- * (asterisk), 196
- {} (braces), 56–57
- $ (dollar sign), 349
- ("") (empty string), 319
- = (equal sign), 19
- > (greater than), 334
- >= (greater than or equal to), 334
- < (less than), 334
- <= (less than or equal to), 334
- ? (question mark), 196
- ABS function, 135–136
- absolute addressing, 23
- absolute deviations, 171
- ABSOLUTE (ABS) function, 134
- absolute reference, 270, 349
- accelerated depreciation schedule, 106–107, 109–112
- Accounting format, 86–88
- active cell, 1
- Add Watch dialog box, 78–79
- addition, 26, 346
- address
argument, 290
- ADDRESS function, 270–274
- Alexander, Michael (author)
- Excel VBA Programming For Dummies, 5th Edition, 357
- analyzing
- data with percentiles and bins, 183–194
- deviations, 170–172
- AND function, 267–269, 333–334
- appreciation. See also depreciation
- arguments
, 290
- for CELL function, 290–291
, 290
, 290
, 290
- defined, 37
, 294
, 290
, 290, 292–293
- for functions, 29–32
, 294
, 294
, 294
, 290
, 290
, 291
, 294
, 294
, 291
- selecting functions that take no, 41–42
- selecting functions that use, 42–43
, 294
, 291
- values for SUBTOTAL function, 149–151
, 291
- arrays
- about, 55–57
- functions that return, 61–64
- using in formulas, 57–60
- assembling formulas, 25–27
- asterisk (*), 196
- auditing formulas, 75–78
- Automatic Calculation, 69
- AutoSum, 122–124
- AVEDEV function, 171
- average
- AVERAGE function
- about, 360
- analyzing deviations, 170–172
- argument values for SUBTOTAL function, 149–151
- arrays, 60
- nesting functions, 32–35
- using, 27–29, 163–167
- using in formulas, 27–29
- bell curve, 172–174
- binary numbers, 368–369
- bins
- defined, 183
- FREQUENCY function, 189–191
- LARGE function, 193–194
- MAX function, 191–193
- MIN function, 191–193
- RANK function, 186–187
- SMALL function, 193–194
- braces ({}), 56–57
- Break Link button, 72
- broken links, mending, 70–72
- Calculation feature
- about, 12
- enabling/disabling, 349–350
- case, text, 320–321
- CASE function, 373
- cash flow, 86
- CEILING function, 126, 127–129
- CELL function, 289–294
- cells
- about, 13–17
- address, 14
- entering as function arguments, 43–48
- entering formulas and functions in worksheet, 51–53
- Change Source button, 71
- Check Status button, 72
- Chi Square test, 204–207
- CHISQ.DIST.RT function, 206–207
- CHISQ.INV.RT function, 206–207
- CHISQ.TEST function, 205–206
- CHOOSE function, 263–265, 267–268
- circular references, avoiding, 68–70
- circumference, calculating with Pi, 138
argument, 290
- color, worksheet, 10
argument, 290
- COLUMN function, 274–276
- columns, 13–17
- COLUMNS function, 274–276
- COMBIN function, 144–145
- combinations, 144–145
- comparing
- data sets, 179–183
- text, 321–326
- CONCATENATE function, 308–309
- concatenation, 308–309, 337
- Conditional Formatting, 353–354
argument, 290
- CONVERT function, 369–370
- copying formulas with fill handle, 24–25
- CORREL function, 181–183, 215
- correlation, 181–183, 215
- COS function, 156–157
- COUNT function, 27–29, 150, 195–196, 361
- COUNTA function, 150, 195–196
- COUNTIF function, 196–198, 235, 236, 252, 364–365
- covariance, 179–181
- COVARIANCE function, 179–181
- Create Table dialog box, 45–46
- criteria
- about, 329
- establishing, 331–333
- fine-tuning, 333–334
- cumulative probability, 221, 225
- currency, formatting, 86–88
- Customize Format dialog box, 89–90
- Customize Regional Options dialog box, 230–231
