A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E
F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J
K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O
P  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U
V  |  W  |  Y


abstinence, 404

advice. See practical advice aerial perspective, 124, 124126 allegorical creatures, 11

alloys, 322, 327328

almsgiving, 396397

Amboise, river at, 241, 241


of animals, 194, 194195

of arms, 190, 190

of arteries, 180, 181, 185, 192

of bones, 177, 177178, 181, 182183, 183, 185, 186188, 189190, 190194, 192, 194

causes in body and, 179, 179

of children, 195196, 196

environment compared with, 199

of eyes, 194195

of feet, 192

geography and, 175, 225227, 225228

of hands, 186187

of head, 177, 177, 183, 183184, 185, 186, 188, 189

of horses, 194

inventions and, 197

learning, 197, 198

of legs, 191194, 192, 194

of limbs, 181, 182, 186, 190, 190194, 192, 194

of muscles, 176, 178, 181, 185, 185186, 189190, 190, 193, 193194

of nerves, 176178, 181, 185, 189, 195

observations flowing from, 175

painter and, 94, 178

soul and, 195196, 199

of tendons, 176, 178, 188, 189, 192, 194

of veins, 180, 181, 185, 192, 199

of walking, 194, 194

women’s, 181

ancient architecture, 162

Andrew, 143

anger, 404

angle, 120

animals. See also specific animals

anatomy of, 194, 194195

human bodies compared with, 194, 194195

limbs of, 166, 166

nocturnal, 134135, 194195

in philosophy and miscellaneous writing, 397399, 402, 404, 407408

sketches and studies of, 158161, 166, 166169

antique, painting, 44, 46

ape, 397398

aperture, 133

aphorisms, philosophy and, 261, 391, 392, 393, 394


in architecture, 264, 264269, 266267, 269, 271

cracks and, 306, 307

inverted, 269, 269

loading, 264, 266267, 266268

stability of, 269, 269


ancient, 162

arches in, 264, 264269, 266267, 269, 271

beams in, 291, 308

bridge of Pera, 299, 299

at Cesena, 298, 299

of churches, 285289, 286

columns in, 270, 270271

cracks in, 302, 304, 305306, 307308, 308

of detached buildings, 310, 311

fountains in, 295, 295

inventions and, 348

light in, 292, 293

mortar in, 309, 311

painting and, 261

of palaces, 290291, 291, 296, 296

plans, 263300

as practical matter, 261

problems in, 302308, 303304, 307310, 311

of roofs, 285, 286

stability of, 269, 269, 308, 309, 311

of stables, 296, 297

stairs in, 270, 270271, 296, 297

water and, 292295, 293295

Armenia, 244, 245

armored cars, 348


anatomy of, 190, 190

bent, 70, 70

of human figures, 6667, 6667, 6970, 6971, 95

measurements of, 6667, 6667, 6970, 6971

positions of, 94

arrows, 29, 255256

art, 11, 408

arteries, 180, 181, 185, 192

ass, 397, 404


earth in, 252

moon in, 258259, 259

Renaissance thinking and, 175

stars in, 259

sun in, 252, 258259


balance, in human figures, 11

bark, tree, 214

Bartholomew, 142

basilisk, 137

bat, 364, 364, 404


dust in, 28, 2829, 35

figures in, 28, 2829, 30, 3436, 3436

horses in, 2837, 29, 36

inventions for, 344, 345353, 348, 353

painting, 2829, 2837, 3436

at sea, 348

smoke in, 28, 28

beams, in architecture, 291, 308

bear, 404

beautiful faces, selection of, 375, 375376

beauty, 11

bees, 407408

Bertinoro, 242, 243

birds. See also specific birds

ape and, 397398

flying, 355356, 357, 361, 364, 364

fox and, 408

black, 128, 223

blackbird, 398399

blood, 180, 181, 185, 199, 226, 226227

blow, to right or left, 76, 7677

blue, 126128

in landscapes, 202, 205207, 209, 218, 223

physical sciences and, 252

body. See also anatomy; human figures

boundaries of, 18

causes in, 179, 179

human, animals compared with, 194, 194195

as mathematical term, 120121

soul and, 195196, 199, 389, 409


anatomy of, 177, 177178, 181, 182183, 183, 185, 186188, 189190, 190194, 192, 194

arm, 190, 190

foot, 192

vertebrae, 188, 189

botany, 175, 201

gourds, 206

leaves, 206207, 206208, 209212, 211, 217, 217

painter and, 211

sun and, 200

trees, 209217, 209217

