John Milton: Loss and Gain (Gen. 3:24)
Denver Moore: From Burdens to Blessings (Gen. 37:36)
Harriet Tubman: The Leading of the Lord (Ex. 14:30)
John Wesley: Holiness of Heart (Lev. 11:23)
Brother Lawrence: The Habit of Holiness (Lev. 26:13)
Pandita Ramabai: Justice for the Outcast (Deut. 9:29)
Alvin C. York: Grace Under Pressure (Josh. 6:21)
Evangeline Booth: Onward, Christian Soldiers (Judg. 4:7)
Constantine: Conquering for Christ (Judg. 7:14)
Jane Edna Hunter: Hope for the Humble (Ruth 4:12)
Johnny Cash: A Song for Sinners (2 Sam. 11:14)
Earl Warren: The Justice of Wisdom (1 Kin. 3:9)
William Cowper: Ups and Downs (1 Kin. 19:4)
Queen Victoria: Faithful Leadership (2 Kin. 19:19)
Queen Ranavalona II: Guiding a Nation to God (1 Chr. 13:22)
Josiah: Reform and Restoration (2 Chr. 34:7)
William Tyndale: The Power of God’s Word (2 Chr. 34:33)
DeWitt Clinton: Building with Belief (Neh. 6:16)
Corrie ten Boom: God’s People and God’s Ways (Esth. 8:8)
John Donne: The Battered Heart (Job 19:27)
Josephine Bakhita: From Slavery to Servanthood (Job 36:12)
Johannes Kepler: The Heavens Declare His Glory (Ps. 19:6)
Paul Cézanne: Art and Beauty (Ps. 30:12)
Isaac Watts: Instruments of God (Ps. 100:5)
C. H. Spurgeon: Proclaiming God’s Word (Ps. 141:6)
Susanna Wesley: A Woman After God’s Heart (Prov. 31:26)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Unquenchable Love (Song 8:4)
Martin Luther King Jr.: Dreams of the Future (Is. 2:4)
Esther John: The Suffering Servant (Is. 53:12)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Unsilenced Voice (Jer. 10:25)
Albert Lutuli: A Liberating Love (Jer. 30:9)
Harriet Beecher Stowe: Cleansing the Land (Ezek. 21:27)
Frederick Douglass: Freedom in a Fallen World (Dan. 6:23)
Ida Scudder: Surprised by God (Hos. 14:3)
Daniel Defoe: Repentance and Rescue (Jon. 3:10)
Mother Teresa: Love for the Lowly (Mic. 4:8)
C. S. Lewis: The Other Side of Doubt (Hab. 3:7)
Jacob Riis: Blessings for the City (Zech. 8:5)
Francis of Assisi: A Generous Heart (Matt. 10:10)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Radical Faith (Mark 13:13)
Anne Bradstreet: Healing Through Heartache (Luke 8:3)
Toyohiko Kagawa: A Good Samaritan Faith (Luke 10:37)
A. Wetherell Johnson: Studying the Scriptures (John 12:26)
Lilias Trotter: The Gift of the Cross (John 20:17)
Óscar Romero: Modern Martyrs (Acts 7:60)
Sojourner Truth: Called by the Spirit (Acts 10:7)
Watchman Nee: Life in Christ (Rom. 5:21)
Michael Polanyi: Faith and Reason (1 Cor. 2:5)
George Washington Carver: Daily Renewal (2 Cor. 4:18)
Martin Luther: Redeemed by Grace (Gal. 2:21)
Bakht Singh Chabra: Salvation on the Streets (Eph. 4:32)
Charles Colson: The Reformed Soul (Phil. 1:12)
Luke: Kingdom Workers (Col. 4:14)
James Cash Penney: Bringing Faith to Work (1 Thess. 3:13)
Barnabas: Ministry Mentors (1 Tim. 4:11)
Eric Liddell: Running the Good Race (2 Tim. 4:8)
Mary McLeod Bethune: Seeking to Serve (Titus 3:7)
Booker T. Washington: Healing the Past (Philem. 1:20)
Hudson Taylor: A Care for Culture (Heb. 10:36)
Amy Carmichael: A Faith That Works (James 1:27)
Olaudah Equiano: Submitted to Suffering (1 Pet. 2:25)
Ambrose: Fighting for the Faith (2 Pet. 2:11)
Juan Luis Segundo: A Liberating Love (1 John 4:11)
Billy Sunday: Courage for Christ (Jude 1:23)
George Frideric Handel: A Voice in the Wilderness (Rev. 19:5)