(Titles are printed in italics, first lines in roman.)
- A battle lost in the cornfields 250
- A bird’s nest lined with leaves and moss 211
- A blade 200
- A Buddha’s sleek tranquillity reflects 191
- A church about to fall 70
- A doctor: for the time’s disease 20
- A fool he is who, collapsed, rises and walks again, 243
- A garden after nightfall rank with the smells 198
- A house of good stone 91
- A kingfisher darting the green scum on a pool 76
- A King made me. Alfred turned 121
- A moving tableau, so to speak 107
- A photograph. It is a woodland place 174
- Adam 89
- The Advent Carols 31
- Aerial Songs 40
- Alkanet 84
- All day to gaze down into a well 14
- All I can do is take you to the edge 173
- All skin and bone, an old Jew, fit to die 252
- All the birds of the region in one room 74
- All the nobility men may know on earth 272
- Amores 105
- An angel here, there a tormented beast 191
- And now the wind rushes through grassy aisles 11
- And then 218
- Anthem 123
- Antiphonal Sonnets 52
- The Apple Trees 176
- Apples 175
- Apples: they clogged the brook 175
- Archaic Torso of Apollo (Rainer Maria Rilke) 273
- The Architect at his Mountain Villa 173
- Arthur Dead 20
- As it Was 191
- At a Friend’s Funeral 153
- At Great Coxwell 176
- At the Grave of Ezra Pound 92
- At the Grave of William Morris 93
- Autumn Begins Restlessly (Miklós Radnóti) 237
- An Autumn Vision 80
- A Baroque Concerto 155
- Because desire is not to be desired 207
- Before the end of daylight, Lord 61
- Behold, the Fowls of the Air 177
- Beside the Autobahn 39
- Bethel 173
- Beyond Recall 35
- Bindweed Song 79
- Bird Watcher 24
- Birdsong and Polyphony 73
- Blackened walls: a Gothic height 10
- Blínd Hómer: this is how he ‘read’ 217
- Blood glistens on the knife 282
- A Blue Tit’s Egg 211
- Born in India where the sun glared 9
- Bottom’s Dream 163
- Brook’s ‘Lear’ 217
- But the trees, Lyubomir, remember the trees 176
- Caedmon of Whitby 113
- Canticle of the Sun (St Francis of Assisi) 269
- Casa Natal de Borges 156
- Cattle browse in the meadow the sprung arch 166
- Cattle Market 72
- Cavalcanti’s Reply (Guido Cavalcanti) 272
- Charon’s Bark 101
- Chiaroscuro 5
- Chiaroscuro: abandoned dark 5
- Chinoiserie: The Porcelain Garden 60
- Chutney 175
- Cinnabar Moth 212
- Civitas 220
- The Coat of Many Colours 70
- Conservancy 83
- The Conversation 192
- Copper beeches, glistening poplars 278
- Cordelia dead, the King dead – oh, and Edmund 217
- A Curse 213
- Cut in stone 155
- Dante to Love’s Faithful (Dante) 272
- Daydreams (György Petri) 258
- Dear Charles 133
- The Dedication 17
- The Desert 199
- The Disenchanted 23
- Dog Rose in June 164
- Don’t let go yet. What was it made you cry 171
- Don’t look, but the sun is setting, and the leaves 148
- The Dream 108
- drove stakes in 220
- Each year it comes round again 226
- The Earth Rising 110
- East Anglian Churchyard 8
- Eighth Eclogue (Miklós Radnóti) 241
- Efface complexity, forget the bond 109
- Electra (György Petri) 256
- Empty, flicked by a fingernail, the bowl 60
- Epitaph 153
- Ever more frightening, ever more rapacious 251
- The Exile 5
- Fake Semblances of Odysseus (György Gömöri) 250
- Fake semblances of Odysseus, we wander over the planet 250
- The Falls 183
- A Farmhouse near Modena, c. 1980 214
- A Far-off Country 219
- Fernando Pessoa’s Lisbon 153
- Fin de Siècle 148
- First Eclogue (Miklós Radnóti) 233
- Foaming Sky (Miklós Radnóti) 236
- Fonte Branda in Siena 94
- For my Daughter’s Wedding 174
- For some, pagan. The dawn dimly wakes 196
- For the first time in months I find I can calmly survey the wreckage 208
- For the Fly-Leaf of a King James Bible 51
- Forced March (Miklós Radnóti) 243
- Fragment 218
- Freckled like the brow 211
- The French Prisoner (János Pilinszky) 247
- From a Notebook: Bon on Lake Geneva (Czesław Miłosz) 278
- From Bulgaria, wild and swollen, the noise of cannon rolls 244
- from his high perch 40
