

3G networks

Cell Broadcast (CB) settings in Messaging app, 277–278

connecting to Google servers, 7

Galaxy Tab models and, 4

switching from Wi-Fi to mobile data, 85

24-hour format, time settings, 73


AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 25

access points

turning off mobile access point, 337

using Galaxy Tab as portable Wi-Fi hotspot, 334–336

accessibility settings, 71–72


external keyboards, 87–88

outputting videos and photos to TV, 88

screen protectors and cases, 86–87

stand for hands-free use, 88


adding to Social Hub, 252–254

backing up, 65

setting up Google account, 6–8

setting up Market app account, 315

setting up YouTube account, 156–157

signing up for Pulse account, 307

sync settings, 62

accounts, email

account settings, 227–228

adding, 217–219

deleting, 232

general settings, 229–230

notification settings, 231

setting up Exchange account, 226–227

setting up IMAP account, 224–226

setting up manually, 219–220

setting up POP3 account, 220–224

switching between, 227

accounts, Gmail

setting up, 242–243

settings, 245–249

Acrobat, Adobe, 298

action photos, 169, 181–182

Active Applications screen

closing running apps, 351

dealing with crashed app, 350

viewing running apps, 311–312

ActiveSync, 253. see also Microsoft Exchange

Address Book (Mac), syncing to Galaxy Tab, 103

administrators, 56

Adobe Acrobat, 298

Adobe Flash Player, 192, 308

Adobe InDesign, 297

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), 25

advanced settings, Browser app, 208–210

alarm tones, using song as, 144


browsing for music, 133, 135

title, 138

alerts, security, 55–56

Amazon MP3, buying music online, 130, as music store, 132

Android Market

apps available from, 309

downloading installer from, 316

downloading Wyse PocketCloud from, 345

reinstalling purchased apps, 318, 352

Staff Picks, 313

third-party apps from, 312

Android OS

apps and, 309

Honeycomb OS settings, 41

installing Samsung Android USB Remote Network driver on Windows, 333–334

recovery from system crash, 351

restore to factory settings when fails to load, 361–362

SDK (Software Development Kit), 316

shutting down Android service, 329–330

animation, screen settings, 48

Apple Pages, creating e-books in ePub format, 297

Application Info screen, managing apps from, 323–325

application settings

checking on battery consumption, 58–59

development options, 59–60

installing apps from non-Android sources, 59

overview of, 58

Samsung app settings, 60–61

Applications screen

Battery Use option, 325, 327

opening, 320–321

Unknown Sources option, 316


battery usage of, 325, 327

choosing Samsung apps, 60–61

clearing RAM, 328–329

closing, 311, 350–351

dealing with crashed app, 350

downloading and installing, 315

installing from non-Android sources, 59

launching, 310–311

managing, 320

memory use by, 325

opening Applications screen, 320–321

opening Manage Applications screen, 321–322

options for running, 12–13

other sources (not Android Market) for, 316

overview of, 309–310

reinstalling purchased, 318, 352

searching, 313–315

shortcuts to, 36–37, 319–320

shutting down Android service, 329–330

stopping or uninstalling, 323–325

switching between, 311

sync settings, 61–62

third-party apps from Android Market, 312

updating, 317

viewing running, 311–312

Apps screen

accessing from Apps button on home screen, 10

displaying installed apps, 310

navigating, 13


browsing for music by, 133

play controls in Music Player, 138

attachments, email

adding to outgoing messages, 236–238

receiving, 238

authentication, 337

auto flash, photo settings, 168

auto focus, photo settings, 171

AutoFill settings, Browser app, 203–204

Automatic Date And Time option, 72

Automatic Restore, 65

auto-rotate, screen settings, 48

Auto-Run, configuring Kies on Windows OSs, 111

Auto-Sync, 62

AWB (automatic white balance), 173, 178


Back button

closing apps/moving between apps, 311

on Status bar, 10

