acceleration, 14–15, 48, 71, 257, 300

action at a distance. See spooky action at a distance

AdS/CFT correspondence, 303–304

Aesop’s fables, 4–5

Aharonov, Yakir, 177

Albert, David, 141, 177

amoeba dividing analogy, 123–124


description of, 19–20

probabilities and, 86–87, 130–131, 142–146

probability distribution and, 187

unequal, 147–148

wave functions and, 33

angular momentum, 55

Anscombe, Elizabeth, 129

anti—de Sitter space, 303, 304

area, 279, 284, 285

Aristotle, 13, 15

arrow of time, 158–159


austere quantum mechanics and, 34

blackbody radiation and, 49–50

branching and, 138–139

compatibilism and, 218

Dalton on, 45

description of, 18

electrons and, 45–46

as empty space, 34, 73

entropy and, 158, 160, 276, 297–298

GRW theory and, 184

history of, 45

matter and, 48

obeying quantum mechanics rules, 36

radioactive decay of, 120

Rutherford’s model, 45–46, 52–55

statistical mechanics theory, 29

austere quantum mechanics (AQM), 32–36, 104, 245. See also Everett formulation of quantum mechanics; Many-Worlds theory

Banks, Tom, 285

Bauer, Edmond, 222

Bayes, Thomas, 136

Bayesian inference, 198

Bayesianism, 136

Bekenstein, Jacob, 297, 300

Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, 297–299

Bell, John, 30–31, 178, 190

Bell states, 102–103

Bell’s theorem on entanglement, 102–106, 190, 233

Big Bang, 93–94, 113, 287

black hole information puzzle, 294

black holes

complementarity, 304–306

degrees of freedom inside, 298–299

description of, 291–292

dynamical nonlocality and, 296

emitting radiation, 293–296

entropy and, 297–299

evaporation, 295

event horizon and, 293

in general relativity, 293, 301–302

general relativity and, 270, 297, 305

holography for, 302–303

maximum-entropy nature of, 300–301

membrane paradigm, 305

no-cloning theorem and, 296

particles and, 291, 293–294

as region of spacetime, 293, 299

representing highest-entropy states, 299–300

temperature of, 293

blackbody radiation, 49–50

blackbody spectrum, 50

Bohm, David, 30, 103, 178, 189–190

Bohmian mechanics

as alternative formulation of quantum mechanics, 192–193

Einstein on, 194

haphazard construction of, 202

Heisenberg on, 194

nonlocality and, 191

Oppenheimer on, 194

particle observation and, 41, 190–194

particles momenta, 195

Pauli on, 194

problems in, 194–195

uncertainty principle in, 195–196

wave functions in, 193

Bohr, Niels, 28, 31, 35, 54–58, 66–67, 74–75, 109

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 158–163, 276

Born, Max, 20, 33, 58–59, 65–66, 67

Born rule

description of, 19–20

in Many-Worlds theory, 146–148

particle locations and, 191–193

probabilities and, 130–131, 145, 167–168

as Pythagoras’s theorem, 87, 142

self-locating uncertainty, 171

Bousso, Raphael, 300

brains, as coherent physical systems, 220

branch counting, 142–144


atoms and, 138–139

cause of, 213–214

decision making and, 213–216

decoherence and, 119–120, 122–123, 137–138, 183, 186

description of, 157–161

as emergent worlds, 239

with four consecutive spin measurements, 134

in Many-Worlds theory, 169–172

Many-Worlds theory and, 138–140

as nonlocal process, 171–172

quantum systems and, 216

Schrödinger’s equation and, 116

Bunn, Ted, 117

Cao, ChunJun (Charles), 285

categorical imperative (Kant), 210

Caves, Carlton, 198

CFT (conformal field theory), 303

choice-making. See free will

classical electromagnetism, 250, 269

classical mechanics

atoms (See atoms)

fields (See fields)