- From the hollowed heads of sunflowers 281
- The Garden 109
- Garden on Istenhegy (Miklós Radnóti) 231
- Gaudier-Brzeska in the Trenches 213
- Genealogy: The Portrait 9
- Ghostliness 189
- The Goldsmith 22
- Gothic Polyphony 53
- Grace 125
- Gratitude (György Petri) 255
- Great Coxwell tithe-barn (William Morris said) 176
- Greensleeves 165
- Gregoire, 60 212
- Hagia Sophia (Osip Mandelstam) 283
- Hagia Sophia – the Lord decreed that here 283
- Hail! How well you endure this rugged mountain walk! 241
- Harbach 1944 (János Pilinszky) 246
- Healer 198
- Henri Gaudier 154
- Her narrow life has straitened to this room 32
- Here for your pleasure 170
- here lies a man 92
- Here the waters converge and in their fork 124
- The Heron 144
- High over our bed, a wasp 280
- Holiness, not wholeness. If I touched 190
- The Holy of Holies 168
- Home 49
- Homecoming 50
- Hornets (Lyubomir Nikolov) 281
- Hortus Conclusus. The locked gates inspire 195
- House-martin 121
- His inlaid gold hoards light 25
- I am a keeper of flocks 276
- I am a poet and unnecessary 235
- I am convolvulus 79
- I am haunted by this memory of the falls 183
- I call this latest book Adversity 105
- I dreamed we met in Borgo Sansepolcro 197
- I glance down at my shoe and – there’s the lace! 256
- I hate and love. You may well ask why so 269
- I have been faithful to the text, after my own fashion 157
- I have come now to the long arc of shadow 270
- I keep on seeing them: a shaft 246
- I keep two journals. In the first one there’s 102
- I lay where I had fallen 165
- ‘I leave to the blind and deaf’ (Fernando Pessoa) 274
- I leave to the blind and deaf 274
- I look from afar. We stand in darkness. 31
- I miss you. I hate you 208
- I must have been just eight – it was 1953 217
- I think of this as of a conversation 192
- I threw up watchtowers taller than my need 5
- I walk along the corridor, my tears 261
- I was a weaver, and I wove 163
- I woke to nobody. Desire. Intent. 102
- I’d seen it before but had not heard it named 84
- If only I could forget him, the Frenchman 247
- Il Palazzo della Ragione 33
- I’m going to die, and pretty soon too 260
- Imprecision of the senses at midday 35
- IN 180
- In a doorway, I swear 170
- In dreams, in bombed-out houses 80
- In Hospital 218
- In John the Pisan’s statue, at Siena 22
- In Malignant Times 20
- In Memoriam Graham Davies, Psychotherapist 136
- In the Beginning 180
- In the Conservatory 211
- In the dark, the grey 214
- In the first place, a medieval childhood 194
- In the Greenwood 108
- In the hedgerows 41
- In the Library 166
- In the Margins of the Prophet Habakkuk (Miklós Radnóti) 232
- In The New Era coffee house, that’s where 149
- In this house lived in 1877 95
- In your quiet room, the flux of candlelight 207
- The Infinite Variety 74
- Into destruction I would bring 258
- Introitus (János Pilinszky) 249
- The Invalid Storyteller 6
- Invocation 67
- It is not just the sex 221
- It is sunk deep, this 39
- It returns to the same nest. The watcher lies 24
- It’s hard to imagine 261
- It’s long since we last met here. Did the song of the thrushes call you? 233
- It’s the being left behind 101
- It was your room they moved me to 17
- Job (Domokos Szilágyi) 252
- Kaspar Hauser 126
- The Keeper of Flocks (Fernando Pessoa/‘Alberto Caeiro’) 276
- King Alfred’s Book 121
- The Kitchen Table 97
- The Labour Ward (Anna T. Szabó) 261
- Lace, we remember, faded lace 6
- Ladder 171
- The Language of Flowers 208
- The Law of the House 91
- Learning to Read 211
- Letter from a Declining Empire (György Gömöri) 251
- Letter to J.A. Cuddon 133
- like the heart’s arrow 121
- Likeness 22
- Lindisfarne Sacked 121
- The Long Climb 12
- Look: snow on Helvellyn’s peak 145
- ‘Lop-sided,’ you once told me: more sensitive 193
- Making a home was 97
- The Manor House 122
- Maundy Thursday (Jenő Dsida) 231
- Meditation 207
- Message 208
- Migrant 39
- Much Ado about Nothing 167
- My amulet against the shocks of time 107
