- Preface and Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- What Is an Ideology?
- Borders and Property
- Taking Ideology Seriously
- Collective Learning and the Social Sciences
- The Sources Used in This Book: Inequalities and Ideologies
- Human Progress, the Revival of Inequality, and Global Diversity
- The Return of Inequality: Initial Bearings
- The Elephant Curve: A Sober Debate about Globalization
- On the Justification of Extreme Inequality
- Learning from History: The Lessons of the Twentieth Century
- On the Ideological Freeze and New Educational Inequalities
- The Return of Multiple Elites and the Difficulty of Forging an Egalitarian Coalition
- Rethinking Justice in Ownership, Education, and Immigration
- The Diversity of the World: The Indispensability of the Longue Durée
- On the Complementarity of Natural Language and Mathematical Language
- Outline of the Book
- Part One: Inequality Regimes in History
- 1. Ternary Societies: Trifunctional Inequality
- The Trifunctional Logic: Clergy, Nobility, Third Estate
- Ternary Societies and the Formation of the Modern State
- The Delegitimation of Ternary Societies: Between Revolutions and Colonizations
- On Ternary Societies Today
- On the Justification of Inequality in Ternary Societies
- Divided Elites, United People?
- Ternary Societies and State Formation: Europe, India, China, Iran
- 2. European Societies of Orders: Power and Property
- Societies of Orders: A Balance of Powers?
- Trifunctional Order, the Promotion of Free Labor, and the Fate of Europe
- The Size and Resources of the Clergy and Nobility: The Case of France
- The Shrinking Nobility and Clergy in the Late Ancien Régime
- How to Explain the Decline in the Number of Nobles?
- The Nobility: A Propertied Class Between the Revolution and the Restoration
- The Christian Church as a Property-Owning Organization
- The Wealthy Church versus Wealthy Families and Inheritance Practices
- Ecclesiastical Property—The Basis of Economic Law and Capitalism?
- 3. The Invention of Ownership Societies
- The “Great Demarcation” of 1789 and the Invention of Modern Property
- Corvées, Banalités, Loyers: From Feudalism to Proprietarianism
- Lods and the Superposition of Perpetual Rights under the Ancien Régime
- Can Property Be Placed on a New Footing Without Measuring Its Extent?
- Knowledge, Power, and Emancipation: The Transformation of Ternary Societies
- The Revolution, the Centralized State, and Learning about Justice
- Proprietarian Ideology: Between Emancipation and Sacralization
- On the Justification of Inequality in Ownership Societies
- 4. Ownership Societies: The Case of France
- The French Revolution and the Development of an Ownership Society
- Reducing Inequality: The Invention of a “Patrimonial Middle Class”
- Paris, Capital of Inequality: From Literature to Inheritance Archives
- Portfolio Diversification and Forms of Property
- The Belle Époque (1880–1914): A Proprietarian and Inegalitarian Modernity
- The Tax System in France from 1880 to 1914: Tranquil Accumulation
- The “Quatre Vieilles,” the Tax on Capital, and the Income Tax
- Universal Suffrage, New Knowledge, War
- The Revolution, France, and Equality
- Capitalism: A Proprietarianism for the Industrial Age
- 5. Ownership Societies: European Trajectories
- The Size of the Clergy and Nobility: European Diversity
- Warrior Nobilities, Owner Nobilities
- The United Kingdom and Ternary-Proprietarian Gradualism
- The British Aristocracy, a Proprietarian Nobility
- Ownership Societies in Classic Novels
- Burke’s Peerage: From Baronets to Petro-Billionaires
- The House of Lords, Protector of the Proprietarian Order
- The Battle for Progressive Taxation and the Fall of the House of Lords
- Ireland Between Trifunctional, Proprietarian, and Colonialist Ideology
- Sweden and the Constitutionalization of a Society of Four Orders
- One Man, One Hundred Votes: Hyper-Censitary Democracy in Sweden (1865–1911)
- Shareholder Society, Censitary Suffrage: What Limits to the Power of Money?
