Quakers, Society of, §136.4

rationalism, §26n2, §81n36

vs. absolute supernaturalism, §13n34, §22P.S.

rationalist academics, §25n1

vs. heterodox, §25n8

rationality, then & still in dispute, §61n15

reality, §30n4, §72.3, §72n45, §82n25

approaching, §29.2

of Christ’s body, §22.2

clouded sensibility for, §98.1

examines claims re: what is, §48.3

historical, of the church, §126.2

includes a tendency toward sinning, §98.1

Realität, §32n14, §159n6

of this world wherein we meet God, §41.2

Wirklichkeit, §159n6

reason, §8P.S.2, §19.4, §32n20, §47n1, §60n15, §75.1

is the same in all & each, §123.3

vs. rational self-consciousness, §94.2

vs. revealed & inspired, §10P.S.

reassurance (Beruhigungsmittel), def., §86n5

rebirth, §119.1, §120.2

meanings of, §112n9

not a sudden transformation of one’s concept formations, §149.1

onset of in contrition, §108.2

Wiedergeburt, regeneration, §108n38

receptivity (Empfänglichkeit), §3n2, §4n5, §6n10, §59.2, §70n13, §89.3, §94.2, §109n39, §124.3

in household-religious communities, §6.4

implanted at onset & developing, §89.3

for impulses from God-consciousness, §66.2

occurs & remains in self, §3.3

passivity &, none in God, §55.1

precedes self-initiated activity, §4.1

of redemptive activity can’t operate

independently in oneself, §92.1

in response to Redeemer, §91

vs. self-initiated activity, §9n7

self-initiated activity coexists with, to Christ immediately passes into self-activity, §108.6

Recht, meanings of, §2n9

reciprocity, §4.2, §5.1, §5n8

God with world, not human-like, §8n20

none between creature & creator, §147.2

recompense, §84.1, §84n7

proceeding from divine justice not recognized by Christian self-consciousness, §84.1

punishment vs. positive reward, §82n19

redeemed, §45.2, §85n4, §92.1

distinctive constitution of the, §90.1

living, short of perfection, §33n21

moved by the Holy Spirit, §13.2

or released from sin, §70n20

Redeemer, §6n5, §11.4, §13.2, §22.2, §29.3, §59P.S., §68n23, §80.2, §80.3, §80.4, §89.2, §89.3, §94.1, §96.1, §100.1, §101.4, §108.6

activity & dignity of, refer to each other & are inseparable, §92

activity of, is world-forming & object is human nature, §100.2

act of, becomes one’s own act, §100.1

actuality of, precedes full consciousness of sin, §68n23

appearance of the, is emergence of a new stage of development, §88.4

being in community with, def. of, §100.1, §108.6

being of God in him, §96.1

community of life with, no element

can be strictly passive, §29.1, §32.1, §108.6

continuing efficacious action of, §11n2

criteria re: Christ’s calling as the, §99.2

death of, end of all sacrifice, §86n4

dignity of, §92.2, §93.1, §97.2, §97.4

divine activity is sole active agent in, §100.2

dominion & strength of God-consciousness in, §81.2, §94

ecclesial view of, can it be justified as the original view? §99.P.S.

efficacious action of, §15.2, §93.1

expression of divine decree re:

redemption, §13n22

how faith could recognize Jesus to be, §88.2

faith in the Redeemer, §101.4, §158.2

formulation re: neither docetic nor ebionitic, §96.2

had a conscience only empathically, §83.2, §83n7

has no need for redemption, §22.2, §93.3

if he is mediator of immortality, then for everyone, §158.2

humanness of, forms organism for his primary strength, §68.3, §96.2

human powers in, same as in each member & in the whole, §125.1

influence from the distinctive self-initiated activity of the, §80.1

is it futile to draw an account of him from singular odd sayings? §99.P.S.

