
Abelian category, 330

Abelian p-extension, 509–514

Abhyankar, S., 595

Absolute value, 558–562

            archimedean, 561

    for a finite dimensional extension field, 585–588, 637

    for F(x), 566

    non-archimedean, 561

    for images 564–566

    trivial, 559

Abstract dependence relation, 122–125

Adjoint functor, 48

Adjoint relative to a sesquilinear form, 209

Adjugant, 49

Adjunction, 49

Affine algebraic variety, 427–433

Albert, A. A., 502

Algebra 44, 137–148

    affine, 519

    central, 215

    exterior, 141

    filtered, 147

    finite dimensional central simple, 215–226

    free, 44

    graded, 141, 147

    modules for and representations of, 211

    polynomial, 43

    separable, 374

    similar, 227

    structure theory of, 210–215

    symmetric, 141

    tensor, 139

Algebraically closed field, 427, 464

Algebraic closure, 464

    existence of, 466

    isomorphism of, 468

    separable, 490

Algebraic dependence, 514–515

Algebraic integer, 284

Amalgamated sum, 90

Amitsur, S. A., 393

Amitsur’s complex, 334

Annihilator of a module, 186

Anti-automorphisms of End ΔV, 210

Anti-derivation, 379

Anti-hermitian form, 209

Anti-representation, 195

Approximation theorem, 562–564

Archimedean ordered, 654

Arf invariant, 244

Arrow, 10

Artin, E., 184, 312, 483, 501, 651, 660–662, 651, 670, 671

Artin, E., Nesbitt, C. J., and Thrall, R. M., 483

Artin, E., and Schreier, O., 501, 509, 650, 674–677

Artin, E., and Whaples, G., 563

Artin, M., 526

Artinian module, 101

Artinian ring, 103, 202–210

    commutative, 425–427

Artin-Rees lemma, 441–442

Asano, K., 306

Ascending chain condition, 101

Associated prime ideal, 437

Augmentation, 145, 651

Ax, J., 631

Axiom of choice, 2

Baer, R., 157, 543

Baer sum, 353

Balanced product, 126

Banaschewski’s lemma, 307

Barsotti, J., 544

Base, 123

Beauville, A., 523

Bergman, G., 195

Bézoutiant, 663

Bialgebra, 145

Bifunctor, 20

Bimodules, 133–137

    invertible, 182

Birkhoff, G., 52, 69, 92

Blichfeldt-Brauer theorem, 308–309

Boolean algebras, 75–76

Boundary, 332

Bourbaki, N., 197

Brauer, R., 245, 247, 305–312, 313–314, 495

Brauer group, 226–228, 475–484, 495

    of local field, 608–611

Brauer-Suzuki theorem, 324

Burnside, W., 215, 246, 247, 284, 524

Burnside’s theorem, 213, 284–286

Cardinal numbers, 5

    addition of, 3

    arithmetic of, 3–4

    multiplication of, 4

Cartan, E., 184, 245

Cartan, H., and Eilenberg, S., 326, 387

Cartier, P., 544

Cassels, J. W. S., 673, 674

Castelnuovo-Zariski theorem, 523

Category (definition), 9–10

    abelian, 330

    additive, 328

    discrete, 12

    dual, 13

    equivalent, 27

    isomorphic, 26

    of modules, 95–100, 177–183

    of objects over or below, 14

    products of, 13

    small, 12

Cayley, A., 184

Character, 269

    of abelian groups, 280–281

    of direct products, 279–280

    generalized, 306

    irreducible, 269

    linear, 280

    realizable over a subfield, 315

    table, 277–278

    unit, 271

Character group, 281

Characteristic series, 109

Characteristic subgroup, 105

Chevalley, C., 244

Chevalley, C., and Eilenberg, S., 326

Chief series, 109

Ci-field, 669

Circle composition, 194