Hamiltonian, 64, 196, 239–240, 281–282

momentum in, 16, 70–71, 239

Newton and, 14–15

particles (See particles)

position in, 16, 70–71, 239

rules of, 21–22

closed universe, 287–288

cloud of probability, 19, 37

Coleman, Sidney, 129

collapse theory, 212

compatibilism, 218

complementarity, 74–79, 304–306

composite particles, 46–47

conformal field theory (CFT), 303

consciousness, 122–123, 219–224

consequentialism, 210

Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, 23, 57, 110, 116, 221

Core Theory, 230, 249, 252

cosmological constant, 256–257

cosmological constant problem, 258–259

credences, 136–137, 141–142, 211

curved spacetime. See general relativity

Dalton, John, 45

Davies, Paul, 256

de Broglie, Louis, 28, 30, 60, 62–65, 188

de Broglie—Bohm theory, 41. See also Bohmian mechanics

decision making, as classical events, 213–216

decision theory, 148–149, 212


branching and, 119–120, 122–123, 137–138, 183, 186

description of, 117–120

linking austere quantum mechanics to the world, 245

multiple worlds and, 233–234

Penrose and, 186

as rapid process, 140

reversal of, 160

Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment, 241–243

worlds interference with one another, 157

Zeh and, 178–179

degrees of freedom, 71, 262–263, 283–284, 298–299

Democritus, 44

demon thought experiment (Laplace), 16, 57, 63, 162–163, 235

Dennett, Daniel, 238–239

deontology, 210

determinism, 216–218

Deutsch, David, 126, 148, 174, 194

DeWitt, Bryce, 126, 288

Dirac, Paul, 65

disappearing worlds theory, 117

distribution of probabilities. See probability distributions

double-slit experiment, 75–79, 120–123, 191

dualism, 223

dynamical locality, 233, 281–282

dynamical nonlocality, 296

dynamical-collapse models, 181–186

effective field theory, 320–321

Einstein, Albert

Bohm and, 189–190

on Bohmian mechanics, 194

Bohr debate with, 28–29, 31, 109

compass story, 310

on cosmological constant, 256–257

death of, 309

general relativity work, 110, 112, 185, 230–231, 279–280. See also general relativity

on Heisenberg’s approach to quantum theory, 271

at Institute for Advanced Study, 110

labeling quantum mechanics as spooky, 11

light quantum proposal, 51–52, 60, 66

on matrix mechanics, 59

physical theory, 102

Podolsky and, 101

quantum entanglement and, 31

on quantum mechanics, 96, 102, 268

as relativity pioneer, 31

on spacetime, 269–270

special relativity theory, 99, 233

on uncertainty principle, 91, 109

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) thought experiment, 96–102, 109, 191, 233, 285

electric charge, 48n

electric fields, 47–48

electricity, 46

electromagnetic field

Feynman diagrams and, 315

gravitons and, 274

leading to particle-like photons, 255

Maxwell on, 47–48

electromagnetic radiation, 49–50, 66. See also light

electromagnetic waves, 60, 249–250

electromagnetism, classical, 250, 269


atoms and, 45–46

Bohr’s quantized orbits, 55–58, 66–67

cloud of probability, 19

definition of, 18

discovery of, 45

double-slit experiment, 75–79

entanglement and, 92, 120–122

Feynman diagrams and, 315

interference bands, 121

interference pattern of, 77–78

in natural habitat, 18

orbiting, 46

particles vs. waves, 49, 75

spin outcomes, 80–83, 97–99

in superposition, 34

elementary particles, 46–47

elements of reality, 100

emergence, 234–239

empirical theories, 155–156

empty space

atoms as, 34, 73

energy of, 256–257

entropy and, 278

no particles in, 260–261

quantum vacuum in, 256–257, 259–261

quantum version of, 302

as stationary, 260

energy, 173, 184, 253, 256–257, 281–282, 291. See also vacuum energy

entangled superposition, 114–116

entanglement. See also Bell’s theorem on entanglement

in action, 94–95

to define distances, 276–277

degrees of freedom in, 263, 283–284

description of, 37–38, 91

in different regions of space, 261–265

Einstein and, 31

electrons and, 92, 120–122

entropy and, 160

with environment, 118–119

EPR paper on, 96–102, 109

examples of, 91–92

in GRW theory, 182–183

momentum and, 92

nonlocal nature of, 178

no-signaling theorem, 97–99

in quantum field theory, 249

quantum states and, 118, 261–262

quantum systems and, 159–160

Schrödinger’s equation and, 38

two-qubit system, 95–96

vacuum energy and, 262–265

entanglement entropy, 160, 277, 283

entropic arrow of time, 158–159


area and, 285

arrow of time, 158–159

atoms and, 158, 160, 276, 297–298

Bekenstein-Hawking, 297–299

of black holes, 297–299

Boltzmann formula for, 158–163

in closed systems, 158

cutoffs, 278

of empty space, 278

entanglement, 160

event horizon as similar to, 297

limits on, 300

low, 159

from objective to subjective feature, 161–162

quantum mechanics and, 276–278

of quantum subsystems, 277

within thermodynamics, 279

in vacuum state, 279

epistemic probabilities, 135–140

epistemology, 30, 197–201

equal probability, 144–146

equal-amplitudes-imply-equal-probabilities rule, 144–146

ER=EPR conjecture, 285n

ERP. See Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) thought experiment

