

  1. AARP, 202–203
  2. About section, 137
  3. About tab, 76
  4. access
    1. Group, 257–258
    2. Page restrictions, 86–87
  5. account deletion/disabled by Facebook, 82, 339
  6. Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
  7. ActionSprout (website), 155
  8. activity log, Page, 15950
  9. Ad Manager
    1. access Page from, 239
    2. add users to ad account, 240
    3. campaign data, 237–238
    4. creating ad reports, 239–240
    5. performance data, 238
    6. scheduling ad reports, 239–240
    7. target audience, 25–28
    8. track payment transactions, 241
    9. website for, 236
  10. adding CTA button, 75–76
  11. address, physical, for location, 137
  12. Admin, as admin access, 80
  13. Admin Panel
    1. About section, 76–77
    2. access Insights, 169–170
    3. activity log, 15950
    4. configure Page for engagement, 83–85
    5. delete app, 104–105
    6. Invite Friends link, 139–140
    7. Manage Notifications, 158–159
    8. profanity and moderation settings, 87
    9. user restrictions, 86–87
  14. administrators
    1. add to Page, 80–81
    2. Group, 255, 259–263
    3. levels of, 80
    4. multiple, 80
    5. Page access restrictions until launch, 76
    6. Page information visible to, 90
  15. Adobe Page (website), 67
  16. Ads
    1. Ad Manager features, 239–241
    2. billing, 241
    3. Boosted Posts, 231–235
    4. budget setting, 206–207
    5. campaigns, 44, 236–241
    6. case studies, 202
    7. copywriting tips, 207–208
    8. cost, 206
    9. export data from, 239–240
    10. Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
    11. guide to, 202–207
    12. image, chose the right, 208–209
    13. landing-page strategy, 209–211
    14. in marketing mix, 203–204
    15. multiple campaigns, creating, 235–236
    16. offers. See Offers
    17. other online ads compared to, 204
    18. to promote Page, 146
    19. purchasing, 14
  17. Ads, creating
    1. ad objectives and options, 212–214
    2. bidding, 221–222
    3. Boosted Posts, 231–235
    4. cost, 220
    5. multiple campaigns, 235–236
    6. pricing, 221–222
    7. schedule, 220, 222
    8. target audience, 217
    9. website to start, 211
    10. winning ads, 207–209
  18. Advertiser, as admin access, 80
  19. advertising
    1. on Facebook. See Ads
    2. traditional. See traditional marketing
  20. advertising campaigns. See campaigns
  21. advocacy stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21
  22. affinity, ladder of engagement, 22
  23. age
    1. Ad targeting, 218
    2. Facebook terms and conditions, 82
    3. setting access restrictions, 86–87
    4. target audience, 23, 26
  24. AgoraPulse (website), 164, 198
  25. All Posts Published report, 155
  26. amateur images, 209
  27. Analyst, as admin access, 80
  28. analytics. See monitor and measure
  29. angry comments, 160–161
  30. apologies, 160
  31. Apple iTunes Page, 273
  32. Apple Mail, 142
  33. appreciation, fan, 47–51, 121
  34. approvals, 229, 255
  35. apps (applications). See also tabs
    1. add apps to Page, 79, 341
    2. cautions on use, 97
    3. cost of branded, 56–57
    4. create custom tabs with HTML, 105–107
    5. delete from Page, 79
    6. e-commerce apps, 100–101
    7. Facebook Apps, 94–97
    8. fan engagement with mobile apps, 91–92
    9. on Groups, 66
    10. as Page component, 16
    11. for promotion, 94–97
    12. search for, 97–98
    13. third-party, 99–100, 101–102
  36. artist as Page type, 69
  37. assets, reuse existing marketing, 142–145
  38. @ sign, 141
  39. audience
    1. create compelling content for, 116–117
    2. knowing, for content marketing, 118
    3. in marketing plan, 37, 39–41
    4. size of, ladder of engagement, 22
    5. targeting. See target audience
  40. audience engagement
    1. appreciating fans, 49–51
    2. customer-centric experience, 48–49
    3. growing fan-base, 49–51
  41. avatar (image), 8, 129
  42. awareness
    1. build brand, 8, 12, 41
    2. increase, network with friends, 138–141
    3. as marketing funnel stage, 20, 21
    4. of Offer, 248


  1. Ban User, 87
  2. band as Page type, 69
  3. behavioral aspects
    1. of fans/customers, 40, 285
    2. marketing funnel, 20–21
    3. personas, 24–25
    4. psychographic, 40
  4. behaviors
    1. Ad tool, 28
    2. target audience, 28
  5. benchmarks as key metric, 53
  6. best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
  7. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Page, 95, 96
  8. Best Friends Animal Society group, 253
  9. bidding, 221–222
  10. Biggerplate (website), 66
  11. big-picture goals, value proposition, 38
  12. Billing and Payments link, 241
  13. Bing, 136
  14. birthday greetings, 342–343
  15. Bitly (website), 54
  16. blogs, 144, 276
  17. Boosted Posts, 231–235
  18. Botisfy (website), 317
  19. brand
    1. branding strategies, 41–43
    2. building awareness, 8, 12, 41
    3. defined, 42
    4. mentions of, 55
    5. as Page type, 69
  20. broadcasts, creating, 327–329
  21. budget for marketing
    1. campaign, 220
    2. with Facebook, 56–57
    3. media, 56–57
    4. online calculator, 57
    5. setting for Ads, 206–207
  22. Buffer (website), 131
  23. Buffer for Business (website), 336
  24. Bullas, Jeff (website), 346
  25. business. See also marketing with Facebook; specific topics
    1. categories, 71, 137
    2. etiquette, 339–343
    3. goals, 8, 12, 38
    4. on Groups, 253–254
    5. as personal, and etiquette, 339–340
    6. presence. See Facebook Page
    7. type, to create Page, 69–70


