
Note: page numbers in italic indicate figures or tables.

9/11 79


50 Cent 172

2007–08 financial crisis 13, 34, 79, 235

interest rates following 6465, 65, 79

Abu Ghraib 225

Aetna 122

Age of Turbulence, The 220

‘agreeableness’ 190

air rage 114

Alexander the Great 190


Alipay 173

Taobao 164

Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) 221

Amazon 55, 163, 200

Alexa 162, 165

‘Amazonification’ 9094

drones 169

Echo 162

Quick Buy 94

‘amygdala hijack’ 242

analytic thinking see left-brain thinking

Andela 150

androcentricity 199200

of the internet 200

anger 11322

causes of 11415

commercialization of 116

controlling 114

and creativity 129

and greed 12627

and leadership 115, 117

dealing with angry people 12021

mainstream media, role of 116

‘Rule 34’ 12122

social media, role of 113, 11719

abuse of leaders on 120

behaviour change online 11819

disinhibition 117, 118

Anger Room 116

Animal Ambition 172

Antikythera 16

Apple 58

Apple Pay 94

FaceTime 90

iPhone 68, 91, 218

iTunes 164

Appleby Affair, The 53

Arab Spring 34

‘Arc of Steel’ 141

Are Women More Emotionally Intelligent Than Men? 193

Argo AI 168

Aristotle 25, 190

‘Armchair Activism’ 121

artificial intelligence (AI) 16365

chatbots 16162

and marketing 164

and personalization 16364

self-driving cars 16769

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 153

Atchison, Jim 223, 225

‘attention residue’ 196

Aurora Theatre shooting 119

austerity 63

authenticity 226

axis of leadership challenge 11113, 112

balanced chairing 208

Bank of England 173

Baron-Cohen, Simon 194

Barra, Mary 169

Barrett, E Boyd 99

BBC 216

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 18, 13740

and centralization 15253

and inflation 66, 68, 73

Benioff, Marc 180

Bennett, Billy 74

Berlin Wall, fall of the 49, 134, 142, 144, 155

and deflation 68, 227

and NATO 141

Bezos, Jeff 55, 163

BHS 76, 77

BI Intelligence 168, 202

big data 174, 176, 199

value of 4445

bin Salman, Mohammed 150

‘binocular vision’ 11

Bitcoin 66, 17172

energy consumption of 173

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System 171

Blackfish 223

BlackRock 188

Blade Runner 161

Blink 189

blockchain 50, 71, 17273

BMW 168

Boddington, Ghislaine 167

Borders, Fences and Walls: State of Insecurity? 144

Brexit 2, 13, 48

and centralization 151, 152

and data-driven thinking 34, 35, 69

and democracy 247, 248

and geopolitics 135

and impatience 101

and logical thinking 7

and over-confidence 203

British Association of Anger Management 114

Buffet, Warren 55, 237

Burning of Parliament, The 71

Cambridge Analytica 69

cashless payments 173

Celeb Boutique 119

Center for Humane Technology 179, 218

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 174

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas 203, 204, 205, 206

Chantix 55

chatbots 16162

Checkatrade 177



Alipay 173

Taobao 164

commonalities with US 224

debt levels 59

defence spending 141, 142

development of new tech 151, 174

global institutions 153

housing costs 56

infrastructure projects

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 18, 13740, 15253

telecommunications 140

manufacturing operations 14, 48, 68, 79, 229

and North Korea

resources in 146, 14849

energy prices 173

social credit scoring 177

wages in 67, 73, 145, 223

China Daily 140

‘Church of Fail’ technique 12829

Churchill, Winston 85, 238

circle thinking 208