event horizon, 293, 296–297, 301–305

Everett, Hugh

death of, 127

DeWitt and, 126

leaving academia, 178

lifestyle choices, 127

Many-Worlds formulation and, 39

Petersen and, 125

on quantum gravity, 111–114, 122–125, 272

on quantum immortality, 207

on quantum measurements, 164–165

at Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, 125–126

Everett, Mark, 127

Everett formulation of quantum mechanics

as assault on Bohr’s picture, 123–124

implications of, 41

ingredients for, 40–41

measurements and, 104–105, 114–117, 123–125

overview of, 38–40

as simple and elegant, 202

Everett phone, 180

fatness measure, 141

Feynman, Richard, 2, 27n, 111, 314

Feynman diagrams

description of, 314–316

electromagnetic field and, 315

explicit cutoff, 320

infinities in, 319

internal closed loop, 317–318

particle physicists’ use of, 315–317

particles and, 314–316

renormalization, 318–319

virtual particles in, 316

field metric, 273


defining feature of, 47

definition of, 44

in GRW theory, 185

in quantum field theory, 250–252

Fifth International Solvay Conference, 27–28

firewall proposal, 296–297n

Fischler, Willy, 285

forces, examples of, 16

formalism of quantum mechanics, 30, 152–153

foundations of quantum mechanics

Albert and, 177

Bell’s theorem on entanglement, 102, 105

Bohr-Einstein debates on, 109

consensus on, 178

Everett’s proposal, 111, 123

measurement problems and, 17

Nobel prize awarded for, 59

physicists response to, 196–197, 272, 311

Popper and, 157

spacetime and, 6

Franklin, Benjamin, 48n

free will, 216–218

frequency, measuring, 50–51

frequentism, 133–135. See also Bayesianism

Fuchs, Christopher, 198, 200

Geiger counters as quantum systems, 221–222

general relativity. See also quantum gravity; special relativity

behavior of spacetime in, 280

Big Bang and, 287

black holes and, 270, 293, 297, 301–302, 305

Einstein’s work on, 110, 112, 185, 230–231, 269–270

expansion of the universe and, 270

as field theory, 230, 250

gravitons and, 273–274

loop quantum gravity and, 275

metric field, 273

Penrose’s work on, 185–186

predictions in, 156

quantizing, 230–231, 270–271

replacing Laplace’s theory, 248

universe’s zero energy and, 287–288

Wheeler’s work on, 110

generic quantum state, 282

geometry, 270–271, 306

Gerlach, Walter, 80

Ghirardi, Giancarlo, 181

“ghost world” scenario, 120

Giddings, Steve, 285

gluons, 46

Gospel of Matthew, 27n

Goudsmit, Samuel, 178

gravitational fields, 48, 248, 273–274

gravitational waves, 53–54

gravitons, 273–274

gravity, 6–7, 165, 185–186, 230, 267, 270–273. See also general relativity; quantum gravity; relativity theory

Green, Michael, 274

GRW theory, 181–186, 196–197, 202–203

Habicht, Conrad, 52

Hamilton, William Rowan, 64

Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics, 64, 196, 239–240, 281–282

Hammeroff, Stuart, 219

Hawking, Stephen, 113, 291–292, 293

h-bar version, 56

Heisenberg, Werner, 28, 35, 57–59, 63, 67, 194

Heisenberg cut, 35

Heisenberg method, 271

hidden variables, 187–190

hidden-variable theories, 188–189, 190, 260

Hilbert space, 85, 154, 164–166, 263, 306

Hobbes, omas, 218

holographic principle, 302–304

Hooft, Gerard ’t, 302

horizontal spin, 81–83

House Un-American Activities Committee, 189

human choice-making. See free will

human consciousness, 219–224

Hume, David, 177

idealism, 223–225

imposing a cutoff, 258

indeterminism, 216–218

infinities, in Feynman diagram calculations, 317–319

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 110

interference, 76–78, 120–122

interpretation of quantum mechanics. See Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics

Jacobson, Ted, 279

Jordan, Pascual, 58, 67

Jumpers (play), 129

Kant, Immanuel, 210, 223

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 16, 48, 235, 248

Lewis, David, 175

light, 49–50

light quanta (Einstein), 51–52, 60, 66

LIGO gravitational-wave observatory, 53

locality principle, 99, 171–172, 232–233, 240, 292

London, Fritz, 222

loop quantum gravity, 275

low-probability worlds, 168

magnetic fields, 47

“making a decision,” 213–216

Maldacena, Juan, 285n, 303

Manhattan Project, 189

Many-Worlds theory. See also austere quantum mechanics (AQM); Everett formulation of quantum mechanics

attaching probabilities to, 132

Born rule in, 146–148

branching and, 138–140, 169–170

Everett and, 39

formula simplicity, 179

frequentism and, 133–135

life-span of a person and, 139–140

as local theory, 171–172

low-probability worlds, 168

measurement and, 122, 169, 179

as morally relevant, 212–213

as nonlocal process, 233

overview of, 38–40

quantum-first perspective of, 231–232

seeds of, 113

as simple and elegant, 203–204

wave function in, 234

matrix mechanics, 57–59, 63, 65, 67

matter waves, 60, 62, 65

Matthew Effect, 27n

Maxwell, James Clerk, 47–48, 269

measurement locality, 233

measurement problem of quantum mechanics

altering Schrödinger equation for, 180–181

austere quantum mechanics and, 36

collapsing wave systems, 22–24, 112

consciousness and, 224

consensus on, 17

definite vs. indefinite outcomes, 104–105

Everett’s theory on, 104–105, 114–117, 123–125

GRW theory and, 184

Hume on, 177

Many-Worlds theory of branching and, 179

Oppenheimer on, 178

textbook approach to, 242

membrane paradigm, 305

Mermin, N. David, 27, 198, 200, 201

Merton, Robert, 27n

metric, field, 273

Michalakis, Spyridon, 285

microtubules, 219–220

Milky Way galaxy, 298–299

Misner, Charles, 113

mode of the field, 253–254

modes of the string, 60–61


in classical mechanics, 16, 70–71, 239

entanglements and, 92

position and, 69

in wave functions, 71–72

momentum space, 240

morality, 210–213

multiple worlds, 6, 39, 119, 180, 184, 233–234


quantum field theory and, 229–230

quantum mechanics describing, 174–175

neuroscience, 224

neutrons, 46

new quantum theory, 57. See also quantum mechanics

Newton, Isaac, 14–15, 24, 48, 239, 247–248

Newtonian gravity, 247–248

Newtonian mechanics, 14–15

Newton’s laws of motion, 21, 195, 238

no-cloning theorem, 296

nonlocal process, 171–172, 178, 191, 233

no-nonsense utilitarianism, 211

no-signaling theorem, 97–99

nuclear fission, 110

observable universe, 94, 164–166, 182, 299, 301

observer, 122–123

Occam’s razor, 152

old quantum theory, 52–56

ontological commitments, 152

Oppenheimer, Robert, 178, 189–190, 194

Padmanabhan, Thanu, 280

Page, Don, 288

Parfit, Derek, 139

participatory realism, 200


behaving like gravitons, 274

black holes and, 291, 293–294

Bohmian mechanics and, 41, 190–194

composite, 46–47

defining feature of, 47

definition of, 44

double-slit experiment, 75–79

of Earth, 236

elementary, 46–47

Feynman diagrams and, 314–316

in quantum field theory, 250

virtual, 316

waves vs., 49, 75

Pauli, Wolfgang, 28, 57, 63, 188, 194

Penrose, Roger, 185–186, 219

personal identity through time, 137–140

Petersen, Aage, 113, 124, 125

physical reality, 100–102

physicalism, 223, 224

physics, 13–15

pilot wave, 187–188

pilot-wave theories, 194

Planck, Max, 50, 66

Planck’s constant, 50–51, 56

Podolsky, Boris, 96, 101

pointer states, 244–245, 255

Polchinski, Joe, 180

Popper, Karl, 154–157


in classical physics, 16, 70–71, 239

momentum and, 69

in quantum mechanics, 70–71

positrons, Feynman diagrams and, 314–315, 317

post-decoherence wave function, 234

preferred-basis problem, 241–245

Principia Mathematica (Newton), 14


amplitudes and, 86–87, 130–131, 142–146

Born rule and, 130–131, 145, 167–168

credences and, 136–137

decision-theoretical approach to, 212