background color, for e-mail messages, 241

background data, sync settings, 62


deleting old backup files, 112

to Google servers, 353

to PCs, 354–355

privacy settings and, 65

restoring from, 356–358

Basic Information screen settings, Kies software, 100–101


charging and conditioning, 2–3

checking use by apps, 58–59, 325, 327

checking use of, 77

firmware update and, 363

level indicator in Notification area, 11

live wallpaper impacting life of, 35

Power Saving Mode settings, 50–51

Battery Use, Applications screen, 325, 327

Bcc (blind carbon copy) messages, 230

Bing, 200

blind carbon copy (Bcc) messages, 230


connecting devices, 77–79

keyboards, 87–88

pairing with PC, 121–123

sharing photos and videos, 186

transferring files to/from Galaxy Tab, 123–127

turning off to save power, 51

turning on and viewing Galaxy Tab, 119–120

when to connect via, 96


creating, 194–195

deleting, 197

for e-books, 295

going to, 195–196

items that can be added to home screen, 39

for movies or videos, 149

organizing in folders, 196–197


buying e-books, 296

importing into eBook app, 295

reading with eBook app, 290–295

removing from eBook app, 296–297

searching/browsing for, 288–289

bookshelf, finding books/PDFs on, 288–289


controlling to save power, 51

eBook app settings, 294

screen settings, 45–46

Browser app

accessing Facebook from, 258

advanced settings, 208–210

alternatives to, 213

AutoFill settings, 203–204

creating bookmarks to web pages, 194–195

customizing browser settings, 201–202

deleting bookmarks, 197

downloading files, 200–201

Flash Player and, 192

form data settings, 207

go to web page in history, 198–199

going to bookmarks, 195–196

home page setting, 202–203

launching, 188–189

location settings, 207

navigating between pages, 190

opening multiple web pages simultaneously, 192–193

organizing bookmarks in folders, 196–197

overview of, 187–188

page content settings, 210

password settings, 207–208

privacy and security settings, 204–207

scrolling around a web page, 189

searching for information, 199–200

syncing with Google Chrome, 203

URLs for, 190–191

zooming in/out, 189

browsing (searching). see searches/browsing

browsing the Web. see web browsing

build number, tablet information, 77

business, staying in touch with LinkedIn, 262


e-books, 296

music, 130–132

videos, 162–164



TV out, 146

unpacking data cable, 2

cable, USB

connecting Galaxy Tab to Mac, 25–26, 95–99

connecting Galaxy Tab to PC, 18–19, 95–99

disconnecting/reconnecting during firmware update, 370–371


clearing app cache, 324

privacy and security settings, 204

calendars, importing into instant messaging, 281

camcorder, 165. see also Camera app

Camera app

action photos, 181–182

effect options, 173–174, 179

exposure settings, 170, 177

flash mode settings, 168–169, 176

focus mode settings, 171

GPS tagging options, 175–176

metering settings for light exposure, 175

opening and viewing controls, 166

overview of, 165

panorama photos, 180–181

photo settings, 168

recording mode settings, 176–177

resolution settings, 174, 179

reviewing photos and videos, 182–185

scene mode settings, 171–173

sharing photos and videos, 186

shooting mode settings, 169

switching between front/rear camera, 169, 176

taking photos/videos with default settings, 167

Timer feature, 170, 177

uploading photos to Facebook or Twitter, 257–258

video settings, 176–179

white balance settings, 173, 177–178

cameras, viewing photos taken with, 32

candlelight, scene mode settings, 172

captions, YouTube options, 156, 158

CAs (certificate authorities)

choosing security for email servers, 221–222

IMAP account and, 225

POP3 account and, 222

cases, protective, 86–87

Categories list, finding apps, 313–314

CB (Cell Broadcast) settings, instant messaging, 277–278

Cc, email settings, 230

CDs, ripping, 130

Cell Broadcast (CB) settings, instant messaging, 277–278

cell phones, 277–278

certificate authorities. see CAs (certificate authorities)

