Cultura Caffè cultura, page 4 1. invite you for coffee 2. a very strong/concentrated coffee 3. You will receive your coffee in a glass. Il mammone, page 6 1. parents, children, grandparents, aunts, and uncles 2. 45% 3. scarcity of jobs, low wages, and high costs of living Stereotipi: veri o falsi?, page 8 1. romanticism, fashion, excessive gestures, being noisy, musical talents 2. the flag 3. spaghetti or pasta L’oro di Napoli, page 10 1. Greeks 2. pizza, spaghetti, ragu, mozzarella La città eterna, page 12 1. history and architecture 2. the enjoyable lifestyle La cultura del vino, page 14 1. the land of wine and vineyards 2. optimal climate and variety of the land/soil 3. Piemonte has big reds like Barolo and Barbaresco. Friuli has big whites that are elegant and aromatic. Il passatempo nazionale, page 16 1. England, 18th century 2. prints on pink paper 3. campanilistico, people only interested in their cause La passeggiata, page 18 1. piazza; the pulsating heart of the city 2. trades, fairs, markets, executions 3. playing cards
Viaggi Le Cinque Terre, page 24 1. A strip of land that contains five villages 2. drystone walls 3. created the “via dell’amore” Città d’arte e d’amore, page 25 1. the story of Romeo and Juliet, architecture and art 2. Roman, Gothic, Medieval, and the Renaissance 3. the red marble fountain, the statue of Madonna Verona, the column of San Marco, and the statue of Leone Vacanze ad Alghero, page 26 1. Catalonia in Spain 2. relax on the beach, swim, sunbathe 3. Nuraghe, a stone dwelling La città di Siena, page 28 1. that you feel you have been transported to medieval times and the buildings are so well preserved 2. It is shaped like a shell. 3. game, wild boar sauce, la ribollita (pasta made by hand), cabbage and bean soup Brindisi e San Teodoro, page 30 1. a fishing competition 2. la Santa Messa; a fireworks show 3. The remains arrived wrapped in silver and gold, arranged in an arc, and the sides covered in silver. On the relic were scenes depicting the life of the saint. Le colline umbre, page 32 1. It doesn’t have access to the sea. 2. Assisi 3. It is perched on a hill of olive trees, it has many fountains and piazzas and great buildings. La costiera amalfitana, page 34 1. fishermen and agriculture 2. paper, macaroni, mills 3. the conservatory of San Giuseppe and San Teresa where a liqueur called il Concerto is made Venezia romantica, page 36 1. crowds and high prices 2. a typical Venice tavern or bar 3. meatballs and mixed fried foods
Tradizione Le maschere veneziane, page 44 1. They guaranteed people anonymity and the ability to forget the strong divisions of the people. 2. a cat 3. a small velvet mask with refined veils Il presepe, page 45 1. by hand 2. Christmas Eve 1223; daily life during the nativity 3. at church Agriturismo, page 46 1. The agriculture community (farming) went through a crisis and farmers abandoned their land to find work in the city. People started businesses to integrate cultivating and caring for the land with tourism. 2. The farmers’ land is cared for and the traveler gets to experience and enjoy the food and rural lifestyle of Italy. 3. riding stables, swimming pools, tennis courts Il Natale italiano, page 48 1. colorful balls and lights 2. to eat and drink and play cards 3. fish La Pasqua, page 52 1. snow-white cows 2. the white dove of Easter 3. 20 minutes Buon anno!, page 54 1. You go to the window and throw bits of glass and kitchen objects to drive away the bad that has accumulated throughout the year. 2. to celebrate the arrival of the new year and to drive away bad spirits 3. lentils and grapes Se mangi italiano, page 56 1. five courses; antipasto, first dish, second dish, side dishes, dessert 2. polenta with black cuttlefish and bigoli pasta with sweet and sour sardine sauce 3. la ribollita, a Tuscan soup; pasta with porcini mushrooms; and panforte, a special cake made in Sienna Le tradizioni di matrimonio, page 58 1. In Northern Italy the wedding may be smaller and moderate. In Southern Italy the wedding may be large with hundreds of guests. 2. They are colorful. 3. He serenades her.
