
abortion 154, 156

abundance 26, 56

addictions 140

affirmations 73

aliens 137

allowing 27

animal kingdom 13

Ascension 122

Astral 9, 96, 119

Astral Plane 22, 26

Beings of Light 121

belief system 105

beliefs 105

birth defects 128

bisexual 111

bonding 136

Buddha 10, 11, 15, 69, 93, 98, 101, 121, 147

channelled 117

chant 73

children 99, 125

Christ 9, 10, 69, 93, 96, 101, 121, 124, 133, 147, 162

Christ Consciousness 10

Cold War 151

conspiracies 137

creativity 26

Creator Gods 17

crime 135

death 149, 152

Devil 132

disease 149

DNA 79, 129

dolphins 13, 83, 85

drugs 140

Earth 17

emotions 61

enlightened ones 150

euthanasia 159

extraterrestrial intelligence 83

family 128, 130

First truth 137

foetus 128, 154

forgiveness 27, 32

Four Principles of Creation 23, 25, 47, 94, 163

free will 23, 141

gay 112

gay lifestyle 112

God 15, 17, 25, 29

gratitude 27, 66, 67

guidance 116

health 25, 66

heterosexual 111

hierarchy 17

Higher Self 120

homosexuality 110, 111

inherited illnesses 128

inner guidance 116, 139

Inner Self 118, 139, 151

Internet 58

Israel 86

Jesus 11, 15, 121, 133, 147

joy 96, 103

judgement 22, 34

Karma 21, 35, 77, 127, 129

law 20

Law of Attraction 20, 21, 23, 27, 35, 62, 74, 75, 97, 101, 106, 117, 119

Law of Love 20, 23, 34

lesbian 112

life’s purpose 47

love 24, 25, 70

manifestation 43

meditation 153, 163

mental handicaps 102

money 30, 36, 59, 67, 69, 102

Moses 147

nations 105

Nazarene 98, 146

negative entities 119

new age 148

old age 160

old souls 70, 88

other planets 161

Ouija board 118

parents 70, 99, 131

perception 104, 107

Personal Power 70

physical handicaps 102

Pleiades 81

pornography 113

poverty 65

prehistoric 78

priest 114

prostitute 114

reality 141

reincarnation 79, 87

religion 57, 110, 145, 151

resistance 53, 74, 160

Second Truth 137

secret governments 137

self-acceptance 93

self-appreciation 27, 50, 51, 67, 137

sexual abuse 111

sexual addiction 156

sexual orientation 111

sexuality 108

Sirius 81, 83

soul 15, 27, 44, 87, 94, 96, 120, 133

Soul Family 89, 91

Soul Group 89, 119, 120

soul mate 88

South Africa 86

spirit guides 120

suffering 142

suicide 158

UFO’s 84

unity consciousness 13, 16, 58

vibration 100, 134

violence 135

visualisation 166

World Wars 106