Aers, David 450
Agger, Edward 80
Ainsworth, William 518
Alberic of Monte Casino 418
Alberti, Leon Battista 350
Alexander, Sir William 223
Allen, Don Cameron 473
Alwes, Derek 193
Ames, William 336
Amyot, Jacques 111, 117, 119, 461
Anderson, Benedict 529
Andreae, Johann Valentin 262
Andrewes, Lancelot 560–4, 567, 571–4
Apollonius of Tyre 118
Apuleius 118
Aquinas, Thomas 605
Archer, Jayne 164
Arden of Faversham 318
Ariosto, Ludovico 157, 225, 246, 247, 248
Aristotle 21, 46, 117, 229, 254–5, 279, 363, 457, 605
Aristotelianism 232, 272, 288–90, 360, 649
Ascham, Roger 9–10, 92, 175, 179, 329, 422, 425
Augustine, Saint 50–51, 109, 118, 170, 526, 566, 605
Austen, Jane 186
Aylmer, John 552
Bacon, Anthony 80
Bacon, Francis 263–4, 268–70, 272–4, 278, 282, 292, 302, 313–6, 318, 328, 336, 361, 363, 366–70, 426, 427, 468, 469–73, 474–5, 481–2, 550, 557, 666
Baker, Sir Richard 427
Baldwin, C. S. 30
Baldwin, William 29, 36, 45–54, 139–55, 157
Bancroft, Richard 554, 555, 576–7, 600
Barbour, Reid 276
Barclay, Alexander 109, 110, 119, 236
Barton, John 512
Bauthumley, Jacob 520
Baxter, Margery 536
Bayly, Lewis 484
Beadle, John 437
Beaumont, Francis 135
Beaumont, Joseph 683
Bebel, Heinrich 349
Bell, Ilona 242
Belleforest, François de 296
Bernard, Richard 340, 341, 568
Best, George 298
Bible 5, 44, 87, 117, 316, 437, 439, 462–3, 492, 505–21, 530–2, 560, 634, 635–6
Geneva Bible 14, 338, 348, 641, 643
Psalms 578
Blake, William 684
Blakeston, James 129
Blank, Paula 23
Blench, J. W. 561
Bloom, Harold 450
Blount, Edward 80, 172–3, 180, 185, 186
Boccaccio, Giovanni 91–4, 96, 98, 101, 161, 194, 357, 418
Boccalini, Trajano 369
Boemus, Johann 296
Boleyn, Anne 436
Bonner, Archbishop Edmund 539, 541
Book of Common Prayer 5, 437, 560, 569, 576–91, 600
Bosc, Jacques du 431
Bourchier, John, Lord Berners 428
Bourne, Nicholas 407, 409, 411
Boutcher, Warren 89
Bowen, Barbara C. 349
Bowers, Terence N. 142
Boyle, Robert 269, 271, 281–90, 505, 510, 514–5, 682, 683
Boyle, Robert, First Earl of Orrery 282
Bracciolini, Poggio 348, 350, 418
Braden, Gordon 460
Brandolino, Aurelio Lippo 419
Bredon, William 332
Brennan, Michael 297
Bridges, Dean 599
Bright, Timothy 346
Browne, Thomas 269, 275–81, 669–85
Bruni, Leonardi 418
Bruno, Giordano 80
Bucer, Martin 577
Buchanan, George 361, 362, 375, 631–45
Buellein, William 33
Bull, Henry 522
Burckhardt, Jacob 449
Burke, Kenneth 242
Burke, Peter 3, 317, 453, 455, 456
Burns, J. H. 640
Burton, Robert 56–8, 89, 263–4, 300, 646–68
Butler, Thomas 536
Butter, Nathaniel 407, 409, 411, 412
Butts, Thomas 302
Bynneman, Henry 123, 124, 129, 158
Caesar, Julius 292, 298, 321, 375
Caesar, Julius (lawyer) 44
Calvin, John 373, 593, 600, 605, 641
Calvinist 374–7, 404, 437, 455, 563, 587, 603, 632, 635, 638
Camden, William 107, 109, 310, 320
Campanella, Tommaso 262
Campbell, Julie 244
Campion, Gaspar 302
Campion, Thomas 242
Careless, John 537
Carew, Richard 226
