Pattern-Based Approach to Diagnosis
Chapter 1: Spongiotic Dermatitis
Forms of Eczematous Dermatitis
Other Manifestations of Spongiotic (Eczematous) Dermatitis
Other Conditions for which Spongiosis Is a Microscopic Hallmark
Chapter 2: Erythemas with Perivascular Inflammation
Chapter 3: Psoriasiform and Lichenoid Dermatitis
Chapter 4: Vesiculobullous and Selected Pustular Disorders
Conditions Associated with Vessel Occlusion
Other Conditions Associated with Vessel Injury
Chapter 6: Nutritional Deficiency and Gastrointestinal Disease
Selected Nutritional Deficiency Disorders
Cutaneous Manifestations of Selected Gastrointestinal Diseases
Lobular or Mixed Septal-Lobular Panniculitis
Malignancy and Panniculitis or Panniculitis-like Subcutaneous Infiltration
Other Considerations in the Diagnosis of Panniculitis
Chapter 8: Connective Tissue Disorders
Sclerosing Conditions of the Skin
Xanthomas and Selected Lipid Storage Diseases
Chapter 10: Degenerative Diseases
Disorders of Transepidermal Elimination
Traumatic or Degenerative Conditions
Mucinosis with Paraproteinemia
Other Forms of Cutaneous Mucinosis
Chapter 12: Drugs and Physical Agents
Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
Selected Reactions to Recombinant Cytokines
Phototoxic and Photoallergic Drug Reactions
Pigmentary Changes Caused by Drugs
Selected Pustular Drug Eruptions
Dermatoses Caused by Physical Agents
Chapter 13: Noninfectious Granulomas
Other Noninfectious Granulomas
Chapter 14: Non-neoplastic Diseases of Appendages
Apocrine and Eccrine-Related Inflammatory Lesions
Chapter 15: Pigmentation Disorders
Postinflammatory Pigment Anomalies
Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis
Psoralen and Ultraviolet A–Induced Pigment Alterations
Ash Leaf Macules of Tuberous Sclerosis
Chapter 16: Disorders of Epidermal Maturation, Keratinization, and Connective Tissues
Disorders of Epidermal Maturation and Keratinization
Selected Disorders of Connective Tissues
Chapter 17: Infectious Diseases, Including Infestations and Parasitic Diseases
Parasitic Diseases and Arthropod Reactions
Protozoal and Other Infectious Diseases
Chapter 18: Epidermal Cysts and Tumors
Benign Epidermal Tumors or Malformations
Premalignant and Malignant Epidermal Tumors
Chapter 19: Cutaneous Appendageal Tumors
Tumors with Hair Follicle Differentiation
Chapter 20: Metastatic Tumors in the Skin
Histologic Nuances and Differential Diagnosis
Histologic Diagnosis of Metastatic Carcinomas: A Pattern-Based Approach
Primary Nonadnexal Skin Tumors That May Resemble Metastatic Lesions
Chapter 21: Fibrous Tissue Tumors
Fibrous Tissue Tumors of Intermediate Malignancy
Malignant Fibrous Tissue Tumors
Chapter 22: Vascular and Perivascular Proliferations of the Skin
Malignant Endothelial Neoplasms
Tumefactive Non-neoplastic Vascular Proliferations
Glomus Tumor and Glomangiopericytoma
Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumors
Patterns of Growth in Neural Proliferations of the Skin
Cutaneous Neural Proliferations
Pseudotumors of the Skin Related to the Nervous System
Patterns of Growth in Cutaneous Adipocytic Proliferations
Chapter 24: Tumors of Muscle, Cartilage, and Bone
Striated Muscle Tumors and Rhabdoid Tumor
Cartilaginous Tumors and Parachordoma
Calcifying and Ossifying Tumors
Chapter 25: Histiocytic Proliferations
Non–Langerhans Cell Histiocytic Infiltrates
Langerhans Cell Histiocytoses and Indeterminate Cell Histiocytosis
Chapter 26: Disorders of Mast Cells and Plasma Cells
Chapter 27: Lymphoid Infiltrates, Lymphoma, and Hematopoietic Proliferations Involving the Skin
Mature T-Cell and Natural Killer Cell Neoplasms
Immature Hematopoietic Malignancies
T-Cell and Natural Killer Cell Neoplasms
Other T-Cell and Natural Killer Cell Lymphomas Involving the Skin
Hodgkin Disease (Hodgkin Lymphoma)
Chapter 28: Melanocytic Tumors