certificates. see digital certificates

certificates (CRT), VPNs and, 338–341

channel button, play controls in Music Player, 138

Clear Cache option, clearing app cache, 324

Clear Data option, clearing app data, 324

clock, in Notification area, 11

cloud cover, white balance settings and, 173, 178

codec (coder/decoder), 92–93


changing background color for e-mail messages, 241

Mode setting for screen, 47

composers, browsing for music by, 136


connecting to Galaxy Tab’s wireless network, 336–337

connecting to Internet using Galaxy Tab, 332–334

Macs. see Mac

PC. see PC

confidential data, 54–55


adding photo for, 185

adding to home screen, 39

choosing which items to sync, 101–103

importing into instant message, 281

sending instant message to, 279

syncing Facebook friends with, 259–260

content settings, web pages, 210

conversation view, Email app, 239–240


privacy and, 206

settings for, 207

copying files, to/from Galaxy Tab, 104–105

copyright law, downloading music and, 132

cover image, play controls in Music Player, 138

CPU, not using too much processing capacity, 105–106

credential storage, 56–571

cropping photos, 184

CRT (certificates), VPNs and, 338–341

Customize Home Screen button, on Home screen, 10

customizing Galaxy Tab

accessibility settings, 71–72

accessories, 86–88

adding app shortcut to home screen panel, 36–37

adding items to home screen panel, 39–41

adding widget to home screen panel, 37–38

app and account sync settings, 61–62

application settings, 58–61

Bluetooth devices, connecting, 77–79

choosing live wallpaper, 34–35

choosing wallpaper from Gallery app, 32–34

choosing wallpaper from Wallpapers Gallery, 35–36

date and time settings, 72–74

feedback settings, 45

home screen panels, 30

language and input settings, 67–71

location settings, 53

motion settings, 62–64

notification settings, 44–45

options for changing wallpaper, 31

overview of, 29

Power Saving Mode settings, 49–51

privacy settings, 65–66

removing items from home screen panel, 40

screen settings, 45–49

security settings, 54–58

Settings app, opening, 42–43

sound settings, 43–44

storage settings, 66–67

tablet settings, 74–77

wireless networks, adding closed network, 84

wireless networks, managing, 85–86

wireless networks, setting up and opening, 79–83

CutePDF Writer, 298


Dark mode, Pulse, 308


backing up, 65, 353–355

clearing, 324

restoring, 356–358

data cable, unpacking, 2


format, 73

initial setup, 6

settings, 72–74

dawn, scene mode settings, 172

daylight, white balance settings, 173, 178

delivery reports

multimedia messages, 276

text messages, 275

development, application settings, 59–60


configuring Kies on Mac, 115–116

configuring Kies on PC, 112

Connected Devices list, 99

connecting to Internet, 332–334

connecting to wireless network, 336–337

firmware updates and, 363

security settings, 56

digital certificates

for authentication, 337

installing, 342

digital rights management (DRM), 131


setting up wireless networks, 83

VPNs and, 338

Dolphin Browser HD, 213


apps, 315

files from Web, 200–201

drafts, of email messages, 234

drag and drop, adding files to Kies manually, 94

drivers, Samsung Android USB Remote Network, 333–334

DRM (digital rights management), 131


EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 84

eBook app

buying e-books, 296

ePub compared with PDF, 290

importing books or PDF files, 295

launching, 288

overview of, 287

reading a book or PDF file, 290–295

removing books or PDF files, 296–297

searching for books or PDFs, 288–289

eCub, 297

effect options

photos, 173–174

videos, 179


adding accounts for, 217–219

adding accounts to Social Hub, 253

adding attachments to, 236–238

Bcc (blind carbon copy) messages, 230

changing background color for messages, 241

changing incoming/outgoing server settings, 231–232

changing messages are listed, 240–241

choosing account settings, 227–228

choosing Gmail account settings, 245–249

deleting accounts, 232

forwarding messages, 232

general settings, 229–230

launching Email app, 216

launching Gmail app, 242

moving multiple messages simultaneously, 236

notification settings, 231

overview of, 215

reading incoming messages, 233–236

reading/sending messages with Gmail app, 243–245

receiving attachments, 238

security options for e-mail servers, 221–222

sending messages, 233

setting up accounts manually, 219–220

setting up Exchange account, 226–227

setting up Gmail account, 242–243

setting up IMAP account, 224–226

setting up POP3 account, 220–224

sharing photos and videos, 186

switching between accounts, 227

view mode options for Email app, 239–240


applying to Galaxy Tab, 55

overview of, 54–55

VPNs and, 338–341

ePub format

compared with PDF, 290

creating e-books in, 297

equalizers, sound settings, 142

eraser option, eBook app, 293

Exchange account, setting up, 226–227. see also Microsoft Exchange

exposure settings

photos, 170

videos, 177

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), 84



accessing, 258

adding account to Social Hub, 253–254

installing Facebook app, 259

notification settings, 262

sharing photos and videos, 186

signing out and removing data, 260

syncing friends with contacts, 259–260

uploading photos to, 257–258

using Facebook app, 260–261

Fast Installer, downloading, 316

Fast-Forward/Next button

playing movies or videos, 149

playing music, 139


Music Player, 137

YouTube, 156

Featured list, finding apps by browsing, 313

feedback, sound settings, 45

feeds, Social Hub

SNS (social network service) and, 252

tracking, 255


adding using Windows Explorer, 107–108

copying to/from Galaxy Tab, 104–105

downloading from Web, 200–201

multimedia. see multimedia files

PDFs. see PDF files

sources for music files, 129

transferring to/from Galaxy Tab using Bluetooth, 123–127

file-sharing, 132

Find My Mobile area, 55–56

Firefox, 213. see also web browsing

firewalls, 64


updates, 28, 100

updating on Macs, 368–371

updating on PCs, 364–368

updating without using PC or Mac, 362–364


photo settings, 168–169

video settings, 176

Flash Player

enabling for use with Pulse, 308

overview of, 192

Flickr, 186

fluorescent light, white balance settings, 173, 178


auto-focus, 168

on object not in middle of view, 167

focus mode settings, photos, 171


adding folder shortcut to home screen, 41

browsing for music by, 136

browsing videos/movies by, 148

configuring Kies on Mac, 115

configuring Kies on PC, 111

moving multiple e-mail messages to, 236

organizing bookmarks in, 196–197


customizing Pulse, 308

eBook app, 293

instant messaging, 283

screen settings, 47

Twitter settings, 268

Force Close option, apps, 350

Force Stop option, apps, 323–325

form data settings, Browser app, 207


e-mail messages, 232, 236

instant messages, 284

free music, finding online, 132

full screen view

playing movies or videos, 148

YouTube and, 154


Galaxy Tab, getting started

charging, 2–3

connecting to Mac, 25–28

connecting to PC, 18–21

disconnecting from Mac, 28

disconnecting from PC, 23

downloading Kies software for Mac, 23–25

downloading Kies software for PC, 14–18

home screen buttons, 10

home screen panels, 8–9

identifying hardware controls, 4

initial setup, 5–8

installing SIM or USIM cards, 4

launching Kies software automatically, 21–22

overview of, 1

running apps, 12–13

Status Bar content, 10–12

unpacking, 1–2

widgets, 12

Gallery app

choosing wallpaper from, 32–34

uploading photos to Facebook or Twitter, 257–258

using screenshots as wallpaper, 31

gateways, setting up wireless networks, 83

genres option, browsing for music, 133, 135

Global Positioning System. see GPS (Global Positioning System)

