- AARP, 202–203
- About section, 137
- About tab, 76
- access
- Group, 257–258
- Page restrictions, 86–87
- account deletion/disabled by Facebook, 82, 339
- Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
- ActionSprout (website), 155
- activity log, Page, 15950
- Ad Manager
- access Page from, 239
- add users to ad account, 240
- campaign data, 237–238
- creating ad reports, 239–240
- performance data, 238
- scheduling ad reports, 239–240
- target audience, 25–28
- track payment transactions, 241
- website for, 236
- adding CTA button, 75–76
- address, physical, for location, 137
- Admin, as admin access, 80
- Admin Panel
- About section, 76–77
- access Insights, 169–170
- activity log, 15950
- configure Page for engagement, 83–85
- delete app, 104–105
- Invite Friends link, 139–140
- Manage Notifications, 158–159
- profanity and moderation settings, 87
- user restrictions, 86–87
- administrators
- add to Page, 80–81
- Group, 255, 259–263
- levels of, 80
- multiple, 80
- Page access restrictions until launch, 76
- Page information visible to, 90
- Adobe Page (website), 67
- Ads
- Ad Manager features, 239–241
- billing, 241
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- budget setting, 206–207
- campaigns, 44, 236–241
- case studies, 202
- copywriting tips, 207–208
- cost, 206
- export data from, 239–240
- Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
- guide to, 202–207
- image, chose the right, 208–209
- landing-page strategy, 209–211
- in marketing mix, 203–204
- multiple campaigns, creating, 235–236
- offers. See Offers
- other online ads compared to, 204
- to promote Page, 146
- purchasing, 14
- Ads, creating
- ad objectives and options, 212–214
- bidding, 221–222
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- cost, 220
- multiple campaigns, 235–236
- pricing, 221–222
- schedule, 220, 222
- target audience, 217
- website to start, 211
- winning ads, 207–209
- Advertiser, as admin access, 80
- advertising
- on Facebook. See Ads
- traditional. See traditional marketing
- advertising campaigns. See campaigns
- advocacy stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21
- affinity, ladder of engagement, 22
- age
- Ad targeting, 218
- Facebook terms and conditions, 82
- setting access restrictions, 86–87
- target audience, 23, 26
- AgoraPulse (website), 164, 198
- All Posts Published report, 155
- amateur images, 209
- Analyst, as admin access, 80
- analytics. See monitor and measure
- angry comments, 160–161
- apologies, 160
- Apple iTunes Page, 273
- Apple Mail, 142
- appreciation, fan, 47–51, 121
- approvals, 229, 255
- apps (applications). See also tabs
- add apps to Page, 79, 341
- cautions on use, 97
- cost of branded, 56–57
- create custom tabs with HTML, 105–107
- delete from Page, 79
- e-commerce apps, 100–101
- Facebook Apps, 94–97
- fan engagement with mobile apps, 91–92
- on Groups, 66
- as Page component, 16
- for promotion, 94–97
- search for, 97–98
- third-party, 99–100, 101–102
- artist as Page type, 69
- assets, reuse existing marketing, 142–145
- @ sign, 141
- audience
- create compelling content for, 116–117
- knowing, for content marketing, 118
- in marketing plan, 37, 39–41
- size of, ladder of engagement, 22
- targeting. See target audience
- audience engagement
- appreciating fans, 49–51
- customer-centric experience, 48–49
- growing fan-base, 49–51
- avatar (image), 8, 129
- awareness
- build brand, 8, 12, 41
- increase, network with friends, 138–141
- as marketing funnel stage, 20, 21
- of Offer, 248
- Ban User, 87
- band as Page type, 69
- behavioral aspects
- of fans/customers, 40, 285
- marketing funnel, 20–21
- personas, 24–25
- psychographic, 40
- behaviors
- Ad tool, 28
- target audience, 28
- benchmarks as key metric, 53
- best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
- Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Page, 95, 96
- Best Friends Animal Society group, 253
- bidding, 221–222
- Biggerplate (website), 66
- big-picture goals, value proposition, 38
- Billing and Payments link, 241
- Bing, 136
- birthday greetings, 342–343
- Bitly (website), 54
- blogs, 144, 276
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- Botisfy (website), 317
- brand
- branding strategies, 41–43
- building awareness, 8, 12, 41
- defined, 42
- mentions of, 55
- as Page type, 69
- broadcasts, creating, 327–329
- budget for marketing
- campaign, 220
- with Facebook, 56–57
- media, 56–57
- online calculator, 57
- setting for Ads, 206–207
- Buffer (website), 131
- Buffer for Business (website), 336
- Bullas, Jeff (website), 346
- business. See also marketing with Facebook; specific topics
- categories, 71, 137
- etiquette, 339–343
- goals, 8, 12, 38
- on Groups, 253–254
- as personal, and etiquette, 339–340
- presence. See Facebook Page
- type, to create Page, 69–70
- calendar, export event to, 269
- Calm the Ham (website), 8
- campaigns. See also Facebook Ad
- Ads, 236–241
- budget for, 220
- to drive sales, 44
- integrate online/offline, 37, 55–57
- monitoring and metrics, 51–55
- Canva, 123, 249
- categories, business, 71, 137
- cause as Page type, 70
- cell phones. See mobile devices
- chatbots, 49, 309–318
- ChatFuel (website), 318
- Cheat Sheet (website), 3
- cheerful treatment and Offers, 248
- claim Offer, 246, 247
- click-baiting, 115
- clicks
- click-through-rate (CTR), 208
- cost-per-click (CPC), 14, 201, 206, 211, 222
- as key metric, 54
- Offer, 250
- Closed Group, 255