- data
- analyzing with percentiles and bins, 183–194
- formatting, 17–18
- data sets, comparing, 179–183
- Data Validation, 354–355
- database functions
- about, 327
- DAVERAGE function, 332, 335–336
- DCOUNT function, 336–338
- DGET function, 339
- DMAX function, 338
- DMIN function, 338
- DPRODUCT function, 339–341
- DSUM function, 335
- AND function, 333–334
- OR function, 333–334
- structure of databases, 328–329
- working with, 329–333
- database range, 329
- databases, establishing, 329–331
- DATE function, 232–233
- date functions
- about, 229–231
- DATE function, 232–233
- DATEDIF function, 245–246
- DATEVALUE function, 237–239
- DAY function, 234–236
- formatting dates, 231–232
- MONTH function, 234, 236–237
- NETWORKDAYS function, 242–243
- TODAY function, 41–42, 239–240, 254, 363
- WEEKDAY function, 240–242
- WORKDAY function, 244
- YEAR function, 234, 237
- DATEDIF function, 245–246
- dates, formatting, 231–232
- DATEVALUE function, 237–239
- DAVERAGE function, 332, 335–336
- DAY function, 234–236
- DB function, 104, 112–114
- DCOUNT function, 336–338
- DDB function, 104, 111–112
- decimal numbers, 368–369
- Defined Names feature, 11
- DEGREES function, 157
- deleting worksheets, 10–11
- dependents, 75–78
- depreciable cost, 107
- depreciation. See also appreciation
- about, 103–104, 106–108
- accelerated schedule, creating, 109–112
- DB function, 104, 112–114
- DDB function, 104, 111–112
- mid-year schedule, creating, 112–114
- SLN function, 104, 108–109
- straight line, calculating, 108–109
- SYD function, 104, 109–111
- descriptive statistics
- AVERAGE function, 27–29, 32–35, 60, 150, 163–167, 171, 360
- bins, 183–194
- COUNT function, 27–29, 150, 195–196, 361
- COUNTA function, 195–196
- COUNTIF function, 196–198, 235, 236, 252, 364–365
- MEAN function, 163–167
- MODE function, 163–167
- percentiles, 183–194
- variance, 167–170
- deviations, analyzing, 170–172
- DGET function, 339
- dialog boxes
- Add Watch, 78–79
- Create Table, 45–46
- Customize Format, 89–90
- Customize Regional Options, 230–231
- Edit Links, 70–72
- Edit Name, 330–331
- Error Checking, 80, 348
- Evaluate Formula, 79–80
- Excel Options, 14, 69–70, 348, 350
- Format Cells, 18, 231–232, 248–249, 292, 310
- Function Arguments, 41–42, 43, 46–47, 49
- Insert Function. See Insert Function dialog box
- Name Manager, 330
- New Name, 56, 351–352
- Paste Special, 63–64
- diameter, calculating with Pi, 138
- directional rounding, 126–127
argument, 294
- disabling
- calculation, 349–350
- Formula AutoComplete, 53
- displaying
- formulas, 346–347
- Insert Function dialog box, 38–39
- division, 26, 346
- DMAX function, 338
- DMIN function, 338
- DOLLAR function, 310–311
- dollar sign ($), 23, 108–109, 349
- Double Declining Balance depreciation
- about, 107
- calculating, 109–112
- DPRODUCT function, 339–341
- DSUM function, 335
- duration of the loan, 90
- Edit Links dialog box, 70–72
- Edit Name dialog box, 330–331
- editing functions, 49–53
- effective interest rate, 99
- empty strings, 319
- enabling
- calculation, 349–350
- Formula AutoComplete, 53
End If
statements, 261
- equal sign (=), 19
- Error Checking dialog box, 80, 348
- errors
- about, 27, 65
- auditing formulas, 75–78
- catching as you enter them, 65–75
- evaluating and checking, 79–80
- IfError feature, 81
- Watch Window, 78–79
- estimation
- about, 199
- Chi Square test, 204–207
- TTEST function, 200–204