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 275

Gmail app

account settings, 245–249

launching, 242

reading/sending messages with, 243–245

setting up, 242–243

sharing photos and videos, 186

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 6


backing up to Google servers, 353

searching for information, 199

setting up account, 6–8

setting up Location Service, 5

Google Chrome, 203

Google Mail. see Gmail app

Google Search

button on Home screen, 10

location settings, 53

Google Videos

browsing, renting, or buying videos, 162–164

launching, 161–162

GPS (Global Positioning System)

adding closed network, 84

location settings, 53

managing, 85–86

setting up and opening, 79–83

tagging photos, 175–176

turning off to save power, 51

grayscale effect, photos, 173–174

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 6

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), 275


haptic feedback, 45

hardware controls, identifying, 4

HD, YouTube and, 154–155

HDTV adapter, 146

headset, unpacking Galaxy Tab, 2

highlighter option, eBook app, 290

High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), 4


Clear History option, 206

go to web page, 198–199

Incognito feature for secret web surfing, 194

privacy and, 206

Home button, on Status bar, 10

home page, setting in Browser app, 202–203

home screen

adding app shortcut to, 36–37, 319–320

adding items to, 39–41

adding Messaging icon to, 271

adding widget to, 37–38

buttons on, 10

customizing panels, 30

panels, 8–9

removing items from, 40

switching between apps, 311

switching between panels, 30

horizontal calibration, screen settings, 49

hotspot, using Galaxy Tab as, 334–336

HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access), 4

hyperlinks, navigating between web pages, 190


iCal (Mac), 103

Ignition, from LogMeIn, 346–347

Image Viewer app

reviewing photos and videos, 182–185

uploading photos to Facebook or Twitter, 257–258

Images widget, on home screen panel, 12

IMAP account, setting up, 224–226

Import/Export screen, Kies software, 104


books or PDFs, 295

multimedia files, 91–93

text into instant message, 281

Inbox, e-mail, 233–236

incandescent light, white balance settings, 173, 178

Incognito feature, for secret web surfing, 194

InDesign, Adobe, 297

initial setup, 5–8

Input Mode, Messaging app, 275

input settings

Configure Input Methods screen, 71

keyboards, 69–70

voice, 67–68

instant messaging

Cell Broadcast (CB) settings, 277–278

deleting messages, 284–285

forwarding messages, 284

Multimedia Message (MMS) settings, 275–276

Notification settings, 278

open Messaging app, 271–272

overview of, 271

protecting messages against deletion, 283

Push Message settings, 277

receiving messages, 282–283

sending messages, 279–281

storage settings, 272–274

Text Message (SMS) settings, 275–276

Text-To-Speech settings, 278

Internet, connecting computer/devices to via Galaxy Tab, 332–334

IP addresses, 83

IP Firewalls, 64

IPSec (IP Security), 338–341


importing playlists into Kies, 94

ripping CDs, 130

iTunes Store, 132

iWork, 297


JavaScript, enabling, 208


Keyboard Dock, 87


entering text quickly with external keyboard, 87

settings, 69

keypads, 69

Kies software. see Samsung Kies software


L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 338–341

lab settings, Browser app, 211–213

landscape orientation

playing movies or videos, 148

Pulse newsreader, 304–306

scene mode settings, 172


choosing on Welcome screen, 5

configuring Kies on Windows OSs, 111

settings, 67

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 338–341

legal information, regarding Galaxy Tab software, 77


adding multimedia files to, 90–91

searching for songs in, 133–136

LibreOffice, 297


adding accounts to Social Hub, 253

install LinkedIn app, 263

overview of, 262

use LinkedIn app, 263–264

List Song button, in Music Player, 138

List view, bookshelf, 289

lists, browsing videos/movies by, 146–147

live wallpaper

choosing, 34–35

motion features in, 31

Location Service, Google, 5

location settings

enabling and clearing locations, 207

My Location area, 53

privacy and, 206

Lock Screen Wallpaper, 31, 36

locking SIM cards, 56

logging, 111

LogMeIn Ignition, 346–347


macro setting, for photo close-ups, 171


buying music online, 130–132

configuring Kies on, 115–117

connecting Galaxy Tab to, 25–28, 95–99

connecting to Galaxy Tab’s wireless network, 336–337

creating PDFs, 298–299

disconnecting Galaxy Tab from, 28

downloading and installing Kies software, 23–25

importing media player and playlists into Kies, 94

launching Kies software, 90

LogMeIn Ignition and, 346–347

updating Galaxy Tab firmware on, 368–371

updating Kies on, 118–119

Wyse PocketCloud and, 345

magazines, displaying with Pulse, 300

Manage Applications screen, 321–322

Market app

creating account, 315

finding apps, 312–315

getting LinkedIn app, 263

getting Twitter app, 264

reinstalling purchased apps, 318

uninstalling apps, 325

updating apps, 317

Media Hub, buying music online, 130


checking app use of, 325–326

clearing RAM, 328–329

running apps simultaneously and, 311

viewing internal, 100

Memory Usage screen, 325–326

memos, importing into instant message, 281

menu, eBook app, 295

Menu button, in Music Player, 138

Message Center, 275

messages, e-mail. see e-mail

messages, instant. see instant messaging

messages, Social Hub

message tab, 252

posting updates, 257

sending, 255–256

sharing photos and videos, 186

tracking, 255

Messaging app

Cell Broadcast (CB) settings, 277–278

deleting messages, 284–285

forwarding messages, 284

Multimedia Message (MMS) settings, 275–276

Notification settings, 278

opening, 271–272

protecting message against deletion, 283

Push Message settings, 277

receiving messages, 282–283

sending messages, 279–281

storage settings, 272–274

Text Message (SMS) settings, 275–276

Text-To-Speech settings, 278

metering settings, for photo light exposure, 175

Microsoft Exchange

adding accounts to Social Hub, 253

setting up email accounts, 226–227

Microsoft Office, creating PDFs, 298

Microsoft Outlook, syncing Galaxy Tab with, 103

MMS (Multimedia Message Settings)