- The Inegalitarian Tendencies of Nineteenth-Century Ownership Societies
- The Three Challenges of Ownership Society
- Part Two: Slave and Colonial Societies
- 6. Slave Societies: Extreme Inequality
- Societies with Slaves; Slave Societies
- The United Kingdom: The Abolition Compensation of 1833–1843
- On the Proprietarian Justification for Compensating Slaveholders
- France: The Double Abolition of 1794–1848
- Haiti: When Slave Property Becomes Public Debt
- Abolition of 1848: Compensation, Disciplinary Workshops, and Indentured Workers
- Forced Labor, Proprietarian Sacralization, and the Question of Reparations
- United States: Abolition by War, 1860–1865
- On the Impossibility of Gradual Abolition and Compensation in the United States
- On the Proprietarian and Social Justification of Slavery
- “Reconstruction” and the Birth of Social Nativism in the United States
- Brazil: Imperial and Mixed-Race Abolition, 1888
- Russia: The Abolition of Serfdom with a Weak State, 1861
- 7. Colonial Societies: Diversity and Domination
- The Two Ages of European Colonialism
- Settler Colonies, Colonies Without Settlement
- Slave and Colonial Societies: Extreme Inequality
- Maximal Inequality of Property, Maximal Inequality of Income
- Colonization for the Colonizers: Colonial Budgets
- Slave and Colonial Extraction in Historical Perspective
- From the Brutality of Colonial Appropriation to the Illusion of “Gentle Commerce”
- On the Difficulty of Being Owned by Other Countries
- Metropolitan Legality, Colonial Legality
- Legal Forced Labor in the French Colonies, 1912–1946
- Late Colonialism: South African Apartheid, 1948–1994
- The End of Colonialism and the Question of Democratic Federalism
- From the Franco-African Union to the Mali Federation
- 8. Ternary Societies and Colonialism: The Case of India
- The Invention of India: Preliminary Remarks
- India and the Quaternary Order: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras
- Brahminic Order, Vegetarian Diet, and Patriarchy
- The Multicultural Abundance of the Jatis, the Quaternary Order of the Varnas
- Hindu Feudalism, State Construction, and the Transformation of Castes
- On the Peculiarity of State Construction in India
- The Discovery of India and Iberian Encirclement of Islam
- Domination by Arms, Domination by Knowledge
- British Colonial Censuses in India, 1871–1941
- Enumerating Social Groups in Indian and European Trifunctional Society
- Literate Landowners, Administrators, and Social Control
- Colonial India and the Rigidification of Castes
- Independent India Faces Status Inequalities from the Past
- Successes and Limits of Affirmative Action in India
- Property Inequalities and Status Inequalities
- Social and Gender Quotas and the Conditions of Their Transformation
- 9. Ternary Societies and Colonialism: Eurasian Trajectories
- Colonialism, Military Domination, and Western Prosperity
- When the State Was Too Small to Be the Night Watchman
- Interstate Competition and Joint Innovation: The Invention of Europe
- On Smithian Chinese and European Opium Traffickers
- Protectionism and Mercantilism: The Origins of the “Great Divergence”
- Japan: Accelerated Modernization of a Ternary Society
- On the Social Integration of Burakumin, Untouchables, and Roma
- Trifunctional Society and the Construction of the Chinese State
- Chinese Imperial Examinations: Literati, Landowners, and Warriors
- Chinese Revolts and Missed Opportunities
- An Example of a Constitutional Clerical Republic: Iran
- On the Anticolonialist Legitimacy of the Shiite Clergy
- Egalitarian Shiite Republic, Sunni Oil Monarchies: Discourses and Realities
- Equality, Inequality, and Zakat in Muslim Countries
- Proprietarianism and Colonialism: The Globalization of Inequality
- Part Three: The Great Transformation of the Twentieth Century
- 10. The Crisis of Ownership Societies
- Rethinking the “Great Transformation” of the First Half of the Twentieth Century
- The Collapse of Inequality and Private Property (1914–1945)
- From European Proprietarianism to American Neo-Proprietarianism
- The End of Ownership Society; the Stability of Wage Inequalities
- Decomposing the Decline of Private Property (1914–1950)
- Expropriations, Nationalizations-Sanctions, and the “Mixed Economy”
- Private Saving, Public Debt, and Inflation
- Liquidating the Past, Building Justice: Exceptional Taxes on Private Capital
- From Declining Wealth to Durable Deconcentration: The Role of Progressive Taxation
- On the Anglo-American Origins of Modern Fiscal Progressivity
- The Rise of the Fiscal and Social State
- On the Diversity of Tax Payments and the Role of Fiscal Progressivity
- Ownership Societies, Progressive Taxation, and World War I
- On the Role of Social and Ideological Struggles in the Fall of Proprietarianism
- On the Need for Socially Embedded Markets
- Imperial Competition and the Collapse of European Equilibrium
- From Abnormal Military Tribute to a New Military Order
- The Fall of Ownership Society and the Transcendence of the Nation-State
- Federal Union Between Democratic Socialism and Ordoliberalism
- 11. Social-Democratic Societies: Incomplete Equality
- On the Diversity of European Social Democracies
- The New Deal in the United States: A Bargain-Basement Social Democracy
- On the Limits of Social-Democratic Societies
- Public Property, Social Property, Temporary Property
- Sharing Powers, Instituting Social Ownership: An Unfinished History
- Successes and Limitations of German Co-Management
- On the Slow Diffusion of German and Nordic Co-Management
- Socialists, Labourites, Social Democrats: Intersecting Trajectories
- From a European Directive on Co-Management to Proposition “2x + y”
- Beyond Co-Management: Rethinking Social Ownership and Power Sharing
- Cooperatives and Self-Management: Capital, Power, and Voting Rights
- Social Democracy, Education, and the End of US Primacy
- The United States: An Early Leader in Primary and Secondary Education
- US Lower Classes Left Behind Since 1980
- On the Impact of the Legal, Fiscal, and Educational System on Primary Inequalities
- Higher Education and the New Educational and Social Stratification
- Can One Buy a Place in a University?