boundaries, of bodies, 18


landscapes and, 209211, 210211, 214, 215216, 216, 218, 218, 220

straight, 216, 216

wind and, 218, 218

breathing, 179, 179, 189, 195, 226


inventions, 344, 345348, 348

of Pera, 299, 299

bronze, 324325, 325, 328

buildings, detached, 310, 311


calf, 73, 73

candle, 401, 401402

cannons, 348, 348, 351

carriage, 354, 355

cars, armored, 348

Castel San Pietro, 242, 243

cat, 397

caterpillar, 404

center of gravity

in flying, 366, 369

in human figures, 78, 78, 8081, 8081

in inventions, 340, 366, 369

Cesena, 298, 299

children, 397398

anatomy of, 195196, 196

as human figures, 82, 8385

sketches and studies of, 150151, 156157

churches, 285289, 286

cloaks, 88, 8891

clothing. See dress clouds

in landscapes, 218220, 219221, 223

at Mount Taurus, 248249

coins, 329, 329

color. See also specific colors

of landscapes, 202, 205207, 209, 218, 223

in light, 127128

mirrors and, 128, 130, 209

perspective and, 122123, 126129, 129

in shadow, 127128

of sun, 258

columnar shadow, 109

columns, in architecture, 270, 270271

common sense, 176, 196

company, drawing in, 388

constancy, 404

contrariwise friction, 342, 343

copper, 314, 327328

courtyard walls, 309, 311

cowardice, 408

cows, 158

cracks, in architecture, 302, 304, 305306, 307308, 308

crocodile, 402

crow, 400

cube, on pavement, 304, 305

cylinders, of damp clay, 304, 305


da Vinci, Leonardo. See specific topics

damp clay cylinders, 304, 305

darkness, 96, 98, 376377

deceit, 408

Demetrius, 389

derived light, 101, 101

derived shadow, 107109, 109110, 112, 113, 115, 115

detached buildings, 310, 311

diffused light, 101

diligence, 45

diminishing perspective. See linear perspective

direct light, 101102

discourse, boring, 394, 395

dissection, 197

distance, perspective and, 121126

dog, 397

dome, crushed, 304, 305

doomed rigor, 402, 403

downhill movement, 79, 79

dragon, 166, 166167

drapery folds, 380, 381383

drawing. See also sketches and studies

advice for, 375, 376380, 377378, 380386, 385388

in company, 388

drapery folds, 380, 381383

first, 12

head, 379, 380

historical pictures, 384385, 385

learning, 376

from nature, 385386, 388

places, 379, 380

talent and, 46

theory in, 389

dreams, seeing in, 118


clinging to limbs, 88

cloaks, 88, 8891

light, 98

duck, 398


in battles, 28, 2829, 35

in sunbeams, 127

in tempests, 38


eagle, 361

ear, 14, 58


in astronomy, 252

layers of, 228, 228229

spirit of growth of, 225, 225226

veins in, 227

eating, 392

elm tree, 212

enamel, 314


anatomy compared with, 199

depiction of, 175

Envy, 163, 163, 165, 165166, 408

errors, 388, 394, 409

evil thinking, 163, 163

exercise, of mind, 400401

expanding shadow, 109


advice on, 374, 388389

wisdom as daughter of, 374


anatomy of, 194195

aperture of, 133

light seen by, 99, 99100, 134136

measurements, 58, 58, 6162, 6162

owl’s, 134135, 194195

in painting, 14, 16, 25, 44, 46

perception by, 120, 130137, 132

perspective and, 120

power of, 137

pupil of, 100, 133136, 194195

seeing in dreams, 118

shadow seen by, 99, 99100, 135136

sun seen by, 136

of women, 137



beautiful, selection of, 375, 375376

drawing, 379, 380

grotesque, 170, 170173

light and, 386

measurements, 5859, 5865, 6165

as square, 59, 5961, 61

ugly, 376

Faenza, 242, 243

falcon, 361, 404

falsehood, 164, 164

fantastic creatures, 11

fat, muscles and, 178

faults, 388

fear, 408

fig tree, 398, 399

figures. See also human figures

in battles, 28, 2829, 30, 3436, 3436

in historical pictures, 25, 2527, 28

light thrown upon, 2021, 21

passion animating, 50

shadow on, 25

in tempests, 38

fire, 23, 164, 164, 252

in geography, 235, 235236

in philosophy and miscellaneous writing, 398, 401, 401402

fleas, 397

flint, 400

floods, 236, 293


birds, 355356, 357, 361, 364, 364

center of gravity in, 366, 369

inventions, 355, 355356, 357358, 359, 360, 361, 362365, 364366, 367368, 369, 370, 371372, 372373

