- Cover Image
- Title Page
- Dedication
- Epigraph
- Acknowledgments
- Author's Note
- Chapter 1: 1125. An oak table in a large hall in a small county named Portugale . . .
- Chapter 2: 1095. November. In the Auvergne, a mountainous region in central France . . .
- Chapter 3: 1096. August. Constantinople, capital of the Holy Roman empire . . .
- Chapter 4: 1096. August. With the northern army, preparing to depart . . .
- Chapter 5: 1098. On the desert road near Antioch . . .
- Chapter 6: 140 BC. In a land in western Iberia called Lusitania . . .
- Chapter 7: 1099. June. Outside the gates of Jerusalem . . .
- Chapter 8: Thirty years earlier. Orval. A town downriver from Bouillon . . .
- Chapter 9: 1114. Braga. A very old city in Portugale . . .
- Chapter 10: 1100. Jerusalem. In the palace of the new king . . .
- Chapter 11: 1100. Braga. Hearing foreign voices . . .
- Chapter 12: 1117. Bethlehem. At a ceremony . . .
- Chapter 13: 1117. Guimarães. In the court of Countess Tareja . . .
- Chapter 14: 1126. Clairvaux. A very, very, very modest abbey in Champagne . . .
- Chapter 15: Seven Years Earlier. Clairvaux. A special moment on June 24 . . .
- Chapter 16: 1125. Late Autumn. Porto. Disembarking after a long sea voyage . . .
- Chapter 17: 1127. Autumn. Aboard a galley in the Mediterranean . . .
- Chapter 18: 1128. April. Braga. An office where lots of documents are signed . . .
- Chapter 19: 1128. January. A major gathering at Troyes, a town in Champagne . . .
- Chapter 20: 1128. Back in Clairvaux. Upon the conclusion of the conclave . . .
- Chapter 21: 1128. April. A chamber in the royal residence of Guimarães . . .
- Chapter 22: 1128. Meanwhile in Champagne . . .
- Chapter 23: 1128. June 24. A battlefield outside Guimarães . . .
- Chapter 24: 1129. March. Afonso reveals himself . . .
- Chapter 25: 1139. Ourique. Preparing to battle the Moors . . .
- Chapter 26: 1139. Clairvaux. Early dawn, outside the chapel . . .
- Chapter 27: 1867. Jaffa. A mule train heading toward Jerusalem . . .
- Chapter 28: 1146. Coimbra. At home with Afonso and his new bride . . .
- Chapter 29: 1147. April. Braga. The mysterious Prior Arnaldo in his new abode . . .
- Chapter 30: 1119. Temple Mount. A tunnel, eighty feet beneath . . .
- Chapter 31: 1147. Braga. Gualdino Paes also moves into his new domicile . . .
- Chapter 32: 1121. Saint-Omer. In the home of a cryptographer named Lambert . . .
- Chapter 33: 1947. Qumran. Two goatherds, in a cave, by the Dead Sea . . .
- Chapter 34: 1159. Ceras. A pile of rubble near a dilapidated town . . .
- Chapter 35: 68 AD. Mount Sion. Men in white, hiding scrolls and other important things . . .
- Chapter 36: 1159. Coimbra. The king of Portugal’s desk, part I . . .
- Chapter 37: 1159. Coimbra. The king of Portugal’s desk, part II . . .
- Chapter 38: 1159. Coimbra. The king of Portugal’s desk, part III . . .
- Chapter 39: 1160. March 1. A dawn ceremony on the promontory above Thamar . . .
- Chapter 40: Present Era. April. Inside the rotunda of Tomar . . .
- Chapter 41: 1865. The Vatican. Pope Pius IX gets all steamed up . . .
- Chapter 42: Present Era. April. By the rotunda, amid the secrets of the beehive . . .
- Chapter 43: Present Era. April. Musing outside the beehive . . .
- Chapter 44: 1165. Monsanto. Peculiar behavior on an unusual hill . . .
- Chapter 45: Present Era. Monsanto. And other places for musing . . .
- Chapter 46: 1147. Sintra. A funny thing happens on the way to the castle . . .
- Chapter 47: Present Era. Sintra. In the Forest of Angels . . .
- Chapter 48: Present Era. April. In the shadow of a statue in Tomar . . .
- Chapter 49: 1153. Gossip in the alleyways of Jerusalem . . .
- Chapter 50: 1312. Southern Portugal. The templars enjoy a six-year vacation . . .
- Chapter 51: Present Era. Aksum. A feast day when the Tabotat are seen in daylight . . .
- Chapter 52: Present Era. Tomar. Staring at the rotunda . . .
- Chapter 53: Present Era. A circular hall in a small country named Portugal . . .
- EPILOGUE: Lusitania. Where knowledge is stored, guarded by a goddess whose symbol is a triangle . . .
- Image Credits
- Also by this Author
- Footnotes
- Endnotes
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- About the Author
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