Cleland, Victoria 173

Clicktivism 122

Clinton, Bill 101

Clinton, Hillary 37, 116

Cochin airport 170

Cold War 134, 140

Coles, Alasdair 127

Common Sense Media 179

conflict resolution 12425

Consumer Price Index (CPI) 54

‘Continentals’ 63

‘Copernican Revolution, The’ 53

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 12, 246

Council on Foreign Relations 135, 141

Cox, Jo 116

‘creative destruction’ 51


and anger 129

and information overload 3233

credit scoring 176, 177

Cronkite, Walter 216

Crossfire 116

crowdfunding 70

Crown, The 226

cryptocurrencies 70, 172

see also Bitcoin

Cuban missile crisis 155

Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It 4041

Daily Mail 30

comments section 117

Daily Telegraph, The 191

‘dark web’ 17576

Darkest Hour 226


big data 174, 176, 199

value of 4445

‘citizen scoring’ 17677

data-driven thinking 3437, 42, 4445

case scenarios, using 37

drones, role of 16970

fast data 174

haptic technologies 16667

teledildonics 167

leader’s mandate, the 42

nature of 4950

backward-looking 36

‘what’ vs ‘why’ 37

vs perception 8, 3435

fear 52

pain suffered 55

quality of life 5859

see also anger

predictive capacity of 165

quantitative thinking 6, 236, 238

rating and reviewing 17778

and technological change 71, 78

as a wave 5455

see also information overload

debt 5961, 60

austerity 63

consumption, as a moral good 219

defaulting 62

efficient vs inefficient debt 61

global 59

‘haircutting’ 6263

impatience, role of 9495, 103, 108

and inflation 6366, 64, 71

interest rates 6465, 65

local 59

new systems, introducing 63, 7172

cryptocurrencies 72, 73

fiat currencies 73

tally sticks 7172

personal 59, 7476, 75

US national debt 61, 62

Deep Work 196

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 175

Dimon, Jamie 55

diplomacy 15455, 222

Double 11 164

drones 16970

data collection by 170

regulation of 169

Dunkirk 226

Economist, The 138


and intelligence 11011

and leadership 89

value of 22021

egocentricism 192, 194

eight ‘I’s model see Kythera

Einstein, Albert 27, 127

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 175

emotional intelligence 19295

neuroscience 193

‘tend-and-befriend’ 194

Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ 242

empathy 127, 19395

EOS 172

Ethereum 172

Evercore ISI 55

Exclamation Law 117

Facebook 177

‘Amazonification’ 90

dangers of 179

gender balance 202

and impatience 94

as an inflationary force 69

information overload 28

Messenger 90

chatbots 161, 162

failures, leadership 12, 7677

acceptability of 13, 243, 24546

causes of 1013

and egocentricism 192

failure, fear of 12829

and fear 242

and lack of imagination 235

and overconfidence 236

reward for 223, 225

and trust 217

Fair, Bill and Isaac, Earl 176

‘fake news’ 216

fast data 174


and change 5152

and data 52

Federal Reserve Bank 67, 70, 7374

Federal Reserve Economic Database 65

‘fiat’ currencies 73

FICO scores see credit scores

Financial Times 53

Fitbit 162

fixed odds betting terminals (FOBT) 94

food costs 56, 58

shrinkflation 57

Forbes 123, 196

Ford 168

Fourth Turning, The 50

Foxconn 68

Freedom Party 221

Führerprinzip 192

Gardner, Howard 110

Garten Ash, Timothy 144

gender 7, 11, 186209

androcentricity 199200

of the internet 200

board diversity 188

and collaboration 19597

compensation structure 195

concentration on a single task 19697

gender wage gap 19596