  1. calendar, export event to, 269
  2. Calm the Ham (website), 8
  3. campaigns. See also Facebook Ad
    1. Ads, 236–241
    2. budget for, 220
    3. to drive sales, 44
    4. integrate online/offline, 37, 55–57
    5. monitoring and metrics, 51–55
  4. Canva, 123, 249
  5. categories, business, 71, 137
  6. cause as Page type, 70
  7. cell phones. See mobile devices
  8. chatbots, 49, 309–318
  9. ChatFuel (website), 318
  10. Cheat Sheet (website), 3
  11. cheerful treatment and Offers, 248
  12. claim Offer, 246, 247
  13. click-baiting, 115
  14. clicks
    1. click-through-rate (CTR), 208
    2. cost-per-click (CPC), 14, 201, 206, 211, 222
    3. as key metric, 54
    4. Offer, 250
  15. Closed Group, 255
  16. collaboration. See networking and collaboration
    1. angry, 160–161
    2. apologies, 160
    3. corrections, 160
    4. delete, 87
    5. ignore, 337
    6. as key metric, 54
    7. monitoring, 54
    8. negative, 160
    9. reply to, 157
    10. response to, fan engagement, 160–161
    11. threaded comments on Page updates, 85–86
    12. update Page, 85–86, 153, 154
  18. Comments Plugin, 14, 288, 294–295
  19. communication
    1. channels and content strategy, 46, 143
    2. content strategy, 46–48
    3. conversion, 118
    4. culture of conversation, 118
    5. Facebook Messenger, 307–309
    6. tactical conversation, 157
  20. community. See also Groups
    1. defined, 44
    2. focus on, for launch preparation, 131
    3. in marketing plan, 41, 44
    4. as Page type, 70
    5. spam considerations, 90
  21. community development, 49
  22. company, as Page type, 69
  23. competition, 38, 131, 285
  24. complaints, 115
  25. connections. See also fan(s)
    1. Ad tool, 28
    2. Facebook to facilitate, 10, 11
    3. Group for, 65–67
    4. strong and weak ties, 13
    5. target Ads, 206
    6. target audience, 28
    7. targeting interests, 217
  26. consideration stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21
  27. content
    1. access restrictions, 86–87
    2. adding information to Page, 76–77
    3. consumption of, website compared to Facebook, 112–114
    4. conversation and conversion, 118
    5. costs of developing, 56–57
    6. create compelling, 116–117
    7. deleted by Facebook, 82
    8. exclusive, for launch preparation, 131
    9. scanning, understanding process of, 114
  28. content marketing
    1. content consumption, website compared to Facebook, 112–114
    2. create compelling content, 116–117
    3. fan engagement, build, 121–122
    4. know your audience, 118
    5. posting goals, define, 119–120
    6. scanning process, 114
    7. stay on message, 119, 152
  29. content strategy
    1. communication strategy, 46–48
    2. define by communication channel, 46
    3. defined, 111
    4. develop for marketing plan, 37, 46–48
    5. fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
    6. plan, to promote Page, 69–76, 126–128
    7. steps to create Page, 69–76
  30. contests
    1. creating effective, 162–166
    2. described, 161
    3. Facebook rules for, 161–162
    4. setting goals, marketing plan, 53
    5. third-party app use, 162
  31. Conversable (website), 318
  32. conversion
    1. content and conversation, 118
    2. defined, 55, 210
    3. as key metric, 55
    4. as marketing funnel stage, 20, 21
    5. measure in Ads, 211
  33. copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
  34. corrections to comments, 160
  35. cost. See also budget for marketing
    1. of Ads, 201, 206, 220
    2. to create custom tabs, 99
    3. media, 56–57
  36. cost-per-action (CPA), 207
  37. cost-per-click (CPC), 14, 201, 206, 211, 222
  38. cost-per-impression (CPM), 14, 201, 206, 222
  39. cost-per-like (CPL), 207
  40. countdown, in launch, 126
  41. cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
  42. CPA (cost-per-action), 207
  43. CPL (cost-per-like), 207
  44. Create an Ad button, 212
  45. creating
    1. broadcasts, 327–329
    2. visual content, 123
  46. Creative Hub, 81
  47. cross-promotion with Facebook, 164, 275–276
  48. CTA button, 68, 75–76
  49. custom URLs, 137
  50. customer experience, developing, 309–319
  51. customer service as business goal, 8
  52. customer support, 48–49
  53. customer-centric experience, 48–49
  54. customers and prospects
    1. best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
    2. calculating Facebook usage by, 28–33
    3. content marketing, 111–119
    4. creating repeat and lifetime, 17
    5. dealing with irate, 342
    6. fans. See fan(s)
    7. knowing, as business goal, 12
    8. support with Groups, 253
    9. target. See target audience
    10. understanding, 285


  1. Dashboard, Insights, 52
  2. data
    1. demographic. See demographic data
    2. export from Ads, 239–240
    3. export from Insights, 196–197
    4. export report data, 196–197, 239–240
  3. dates. See schedule
  4. deals. See Offers
  5. Debugger, 306
  6. demographic data
    1. Ad tool, 26–27
    2. of fans, 39–40
    3. images for Ads, 209
    4. from Insights, 51–53
    5. target audience, 23–24, 26–27
  7. demographic targeting, 23–24
  8. description of business, Page, 77
  9. Developer, 288. See also Plugins
  10. differences in value proposition, 38
  11. discounts. See Offers
  12. DODO case (website), 8
  13. Dollar Shave Club Page, 61–62
  14. downloads as key metric, 54
  15. drinking alcohol, 340


  1. (website), 123
  2. e-commerce apps, 100–101
  3. Ecwid (website), 100–101
  4. Edit Page, to add/remove apps, 78–79
  5. Editor, as admin access, 80
  6. email
    1. add Facebook link to signature, 142, 276
    2. Group, 262
    3. include Page link, 275, 276
    4. mail your current list to promote Page, 143
    5. measure number that join list, 210
    6. notifications of activity by, 158
    7. promote Offer, 250
    8. targeting Ads, 206
  7. Embedded Comments Plugin, 288–296
  8. Embedded Posts Plugin, 290, 297–298
  9. Embedded Videos Plugin, 290, 298–299
  10. employee Offer awareness, 248
  11. enabling Facebook Messenger, 309
  12. enchantment, sense of, to promote Page, 126–128
  13. engagement
    1. defined, 120, 150
    2. Facebook Messenger, 307–309
    3. with fans. See fan engagement
    4. understand, 150–153
  14. engagement ladder, 21–22
  15. entertainment as Page type, 69
  16. errors in marketing, 333–337
  17. etiquette, business, 339–343
  18. evangelists, marketing funnel, 20
  19. Events
    1. add Milestones, 134–136
    2. boosting, 268
    3. cover image, 267
    4. create, 264–266
    5. described, 263–264
    6. to drive sales, 44
    7. edit, 268–269
    8. export to calendar, 269
    9. follow-up, 269–270
    10. as free business tool, 14
    11. invite Friends, 267–268
    12. name, 265
    13. offline or online, 264
    14. promote face-to-face, 56
    15. for promotion, 263–270
    16. RSVP, 153, 267
    17. schedule, 265
    18. tickets for, 266
  20. Events report, 171, 188
  21. exclusive content, for launch preparation, 131
  22. expiration date of Offer, 245, 246
  23. export data
    1. from Ads, 239–240
    2. event to calendar, 269
    3. from Insights, 196–197