instant messaging, 275–276

recording mode settings, 177

mobile access points. see access points

Mode, color settings for screen, 47

model numbers, tablet information, 77

motion settings, photos/videos

pan, 63–64

tilt, 62–63

movies. see also multimedia files

browsing, 146–148

Media Hub as source for, 130

overview of, 145

playing, 148–149

renting, 163

watching, 145–146


buying music online, 130

having Kies scan for multimedia files, 24–26

multimedia files

adding automatically, 91–93

adding manually, 94–95

adding to Kies library, 90–91

choosing which files to import, 93

choosing which items to sync, 103–104

having Kies scan for, 24–26

loading from USB or SD card without Kies, 106–107

removing, 95

storage settings for instant messaging, 274

Multimedia Message Settings (MMS)

instant messaging, 275–276

recording mode settings, 177

music. see also multimedia files

browsing for songs, 133–136

buying online, 130–132

choosing sound settings, 141–143

choosing which items to sync, 103–104

creating playlists, 139–141

finding free music online, 132

having Kies scan for, 24–26

Music Player app, 133

overview of, 129

play controls in Music Player, 136–139

ripping CDs, 130

setting song as alarm tone, 144

sources for music files, 129

Music Hub, 130–131

Music Player app

browsing for songs in music library, 133–136

choosing sound settings, 141–143

creating playlists, 139–141

opening, 133

play controls, 136–139

setting song as alarm tone, 144

Music Timeline slider, in Music Player, 138

My Apps screen

Allow Automatic Updating option, 317

reinstalling purchased apps, 318

My Location area, 53


negative effect, photos, 173–174

network connections, in Notification area, 11

network interface, detecting, 27

networks, wireless. see wireless networks


customizing selection on Pulse app, 301–303

keeping up with via Twitter, 264

navigating among news sources, 304–307

newspapers, displaying with Pulse, 300

newsreaders. see Pulse newsreader

night, scene mode settings, 172

notification settings

email accounts, 231

Facebook, 262

instant messaging, 278

ringtones, 44–45

Twitter, 268

Notifications area, of Status bar, 11

notifications panel, 12

Now Playing screen, 137


Office (Microsoft), creating PDFs, 298

Open dialog box, 94

Open Shortcuts Panel button, 10–11

Opera Mobile, 213. see also web browsing

OS version number, tablet information, 77

Outlook (Microsoft), syncing Galaxy Tab with, 103

Owner information, adding to screen lock, 54


Pages (Apple), creating e-books in ePub format, 297

pairing Bluetooth, with PC, 121–123

pan, motion settings, 63–64


shooting mode settings, 169

taking photos, 180–181

party/indoor, scene mode settings, 172


Browser app, 207–208

making visible, 56

PSK (pre-shared keys) and, 335

screen locks and, 53–54


adding apps to, 316

backing up to, 354–355

buying music online, 130–132

configuring Kies on, 111–114

connecting to Galaxy Tab, 18–21

connecting to Galaxy Tab via USB, 95–99

connecting to Galaxy Tab via Wi-Fi, 108–110

connecting to Galaxy Tab’s wireless network, 336

creating PDFs, 298

disconnecting Galaxy Tab from, 23

downloading and installing Kies software, 14–18

importing media player and playlists into Kies, 94

installing Samsung Android USB Remote Network driver on, 333–334

launching Kies software, 21–22, 90

LogMeIn Ignition, 346–347

pairing Bluetooth with, 121–123

RDP vs. VPNs for remote control, 344

reinstalling Kies driver, 359

Remote Desktop Client controlling, 346

sharing Galaxy Tab’s Internet connection, 332–333

updating Galaxy Tab firmware on, 364–368

updating Kies on, 117–118

Wyse PocketCloud and, 345

PDF files

creating from Macs, 298–299

creating from Windows documents, 298

ePub compared with, 290

importing into eBook app, 295

reading with eBook app, 290–295

removing from eBook app, 296–297

searching/browsing for, 288–289

pen option, eBook app, 293

permissions, app, 325

Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), 53–54

personal information, syncing, 101–103


action photos, 181–182

default settings, 167

effects, 173–174

exposure settings, 170

flash mode settings, 168–169

focus mode settings, 171

GPS tagging options, 175–176

metering settings for light exposure, 175

optimizing for Galaxy Tab, 101

outputting to TV, 88

panorama photos, 180–181

resolution settings, 174

reviewing, 182–185

scene mode settings, 171–173

sharing, 186

shooting mode settings, 169

switching between front/rear camera, 169

syncing, 103–104

Timer feature, 170

uploading to social networks, 257–258, 267

white balance settings, 173

Picasa, 186

PINs (Personal Identification Numbers), 53–54

play controls, in Music Player, 136–139

playing music

buying online, 130–132

choosing sound settings, 141–143

creating playlists, 139–141

finding free music online, 132

Music Player app, 133

overview of, 129

play controls in Music Player, 136–139

ripping CDs, 130

searching for songs in music library, 133–136

setting song as alarm tone, 144

sources for music files, 129

playing videos

Video app, 148–149

YouTube, 153–156


browsing for music by, 133–134

creating, 139–141

importing into Kies, 94

syncing, 103–104

Play/Pause button

playing movies or videos, 149

playing music, 139

YouTube and, 154

plug-ins, enabling, 210

PocketCloud, from Wyse, 345–346

podcasts, syncing, 103–104

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 338–341

POP3 account, 220–224

pop-ups, blocking, 211

portrait orientation, 148

power button, identifying hardware controls, 4

power saving features, 48–51

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 338–341


configuring Kies on Mac, 115–117

configuring Kies on PC, 111–114

pre-shared keys. see PSK (pre-shared keys)

