Introduction: Turn Back the Clock
Step 1: Your Personal Rx for the Heart
Day 1: Back to First Grade
Day 2: The Joy Factor
Day 3: You’re Soaking in It
Day 4: Heart-Healthy Choices
Day 5: The Warmth of Community
Day 6: Grace in a Bottle
Day 7: Pluck Without Pain
Day 8: Childlike Prayers
Day 9: Do What You Love
Step 2: Your Personal Rx for the Mind
Day 10: It Starts with Your Sneakers
Day 11: Brain Food
Day 12: 4000 Hobbies
Day 13: Where Are My Keys?
Day 14: Whatever Happens, Remain Calm
Day 15: Laugh and Eat Chocolate
Day 16: What’s Next?
Step 3: Your Personal Rx for the Body
Day 17: Plastic Surgery, Botox, and Other Modern Marvels
Day 18: I’m Not 13, But My Hormones Are Raging!
Day 19: Closed for Renovations
Day 20: Eat This, Toss That
Day 21: A Fast from Fast Food
Day 22: Drink and Grow Rich
Day 23: You’ve Got to Move It
Day 24: Goodnight, Baby
Day 25: Making Time for Love
Day 26: Am I Too Old to Sparkle?
Day 27: The Eyes Have It
Day 28: The Best Thing You Can Wear
Day 29: Saving Your Skin
Day 30: Spa Day
Day 31: The Splendor of Gray
Conclusion: You Glow, Girl!
The Top Ten Ways to Look and Feel Younger
About Arlene Pellicane
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