  1. face filters, 283
  2. Facebook. See also marketing with Facebook; specific aspects of Facebook
    1. consistent participation, 347
    2. described, 9–11
    3. experience as important, 345–346
    4. to facilitate connections, 10
    5. fearless creativity on, 348
    6. growth and popularity, 9–11
    7. guidelines, 71, 82
    8. history of, 9–11
    9. as most active social networking site, 9
    10. number of users worldwide, 9
    11. promotions. See contests
    12. terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82, 249
  3. Facebook Ad Manager
    1. access Page from, 239
    2. add users to ad account, 240
    3. campaign data, 237–238
    4. creating ad reports, 239–240
    5. performance data, 238
    6. scheduling ad reports, 239–240
    7. target audience, 25–28
    8. track payment transactions, 241
    9. website for, 236
  4. Facebook Ads
    1. Ad Manager features, 239–241
    2. billing, 241
    3. Boosted Posts, 231–235
    4. budget setting, 206–207
    5. campaigns, 44, 236–241
    6. case studies, 202
    7. copywriting tips, 207–208
    8. cost, 206
    9. export data from, 239–240
    10. Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
    11. guide to, 202–207
    12. image, chose the right, 208–209
    13. landing-page strategy, 209–211
    14. in marketing mix, 203–204
    15. multiple campaigns, creating, 235–236
    16. offers. See Offers
    17. other online ads compared to, 204
    18. to promote Page, 146
    19. purchasing, 14
  5. Facebook Ads, creating
    1. bidding, 221–222
    2. Boosted Posts, 231–235
    3. cost, 220
    4. multiple campaigns, 235–236
    5. pricing, 221–222
    6. schedule, 220, 222
    7. target audience, 217
    8. website to start, 211
    9. winning ads, 207–209
  6. Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
  7. Facebook Analytics Dashboard (website), 294
  8. Facebook Apps, 94–97
  9. Facebook Blueprint, 81
  10. Facebook Business, 81
  11. Facebook Developer, 288. See also Plugins
  12. Facebook Events
    1. add Milestones, 134–136
    2. boosting, 268
    3. cover image, 267
    4. create, 264–266
    5. described, 263–264
    6. to drive sales, 44
    7. edit, 268–269
    8. export to calendar, 269
    9. follow-up, 269–270
    10. as free business tool, 14
    11. invite Friends, 267–268
    12. name, 265
    13. offline or online, 264
    14. promote face-to-face, 56
    15. for promotion, 263–270
    16. RSVP, 153, 267
    17. schedule, 265
    18. tickets for, 266
  13. Facebook Groups
    1. compared to Pages, 65–67, 254–256
    2. for connection, 65–67
    3. create, 259–263
    4. delete, 262–263
    5. described, 45, 62–63
    6. email address for group, 262
    7. find a group, 256–257
    8. forming, in marketing plan, 44–45
    9. generally, 251–252
    10. Insights and, 263
    11. join a group, 257
    12. member feedback, 44–45
    13. members, 255, 260
    14. membership restrictions, 255, 260
    15. monitoring discussions, 45
    16. name for, 259
    17. networking and collaboration, 14, 251–263, 335
    18. participate in group, 258–259
    19. post settings, 262
    20. privacy, 260
    21. rules to govern use, 254
    22. set up New Group, 259–261
    23. types of, 255, 260
    24. website URL for group, 262
  14. Facebook Insights
    1. access, 169–170
    2. Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
    3. All Posts Published report, 155
    4. analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
    5. categories, 81
    6. Dashboard, 52
    7. demographic information, 51–53
    8. described, 167
    9. Events report, 171, 188
    10. exporting data from, 196–197
    11. fan data, 39–40, 52
    12. fan engagement, 153–156
    13. Followers report, 171, 173
    14. Groups and, 263
    15. Like, 169, 176–178
    16. Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
    17. Likes report, 171, 173, 176–178
    18. Local report, 171, 191–193
    19. Messages report, 171, 194–195
    20. nonanalytical analysis, 168
    21. Overview report, 171–173
    22. Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
    23. Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
    24. People report, 171, 190–191
    25. Posts report, 171, 185–187
    26. Promotions report, 171, 174–175
    27. questions Insights can answer, 168
    28. reach data, 52
    29. Reach report, 171, 173, 179–181
    30. reports, 168–195
    31. Shop report, 171, 193–194
    32. third-party analytics, 197–198
    33. Video Insights report, 189–190
    34. Videos report, 171, 173
  15. Facebook Live, 320–327
  16. Facebook Marketing group, 98
  17. Facebook member profile. See profile
  18. Facebook Messenger, 48, 307–309
  19. Facebook News Feed
    1. algorithm, 114–115
    2. hide Milestones, 136
    3. Messenger ads, 318
    4. updates to attract customer’s friends, 16–17
  20. Facebook Offer
    1. add, for launch preparation, 131
    2. add Milestones, 134–136
    3. with Ads, 249
    4. creating, 245–247
    5. with email marketing, 250
    6. events. See Events
    7. how it works, 243–245
    8. marketing funnel, 20–21
    9. maximize effect, 247–248
    10. Online Only, 245
    11. with Page, 248–250
    12. promote, 248–250
    13. promote in-store, 250
    14. promote Offer, 249
    15. In Store & Online, 245
    16. In Store Only, 245
    17. terms and conditions, 246, 249
    18. types of, 245
  21. Facebook Page
    1. access from Ad Manager, 239
    2. add administrators, 80–81
    3. add apps. See apps
    4. add information to, 76–77
    5. admin settings for, 83–85
    6. anatomy of, 67–69
    7. for brand awareness, 42
    8. business needs for, 8, 15–17
    9. compare Groups, Pages, and Profiles, 62–65
    10. conversion from Profile, 64–65
    11. cross-promote, 275–276
    12. delete apps, 79
    13. described, 63
    14. to establish a presence, 15–17
    15. export Page-level data, 196–197
    16. as free business tool, 14
    17. getting started, 61–62
    18. launch, 125–147
    19. marketing resources, 81–82
    20. monitor activities. See monitor and measure
    21. name your Page, 70–71, 129
    22. Offer promotion, 248–250
    23. promote. See Page, promoting
    24. promote Offer, 248–250
    25. reporting activities, 51–55
    26. subscribe to, 64
    27. switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
    28. terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82
  22. Facebook Page, creating
    1. accept terms and conditions, 71
    2. add administrators, 80–81
    3. add apps, 79
    4. add cover image, 74
    5. add description, 77
    6. adding CTA button, 75–76
    7. business type, select, 69–70
    8. category for business, select, 71
    9. Groups, 62–63, 65–67
    10. limit access until launch, 76
    11. name your Page, 70–71
    12. overview, 61–62
    13. personal Profiles, 62–65, 63–65
    14. steps to create, 69–76
    15. terms and conditions, 82
    16. upload image or logo, 71–73
    17. use Marketing Pages, 81–82
  23. Facebook Page, promoting
    1. add photos and images, 132–134
    2. Ads for, 146
    3. apps for promotion, 94–97
    4. content strategy planning, 126–128
    5. cross-promotion, 275–276
    6. fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
    7. friend networks, 43
    8. integrated approach to promotion, 146–147
    9. Milestones, 134–136
    10. networking with friends, 138–141
    11. offline presence, 277–278
    12. outside Facebook, 43
    13. reusing existing marketing assets, 142–145
    14. search engine optimization (SEO), 136–137
    15. starting, 41–43
    16. store, promote Page in, 145
  24. Facebook Pages Manager (website), 134
  25. Facebook Pages Manager app, 92
  26. Facebook Pixel, 228
  27. Facebook Promotion Guidelines. See contests
  28. Facebook Publisher, 15, 134–136, 245–247
  29. Facebook Social Plugins. See Plugins
  30. face-to-face events, 56
  31. fan(s). See also friends
    1. appreciate, 121, 347–348
    2. increasing number of, as goal, 53
    3. Insight, 39–40, 52
    4. Likes report, 176–178
    5. listen to, 346–347
    6. understanding, 39–40
    7. updates to attract, 16–17
  32. fan engagement
    1. analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
    2. behavioral aspects, 40
    3. build for content marketing, 121–122
    4. demographic aspects, 40
    5. to develop content strategy, 46–47
    6. Insights, 153–156
    7. with mobile apps, 91–92
    8. News feed algorithm, 114–115
    9. News Feed content, 113–114
    10. notification about user activity, 158–159
    11. psychographics, 40
    12. quantity compared to quality issues, 149–150
    13. response to comments, 160–161
    14. response to posts, 160–161
    15. tactical conversation, 157
    16. understanding, 150–153
    17. word-of-mouth marketing, 150–151
  33. fan-base, growing, 49–51
  34. fan(s)
    1. about, 125
    2. mapping launch strategies, 126
  35. feedback, 41, 45–46
  36. filters, 114
  37. flight, 229
  38. Followers report, 171, 173
  39. follow-up Events, 269–270
  40. fostering enchantment to promote Page, 126–128
  41. foursquare, 36
  42. friends. See also fan(s)
    1. care with strangers, 341
    2. encourage friends to share your Page, 138
    3. invite to Events, 267–268
    4. invite to Page, 43, 139–140
    5. networking, to promote Page, 138–141
  43. Fuddruckers Facebook Page, 122
  44. FundRazr (website), 100
  45. funnel, marketing, 20–21
  46. future directions, 3–4