- collaboration. See networking and collaboration
- comments
- angry, 160–161
- apologies, 160
- corrections, 160
- delete, 87
- ignore, 337
- as key metric, 54
- monitoring, 54
- negative, 160
- reply to, 157
- response to, fan engagement, 160–161
- threaded comments on Page updates, 85–86
- update Page, 85–86, 153, 154
- Comments Plugin, 14, 288, 294–295
- communication
- channels and content strategy, 46, 143
- content strategy, 46–48
- conversion, 118
- culture of conversation, 118
- Facebook Messenger, 307–309
- tactical conversation, 157
- community. See also Groups
- defined, 44
- focus on, for launch preparation, 131
- in marketing plan, 41, 44
- as Page type, 70
- spam considerations, 90
- community development, 49
- company, as Page type, 69
- competition, 38, 131, 285
- complaints, 115
- connections. See also fan(s)
- Ad tool, 28
- Facebook to facilitate, 10, 11
- Group for, 65–67
- strong and weak ties, 13
- target Ads, 206
- target audience, 28
- targeting interests, 217
- consideration stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21
- content
- access restrictions, 86–87
- adding information to Page, 76–77
- consumption of, website compared to Facebook, 112–114
- conversation and conversion, 118
- costs of developing, 56–57
- create compelling, 116–117
- deleted by Facebook, 82
- exclusive, for launch preparation, 131
- scanning, understanding process of, 114
- content marketing
- content consumption, website compared to Facebook, 112–114
- create compelling content, 116–117
- fan engagement, build, 121–122
- know your audience, 118
- posting goals, define, 119–120
- scanning process, 114
- stay on message, 119, 152
- content strategy
- communication strategy, 46–48
- define by communication channel, 46
- defined, 111
- develop for marketing plan, 37, 46–48
- fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
- plan, to promote Page, 69–76, 126–128
- steps to create Page, 69–76
- contests
- creating effective, 162–166
- described, 161
- Facebook rules for, 161–162
- setting goals, marketing plan, 53
- third-party app use, 162
- Conversable (website), 318
- conversion
- content and conversation, 118
- defined, 55, 210
- as key metric, 55
- as marketing funnel stage, 20, 21
- measure in Ads, 211
- copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
- corrections to comments, 160
- cost. See also budget for marketing
- of Ads, 201, 206, 220
- to create custom tabs, 99
- media, 56–57
- cost-per-action (CPA), 207
- cost-per-click (CPC), 14, 201, 206, 211, 222
- cost-per-impression (CPM), 14, 201, 206, 222
- cost-per-like (CPL), 207
- countdown, in launch, 126
- cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
- CPA (cost-per-action), 207
- CPL (cost-per-like), 207
- Create an Ad button, 212
- creating
- broadcasts, 327–329
- visual content, 123
- Creative Hub, 81
- cross-promotion with Facebook, 164, 275–276
- CTA button, 68, 75–76
- custom URLs, 137
- customer experience, developing, 309–319
- customer service as business goal, 8
- customer support, 48–49
- customer-centric experience, 48–49
- customers and prospects
- best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
- calculating Facebook usage by, 28–33
- content marketing, 111–119
- creating repeat and lifetime, 17
- dealing with irate, 342
- fans. See fan(s)
- knowing, as business goal, 12
- support with Groups, 253
- target. See target audience
- understanding, 285
- Dashboard, Insights, 52
- data
- demographic. See demographic data
- export from Ads, 239–240
- export from Insights, 196–197
- export report data, 196–197, 239–240
- dates. See schedule
- deals. See Offers
- Debugger, 306
- demographic data
- Ad tool, 26–27
- of fans, 39–40
- images for Ads, 209
- from Insights, 51–53
- target audience, 23–24, 26–27
- demographic targeting, 23–24
- description of business, Page, 77
- Developer, 288. See also Plugins
- differences in value proposition, 38
- discounts. See Offers
- DODO case (website), 8
- Dollar Shave Club Page, 61–62
- downloads as key metric, 54
- drinking alcohol, 340
- (website), 123
- e-commerce apps, 100–101
- Ecwid (website), 100–101
- Edit Page, to add/remove apps, 78–79
- Editor, as admin access, 80
- email
- add Facebook link to signature, 142, 276
- Group, 262
- include Page link, 275, 276
- mail your current list to promote Page, 143
- measure number that join list, 210
- notifications of activity by, 158
- promote Offer, 250
- targeting Ads, 206
- Embedded Comments Plugin, 288–296
- Embedded Posts Plugin, 290, 297–298
- Embedded Videos Plugin, 290, 298–299
- employee Offer awareness, 248
- enabling Facebook Messenger, 309
- enchantment, sense of, to promote Page, 126–128
- engagement
- defined, 120, 150
- Facebook Messenger, 307–309
- with fans. See fan engagement
- understand, 150–153
- engagement ladder, 21–22
- entertainment as Page type, 69
- errors in marketing, 333–337
- etiquette, business, 339–343
- evangelists, marketing funnel, 20
- Events
- add Milestones, 134–136
- boosting, 268
- cover image, 267
- create, 264–266
- described, 263–264
- to drive sales, 44
- edit, 268–269
- export to calendar, 269
- follow-up, 269–270
- as free business tool, 14
- invite Friends, 267–268
- name, 265
- offline or online, 264
- promote face-to-face, 56
- for promotion, 263–270
- RSVP, 153, 267
- schedule, 265
- tickets for, 266
- Events report, 171, 188
- exclusive content, for launch preparation, 131
- expiration date of Offer, 245, 246
- export data
- from Ads, 239–240