Claborn, L., 648

Classes, 6

Class function, 269

    induced, 306

Class group, 626

Clemens, C. H., 523

Clifford, W. K, 244

Clifford algebra, 228

    historical note on, 245

    main involution in, 239

    structure of, 234

Clifford group, 238

    vector representation of, 238

(A. H.) Clifford’s theorem, 255, 299

Coalgebra, 144–145

    dual, 146

Coboundary, 333

Cocycle, 333

Codomain, 9

Cogenerator, 177

Cohen, P. J., 1, 7

Cohomology group, 333

Cohomology of algebras, 370–375

Cohomology of groups, 355–363

Cokernel, 96, 329

Colliot-Thélène, J. L., 523

Completely ramified extension field, 598

Completely reducible module, 117–122

Complete reducibility of modules for semisimple artinian rings, 208

Completions, 455–461, 566–569

Complex, 331

    chain (positive), 333

    cochain (negative), 333

    over a module, 339

    under a module, 341

Composition series, 108

Congruence, 61

    of identities, 91

Connecting homomorphism, 336

Content, 630

Contracting homomorphism, 357

Contravariant (hom functor), 38

Coproduct, 34

Coresolution, 341

    injective, 341

Correspondence, 53

    diagonal, 53

    inverse, 53

Corro, D. R, 323

Countably infinite set, 3

Co variant (hom functor), 38

Crossed homomorphism, 360

    principal, 361

Crossed product, 475

Cross section, 287

Curtis, C., and Reiner, I., 325

Cycle, 332

Cyclic algebras, 484–485

Cyclic p-extensions, 513

Dedekind, R., 282, 388, 557

Dedekind, R., and Weber, H., 557

Dedekind domain, 623

    characterizations, 625–631

    integral extension of, 631–634


    of a central simple algebra, 222

    of a word, 78

Dense, 197

Density theorems, 197–201

    for completely reducible modules, 197

    for primitive rings, 199

Demeyer and Ingraham, 462

Dependence relation, 122

Dependent, 118, 123

Derivation, 147, 226, 530–540

    higher 147

    inner, 373, 496

    into a module, 373

Derivation Galois theory (for purely

    inseparable extensions of exponent one), 541, 542

Derived functor, 342–346

Diagonalization, 145

Descending chain condition, 101

Dickson, L. E., 254, 472, 476,

Dihedral group, 261–262, 289

Dimensionality (of completely reducible module), 125

Dirac, P. A. M., 245

Directed set, 59

Direct limit, 70

    of Ω-algebras, 72

Direct product (internal), 116

Direct sum (internal), 110

    of complexes, 332

    of quadratic forms, 665

    of representations, 253

Discriminant (ideal), 640

Discriminant of quadratic form, 232, 613

Disjoint representations, 302

Divisor (ideal), 622

Domain, 9

    integrally closed, 412

Double centralizer, 257–258

Dual basis lemma, 152–153

Dual numbers, 147, 531

Eckmann, B., 326

Eckmann, B., and Schopf, A., 160

Eilenberg, S., and MacLane, S., 8, 326, 368

Eisenstein polynomial, 596

Eklof, P, 77

Elementary group, 305

Enveloping algebra, 213

Epic, 15

    in Grp and R-mod, 16

    in Ring, 17

Equivalence of categories, 27

Equivalence of categories mod-R and mod-Mn(R), 29–31, 170

Equivalence relation, 54

Essential extension, 161

Essential monomorphism, 161

Even Clifford algebra, 236

Even Clifford group, 238

Exact functor, 98

Exact sequence, 96

    long, 334–337, 351 (for Ext)

    short, 96, 334 (of complexes)