Carleton, Sir Dudley 64
Carleton, George 330
Carpenter, John 443
Carr, Robert 341
Carrell, Jennifer 241
Cartwright, Thomas 376, 551, 593–4, 596
Cary, Elizabeth 459
Casaubon, Meric 117
Castiglione, Baldassare 27, 28, 194, 228, 260, 350, 619
Catholics, Catholicism 52, 61, 79, 118, 121, 125, 129, 140, 144, 258, 336, 340, 354, 373, 375–7, 383, 401, 440, 459, 523, 529, 530, 536, 539, 551, 577, 632–3, 639, 643
Catullus 78
Cave, Terence 45
Cavendish, Christiana, Countess of Devonshire 240
Cecil, William (Lord Burghley) 39, 163, 166, 401, 427, 637
Celtis, Konrad 419
Chamber, John 332
Chapman, George 23
Chard, Thomas 549
Charles I 120, 240, 361, 368, 369, 377, 378, 410–11, 432, 436, 450, 582
Charleton, Walter 269, 275, 284
Chaucer, Geoffrey 4, 150, 151–2, 161, 201, 350, 522, 612, 625
Chettle, Henry 189
Christ, Christian, Christianity 255, 296, 305, 316, 368, 383–4, 437–8, 479, 491–2, 494, 497, 501, 530, 532, 566, 569, 580, 589, 674
Churchman, John 594
Churchman, Thomas 594
Churchyard, Thomas 161
Cicero 10, 13–14, 20, 30, 94, 109, 117, 211, 274, 344, 345–6, 348, 349–50, 362, 371, 373, 376, 391, 392, 418, 420, 526, 527, 532
Ciceronian 20, 31, 114, 117, 211, 274, 276, 345, 362, 365, 367–8, 372, 375, 376, 506, 562, 671
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of 239–40
Clark, Danielle 69
Clark, Henry 328
Clark, Stuart 381
Clarke, Samuel 463
Claudian 350
Cleaver, Robert 485, 488, 489–90, 492, 495, 498
Cleland, John 89
Clifford, Lady Anne 442, 444–5
Clucas, Stephen 274
Codrington, Robert 283
Coeffeteau, Nicolas 66
Colclough, David 508
Colie, Rosalie 479
Collenuccio, Pandolfo 37
Collinson, Patrick 372, 523, 552, 563
Columbus, Christopher 257
Colwell, Thomas 123
Coke, Edward 366
Contarini, Gaspar 372
Conti, Bruno 674
‘cony-catching literature’ 132, 203
Cooper, Thomas 336, 340, 341, 404, 544–5, 551, 554, 600
Cornwallis, William 80, 347, 473–7
Corro, Antonio del 124
Cortes, Toledan 122
Coryat, Thomas 307
Cotton, Robert 320
Cotton, Thomas 399
Covell, William 606
Cox, Virginia 36
Crane, Mary 54
Cranmer, George 551, 594, 600, 601
Cranmer, Thomas 540, 577, 580, 584
Crashaw, Richard 112
Crawford, Julie 435
Crawley, Richard 116
Cressy, David 587
Croll, Maurice 365–6, 561, 563
Cromwell, Oliver 347, 370, 432
Crosse, Robert 271
Culpepper, Nicholas 330
Cummings, Robert 63
Dangerfield, Thomas 135
Davies, Horton 561
Davis, Walter 190
Day, John 523
Day, Matthew 299
Deakins, Roger 28
De Grazia, Margareta 442
Delaval, Lady Elizabeth 439
Deloney, Thomas 164
Democritus, Democritean 56–8, 653–6, 666
Derrida, Jacques 3
De Vere, Edward, Earl of Oxford 180, 201
Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex 366
Digges, Dudley 427
Diodati, Thomas 81
Dockwra, William 432
Donne, John 282, 477–9, 560–7, 570–1, 572, 574
Downes, Bartholomew 409
Drake, Francis 295
Drake, William 54
Drayton, Michael 206, 227–8, 458
Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick 11