epistemic, 135–140

equal probability, 144–146

fatness measure, 141

frequentism and, 133–135

given by amplitudes squared, 131, 145, 147

self-locating uncertainty and, 140–142, 149

probability distributions, 29–30, 187, 198

probability rule, 59

protons, 46

Pythagoras’s theorem, 86, 87, 142, 146–147, 273

quantum arrow of time, 158–159

Quantum Bayesianism (QBism), 41, 198–201

quantum entanglement. See entanglement

quantum field theory

entanglement in, 249

fields in, 250–252

lowest-energy state of, 253

mode of the field, 253–254

nature and, 229–230

particles in, 250

pointer states of, 255

transitions between states, 255

vacuum state in, 254, 256–257

wave functions in, 250–252, 254

quantum fluctuations, 259–260

quantum gravity. See also gravity

conceptual issues, 272–273

constructing theory of, 292

Everett on, 111–114, 122–125, 272

location in space, 196

loop quantum gravity, 275

number of quantum states and, 165

problem of time in, 288

spacetime and, 271–272

string theory and, 274–275

technical challenges of, 113

quantum immortality, 207–209

quantum logic, 74

quantum measurement process, consciousness and, 164–165, 222–224

quantum mechanics

alternative formulation of (See Bohmian mechanics; GRW theory)

atoms and, 36

discarding classical physics’ framework, 16–17

Einstein on, 96, 102, 268

Einstein-Bohr debate, 28–29, 31

electromagnetic waves, 249–250

entropy and, 276–278

lack of understanding of, 24–25

as one specific physical system, 229

position in, 70–71

presentations of, 13

rules of, 22–23

spacetime and, 271–272

special relativity and, 269

spookiness of, 11–12

understanding of, 1–4

violating logic, 73–74

quantum random number generator, 205–206

quantum states. See also Bell states

disappearing worlds theory and, 117

entanglement and, 118, 261–262

evolving under Schrödinger equation, 232, 243, 287–288

as fundamental, 241

Hilbert space and, 85, 165

uncertainty principle and, 73–74, 89

quantum subsystems, 277

quantum suicide, 208

quantum systems

branching and, 216

classical divide with, 18, 35–36

entangled, 159–160

Geiger counters as, 221–222

GRW theory and, 182

mathematical description of, 3

measuring, 117–118

wave functions describing, 21

quantum utility maximizing device (QUMaD), 211

quantum vacuum, 254, 256–257, 259–261

quantum/classical divide, 35–36

quarks, 46

qubits, 83–86, 87, 164, 277

radiation, black holes emitting, 293–296

radioactive decay, 120

radioactive emissions, 242

randomness, 294–295

random-number generator, 134

Reeh-Schlieder theorem, 264

region of space, 65, 156, 261–265, 280–284, 299–300

relativity theory, 30–31, 97–99, 112, 268–269. See also general relativity; spacetime; special relativity

renormalization, 318–319

Rimini, Alberto, 181

Rosen, Nathan, 96

Rutherford, Ernest, 45, 57

Rutherford atom, 45–46, 52–55

Ryu, Shinsei, 303–304

Sagittarius A*, 299

Schack, Rüdiger, 198

Schrödinger, Erwin, 28, 59, 62

Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment, 241–245

Schrödinger’s equation

altering, 180

beam splitter, 206

branching and, 116

description of, 21

entanglement and, 38

formula for, 63–64

Geiger counters and, 221

measurement problems and, 180–181

quantum states evolving under, 232, 243, 287–288

space and time treatment by, 286–287

time defined in, 281

wave functions and, 21–22, 32, 64, 86, 94

Schwartz, John, 274

scientific theories, characteristics of, 155–156

second law of thermodynamics, 158, 297

the self, 137–139

self-locating uncertainty, 140–142, 149, 171, 211

“Shut up and calculate!,” 27

sine wave, 72, 253

Solvay Conference, 27–31, 67, 96, 109, 188

space and time

degrees of freedom in, 263

locality and, 240

measurement outcomes of, 85–86

in superposition state, 288–289

treatment of, 286–287


applying quantum mechanics to, 271–272

black holes as regions of, 293, 299

curvature of (See general relativity)