wind and, 356, 357

wings for, 355356, 359, 360, 361, 363364, 364, 366, 369, 371372

food, 392

foot, 7475, 7475, 192


gravity, 250, 252

in physical sciences, 250253, 251

foreshortening, 114, 115

fortitude, 408

fortune, 408409

fountains, 295, 295

fox, 408

Franciscan friars, 396397

friction, contrariwise, 342, 343


games, 46, 47

garden, 301302


anatomy and, 175, 225227, 225228

fire in, 235, 235236

maps in, 175, 232234, 236243, 243

mountains and, 226228, 231, 236, 240, 244249, 245247

rivers in, 227231, 235238, 236239, 241, 241

seas in, 228231, 230, 232, 238, 239240, 240

shells and, 229230, 243, 244

spirit of growth and, 225, 225226

sun and, 227, 244

water in, 226, 226228, 233, 235

wind and, 231

gold-finch, 408

good deeds, 396

gourds, 206

graceful limbs, 93, 93

gravity, 250, 252. See also center of gravity gray, 205

green, 128, 202, 205, 209

grotesque faces, 170, 170173

growth, spirit of, 225, 225226

guns, 29, 313, 313



anatomy of, 186187

clumsy, 55

movements of, 71, 71

hawk, 398


anatomy, 177, 177, 183, 183184, 185, 186, 188, 189

drawing, 379, 380

horse, 326, 327

positions, 94

turned, 92, 92

health, 392

height, 53, 53, 55, 56, 72

hips, 94

historical pictures

drawing, 384385, 385

painting, 25, 2527, 28

holy water, 396

honor, 409

hooves, 322

hope, 409


anatomy of, 194

in battles, 2837, 29, 36

head and neck of, 326, 327

hooves of, 322

molds for, 322, 322323, 324

in sculpture and metalwork, 314323, 322, 324325, 325326, 327

sketches and studies of, 158161

stables for, 296, 297

human figures. See also anatomy

arms, 6667, 6667, 6970, 6971, 95

balance in, 11

blow delivered by, 76, 7677

center of gravity in, 78, 78, 8081, 8081

children, 82, 8385

in cloaks, 88, 8891

hands of, 71, 71

height of, 53, 53, 55, 56, 72

kneeling, 55, 56

in The Last Supper, 140143, 141

measurements of, 5253, 5359, 5675, 6175

movement of, 54, 55, 7681, 7681, 92

old men, 82, 8283, 86, 94

painting, 18, 19, 76, 76

proportion in, 11, 93, 9394

purpose of, easily recognized, 54

running, 78

shoulder muscles of, 51, 51

sitting, 55, 56, 75, 75, 78

in studies and sketches, 140146, 141, 148151, 154157, 162, 165, 165, 169173, 170

torso, 72, 72

turned head, 92, 92

women, 82, 87

wooden stiffness of, 92, 94

humility, 404

hypocrisy, 402


illumination, varying, 102103, 102107, 105106

Imola, 242, 243

impetus, 253, 255

Ingratitude, 163, 163

instrumental science, 340

intemperance, 404

inventions, 331337

anatomy and, 197

architecture and, 348

for battles, 344, 345353, 348, 353

bridges, 344, 345348, 348

cannons, 348, 348, 351

carriage, 354, 355

center of gravity in, 340, 366, 369

crossbow, 352353, 353

destruction of, 371

flying, 355, 355356, 357358, 359, 360, 361, 362365, 364366, 367368, 369, 370, 371372, 372373