- event to calendar, 269
- from Insights, 196–197
- face filters, 283
- Facebook. See also marketing with Facebook; specific aspects of Facebook
- consistent participation, 347
- described, 9–11
- experience as important, 345–346
- to facilitate connections, 10
- fearless creativity on, 348
- growth and popularity, 9–11
- guidelines, 71, 82
- history of, 9–11
- as most active social networking site, 9
- number of users worldwide, 9
- promotions. See contests
- terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82, 249
- Facebook Ad Manager
- access Page from, 239
- add users to ad account, 240
- campaign data, 237–238
- creating ad reports, 239–240
- performance data, 238
- scheduling ad reports, 239–240
- target audience, 25–28
- track payment transactions, 241
- website for, 236
- Facebook Ads
- Ad Manager features, 239–241
- billing, 241
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- budget setting, 206–207
- campaigns, 44, 236–241
- case studies, 202
- copywriting tips, 207–208
- cost, 206
- export data from, 239–240
- Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
- guide to, 202–207
- image, chose the right, 208–209
- landing-page strategy, 209–211
- in marketing mix, 203–204
- multiple campaigns, creating, 235–236
- offers. See Offers
- other online ads compared to, 204
- to promote Page, 146
- purchasing, 14
- Facebook Ads, creating
- bidding, 221–222
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- cost, 220
- multiple campaigns, 235–236
- pricing, 221–222
- schedule, 220, 222
- target audience, 217
- website to start, 211
- winning ads, 207–209
- Facebook Ads Guide, 202–207
- Facebook Analytics Dashboard (website), 294
- Facebook Apps, 94–97
- Facebook Blueprint, 81
- Facebook Business, 81
- Facebook Developer, 288. See also Plugins
- Facebook Events
- add Milestones, 134–136
- boosting, 268
- cover image, 267
- create, 264–266
- described, 263–264
- to drive sales, 44
- edit, 268–269
- export to calendar, 269
- follow-up, 269–270
- as free business tool, 14
- invite Friends, 267–268
- name, 265
- offline or online, 264
- promote face-to-face, 56
- for promotion, 263–270
- RSVP, 153, 267
- schedule, 265
- tickets for, 266
- Facebook Groups
- compared to Pages, 65–67, 254–256
- for connection, 65–67
- create, 259–263
- delete, 262–263
- described, 45, 62–63
- email address for group, 262
- find a group, 256–257
- forming, in marketing plan, 44–45
- generally, 251–252
- Insights and, 263
- join a group, 257
- member feedback, 44–45
- members, 255, 260
- membership restrictions, 255, 260
- monitoring discussions, 45
- name for, 259
- networking and collaboration, 14, 251–263, 335
- participate in group, 258–259
- post settings, 262
- privacy, 260
- rules to govern use, 254
- set up New Group, 259–261
- types of, 255, 260
- website URL for group, 262
- Facebook Insights
- access, 169–170
- Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
- All Posts Published report, 155
- analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
- categories, 81
- Dashboard, 52
- demographic information, 51–53
- described, 167
- Events report, 171, 188
- exporting data from, 196–197
- fan data, 39–40, 52
- fan engagement, 153–156
- Followers report, 171, 173
- Groups and, 263
- Like, 169, 176–178
- Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
- Likes report, 171, 173, 176–178
- Local report, 171, 191–193
- Messages report, 171, 194–195
- nonanalytical analysis, 168
- Overview report, 171–173
- Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
- Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
- People report, 171, 190–191
- Posts report, 171, 185–187
- Promotions report, 171, 174–175
- questions Insights can answer, 168
- reach data, 52
- Reach report, 171, 173, 179–181
- reports, 168–195
- Shop report, 171, 193–194
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- Video Insights report, 189–190
- Videos report, 171, 173
- Facebook Live, 320–327
- Facebook Marketing group, 98
- Facebook member profile. See profile
- Facebook Messenger, 48, 307–309
- Facebook News Feed
- algorithm, 114–115
- hide Milestones, 136
- Messenger ads, 318
- updates to attract customer’s friends, 16–17
- Facebook Offer
- add, for launch preparation, 131
- add Milestones, 134–136
- with Ads, 249
- creating, 245–247
- with email marketing, 250
- events. See Events
- how it works, 243–245
- marketing funnel, 20–21
- maximize effect, 247–248
- Online Only, 245
- with Page, 248–250
- promote, 248–250
- promote in-store, 250
- promote Offer, 249
- In Store & Online, 245
- In Store Only, 245
- terms and conditions, 246, 249
- types of, 245
- Facebook Page
- access from Ad Manager, 239
- add administrators, 80–81
- add apps. See apps
- add information to, 76–77
- admin settings for, 83–85
- anatomy of, 67–69
- for brand awareness, 42
- business needs for, 8, 15–17
- compare Groups, Pages, and Profiles, 62–65
- conversion from Profile, 64–65
- cross-promote, 275–276
- delete apps, 79
- described, 63
- to establish a presence, 15–17
- export Page-level data, 196–197
- as free business tool, 14
- getting started, 61–62
- launch, 125–147
- marketing resources, 81–82
- monitor activities. See monitor and measure
- name your Page, 70–71, 129
- Offer promotion, 248–250
- promote. See Page, promoting
- promote Offer, 248–250
- reporting activities, 51–55
- subscribe to, 64
- switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
- terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82
