
dealing with 201–3

description of 194–5

emotional 200–1

emotional blackmail 185–94

in families 73–6

in friendships 53–6

gaslighting 74–6, 190

online 118–20

physical 195–8

sexual 198–9

in sexual attraction 91–2


in long-term relationships 216–20

acronyms for online dating 126–30

addictions of partner 178–80

adult children 248–9

age of consent 57–8, 110

Alderson, N. 118


description of 30–1

and sexual attraction 95–7

Ashley Madison 137–8

babies 239–41


in non-sexual relationships 116–18

at parties 46–9

and sexual attraction 82–5, 89–91

in workplace 41–4


dating 150

description of 28–30

and sexual attraction 102–3

bondage 233–4


description of 56

good relationship with 59–60

sexual relationships with 57–8, 60–1

and sexually transmittable infections 58–9


in workplace 38

Bumble 134

casual relationships

description of 63–4

example of 64–6


and parties 46–9

in workplace 43

Cham, J. 36, 37

changing sexuality 103–5

childlessness, choosing 250–3


as adults 248–9

abuse of 71–2, 73–4

babies 239–41

choosing to have 250–3

effect on relationships 237–9

and homosexual parents 28

infants 243–4

pregnancy 240, 241–3

school aged 244–6

teenagers 246–7

toddlers 243–4

chlamydia 262–4

civil partnerships

description of 68–9

ending 176–7 see also long-term relationships


and sexual attraction 85–8

Cloud, H. 55


in long-term relationships 209–13

compliments 92–3


in long-term relationships 216–20

condoms 58–9, 257–9

consent, age of 57–8, 110

contraception 259–60

crabs 269–70

cyber safety 138–40


deciding against sexual relationships 155–7

moving to from online 159–60

starting 144–52

transition to sexual relationship 152–5

dating sites 126–33, 135–40

dental dams 258

domination 234

dress codes 86–7

E-Harmony 135–6

Ellis, H. 235

emotional abuse 200–1

emotional blackmail

and ending relationships 185–94


at end of relationships 180–5

ending relationships

addictions 178–80

civil partnerships 176–7

emotional blackmail 185–94

emotions 180–5

friendships 166–74

marriages 176–7

objectification 185

online 162–3

real-life 163

reasons for 178–203

sexual relationships 174–5

workplace relationships 164–6

escort services 66–7


non-sexual relationships on 118–20


abuse in 73–6

advice for 77–8

autism diagnosis in 76–7

relationships with 74

Fausto-Sterling, A. 22

Federal Trade Commission 140

feelings of sexual attraction 89–92

Fifty Shades of Grey 235

flirting 83–5, 94–5

foreplay 231–2

Freud, S. 234–5

friendliness 53


abuse 53–6

advice for 50–3, 121–2

benefits of 49

description of 44–5

duration of 40–50

ending 166–74

and friendliness 53

friends with benefits 61–3

good friendships 50–3

pretend friendships


and emotional blackmail 190

in families 74–6

gay see homosexuality


forms of 11–12, 21, 24

intersex 21–3

and sexuality 9, 24–5

genital herpes 260–2


description of 56

good relationship with 59–60

sexual relationships with 57–8, 60–1

and sexually transmittable infections 58–9

gonorrhoea 266–7

good friendships 50–3

Grindr 135

herpes 260–2

‘hidden curriculum’ 14, 20

HIV/AIDS 271–5

hepatitis 270–1


description of 25–6

and sexual attraction 97–9

homeschooling 245–6


civil partnerships 68–9

dating 150

description of 26–8

hook-up apps 135

meeting others 106, 107

and one night stands 67–8

and sexual attraction 98, 99–101 see also lesbians


in long-term relationships 210–11

hook-up apps 133–5, 138–40

Hull, C. 22

husbands see spouse

infants 243–4

intersections of relationships 19


description of 21–3

risks of 107

Kendall, J.C. 195


in long-term relationships 213–16

Krafft-Ebing, R. von 234


civil partnerships 68–9

dating 150

dating sites 136

meeting others 106, 107

and one night stands 67–8

relationships in 27–8

and sexual attraction 98, 99–101 see also homosexuality

long-term relationships, maintaining

acceptance in 216–20

attitudes to money in 205–7, 208

communication in 209–13

compromise in 216–20

honesty in 210–11

kindness in 213–16

living together 204–5

trust in 207–9


ending 176–7

and relationships 69

and sexual relationships 69–70

sharing responsibilities in 70–1 see also long-term relationships

masturbation 225–8 135–6

meeting people 141–4

mental health

in relationships 254–6

mindfulness 182


attitudes to 205–7, 208

monogamous relationships

for heterosexuals 25–6