  1. Garmen, Tim (reunited sibling), 10
  2. gender, targeting, 23, 27, 218
  3. geographic data. See location data
  4. Get Started button, 71
  5. Gmail, 142
  6. goals
    1. business, 8, 12, 38
    2. content marketing posting, 119–120
    3. creating Ads, 212–213
    4. define in marketing plan, 37
    5. marketing, 37
    6. setting, marketing plan, 53
  7. Google +, 82
  8. Google ads, 201
  9. Google Play, 92
  10. Google search, 136
  11. Graham, Karen (reunited sibling), 10
  12. Graph Search, 137
  13. graphs. See reports
  14. Group Address, 262
  15. Group Timeline, 257
  16. Groups
    1. compared to Pages, 65–67, 254–256
    2. for connection, 65–67
    3. create, 259–263
    4. delete, 262–263
    5. described, 45, 62–63
    6. email address for group, 262
    7. find a group, 256–257
    8. forming, in marketing plan, 44–45
    9. generally, 251–252
    10. Insights and, 263
    11. join a group, 257
    12. member feedback, 44–45
    13. members, 255, 260
    14. membership restrictions, 255, 260
    15. monitoring discussions, 45
    16. name for, 259
    17. networking and collaboration, 14, 251–263, 335
    18. participate in group, 258–259
    19. post settings, 262
    20. privacy, 260
    21. rules to govern use, 254
    22. set up New Group, 259–261
    23. types of, 255, 260
    24. website URL for group, 262
  17. guidelines
    1. Facebook, 71, 82, 161–162
    2. Facebook Ads, 202–207


  1. Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
  2. Harvard University, 9
  3. tool (website), 284
  4. headline, 250
  5. hierarchy, Group, 66
  6. home page, 113
  7. HootSuite, 197–198, 335
  8. hosted custom tab, create, 106–107
  9. hovercard, 16–17
  10. HTML
    1. add plugin code to website, 291
    2. create custom tabs with, 105–107
    3. Debugger, 306
    4. integrate Facebook software into website, 291–292
    5. Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
  11. Hubspot (website), 57
  12. humanity, and fan engagement, 121