guilt, role of 197

and confidence 18990, 20204

improving 20708

at interview 203

demonization of men 207, 209

and emotional intelligence 19295

neuroscience 193

‘tend-and-befriend’ 194

‘feminine thinking’ 188, 194, 195, 247

‘glass ceiling’ 205

and humility 204

LAB Brain Model 19799, 198

and leader communication style 202

‘masculine thinking’ 12, 188, 195

in the leadership environment 20506

potential, accessing 186

and power / influence

‘agreeableness’ 190

cosmetic use 19192

egocentricism 192, 194

height 189

loudness 18990

patriarchy, the 19091

spoken contributions 191

on social media 20001, 201

testosterone, role of 194, 209

General Mills 122

General Motors (GM) 16869

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 239

geopolitics 13455, 238

centralization argument 15153

Chinese infrastructure projects

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 18, 13740, 15253

telecommunications 140

cities vs countries 135

defence spending 134, 14042

as an economic stimulus 14243

diplomacy 15455, 222

immigration 14446, 145

resources 14651

energy 14950

protein 14849

tech 15051

waste and pollution 148

water 14648, 147

trade rules 15354

‘wall-building’ 14346

Ghandi, Mohandas (Mahatma Ghandi) 115

Gladwell, Malcolm 189

‘glass ceiling’ 205

Glass Door 177

Gleick, P H 147

Godin, Seth 221

Godwin’s Law 117

Goldman Sachs 169, 220

Goleman, Daniel 123, 193, 194, 242

Goodhart, Charles 74

Google 122, 161, 174, 179

Government Pension Fund Global 170

Grant, Adam and Sandberg, Sheryl 191

Great Society Program 63

greed 12526

Green, Philip 76

Greenspan, Alan 220

Guardian, The 101

Guterres, António 144

Hackford, Sophie 165

‘haircutting’ 6263

haptic technologies 16667

teledildonics 167

Harmon, Shani and Cullinan, Renee 196, 197

Harvard Business Review 93, 123, 127, 203, 205

Harvard Business School 13

hedonics 5758

Heihe-Tengchong Line 146

Heim, C and Mirowski, P 65

Heliograf 164

Hills, S, Thomas, R and Dimsdale, N 65

Hipponensis, Aurelius Augustinus (St Augustine of Hippo) 24950

History of Interest Rates, A 64

Homer, Sidney and Sylla, Richard 64, 65

Hootsuite 28

Hornsdale Power battery system 170

housing costs 5556, 58

shrinkflation 57

human resources (HR) 12

Humane Design 17980

humour 128

I, Daniel Blake 160

impatience 84104, 21920

attention spans, declining 92

for change 10102

job tenure 86, 86, 220

learning to be patient 9899

‘Marshmallow Experiments’ 99100

and overconsumption 9495, 108

and parenting 8889, 100

patience, value of 88, 9596

ignorance 108

for leaders 96, 97

popular impatience 10203

relationship length and status 87, 87, 89, 100

online dating 89, 90, 9394

and short-termism 237

speed of new tech 93

and stress 9798

and trust 97, 10001, 222

Improvisational Negotiation: A Mediator’s Stories of Conflict 124

income inequality 52, 94, 115, 221

Individuation 248

Inevitable, The 176

inflation 5466, 64, 7374, 127

Bitcoin, role of 17172

and debt 6366, 64, 71

interest rates 6465, 65

deflation 6667, 77

distribution of effects 54, 58

in food and groceries 56

in healthcare 55

hedonics 5758

in housing 5556

inflationary issues, other 66, 6768, 74

perceived 49

shrinkflation 5657

and the internet 6870

quantity theory of money 6970

information overload 7, 2445, 84, 108

algorithms 31

concentration, effect on 19697, 199, 204

conversation, loss of 3839

and creativity 3233

data-driven thinking 3437, 42, 4445