no inner struggle in, §93, §93.4

passes on his sinlessness to regenerate persons, §70n9

person of the, §93.3, §136.2

as prototypical: God-consciousness, §68.3, §93.2, §94.4, §100

reconciling activity of, §101

redemptive power of, from birth on, §11.4, §22.2, §29, §74.2, §83n6, §86, §86.3

sinlessness of, doesn’t alter his identity with human nature, §68.3, §94.1

sinless perfection & blessedness of, §72n42, §75n10, §88, §91

strength & purity of will we see in, §83.2

suffering of, arose from sin’s resistance

ever since he appeared, §101.4

supreme spiritual liveliness of, §81.2

redemption (Erlösung)

ability to receive, can’t disappear, §22.2

accomplished via Jesus, §11.3

accounts of require Christ’s whole life & work, §82n12

apart from, no one is secure against some sin, §10n16, §11.2, §11.4, §11.5, §11n21, §11n23, §22n2, §45.1, §63n10, §73.2, §86.3, §108.5, §113.4, §120.3, §122.3

appropriating, is a deed embracing Christ, §63.2, §63n9, §120.3

completely comprehensible before Christ’s suffering & death, §101.4

conditions for full expression of, in piety, §74n28

def. of, §11n8, §11n23, §68n21, §71n29

does not arise from an individual’s spiritual force, §63.2

efficaciousness of, gradually, §81.2

faith in, §70.2

gifts, fruits, benefits of, §11n21

heresy re: compromises, §22.2

innermost in all regenerate persons is entire truth of, §149.1

interconnected process of, §74.2

longing for, §14P.S.

must be communicated, vs. simply aroused or released, by Christ, §92.1

need of, §11.3, §14.2, §64n3, §68.1, §83, §86.2, §89.2 §91

not grounded in divine holiness, §83.3

ordained for entire human species via Christ, §83.2

outside of, good develops alongside wicked, §72.5

process of, human & divine aspects, §8n1, §83.2, §83n6

purely sensory views of God re:, §33.2, §33n15

Redemption, §11n23

relation of freedom & bondage to, §11n18, §74.3

why the term might not be consistent with communication of God-consciousness, §89

what is conditioned by, bears stamp of, §64.2

reflecting, §3.4, §39.2, §48.1

reflection(s), §3.5, §16P.S., §31, §45.2, §64n3, §81.3, §99.P.S., §118.1

Betrachtung, Contemplation, §4.1, §4n24, §72n45, §120.2

vs. mirror-reflection, §33.2, §55.1

Reflexion, §4n24, §15n8, §37.1

Reformation, §24, §25.2, §81n36, §103.4, §112n8, §138.2

Reformed & Lutherans, §24P.S., §27.2

Reformed school of doctrine, §97.5, §156.1

regenerate persons, §89.3, §111, §111.1, §113.1, §117.4, §118.1, §123.3, §125, §125.1

good works of, §112

sins of, §111

regeneration, §47.1, §47n9, §61n28, §84n3, §106, §106.1, §107.2, §108.1, §100n10, §115.1, §116.2, §117.4, §118.1, §120P.S., §122.3, §125P.S., §126, §137.2, §136.4, §144.2, §156.3

preparatory to, §136.4

reign of God (Reich Gottes), §9.1, §9.2, §9n18, §9n20, §9n13, §30.3, §43n6, §45.2, §46P.S., §71n17, §80.3, §90.2, §91.1, §100.3, §102.2, §102.3, §103.1, §103.2, §103.3, §103n24, §110.3, §112.4, §113.4, §115.1, §117, §117.2, §118.1, §119.1, §120.1, §120.2, §120.3, §120P.S., §121.1, §121.3, §122.1, §124.2, §127.2, §127.3, §130.2, §136.2, §146.2, §147.1, §164.1

general def. of, §9.2

reign of grace, §81n19, §105.2, §109.3,§119.1, §162.1

reign of the Father, §119.1

relationship (Verhältnis), §6.4, §28.3, §57n14, §72.4, §74n42, §91.1, §105.2, §107.1, §149.2

relationship with God, §70n20, §107.1, §107n2, §109.3

religion, §2n13, §3n2, §3n13, §6P.S., §6n14, §10n1, §11n5, §13n24, §19.4, §61n3, §62.2, §72n25, §100n13

religion, natural, §6P.S., §10P.S., §10n17, §91n1

narrow def. of the notion, §10P.S.

religion, philosophy of, §2.2, §2n2, §§7–10

def. of, §2P.S.2

religious (fromm) or pious, §3n13, §5n19, §16n9, §6n17

def. of, vs. religiös, §10n25, §18n4

religious (religiös), §3n13, §6n12, §16.2, §16n9, §39n2, §106n2

def. of, §30n9, §39n7

religious communication, §19.3, §37.3, §39.3, §39n7, §45P.S., §45n27

religious consciousness, §11.5, §17.2, §28.2, §45.1, §49n2, §53.1, §82P.S., §86.2, §126.1

religious development, §59n3

religious elements of life, §10n25, §11.3, §56P.S.

