
Note: Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations.

abortion law reform, 357

accident compensation, 334

accident insurance, 107–8

acclimatisation societies, 114

agricultural research, 114

airlines, 259, 278–9, 370

aluminium smelters, 298, 304–5, 365

Atkinson, Harry, 66, 72, 74, 75–7, 78

Australia, free trade agreements with, 309–10, 358–9

Ballance, John, 77–8, 79–82

banking, 85–6, 176–7, 189–90, 301, 340

Barnes, Jock, 251, 261

Beeby, C. E., 205–6

Bell, Francis Dillon, 97

‘big government’. See state activism

Brash, Donald, 348–9, 350

broadcasting, 239–41, 255

bus services, 155, 162–3

‘Buy New Zealand’ campaign, 174

capital, shortage of, in colonial NZ, 36–7

civil emergencies, 115

Clinkard, G. W., 170–1, 236–7, 270

clothing manufactures, 227–8

coal mines, 105–7, 150, 157–8, 248–50, 371, 373

Coates, Gordon, 13, 118, 146–7, 150–5, 161–6

commerce, government assistance to, in colonial NZ, 30, 36

Community Arts Service, 247

compulsory military training, 142

Constitution (1852), 44–5

Cook Strait cable, 297, 304

cost of living, 120, 129, 130

‘cost plus’ method of price fixing, 231–2, 253–4

cotton mill, 134–5, 297–8, 299–300, 303–4

Crown leases (of farm land), 82–5

dairy produce exports, 149, 163–4, 190–1

defence construction, 230

Depression (1930s), 167–78

devaluations: (1933), 176; (1984), 374

Domestic Purposes Benefit, 329, 335, 346

Douglas, Roger, 351, 362, 370

Economic Stabilisation measures (World War II), 224–38, 259

economic stability, conference on, 268–70

education: in colonial NZ, 31

Atkinson’s Government’s measures, 67–8

Liberal Government’s measures, 103–4

Reform Government’s measures, 159–60

First Labour Government’s measures, 205–7

Holland Government’s measures, 288–9

electricity generation and distribution, 155–7

Epidemic Allowances, 139–40

equal pay, 285, 312

European Economic Community, 293, 304

exchange controls, 208–10, 268, 302. See also import licensing

exchange rate, 176, 374

export prices, 147, 167, 173, 177, 215–16, 293, 315, 327, 333

exports: dairy produce, 149, 163–4, 190–1

flax, 44, 46–8

kauri gum, 44, 125

meat, 77, 148–9, 177, 192

wool, 44, 192, 261

exports, state marketing of, 148–9, 192, 272–3

Family Allowances, 162

farmers, government assistance to, 52–3, 54, 114, 164, 169, 175–6, 190–2, 272, 321–2, 352–4

film censorship, 143, 161, 241, 255, 357

fire brigades, 115

fire insurance, 107–8

fishing licences, 114

FitzRoy, Robert, 29, 30

flax industry, 44, 46–8, 170

food price stabilisation, 194–8

food subsidy regime, 197–8, 262, 315, 329, 336–7, 339

Forbes, George, 167

Forbes-Coates Coalition Government (1931–35), 168–78

forestry, 48–50, 52, 273–8, 371, 373

40-hour week, 193–4

Fox, William, 58, 59

Fraser, Peter, 12, 145–6, 180, 183, 205, 206, 218–19, 222–3

friendly societies, 74–5, 100, 137–8

fruit canning industry, 126, 135, 223–4

gambling, 255, 356–7

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (the GATT), 266, 296, 354

Gibbs, T. N., 254–5

goldmining, 51, 55–6

government borrowing: overseas, 38, 46, 59, 72, 120, 336, 338, 365–6

domestic, 129, 365–6

government intervention. See state activism

government subsidies. See subsidies

Grey, Sir George, 30, 39, 40, 72, 76–7

‘guaranteed prices’ (for dairy farmers), 190–1

health services: in colonial NZ, 31, 32, 33, 54, 68–71

Liberal Government’s measures, 100–103

Reform Government’s measures, 126, 140–2

First Labour Government’s measures, 204–5

Holland Government’s measures, 282–8

Hobson, William, 26–38 passim Holland, H. E., 12, 145–6

Holland, Sidney, 13, 19, 256, 289

Holloway, Philip, 295–7, 299

Holyoake, Keith, 13, 16–17, 258, 289, 303, 323

homosexual law reform, 357

hospitals. See health services

housing: Liberal Government’s measures, 86–7, 104–5

Reform Government’s measures, 158–9

First Labour Government’s measures, 188–9, 216–17, 230

Holland Government’s measures, 259–60

Second Labour Government’s measures, 301

Holyoake Government’s measures, 302, 315

Third Labour Government’s measures, 329

Muldoon Government’s measures, 339

immigration, 54–5, 58, 60–1, 71–2, 78, 117, 173, 267, 339

import licensing: First Labour Government’s measures, 208–10, 238

Holland Government’s measures, 266–8

Second Labour Government’s measures, 294

Holyoake Government’s measures, 302, 310–11

Muldoon Government’s measures, 340, 354

import substitution industries, 51, 134–5, 199

Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 88–91

amendments to, 193, 211–12, 250–1, 262, 313

industrial relations, 87–91, 182–5, 193, 211–12, 247–51, 260–1, 307, 312–14, 322–3, 330, 344, 372