case scenarios, using 37

effects of 33, 43

emails 24, 2728

filtering 2930

impatience, role of 91

messaging apps 29

news media 28, 3132

pattern recognition 40

questioning, importance of 4041, 44

social media 24, 28, 31, 39

and disintermediation 4243

speed vs truth 30, 31

and stress 31

Instagram 28, 202

integrity 237

Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) 128


defining 10910

and education 11011

and enlightenment 111

and leadership 111

‘signs’ of 110

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 225

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 59, 153

internet, the

and androcentricity 200

‘dark web’ 17576

disintermediation of relationships 8889, 218

and impatience 84

and inflation 6870

Internet of Things (IoT) 162, 222

online dating 89, 90, 9394

and productivity 9091, 92

social media 48

and anger 113, 11719

concentration, effect on 19697, 199

and depression 179

Facebook 177

Instagram 28, 202

LinkedIn 28, 202

male domination of comments on 20001, 201

Pinterest 202

Snapchat 202

Twitter 177, 200

user demographics 202

video conferencing 93

intuition 125

Jane’s Defence Budgets report 140

Jinping, Xi 56

JP Morgan 55

Jung, Carl 248

Kabat-Zinn, Jon 123

Kant, Immanuel 226

Kardashian, Kim 119

Kelly, Kevin 176

key performance indicators (KPIs) 6

Kipling, Rudyard 246

Kissinger, Henry 137

Knapton, Sarah 192

KPMG 168

Krivis, Jeffrey 124, 125

Kuhn, Peter J and Villeval, Marie-Claire 195

Kythera 4, 16, 1617, 130, 140

eight ‘I’s explained 17

LAB Brain Model 19799, 198

Labour Party 221

Lang, Fritz 161

Le Pen, Marine 221

left-brain thinking 2526, 33, 77, 7879, 187, 249

algorithms 10

anger and creativity 129

background of leaders 8, 26

definition of 6

dependence on 38

and gender 12, 188, 195

in the leadership environment 20506

vs humour 128

vs imagination 8, 10, 37, 236

and information overload 214

and intangibles 130

LAB Brain Model 19799, 198

linear/binary nature of 50, 234

and measuring intelligence 10910, 11

quantitative thinking 6, 11, 236, 238

self-consistency of 43, 122

Leslie, Ian 40, 44

Levy, David 167

Linchpin 221

LinkedIn 28, 202

Lloyd, Bruce 241

Loach, Ken 160

logic, role of 7, 48

Love + Sex and Robots 167

Luscombe, Belinda 121

Luther King, Martin 115

Luvo 161

Macron, Emmanuel 221

Malloy, Ruth 195

Mandela, Nelson 115

Marshall Plan 138

‘Marshmallow Experiments’ 99100

Martin, Fiona 200, 201

Marxism 248

Matheny, Johnny 166

McGilchrist, Ian 43, 122, 187

McInnes, Will 128

McKinsey 220

Melzer, Nils 225

Mercedes 168

Metacognition 124

Metaphoric Mind, The: A Celebration of Creative Consciousness 37

Metcalfe’s Law 9091, 92

#metoo movement 114, 236

Metropolis 161

Microsoft 172

mindfulness 122, 128

benefits of 123

techniques 12324

Mischel, Walter 99

monetarism 69

Monthly Labor Review 86

Musk, Elon 166, 170

MZM 70

Nakamoto, Santoshi 171

NASA 174

National Front 221

National Health Service (NHS) 55

assaults on staff 113, 114

NATO 135, 141, 142

NEM 172

NEO 172

Netflix 164, 200

Neuralink 166

New York Post 201

New York Times, The 30, 191, 221

Newman, Cathy 190

Newport, Cal 196

Nexus 161

NixonMcInnes 128

nostalgic culture 22627

Obama, Barack 55, 152

Of the Social Contract 100

Office of National Statistics 100

Office of Naval Research 175

offshore financial market 5253, 54

One Belt, One Road, One Circle see Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