religious experience, immediate, §8n29

religious feeling (fromme Gefühl), §6.3, §14n6, §28.1, §32.3, §46.1, §46.2

def. of, §4n23

religious formation, def. of, §20n11

religious interest, §23n5, §36.2

practical vs. theoretical, §80.4

vs. scientific spirit, §58n1

religious life, §5.4, §8n32, §11.2

religious self-consciousness, §5.4, §6, §14P.S., §16.1, §18.3, §34n5, §46.1, §50n24, §59n3, §59P.S., §62.1, §70n11, §88n13

analysis of stages of, §61n16

basic facts of, §27.4

Christian, §13P.S.

Christian vs. Jewish or heathen, §76.1

coincides with relation to nature, §46

contemplate it via what belongs to it, §50.4

immediate, where God & humans are internally in touch, §81n49

new modifications of, §29.2

not instigated with all sensory self-consciousness, §46.1

participates in disparities belonging to temporal life, §62.1

popular expression of, §16P.S., §16n15

presupposed & contained in Christian stirrings, §28.1, §32, §46n2

relation to objective consciousness, §46.2

relation to sensory self-consciousness, §57.1

religious states, sensory factor in, §5.3

religious states of mind & heart, §6n11, §7.1, §11.1, §15.1, §19.4, §26.1, §29.1, §29.3

where distinctions of are insignificant, §23.3

in Reformed/Lutheran not different, §24P.S.

religious stirrings (frommen Erregungen), §6.3, §10P.S., §11n5

all refer to lack of redemption, §11.3

distinctiveness of, §10n22

each modifies existence, §26.1

equal strength among, §11n6

essentially proceeds into activity, §26.1, §26.2

expressed in interconnectedness, §34.3

heightened, §103.3

inner affective states re: piety, §20n11

miracle not required by, §47.1

overpower pleasure/not pleasure contrast, §9.1

producing always implies community, §6P.S.

in re: self-consciousness, §15.1

social circumstance & resonance, §9.1, §9n6

sources of, §9.1

when such underlies dogmatic expression, §27.3

when such underlies Scripture passage, §27.3

transmitted by signs & symbolic actions, §15.1

religious stirrings of mind & heart (fromme Gemütserzeugnungen), §5.4, §21.1, §21n3, §30.2, §53P.S.

described in sequence, §18.3

given in natural interconnection, §18.3

propagation of, §6.4

summons to uninterrupted, §5.5

repentance, §74.2, §109.2, §111.4

& being a child of God, §109.2

def.: combining of contrition & change of heart, §108

distinguished by inner no-longer-willing-to-be-under the sway of sin, §110.2

& self-knowledge, §117.3

represent (repräsentieren), §19n6

def. of, §17n5, §51n2, §60n15

vs. imagine or have notion, §57n5

the very nature of God, §167.2

resistance, §91.1, §108.6, §120.2

to sin is a harbinger of repentance & consciousness of forgiveness, §111.3

rest, def., untroubled surety re: final outcome, §146.1

complete state of, adversely affected by the loss of others, §120P.S.

resurrection, §99, §99.1, §159.3, §161, §161.1, §163

Christ’s is guaranty of ours, §99.1

why never used to testify to divine in Christ, §99.1

retribution, §84n6, §84n10, §159.1

revelation, §16n1, §92n5, §122.1

Christ as, §13n12, §47n2

confusion results from calling sacred Scripture this, §130.1

conscience as revelatory, §13n20

def. of, §10P.S.

divine, §14n41, §45.2

of the divine decree makes for blessedness, §118.1, §118n3

of God, meaning of phrase, §4.4

of God in Christ is sufficient & inexhaustible, §103.2

in God vs. in science, §3n2

mediated vs. immediate, §10P.S.

no pretext for opposing nature, §13n21

not absolutely supernatural or natural, §13, §13n1, §13n2, §47n2

Offenbarung, def. of, §100n13

reception of, always subject to error, §100n13

Scriptures contain a, §128.1

what can become a, §94.2

what is not, §10P.S.