Celebrazione La Festa della Repubblica, page 64 1. Fourth of July 2. 85 3. It affirms that the Italian Republic is a democratic society founded for the work and the sovereignty of the people. Festa de la Madonna Bruna, page 65 1. July 2. It starts at the Piccianello church and it ends at the piazzale del Duomo. Autunno in festa, page 66 1. mushrooms, chestnuts, pumpkins, meat, sausages, bread 2. basil; Liguria 3. The girls of the village crush the grapes with their bare feet. Calendimaggio, page 68 1. a spiritual capital of Italy 2. spring 3. the delivery of the key to the city; the mayor Ferragosto, page 70 1. a celebration in August (Feriae Augusti) 2. the beach, the sea 3. getting hit with a water balloon C’era una volta a Gubbio, page 72 1. wolves 2. wax candlesticks; a wooden structure Festival di Spoleto, page 74 1. Gian Carlo Menotti; to make the artistic worlds of Europe and America meet. 2. The exhibition “Sculture nella città” (Sculpture of the City) 3. towering over the train station Il Palio, page 76 1. six 2. three 3. Mass, “messa del Fantino”
Biografia La voce baciata da Dio, page 88 1. Ghirlandina Tower, Duomo, Piazza Grande, and the production of salami and parmesan 2. His father was an amateur singer in a choir and he passed on his passion for opera to Pavarotti. 3. Luciano Pavarotti, José Carreras, and Placido Domingo Sofia Loren, page 89 1. fourteen 2. Aida 3. Vittorio De Sica; L’ Oro di Napoli Marco Polo, page 90 1. The precise date is not known; it is believed he was born around 1254. 2. Marco Polo’s father and Kublai Khan 3. Christopher Columbus Galileo Galilei, page 94 1. the birth of modern science 2. He discovered the moons of Jupiter. 3. He proposed that the sun was the center of the universe. Lucrezia Borgia, page 95 1. seven children and three husbands 2. He makes her get married. 3. She is loved and respected by her subjects and her husband. Caterina de Medici, page 96 1. She was forced to marry young; her husband had a mistress, Diana de Poitiers. 2. gelato and sorbet 3. cutlery, specifically forks Architetto italiana, page 98 1. Guglielmo di Marsiglia, Andrea Del Sarto, and Michelangelo 2. A passage/bridge that connects the Uffizi with Palazzo Pitti. 3. Delle vite de più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architettori Leggenda vivente del calcio, page 99 1. a knee injury 2. 27 goals in 56 games
Costume Costume della cucina Italiana, page 108 1. remain sitting at the table 2. hot and frothy 3. An after-dinner drink such as a bottle of limoncello, grappa, or amaro. Espressioni idiomatiche, page 110 1. To touch the sky, to be happy because you have obtained something that you desired. 2. Toccare ferro 3. In bocca al lupo Galateo degli affari, page 112 1. seven seconds 2. present your credit card to pay for the meal 3. blue or gray 4. reassured and appreciated Saluti e buone maniere, page 114 1. enthusiasm and personality 2. “Le presento…” 3. use the term “signora” 4. a tray of sweets bought at a bakery Gesti Italiani, page 118 1. Raise your index and middle finger with the palm facing out. 2. veni qui (come here) 3. perfetto (perfect)
Le Arti La musica folk italiana, page 124 1. the instruments and the dances 2. fast 3. Tarantola (tarantula); part of the dance is related to the bite of the spider and the convulsive dance movements Strumenti musicali italiani, page 125 1. a smooth shape that reminds people of a goose without a head 2. pipes inserted in a leather bottle and function with an air tank 3. bamboo and animal skin La letteratura italiana, page 126 1. Latin 2. the arrogance of his thoughts, vividness, fluidity of his verse and his imagination 3. hell, purgatory, and paradise Paese di cantanti e poeti, page 128 1. the evolving country, the artistic literary movement, and historical changes 2. the house of Count Bardi; to create something where they could merge theatre and music – the operatta was born 3. easy listening Liscio e balere, page 130 1. Because of the way the dancers drag their feet across the floor, in a smooth manner 2. Secondo Casadei 3. older people, adults Musei di Roma, page 132 1. Capitoline Museum 2. surgical instruments, anatomical models, accessories used in medicine and pharmacies 3. La Crypta dei Cappuccini; a cemetery L’arte del mosaico, page 135 1. “musa” or decoration 2. marble, precious stones, onyx 3. The Basilica San Vitale in Ravenna Sculture italiane, page 138 1. 1501 and 1504 2. a white marble statue made by Michelangelo; the San Pietro Basilica, in the Vatican 3. a statue that represents an athlete throwing the discus; it has been lost