online dating 89, 90, 9394

O’Reilly, Bill 116

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 60, 75, 148, 177

Panama Papers 53

parenthetic thinking see right-brain thinking

patriarchy, the 19091

Payments Council 173

Peeple 178

pensions, value of 74, 7677

‘permission’ leadership 239

Peterson, Jordan 190

Pew Research Center 56, 86, 202, 220

Philips, Jess 120

Pierson, Emma 201

Pinterest 202

Plato 25

Pornhub 200

prescription drug costs 55

Priestland, David 221

psychological displacement 20708

Psychology Today 193, 194

Putin, Vladimir 150

quantitative easing (QE) 69, 73, 142

quantity theory of money 6970

quantum computing 174

Radicati Group 27

radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags 162

Rage Room 116

RBS 161

Reitz, Megan and Chaskalson, Michael 123

renewable energy 17071

Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) 246

right-brain thinking 6, 2627, 34, 154, 187, 214

conflict resolution 125

contextualisation 40

and gender 7, 188, 194, 195, 247

LAB Brain Model 19799, 198

as a leadership skill 108, 217, 234

axis of leadership challenge 11113, 112

limitations of data 36

vs overconfidence 43, 45

pattern-spotting 40

Ripple 172

road rage 114

Robinson, Ken 110

Roosevelt, Theodore 120

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 100

Royal Society of Arts 59

‘Rule 34’ 12122

Salesforce 164, 180

Samples, Bob 37

Sanders, Bernie 152, 221

Saudi Aramco 171

Schumpeter, Joseph 51

SeaWorld 223

self-driving cars 16769

shrinkflation 5657

Shuanghui International 149

Shuqin, Wang 177

Sinclair, Upton 51

Sitarman, Ramesh 89

‘situational fluency’ 4, 8, 1314, 229, 234, 249

vs distraction 48

and judgement 24142

Skype 90

Slacktivism 12122

Smithfield Foods 149

Snapchat 202

social media 48

and anger 113, 11719

abuse of leaders on 120

behaviour change online 11819

disinhibition 117, 118

concentration, effect on 19697, 199

and depression 179

Facebook 177

‘Amazonification’ 90

dangers of 179

gender balance 202

and impatience 94

as an inflationary force 69

information overload 28

Messenger 90, 161, 162

Instagram 28, 202

LinkedIn 28, 202

male domination of comments on 20001, 201

Pinterest 202

Snapchat 202

Twitter 177, 200

bots 161

disintermediation 42, 119

gender balance on 202

information overload 28

user demographics 202

‘Wizard of Oz’ syndrome 43

Soviet Union 68

Springer, Jerry 116

Stellar 172

Stepford Wives, The 161

Strauss, William and Howe, Neil 50

Strength of Will and How to Develop It 99

Suler, John 118

Suvarov, Alexander 43

synthetic thinking see right-brain thinking

systems thinking 194

Taleb, Nassim 128

Taobao 164

Target 165

tax policy 53

Terminator 161

Tesla 168

testosterone 194, 209

Tett, Gillian 53

Thakrar, Monica 123

Thiel, Peter 19

Time Magazine 121

#timesup movement 115, 236

Tinder 90, 93

Tizen 162

Tommy 246

Too Fast to Think 26, 33, 96, 129

Topshop 76

Tor 175

torture, use of 225

Trainor, Pete 161

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 176

Trump, Donald 13, 48, 116, 221

and data-driven thinking 35

and healthcare 55

and impatience 10102, 152

‘local thinking’ 135

on Twitter 42

Truth About Tech, The 179

Turner, J M W 71

Twitter 177, 200

bots 161

disintermediation 42, 119

gender balance on 202

information overload 28

Uber 164

United Nations (UN) 153

UN Food and Agriculture Organization 56, 148

US Armed Services Committee 137

US Bureau of Labor Statistics 91

US Census Bureau 145

US Department for Labor 86

US Federal Reserve 220

US Treasury 61

Us versus Them 222

Vallet, Elisabeth 144

Verma, Ragini 193

Viagra 55

Viber 28

video conferencing 93

Volcker, Paul 67, 68

von Clausewitz, Carl 154

von Hammerstein-Equord, Kurt 237

Voyer, Benjamin 197

Walby, Sylvia 190

‘wall-building’ 14346

Warsaw Pact 141

Washington Post, The 148, 164, 225

Wasserman, Edward 116

WebMD 90

WeChat 28

Weiller, K and Mirowski, P 65

Wells, H G 243

Western Reductionism see left-brain thinking

Westworld 161

WhatsApp 28

Wikipedia 175

Winter Olympics 2018 143

Wired 164, 165, 173

Wisdom & Leadership: Linking the Past, Present & Future 241

‘Wizard of Oz’ syndrome 43

World Bank 153

World Future Society 241

Wrecking Club 114, 116

Wright, Nicholas 194

Xinping, Ji 148

Yankelovich, Daniel 35

Yann Zhang, Emma 167

Yelp 178

Zoom 90, 93

Zuckerberg, Mark 69, 90, 150

Zumbrun, J 64