Exchange axiom, 123

Exchange property, 116


    of central simple algebra, 497

    of group, 270

    of purely inseparable field extension, 495

Ext, 346–353


    of base field, 220

    of complete fields, 569–573, 582–583

    of groups, 363–369

    of homomorphisms to places, 580–585

    of modules, 348–350

Exterior algebra, 141, 235

Factor sets, 361, 476

    and extension of groups, 364

    normalized, 481

Faithful functor, 22

Faithful module, 174

Faithful representation, 191

Feit, W., 246, 320, 326

Feit, W., and Thompson, J., 246

Field composite, 550

Filter, 76

    principal, 78

    proper, 76

Finitely generated, 103

Finite sets, 3

Finite topology, 469

First isomorphism theorem (for Ω-algebras), 63

Fitting’s lemma, 113–114

Five lemma, 100

Flat module, 153–155

    characterization by Tor, 354

Flatness of localization, 399

Formally real fields, 651–655

Free algebra, 44

Free field composites, 551

Free group, 89

Free module, 43

Free Ω-algebra, 78–80

Free product, 85

    of groups, 85

Free resolution of images, 359

Free ring, 86

Freudenthal, H., 600

Frobenius, G., 184, 225, 246

Frobenius automorphism, 506, 599

Frobenius groups, 317–325

Frobenius kernel, 320

Frobenius reciprocity theorem, 297

Fully invariant series, 109

Fully invariant subgroup, 105

Functor, 19

    abelianizing, 20

    additive, 97

    contravariant, 19

    diagonal, 21

    duality, 21

    faithful, 22

    forgetful, 20

    full, 22

    identity, 20

    injection, 20

    power, 20

    projection, 21

    representable, 37–40

Fundamental theorem of homomorphisms (of Ω-algebras), 62

Galois extension field, 474

Galois group of simple purely transcendental extension, 522

Galois theory, 471–475, 486–489, 541–544

Gauss’ lemma, 594

Generator (for a category of modules), 173, 175

Gerstenhaber, M., 544

Global dimension, 377–378

G-module, 355

    regular, 356

Gödel-Bernays (GB) system, 6

“Going down” theorem, 413

“Going up” theorem, 412

Goldschmidt, D. M., and Isaacs, I. M., 306, 325

Graded algebra, 147, 384

Graded homomorphism, 384

Graded module, 384

Graded ring associated with an ideal, 448

Graves, J. J., 184

Griffiths, P. A., 523

Grothendieck, A., 9

Group algebra, 251–252

    center of, 260

Group determinant, 282

Group of fractional ideals, 624

Groupoid, 12

Group with operators, 56

Hajja, M., 524

Halmos, P. R., 1, 7

Hartshorne, R., 523

Hasse, H., 483, 610

Hasse invariant, 613

HausdorfT, F., 583

Height (of a prime ideal), 456

Hensel, K., 557

Hensel’s lemma, 593, 594, 595

Hermitian form, 209

Herstein, I. N., 245

Higher derivation, 540

Hilbert, D., 327, 476, 659

Hilbert basis theorem, 420–421

Hilbert Nullstellensatz, 429, 564–565, 583, 584

Hilbert polynomial (for a graded module), 443–448

Hilbert-Serre theorems, 445–447

Hilbert’s seventeenth problem, 651

Hilbert’s syzygy theorem, 385

Hochschild, G., 326, 370, 374

Hom functors, 37–40

    contravariant, 38

    covariant, 38

Homogeneous component, 121

Homogeneous rational function, 517

Homological dimension, 375–378


    functor, 333

    group, 362

    module, 333

Homomorphism of Ω-algebras, 60

    fundamental theorem, 62

Homotopy, 337–339

Hopf, H., 326

Huppert, B., 369

Hurwitz’s theorem, 665

I-adic topology, 455–461

Ideal, 65

    fractional, 620

    integral, 620

    invertible, 621

    maximal, 68

    nil, 195

    nilpotent, 191, 202

    prime, 389, 434

    principal, 620

Idealizer, 199

Indecomposable submodule, 438

Independent, 118, 123

Induced module, 288, 299

Induced representation, 288

Inductive limit. See Direct limit

Inertial group, 304

Ingraham. See Demeyer and Ingraham Infinite Galois theory, 486–489

    fundamental theorem of, 488

Initial object, 36