- Facebook Page, creating
- accept terms and conditions, 71
- add administrators, 80–81
- add apps, 79
- add cover image, 74
- add description, 77
- adding CTA button, 75–76
- business type, select, 69–70
- category for business, select, 71
- Groups, 62–63, 65–67
- limit access until launch, 76
- name your Page, 70–71
- overview, 61–62
- personal Profiles, 62–65, 63–65
- steps to create, 69–76
- terms and conditions, 82
- upload image or logo, 71–73
- use Marketing Pages, 81–82
- Facebook Page, promoting
- add photos and images, 132–134
- Ads for, 146
- apps for promotion, 94–97
- content strategy planning, 126–128
- cross-promotion, 275–276
- fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
- friend networks, 43
- integrated approach to promotion, 146–147
- Milestones, 134–136
- networking with friends, 138–141
- offline presence, 277–278
- outside Facebook, 43
- reusing existing marketing assets, 142–145
- search engine optimization (SEO), 136–137
- starting, 41–43
- store, promote Page in, 145
- Facebook Pages Manager (website), 134
- Facebook Pages Manager app, 92
- Facebook Pixel, 228
- Facebook Promotion Guidelines. See contests
- Facebook Publisher, 15, 134–136, 245–247
- Facebook Social Plugins. See Plugins
- face-to-face events, 56
- fan(s). See also friends
- appreciate, 121, 347–348
- increasing number of, as goal, 53
- Insight, 39–40, 52
- Likes report, 176–178
- listen to, 346–347
- understanding, 39–40
- updates to attract, 16–17
- fan engagement
- analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
- behavioral aspects, 40
- build for content marketing, 121–122
- demographic aspects, 40
- to develop content strategy, 46–47
- Insights, 153–156
- with mobile apps, 91–92
- News feed algorithm, 114–115
- News Feed content, 113–114
- notification about user activity, 158–159
- psychographics, 40
- quantity compared to quality issues, 149–150
- response to comments, 160–161
- response to posts, 160–161
- tactical conversation, 157
- understanding, 150–153
- word-of-mouth marketing, 150–151
- fan-base, growing, 49–51
- fan(s)
- about, 125
- mapping launch strategies, 126
- feedback, 41, 45–46
- filters, 114
- flight, 229
- Followers report, 171, 173
- follow-up Events, 269–270
- fostering enchantment to promote Page, 126–128
- foursquare, 36
- friends. See also fan(s)
- care with strangers, 341
- encourage friends to share your Page, 138
- invite to Events, 267–268
- invite to Page, 43, 139–140
- networking, to promote Page, 138–141
- Fuddruckers Facebook Page, 122
- FundRazr (website), 100
- funnel, marketing, 20–21
- future directions, 3–4
- Garmen, Tim (reunited sibling), 10
- gender, targeting, 23, 27, 218
- geographic data. See location data
- Get Started button, 71
- Gmail, 142
- goals
- business, 8, 12, 38
- content marketing posting, 119–120
- creating Ads, 212–213
- define in marketing plan, 37
- marketing, 37
- setting, marketing plan, 53
- Google +, 82
- Google ads, 201
- Google Play, 92
- Google search, 136
- Graham, Karen (reunited sibling), 10
- Graph Search, 137
- graphs. See reports
- Group Address, 262
- Group Timeline, 257
- Groups
- compared to Pages, 65–67, 254–256
- for connection, 65–67
- create, 259–263
- delete, 262–263
- described, 45, 62–63
- email address for group, 262
- find a group, 256–257
- forming, in marketing plan, 44–45
- generally, 251–252
- Insights and, 263
- join a group, 257
- member feedback, 44–45
- members, 255, 260
- membership restrictions, 255, 260
- monitoring discussions, 45
- name for, 259
- networking and collaboration, 14, 251–263, 335
- participate in group, 258–259
- post settings, 262
- privacy, 260
- rules to govern use, 254
- set up New Group, 259–261
- types of, 255, 260
- website URL for group, 262
- guidelines
- Facebook, 71, 82, 161–162
- Facebook Ads, 202–207
- Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
- Harvard University, 9
- tool (website), 284
- headline, 250
- hierarchy, Group, 66
- home page, 113
- HootSuite, 197–198, 335
- hosted custom tab, create, 106–107
- hovercard, 16–17
- add plugin code to website, 291
- create custom tabs with, 105–107
- Debugger, 306
- integrate Facebook software into website, 291–292
- Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
- Hubspot (website), 57
- humanity, and fan engagement, 121
- icons, explained, 3
- iframes, 105–106
- images and photos. See also video
- add to promote Page, 132–134
- avatar, 8, 129
- change third-party tab icons, 102–103
- chose for Ads, 208–209
- cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
- delete tag, 140
- Events, 267
- Group icon, 260
- logos, 71–73, 278
- measuring views, 154
- Offer, 245, 250
- to optimize search, 137
- to promote engagement, 129
- tagging, 140–141
- testing, for Ads, 208–209
- upload, 71–73, 132–134
- impressions
- cost-per-impression (CPM), 14, 201, 206, 222
- defined, 206
- In Store & Online Offers, 245
- In Store Only Offers, 245
- inbound links as key metric, 54
- initial thrust, in launch, 126
- Inselly (website), 284
- Insights
- access, 169–170
- Actions on Page report, 171, 172, 183–184
- All Posts Published report, 155
- analysis for launch preparation, 129–130
- categories, 81
- Dashboard, 52
- demographic information, 51–53
- described, 167
- Events report, 171, 188
- exporting data from, 196–197
- fan data, 39–40, 52
- fan engagement, 153–156
- Followers report, 171, 173
- Groups and, 263
- Like, 169, 176–178
- Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
