activated charcoal
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
skin and health benefits of, 49
agar agar essential oil, 97
alcohol, freezing before using, 7
alcohol spritzer, 11, 14, 21, 29, 32, 34, 40, 47, 49, 52, 69
alkanet-strained olive oil, for Lavender Herbal Infusion Soap, 46–47
almond oil, 6
ancient Babylon, 1
ancient Egypt, 1
animal fat, 1
apricot kernel oil
fatty acids in, 6
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
argan oil
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
avocado oil
fatty acids in, 6
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Babylonians, 1
baby, soap for
Bastille Soap, 52
pH level in, 3
Basic Soap recipe
Cupcake Soap with Frosting using, 56–57
Hanger Swirl method using, 79–80
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap using, 58–59
recipe, 14
shopping list for, 12
Taiwan Swirl method using, 76–78
Bastille Soap, 52
beer, skin benefits of, 36
beeswax, for Honey Bee Soap, 43–44
Jasmine scent blend, 79
lavender scent blend, 47
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22
Sugar Plum Fairy Soap, 18
Watermelon Soap, 24
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33
bergamot essential oil, 35, 50, 78
bhringaraj, 50
bitter almond essential oil, 60
black spruce absolute essential oil, 78
bladderwrack, 28
Blue Moon scent blend, 30
Botanie Soap, 98
Bramble Berry, 98
Bulk Apothecary, 98
Camden-Grey Essential Oils, 97
cardamom essential oil, 41, 79
carrots, skin benefits of, 21
Coffee Soap, 37
fatty acids in, 6
Gingersnap Cookie Soap, 62
Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41–42
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
Modeling Soap, 45
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
cedarwood essential oil, 35
cedarwood Virginia essential oil, 78
Celts, 1
chlorella, 24, 25, 45, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82
cinnamon bark CO2 essential oil, 62
cistus, 18
clary sage essential oil, 43
clementine essential oil, 30, 35
clove essential oil, 10, 35, 41, 62
health and skin benefits of, 32
cocoa butter
fatty acids in, 6
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Modeling Soap, 45
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
cocoa powder
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
coconut milk
Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41–42
skin benefits of, 42
coconut oil, 11
for Basic soap, 12
in Basic Soap, 14
Bastille Soap, 52
Coffee Soap, 37
Gingersnap Cookie Soap, 62
Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41–42
Lavender Herbal Infusion Soap, 46–47
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 28–29, 30
Modeling Soap, 45
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
coffee, skin benefits of, 38
alkalinity of lye and, 81
for Hanger Swirl method, 79
for Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58
for Modeling Soap, 45
for Taiwan Swirl method, 76
using an oxide, 90
“cookie” soaps
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
cosmetic insurance, 94
Cupcake Soap with Frosting, 56–57
curing soap, 3
cutting soap
salt soaps, 28
suggestions for, 14
cypress essential oil, 78
designs, soap
diagonal line through the center, 75
soap sprinkles, 70
solid line through the center, 74
swirls. on top of soap, 71
diagonal line through the center design, 75
diagonal line through the center of soap, 75
distilled spirits, 11
importance of using, 13
testing soap for pH level with, 3
dragon’s blood resin, 53
Dreaded Orange Spots, 91
dulse, 28
Eden Botanicals, 97
Egyptians, 1
equipment. See tools and equipment
Essential Depot, 98
essential oils, 8, 10, 13. see also scent blends
amount to use, 14
for Beer Soap, 35
for French Macarons, 60
for Gingersnap Cookie Soap, 62
for Honey Bee Soap, 43
for Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22
for Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 28
for Sugar Plum Fairy Soap, 18–19
supply websites for, 97
for Watermelon Soap, 24
eucalyptus essential oil, 28
exfoliating resin soap, 54
false trace, 90
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 94
fir essential oil, 78
fir needle essential oil, 18
Floracopeia, 97
forest green scent blend, 78
fo ti, 50
freezing alcohol, 7
freezing beer, 35
freezing coconut milk, 41
freezing goat milk, 39
freezing lemon juice, 22
freezing plums, 18
freezing watermelon juice, 25
French Macarons Soap
for Cupcake Soap with Frosting, 56–57
galbanum essential oil, 18, 78
Gale, Marie, 94
geranium rose, 18
ginger essential oil, 62
glycerin rivers, 90
goat tallow, 1
Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41–42
Good Manufacturing Practices for Soap and Cosmetic Handcrafters (Gale), 94
green mandarin essential oil, 43
hand mixer, 11
hardening of soap
essential oils and, 10
salt in soap and, 28
health benefits
of activated charcoal, 49
of cocoa, 32
of lavender, 46
heating pad, 10
herbal colorants, 63
The Herbarie, 97
herb pigment, powder, 74
herbs, for Beard Wash Soap, 50–51
honey, skin benefits, 44
horse tail, 50
hot-process soap, 91
Indie Business Network, 94
insurance, 94
in seaweed, 29
in soap, 5
Irish moss powder, 36
isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 11, 14
