by Michael Brune (Executive Director, Sierra Club)
2. Early Conservation Photography
The Impact of Film Photography
Publishing Spreads the Message
4. Light: Quantity, Quality, and Direction
Quality of Light, Mood, and White Balance
6. In the Field: What Do I Photograph?
Rule Number One: Forget All Rules
Capture the Essence of the Place
Revealing Elements of the Scene
8. Picture Dynamics: Creating the Strongest Images
Use the Terrain to Your Advantage
Use Black & White for Emphasis
Ethics in Wildlife Photography
11. Digital Processing & Filing
12. Working with Organizations (Or Creating Your Own)
Hells Canyon Preservation Council
Tailor Your Program to Fit the Audience
14. Video (or Cinematography) 101
Tom Dudzinski’s Ten Tips for Shooting Video
Stabilize the Camera, Even When Handholding
15. Interviews with Conservation Photographers