- Likes report, 171, 173, 176–178
- Local report, 171, 191–193
- Messages report, 171, 194–195
- nonanalytical analysis, 168
- Overview report, 171–173
- Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
- Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
- People report, 171, 190–191
- Posts report, 171, 185–187
- Promotions report, 171, 174–175
- questions Insights can answer, 168
- reach data, 52
- Reach report, 171, 173, 179–181
- reports, 168–195
- Shop report, 171, 193–194
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- Video Insights report, 189–190
- Videos report, 171, 173
- Instagram, integrating, 281–285
- Instagram Business, 81
- institution, as Page type, 69
- in-store marketing, 250
- integrated approach to promote Page, 146–147
- interests
- Ad tool, 27
- Ads targeting, 204–206, 205, 218
- of fans, 39–40
- shared. See Groups
- target audience, 24, 27
- Internet resources. See also URLs
- access Insights, 169–170
- ActionSprout, 164
- add Plugins, 291
- Adobe Page, 67
- AgoraPulse, 164, 198
- Biggerplate, 66
- Bitly, 54
- Botisfy, 317
- Buffer, 131
- Buffer for Business, 336
- Bullas, Jeff, 346
- Calm the Ham, 8
- Canva, 123
- ChatFuel, 318
- Cheat Sheet, 3
- Conversable, 318
- DODO case, 8
-, 123
- Ecwid, 100–101
- external Ad site, 211
- Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
- Facebook Pages Manager, 134
- FundRazr, 100
- Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
- tool, 284
- HootSuite, 197–198
- Hubspot, 57
- include Page link, 276
- Inselly, 284
-, 57
- Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
- links to Page, to drive sales, 43
- Marketing Cloud, 335
- 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
- Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- Pagemodo, 99
- Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
- PicMonkey, 123
- Piktochart, 123
- Post Planner, 164, 197
- Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- ShopTab, 100
- ShortStack, 99, 347
- Social Mention, 55
- Spotify Facebook Page, 37
- Stella & Dot, 75
- Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
- TabSite, 99
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- Threadless Page, 39
-, 54
- Toms of Maine Page, 40
- URL for group, 262
- Webtrends, 197
- Invite button, 267
- Invite Friends button, 43
- Invite Friends link, 139–140
- iTunes, 92
- (website), 57
- Join Group, 257
- Kanter, Beth (author), 21
- Kent, Peter (author), 137
- key metrics to measure success, 54–55
- key performance indicators (KPIs), 51
- keywords
- copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
- to optimize search, 280
- targeting interests with your Ad, 217
- Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
- know, in launch, 126
- ladder of engagement, 21–22
- landing-page strategy, Ads, 209–211
- languages, 27
- launch Page
- limit Page access until, 76
- of new products as business goal, 8, 12
- term explained, 126
- Learn More icon, 241
- length of status updates, 337
- Life Is Good Facebook Page, 157
- Like button, 15
- Like button Plugin, 276, 290, 291–292, 299–300
- Like report, 176–178
- Likes
- compared to Friending, 63–64
- Facebook Ads, 146
- fan engagement, 152
- in launch, 126
- number per Page, 64
- report from Insights, 171, 173, 176–178, 196–197
- update Page, 152–153, 155
- Likes, Comments, and Shares report, 155
- links
- email Offer, 250
- email to Page, 142, 276
- to Event, 267
- inbound, as key metric, 54
- websites to Page, 43, 276
- listen to fans, 346–347
- listening to feedback, 41, 45–46
- Live Contributor, as admin access, 80
- live streaming, 49, 320
- local business, 253
- Local report, 171, 191–193
- location data
- Ad tool, 26
- setting access restrictions, 86–87
- target audience identification, 24, 26
- targeting Ads, 205
- logo, 71–73, 278
- loyalty programs. See Offers
- loyalty stage, marketing funnel, 20, 21
- Manage Permissions tab
- access restrictions, 86–87
- notifications of activity, 158–159
- Page Moderation, 87
- Profanity Filter, 87
- reply to posting, 157
- third-party app permissions, 101–102
- threaded comments on update to Page, 85–86
- marketing, traditional. See traditional marketing
- marketing assets, reuse existing, 142–145
- marketing campaigns. See campaigns
- marketing channels, customize, 143
- Marketing Cloud (website), 335
- marketing funnel, 20–21
- marketing mistakes, 333–337
- marketing mix
- add Facebook to, 271–285
- Ads in, 203–204
- integrated campaigns, marketing plan, 37, 55–57
- promote Facebook presence, 277–278
- promote Offer, 248–250
- referencing Page, 278
- marketing plan
- audience, understanding, 37, 39–41
- content strategy development, 37, 46–48
- developing for Facebook, 35–37
- elements to include, 37
- integrate online/offline campaigns, 37, 55–57
- marketing goals, define, 37
- monitor and measure Page activities, 37, 51–55
- value proposition, 37, 38
- word-of-mouth power, 36–37
- marketing with Facebook. See also specific topics
- business goals, 8, 12, 38
- business needs for, 15–17
- marketing resources, 81–82, 241
- potential as a marketing tool, 11–15
- tools, 14–15
- as word-of-mouth, 12–13
- measurement. See monitor and measure
- Measuring the Networked Nonprofit (Kanter and Paine), 21
- media, 11–12, 56–57
- member profile. See profile
- members of Group. See Group
- mentions, 141
- message
- ignore, 342
- as Page component, 16
- reply to, 157
- Messages report, 171, 194–195
- Microsoft Excel, export data to, 196–197
