

Tamanrasset Algeria 1921, 38, 41

Tanggu China 224, 231-233

Tangier Morocco 2526, 28, 124, 253

Tanzania 55, 78, 79

Tata, Pak 260261, 266, 282

Tebrinda 179, 183189, 192199, 204-210, 212-213, 266, 293, 296

Tenacious 206

Thailand 252, 254

Tharaldsen, Oddbjørn 181, 184, 193

Thunder Bay ON 170171

Thursday Island Australia 293

Tibet 224, 238, 241

Tierra del Fuego Argentina 112, 121122, 124, 164, 207

Tim 155

Timor Sea 292

Tofino BC 175

Tokyo Japan 12, 215-219, 224, 226, 247, 252

Tomkins SK 171

Tomlinson, Henry Major 149

Trelew Argentina 120

Tremblay, Maxime 166

Tritschler, Bud 85, 188

Turkey 296

Tweedy, Owen 32


Ubad 256258, 259

Uganda 46, 7778, 154

Ujung Genting Indonesia 256, 265267

United States 11, 153154, 172, 175, 179, 182186, 190, 194-195, 197199, 203-207, 208209, 212-213

Unity 123

Urubamba River 131, 133134, 138, 141

Ushuaia Argentina 122124, 182


Vancouver BC 163, 172, 175176, 180, 181, 182, 206, 218

Venezuela 153

Veronique 78

Victor 1922, 32, 3842, 46

Victoria BC 163, 171, 175

Vietnam 180, 218, 251, 252


Waikiki HI 204206

Washington DC 154, 213

Wayne 129

Wet Dream 182, 183, 184, 193, 204

Winnipeg MB 170171

Winnipeg Youth Hostel 171

Witte Leeuw 103

Woodstock NB 154

Wotje Atoll Marshall Islands 209210

Wuhan China 236, 238


Xi’an China 232233, 237, 240

Xuan Ke 241


Yamaguchi 215, 216

Yangtze River 218, 236239

Yaoundé Cameroon 53

Yellow Sea 238

Yichang China 238

Yogyakarta Indonesia 275-276

Yokay 254255

Yoko 214

Yokohama Japan 214, 226

Yu Ming 207, 209, 211, 213214


Zaire 46, 62, 73, 7778, 79, 154

Zaire River 65

Zambia 79

Zanzibar Tanzania 55, 79

Zimbabwe 79

Zongo Zaire 62