- My emblem for her – delicate wild flower 208
- My Great Aunt, Nearing Death 32
- The Names of Flowers 199
- Narcissus, Echo 31
- The Natural History of the Rook 47
- Near Walsingham 48
- The Need for Angels 200
- The New Era 149
- The Nice and the Nasty 208
- Night (Miklós Radnóti) 238
- No connection. The train would be six hours 231
- No moon 34
- Not angels these; although 69
- Not far from here, though hidden, is the source 182
- Not hate-mail: love-letters 207
- not that run 12
- Not to be known, the inconceivable 273
- Now, in our needy time 51
- Now Only (György Petri) 255
- now only the filthy pattering of rain 255
- Nū scylun hergan hefaenrīcaes Uard 113
- O Ancient Prisons (Miklós Radnóti) 240
- O my good Lord, almighty and most high 269
- O my love is like an 165
- O peace of ancient prisons, beautiful 240
- O Redwing 39
- Oasis 109
- ‘Odi et amo’ (Catullus) 269
- Olivier Messiaen 157
- On gleaming flagstones 34
- On the Demolition of the ‘Kite’ District 32
- On the Devil’s Dyke 41
- On the massive grey stone shutters (by stone rings 22
- On the smashed hearthstone or the fallen lintel 32
- One steps clear of the others, stands 249
- Only reflection sanctifies 31
- Overnight Snow 174
- Padre Pio 193
- The Parable of the Sower 57
- Paris (Miklós Radnóti) 239
- Passing the central Palace (called ‘of Reason’) 33
- The Passion at Ravensbrück (János Pilinszky) 249
- The Peaceable Kingdom 58
- Piero’s ‘Resurrection’ (1) 196
- Piero’s ‘Resurrection’ (2) 197
- The Pig Man 125
- Pink petals flare in the hedge 164
- Plain, square, modern, small 153
- A Plaque 95
- Plenty 175
- Pony and Boy 33
- Postcards (Miklós Radnóti) 244
- Post-war Childhoods 81
- Prayer for my Children 61
- Privation for the poor 18
- Psalm 124
- ‘Pure mathematics!’ That’s what you exclaimed 155
- Ragwort and mallow, toadflax and willow-herb 79
- ‘Ramshackle loveliness’ was the phrase I wrote 122
- A Recognition (György Petri) 259
- Recorded Message 170
- The Rector 18
- Remembering John Heath-Stubbs 217
- Report from Nowhere 221
- Re-reading my Poem, ‘Saxon Buckle’ 107
- Restless the sun erupts, it’s lapped today 237
- Rich colour signifies deep inwardness 70
- Riding at anchor, ships from the New World 23
- The River in Springtime 122
- Romanus Sum (István Vas) 245
- Romanus sum – and I held my hand in fire 245
- The Ruin 166
- The Ruined Abbey 11
- St Francis Preaching to the Birds 69
- St George’s Day (Lyubomir Nikolov) 282
- Salt-bleached marble, the green stain of seaweed 54
- Sanctuary 22
- The San Damiano Crucifix 70
- Samphire and mare’s tail and the salt marsh 85
- Saxon Buckle 25
- ‘Say, poet, what it is you do’ (Rainer Maria Rilke) 274
- Say, poet, what it is you do. – I praise 274
- Scaling Carp (Lyubomir Nikolov) 281
- The Second Day 196
- Seely or silly? 72
- Sestina (Dante) 270
- Shakespeare 217
- Shakespeare: imagine him 212
- She betrays me, she leaves me 265
- She Leaves Me (Anna T. Szabó) 265
- The Sidney Carol 226
- signifying 167
- Slowly the knife’s grown over with blood and scales 281
- A Smile (György Petri) 260
- Soft and Hard Porn 146
- The Source 182
- Space: tall, with no horizon. Plainsong scales 53
- Spare me, Lord, for my days are nothing 153
- The Sparking of the Forge 7
- Spiritual Biography 194
- Springs rise where saints have prayed 48
- Stairs (György Petri) 254
- Stigmata 190
- Stiffened and shrunk by age, my grandfather 7
- Stone Work 155
- Strong drink 96
- Summer has fallen asleep, it drones, and a grey veil 231
- Suppose a man were dying and this sound 52
- Suppose him to be a person 123
- Symmetry 193
- The Temple of Aphrodite 102
- Terror stalks this land where once King Arthur 20
- ‘That fucking whore-madonna…’ and a fart 193
- The birds in this illuminated manuscript 73
- The cameras flash and he lurches into light 125
- The country you have come to 219
- The day’s magnificent: the sky brushed clear 213
- The dragon prows. Dragons’ tongues 121