  1. icons, explained, 3
  2. iframes, 105–106
  3. images and photos. See also video
    1. add to promote Page, 132–134
    2. avatar, 8, 129
    3. change third-party tab icons, 102–103
    4. chose for Ads, 208–209
    5. cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
    6. delete tag, 140
    7. Events, 267
    8. Group icon, 260
    9. logos, 71–73, 278
    10. measuring views, 154
    11. Offer, 245, 250
    12. to optimize search, 137
    13. to promote engagement, 129
    14. tagging, 140–141
    15. testing, for Ads, 208–209
    16. upload, 71–73, 132–134
  4. impressions
    1. cost-per-impression (CPM), 14, 201, 206, 222
    2. defined, 206
  5. In Store & Online Offers, 245
  6. In Store Only Offers, 245
  7. inbound links as key metric, 54
  8. initial thrust, in launch, 126
  9. Inselly (website), 284
  10. Insights
    1. access, 169–170
    2. Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
    3. All Posts Published report, 155
    4. analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
    5. categories, 81
    6. Dashboard, 52
    7. demographic information, 51–53
    8. described, 167
    9. Events report, 171, 188
    10. exporting data from, 196–197
    11. fan data, 39–40, 52
    12. fan engagement, 153–156
    13. Followers report, 171, 173
    14. Groups and, 263
    15. Like, 169, 176–178
    16. Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
    17. Likes report, 171, 173, 176–178
    18. Local report, 171, 191–193
    19. Messages report, 171, 194–195
    20. nonanalytical analysis, 168
    21. Overview report, 171–173
    22. Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
    23. Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
    24. People report, 171, 190–191
    25. Posts report, 171, 185–187
    26. Promotions report, 171, 174–175
    27. questions Insights can answer, 168
    28. reach data, 52
    29. Reach report, 171, 173, 179–181
    30. reports, 168–195
    31. Shop report, 171, 193–194
    32. third-party analytics, 197–198
    33. Video Insights report, 189–190
    34. Videos report, 171, 173
  11. Instagram, integrating, 281–285
  12. Instagram Business, 81
  13. institution, as Page type, 69
  14. in-store marketing, 250
  15. integrated approach to promote Page, 146–147
  16. interests
    1. Ad tool, 27
    2. Ads targeting, 204–206, 205, 218
    3. of fans, 39–40
    4. shared. See Groups
    5. target audience, 24, 27
  17. Internet resources. See also URLs
    1. access Insights, 169–170
    2. ActionSprout, 164
    3. add Plugins, 291
    4. Adobe Page, 67
    5. AgoraPulse, 164, 198
    6. Biggerplate, 66
    7. Bitly, 54
    8. Botisfy, 317
    9. Buffer, 131
    10. Buffer for Business, 336
    11. Bullas, Jeff, 346
    12. Calm the Ham, 8
    13. Canva, 123
    14. ChatFuel, 318
    15. Cheat Sheet, 3
    16. Conversable, 318
    17. DODO case, 8
    18., 123
    19. Ecwid, 100–101
    20. external Ad site, 211
    21. Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
    22. Facebook Pages Manager, 134
    23. FundRazr, 100
    24. Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
    25. tool, 284
    26. HootSuite, 197–198
    27. Hubspot, 57
    28. include Page link, 276
    29. Inselly, 284
    30., 57
    31. Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
    32. links to Page, to drive sales, 43
    33. Marketing Cloud, 335
    34. 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
    35. Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    36. Pagemodo, 99
    37. Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
    38. PicMonkey, 123
    39. Piktochart, 123
    40. Post Planner, 164, 197
    41. Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    42. ShopTab, 100
    43. ShortStack, 99, 347
    44. Social Mention, 55
    45. Spotify Facebook Page, 37
    46. Stella & Dot, 75
    47. Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
    48. TabSite, 99
    49. third-party analytics, 197–198
    50. Threadless Page, 39
    51., 54
    52. Toms of Maine Page, 40
    53. URL for group, 262
    54. Webtrends, 197
  18. Invite button, 267
  19. Invite Friends button, 43
  20. Invite Friends link, 139–140
  21. iTunes, 92


  1. (website), 57
  2. Join Group, 257


  1. Kanter, Beth (author), 21
  2. Kent, Peter (author), 137
  3. key metrics to measure success, 54–55
  4. key performance indicators (KPIs), 51
  5. keywords
    1. copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
    2. to optimize search, 280
    3. targeting interests with your Ad, 217
  6. Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
  7. know, in launch, 126


  1. ladder of engagement, 21–22
  2. landing-page strategy, Ads, 209–211
  3. languages, 27
  4. launch Page
    1. limit Page access until, 76
    2. of new products as business goal, 8, 12
    3. term explained, 126
  5. Learn More icon, 241
  6. length of status updates, 337
  7. Life Is Good Facebook Page, 157
  8. Like button, 15
  9. Like button Plugin, 276, 290, 291–292, 299–300
  10. Like report, 176–178
    1. compared to Friending, 63–64
    2. Facebook Ads, 146
    3. fan engagement, 152
    4. in launch, 126
    5. number per Page, 64
    6. report from Insights, 171, 173, 176–178, 196–197
    7. update Page, 152–153, 155
  12. Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
  13. links
    1. email Offer, 250
    2. email to Page, 142, 276
    3. to Event, 267
    4. inbound, as key metric, 54
    5. websites to Page, 43, 276
  14. listen to fans, 346–347
  15. listening to feedback, 41, 45–46
  16. Live Contributor, as admin access, 80
  17. live streaming, 49, 320
  18. local business, 253
  19. Local report, 171, 191–193
  20. location data
    1. Ad tool, 26
    2. setting access restrictions, 86–87
    3. target audience identification, 24, 26
    4. targeting Ads, 205
  21. logo, 71–73, 278
  22. loyalty programs. See Offers
  23. loyalty stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21


  1. Manage Permissions tab
    1. access restrictions, 86–87
    2. notifications of activity, 158–159
    3. Page Moderation, 87
    4. Profanity Filter, 87
    5. reply to posting, 157
    6. third-party app permissions, 101–102
    7. threaded comments on update to Page, 85–86
  2. marketing, traditional. See traditional marketing
  3. marketing assets, reuse existing, 142–145
  4. marketing campaigns. See campaigns
  5. marketing channels, customize, 143
  6. Marketing Cloud (website), 335
  7. marketing funnel, 20–21
  8. marketing mistakes, 333–337
  9. marketing mix
    1. add Facebook to, 271–285
    2. Ads in, 203–204
    3. integrated campaigns, marketing plan, 37, 55–57
    4. promote Facebook presence, 277–278
    5. promote Offer, 248–250
    6. referencing Page, 278
  10. marketing plan
    1. audience, understanding, 37, 39–41
    2. content strategy development, 37, 46–48
    3. developing for Facebook, 35–37
    4. elements to include, 37
    5. integrate online/offline campaigns, 37, 55–57
    6. marketing goals, define, 37
    7. monitor and measure Page activities, 37, 51–55
    8. value proposition, 37, 38
    9. word-of-mouth power, 36–37
  11. marketing with Facebook. See also specific topics
    1. business goals, 8, 12, 38
    2. business needs for, 15–17
    3. marketing resources, 81–82, 241
    4. potential as a marketing tool, 11–15
    5. tools, 14–15
    6. as word-of-mouth, 12–13
  12. measurement. See monitor and measure
  13. Measuring the Networked Nonprofit (Kanter and Paine), 21
  14. media, 11–12, 56–57
  15. member profile. See profile
  16. members of Group. See Group
  17. mentions, 141
  18. message
    1. ignore, 342
    2. as Page component, 16
    3. reply to, 157
  19. Messages report, 171, 194–195
  20. Microsoft Excel, export data to, 196–197
  21. Microsoft Outlook, add Facebook link to email signature, 142
  22. Microsoft’s Bing, 136
  23. Milestones, 134–136
  24. mission statement, company, 77
  25. mobile devices
    1. fan engagement, 91–92
    2. post content via mobile web access, 92
  26. Moderator, as admin access level, 80
  27. monitor and measure. See also reports
    1. Boosted Posts realtime analytics, 235
    2. conversions in Ads, 210
    3. fan engagement, 153–156
    4. Group, 45, 255
    5. importance, 348
    6. with Insights, 54–55, 168–170
    7. key metrics, 54–55
    8. marketing plan, 37, 51–55
    9. not for Profile, 334
    10. online/offline marketing efforts, 56–57
    11. Page activities, marketing plan, 37, 51–55
    12. Page monitoring links, 54
    13. performance data, Ad Manager, 238
    14. third-party analytics, 197–198