- Microsoft Outlook, add Facebook link to email signature, 142
- Microsoft’s Bing, 136
- Milestones, 134–136
- mission statement, company, 77
- mobile devices
- fan engagement, 91–92
- post content via mobile web access, 92
- Moderator, as admin access level, 80
- monitor and measure. See also reports
- Boosted Posts realtime analytics, 235
- conversions in Ads, 210
- fan engagement, 153–156
- Group, 45, 255
- importance, 348
- with Insights, 54–55, 168–170
- key metrics, 54–55
- marketing plan, 37, 51–55
- not for Profile, 334
- online/offline marketing efforts, 56–57
- Page activities, marketing plan, 37, 51–55
- Page monitoring links, 54
- performance data, Ad Manager, 238
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- name
- Events, 265
- Group, 259, 260
- Page, 70–71, 129
- third-party tab names, 102
- username, 137, 273–275, 279
- National Wildlife Federation Page, 86
- negative comments, 160
- networking and collaboration
- Group, 14, 251–263, 335
- offline, 277
- New Group, 259–261
- News Feed
- algorithm, 114–115
- hide Milestones, 136
- Messenger ads, 318
- updates to attract customer’s friends, 16–17
- Nimble, 144, 145
- notification about user activity, 158–159
- Obama, Barack (President), 85
- Offer
- add, for launch preparation, 131
- add Milestones, 134–136
- with Ads, 249
- creating, 245–247
- with email marketing, 250
- events. See Events
- how it works, 243–245
- marketing funnel, 20–21
- maximize effect, 247–248
- Online Only, 245
- with Page, 248–250
- promote, 248–250
- promote in-store, 250
- promote Offer, 249
- In Store & Online, 245
- In Store Only, 245
- terms and conditions, 246, 249
- types of, 245
- offering. See products and services
- 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
- online Events, 264
- Online Only Offers, 245
- online/offline
- Events, 264
- integrated campaigns, marketing plan, 37, 55–57
- promote Facebook presence, 277–278
- Open Group, 260
- opinion solicitation, and fan engagement, 121
- orbit, in launch, 126
- organic views, Reach report, 179
- organization, as Page type, 69
- Overview report, 171–173
- Page
- access from Ad Manager, 239
- add administrators, 80–81
- add apps. See apps
- add information to, 76–77
- admin settings for, 83–85
- anatomy of, 67–69
- for brand awareness, 42
- business needs for, 8, 15–17
- compare Groups, Pages, and Profiles, 62–65
- conversion from Profile, 64–65
- cross-promote, 275–276
- delete apps, 79
- described, 63
- to establish a presence, 15–17
- export Page-level data, 196–197
- as free business tool, 14
- getting started, 61–62
- launch, 125–147
- marketing resources, 81–82
- monitor activities. See monitor and measure
- name your Page, 70–71, 129
- Offer promotion, 248–250
- promote. See Page, promoting
- promote Offer, 248–250
- reporting activities, 51–55
- subscribe to, 64
- switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
- terms and conditions, 64, 71, 82
- Page, creating
- accept terms and conditions, 71
- add administrators, 80–81
- add apps, 79
- add cover image, 74
- add description, 77
- adding CTA button, 75–76
- business type, select, 69–70
- category for business, select, 71
- Groups, 62–63, 65–67
- limit access until launch, 76
- name your Page, 70–71
- overview, 61–62
- personal Profiles, 62–65, 63–65
- steps to create, 69–76
- terms and conditions, 82
- upload image or logo, 71–73
- use Marketing Pages, 81–82
- Page, promoting
- add photos and images, 132–134
- Ads for, 146
- apps for promotion, 94–97
- content strategy planning, 126–128
- cross-promotion, 275–276
- fostering sense of enchantment, 126–128
- friend networks, 43
- integrated approach to promotion, 146–147
- Milestones, 134–136
- networking with friends, 138–141
- offline presence, 277–278
- outside Facebook, 43
- reusing existing marketing assets, 142–145
- search engine optimization (SEO), 136–137
- starting, 41–43
- store, promote Page in, 145
- Page Moderation, 87
- Page Plugin, 290, 300–301
- Page Post Planner tool (website), 335, 336
- Page Posts. See also News Feed
- add posts for launch preparation, 129
- admin settings for Page or Profile, 88–91
- Boosted Posts, 231–235
- clean and civil, 340–341
- content marketing goals, 119–120
- export post-level data from, 196–197
- Group settings, 262
- as Page on other Pages, 89
- reply to, 157
- response to, fan engagement, 160–161
- timing of, 336
- Page Previews report, 171, 172, 182–183
- Page Timeline
- admin configuration, 83
- Offer promotion, 248–250
- review postings, 46
- webinar questions answered on, 144
- Page Unpublished setting, 76
- Page Views report, 171, 172, 181–182
- Pagemodo (website), 99
- Pages Manager app, 92
- paid views, Reach report, 179
- Paine, Katie (author), 21
- payment transactions, Ad Manager, 241
- peer success and fan engagement, 121
- Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
- People report, 171, 190–191
- performance data. See monitor and measure
- permissions. See Manage Permissions tab
- personas, 24–25, 204–205
- photo albums, 133–134
- photos and images. See also video
- add to promote Page, 132–134
- avatar, 8, 129
- change third-party tab icons, 102–103
- chose for Ads, 208–209
- cover image, 15, 74, 129, 267
- delete tag, 140
- Events, 267
- Group icon, 260
- logos, 71–73, 278
- measuring views, 154
- Offer, 245, 250
- to optimize search, 137
- to promote engagement, 129
- tagging, 140–141
- testing, for Ads, 208–209
- upload, 71–73, 132–134
- PicMonkey (website), 123