previews, Google Videos, 164

privacy settings

Browser app, 204–207

customizing Galaxy Tab, 65–66

progress bar, eBook app, 295

proxies, setting up wireless networks, 82

PSK (pre-shared keys)

using Galaxy Tab as portable Wi-Fi hotspot, 335

VPNs and, 338–341

wireless security and, 84

Pulse newsreader

customizing news selection, 301–303

launching, 300

modifying appearance of, 307

navigating among news sources, 304–307

overview of, 299–300

signing up for Pulse account, 307

Push Message settings, instant messaging, 277


Quick Start Guide, 2


RAM, 328–329. see also memory

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

vs. VNC, 344

Wyse PocketCloud and, 345

Recent Apps

button on Status bar, 10

displaying Apps screen, 13

displaying installed apps, 310

switching between apps, 311

recording mode settings, videos, 176–177

remote control

ability to lock Galaxy Tab remotely, 56

LogMeIn Ignition, 346–347

overview of, 343–344

RDP vs. VNC, 344

Remote Desktop Client, 346

Wyse PocketCloud, 345–346

Remote Desktop Client, from Xtralogic, 346

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

vs. VNC, 344

Wyse PocketCloud and, 345

renting videos, 162–164

Repeat button, in Music Player, 139


photos, 174

videos, 179


from backups, 356–358

to factory settings, 359–362

privacy settings and, 65

reviewing photos and videos, 182–185

Rewind/Previous button, in Music Player, 138–139

Rhapsody, 132


email accounts, 231

Facebook notifications, 262

instant messaging, 278

notification settings, 44–45

ripping CDs, 130


Samsung app settings, 60–61

Samsung Keypad settings, 69

Samsung Kies software

adding multimedia files automatically, 91–93

adding multimedia files manually, 94–95

adding multimedia files to Kies library, 90–91

alternatives to Kies for loading files, 106

backing up to PC, 354–355

Basic Information screen settings, 100–101

configuring on Macs, 115–117

configuring on PCs, 111–114

connecting to computer via USB, 95–99

copying files to/from Galaxy Tab, 104–105

downloading and installing on Macs, 23–24

downloading and installing on PCs, 14–18

firmware updates on Macs, 368–371

firmware updates on PCs, 364–368

forcing quit, 105–106

importing media players and playlists, 94

Kies Via Wi-Fi, 39

launching, 90

launching automatically on connection, 21–22

loading and managing Galaxy Tab with, 89–90

managing syncing, 101–103

reinstalling drivers on PCs, 359

removing multimedia files, 95

restoring Galaxy Tab from backups, 356–358

running for first time, 24–25

troubleshooting recognition of Galaxy Tab, 19–21, 96–99

updating on Macs, 118–119

updating on PCs, 117–118

scene mode settings, photos, 171–173

Screen Capture

button on Status bar, 10

capturing a photo, 186

choosing wallpaper and, 32

screen display, 46

screen locks

adding owner information to, 54

feedback settings, 45

setting up, 53–54

screen protectors

accessories, 86–87

purchasing, 352

screen settings, 45–49

scrolling, bookshelf, 289

SD card, loading multimedia files from, 106–107

SDK (Software Development Kit), Android, 316

search engines

searching for information, 199–200

selecting, 208


for apps, 312–315

for books or PDFs, 288–289

eBook app, 294

for information, 199–200

for news items, 301

for songs, 133–136

for video and movies with Google Videos, 162–164

for video and movies with Video app, 146–148

for video and movies with YouTube, 151–153

YouTube settings, 158

Secure Sockets Layer. see SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

security settings

Browser app, 204–207

credential storage, 56–57

device administration, 56

e-mail servers, 221–222

encryption and confidentiality, 54–55

finding missing Galaxy Tab, 55–56

locking SIM cards, 56

passwords, 56

screen locks, 53–54

wireless security, 84

security warnings, 206

Select Folder dialog box, 94

sensitive data, security settings, 54–55

sepia effect, photos, 173–174


backing up data and settings to Google servers, 353

VPN servers, 338

servers, e-mail

changing incoming/outgoing server settings, 231–232

security options, 221–222

service set identifiers. see SSIDs (service set identifiers)