  1. name
    1. Events, 265
    2. Group, 259, 260
    3. Page, 70–71, 129
    4. third-party tab names, 102
    5. username, 137, 273–275, 279
  2. National Wildlife Federation Page, 86
  3. negative comments, 160
  4. networking and collaboration
    1. Group, 14, 251–263, 335
    2. offline, 277
  5. New Group, 259–261
  6. News Feed
    1. algorithm, 114–115
    2. hide Milestones, 136
    3. Messenger ads, 318
    4. updates to attract customer’s friends, 16–17
  7. Nimble, 144, 145
  8. notification about user activity, 158–159


  1. Obama, Barack (President), 85
  2. Offer
    1. add, for launch preparation, 131
    2. add Milestones, 134–136
    3. with Ads, 249
    4. creating, 245–247
    5. with email marketing, 250
    6. events. See Events
    7. how it works, 243–245
    8. marketing funnel, 20–21
    9. maximize effect, 247–248
    10. Online Only, 245
    11. with Page, 248–250
    12. promote, 248–250
    13. promote in-store, 250
    14. promote Offer, 249
    15. In Store & Online, 245
    16. In Store Only, 245
    17. terms and conditions, 246, 249
    18. types of, 245
  3. offering. See products and services
  4. 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
  5. online Events, 264
  6. Online Only Offers, 245
  7. online/offline
    1. Events, 264
    2. integrated campaigns, marketing plan, 37, 55–57
    3. promote Facebook presence, 277–278
  8. Open Group, 260
  9. opinion solicitation, and fan engagement, 121
  10. orbit, in launch, 126
  11. organic views, Reach report, 179
  12. organization, as Page type, 69
  13. Overview report, 171–173


  1. Page
    1. access from Ad Manager, 239
    2. add administrators, 80–81
    3. add apps. See apps
    4. add information to, 76–77
    5. admin settings for, 83–85
    6. anatomy of, 67–69
    7. for brand awareness, 42
    8. business needs for, 8, 15–17
    9. compare Groups, Pages, and Profiles, 62–65
    10. conversion from Profile, 64–65
    11. cross-promote, 275–276
    12. delete apps, 79
    13. described, 63
    14. to establish a presence, 15–17
    15. export Page-level data, 196–197
    16. as free business tool, 14
    17. getting started, 61–62
    18. launch, 125–147
    19. marketing resources, 81–82
    20. monitor activities. See monitor and measure
    21. name your Page, 70–71, 129
    22. Offer promotion, 248–250
    23. promote. See Page, promoting
    24. promote Offer, 248–250
    25. reporting activities, 51–55
    26. subscribe to, 64
    27. switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
    28. terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82
  2. Page, creating
    1. accept terms and conditions, 71
    2. add administrators, 80–81
    3. add apps, 79
    4. add cover image, 74
    5. add description, 77
    6. adding CTA button, 75–76
    7. business type, select, 69–70
    8. category for business, select, 71
    9. Groups, 62–63, 65–67
    10. limit access until launch, 76
    11. name your Page, 70–71
    12. overview, 61–62
    13. personal Profiles, 62–65, 63–65
    14. steps to create, 69–76
    15. terms and conditions, 82
    16. upload image or logo, 71–73
    17. use Marketing Pages, 81–82
  3. Page, promoting
    1. add photos and images, 132–134
    2. Ads for, 146
    3. apps for promotion, 94–97
    4. content strategy planning, 126–128
    5. cross-promotion, 275–276
    6. fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
    7. friend networks, 43
    8. integrated approach to promotion, 146–147
    9. Milestones, 134–136
    10. networking with friends, 138–141
    11. offline presence, 277–278
    12. outside Facebook, 43
    13. reusing existing marketing assets, 142–145
    14. search engine optimization (SEO), 136–137
    15. starting, 41–43
    16. store, promote Page in, 145
  4. Page Moderation, 87
  5. Page Plugin, 290, 300–301
  6. Page Post Planner tool (website), 335, 336
  7. Page Posts. See also News Feed
    1. add posts for launch preparation, 129
    2. admin settings for Page or Profile, 88–91
    3. Boosted Posts, 231–235
    4. clean and civil, 340–341
    5. content marketing goals, 119–120
    6. export post-level data from, 196–197
    7. Group settings, 262
    8. as Page on other Pages, 89
    9. reply to, 157
    10. response to, fan engagement, 160–161
    11. timing of, 336
  8. Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
  9. Page Timeline
    1. admin configuration, 83
    2. Offer promotion, 248–250
    3. review postings, 46
    4. webinar questions answered on, 144
  10. Page Unpublished setting, 76
  11. Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
  12. Pagemodo (website), 99
  13. Pages Manager app, 92
  14. paid views, Reach report, 179
  15. Paine, Katie (author), 21
  16. payment transactions, Ad Manager, 241
  17. peer success and fan engagement, 121
  18. Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
  19. People report, 171, 190–191
  20. performance data. See monitor and measure
  21. permissions. See Manage Permissions tab
  22. personas, 24–25, 204–205
  23. photo albums, 133–134
  24. photos and images. See also video
    1. add to promote Page, 132–134
    2. avatar, 8, 129
    3. change third-party tab icons, 102–103
    4. chose for Ads, 208–209
    5. cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
    6. delete tag, 140
    7. Events, 267
    8. Group icon, 260
    9. logos, 71–73, 278
    10. measuring views, 154
    11. Offer, 245, 250
    12. to optimize search, 137
    13. to promote engagement, 129
    14. tagging, 140–141
    15. testing, for Ads, 208–209
    16. upload, 71–73, 132–134
  25. PicMonkey (website), 123
  26. Piktochart (website), 123
  27. Plugins
    1. add to website, 291
    2. Comments, 288, 294–295
    3. Comments Plugin, 14
    4. for cross-promotion, 276
    5. Debugger, 306
    6. described, 287–288
    7. Embedded Comments Plugin, 288–296
    8. Embedded Posts Plugin, 290, 297–298
    9. Embedded Videos Plugin, 290, 298–299
    10. Insight integration, 291–294
    11. Like button, 276, 299–300
    12. Like button Plugin, 290, 291–292
    13. to optimize search, 280
    14. Page Plugin, 290, 300–301
    15. Quote Plugin, 290, 301–303
    16. Save Plugin, 290
    17. Send button, 290, 304–305
    18. Share Plugin, 290
    19. share website content, 291–292
    20. using, 288–290
    21. variety of, 288–290
  28. position/order of tabs, changing, 78–79, 104
  29. Post. See Page Post
  30. Post Planner tool (website), 164, 197, 335, 336
  31. Posts report, 171, 185–187
  32. preparation, in launch, 126
  33. pricing, 221–222. See also cost
  34. printed material, custom Facebook URL, 144
  35. privacy
    1. Group, 260
    2. maintain, 343
    3. sharing, with Send button, 290, 304–305
  36. product as Page type, 69
  37. products and services. See also content marketing
    1. on About section of Page, 77
    2. differentials, value proposition, 38
    3. launch of new as business goal, 8, 12
  38. Profanity Filter, 87
  39. profile
    1. conversion to Page, 64–65
    2. described, 62, 63–65
    3. generally, 8
    4. marketing on, as violation, 64, 334
    5. as personal, not business, 63–65, 334
    6. switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
  40. Promoted Posts. See Boosted Posts
  41. promotion
    1. cross-promotion, 275–276
    2. Events for, 263–270
    3. Groups and, 251–263
    4. Offers for, 248–250
    5. of Page. See Page, promoting
  42. Promotions report, 171, 174–175
  43. prospects and customers
    1. best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
    2. calculating Facebook usage by, 28–33
    3. content marketing, 111–119
    4. creating repeat and lifetime, 17
    5. dealing with irate, 342
    6. fans. See fan(s)
    7. knowing, as business goal, 12
    8. support with Groups, 253
    9. target. See target audience
    10. understanding, 285
  44. psychographic variables of fans, 40
  45. public figure as Page type, 69
  46. Public Group, 255
  47. Publisher, 15, 134–136, 245–247
  48. pushy selling, 336