degrees of freedom, 298

Einstein on, 269–270

foundations of quantum mechanics and, 6

geometry of, 270–271, 306

maximum entropy in, 300

metric in, 273

quantum gravity and, 271–272

unified, 269

warping of, 305

wormholes in, 285n

special relativity, 99, 170, 233, 269–270, 273. See also general relativity

speed of light restrictions, 97–98, 99

spin, 79–83

spin outcomes, 80–83, 87–89, 97–99, 101

spin+apparatus system, 114–116

spin-measuring apparatus, 118

spontaneous collapse of wave functions, 181, 184–185, 192

spooky action at a distance, 98, 99, 105, 247–248, 309

Standard Model of particle physics, 31, 180–181

statistical mechanics theory, 29–30

Stern, Otto, 80

Stern-Gerlach experiment, 133

Stoppard, Tom, 129

string theory, 274–275

superdeterminism, 104


description of, 34–38

of macroscopic objects, 116

Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment, 243

as separate worlds, 117

space and time in, 288–289

time in, 288–289

Susskind, Leonard, 285n, 302, 304–305

Swingle, Brian, 303–304

symmetries, 222

Taj Mahal theorem, 264

Takayanagi, Tadashi, 303–304

Tegmark, Max, 207

thermodynamics, 158, 279, 297

Thomson, J. J., 45

Thorn, Charles, 302

Thorne, Kip, 111

thought experiment

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR), 96–102, 109, 191, 233, 285

ideal world of, 260–261

Schrödinger’s Cat, 241–245

time. See space and time

tin oxide, 44–45

two-qubit system, 95–96

ultraviolet catastrophe, 50

uncertainty principle (Heisenberg)

Bohmian mechanics and, 195–196

description of, 70–73, 83

Einstein on, 91, 109

empty space and, 260

locality and, 240

quantum states and, 73–74, 89

spin outcomes and, 87–89, 101

unified “you,” 138–139

universal wave function, 113–114, 118–119

Universe Splitter, 205–206

utilitarianism, no-nonsense, 211

utility, 210–212

vacuum energy

cosmic acceleration and, 257

cosmological constant problem, 258–259

of empty space, 256–257

entanglement and, 262–265

gravitational influence of, 256–257

measuring, 50–51, 256

negative, 304

positive, 304

size of, 257–258

vacuum state

area and, 284

empty space in, 278

entropy in, 279

entropy proportional to boundary area, 299–300

in quantum field theory, 254, 256–257, 260, 264

Vaidman, Lev, 140

Van Raamsdonk, Mark, 303–304

vector fields

electric field as, 47–48

magnetic field as, 47

vectors, 84, 86–88, 131


in classical physics, 16–17, 239

measuring, 18–19

probability of measuring, 71

Verlinde, Erik, 280

vertical spin, 81–83

Virgo gravitational-wave observatory, 53

virtual particles, 316

volition, attributing, 218

von Neumann, John, 74, 159–160, 188–189, 276–278

Wallace, David, 129, 163, 202, 239

wave functions

as abstract, 79

amplitudes and, 33

assigning an amplitude, 33

Bohmian mechanics and, 193

Born on, 65–66

branching of, 137–138, 213–214

changing with time, 62–63

collapse of, 22–24, 33, 112, 219–220, 222

consciousness and, 222

de Broglie’s view, 65

description of, 19–21

distinct persons on branches of, 208–209

double-slit experiment, 120–123

Hamiltonian, 64

influencing itself, 120

in Many-Worlds theory, 234

measurement outcomes of, 30–31

momentum and, 71–72

for one particle, 94

pilot wave role, 187–188

in quantum field theory, 250–252, 254

quantum systems and, 21

of a qubit, 84

representing density of mass in space, 65

Schrödinger’s equation and, 21–22, 32, 64, 86, 94

for single particles, 71

space within, 276

spontaneous collapse of, 181, 184–185, 192

for two particles, 91–93

unifying particles and fields into, 44

as vectors, 86–88

wave mechanics, 59–62, 65, 67

wave-function-is-everything view, 33–34


double-slit experiment, 75–79

particles vs., 49, 75

Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, 125–126

Weber, Tullio, 181

Weinberg, Steven, 180–181

Wheeler, John Archibald, 110–111, 123–126, 270–272, 281, 288

Wheeler-DeWitt equation, 288

Wilson, Kenneth, 319–320

The Wire (television show), 5

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 129

Wootters, William, 288

wormholes, 285n

Zeh, Hans Dieter, 117, 178–179

zero energy, 256, 287–288