- Evaluate Formula dialog box, 79–80
- evaluating errors, 79–80
- EVEN function, 126, 130
- even numbers, rounding to next, 130
- EXACT function, 321–323
- Excel. See also specific topics
- about, 7–8
- fundamentals, 8–19
Excel 2019 For Dummies (Harvey), 2
- Excel Options dialog box, 14, 69–70, 348, 350
Excel VBA Programming For Dummies, 5th Edition (Alexander), 357
- exponential model, 210–211
- exponents, 25, 346
- extensions, 8
- FACT function, 371
- factorials, 371
- field, 329
argument, 290
- fill handle, copying formulas with, 24–25
- FIND function, 323–324
- FLOOR function, 126, 127–129
- FORECAST function, 215–217
argument, 290, 292–293
- Format Cells dialog box, 18, 231–232, 248–249, 292
- formatting
- Conditional Formatting, 353–354
- currencies, 86–88
- data, 17–18
- dates, 231–232
- time, 248–249
- Formula Auditing feature, 12, 352
- Formula AutoComplete, 53
- Formula Bar, 14, 49–50
- Formula Box, 14
- Formula Error Checker, 72–75
- formulas
- about, 19–20
- assembling, 25–27
- auditing, 75–78
- copying with fill handle, 24–25
- directly entering, 51–53
- displaying, 346–347
- entering in Formula Bar, 49–50
- entering in worksheet cells, 51–53
- entering your first, 20–21
- errors. See errors
- fixing, 348
- matching parentheses in, 66–68
- tips for working with, 345–357
- using arrays in, 57–60
- using functions in, 27–35
- Formulas tab, 11–13
- FORMULATEXT function, 286
- frequency distribution, 191
- FREQUENCY function, 189–191
- Function Arguments dialog box, 31, 41–42, 43, 46–47, 49
- Function Library feature, 11
- function tools
- about, 37
- directly entering formulas and functions, 51–53
- finding functions, 39–40
- Insert Function dialog box, 37–39, 40–49
- functions. See also specific functions
- arguments for, 29–32
- creating, 355–357
- directly entering, 51–53
- editing, 49–53
- entering in Formula Bar, 49–50
- entering in worksheet cells, 51–53
- entering using Insert Functions dialog box, 40–49
- finding, 39–40
- inputs for, 29
- most common, 359–365
- nesting, 32–35
- recommended, 367–373
- that return arrays, 61–64
- using in formulas, 27–35
- functions, database
- about, 327
- DAVERAGE function, 332, 335–336
- DCOUNT function, 336–338
- DGET function, 339
- DMAX function, 338
- DMIN function, 338
- DPRODUCT function, 339–341
- DSUM function, 335
- AND function, 333–334
- OR function, 333–334
- structure of databases, 328–329
- working with, 329–333
- functions, date
- about, 229–231
- DATE function, 232–233
- DATEDIF function, 245–246
- DATEVALUE function, 237–239
- DAY function, 234–236
- formatting dates, 231–232
- MONTH function, 234, 236–237
- NETWORKDAYS function, 242–243
- TODAY function, 41–42, 239–240, 254, 363
- WEEKDAY function, 240–242
- WORKDAY function, 244
- YEAR function, 234, 237
- functions, information
- about, 289
- CELL function, 289–294
- INFO function, 294–295
- IS function, 295–299
- ISBLANK function, 297–299
- ISERR function, 296–297
- ISERROR function, 296–297
- ISNA function, 296–297
- ISNONTEXT function, 297–299
- ISNUMBER function, 297–299
- ISTEXT function, 297–299
- TYPE function, 299–301
- functions, math
- about, 119
- ABSOLUTE function, 134
- COMBIN function, 144–145
- COS function, 156–157
- INT function, 131–132, 140–141, 361
- MOD function, 148–149
- multiplying multiple numbers, 146–147
- PERMUT function, 143–144
- Pi, 138
- POWER function, 145–146
- PRODUCT function, 31–32, 42–43, 146–147, 150