  1. quality content, 49
  2. quantity compared to quality issues, fan engagement, 149–150
  3. questions Insights can answer, 168
  4. Quote Plugin, 290, 301–303


  1. Rafflecopter app, 95
  2. reach
    1. Insights data, 52
    2. viral, 179
    3. viral reach, 153
  3. Reach report, 155
  4. Reach report/graph, 171, 173, 179–181
  5. reciprocity, 346
  6. redemption of Offer, 246, 247
  7. relational, Facebook is, 21
  8. relaxed approach, 335–336
  9. relevance, create compelling content, 116–117
  10. remarkable Offer, 247
  11. Remember icon, 3
  12. repeat customers, 17
  13. reports. See also monitor and measure; specific reports
    1. campaign, 239–240
    2. creating from Ad Manager, 239–240
    3. export data, 196–197, 239–240
    4. Insights, 168–195
  14. resources, 81–82, 241
  15. resources, Internet. See also URLs
    1. access Insights, 169–170
    2. ActionSprout, 164
    3. add Plugins, 291
    4. Adobe Page, 67
    5. AgoraPulse, 164, 198
    6. Biggerplate, 66
    7. Bitly, 54
    8. Botisfy, 317
    9. Buffer, 131
    10. Buffer for Business, 336
    11. Bullas, Jeff, 346
    12. Calm the Ham, 8
    13. Canva, 123
    14. ChatFuel, 318
    15. Cheat Sheet, 3
    16. Conversable, 318
    17. DODO case, 8
    18., 123
    19. Ecwid, 100–101
    20. external Ad site, 211
    21. Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
    22. Facebook Pages Manager, 134
    23. FundRazr, 100
    24. Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
    25. tool, 284
    26. HootSuite, 197–198
    27. Hubspot, 57
    28. include Page link, 276
    29. Inselly, 284
    30., 57
    31. Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
    32. links to Page, to drive sales, 43
    33. Marketing Cloud, 335
    34. 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
    35. Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    36. Pagemodo, 99
    37. Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
    38. PicMonkey, 123
    39. Piktochart, 123
    40. Post Planner, 164, 197
    41. Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    42. ShopTab, 100
    43. ShortStack, 99, 347
    44. Social Mention, 55
    45. Spotify Facebook Page, 37
    46. Stella & Dot, 75
    47. Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
    48. TabSite, 99
    49. third-party analytics, 197–198
    50. Threadless Page, 39
    51., 54
    52. Toms of Maine Page, 40
    53. URL for group, 262
    54. Webtrends, 197
  16. restrictions
    1. Group membership, 255, 260
    2. Offer, 247
    3. Page access until launch, 76
    4. setting access, 86–87
    5. user, 86–87
    6. on words in Ads, 211
  17. reuse existing marketing assets to promote Page, 142–145
  18. rich content, 56–57
  19. Romney, Mitt (Presidential candidate), 85
  20. RSVP to Event, 153, 267


  1. sales, driving
    1. as business goal, 8
    2. errors to avoid, 336–337
    3. in marketing plan, 41, 43–44
  2. Save button, 303–304
  3. Save Plugin, 290
  4. schedule
    1. ad reports with Ad Manager, 239–240
    2. create Ads, 220
    3. Events, 265
    4. export event to calendar, 269
    5. Post Planner tool, 335, 336
  5. search. See also keywords
    1. for apps, 97–98
    2. for brand discussions, 45
    3. for Group, 256–257
    4. optimize your Page for, 136–137, 278–281
  6. search box, 45
  7. search engine optimization (SEO), 64, 136–137, 278–281
  8. Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 6th Edition (Kent), 137
  9. second-stage thrust, in launch, 126
  10. Secret Group, 255, 260
  11. Send button Plugin, 290, 304–305
  12. services. See products and services
  13. share
    1. fan engagement, 121
    2. as key metric, 54
    3. link to Event, 267–268
    4. Page update, 153
    5. private, with Send button, 290, 304–305
    6. reasons for, 346
    7. update Page, 153, 154
  14. Share button, 305–306
  15. Share Plugin, 290
  16. Shop report, 171, 193–194
  17. ShopTab (website), 100
  18. ShortStack (website), 99, 347
  19. sidebar, 8
  20. signature, add Facebook link to email, 142, 275, 276
  21. signs, to promote Page in store, 145
  22. Smith, Mari (thought leader), 81
  23. social graph, 201, 278
  24. Social Media Examiner Facebook Page, 81, 121, 122
  25. Social Mention (website), 55
  26. social networking sites, Facebook as most active, 9
  27. Social Plugins. See Plugins
  28. spam, 82, 90–91
  29. special offers. See Offers
  30. Sponsored Stories Ads, 146
  31. Spotify Facebook Page, 37
  32. stakeholders, 38
  33. Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
  34. status updates
    1. length of, 337
    2. post, by email, 276
    3. to promote Page, 91
    4. search, 280
  35. Stay in the Know, 81
  36. stay on message, 119
  37. Stella & Dot (website), 75
  38. store, promote Page in, 145, 278
  39. stories from your posts, 16–17, 185–187
  40. story for persona, 25
  41. sweepstakes. See contests