ladders in, 358, 359, 366, 367368, 369

lifting device, 340, 341

parts and whole of, 342, 343

pinion in, 338, 339, 343344, 343344

as practical matter, 261

scorned, 389

screws in, 365, 365

sculpture and, 348

springs, 338339, 339, 372, 372

tent, 355, 355

wheels in, 340, 340, 343, 343344

inverted arches, 269, 269

iron, 313, 324, 327328


jackdaws, 408

James the Greater, 142

joints, 82, 94

judgment, 196

jumping, 256257

justice, 407


kneeling, 55, 56


acquisition of, 392

perceptions and, 390

practice and, 120, 389


ladders, 358, 359, 366, 367368, 369

lakes, 240

landscapes. See also botany

branches and, 209211, 210211, 214, 215216, 216, 218, 218, 220

clouds in, 218220, 219221, 223

color of, 202, 205207, 209, 218, 223

depiction of, 175, 201205, 202205

leaves in, 202205, 207

light and shadow in, 202205, 209210, 210, 212, 212214, 214, 216220, 219221, 223

mountains in, 204, 204205, 218

painting, 46, 48

sun and, 202203, 218220, 219221, 223

trees in, 202205, 203, 219220, 220221

water in, 222, 223

wind and, 204, 207, 213, 213, 218219

The Last Supper, 140143, 141

lead, 313, 327328


anatomy, 197, 198

to draw, 376

painting, 45, 4546


botany and, 206207, 206208, 209212, 211, 217, 217

in landscapes, 202205, 207

light of, 207, 209


anatomy of, 191194, 192, 194

calf of, 73, 73

measurements of, 68, 68, 7275, 7375

strength of, 361

lewdness, 404

lies, 408

lifting device, 340, 341


in architecture, 292, 293

color in, 127128

converging, 103, 103

degrees of, 97, 9798

derived, 101, 101

diffused, 101

direct, 101102

eye seeing, 99, 99100, 134136

face and, 386

on figures, 2021, 21

foreshortening and, 114, 115

in landscapes, 202205, 209210, 210, 212, 212214, 214, 216220, 219221, 223

of leaves, 207, 209

mirrors and, 130

in paintings, 2024, 21, 23, 25

particular, 100, 101

in perspective, 126128, 130131

practical advice on, 376, 386387

primary, 101, 101

reflected, 102

sculpture and, 314

shadow and, 96116

sun, 23, 98, 99, 127

truth as, 164, 164

universal, 100, 101

varying illumination by, 102103, 102107, 105106

waves, 99, 130131

light dress, 98

limbs, 18, 19

anatomy of, 181, 182, 186, 190, 190194, 192, 194

of animals, 166, 166

appropriate, 94, 95

garments clinging to, 88

graceful, 93, 93

in movement, 54, 55, 76, 76

line, 120

linear perspective, 121122

lions, 194195, 408

literary skill, 389

loins, 57, 57

lungs, 189


magpies, 408

man, Renaissance concept of, 175

maps, 175, 232234, 236243, 243

marble, 327

Marius, 389


painter needing, 387

in perspective, 120121

Matthew, 143


arm, 6667, 6667, 6970, 6971

eye, 58, 58, 6162, 6162

face, 5859, 5865, 6165

human figure, 5253, 5359, 5675, 6175

leg, 68, 68, 7275, 7375

loins, 57, 57

muscle, 185

width, 56, 56

mechanical science, 340

Mediterranean Sea, 240, 240

memory, 376, 409


limbs of, 94

old, 82, 8283, 86, 94

metalwork. See sculpture and metalwork

mill, 301302


common concepts of, 392, 393, 394

exercise of, 400401

of painter, 13, 1314, 138, 388

riches of, 389

mint, for coins, 329, 329

minute objects, 377


color and, 128, 130, 209

light and, 130

in metalwork, 328

in painting, 13, 17, 18, 25, 138, 388389

miscellaneous writing. See philosophy and miscellaneous writing mist, 125126