for homosexuals 27–8

and marriage 69

non-consensual sex 71–3

non-sexual relationships

behaviour in 116–18

online 118–20 see also friendships

objectification 185


description of 31

and sexual attraction 102–3

one night stands 66–8

online relationships

abuse on 118–20

cyber safety in 138–40

dating sites 126–33, 135–40

ending 162–3

hook-up apps 133–5, 138–40

moving to real life meeting 159–60

scammers 139–40

non-sexual relationships 118–20

and sexuality 107–8

starting sexual relationships on 123–6

open relationships

for heterosexuals 26

for homosexuals 28

and sexual relationships 113–15

orgasms 112–13

paedophilia 71–2, 110


description of 31

and sexual attraction 102–3


expectations at 46–9


description of 68–9

and sexual relationships 69–70

sharing responsibilities with 70–1 see also long-term relationships

physical abuse 195–8

physical health

in relationships 254–6

Pink Sofa 136

Planet Drew 11

polyamorous relationships

for heterosexuals 26

and sexual relationships 113–15


description of 31

pornography 125–6, 222–4

pregnancy 240, 241–3

prostitution 66–7

Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing) 234

pubic lice 260–70

rape 72–3


advice for 275–6

for bisexuals 30

boyfriends 56–61

children in 237–49

difficulties with 12

ending 161–77, 178–203

families 73–8

friends with benefits 61–3

friendships 44–5, 49–56, 61–3

girlfriends 56–61

for heterosexuals 25–6

‘hidden curriculum’ of 14

for homosexuals 26–8

intersections of 19

maintaining long-term 204–20

mental health in 254–6

monogamous 25–6

open 26

partners 68–71

physical health in 254–6

polyamorous 26

spouses 68–71

transition to sexual relationship 152–5

in universities 37

in workplace 35–44

Roundsly, C.A. 33

sadomasochism 86, 229–30, 234–5

safe people 55–6

safe sex 257–60

safe words 229–30

scabies 267–9

scammers 139–40

school aged children 244–6

Second Life

and sexual attraction 94–5

starting sexual relationships on 124–5

sex toys 228

sex work 66–7

sexual abuse 198–9

sexual activity

contraception 259–60

description of 221–2

foreplay 231–2

forms of 231–6

masturbation 225–8

pleasures of 109–13

and pornography 222–4

sadomasochism 229–30, 234–5

safe sex 257–60

sex toys 228

sexual attraction

and abuse 91–2

advice for 88

and asexuality 95–7

and behaviour 82–5, 89–91

bisexuality 102–3

and clothing 85–8

description of 80–2

feelings of 89–92

flirting 83–5

heterosexuality 97–9

homosexuality 98, 99–101

ominsexuality 102–3

pansexuality 102

talking 92–5

sexual difficulties 157–8

sexual relationships

boyfriends 56–61

casual relationships 63–6

deciding against 155–7

and emotions 73

ending 174–5

forms of 19–20

friends with benefits 61–3

and friendships 44–5, 61–3

girlfriends 56–61

‘hidden curriculum’ of 14, 20

meeting people to start 141–4

non-consensual 71–3

one night stands 66–8

partners 69–70

spouses 69–70

transition to 152–5

in the workplace 35–6


asexuality 30–1

bisexuality 28–30

changing 103–5

cultural acceptance of 79–80, 100

definition of 19

discovering other people’s 106–8

and gender 9, 24–5

heterosexuality 25–6

homosexuality 26–8

omnisexuality 31

pansexuality 31

polysexuality 31

and sexual attraction 80–2

transsexuality 32–4

sexually transmittable infections (STIs)

chlamydia 262–4

and condoms 257–9

crabs 269–70

genital herpes 260–2

gonorrhoea 266–7

hepatitis 270–1

HIV/AIDS 271–5

pubic lice 269–70

scabies 267–9

syphilis 264–6


at parties 48–9

in workplace 40–1

speed dating 146–7


description of 68–9

and sexual relationships 69–70

sharing responsibilities with 70–1 see also long-term relationships

Stien, P. 195

Studies in the Psychology of Sex (Ellis) 235

syphilis 264–6


and sexual attraction 92–5

teenagers 246–7

texting 72

Tinder 133–4

toddlers 243–4

Townsend, J. 55

transition to sexual relationship 152–5


description of 32–4

risks of 107

True Selves (Roundsly) 33


in long-term relationships 207–9


parties at 46

relationships in 37

unsafe people 55–6

videoing sexual activity 72

virginity 109–10

wives see spouse

workplace relationships

advice for 43–4

behaviours in 41–4

celebrations 43

at conferences 42–3

ending 164–6

problems with 37–9

and sexual relationships 35–6

social interactions 40–1

socializing 40–1

understanding autism 39–40

work events 41–4

Zhang, Y. 82