Storia Gli stemmi, page 146 1. the shield 2. the king; nobility Il tricolore, page 147 1. The stripes went from horizontal to vertical and the color green became the first color. 2. Green represents the Italian meadows, white represents snow, and red represents the blood from war. 3. justice, equality, and fraternity (brotherhood) La reggia di Caserta, page 148 1. Versailles 2. rich with woods, at the foot of Mount Tifatini 3. 1,200 Monumenti italiani famosi, page 150 1. Flavio Amphitheater 2. a white monument constructed out of limestone with towers in the center of Piazza Venezia 3. It became the tomb of the unknown soldier, the burial site of a soldier who died during The First World War. Imperatore di Roma, page 152 1. ambitious and unscrupulous 2. pensions, abolition of expensive gladiator shows, cut lawyer fees, abolition of taxes on goods 3. He ran back to Rome to check on the people and to organize a rescue. La Torre di Pisa, page 155 1. a bell tower 2. soft clay Personaggi famosi nella storia, page 156 1. China 2. a famous Italian painter and sculptor 3. Botticelli L’epoca del Rinascimento, page 158 1. The Age of Enlightenment 2. space, play of shadow and light, and the use of color in a new/innovative way 3. the keyboard
Geografia I mari d’Italia, page 166 1. Europe, Asia, and Africa 2. spring and summer months; because of the nice climate 3. the islands Istria and Dalmazia on the eastern coast Il fiume più lungo, page 168 1. Eridanio; river that runs toward the sea 2. Ticino 3. a flood; 38 towns were flooded and 100 people lost their lives Isole italiane, page 172 1. Sicily 2. Sardinia 3. about 8 miles Le spiagge italiane, page 174 1. awards given to the cleanest beaches 2. bird watching 3. lined with high cliffs, beaches have pebbles and gravel rather than sand L’Italia delle grotte, page 176 1. la Grotta Gigante in Friuli 2. It is historically significant because of archeological findings and studies being conducted there. 3. stalagmites shaped like the leaning tower of Pisa 4. You can enter only by boat. Laghi italiani, page 178 1. Lago di Garda and Benaco 2. Borromee, an island that is a tourist destination 3. an upside down “Y” 4. olive trees, orchards, and vineyards
Gastronomia Olio d’oliva, page 184 1. to fight/lower cholesterol 2. by hand 3. creates little waste, it avoids causing damage, and you can better tell if the olives are mature/ripe Il tiramisù, page 185 1. “zuppa del Granduca” 2. lady fingers 3. smooth and frothy Cucina del nord e del sud, page 186 1. The south cooks with oil and the north cooks with butter. 2. Because in Rome, butter was used as an ointment, not as a seasoning. 3. the climate La pasta, page 188 1. paintings of kitchenwares and rolling pins similar to the ones used for the preparation of stuffed pasta 2. a bowl full of macaroni 3. sugar La storia della pizza, page 190 1. picea 2. calzone, a thin pastry that is rolled up and stuffed with tomato and shaped like a half moon 3. Gennaro Lombardi opened the first pizzeria in New York City in 1905. Gli italiani e l’antipasto, page 192 1. Sundays or holidays 2. Bruschetta is a slice of toasted bread with fresh tomatoes, oil, and garlic. Crostino is a slice of bread with different types of pâté. 3. basil and parsley, salami, or prosciutto rolled into the shape of flowers; sauces used to create artistic lines and circles Le braciole, page 197 1. Sunday is the only day you are allowed to eat meat. 2. use a toothpick or string 3. with a white sauce and swordfish Risotto: leggenda e storia, page 198 1. frying, toasting, cooking 2. stomach problems and to make the skin luminous 3. a pleasant aroma of hazelnuts