overview of, 329

shutting down Android service, 329–330


accessibility, 71–72

application, 58–61

backing up to Google servers, 353

backing up to PCs, 354–355

date and time, 72–74

eBook app, 293

feedback, 45

language and input, 67–71

location, 53

motion, 62–64

music, 141–143

notification, 44–45

opening Settings app, 42–43

power saving, 49–51

privacy, 65–66

restore to factory defaults, 359–362

screen, 45–49

security, 54–58

sound, 43–44

storage, 66–67

sync, 61–62

tablet, 74–77

YouTube, 157–159

Settings screen, 171, 320–321

Share button, YouTube, 155


file-sharing, 132

photos and videos, 185–186

shooting mode settings, photos

action photos, 181–182

overview of, 169

panorama photos, 180–181


adding app shortcuts, 36–37, 319–320

adding folder shortcuts, 41

Open Shortcuts Panel button, 10–11

Shuffle button, in Music Player, 138

Shutter Release button, action photos and, 181–182

signature, adding to email messages, 229

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards

alert when changed, 55–56

installing, 4

locking, 56

managing messages stored on, 275

Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), 222–223, 225

Skyfire, 213. see also web browsing

slideshows, 183

smile shots, shooting mode settings, 169

SMS (Text Message) settings, instant messaging, 275–276

SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), 222–223, 225

SNS (social network service), 252

Social Hub

accessing Facebook from, 258

adding accounts to, 252–254

launching, 252

overview of, 251

posting update from, 257

sending message from, 255–256

sharing photos and videos, 186

tracking feeds and messages, 255

uploading photos, 257–258

social network service (SNS), 252

social networking

adding accounts to Social Hub, 252–254

Facebook, 258–262

launching Social Hub, 252

LinkedIn, 262–264

overview of, 251

posting update from Social Hub, 257

sending message from Social Hub, 255–256

sharing photos and videos, 186

tracking feeds and messages, 255

Twitter, 264–269

uploading photos via Social Hub, 257–258

Software Development Kit (SDK), Android, 316

software updates, tablet settings, 74–75

Song Information, in Music Player, 137

songs. see also music

browsing for music by, 133–136

setting as alarm tone, 144

sound effects, 143, 267

sound settings

feedback settings, 45

general settings, 43–44

notification (ringtone) settings, 44–45

sources, for news

adding/removing, 301

navigating, 304–307

rearranging, 302

speech, Text-To-Speech settings, 68, 278

sports, scene mode settings, 172

SSIDs (service set identifiers)

adding closed networks, 84

open networks and, 80

using Galaxy Tab as Wi-Fi hotspot, 335

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

choosing security for email servers, 221–222

Exchange account and, 226

IMAP account and, 225

POP3 account and, 222

Staff Picks, finding apps by, 313

stand, for hands-free use, 88

standard view, Email app, 239–241

Status Bar, 10–12

storage settings

customizing Galaxy Tab, 66–67

instant messaging, 272–274


Android. see Android Market

music, 132

selecting/adding, 296

Subscriber Identity Module cards. see SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards

sunset, scene mode settings, 172

Switch Cameras button, 169, 176

Swype app, 69


app and account settings, 61–62

automatically, 101

Browser app with Google Chrome, 203

choosing which items to sync, 101–103

copying as alternative to, 104

Facebook friends with contacts, 259–260

Galaxy Tab to Mac, 25–26

Galaxy Tab to PC, 18–21

turning off to save power, 51

Twitter, 268

system crash, recovery from, 351


tablet settings

checking battery usage, 77

checking status of Galaxy Tab, 75–76

overview of, 74

software updates, 74–75

viewing information regarding tablet, 77

TalkBack keyboard, 69, 72

Tap And Hold Delay, accessibility settings, 71

Task Manager

clearing RAM, 328–329

closing all running apps, 351

dealing with crashed app, 350

viewing running apps, 311–312


importing into instant message, 281

scene mode settings, 172

storage settings for instant messaging, 272, 274

Text Message (SMS) settings, instant messaging, 275–276


eBook app, 294

instant messaging, 278

output settings, 68

themes, eBook app, 293

third-party apps, from Android Market, 312

threads (conversations)

deleting entire, 284–285

deleting message from, 285

forwarding instant messages, 284

in Messaging app, 272

replying to, 283

sending instant messages, 279

thumbnails, browsing videos/movies, 146–147

tiles size, Pulse, 308

tilt, motion settings, 62–63


initial setup, 6

settings, 72–74

Time widget, 12

time zones, 72–73

timeline bar, YouTube, 155


power saving, 51

screen settings, 48

Timer feature

photos, 170

videos, 177

titles, album, 138

TLS (Transport Layer Security)

choosing security for email servers, 221–222

IMAP account and, 225

POP3 account and, 222

touch screen

accessibility settings, 71–72

Galaxy Tab not responding to, 351–352

trailers, Google Videos, 164

Transport Layer Security. see TLS (Transport Layer Security)