- RAND function, 139–141, 371
- RANDBETWEEN function, 141–142, 371
- random numbers, 139–142
- ROUND function, 124–130, 140–141, 362
- SIGN function, 133–135
- SIN function, 156–157
- SUBTOTAL function, 149–151
- SUM function, 27–29, 43–48, 57–60, 119–124, 150, 360
- SUMIF function, 134, 153–156, 235, 266, 364–365
- SUMIFS function, 153–156
- SUMPRODUCT function, 58, 151–153, 167
- TAN function, 156–157
- trigonometry, 156–157
- TRUNC function, 132–133
- functions, text
- about, 303
- CONCATENATE function, 308–309
- DOLLAR function, 310–311
- EXACT function, 321–323
- FIND function, 323–324
- LEFT function, 303–305, 307, 321
- LEN function, 307–308, 321
- LOWER function, 320–321
- MID function, 303, 306–307
- PROPER function, 320–321
- REPLACE function, 315–317
- REPT function, 314–315
- RIGHT function, 303, 305, 307, 321
- SEARCH function, 324–326
- SUBSTITUTE function, 315, 317–319
- TEXT function, 311–314
- TRIM function, 319–320
- UPPER function, 320–321
- functions, time
- about, 247–248
- calculating elapsed time over days, 255
- formatting time, 248–249
- HOUR function, 251–252
- MINUTE function, 251, 253
- NOW function, 29, 254, 363
- SECOND function, 251, 253–254
- TIME function, 250
- TIMEVALUE function, 250–251
- FUTURE VALUE (FV) function, 92, 103, 104–106
- GCD function, 370
- greater than (>), 334
- greater than or equal to (>=), 334
- greatest common divisor, 370
- GROWTH function, 219–220
- Harvey, Greg (author)
- Excel 2019 For Dummies, 2
- headers, 329
- Help, 19, 48
- hexadecimal numbers, 368–369
- histogram, 191
- HLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- Hot Items, 261–262
- HOUR function, 251–252
- icons, explained, 2–3
- IF function, 258–263, 362
- IfError feature, 81
- ignoring signs, 135–136
- INDEX function, 281–285
- inferential statistics
- about, 199–200
- Chi Square test, 204–207
- TTEST function, 200–204
- INFO function, 294–295
- information functions
- about, 289
- CELL function, 289–294
- INFO function, 294–295
- IS function, 295–299
- ISBLANK function, 297–299
- ISERR function, 296–297
- ISERROR function, 296–297
- ISNA function, 296–297
- ISNONTEXT function, 297–299
- ISNUMBER function, 297–299
- ISTEXT function, 297–299
- TYPE function, 299–301
- Insert Function dialog box
- about, 37–39
- arguing with functions, 29–32
- creating functions, 355–357
- entering functions using, 40–49
- function categories, 40
- help in, 48
- inserting worksheets, 10
- INT function, 131–132, 140–141, 361
- INTERCEPT function, 211–215
- interest payments, calculating, 93–94
- interest rates, 85–86, 90. See also loans and interest rates, calculating
- INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (IRR) function, 103, 114–118
- internals, measuring, 114–118
- inverse correlation, 182
- IPMT function, 29, 93–94
- IRR (INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN) function, 103, 114–118
- irrational number, 138
- IS function, 295–299
- ISBLANK function, 297–299
- ISERR function, 296–297
- ISERROR function, 296–297
- ISNA function, 296–297
- ISNONTEXT function, 297–299
- ISNUMBER function, 297–299, 364
- ISTEXT function, 297–299
- KURT function, 178–179
- kurtosis, 178–179
- LARGE function, 193–194
- LCM function, 370
- least common multiple, 370
- LEFT function, 303–305, 307, 321
- LEN function, 307–308, 321, 373
- less than (<), 334
- less than or equal to (<=), 334
- linear model, 210