- Piktochart (website), 123
- Plugins
- add to website, 291
- Comments, 288, 294–295
- Comments Plugin, 14
- for cross-promotion, 276
- Debugger, 306
- described, 287–288
- Embedded Comments Plugin, 288–296
- Embedded Posts Plugin, 290, 297–298
- Embedded Videos Plugin, 290, 298–299
- Insight integration, 291–294
- Like button, 276, 299–300
- Like button Plugin, 290, 291–292
- to optimize search, 280
- Page Plugin, 290, 300–301
- Quote Plugin, 290, 301–303
- Save Plugin, 290
- Send button, 290, 304–305
- Share Plugin, 290
- share website content, 291–292
- using, 288–290
- variety of, 288–290
- position/order of tabs, changing, 78–79, 104
- Post. See Page Post
- Post Planner tool (website), 164, 197, 335, 336
- Posts report, 171, 185–187
- preparation, in launch, 126
- pricing, 221–222. See also cost
- printed material, custom Facebook URL, 144
- privacy
- Group, 260
- maintain, 343
- sharing, with Send button, 290, 304–305
- product as Page type, 69
- products and services. See also content marketing
- on About section of Page, 77
- differentials, value proposition, 38
- launch of new as business goal, 8, 12
- Profanity Filter, 87
- profile
- conversion to Page, 64–65
- described, 62, 63–65
- generally, 8
- marketing on, as violation, 64, 334
- as personal, not business, 63–65, 334
- switch between posting content as Profile and Page, 88
- Promoted Posts. See Boosted Posts
- promotion
- cross-promotion, 275–276
- Events for, 263–270
- Groups and, 251–263
- Offers for, 248–250
- of Page. See Page, promoting
- Promotions report, 171, 174–175
- prospects and customers
- best customer, define, for target audience, 22–23
- calculating Facebook usage by, 28–33
- content marketing, 111–119
- creating repeat and lifetime, 17
- dealing with irate, 342
- fans. See fan(s)
- knowing, as business goal, 12
- support with Groups, 253
- target. See target audience
- understanding, 285
- psychographic variables of fans, 40
- public figure as Page type, 69
- Public Group, 255
- Publisher, 15, 134–136, 245–247
- pushy selling, 336
- quality content, 49
- quantity compared to quality issues, fan engagement, 149–150
- questions Insights can answer, 168
- Quote Plugin, 290, 301–303
- Rafflecopter app, 95
- reach
- Insights data, 52
- viral, 179
- viral reach, 153
- Reach report, 155
- Reach report/graph, 171, 173, 179–181
- reciprocity, 346
- redemption of Offer, 246, 247
- relational, Facebook is, 21
- relaxed approach, 335–336
- relevance, create compelling content, 116–117
- remarkable Offer, 247
- Remember icon, 3
- repeat customers, 17
- reports. See also monitor and measure; specific reports
- campaign, 239–240
- creating from Ad Manager, 239–240
- export data, 196–197, 239–240
- Insights, 168–195
- resources, 81–82, 241
- resources, Internet. See also URLs
- access Insights, 169–170
- ActionSprout, 164
- add Plugins, 291
- Adobe Page, 67
- AgoraPulse, 164, 198
- Biggerplate, 66
- Bitly, 54
- Botisfy, 317
- Buffer, 131
- Buffer for Business, 336
- Bullas, Jeff, 346
- Calm the Ham, 8
- Canva, 123
- ChatFuel, 318
- Cheat Sheet, 3
- Conversable, 318
- DODO case, 8
-, 123
- Ecwid, 100–101
- external Ad site, 211
- Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
- Facebook Pages Manager, 134
- FundRazr, 100
- Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
- tool, 284
- HootSuite, 197–198
- Hubspot, 57
- include Page link, 276
- Inselly, 284
-, 57
- Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
- links to Page, to drive sales, 43
- Marketing Cloud, 335
- 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
- Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- Pagemodo, 99
- Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
- PicMonkey, 123
- Piktochart, 123
- Post Planner, 164, 197
- Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- ShopTab, 100
- ShortStack, 99, 347
- Social Mention, 55
- Spotify Facebook Page, 37
- Stella & Dot, 75
- Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
- TabSite, 99
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- Threadless Page, 39
-, 54
- Toms of Maine Page, 40
- URL for group, 262
- Webtrends, 197
- restrictions
- Group membership, 255, 260
- Offer, 247
- Page access until launch, 76
- setting access, 86–87
- user, 86–87
- on words in Ads, 211
- reuse existing marketing assets to promote Page, 142–145
- rich content, 56–57
- Romney, Mitt (Presidential candidate), 85
- RSVP to Event, 153, 267
- sales, driving
- as business goal, 8
- errors to avoid, 336–337
- in marketing plan, 41, 43–44
- Save button, 303–304
- Save Plugin, 290
- schedule
- ad reports with Ad Manager, 239–240
- create Ads, 220
- Events, 265
- export event to calendar, 269
- Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- search. See also keywords
- for apps, 97–98
- for brand discussions, 45
- for Group, 256–257
- optimize your Page for, 136–137, 278–281
- search box, 45
- search engine optimization (SEO), 64, 136–137, 278–281
- Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 6th Edition (Kent), 137
- second-stage thrust, in launch, 126
- Secret Group, 255, 260
- Send button Plugin, 290, 304–305
- services. See products and services
- share
- fan engagement, 121
- as key metric, 54
- link to Event, 267–268
- Page update, 153
- private, with Send button, 290, 304–305
- reasons for, 346
- update Page, 153, 154
- Share button, 305–306
- Share Plugin, 290
- Shop report, 171, 193–194
- ShopTab (website), 100
- ShortStack (website), 99, 347
