
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


-r flag, Navigation
./ (run program command), Commands
~/ (home directory), Commands


accelerometers, Sensors
ACT light, Model A and Model B
ad hoc networks, Setting Up an Ad Hoc Network
analog-to-digital chip, Miscellany
Arduino IDE, Model A and Model B
ASIMO robot, Introduction
body, The BodyThe Body
final steps, Placing Everything
motors, The MotorsThe Motors
parts required, BodyMiscellany
power, Pi PowerPi Power
robotic arm, The Robotic ArmThe Robotic Arm
tools required, Tools
wheels, The WheelsThe Front Wheels
audio jack, Model A and Model B
auto fill, Navigation
Automatic Identification System (AIS), Preliminary Setup
autonomous behavior, Final Code and Conclusion


barometric pressure sensors, Sensors, BMP180P Barometer
batteries, Model A and Model B, Wheels, Motors, and Power, PWM Control
blacklist file, Photoresistor
Blu-ray Discs, Model A and Model B
BMP180P barometer, BMP180P Barometer
construction of, The BodyThe Body
parts required, Body
breadboards, Miscellany
Broadcom PCM2835, Model A and Model B


attaching to robotic arm, The Robotic Arm
connecting, Camera
live feed from, Live camera feed
carputers, Intro to Linux
case sensitivity, Structure
cat command, Commands
cd command, Intro to Linux, Commands
cell phone chargers, Model A and Model B, Pi Power
center of gravity (COG), Introduction
charging, Model A and Model B, Pi Power
chatter, Reed Switch
command-line editors, Python Scripts
command-line interface (CLI), Commands, Navigation, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
compasses, HMC5883L Compass
construction (see assembly)
continuous servo motors, Servos
cp command, Commands


date command, Commands
debouncing, Reed Switch
degrees of freedom (DOF), Installing ServoBlaster
design considerations
internal layout, Placing Everything
SD card size, Model A and Model B
sensors, Final Code and Conclusion
weight, Introduction
direct drive, The Wheels
changing, Intro to Linux, Commands
creating, Commands
deleting, Commands
home, Commands
listing files in, Commands
navigating, Navigation
printing working, Commands
directory paths, Structure
dongle, definition of, Setting Up the Wireless
Dual H-Bridge L298H motor controller, Miscellany, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
duty cycles, PWM Control


echo (print) command, Commands
Edimax EW-7811UN, The Ralink Chipset, Miscellany
Ethernet ports, Model A and Model B, Camera
EW-7811UN, The Ralink Chipset, Miscellany
exit command, Commands
external video devices, Model A and Model B


falling edge, Reed Switch
FDX light, Model A and Model B
feet vs. wheels, Introduction
blacklist file, Photoresistor
categories of files, Structure
commands, Commands
interfaces file, Setting a Static IP Address
KML files, Using the GPS Data
listing files, Commands
names, Structure
navigating, Navigation
structure of, Structure
floating input, Magnetic Sensor


GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins
floating input, Magnetic Sensor
for I2C protocol, I2C Sensors
for motor controller, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
Model B+ vs. Model B, GPIO
servo mapping of, ServoBlaster
ultrasonic sensor and, Ultrasonic Sensor
vs. Arduino IDE, Model A and Model B
GPIO (general-purpose input/output) pins
benefits of, Model A and Model B
GPS (Global Positioning System) units
communicating with GPS module, Communicating with the GPS Module
history of, Bot Location
photograph of, Bot Location
preliminary setup, Preliminary Setup
selecting, Sensors, Bot Location
using GPS data, Using the GPS Data
gpsd library, Preliminary Setup
graphics, HDMI port and, Model A and Model B
grep command, Commands


Hall effect magnetic sensor, Sensors, Magnetic Sensor
hard drives, Model A and Model B
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor
HDMI ports, Model A and Model B, Model A and Model B, Camera
headless configuration, Running the Pi Headless
headphone plugs, Model A and Model B
help() function, Where to Get Help
HMC5883L compass, HMC5883L Compass
home directory, Commands
Honda ASIMO robot, Introduction