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester 168, 427
Duigdale, Sir William 445
Dyer, Edward 425
Earle, John 481
Eden, Richard 297
Edward VI 39, 143, 435, 580, 581, 634
Edwards, Richard 196
Elderton, William 616
Elizabeth, Queen 3, 33, 39, 68, 92, 109, 118, 170, 297, 313, 316, 354, 367, 369, 446, 461, 469, 532–5, 545, 554, 560, 611, 635
Elliot, Sir John 369
Elyot, Sir Thomas 9, 12, 16, 20, 22, 31, 36, 37, 40, 55, 259, 265, 367
England, Englishness 9–26, 45, 226
Erasmus, Desiderius 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 146, 213, 256, 257, 350, 381–6, 390, 391, 418–9, 421, 425, 612, 627, 663
Erasmian 125
Evelyn, John 271, 444, 445, 447
Fabri, Pierre 421
Farrow, Kenneth 644
Featley, John 437
Feltham, Owen 479
Fenlon, Dermot 364
Fenner, Dudley 549
Fenton, Geoffrey 92, 190–1, 193
Fergusson, James 506
Ferrar, Robert 537
Ferrell, Lori Anne 564
Ficino, Marsilio 425
Field, John 552
Filmer, Robert 378
Fincham, Kenneth 563
Fitch, Ralph 298
Fitzgeffrey, Charles 206
Florio, John 79, 80–90, 298, 426
Folger Library 577
Forman, Simon 448
Fortesque, Thomas 92
Fortune, John 537
Foster, William 332
Fox, Adam 399
Frame, Donald 79
France, French 16, 32–3, 37, 60, 74, 117, 123, 259, 374, 406
French Wars of Religion 407
Frisch, Andrea 305
Frobisher, Martin 295
Froude, James A. 296
Frye, Northrop 646
Fuller, Mary 299
Furse, Robert 440
Gainsford, Thomas 409, 410, 424
Garber, Marjorie 358
Garnier, Robert 239
Gascoigne, George 23–4, 25, 129, 156–71, 174–6, 191, 192, 193, 401–3, 428–9, 615, 619, 625
Gataker, Thomas 486, 489–90, 491, 493, 494, 497, 498, 500
Gellius, Aulus 348
Gesta Romanorum 118
Geuffroy, Antoine 37
Gifford, George 340
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 158, 159, 295
Gill, Alexander 23
Glaisyer, Natasha 485
Goodcole, Henry 404
Goodman, Christopher 374
Googe, Barnabe 161
Gosson, Stephen 92, 381, 386–90, 391
Gouge, William 484, 485, 486, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501
Gournay, Marie de 79
Grafton, Richard 316, 363, 580
Grange, John 164
Greece, Greek 9–12, 18, 20, 21, 45, 60, 70–71, 109, 120, 165, 190, 220, 225, 253, 384, 389, 510, 513, 572, 615
Greenblatt, Stephen 304
Greene, Robert 2, 132, 135, 164, 184–5, 188–203, 215, 218, 307, 428, 555, 557, 616–7
Greene, Thomas 54
Greenwey, Richard 109, 115, 365
Gregory, Saint of Nazianzene 528
Greville, Fulke 220, 221, 222, 459–50
Grey, Lady Jane 464
Gribben, Crawford 642
Grimeston, Arthur 118
Grymeston, Elizabeth 480
Guazzo, Stephano 32–3, 41, 55, 102, 619
Guez, Jean-Luis, Sieuer de Balzac 426–7
Guicciardini, Francesco 638
Gustavus Adolphus 411
Gwinne, Matthew 81
Hackett, Helen 238
Haddon, Walter 422
Hakluyt, Richard the Younger 80, 292–309
Hall, Edward 436
Hall, John 338
Hall, Joseph 264–5, 300, 426, 480, 569–70
Hamilton, Patrick 539
Hamlin, William 89
Hamling, Tara 487
Hannay, Margaret 238
Harcourt, Lady Anne 449
Harrington, Anne 81
Harrington, James 266