industries: Bain Commission (1880), 73

essential, 230

licensing of, 170–1, 200–4, 271–2

subsidies for, 73, 114, 136–7, 201

Industries and Commerce Department (later Trade and Industry), 113–15, 134–7, 200–4, 231, 236–7, 270–1, 294–7, 299, 332

influenza epidemic, 139

insurance, 57, 100, 107–8, 285, 371

International Finance Corporation, 302

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 302–3

iron and steel production, 51–2, 114, 126, 171, 298–9, 305–8

kauri gum, 44, 124–5

Kirk, Norman, 13, 286, 300, 325, 326, 327, 335

Labour Governments: (1935–49), 12–13, 179–214

(1957–60), 290–302

(1972–75), 13, 323–37

(1984–90), 22–3

labour market regulation, 87–91, 182–5, 193, 211–12, 250–1, 312–14

Labour Party, 145–6, 171–2

land drainage, 126

land sales, 29–30, 35, 40, 82–5, 84–5

land taxes, 83

Lange, David, 351, 370

Lee, John A., 239

Legislative Council, 256

Liberal Government (1891–1912), 79–84, 85–92, 93–122

licensing: in colonial NZ, 35–6

of auctioneers, 116

of bus services, 162–3

of fishing, 114

of industries, 170–1, 200–4, 271–2

of liquor, 242–3, 357

of pharmacies, 201

of private electricity generation, 156

of shooting, 114

of transport, 154–5

life insurance, 57, 100, 371

liquor licensing, 242–3, 357

local government reform, 66–7, 280, 328

McCarthy, Justice Thaddeus, 312, 335

McKenzie, Jock, 15, 82–5, 92 manufacturing industries, 50, 169, 231–4, 253, 316

Maori: declining population, 117–18

health of, 118

First Labour Government’s measures, 212–14

Maori land, purchase of, 29–30, 35, 58, 82, 118

Marshall, Jack, 257, 313, 323, 336

Massey, W. F., 13, 123, 124, 146–7, 161

meat exports, 77, 148–9, 177, 192

medical insurance, 285

Muldoon, Robert, 13, 14, 17–18, 313, 315–16, 321, 336, 338–9, 374

Myers, Arthur, 125

Nash, Walter, 12, 180, 224, 237, 262, 290, 293, 294

National Development Conference/Council, 318–21

National Efficiency Board (1917), 143–4

National Governments: (1949–57), 19, 256–90

(1960–72), 16–17, 302–23

(1975–84), 17–18, 338–46, 352–75

national insurance, 75–7

National Ministry (1915–19), 125, 128–31

National Provident Fund, 100, 136

natural gas, 308–9, 359–60

New Zealand Company. See Wakefield settlements

New Zealand Labour Party, 145–6, 171–2

New Zealand Literary Fund, 247

Ngata, Apirana, 118, 213

Nordmeyer, Arnold, 237, 293, 298, 299

‘Black Budget’, 301

O’Flynn, F. D., 13, 326–7

overseas borrowing. See government borrowing

packing (of vegetables and fruit), 280

pensions: increasingly dependent on the State, 21

for servicemen, 54, 138

for widows, 54, 138

Liberal Government’s schemes, 98–100

for miners incapacitated by phthisis, 138

Epidemic Allowances, 139–40

Reform Government’s measures, 160

First Labour Government’s measures, 204–5

New Zealand Superannuation, 329, 345

National Superannuation, 345–6

pharmacies, 201

planning, 316–21, 329, 343–4

Plunket, 142–3

Police, 81

Pomare, Maui, 118

poor relief, 31–2, 34, 71. See also unemployment relief

Post Office, 80, 81, 198, 373

Post Office Savings Bank, 57, 373

press censorship, 241–2, 262

price controls: World War I, 127, 129–34, 136

Reform Government’s measures, 158

First Labour Government’s measures, 194–8, 217–18, 245

World War II, 136, 220

Holland Government’s measures, 253–4, 262, 263–5

Third Labour Government’s measures, 331–4

Muldoon Government’s measures, 340–1

price freezes: (1970–72), 322

(1977), 344; (1982–84), 367–8

primary produce marketing boards, 148–9, 192, 272–3

provincial governments: establishment of, 39–40

abolition of, 20, 43, 65, 66

provincial governments (continued): responsibilities under 1852 Constitution, 44–5