I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
benefits of, I2C Sensors
protocol for, I2C Sensors
I2C EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), GPIO
IDLE integrated development environment, Using IDLE
infrared motion sensors, Sensors, Motion Sensor
interfaces file, Setting a Static IP Address
interrupts, Reed Switch
IP addresses
setting, Setting a Static IP Address
terminology, Setting a Static IP Address


jumper wires, Miscellany


KML files, Using the GPS Data


L298H motor controller, Miscellany, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
LAN (Ethernet) ports, Model A and Model B
LAN9512 chip, Model A and Model B
Leafpad editor, Python Scripts
LED (light-emitting diodes), Motion Sensor
command-line interface (CLI), Commands
files/filesytem structure, Structure
history of, Intro to Linux
navigation in, Navigation
Pi terminal prompt, Intro to Linux
wireless operation and, Historical Problems
LNK light, Model A and Model B
ls command, Commands
LXTerminal icon, Intro to Linux


magnetic field sensors, Sensors, Sensors, Magnetic Sensor
man command, Where to Get Help, Commands
maps, Using the GPS Data
master devices, I2C Sensors
math library, HMC5883L Compass
MCP3008 analog-to-digital chip, Miscellany, Photoresistor
mkdir command, Commands
Model B+
configuration of, Shape
photograph of, Model B+
power requirements, Power
USB ports, USB
Models A and B
audio jack, Model A and Model B
diagram of, Model A and Model B
ehternet port, Model A and Model B
GPIO pins, Model A and Model B
HDMI port, Model A and Model B
LAN (Ethernet) ports, Model A and Model B
power port, Model A and Model B
RCA jack, Model A and Model B
SD card, Model A and Model B
status lights, Model A and Model B
USB ports, Model A and Model B
vs. Model B+, GPIO
motion sensors, Sensors, Motion Sensor
motor controller
GPIO pins for, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
photograph of, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
RPi.GPIO library for, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
troubleshooting, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
connecting, Connecting the Motors and Motor ControllerConnecting the Motors and Motor Controller
mounting, The MotorsThe Motors
selecting, Wheels, Motors, and Power
(see also servomotors)
movement, Final Code and Conclusion
mv command, Commands


National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA), Preliminary Setup
of filesystem, Navigation
with GPS module, Using the GPS Data, Final Code and Conclusion
network configuration
ad hoc, Setting Up an Ad Hoc Network
addresses and terminology, Setting a Static IP Address
CLI approach, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
GUI approach, Making It Work: The GUI Way
headless, Running the Pi Headless
SSID and passwords, Setting a Static IP Address
static IP address, Setting a Static IP Address
network id/key, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
Nintendo Wii devices, Nintendo Wii Devices
nodes, I2C Sensors
NOOBS (New Out of Box Software)
benefits of, Setting Up the Pi
downloading, Download NOOBS
downloading SD card formatting tool, Download the SD Card Formatting Tool
formatting/filling SD card, Format and Fill Your Card
raspi-config tool, The raspi-config Tool


Parallax RB-Plx-75 motion sensor, Motion Sensor
body, BodyBody
miscellaneous, Miscellany
power train, Wheels, Motors, and PowerWheels, Motors, and Power
sensors, SensorsSensors
passwords, Setting a Static IP Address
PCM2835 chip, Model A and Model B
photoresistors, Sensors, Photoresistor
Pi terminal prompt, Intro to Linux
consumption in Model B+, Power
power ports, Model A and Model B
requirements for streaming video, Live camera feed
power train
assembly of, Pi Power
parts required, Wheels, Motors, and Power
print command, Commands
autonomous behavior, Final Code and Conclusion
displaying sensor data, Final Code and Conclusion
final steps of, Final Code and Conclusion
GPS sensor, Final Code and Conclusion
movement, Final Code and Conclusion
overview of, Introduction
sensor planning, Final Code and Conclusion
pull-ups/pull-downs, Magnetic Sensor
PuTTy, Running the Pi Headless
pwd command, Commands
PWM (pulse-width modulation), PWM Control
PWR light, Model A and Model B
py-spidev library, Photoresistor
as dynamically typed language, Using IDLE
data types in, Using IDLE
history of, Python on the Pi: A History in Four Paragraphs
IDLE integrated development environment, Using IDLE
scripts in, Python Scripts
syntax in, Using IDLE, Python Scripts