Harrison, Peter 269
Harrison, Richard 10
Harvey, Gabriel 22, 123–4, 173, 184, 189, 211, 213, 214, 217, 219, 299, 425–6, 556–7, 611–30
Harvey, Richard 211, 212, 217, 329, 556, 627
Hastings, Sir Edward 436
Hay, William 483
Hayward, Sir John 313, 366–7, 368, 460
Hazlitt, W. Carew 343
Hazlitt, William 675
Hegendorph, Christoph 419
Heliodorus 75, 118, 194, 220, 225
Henri de Navarre 79
Henry VII 257, 295, 314–6, 368–70
Henry VIII 37, 256, 331, 362, 364, 371, 392, 396, 398, 436, 541, 544, 577, 580
Herbert, William, Third Earl of Pembroke 238, 239–41, 248
Herodotus 118
Hester, John 614
Heton, Sir Thomas 168
Heydon, Sir Christopher 332
Hidalgo, Gaspar 477
Hind, James 132
Hobbes, Thomas 109, 115–6, 120, 274, 360
Hoby, Lady Margaret 44, 434–7, 438, 449
Holinshed, Raphael 221, 310–25, 363, 524
Holland, Guy 682
Holland, Philemon 71, 106–10, 112, 113, 117, 118, 119, 321, 461
Holsinger, Bruce 590
Homer 279
Hooker, Richard 376–7, 548, 551, 592–608
Hooper, John 540
Hopkins, Matthew 339
Hopton, Arthur 446
Horace 78
Hoskins, John 39, 223, 225, 227, 232
Howard, Sir George 100
Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton 627–8
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey 213, 304, 391–2, 396
Howard, Philip, Earl of Arundel 626–7
Howell, James 426
Howell, Joseph 684
Hunter, Michael 283
Hutchinson, Lucy 457
Isham, Elizabeth 448
Jack, R. D. S. 643
Jackson, Arthur 513
James VI and I 39, 64, 164, 241, 340, 352, 361, 367–9, 377–8, 409, 410, 469, 480, 554, 564, 581, 582, 640, 648
Jeake, Samuel 439
Jenkin, William 518
Jenkinson, Anthony 301
Jewel, John 594
Johnson, Samuel 186, 471, 670, 675
Jones, Emrys 573
Jonson, Ben 21, 64, 89, 115, 217, 239, 240, 243, 245, 265, 355–6, 365, 400–1, 473
Kay, Billy 643
Keach, Benjamin 506
Kempe, William 420
Kepler, Johannes 264
Kernan, Alvin 387
Kinney, Arthur 388
Kinney, Claire 249
Kirk, James 640
Kitson, Anthony 34
Knox, John 361, 362, 374–5, 631–45
Kushner, Tony 671
Kyle, Richard 638
Lander, Jesse M. 387
Lane, Edward 506
Langland, William 523
Latin 9–12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 31, 46, 60, 61, 109, 112, 165, 176, 348, 510, 526, 572, 615, 635
Lazarillo de Tormes 121–36, 613
Le Blon, Christoph 652
Lee, Sir Henry 166
Le Roy, Louis 117
Leigh, Edward 512
Lekpreuilk, Robert 32
Lettisham, Elizabeth 588
Levett, Timothy 588
Levy, F. J. 312
Lewin, William 618
Lewis, C. S. 91, 92, 207–8, 579
Lewkenor, Lewis 372
Libanius 419
Libell of English Pollicie 303
Lightfoot, John 511
Lily, William 174
Lindsay, Maurice 645
Lindsay, Robert of Pitscottie 643–5
Livy 71, 92–3, 97, 102, 118, 119, 312, 613, 617
Locke, Anne 641
Lodge, Thomas 107, 114, 117, 164, 185
Lok, Michael 302
Lucan 64
Lucretius 78
Lukin, Henry 513
Lund, Mary Ann 56
Lupset, Thomas 36
Lupton, Thomas 261
Lutheran 374
Lyall, R. J. 644
Lyly, John 86, 164, 172–87, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 197, 226–7, 292–3, 428, 551, 555–6, 619