- The heart is asleep and, in the heart, anxiety 238
- The heron nests in the mountains 144
- The host 189
- The idiotic silence of state holidays 255
- The land low-lying – the fen drained 8
- The lone man harkens to the calm voice 49
- The man of sorrows sleeps, his blood congealed 196
- The men who first set foot on the bleached waste 110
- The moon bobs on the sky’s foam 236
- The pony presses 33
- The river seems alive 122
- The rooks are Gothick which have brought to mind 47
- The secret adventures of order 156
- The sower goes out to sow. His sense and form 57
- The sun was going down and in low spirits 218
- The terms of the analogy are strained 109
- The time’s demons had all but quelled 21
- The weather-beaten captain of a small riverboat 259
- The world is sunk in darkness 177
- The year goes out in wrath. And through the winter 50
- then broke in and found nothing 168
- There are star-crystals shining white on the blank earth 174
- There was a rhythm in my sleep 275
- ‘There was a rhythm in my sleep’ (Fernando Pessoa) 275
- These were the buds that tipped desire 83
- Thirst 76
- This is my curse 213
- This is the world (the painter says) 68
- This is your poem of fields and flocks and flowers 76
- This morning, as I watch my son 58
- Though our affair is over, it does seem 208
- Three Brueghel Paintings 68
- Time and again I turn to you, to poems 182
- To a Buddhist 207
- To a Poet from Eastern Europe, 1988 96
- To Be Said Over and Over Again (György Petri) 256
- To every noble heart these words may move 272
- To George Herbert 182
- To Haydn and Mozart 96
- To his Muse 208
- To Imre Nagy (György Petri) 257
- To Nicholas Hawksmoor 54
- To One who Accused him of Writing Hate-mail 207
- To Paint a Salt Marsh 85
- To Pyrrha 146
- To Robert Wells 76
- To stay anxiety I engrave this gold 22
- To Thom Gunn, on his Sixtieth Birthday 131
- Transference 107
- The Translator’s Apology 157
- Two Cambridge Images 34
- Two Journals 102
- Unanswering voice 67
- Under those heads, an argument of coils 108
- Vacations 145
- A Valedictory Ode 225
- Van Gogh’s Prayer (János Pilinszky) 250
- Venice 54
- Victorian Gothic 10
- A Vision 170
- The Visit to La Verna 190
- Visitation 143
- Walled Garden 195
- A Wasp (Lyubomir Nikolov) 280
- We think we detect a date 55
- What a Shame (György Petri) 259
- What a shame to die this way 259
- What is it this cacophony 157
- What skinny lad, sweet-smelling, rubbed with oil 146
- What they think is it’s the twists and turns of politics 256
- What time is there 212
- When, as at Beverley Minster or All Souls 54
- When Jacob in the desert stopped 173
- When Michael Ryan in that forest glade 108
- When you spoke, after dinner 125
- Where the pavement of the Boulevard Saint Michel 239
- where you lie 93
- Who are you that have stepped into the light 143
- Who wanted to be a horseman 126
- Who was it invented 254
- Who will open the book which is now closed? 249
- Whole cities 232
- Why do the robin and the butterfly 153
- Wild Flowers 79
- Wild garlic, bugloss, toadflax – how you relished 199
- Wisdom must be a Lady, Saint Sophia, 225
- Without (György Petri) 261
- Wonderwoman 165
- Wood Work 154
- A Woodland Scene 55
- Word drunk they called him. Well 182
- Work 89
- Written in a Copy of ‘Steep Path’ (Miklós Radnóti) 235
- W.S. Graham Reading 182
- You are knackered, my Catullus (György Petri) 254
- You are knackered, my Catullus, you wake with a skull 254
- You at your book. Me unable to read 166
- You, born in Tokyo 81
- You, invisible, once again, I address 136
- You lead me to the desert. As we go 199
- You turn the page 146
- You were both endowed with flair and with, no doubt 96
- You were impersonal, too, like the other leaders 257
- You were the man who named the birds 211
- ‘You who, believing in your Christs and Marys’ (Fernando Pessoa/‘Ricardo Reis’) 277
- You who, believing in your Christs and Marys 277
- You won’t recall them now – ‘The Burial Mound’ 131