reverence, §4n23, §8n20, §99.P.S.

for God, §163.1

reward, §84n6, §84n14, §112.3

rhetorical, §20n3, §47n14

vs. didactic, §105P.S.

righteousness, §43n2, §61n37, §104.3

divine, one-sided notion of, §162.2

Gerechtigkeit, §61n39, §70n20

inborn fitness for receiving divine summonses, §61.4, §61n38

possible, §72.6, §72n66

righteous reaction (Gerechtigkeit), in God, acting in love, §33.2

Roman Catholic, §23n2, §76n6, §140.4

disputes with Evangelicals re: Lord’s Supper, §140.1

way of thinking, §87.3, §87n5

Roman church, §24.1, §25.1, §25n5, §34.2, §43.1,§103.4, §104.4

critique of re: faith, §108.1

explanation of sinlessness preferred by, §61.5, §61n47

five of its sacraments are byproducts of our two, §143.1, §143.2

on justification, §109.1

relationship emphasizing it rather than Christ, §102.3

re: works & conversion, §109.3

rule(s) (Regel), §13n33, §16n8, §20.2, §20n1, §26.1, §39.3, §41.1, §61n14, §73.1, §81n16, §92.2, §93n6, §120.4, §122.3, §129.1, §161.2

applicable to what is “good” & “faith,” §26.1, §26n2

distinctions among, §54n40

governing religious expression, §49P.S.

of (hermeneutical) art, def., §103.3

See also canon

Sabellians, §97.2, §172.3

sacraments, §127.3, §143, §143.1

sacrifice, §80.4, §86.1, §104.4, §104n1, §141.2


via action not cognition, §10P.S.

divine order of, §118.2

God arranges conditions for, §14n31

new order of, §14P.S., §14n31

not contrary to natural order of, §117.4

universal (apokatastasis), §47n6

sanctification, §26.2, §70n20, §106, §108.1, §108.2, §121

analogy with the living union of human & divine in Christ, §110.3

approaches likeness to Christ, §110.3

begins with regeneration, §108.4

community of faith with Christ via a series of common actions, §100.1

constant vs. varying features in, §110.3

contrast between feature belonging to its starting point & one belonging to its goal, §110.3

countering resistance to Christ’s influence in, §110.2, §110n13

danger from sins in, that held sway before regeneration, §111.4

def., a life conformed to Christ’s perfection & blessedness in community of life with him, §110

def., elements belonging to the new life increasingly fit together while those of old life recede, §106.1

distinguish from regeneration, §110.2

every element of, includes a not-willing-for-oneself & a willing-to-be-in-community-with-Christ, §110.3

gradual process of, §118.1

growing toward being exact same as Christ, §110.1

growth in: progressive appropriation of functions, §84n3, §110.2, §113.4

Heiligung, §84n3

in re: holiness, §110.1, §110.2

human nature during, is an instrument of divine force, §110.3

of individuals includes all that holds & extends community of faithful, §106.2

law has no value in domain of, §112.5

long succession of generations living in, §117.3

natural forces of the regenerate are appropriated for Christ’s use in, §110

no new sins develop in, §111.1

original sin &, §71n17

proceeds from community of life with Redeemer, §162.1

process of, §136.4, §148.2

how regenerate consciousness operates during advances in, §119.1

role of good works in, §112n8

sin can win no new ground in, §110.2

something sinful still exists in, §111.1

surety of, §45.1

varying features in, §110.3

Satan, §44.2, §44n8, §45.1, §45.2, §72.2, §72n18, §72.3, §76n6

satisfaction, §44.1, §66.1, §80.4, §104.4

scholastic, §27n1, §28.3, §44n6, §50.1, §55.3, §81.1, §96.2, §98.1, §124.2

scholasticism, §28n5, §46n10, §55.3

science (Wissenschaft), §1.2, §1n2, §3n11, §16.2, §19n9, §37.2, §37n18, §74n28

appeal to religious self-consciousness in, §33P.S.

components definitive of, §19n9

dogmatic theology as, §19

more nearly exact, & final knowledge, §14n39

positive, §1n2

theological, §1.1


life, metaphors drawn from, §8n25

natural, §94.3, §158.1

re: non-human & physical, §9n1

physical & ethical, §1n2

Physik, physical sciences, §88n17

scientific (wissenschaftlich), §6n4, §17.3, §19.4, §19n6, §23n5, §25P.S., §26n2, §28.3, §30.3, §49P.S., §53.1, §96.1

construction, copositing of God underlies, §18P.S., §33P.S.