for horses, 322, 322323, 324

plaster, 324, 328

in sculpture and metalwork, 322, 322323, 324, 328

stucco for, 328

mole, 408

moon, 258259, 259

mortar, 309, 311

moth, 398

mother, 195196

Mount Caucasus, 248

Mount Taurus, 244246, 245, 248249


geography and, 226228, 231, 236, 240, 244249, 245247

in landscapes, 204, 204205, 218

perspective and, 119, 119120

in tempests, 42, 43, 44

visual perception and, 119, 119120

mouth, 5859, 5864, 6164


blow to right or left, 76, 7677

ceasing, 409

climbing steps, 79, 7981, 81

downhill, 79, 79

of hands, 71, 71

of human figures, 54, 55, 7681, 7681, 92

limbs in, 54, 55, 76, 76

in physical sciences, 252257, 256

running, 78

in sculpture and metalwork, 312

of vapor, 231


anatomy of, 176, 178, 181, 185, 185186, 189190, 190, 193, 193194

fat and, 178

measurements of, 185

nerves and, 176

shoulder, 51, 51, 190, 190

variations in, 94, 95


natural objects, painting, 44, 46


drawing from, 385386, 388

necessity and, 392

necessity, 392

neck, of horse, 326, 327


anatomy of, 176178, 181, 185, 189, 195

muscles and, 176

optic, 195

nocturnal animals, 134135, 194195

nose, 5859, 5863, 6163

nourishment, 178179, 195, 200, 392

nut, 400


observations, order and, 175

obstacles, 392

old men, 82, 8283, 86, 94

opinions, on paintings, 388

optic nerve, 195

order, observations and, 175

ostrich, 137

owls, 134135, 194195

oyster, 397, 402


Pain, Pleasure and, 162, 163


advice for, 385388, 386

anatomy and, 94, 178

botany and, 211

mathematics needed by, 387

mind of, 13, 1314, 138, 388

personal faults corrected by, 55

universal, 48, 4950

window of, 385386, 386


antique, 44, 46

architecture and, 261

battles, 2829, 2837, 3436

diligence in, 45

essentials of, 11

eye in, 14, 16, 25, 44, 46

forms depicted by, 14, 15

games, 46, 47

historical pictures, 25, 2527, 28

human figures, 18, 19, 76, 76

landscapes, 46, 48

learning, 45, 4546

light in, 2024, 21, 23, 25

mirrors in, 13, 17, 18, 25, 138, 388389

natural objects, 44, 46

opinions on, 388

perspective in, 16, 16, 46, 120

sculpture compared with, 314, 314

tempests, 38, 3843, 40, 42, 4445

works surpassed by, 14

palaces, 290291, 291, 296, 296

paper, tinted, 28

particular light, 100, 101

partridges, 407

parts, whole and, 342, 343

passion, 50

patience, 400, 402

pelican, 402

Pera, bridge of, 299, 299

perception, knowledge and, 390. See also visual


personal faults, painter correcting, 55


aerial, 124, 124126

branches of, 121

color and, 122123, 126129, 129

distance and, 121126

eye and, 120

images in atmosphere and, 129, 129130

light in, 126128, 130131

linear, 121122

mathematical terms expressing, 120121

mist and, 125126

mountains, 119, 119120

in painting, 16, 16, 46, 120

pyramidal lines in, 120, 129, 129, 132133

shadow in, 107108, 108, 127128, 131

sun and, 126127, 130131

theory, 389

trees and, 123, 123, 125

visual perception and, 11, 119137

Peter, 142

Philip, 143

philosophy and miscellaneous writing

on almsgiving, 396397

animals in, 397399, 402, 404, 407408

aphorisms and, 261, 391, 392, 393, 394

on common concepts of mind, 392, 393, 394

on discourse, 394, 395

on exercise of mind, 400401

fig tree in, 398, 399

fire in, 398, 401, 401402