active in the economy, 52

public service: growth of, 81, 253, 280, 337

retrenchment, 56–7, 147, 175, 339–40

Saunders Commission (1880), 72–3

review of (1962), 312–13

Public Trust Office, 57–8

Public Works Department, 81

public works programmes, 37–8, 58, 61–4, 73, 198, 245–6, 329

pulp and paper production, 220–2, 273–8

Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council, 328

Quigley, Derek, 338, 369

railways, 19, 58, 61–3, 80–1, 150–5, 175, 198–9, 259, 280–2, 371, 373

rationing, 229–30

reconstruction (post-1945), 243–52

Reeves, William Pember, 11, 78–9, 87–91, 92

Reform Governments: (1912–15), 84–5, 123–6; (1919–25), 131–49, 150–61; (1925–28), 161–6

rehabilitation (after World War II), 243–4, 246

Reserve Bank, 176–7, 189–90

responsible government, introduction of, 39–40

retirement benefits. See pensions

Returned Servicemen’s Association, 144

roading, 64, 151–2

Roberts, Jim, 182, 184

Rolleston, William, 77–8, 97

Rosenberg, Wolfgang, 297, 303

Rowling, Bill, 13, 328, 335–6, 350, 370

Budget (1973), 328–30

salt production, 279–80

Savage, Michael Joseph, 12, 145, 146, 180, 181, 182

scientific and industrial research, 135

Scrimgeour, Colin, 240, 241

Seddon, Richard John, 11, 49–50, 66, 82, 85, 93, 112

Semple, Bob, 145, 187–8, 195

settlement schemes, 54, 138–9

sexually transmitted diseases, 128, 143

Shand, Tom, 313, 321

Shelley, James, 240, 241

shipping, 19, 333, 373

shop trading hours, 255, 356

silk industry, attempts to establish, 51, 52

social control, 160–1, 255

Social Credit Political League, 291–2, 315

social security: First Labour Government’s measures, 204–5

Third Labour Government’s measures, 329

Royal Commission on, 335

‘socialism without doctrines’, 9–15, 93, 97

Stafford, Edward, 44–58, 45

Standards Institute, 202

state activism: reasons for, in colonial NZ, 41–2

Vogelism, 58–65

encouraged by literature from abroad, 94–5

difficulties with and loss of faith in, 15–23, 346–51

state houses. See housing

State Life Insurance Office, 57

‘State Socialism’, 121–2

steel mill, 305–8

subsidies, cost of, 245–6, 258, 373–4

subsidies, policies on: Holland Government, 258–9, 262–3

Third Labour Government, 329, 336–7

Muldoon Government, 339, 341–3

subsidies, provision of: for industries, 73, 114, 136–7, 201, 253

for local authorities, 328

for private enterprises, 46, 51

for public service superannuation, 374

on food, 197–8, 262, 315, 329, 336–7

on gas, 262

on hides, pelts, etc., 262–3. See also farmers, government assistance to

Sullivan, Dan, 194, 200, 224, 237

superannuation (for public servants), 81–2, 100, 374

Sutch, W. B., 134, 270, 294–7, 299, 311, 316, 319, 327

tariffs, 35, 52, 73, 78–9, 136, 168–73, 266, 309–11, 358–9

taxation: Liberal Government’s measures, 83

National Ministry’s measures, 129

Royal Commission (1924), 150

First Labour Government’s measures, 225

Second Labour Government’s measures, 301

Holyoake Government’s measures, 311–12

Muldoon Government’s measures, 341–3, 354–6

telegraph lines, erection of, 64

temperance movement, 143

‘Think Big’ projects, 307, 359–67

timber industry. See forestry

Tizard, R. J., 286, 300, 336, 350–1

tobacco growing, 135

totalisator betting, 255

tourism, 108–12, 329, 371, 373

town planning, 30–1, 162

Trade and Industry Department. See Industries and Commerce Department (later Trade and Industry)

trade unions, 87–91, 182–5, 193, 211–12, 247–51, 260–1

transport infrastructure, in colonial NZ, 37–8, 58, 61–4

transport licensing, 154–5

Treasury, post-election report on the economy (1981), 362–4

Treaty of Waitangi, 26–7, 30

trust control of liquor, 242–3

unemployment relief, 77–8, 139, 173–4.

See also poor relief

unions. See trade unions

United Government (1928–31), 166–8

Vogel, Sir Julius, 58–65, 59

wage cuts, 175

wage fixing: Muldoon Government’s measures, 354

wage-price freeze (1982–84), 367–8

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 11, 27, 28

Wakefield settlements, 27–9, 32–4, 43

Walsh, Fintan Patrick, 183, 184–5, 224, 226, 305

Ward, Sir Joseph, 11, 80, 85, 112–13, 123, 125, 146, 166–7

water supply, 69

waterfront dispute, 261–2

Watties, 223–4

women in the work force, 212, 267, 285

women’s rights, 118–19

wool exports, 44, 192, 261

World Bank, 302