Injective hull (envelope), 163

Injective module, 156–164

Integral dependence, 408–412

Integrally closed domain, 412

I ntertwining number, 296

Inverse limit, 72

    of Ω-algebras, 73

Irredundant primary decomposition, 436

Iskovkikh, V. A., 523

Isolated primary component, 434

] sometric isomorphism, 568

Isomorphism (in a category), 12

Isomorphism of H2(G, F*) with Br(E/F), 481

Isomorphisms of simple artinian rings, 206

Isomorphism theorems (for Ω-algebras), 63, 65

Jacobi, C. G. J., 323

Jacobian matrix, 538

Jacobson, N., 542, 600

Jacobson–Bourbaki correspondence, 468–471

Jacobson radical of a ring, 192–197

    characterizations of, 196

    of artinian ring, 202

Janusz, G. J., 649

Jordan-Hölder theorem, 108

Kan, D., 48

Kaplansky, I., 462

Kaplansky, I., and Kneser, M., 659–660

Keisler, L., 662

Kernel, 62, 271, 329

    fc-fold transitive permutation group, 278

Kolchin’s theorem, 215

Koszul, J. L., 326, 379

Koszul complex, 383

Krasner’s lemma, 584

Krull, W., 392, 488, 558, 634

Krull dimension, 450–455

Krull intersection theorem, 442

Krull–Schmidt theorem, 115

Krull’s principal ideal theorem, 452

Kummer extension, 498–501

Kiirschak, S., 557, 584, 618

Lam, T. Y., 677

images-factor group, 104

images-group, 104

    indecomposable, 117

    strongly indecomposable, 117

images-subgroup, 104

Landau, D., 659

Lang, S., 669

Lasker, E., 388

Lasker–Macaulay–Noether theory, 389

Lasker–Noether decomposition theorem, 433

Lattice, 56

    complete, 57

    of congruences, 66–70

Laurent series (formal), 425, 597

Lexicographic order, 555

Lie algebra of endomorphisms, 531

Lifting of idempotents, 405, 457

Linear disjointness, 525

Local fields, 595–599

    Brauer group of, 608–611

    quadratic forms over, 591–598, 611–618

Local-global relations, 400–403

Localization of modules, 397–400

    of rings, 393–397

Locally compact totally disconnected abelian groups, 602

Local ring, 111

    regular, 454

Lower central series, 90

Lukasiewicz notation, 55

Luroth’s theorem, 522

“Lying over” theorem, 411

Macaulay, F. S., 388

Mackey, G., 299, 300, 301

MacLane, S., 530

Magnus, W., 90

Malcev, A. I., 375

Manin, J., 523

Maschke, H., 313

Maschke’s theorem, 253

Maximum condition, 101

Maximum spectrum, 403

McCoy, N. H., 390, 393

McCrimmon, K., 196

McKenna, K., 662

M-group, 311

Minimum condition, 101

Module, 12

    artinian, 101

    completely reducible, 119, 208

    over a Dedekind domain, 643–649

    with differentiation, 332

    divisible, 158

    faithful, 174

    flat, 153–155

    free, 43

    graded, 384

    indecomposable, 111

    induced, 288

    injective, 156–164

    irreducible, 117, 205, 208–209

    noetherian, 101

    projective, 148–155

    strongly indecomposable, 112

Molien, T., 184

Monic, 15

    in Grp and R-mod, 16

    in Ring, 17

Morita, K., 9

Morita context (pre-equivalence data), 164–171

    ring of, 171

Morita similar (rings), 179

Morita theorems, 167–168, 178, 182

Morphism, 9

    epic, 15

    monic, 15

    zero, 328

Motzkin, T., 674

Multiplication ring, 203

Multiplicity (of irreducible component of a representation), 260

Mumford, D., 523

Nakayama’s lemma, 415

Natural isomorphism, 23

Natural transformation, 23–25

Newton–Puiseaux series, 595

Nilpotent ideal, 191

Nil radical, 391

    characterization of (Krull’s theorem), 392

Noether, E., 184, 327, 388, 422, 436, 472

Noetherian module, 103

Noetherian ring, 420–425

Noether normalization theorem, 518

Non-degenerate (form), 209

Normal algebraic extension field, 489

    structure of, 492–494

Normal closure, 490

Normal primary decomposition, 437

Normal series, 105

Normic polynomial, 670

Ojanguren, M., and Sridharan, M. R., 544