  1. Tab Manager for WordPress (website), 99–100
  2. tabs. See also apps (applications)
    1. change order/position of, 78–79, 104
    2. configuration, 102–105
    3. configure, 102–105
    4. cost to create custom, 99
    5. create custom tabs with HTML, 105–107
    6. create hosted custom tab, 105–106
    7. delete tab, 104–105
    8. Events. See Events
    9. hosted custom tab, create, 106–107
    10. as Page component, 16
    11. permissions. See Manage Permissions tab
    12. Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
    13. third-party tab names/icons, 102–105
  3. TabSite (website), 99
  4. tactical conversation, 157
  5. tagging
    1. defined, 140
    2. delete tag, 140
    3. to optimize search, 137
    4. photos, 132
  6. target audience
    1. best customer, 22–23
    2. creating Ads, 217
    3. define, 20–24
    4. demographic criteria for, 23–24, 26–27
    5. ladder of engagement, 22
    6. marketing funnel, 20–21
    7. personas, 24–25, 204–205
    8. research with Ad tool, 25–28
    9. understanding, 24–25
  7. Technical Stuff icon, 3
  8. technical updates for book, 3
  9. terms and conditions
    1. accept, to create Page, 71
    2. Facebook, 64, 71, 82, 161–162, 249
    3. marketing on Profile as violation, 64, 334
    4. Offer, 246, 249
  10. testimonials, 208
  11. third-party analytics, Insights, 197–198
  12. third-party apps, 99–100, 101–102, 162, 164
  13. third-party custom tab services, 99–100
  14. threaded comments, 85–86
  15. Threadless Page, 39
  16. tickets for Events, 266
  17. Timeline, 257. See also Page Timeline
  18. Timelines. See profile
  19. timing, of posts, 336
  20. (website), 54
  21. Tip icon, 3
  22. Toms of Maine Page, 40
  23. traditional marketing
    1. adapting traditional campaigns, 56
    2. campaigns. See campaigns
    3. compared to nontraditional media costs, 56–57
    4. compared to social focus on customers, 333–334
    5. integrate online/offline campaigns, 37, 55–57
    6. media messaging, 11–12
    7. planning for. See marketing plan
    8. on TV, 11–12
  24. transactional, Facebook is not, 21
  25. trust
    1. ladder of engagement, 22
    2. in launch, 126
    3. and recommendations, 12
    4. spam considerations, 90
  26. TV advertising, 11–12
  27. TweetDeck, 335
  28. Twitter, 36, 46


  1. updates. See also status updates
    1. to attract customer friends, 16–17
    2. comments, 85–86, 153, 154
    3. fan engagement, 152–153
    4. length of optimal, 337
    5. like, 153, 154
    6. sharing, 153, 154
    7. threaded comments, 85–86
  2. uploading images and photos, 71–73, 132–134
  3. URLs. See also websites
    1. external, promote with Ad, 211
    2. shortening, 54, 335
    3. username, 273–275
  4. user activity, fan, 158–159
  5. usernames
    1. create custom, 273–275
    2. to optimize search, 137, 279


  1. value proposition, marketing plan, 37, 38
  2. video. See also images and photos
    1. develop content strategy, 46
    2. measuring views, 154
    3. tagging, 140–141
    4. YouTube (website), 144
  3. video content, 123–124
  4. Video Insights report, 189–190
  5. Videos report, 171, 173
    1. as key metric, 54
    2. as Page component, 16
  7. viral features (virality), 66
  8. viral reach, 153, 179
  9. visual content, creating, 123


  1. Warning! icon, 3
  2. web copywriters, finding, 57
  3. webinars, 144, 281
  4. website integration, 49
  5. website visits, targeting Ads, 206
  6. websites. See also URLs
    1. access Insights, 169–170
    2. ActionSprout, 164
    3. add Plugins, 291
    4. Adobe Page, 67
    5. AgoraPulse, 164, 198
    6. Biggerplate, 66
    7. Bitly, 54
    8. Botisfy, 317
    9. Buffer, 131
    10. Buffer for Business, 336
    11. Bullas, Jeff, 346
    12. Calm the Ham, 8
    13. Canva, 123
    14. ChatFuel, 318
    15. Cheat Sheet, 3
    16. Conversable, 318
    17. DODO case, 8
    18., 123
    19. Ecwid, 100–101
    20. external Ad site, 211
    21. Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
    22. Facebook Pages Manager, 134
    23. FundRazr, 100
    24. Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
    25. tool, 284
    26. HootSuite, 197–198
    27. Hubspot, 57
    28. include Page link, 276
    29. Inselly, 284
    30., 57
    31. Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
    32. links to Page, to drive sales, 43
    33. Marketing Cloud, 335
    34. 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
    35. Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    36. Pagemodo, 99
    37. Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
    38. PicMonkey, 123
    39. Piktochart, 123
    40. Post Planner, 164, 197
    41. Post Planner tool, 335, 336
    42. ShopTab, 100
    43. ShortStack, 99, 347
    44. Social Mention, 55
    45. Spotify Facebook Page, 37
    46. Stella & Dot, 75
    47. Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
    48. TabSite, 99
    49. third-party analytics, 197–198
    50. Threadless Page, 39
    51., 54
    52. Toms of Maine Page, 40
    53. URL for group, 262
    54. Webtrends, 197
  7. Webtrends (website), 197
  8. (website), 142, 276
  9. Woobox app, 95, 96
  10. word-of-mouth marketing
    1. defined, 37
    2. with Facebook, 12–13
    3. fan engagement, 150–151
    4. marketing plan, 36–37
  11. WordPress, 99
  12. words. See also keywords
    1. length of status updates, 337
    2. limited, in Ads, 211
    3. Offer, 247
  13. writing
    1. copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
    2. hiring online social writer, 57


  1. YouTube (website), 144
  2. YouTube Channels app, 95, 96


  1. Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook CEO), 9