jasmine essential oil, 97
jasmine grandiflorum essential oil, 79
jasmine sambac essential oil, 30, 79
Jasmine scent blend, 79
“juhi” jasmine articulatum, 79
juniper essential oil, 78
kelp, 28
kitchen scale, 11
kukui nut oil, 6
labeling your soap, 93–94, 95–96
lavandin abrialis, 47
lavandin grosso, 47
lavender angustifolia (Hungary), 47
lavender angustifolia (Russia), 47
lavender essential oil, 10
for herbal infusion, 72
Honey Bee Soap, 43
Lavender Herbal Infusion Soap, 46–47
for Sugar Plum Fairy Soap, 18–19
Lavender Herbal Infusion Soap, 46–47
lavender, skin benefits of, 47
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
lemongrass essential oil, 22, 28
Lemon Scent Blend, 22
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Liberty Natural Products, 97
lime essential oil, 50
line through the center of soap, 34, 74, 75
liquid hand soaps, 2
lotus essential oil, 97
lovage leaf essential oil, 30
getting on your skin, 7
natural colorants and, 81
saponification and, 5
zap test and, 3
lye-heavy spots, 90
Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 6, 28–29
micella, 5
Modeling Soap, 45, 944
Monterey Bay Spice Company, 98
Mountain Rose Herbs, 97
Mount Sapo, Rome, 1
myrrh essential oil, 30, 53, 54, 78
natural colorants. See colorants
neroli essential oil, 97
nettle, 50
nonreactive equipment, 13
nylon stockings, 66
oakwood essential oil, 78
oils. see also specific types of oils
saponification and, 5
turning rancid, 91
olive oil, 11
Bastille Soap, 52
Coffee Soap, 37
fatty acids in, 6
Gingersnap Cookie Soap, 62
Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41–42
Lavender Herbal Infusion Soap, 46–47
Layered-Sandwich-Cookie-Style Soap, 58–59
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 28–29, 30
Modeling Soap, 45
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
online, selling soap, 93
oxide colorants, 90
parchment paper, 11
patchouli essential oil
Beer Soap, 35
Honey Bee Soap, 43
The Perfumery, 97
Phoenicians, 1
pH testing strips, 3
plant ash, 1
plastic equipment, 7
plums, in Sugar Plum Fairy Soap, 18–19
pop-up shops, 94
powdered colors, 79
powdered seaweed, 28
pricing your soap, 93
Prima Fluer, 97
purple cabbage, testing soap for pH level with, 3
PVC tube/pipe, 11, 22–23, 35, 37, 50
reactive utensils and bowls, 7
regulations on selling soap, 93–94
rose de mai essential oil, 33, 78
rose essential oil, 97
rose geranium essential oil, 33
rosemary essential oil, 28, 50
roses, skin benefits of, 34
rosewood essential oil, 33, 50
round tube, for Watermelon Soap, 24
rubber gloves, 11
ruby red grapefruit essential oil, 30
safety check, 8
saipo, 1
salt soaps, 28
Salt Water soap, 30
sandalwood essential oil, 97
SAP (saponification) value, 5
scent blends
for Beer Soap, 35
forest green, 78
for Gingersnap Cookie Soap, 62
for Goat Milk Soap, 39
for Golden Coconut Milk Soap, 41
for Honey Bee soap, 43
Jasmin, 79
lavender, 47
for Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22
for Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 28
for Shakka Shakka (Beard Wash Soap), 50
Soleseife Brine Soap, 30
for Sugar Plum Fairy Soap, 18–19
for Taiwan Swirl method, 78
for Watermelon Soap, 24
for Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33
winter on trees, 78
scents, 13. see also essential oils
for Modeling Soap, 45
scotch pine essential oil, 78
shampoo bars
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22–23
Shopify, 93
silicone equipment, 7
skin benefits
of activated charcoal, 49
of beer, 36
of carrots, 21
of cocoa, 32
of coconut milk, 42
of coffee, 38
of honey, 44
of lavender, 47
of molasses, 63
of myrrh, 54
of plums, 19
of sea salt, 28
of seaweed, 29
of watermelon, 27
skin, getting lye on your skin, 7
gelled versus non-gelled, 10
making your own tools for making, 83–87
testing for pH balance, 3
word origin, 1
Soap & Cosmetic Labeling (Gale), 94
soap cutter, making your own, 85–87
soap designs. See designs, soap
soap mold, 11
items to use for a, 13
making your own, 84
soap seizing, 91
Soap sprinkles, 70
sodium hydroxide. See lye
Solid line through the center design, 74
sprinkles, soap, 70
spruce essential oil, 78
stainless steel equipment, 7
Starwest Botanicals, 97
storage, of lye, 7
sugar(s), 18, 19, 22, 25, 39, 62, 63
super fat/super fatting, 6
for Beard Wash Soap, 50
Lemon Solid Shampoo Bar, 22
Mermaids Kisses Salty Sea Soap, 28
Swirly Whirl-ys on Top design, 71
tangerine from peel, 18
tap water, 13
gelling your soap and, 14
glycerin rivers and, 90
thermometers, 11
titanium dioxide, 24, 25, 26, 58, 76, 79, 81, 82
tools and equipment
list of basic, 11
safety issues and, 7
trace, 7
turmeric, 41, 42, 45, 74, 81, 82
utensils. See tools and equipment
vending events, 94
vetiver essential oil, 50
vinegar, 7
watermelon, benefits for the skin, 27
having your own, 93
for selling your soap, 93
white champa leaf essential oil, 41, 43, 78
White Lotus Aromatics, 97
Wine and Roses Soap with a Hint of Chocolate, 33–34
wine, skin benefits of, 34
winter on trees scent blend, 78
wood ash, 1
wood essential oil, 24
wood utensils and bowls, 7
wool roving, for felted soap, 66–67, 93
WordPress platform, 93
ylang ylang essential oil, 18, 30, 43
zap test, 3