- linear regression line, 210
- literal, 263
- loan principal, 90
- loans and interest rates, calculating
- about, 85–86
- calculating loans, 90–102
- money values, 86–90
- logical functions. See lookup, logical, and reference functions
- lookup, logical, and reference functions
- about, 257
- ADDRESS function, 270–274
- AND function, 267–269, 333–334
- CHOOSE function, 263–265, 267–268
- COLUMN function, 274–276
- COLUMNS function, 274–276
- FORMULATEXT function, 286
- HLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- IF function, 258–263, 362
- INDEX function, 281–285
- MATCH function, 281–285
- NOT function, 265–266
- NUMBERVALUE function, 286–287
- OFFSET function, 276–278
- OR function, 267–269, 333–334
- ROW function, 274–276
- ROWS function, 274–276
- VLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- XOR function, 269–270
- LOWER function, 320–321
- marquee, 23
- MATCH function, 281–285
- math functions
- about, 119
- ABSOLUTE function, 134
- COMBIN function, 144–145
- COS function, 156–157
- INT function, 131–132, 140–141, 361
- MOD function, 148–149
- multiplying multiple numbers, 146–147
- PERMUT function, 143–144
- Pi, 138
- POWER function, 145–146
- PRODUCT function, 31–32, 42–43, 146–147, 150
- RAND function, 139–141, 371
- RANDBETWEEN function, 141–142, 371
- random numbers, 139–142
- ROUND function, 124–130, 140–141, 362
- SIGN function, 133–135
- SIN function, 156–157
- SUBTOTAL function, 149–151
- SUM function, 27–29, 43–48, 57–60, 119–124, 150, 360
- SUMIF function, 134, 153–156, 235, 266, 364–365
- SUMIFS function, 153–156
- SUMPRODUCT function, 58, 151–153, 167
- TAN function, 156–157
- trigonometry, 156–157
- TRUNC function, 132–133
- mathematical model, 209
- mathematical operators, order of, 25–26
- MAX function, 60, 150, 191–193, 364
- mean, 162, 163–164, 221
- MEAN function, 163–167
- measures of central tendency, 163
- measuring
- internals, 114–118
- text, 321–326
- variance, 167–170
- median, 162
- MID function, 303, 306–307
- mid-year depreciation schedule, 112–114
- military time, 249
- MIN function, 60, 150, 191–193, 364
- MINUTE function, 251, 253
- mixed addressing, 23
- mixed reference, 270–271
- MOD function, 148–149
- mode, 163
- MODE function, 163–167
- models
- modulus, 148–149
- MONTH function, 234, 236–237
- multiples, rounding to, 127–129
- multiplication, 26, 346
- multiplying multiple numbers, 146–147
- Name Manager dialog box, 330
- name setup, 330
- named area
- about, 351–352
- creating, 16
- entering as function arguments, 43–48
- naming ranges, 15–16
- negative deviations, 171
- nested IF functions, 260–263
- nesting functions, 32–35
- NETWORKDAYS function, 242–243
- New Name dialog box, 56, 351–352
- noncumulative probability, 221, 225
- normal distribution, 172–177
- NORM.DIST function, 221–223
- NOT function, 265–266
- NOW function, 29, 254, 363
- Nper (number of payments in period), 96–97
- NPER function, 96–97
error, 27
error, 27
- number of payments in period (Nper), 96–97
- numbers
- binary, 368–369
- decimal, 368–369
- hexadecimal, 368–369
- irrational, 138
- octal, 368–369
- random, 139–142
- turning into text, 311–314
- NUMBERVALUE function, 286–287
argument, 294
- octal numbers, 368–369
- ODD function, 126, 130
- odd numbers, rounding to next, 130
- OFFSET function, 276–278
- Open Source button, 72
- operator precedence, 345–346
- OR function, 267–269, 333–334
- order of mathematical operators, 25–26