McCabe, Richard 563
MacCullough, Diarmaid 577
Machiavelli, Niccolo 312, 315, 365, 366, 638
Mack, Peter 565
McKeon, Michael 132
Macrobius 348
Macropedius, Georgius 419
Maltby, Judith 578
Man, Judith 66
Mancall, Peter 304
Mandeville, Sir Thomas 305
Manningham, John 448
Marcus Aurelius 117
Marcus, Laura 445
Marguerite of Navarre 93, 97, 161
Markham, Gervase 225
Marlowe, Christopher 216
Marot, Clement 355
Marotti, Arthur 242
Marprelate, Martin 204–6, 213, 391, 394, 406, 544–59, 576, 599, 604
Mary I 39, 127, 297, 318, 363, 373, 375, 590, 632, 633, 642
Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 32, 35, 39, 376, 631–2, 634–9, 642
Mascuch, Michael 464
Massinger, John 424
Matthew, Tobie 427
Matthiesson, F. O. 81, 83, 107, 111, 115
May, Thomas 64
Mayer, T. F. 37
Medina, Juan de 131
Melanchthon, Philip 526
Mellis, John 443
Melton, John 332
Mendelson, Sara Heller 449
Menippus of Gadara 256
Menippian satire 381, 384, 386, 646
Mentz, Steve 189
Merbecke, John 581
Mercator, Gerald 304
Meres, Francis 49
Middleton, Henry 158
Mildmay, Lady Grace 439
Millanges, Simon 78
Milton, John 324, 362, 363, 370, 376, 378, 653
Milward, Peter 594
Minsheu, John 126
Mitchell, W. F. 561
Molyneux, Edmund 221, 222, 228
Montaigne, Michel de 45, 77–90, 257–8, 304, 365, 468, 472, 482, 658, 559, 664
Montalvo, Garci Rodriguez de 61, 62
Montemayor, Jorge de 225, 226, 246, 247, 428
Mordaunt, Viscountess Elizabeth 441
More, Henry 683
More, Sir Thomas 29, 30, 33, 36, 253–66, 302, 311–4, 348, 352, 361, 362–4, 366, 368, 370, 523
Utopia 28–9, 33–5, 140, 253, 370–1, 384
Morgan, Matthew 283
Morini, Massimiliano 111
Mulcaster, Richard 347
Muller, Wolfgang 12
Munday, Anthony 61
Munster, Sebastian 296
Murner, Thomas 123
Muscott, Francis 590
Nabokov, Vladimir 186
Napea, Osep 301
Napier, Richard 330
Nashe, Thomas 10, 22, 23, 134, 135, 164, 173, 189, 204–18, 304, 380–1, 387, 390–4, 445, 555, 556, 611–2, 614, 619, 627
Neville, Henry 302
Newberry, Ralph 298
Newdigate, Anne 484
Newton, Isaac 271
Newton, Thomas 117
Nicholls, Mark 40
Nicolls, Thomas 115, 116, 298, 300
Nielson, James 617
North, Sir Thomas 107, 111, 112, 113, 119, 460, 461–2
Norton, Thomas 33
Novel 1
Odoricus, Friar Beatus 302
Oldcastle, Hugh 443
Oresme, Nicolas 117
Orrery, see Robert Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery
Overton, Richard 558
Oxford English Dictionary 24, 31, 216, 253
Page, Matthew 446
Painter, William 91–101, 190–1
Palfreyman, Thomas 49
Paradis, Vanessa 288
Parker, John 593
Parks, G. B. 303
Parliament 39
Pater, Walter 186
Patterson, Annabel 68
Paynell, Thomas 109
Peacham, Henry 482
Peck, Linda Levy 60
Pecke, Samuel 400
Pecock, Reginald 540
Pecocke, Edward 627
Pelham, Lady Frances 449
Pennell, Sara 485
Perkins, William 329–30, 336, 340, 341, 488, 489, 494, 495, 500, 567
Peters, Helen 477
Petrarch, Francesco 212, 320, 418
Pettie, George 32, 33, 101–4, 164, 174–5
Petty, William 271