- On Inequality of Access to Education in Europe and the United States
- Educational Equality, the Root of Modern Growth
- Social Democracy and Just Taxation: A Missed Opportunity
- Social Democracy and the Transcendence of Capitalism and the Nation-State
- Rethinking Globalization and the Liberalization of Capital Flows
- The United States, Europe, and the Property Tax: An Unfinished Debate
- The Progressive Wealth Tax, or Permanent Agrarian Reform
- On the Inertia of Wealth Taxes Stemming from the Eighteenth Century
- Collective Learning and Future Prospects for Taxing Wealth
- Intersecting Trajectories and the Wealth Tax
- 12. Communist and Postcommunist Societies
- Is It Possible to Take Power Without a Theory of Property?
- On the Survival of “Marxism-Leninism” in Power
- The Highs and Lows of Communist and Anticolonialist Emancipation
- Communism and the Question of Legitimate Differences
- On the Role of Private Property in a Decentralized Social Organization
- Postcommunist Russia: An Oligarchic and Kleptocratic Turn
- When Offshore Assets Exceed Total Lawful Financial Assets
- The Origins of “Shock Therapy” and Russian Kleptocracy
- On China as an Authoritarian Mixed Economy
- Negative Public Wealth, Omnipotence of Private Property
- Embracing Debt and Renouncing Fiscal Justice
- On the Limits of Chinese Tolerance of Inequality
- On the Opacity of Inequality in China
- China: Between Communism and Plutocracy
- On the Effect of the Cultural Revolution on the Perception of Inequality
- On the Chinese Model and the Transcendence of Parliamentary Democracy
- Electoral Democracy, Borders, and Property
- On the Single-Party State and the Reformability of Party-Managed Democracy
- Eastern Europe: A Laboratory of Postcommunist Disillusionment
- On the “Naturalization” of Market Forces in the European Union
- Postcommunism and the Social-Nativist Trap
- 13. Hypercapitalism: Between Modernity and Archaism
- Forms of Inequality in the Twenty-First Century
- The Middle East: Pinnacle of Global Inequality
- Measuring Inequality and the Question of Democratic Transparency
- On the Absence of Fiscal Transparency
- Social Justice, Climate Justice
- On Inequality of Carbon Emissions Between Countries and Individuals
- On the Measurement of Inequality and the Abdication of Governments
- Overcoming Opacity: A Public Financial Register
- On the Impoverishment of Public Statistics in the Information Age
- Neo-Proprietarianism, Opacity of Wealth, and Fiscal Competition
- On the Persistence of Hyperconcentrated Wealth
- On the Persistence of Patriarchy in the Twenty-First Century
- On the Pauperization of Poor States and the Liberalization of Trade
- Will Monetary Creation Save Us?
- Neo-Proprietarianism and the New Monetary Regime
- Neo-Proprietarianism and Ordoliberalism: From Hayek to the EU
- The Invention of Meritocracy and Neo-Proprietarianism
- From the Philanthropic Illusion to the Sacralization of Billionaires
- Part Four: Rethinking the Dimensions of Political Conflict
- 14. Borders and Property: The Construction of Equality
- Deconstructing Left and Right: The Dimensions of Sociopolitical Conflict
- The Left-Wing Vote Since 1945: From the Workers’ Party to the Party of the Educated
- Toward a Global Study of Electoral and Political-Ideological Cleavages
- Internationalizing the Study of Ethno-Racial Cleavages and Social Nativism
- Renewal of Political Parties, Declining Electoral Participation
- On the Declining Turnout of the Less Advantaged Classes
- On the Reversal of the Educational Cleavage: The Invention of the Party of the Educated
- On the Robustness of the Reversal of the Educational Cleavage
- Reversal of the Educational Cleavage; Redefinition of Occupational Cleavages
- The Electoral Left and the Less Advantaged Classes: Anatomy of a Divorce
- The “Brahmin Left” and the Question of Social and Educational Justice
- On the Need for New Norms of Educational Justice
- On Property, from Left and Right
- The Left and the Self-Employed: A Twentieth-Century Chronicle of Suspicion
- Strengths and Weaknesses of the “Brahmin Left” and “Merchant Right”
- On the Return of Identitarian and Religious Cleavages in France
- The Rise of Nativism and the Great Political-Religious Upheaval
- Religious Cleavages, Cleavages Over Origins: The Discrimination Trap
- Borders and Property: An Electorate Divided Four Ways
- On the Instability of the Four-Way Division of the Electorate
- Yellow Vests, Carbon, and the Wealth Tax: The Social-Nativist Trap in France
- Europe and the Disadvantaged Classes: The Grounds for a Divorce
- On the Neo-Proprietarian Instrumentalization of Europe
- 15. Brahmin Left: New Euro-American Cleavages
- The Transformation of the US Party System
- Will the Democratic Party Become the Party of the Winners of Globalization?