- ordering items, 143–144
argument, 294
argument, 294
- outlier, 165
- paired data, 201–202
- parameters, for functions, 29
- parentheses, 25, 66–68, 346
argument, 290
- Paste Special dialog box, 63–64
- payment, loan, 90–92
- payment period, 90
- PDURATION function, 97–98
- PERCENTILE function, 185–186
- percentiles
- defined, 183
- PERCENTILE function, 185–186
- PERCENTRANK function, 188
- QUARTILE function, 183–184
- PERCENTRANK function, 188
- period, 86
- PERMUT function, 143–144
- permutation, 143–144
- Pi, 138
- PMT function, 90–92, 95
- Poisson distribution, 223–226
- POISSON.DIST function, 223–226
- population, 162
- POWER function, 145–146
- PPMT function, 94–95
- precedence, operator, 345–346
- precedents, 75–78
- predictions and probability
- FORECAST function, 215–217
- GROWTH function, 219–220
- INTERCEPT function, 211–215
- modeling, 210–211
- NORM.DIST function, 221–223
- POISSON.DIST function, 223–226
- SLOPE function, 211–215
- TREND function, 217–219
argument, 290
- principal
- calculating, 101–102
- calculating payments towards, 94–95
- defined, 86
- probability. See predictions and probability
- PRODUCT function, 31–32, 42–43, 146–147, 150
- PROPER function, 320–321
argument, 291
- PV function, 101–102
- QUARTILE function, 183–184
- question mark (?), 196
- Quick Access Toolbar feature, 13
- RADIANS function, 157
- RAND function, 139–141, 371
- RANDBETWEEN function, 141–142, 371
- random numbers, 139–142
- ranges
- about, 13–17
- address, 15
- database, 329
- entering as function arguments, 43–48
- naming, 15–16
- RANK function, 186–187
- RATE function, 98–101
argument, 294
- reference, lookup, and logical functions
- about, 257
- ADDRESS function, 270–274
- AND function, 267–269, 333–334
- CHOOSE function, 263–265, 267–268
- COLUMN function, 274–276
- COLUMNS function, 274–276
- FORMULATEXT function, 286
- HLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- IF function, 258–263, 362
- INDEX function, 281–285
- MATCH function, 281–285
- NOT function, 265–266
- NUMBERVALUE function, 286–287
- OFFSET function, 276–278
- OR function, 267–269, 333–334
- ROW function, 274–276
- ROWS function, 274–276
- VLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- XOR function, 269–270
- references, 22–23
- relative addressing, 23
- relative reference, 270
argument, 294
- Remember icon, 2
- renaming worksheets, 10
- repeating text, 314–315
- REPLACE function, 315–317
- REPT function, 314–315
- returned value, 110
- RIGHT function, 303, 305, 307, 321
- ROMAN function, 371
- ROUND function, 124–130, 140–141, 362
- ROUNDDOWN function, 126–127
- ROUNDUP function, 126–127
argument, 291
- ROW function, 274–276
- rows, 13–17
- ROWS function, 274–276
- Rumsey, Deborah J. (author)
- Statistics For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 207
- salvage value, 106
- sample, 162, 168
- scatter chart, 210
- SEARCH function, 324–326
- SECOND function, 251, 253–254
- sentence case, 321
- separators, 88–90
- SIGN function, 133–135
- significance tests. See inferential statistics
- signs, ignoring, 135–136
- SIN function, 156–157
- SKEW function, 178
- skewed from the norm, 177–179
- SLN function, 108–109
- SLOPE function, 211–215
- SMALL function, 193–194
- $ (dollar sign), 23, 108–109
- standard deviation, 171, 221
- standard normal distribution, 174
- STANDARDIZE function, 174–177
- statistics, 161–162
- statistics, descriptive