Piccolomini, Aeneas Sylvius 538
Pigman, G. W. 157
Pindar 528
Plantin, Christoph 117
Plast, Hugh 212
Plato 46, 51, 117, 229, 254–6, 261, 370
Plattes, Gabriel 266
Pliny 71, 106, 107, 112, 176, 279, 296
Plutarch 46, 48, 49, 71, 78, 107, 112, 117, 350, 389, 454, 460, 461–2
Pole, Cardinal Reginald 37, 364, 371–2
Polo, Gaspar Gil 246, 247, 248
Polybius 118
Poliziano, Angelo 421
Ponet, John 373
Popular Culture 3
Pory, John 400
Potts, Thomas 340
Power, Henry 683
Powle, Sir Stephen 476
Presbyterian 548, 552, 553, 558, 594–6, 604, 606
Preston, Thomas 617
Priest, William and Anne 588
Principe, Lawrence 283
Print, printing 1
Protestant, Protestantism 14, 80–81, 83, 118, 121, 125, 143, 240, 322, 326, 348, 355, 375, 401, 404, 409, 437, 456, 487, 530, 537, 565, 567, 631–2, 637, 642, 643
Proto-Protestantism 536
Prudentius 528
Ptolemy 296
Purgatory 326
Puritan, Puritanism 261, 438, 440, 449, 578
Puttenham, George 17, 21, 22–3, 25, 164, 227, 228, 355, 380–1
Quintilian 10, 14, 21, 227, 345, 351
Rabelais, François 259, 265, 348
Ralegh, Sir Walter 39–40, 89, 295, 297, 306, 318, 435
Ramus, Peter (Petrus Ramus) 222, 613, 651
Rastell, William 363
Reisner, Noam 568
Reynolds, Henry 206
Rhetoric 9–26, 209, 272–4, 350, 488–9, 527–8, 572, 663, 676–7
Rhodes, Richard 435
Rich, Mary, Countess of Warwick 449
Richardson, Samuel 432
Rio, Martin del 338
Roberts, Mary 449
Robins, John 328
Roebuck, Graham 394
Romance 2, 200, 202, 225, 235–50
Rosenberg, Eleanor 168
Rosendale, Timothy 580
Ross, Alexander 672
Sacks, David Harris 299
Saker, Austen 184
Sale, Sarah 445
Sallust 109, 110, 114, 119, 274, 312, 363
Salutati, Coluccio 418
Salzman, Paul 68
Sandys, Edwin 594, 600, 601, 602
Sanford, Hugh 248
Sanford, John 126
Sannazaro, Jacopo 158, 225, 226–7
Saville, Sir Henry 109, 114–5, 118, 119, 365–7
Schneider, Gary 426
Schoenfeldt, Michael 55
Schulz, Ernst 344
Scot, Reginald 328, 334, 336, 338, 339–40
Scott, Thomas 369
Scott, Sir Walter 186
Screech, Michael 79
Seelig, Sharon Cadman 436
Selden, John 320
Seneca 78, 114, 117, 212, 287, 362, 365
Senecan 274, 362, 561, 562, 671
Shakespeare, William 89, 92, 95, 98, 109, 111–2, 118, 135, 157, 185–6, 189, 191, 194, 216, 237, 240, 303, 331, 343, 363, 370, 448, 450, 454, 466, 544, 612, 619
Shapin, Steven 305
Shapiro, Barbara 305
Sharpe, Kevin 54
Sheffard, William 409
Shrank, Cathy 149
Sidney, Mary (Philip’s mother) 191
Sidney, Mary (Philip’s sister), Countess of Pembroke 220, 236–7, 239, 241, 248
Sidney, Sir Philip 31, 32, 44, 59, 70–71, 73, 86, 93, 157, 164, 165, 185, 213, 219–34, 236, 271, 282, 293, 295, 374, 425, 429–30, 459–60, 588, 613, 629
Simpson, Evelyn M. 562
Singer, Samuel 343
Skelton, John 124, 354–5, 397, 613
Smith, G. C. Moore 613, 618, 627
Smith, John (colonist) 307
Smith, John (rhetorician) 677
Smith, Richard 162
Smith, Sir Thomas 29, 30, 33, 34, 41, 260–1, 372, 427, 611, 613, 614–5, 628
Smith, Walter 352
Smollet, Tobias 135
Smythe, Robert 92