on good deeds, 396

on patience, 400, 402

privet in, 398399, 399

Pythagoras and, 397

virtues in, 404409, 405407

physical sciences

blue and, 252

force in, 250253, 251

gravity in, 250, 252

movement in, 252257, 256

Renaissance thinking and, 175

seas in, 257

weight in, 253257, 254, 256

pinion, 338, 339, 343344, 343344

places, drawing, 379, 380


architecture, 263300

roads, 300, 300302, 302

water garden, 301302

plants. See also specific plants

nourishment of, 200

sun and, 202, 211


molds of, 324, 328

over timber, 308

Pleasure, Pain and, 162, 163

plinth, 270, 270

poetry, 14

point, 120

power, 253

practical advice, 261

on drapery folds, 380, 381383

on drawing, 375, 376380, 377378, 380386, 385388

on experience, 374, 388389

on light, 376, 386387

on minute objects, 377

for painters, 385388, 386

on selection of beautiful faces, 375, 375376

on shadow, 376, 387

on studios, 385387, 386

on studying in dark, 376377

practice, knowledge and, 120, 389

prescience, 330

pride, 404

primary light, 101, 101

primary shadow, 107, 113, 115

privet, 398399, 399

privies, 291

proportion, in human figures, 11, 93, 9394

pupil, of eye, 100, 133136, 194195

pyramidal lines, in perspective, 120, 129, 129, 132133

pyramidal shadow, 108109

Pythagoras, 397


rat, 397

razor, 400401

reason, 11

red, 128

Red Sea, 240

reed, 162, 163

reflected light, 102

Renaissance man, 175

repercussed shadow, 107

riches, of mind, 389

rigor, 402, 403


at Amboise, 241, 241

flooding by, 293

in geography, 227231, 235238, 236239, 241, 241

seas made by, 238, 239

time and, 409

roads, 300, 300302, 302

roofs, 285, 286

running, 78


sand, 228

science. See also physical sciences

defined, 330

instrumental or mechanical, 340

screws, 365, 365

sculpture and metalwork

alloys, 322, 327328

bronze, 324325, 325, 328

coins, 329, 329

copper, 314, 327328

guns, 313, 313

horses, 314323, 322, 324325, 325326, 327

inventions and, 348

iron, 313, 324, 327328

lead, 313, 327328

light and, 314

marble, 327

mirrors in, 328

molds, 322, 322323, 324, 328

in motion, 312

painting compared with, 314, 314

as practical matter, 261

tin, 327328

wax used in, 324, 327328


battles at, 348

in geography, 228231, 230, 232, 238, 239240, 240

Mediterranean, 240, 240

in physical sciences, 257

Red, 240

rivers making, 238, 239

in tempests, 3942, 40, 42, 44

seeds, 215

serving, 409


color in, 127128

columnar, 109

degrees of, 97, 9798, 108111, 109110, 112, 113116, 114117

derived, 107109, 109110, 112, 113, 115, 115

expanding, 109

eye seeing, 99, 99100, 135136

on figures, 25

foreshortening and, 114, 115

form, 106, 106, 111

gradation, 106, 106

in landscapes, 202205, 209210, 210, 212, 212214, 214, 216220, 219221, 223

length of, 105, 105, 112, 113

light and, 96116

in perspective, 107108, 108, 127128, 131

power of, 98

practical advice on, 376, 387

primary, 107, 113, 115

pyramidal, 108109

repercussed, 107

simple, 107

size and, 111

shells, 229230, 243, 244

ships, 40, 44, 392

shoulder muscles, 51, 51, 190, 190

sight, 44

Simon, 143

simple shadow, 107

sinew, 74, 74

sitting, 55, 56, 75, 75, 78

sketch book, 28

sketches and studies, 139

of animals, 158161, 166, 166169

of children, 150151, 156157