- AVERAGE function, 27–29, 32–35, 60, 150, 163–167, 171, 360
- bins, 183–194
- COUNT function, 27–29, 150, 195–196, 361
- COUNTA function, 195–196
- COUNTIF function, 196–198, 235, 236, 252, 364–365
- MEAN function, 163–167
- MODE function, 163–167
- percentiles, 183–194
- variance, 167–170
- statistics, inferential
- about, 199–200
- Chi Square test, 204–207
- TTEST function, 200–204
Statistics For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Rumsey), 207
- STDEV.P function, 150, 171–172
- STDEV.S function, 150
- Straight Line depreciation
- about, 107
- calculating, 108–109
- string, 303, 319
- Student t-distribution, 200
- SUBSTITUTE function, 315, 317–319
- SUBTOTAL function, 149–151
- subtraction, 26, 346
- SUM function, 22
- about, 360
- argument value for SUBTOTAL function, 150
- arrays, 57–60
- entering functions, 43–48
- using, 119–124
- using in formulas, 27–29
- Sum of Years' Digits depreciation, 107
- SUMIF function, 134, 153–156, 235, 266, 364–365
- SUMIFS function, 153–156
- SUMPRODUCT function, 58, 151–153, 167
- swapping text, 315–319
- SYD function, 109–111
argument, 294
- tables
- about, 13–17, 278
- entering as function arguments, 43–48
- tails, 174
- TAN function, 156–157
- TDIST function, 202–203
- t-distribution, 203
- Technical Stuff icon, 3
- testing on one condition, 258–263
- text
- case, 320–321
- changing, 309–321
- comparing, 321–326
- converting dates from, 237–239
- finding, 321–326
- measuring, 321–326
- repeating, 314–315
- swapping, 315–319
- trimming, 319–320
- turning numbers into, 311–314
- TEXT function, 311–314
- text functions
- about, 303
- CONCATENATE function, 308–309
- DOLLAR function, 310–311
- EXACT function, 321–323
- FIND function, 323–324
- LEFT function, 303–305, 307, 321
- LEN function, 307–308, 321
- LOWER function, 320–321
- MID function, 303, 306–307
- PROPER function, 320–321
- REPLACE function, 315–317
- REPT function, 314–315
- RIGHT function, 303, 305, 307, 321
- SEARCH function, 324–326
- SUBSTITUTE function, 315, 317–319
- TEXT function, 311–314
- TRIM function, 319–320
- UPPER function, 320–321
- time, formatting, 248–249
- TIME function, 250
- time functions
- about, 247–248
- calculating elapsed time over days, 255
- formatting time, 248–249
- HOUR function, 251–252
- MINUTE function, 251, 253
- NOW function, 29, 254, 363
- SECOND function, 251, 253–254
- TIME function, 250
- TIMEVALUE function, 250–251
- TIMEVALUE function, 250–251
- TINV function, 204
- Tip icon, 2
- TODAY function, 41–42, 239–240, 254, 363
- tracer arrow, 77
- TRANSPOSE function, 61–64
- TREND function, 217–219
- trigonometry functions, 156–157
- TRIM function, 319–320
- trimming text, 319–320
- TRUNC function, 132–133
- TTEST function, 200–204
- t-value, 202
argument, 291
- TYPE function, 299–301, 372
- Update Values button, 71
- UPPER function, 320–321
- variance
- comparing data sets, 179–183
- defined, 167
- deviations, 170–172
- measuring, 167–170
- normal distribution, 172–177
- skewed, 177–179
- VAR.P function, 150, 168–170
- VAR.S function, 150, 168–170
- VBA programming code, 357
- VLOOKUP function, 278–281, 363
- Warm Items, 261–262
- Warning! icon, 3
- Watch Window, 78–79
- WEEKDAY function, 240–242
- weighted average, 166–167
argument, 291
- workbooks, 8–11
- WORKDAY function, 244
- worksheets
- about, 8–11
- deleting, 10–11
- inserting, 10
- renaming, 10
- YEAR function, 234, 237
- YEARFRAC function, 372