Socrates 46, 47, 55, 118, 256, 483, 570, 616
Solinus 279
Somerville, J. P. 378
South, Robert 271
Sowerby, Robin 115
Spain, Spanish 4, 59, 63, 74, 121–36, 295
Speed Hill, W. 607
Speght, Thomas 612
Spenser, Edmund 70–71, 117, 123–4, 135, 157, 206, 217, 219, 372–3, 425–6, 611, 613, 617, 618, 629
Squier, Adam 338
Stanhope, Charles 128
Stanley, Thomas 117
Stanwood, Paul 592
Staper, Thomas 298
Starkey, Thomas 32, 36, 37, 260, 371–3
Stationers’s Company 406, 410, 412, 424
Stationers’s Register 600
Sterne, Lawrence 304
Stow, John 316, 321–2, 356, 524
Strada, Famiano 112
Streater, John 370
Stubbes, Katherine 464
Stubbes, Philip 329
Sturm, Johann 420
Stuteville, Sir Martin 408
Swift, Jonathan 265
Tacitus 114–5, 119, 274, 312, 313, 362–6, 368, 369–70
Tadmor, Naomi 510
Taitus, Achilles 194
Tanner, Robert 329
Targoff, Ramie 585
Tarlton, Richard 356–7, 358, 551
Tasso, Torquato 83
Tatius, Achilles 118
Taverner, Richard 50
Taylor, Jeremy 512
Terence 419
Thirty-Nine Articles 437
Throkmorton, Job 545
Tibullus 350
Tirwhyt, William 426
Todorov, Tzvetan 3
Troyes, Chretien de 74
Tuck, Richard 362
Turberville, George 92, 124, 127, 161
Turkey, Turks, Turkish 24
Turner, William 554
Twysden, Lady Isabella 445, 449
Tyacke, Nicholas 563
Tyndale, William 510, 526, 528, 540
Unton, Sir Henry 454
Ussher, James 513
Valdes, Fernando de 120
Valerius Maximus 350
Valla, Lorenzo 115
Valleriolus, Francis 338
Vasari, Giorgio 461
Vaughan, Sir William 206
Vespucci, Amerigo 257
Virgil 20, 78, 228, 229, 388, 523, 628
Vives, Juan Luis 125, 131, 419
Wadsworth, Jacob 426
Waldegrave, Robert 548
Walker, Elizabeth 439
Wallington, Nehemiah 399, 439–40, 484
Walsingham, Sir Francis 295, 300, 304, 427
Walwyn, William 377
Ward, Samuel 438
Warner, Christopher 39
Warren, Austen 671
Watson, Christopher 118
Watt, Ian 432
Webbe, George 347
Webbe, William 164
Webster, John 331
Webster, Noah 675
Weiss, Adrian 158
Weiss, Rene 460
Wentworth, Anne 66
Westfall, T. W. 276
Whately, William 485, 486, 490–1, 493, 494, 495, 496, 499, 500
Whetstone, George 92, 104, 164
Whitaker, Richard 426
Whitchurch, Edward 580
White, Hayden 446
White, William 536
Whiteway, William 435
Whitgift, John 376, 551, 554, 593–5, 600, 603, 606
Wiclif, John 535
Wilkins, John 271, 272, 278, 561
Willes, Richard 297
William the Conqueror 16
Williams, John 513
Williams, Penry 40
Williamson, George 561
Wilson, F. P. 344
Wilson, John 506
Wilson, Thomas 10–19, 23, 38, 345, 349–50, 506
Winstanley, Gerrard 266
Winthrop, John 261
Winzet, Ninian 643
Wishart, George 639
Withie, William 625
Wodenote, Theophilus 505
Wolfe, Reyner 318
Wolsey, Cardinal 354
Womersley, David 322
Worden, Blair 374
Wormald, Jenny 639
Wotton, Sir Edward 81
Wray, Ramona 465
Wright, Gilbert 335
Wriothesley, Charles 436
Wyer, Robert 147
Xenophon 70–71, 107, 220, 261, 461
Yong, Bartholomew 102, 246, 428
Yonge, Walter 435
Young, John 616
Young, Richard 89
Zwinger, Theodor 651