Ω-algebra, 53–58

Ordered abelian group, 575

    isolated subgroup of, 583

Ordered field, 651

Order homomorphism, 574

Ordinal number, 5

Orthogonal idempotents, 110

Orthogonality relations, 274, 276

Orthogonal transformation, 237

Ostrowski’s theorem, 571–573

Ostwald, W., 324

Otobe, Y., 600

p-adic absolute value of Q, 558

p-adic number, 74, 568

Partially ordered set, 57

Partial order, 54

Peirce decomposition, 197

Perfect closure, 494

Pfister, A., 651, 663

Pfister quadratic form, 667

Pfister theory of quadratic forms, 663–669

Pic, 183, 419–420, 648

Place, 579

p-Lie algebra, 531

Poincare series, 445

Pontrjagin, L., 600

Power series (formal), 422–424

Pre-equivalence data (Morita context), 164–171

Primary decomposition (of modules and ideals), 433–440

Primary ideal, 434

Primary submodule, 434

Prime avoidance lemma, 391

Prime ideal, 389

    associated with primary submodule, 434

Primitive ideal, 192

Primitive ring, 187

    commutative, 189

    right, 195

Procesi, C., 662, 663

Produced representation, 299


    in a category, 33

    n-ary, 54

    nullary, 55

    in an Ω-algebra, 54–55

Progenerator, 167, 175

Projections (determined by a direct decomposition of modules), 111

Projective class group, 419–420

Projective limit. See Inverse limit Projective linear group, 256

Projective module, 148–155

    characterization by Ext, 348

    rank of, 414–419

Projective representation, 256, 369

Projective resolution of a sequence, 343

Puiseaux series, 595

Pullback diagram, 36

Purely inseparable element, 491

Purely inseparable extension field, 491

Purely transcendental extension, 516

Pushout diagram, 37

Quadratic form, 228–229

    over local fields, 611–618

    multiplicative, 665

    strongly multiplicative, 666

Quadratic reciprocity law, 323

Quasi-algebraically closed field, 670

Quasi-elementary group, 307

Quasi-regular element, 194

Quasi-regular ideal, 194

Quaternion algebra, 232, 611–615

Quillen, D., 152

Quotient algebra, 61

Quotient object, 18

Rabin, M., 77

Radical (Jacobson) of a ring, 192–197, 392

    of artinian ring, 202

    nil, 392

Ramification index, 588, 637–638

Ramified extension field, 599

Ramified prime, 640, 641

Rank, 414, 418

Real closed field, 632–633, 653–654

    characterization, 674

Real closure of an ordered field, 655–657

Reduced orthogonal group, 240

Reduced product, 87

Reduced word, 87

Rees ring, 438

Regular extension field, 549

Regular ring (in the sense of von Neumann), 196

Reid, J. D., 495

Relation, 54

Representation of a group, 247

    absolutely irreducible, 263

    completely reducible, 253

    conjugate, 255

    contragredient, 251

    disjoint, 302

    equivalence of, 251

    factor, 252

    induced, 288

    irreducible, 253

    irreducible constituents of, 255

    matrix, 248

    permutation, 248

    produced, 299

    regular, 248

    similarity of, 248

    subrepresentation of, 252

    tensor product, 249

    unit, 251

Representation of a ring

    completely reducible, 187

    faithful, 186

    irreducible, 186

    regular, 191

Representations of dihedral group, 261–262

Representations of S„, 265–269

Residue degree, 588, 638

Resolution (of a module), 339–341

    free, 340

    Koszul, 383

    projective, 339

    standard resolution of an algebra, 371–372

    standard resolution of images, 357

Restricted Lie algebra (p-Lie algebra), 531

Restriction of scalars, 291

Retraction, 15

Rim, D. S., 593

Ring of algebraic integers, 284

Ring of endomorphisms, 96, 185

Robinson, A., 77, 651

R-sequence, 454

Sah, H., 630, 634

Saltman, D., 523

Sansuc, J. J., 523

Schanuel’s lemma, 155

Schmidt, F. K., 529, 572, 592

Schreier, O., 327, 368, 501

Schreier refinement theorem, 106