tripods, timed photos and, 170


crashed app, 350

recognition of Galaxy Tab, 19–21, 96–99

restore to factory settings, 359–362

system crash, 351

unresponsive touch screen, 351–352

“USB Storage Blank or Has Unsupported File System” message, 107


Media Hub as source for, 130

outputting videos and photos to, 88

playing movies or videos on, 146

TV out cable, 146


adding accounts to Social Hub, 253

install Twitter app, 264

login and use, 265–266

overview of, 264

settings for Twitter app, 266–269

signing out and removing data, 269

uploading photos to, 257–258


UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 4

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

setting home page and, 203

web browsing and, 190–191

Uninstall button, 323–325

Universal SIM (USIM) card, 4


apps, 317

firmware, 28

Galaxy Tab firmware on Macs, 368–371

Galaxy Tab firmware on PCs, 364–368

Kies on Macs, 115–119

Kies on PCs, 114, 117–118

in Notification area, 11

without using PCs or Macs, 362–364

uploading videos, to YouTube, 159–161

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

setting home page and, 203

web browsing and, 190–191


connecting Galaxy Tab to Macs, 25–26, 95–99

connecting Galaxy Tab to PCs, 18–19, 95–99

Debugging mode, 60

disconnecting USB cable during firmware update, 370–371

Google USB driver, 316

loading multimedia files without Kies, 106–107

power adapter, 2–3

Samsung Android USB Remote Network driver, 333–334

tethering computers/devices to Galaxy Tab, 332–334

“USB Storage Blank or Has Unsupported File System” message, 107

USIM (Universal SIM) card, 4


version number, tablet information, 77

vibrate option

adjusting intensity of, 45

email accounts, 231

sound settings, 43–44

Video app

browsing videos, 146–148

opening, 146

playing videos, 148–149

setting to play next file automatically, 149

videos. see also multimedia files

browsing, 146–148

browsing, renting, or buying Google Videos, 162–164

converting to supported formats, 101

default settings, 167

effects, 179

exposure settings, 177

finding YouTube videos, 151–153

flash mode settings, 176

launching Google Videos, 161–162

launching YouTube app, 150–151

opening Video app, 146

outputting to TV, 88

overview of, 145

playing, 148–149

playing with Image Viewer, 183

playing YouTube videos, 153–156

recording mode settings, 176–177

resolution settings, 179

reviewing, 182–185

setting up YouTube account, 156–157

setting Video app to play next file automatically, 149

sharing, 186

switching between front/rear camera, 176

syncing, 103–104

Timer feature, 177

uploading to YouTube, 159–161

watching on Galaxy Tab, 145–146

white balance settings, 177–178

YouTube settings, 157–159

view mode options, for Email app

changing background color, 241

changing how messages are listed, 240–241

overview of, 239–240

virtual private networks. see VPNs (virtual private networks)

VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

vs. RDP, 344

Wyse PocketCloud and, 345


dictation of text, 69

input settings, 67–68

output settings, 68

Voice Actions button, on Home screen, 10


identifying hardware controls, 4

play controls in Music Player, 137

playing movies or videos, 148

sound settings, 44

VPNs (virtual private networks)

connecting to, 342–343

deleting connections, 342

disconnecting from, 343

information needed for VPN connection, 338

overview of, 337–338

setting up connection, 338–341



choosing from Gallery app, 32–34

choosing from Wallpapers Gallery, 35–36

choosing live wallpaper, 34–35

options for changing, 31

screen settings, 47

setting photo as, 185

Wallpapers Gallery, 31, 35–36

Weather widget, 12

web browsing

advanced settings, 208–210

alternatives to Browser app, 213

AutoFill settings, 203–204

creating bookmarks, 194–195

customizing browser settings, 201–202

deleting bookmarks, 197

downloading files, 200–201

Flash Player and, 192

form data settings, 207

going to bookmarks, 195–196

history, 198–199

home page setting, 202–203

lab settings, 211–213

launching Browser app, 188–189

location settings, 207

navigating between pages, 190

opening multiple pages simultaneously, 192–193

organizing bookmarks, 196–197

overview of, 187–188

page content settings, 210

password settings, 207–208

privacy and security settings, 204–207

resetting defaults, 211

scrolling around a web page, 189

searching for information, 199–200

syncing with Google Chrome, 203

URLs for, 190–191

zooming in/out, 189

web pages

bookmarking. see bookmarks

content settings, 210

finding words/phrase on, 200

history, 198–199

navigating between, 190

opening multiple simultaneously, 192–193

scrolling around, 189

zooming in/out on, 189

web sites, changing settings for, 210

Welcome screen, 5

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 84

white balance settings, photos, 173

white balance settings, videos, 177–178


adding to home screen, 37–38

overview of, 12

rearranging on home screen, 38


connecting computer or device to Galaxy Tab’s wireless network, 108–110, 336–337

initial setup and, 7–8

Kies Via Wi-Fi, 39

managing wireless networks, 85–86

mobile access points, 337

opening wireless networks, 80–83

options for controlling, 328

setting up wireless networks, 80

switching from Wi-Fi to mobile data (3G), 85

turning off, 51, 86

using Galaxy Tab as portable hotspot, 334–336

when to connect via, 96

Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2 (WPA2), 84, 335

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 84

Windows Explorer, loading files to Galaxy Tab, 107–108

Windows Media Player

importing into Kies, 94

ripping CDs, 130

Windows OSs. see also PCs

configuring Kies on, 111–114

connecting Windows 7 computer to Galaxy Tab’s wireless network, 336

installing Samsung Android USB Remote Network driver, 333–334

pairing Bluetooth with, 121

RDP vs. VPNs for remote control, 344

tethering to Galaxy Tab for sharing Internet connection, 332–333

updating Kies on, 117–118

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 84

wireless networks. see also Wi-Fi

adding closed network, 84

connecting computer/devices to, 336–337

managing, 85–86

opening, 80–83

setting up, 80

telling Galaxy Tab to forget, 86

words/phrase, searching web pages for, 200

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 84

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2), 84, 335

Wyse PocketCloud, 345–346


Xtralogic Remote Desktop Client, 346


Yahoo! 200

years option, browsing for music, 136


finding videos, 151–153

launching YouTube app, 150–151

playing videos, 153–156

setting up account, 156–157

settings, 157–159

sharing photos and videos, 186

uploading videos to, 159–161


z-App Installer, 316

zooming in/out

on photos, 184

on web pages, 189