- sidebar, 8
- signature, add Facebook link to email, 142, 275, 276
- signs, to promote Page in store, 145
- Smith, Mari (thought leader), 81
- social graph, 201, 278
- Social Media Examiner Facebook Page, 81, 121, 122
- Social Mention (website), 55
- social networking sites, Facebook as most active, 9
- Social Plugins. See Plugins
- spam, 82, 90–91
- special offers. See Offers
- Sponsored Stories Ads, 146
- Spotify Facebook Page, 37
- stakeholders, 38
- Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
- status updates
- length of, 337
- post, by email, 276
- to promote Page, 91
- search, 280
- Stay in the Know, 81
- stay on message, 119
- Stella & Dot (website), 75
- store, promote Page in, 145, 278
- stories from your posts, 16–17, 185–187
- story for persona, 25
- sweepstakes. See contests
- Tab Manager for WordPress (website), 99–100
- tabs. See also apps (applications)
- change order/position of, 78–79, 104
- configuration, 102–105
- configure, 102–105
- cost to create custom, 99
- create custom tabs with HTML, 105–107
- create hosted custom tab, 105–106
- delete tab, 104–105
- Events. See Events
- hosted custom tab, create, 106–107
- as Page component, 16
- permissions. See Manage Permissions tab
- Static HTML: iframe tabs app, 105–106
- third-party tab names/icons, 102–105
- TabSite (website), 99
- tactical conversation, 157
- tagging
- defined, 140
- delete tag, 140
- to optimize search, 137
- photos, 132
- target audience
- best customer, 22–23
- creating Ads, 217
- define, 20–24
- demographic criteria for, 23–24, 26–27
- ladder of engagement, 22
- marketing funnel, 20–21
- personas, 24–25, 204–205
- research with Ad tool, 25–28
- understanding, 24–25
- Technical Stuff icon, 3
- technical updates for book, 3
- terms and conditions
- accept, to create Page, 71
- Facebook, 64, 71, 82, 161–162, 249
- marketing on Profile as violation, 64, 334
- Offer, 246, 249
- testimonials, 208
- third-party analytics, Insights, 197–198
- third-party apps, 99–100, 101–102, 162, 164
- third-party custom tab services, 99–100
- threaded comments, 85–86
- Threadless Page, 39
- tickets for Events, 266
- Timeline, 257. See also Page Timeline
- Timelines. See profile
- timing, of posts, 336
- (website), 54
- Tip icon, 3
- Toms of Maine Page, 40
- traditional marketing
- adapting traditional campaigns, 56
- campaigns. See campaigns
- compared to nontraditional media costs, 56–57
- compared to social focus on customers, 333–334
- integrate online/offline campaigns, 37, 55–57
- media messaging, 11–12
- planning for. See marketing plan
- on TV, 11–12
- transactional, Facebook is not, 21
- trust
- ladder of engagement, 22
- in launch, 126
- and recommendations, 12
- spam considerations, 90
- TV advertising, 11–12
- TweetDeck, 335
- Twitter, 36, 46
- updates. See also status updates
- to attract customer friends, 16–17
- comments, 85–86, 153, 154
- fan engagement, 152–153
- length of optimal, 337
- like, 153, 154
- sharing, 153, 154
- threaded comments, 85–86
- uploading images and photos, 71–73, 132–134
- URLs. See also websites
- external, promote with Ad, 211
- shortening, 54, 335
- username, 273–275
- user activity, fan, 158–159
- usernames
- create custom, 273–275
- to optimize search, 137, 279
- value proposition, marketing plan, 37, 38
- video. See also images and photos
- develop content strategy, 46
- measuring views, 154
- tagging, 140–141
- YouTube (website), 144
- video content, 123–124
- Video Insights report, 189–190
- Videos report, 171, 173
- views
- as key metric, 54
- as Page component, 16
- viral features (virality), 66
- viral reach, 153, 179
- visual content, creating, 123
- Warning! icon, 3
- web copywriters, finding, 57
- webinars, 144, 281
- website integration, 49
- website visits, targeting Ads, 206
- websites. See also URLs
- access Insights, 169–170
- ActionSprout, 164
- add Plugins, 291
- Adobe Page, 67
- AgoraPulse, 164, 198
- Biggerplate, 66
- Bitly, 54
- Botisfy, 317
- Buffer, 131
- Buffer for Business, 336
- Bullas, Jeff, 346
- Calm the Ham, 8
- Canva, 123
- ChatFuel, 318
- Cheat Sheet, 3
- Conversable, 318
- DODO case, 8
-, 123
- Ecwid, 100–101
- external Ad site, 211
- Facebook Analytics Dashboard, 294
- Facebook Pages Manager, 134
- FundRazr, 100
- Hallmark Channel Page, 50–51
- tool, 284
- HootSuite, 197–198
- Hubspot, 57
- include Page link, 276
- Inselly, 284
-, 57
- Kitten Bowl Facebook Page, 50–51
- links to Page, to drive sales, 43
- Marketing Cloud, 335
- 1-800-Flowers Page, 43–44
- Page Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- Pagemodo, 99
- Peet’s Coffee and Tea Page, 127, 128
- PicMonkey, 123
- Piktochart, 123
- Post Planner, 164, 197
- Post Planner tool, 335, 336
- ShopTab, 100
- ShortStack, 99, 347
- Social Mention, 55
- Spotify Facebook Page, 37
- Stella & Dot, 75
- Tab Manager for WordPress, 99–100
- TabSite, 99
- third-party analytics, 197–198
- Threadless Page, 39
-, 54
- Toms of Maine Page, 40
- URL for group, 262
- Webtrends, 197
- Webtrends (website), 197
- (website), 142, 276
- Woobox app, 95, 96
- word-of-mouth marketing
- defined, 37
- with Facebook, 12–13
- fan engagement, 150–151
- marketing plan, 36–37
- WordPress, 99
- words. See also keywords
- length of status updates, 337
- limited, in Ads, 211
- Offer, 247
- writing
- copywriting tips for Ads, 207–208
- hiring online social writer, 57
- YouTube (website), 144
- YouTube Channels app, 95, 96
- Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook CEO), 9