Schur, I., 246, 247, 327, 369

Schur index, 316

Schur relations, 273

Schur’s lemma, 118

Second isomorphism theorem (for Ω-algebras), 65

Section, 15

Semi-direct product, 367

Semi-linear isomorphism, 205

Semi-linear map, 205

Semi-primitive ring, 187, 203

Semi-primitivity of polynomial rings (Amitsur’s theorem), 393

Separability, 525–530

Separability and inseparability degree, 495

Separable algebra, 374

Separable algebraic closure, 490

Separable algebraic extension, 491

Separable extension field, 529

Separable splitting field (of central simple algebra), 495–498

Separably generated extension field, 527

Separating transcendency base, 527

Serre, J. P., 152, 652

Sesquilinear form, 209

    adjoint relative to, 210

Set, I

    directed, 59

Shoda’s theorem, 304

Simple components of semi-simple artinian ring, 204

Skolem–Noether theorem, 222

Snake lemma, 337

Spectrum (prime), 403–408

Spin group, 240

Spinorial norm, 240

Split algebra, 220

Splitting field

    of a central simple algebra, 220–221

    of group, 264

    of a set of polynomials, 467

Springer, T., 655

Sridharan, M. R., 544

Steinitz, E., 123, 466, 620

Stone, M. H., 403

Strongly indecomposable group, 117

Strongly indecomposable module, 112, 114

Sturm, J. F., 650

Sturm’s theorem, 655

Subcategory, 11

Subdirect decomposition of Ω-algebras, 69

Subdirectly irreducible Ω-algebras, 69

Subdirect product of Ω-algebras, 66–70

Subobject, 18

Suslin, A., 152

Swinnerton-Dyer., 523

Sylvester, J. J., 662, 663

Symmetric algebra, 141–142

System of parameters, 454

Tableau (Young), 265

Taketa’s theorem, 311–312

Tamagawa, T., 630

Tarski, A., 52

Tarski’s theorem, 650

Tate, J., 283, 306

Teichmiiller, O., 327

Tensor algebra, 140

Tensor product

    of algebras, 143,

    of fields, 44

    of molecules, 125–133

    of quadratic forms, 644

    of representations, 249

Tensor product functor, 129–130

Terminal object, 36

Thompson, J., 246, 285, 320

Thrall, R. M., 483

Tor, 353–355

Totally disconnected locally compact division rings, 599–608

    structure theorem for, 607

Totally positive elements, 657–660

Trace bilinear form, 641

Transcendency base, 516

    separating, 527

Transcendency degree, 516

Tsen–Lang theorem, 669, 672

Ultrafilter, 76

Ultraproducts, 75–78

    of division rings, 77

    of Ω-algebras, 77

Unipotent, 215

Unirational, 523

Units of polynomial ring (McCoy’s theorem), 393

Universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra, 142–143

Universal map, 42

Universl object, 42

Universals, 40–45

Unramified extension field, 598

Unramified primes, 640

Valence, 78

Valuation, 578–579

    canonical, 578

    definition, 578

    discrete, 590

    exponential, 576

    rank one, 583

Valuation ring, 577

    discrete, 591

Value group, 575

    van Dantzig, D., 600

    van der Waerden, B. L., 87

Varieties (of Ω-algebras), 81–86

    coproducts in, 84

    free algebras for, 82

    internal characterization of, 92

    von Neumann, J., 265

Weber, H., 557

Wedderburn, J. H. M., 184, 327, 485

Wedderburn-Artin theorems, 171–173, 203–204

    matrix formulation, 210

Wedderburn “principal” theorem, 374

Wedderburn theorem (on finite division rings), 225

Weil, A., 549

Well-ordered sets, 3

Weyl, H., 245

Weyl algebra, 192

Whitehead, A. N., 52

Whitehead, J. H. C., 374

Whitney, H., 125

Witt, E., 502, 611

Witt index, 241

Witt vectors, 501–509

    and abelian p-extension, 509–514

Wronskian, 540

Yoneda’s lemma, 39

Young, A., 265

Zariski, O., and Samuel, P., 462, 618

Zariski topology, 403, 430–432

Zassenhaus, H., 367

Zassenhaus’ lemma, 106

Zermelo–Fraenkel axiomatization of set theory, 1, 3

Zero (in a category), 36

Zero divisor of a module, 433

Zorn’s lemma, 2