of Envy, 163, 163, 165, 165166

of evil thinking, 163, 163

of grotesque faces, 170, 170173

of historical pictures, 384385, 385

of horses, 158161

human figures in, 140146, 141, 148151, 154157, 162, 165, 165, 169173, 170

The Last Supper, 140143, 141

of Pleasure and Pain, 162, 163

truth in, 164165, 164165

of women, 144, 150151, 154, 169

smoke, 28, 28, 127

soil, layers of, 228, 228229

soul, 195196, 199, 389, 409

spider, 137


inventions, 338339, 339, 372, 372

tempered, 338339, 339

square, face as, 59, 5961, 61

stability, of architecture, 269, 269, 308, 309, 311

stables, 296, 297

stairs, 270, 270271, 296, 297

stars, 259

steel, 400

steps, climbing, 79, 7981, 81

stones, 227229

straight branches, 216, 216

strength, weaknesses creating, 224

stubborn rigor, 402, 403

stucco, 328

studies. See sketches and studies studio, 385387, 386


in dark, 376377

without desire, 392

patience and, 400


in astronomy, 252, 258259

botany and, 200

color of, 258

dust in, 127

eye seeing, 136

geography and, 227, 244

landscapes and, 202203, 218220, 219221, 223

light, 23, 98, 99, 127

perspective and, 126127, 130131

plants and, 202, 211

as truth, 164, 164

surface, 120121


talent, 46

tempered spring, 338339, 339


dust in, 38

figures in, 38

mountains in, 42, 43, 44

painting, 38, 3843, 40, 42, 4445

sea in, 3942, 40, 42, 44

ships in, 40, 44

trees in, 38, 39, 40, 42, 42, 44

tendons, 176, 178, 188, 189, 192, 194

tent, 355, 355

theory, in drawing, 389

Thomas, 143

timber, plaster over, 308

time, 409

tin, 327328

tinted paper, 28

toad, 402

torso, 72, 72

treason, 402

trees. See also specific trees

bark of, 214

botany and, 209217, 209217

in landscapes, 202205, 203, 219220, 220221

perspective and, 123, 123, 125

in tempests, 38, 39, 40, 42, 42, 44


Envy and, 165, 165

as light, 164, 164

partridges and, 407

in sketches and studies, 164165, 164165

twins, Pleasure and Pain as, 162, 163


ugly faces, 376

universal light, 100, 101

usefulness, 409


vapor, movement of, 231


anatomy of, 180, 181, 185, 192, 199

in earth, 227

vertebrae, 188, 189

virtue, 165, 165, 404409, 405407

visual perception

mountains and, 119, 119120

perspective and, 11, 119137

Vitruvius, 52, 53


walking, 194, 194


built up equally, 306

courtyard, 309, 311

nut destroying, 400

problems with, 302303, 303304, 305306, 307308, 308

war. See battles


architecture and, 292295, 293295

as blood, 226, 226227

garden, 301302

in geography, 226, 226228, 233, 235

holy, 396

in landscapes, 222, 223

time and, 409

wax, 324, 327328

weaknesses, strength created by, 224

weight, 253257, 254, 256

wheels, in inventions, 340, 340, 343, 343344

white, 128

whole, parts and, 342, 343

willow, 209, 216, 216


branches and, 218, 218

flying and, 356, 357

geography and, 231

landscapes and, 204, 207, 213, 213, 218219

window, painter’s, 385386, 386


bat, 364, 364

for flying, 355356, 359, 360, 361, 363364, 364, 366, 369, 371372

testing, 359, 360


as daughter of experience, 374

as riches of mind, 389

wolf, 137


anatomy of, 181

eyes of, 137

as human figures, 82, 87

mothers, 195196

sketches and studies of, 144, 150151, 154, 169

wooden stiffness, of human figures, 92, 94


yellow, 128, 209