Ralink chipset, The Ralink Chipset
RAM, Model A and Model B
rangefinders, Sensors
Raspberry Pi
help resources, Where to Get Help, Commands
logging in, Commands
Model B+, Model B+Shape
Models A and B, Model A and Model BModel A and Model B
setup of, Setting Up the PiThe raspi-config Tool
updating/upgrading, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
voltage limitations, Model A and Model B, USB
vs. Arduino, Model A and Model B
vs. other small computers, Intro to Linux
website forum, Where to Get Help
wireless setup, Setting Up the Wireless
Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange, Where to Get Help
Raspbian operating system
Linux roots of, Intro to Linux
RPI.GPIO library, Model A and Model B
raspi-config tool, The raspi-config Tool
RB-Plx-75 motion sensor, Motion Sensor
RCA jacks, Model A and Model B
reed switches, Reed Switch
regular expressions, Commands
remote log in, Running the Pi Headless
RGB video, Model A and Model B
rising edge, Reed Switch
rm command, Commands
rmdir command, Commands
robotic arm
assembly, The Robotic ArmThe Robotic Arm
controlling, Controlling the Robotic ArmControlling the Robotic Arm
photograph of, Controlling the Robotic Arm
testing, Controlling the Robotic Arm
ASIMO robot, Introduction
challenges of building, Introduction
wheeled, Introduction
root users, Structure
assembly of, Bot ConstructionPlacing Everything
diagram of, Introduction
driving, Final Code and Conclusion
GPS system for, Bot LocationUsing the GPS Data
motors/motor controller connection, Connecting the Motors and Motor ControllerConnecting the Motors and Motor Controller
overview of, Introduction
photograph of, Introduction
photograph of interior, Placing Everything
programming overview, Introduction
robotic arm controller, Controlling the Robotic ArmControlling the Robotic Arm
sensors for, Sensors, Sensors, SensorsLive camera feed
servo motor installation, Installing ServoBlaster
RPi.GPIO library
GPIO control with, Model A and Model B
motor controller connection and, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
PWM control with, PWM Control
rpiSht1x library, SHT15 Temperature Sensor
run program command (./), Commands


scripts, Python Scripts
SD cards, Model A and Model B, Model A and Model B, Download the SD Card Formatting Tool
search program, Commands
BMP180P barometer, BMP180P Barometer
cameras, Camera
design considerations, Final Code and Conclusion
displaying data from, Final Code and Conclusion
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor
HMC5883L compass, HMC5883L Compass
libraries for, Sensors, Sensors, Sensors
magnetic field sensors, Magnetic Sensor
motion sensors, Motion Sensor
Nintendo Wii devices, Nintendo Wii Devices
obtaining/using code for, Sensors, Sensors, Sensors
photoresistors, Photoresistor
reed switches, Reed Switch
selecting, SensorsSensors, Sensors, Sensors, Sensors
SHT15 temperature sensor, SHT15 Temperature Sensor
soldering, Sensors, Sensors, Sensors
ServoBlaster library, ServoBlaster
PWM (pulse-width modulation) control, PWM Control
servo mappings, ServoBlaster
ServoBlaster library, ServoBlaster
types of, Servos
SHT15 temperature sensor, Sensors, SHT15 Temperature Sensor
slaves devices, I2C Sensors
small-form-factor computers, Intro to Linux
smbus library, HMC5883L Compass
snap-action switches, Reed Switch
soldering, Sensors, Sensors, Sensors
SPI bus protocol, Photoresistor
SSH (Secure Shell) protocol, Running the Pi Headless
Stack Overflow website, Where to Get Help
standard servo motors, Servos
standard tools, Tools
status lights, Model A and Model B
streaming camera feeds, Live camera feed
sudo (superuser do), StructureCommands
superusers, Structure
system on a chip (SoC), Model A and Model B


Tab key, Navigation
temperature sensors, Sensors, SHT15 Temperature Sensor
threads, Communicating with the GPS Module
tools, Tools
GPS units, Communicating with the GPS Module
motor controller connection, Connecting the Motors and Motor Controller
robotic arm, Controlling the Robotic Arm
status lights, Model A and Model B
streaming video, Live camera feed


UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter), Preliminary Setup
ultrasonic rangefinders, Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensor
updating/upgrading, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
USB hubs, Model A and Model B, USB, The Ralink Chipset
USB ports, Model A and Model B, USB


video devices, connecting, Model A and Model B
(see also cameras)
Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Running the Pi Headless
voltage limitations, Model A and Model B, USB


webcams, Sensors
weight, design considerations and, Introduction
WEP authentication, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
direct drive approach, The Wheels
front wheels assembly, The Front Wheels
rear wheels assembly, The Rear Wheels
selecting, Wheels, Motors, and Power
size of, Introduction
vs. feet, Introduction
WiFi configuration, Making It Work: The GUI Way
Wiichuck adapter, Nintendo Wii Devices
wireless adapter
as hoc networks, Setting Up an Ad Hoc Network
challenges of, Historical Problems
Edimax EW-7811UN, Miscellany
headless configuration, Running the Pi Headless
operation through CLI, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way
operation through GUI, Making It Work: The GUI Way
Ralink chipset and, The Ralink Chipset
static IP address, setting, Setting a Static IP Address
wpasupplicant message, Making It Work: The Command-Line Way