- On the Political Exploitation of the Racial Divide in the United States
- “Welfare Queens” and “Racial Quotas”: The Republicans’ Southern Strategy
- Electoral Cleavages and Identity Conflicts: Transatlantic Views
- On the Fluidity of Identities and the Danger of Fixed Categories
- The Democratic Party, the “Brahmin Left,” and the Issue of Race
- Lost Opportunities and Incomplete Turns: From Reagan to Sanders
- The Transformation of the British Party System
- On the “Brahmin Left” and the “Merchant Right” in the United Kingdom
- The Rise of Identity Cleavages in the Postcolonial United Kingdom
- The Politicization of Immigration in the United Kingdom from Powell to UKIP
- The Divorce Between the European Union and the Disadvantaged Classes
- 16. Social Nativism: The Postcolonial Identitarian Trap
- From the Workers’ Party to the Party of the Highly Educated: Similarities and Variants
- Rethinking the Collapse of the Left-Right Party System of the Postwar Era
- The Emergence of Social Nativism in Postcommunist Eastern Europe
- The Emergence of Social Nativism: The Italian Case
- On the Social-Nativist Trap and European Disillusionment
- The Democratic Party: A Case of Successful Social Nativism?
- Interstate Competition and the Rise of Market-Nativist Ideology
- On Market-Nativist Ideology and Its Diffusion
- On the Possibility of Social Federalism in Europe
- On the Construction of a Transnational Democratic Space
- Building European Parliamentary Sovereignty on National Parliamentary Sovereignty
- Rebuilding Trust and Developing Common Norms of Justice
- Ending the Permanent European Public Debt Crisis
- Relying on the History of the Debt; Finding New Solutions
- On the Political Conditions for a Social-Federalist Transformation of Europe
- The Separatist Trap and the Catalan Syndrome
- Ideological Dissonance, Fiscal Dumping, and the Small-Country Syndrome
- The Social-Localist Trap and the Construction of the Transnational State
- The Construction of Indian Political Parties and Cleavages
- Indian Political Cleavages: Between Class, Caste, and Religion
- The Difficult Emergence of Classist Cleavages in India
- On the Perception of a Common Fate Among the Disadvantaged Classes
- Classist Cleavages, Identitarian Cleavages: The Social-Nativist Trap in India
- The Future of the Classist Cleavage and of Redistribution in India: Intersecting Influences
- The Incomplete Politicization of Inequality in Brazil
- Identity and Class Cleavages: Borders and Property
- The Dead Ends and Pitfalls of the Populism Debate
- 17. Elements for a Participatory Socialism for the Twenty-First Century
- Justice as Participation and Deliberation
- On the Transcendence of Capitalism and Private Property
- Sharing Power in Firms: An Experimentation Strategy
- Progressive Wealth Taxes and Circulation of Capital
- The Diffusion of Wealth and the Universal Capital Endowment
- The Progressive Tax Triptych: Property, Inheritance, Income
- On the Return to Fiscal Progressivity and Permanent Land Reform
- Toward Social and Temporary Ownership
- On Transparency of Wealth in One Country
- On Writing Fiscal Justice into the Constitution
- Basic Income and Just Wage: The Role of the Progressive Income Tax
- On Progressive Taxation of Carbon Emissions
- On Constructing a Norm of Educational Justice
- Renouncing Educational Hypocrisy, Promoting Transparency
- Just Democracy: Democratic Equality Vouchers
- Toward a Participatory and Egalitarian Democracy
- Just Borders: Rethinking Social Federalism on a Global Scale
- Toward a Transnational Justice
- Between Cooperation and Retreat: The Evolution of the Transnational Inequality Regime
- Conclusion
- History as a Struggle of Ideologies and Quest for Justice
- On the Limits of “De-Westernizing” Our Gaze
- On the Civic and Political Role of the Social Sciences
- Glossary
- List of Tables and Illustrations
- Index