ONEThe Inspector Puts Pen to Paper and Makes History
TWOPrisse, like Moses, Carries Home Stone Tablets and Paper Scrolls
THREEThe Undertaker’s Special and the World’s First Bestseller
FOURThe Book of the Dead, Guardian of Immortality
FIVEPapyrus Paper, Your Ticket to Paradise
SIXThe Sands of the Nile Give Up their Treasures
SEVENThe Affair of the Oranges
PART IIEgypt, Papermaker to the World
NINEThe Birth of Memphis and Paper
TWELVEGrowing and Managing Papyrus for Paper
THIRTEENThe Emperor and the Lewd Papermaker
FOURTEENTaking on the World—and Leaving a Legacy
FIFTEENEarly Libraries, Paper, and the Writing Business
SIXTEENA Library to End All Libraries and the Sweet Smell of History
SEVENTEENThe Romans and the Book Trade
NINETEENThose Precious, Tender-hearted Scrolls
TWENTY-ONEMedia One Makes Its Mark in the World
TWENTY-TWOThe Last Bastion, the Church of Rome
TWENTY-THREEConstantinople and the Long Goodbye
TWENTY-FOUREnd of the Road and the Battle of the Talas River
TWENTY-FIVEThe Mystery of the Disappearing Plant
TWENTY-SIXThe Pharaoh’s Own Conquers the Vatican