institutions vs. religion, §3.1

life, via perception, §3n2

terminology, psychological, ethical, metaphysical, §28.1

value, §17.2, §17n6

Scripture, §13.1, §14P.S., §127.2, §139.1, §160.2, §161, §161.2, §162.1, §163.1, §163P.S.

allusions given in, §159.1

alone, principle of, §33.3

appeal to New Testament, §27

attributes of Christ found in, §99.P.S.

authority of, §27.4, §33.3, §128.1, §128.3, §159.2

belief in, what belongs to, §103.4

biblical expressions & dogmatic language, §61.4

confessional statements re: §27.1

deciding what use to make of, §27.3

demonstrative argument in, §14.3

efficacious action of, §131.2

Evangelical conception of, does not place tradition alongside it, §127.3

ever work of Holy Spirit, §127.2

exegesis of, no special rules, §27n12

inspiration of, §14n41

interpretation of, §19P.S., §27.4, §131.2

investigation of, §59P.S.

language of, where not required, §27.3

literal vs. figurative reading, §140.4

most ready likeness of Christ’s prophetic activity, §127.3

most value belongs to the main subject of, §129.2

narratives re: initial planting of Christian church, §121.1

nonauthoritative assertions in, §82n5

normative worth of, §131.2

options re: preserve & refer to as is, or harmonize with its spirit, §127.2

passages torn out of context, §27.3

production of, belongs to reign of God, §130.2

proper ground of faith within, §14n2

reflection on as a whole, §99.P.S.

sacred authors of, are simply reporters, §99.2

spirit of being faithful to, §145.2

spirit vs. letter of, §123.1

typus of, def., §45P.S., §45n29

uses of, §27.3, §103.2, §145.2

witness of, §108.5

witness to Christ is found in & in ministry re: Word of God, §127

Scripture, canon of

collection of, does not belong to apostolic age, §130.4

composing vs. compiling the books, §130.1

Holy Spirit’s role in forming, §130.4

trust in founders of, implies allowing critical research questions, §131.1

Scripture, doctrine of

incarnation belongs to, §97.2

why necessary, §127.2

no special, assumed, §128.2

not the source of Christian faith, §128.1

propositions of, must express authentic original features of Christian piety, §128.3

specially inspired, easily acceptable to those who already have faith, §128.2

unattested claims in Scripture, belong to doctrine of, §99.2

Scripture, Holy

not the basis of faith in Christ, §128

special authority is presupposed, §128

as a work of the church, most directly brings Christ to mind, §127.3

sei (is, be, would be), §3n8

self, §38.1

incapacity of, is a deficiency in community with Christ, §32.1

as an object, §15.1

self-absorption, §46.1

self-approval, self-reproach &, §3.2

self-conscious, state of being, §34.1, §34n1

self-consciousness, §11n7

analogy between willed & contemplative modes of, §109.2

apex of, §5.3

when apprehended as just personal, no anticipatory feeling accompanies, §114.1

when apprehended as shared feeling, §114.1

articulation of is a moral activity, §26.2

as the basis of one’s will, observed in its transition into activity, §107.1

community of, first humans not included in, §72.1

in community with Christ, §109.4

conjoining of sensory & higher, §57n12

content of, §82.1, §82n9, §82.2, §86.2

determination of a state of, lacking in pleasure, §66

determinations of, §3.4, §3.5, §30.1, §49.1

where differently determined, §10.2

distinctive, of one taken up into community with Christ, §106

effected by other beings, §34.1

emerges by God, §38.1

if extended to totality of finite being, §54.1

as finite being, §5.1

formations of, §5.1

general, not varied & accidental, §33

God-consciousness realized in, §60

God’s being & Christians’ meet in, §32

incidental form of, §6.1

inner determination vs. outer expression, §6P.S.

interconnectedness in, corresponds to that of concepts in objective consciousness, §34.1

limitations of, §4.2, §26.2

moved by consciousness of sin is repentance, §109.2

none re: beginning of being, §39.1

objects of, §53.1

one that is diminishing in reference to self, §110.3

how operates in regenerate, §119.1

personally oriented, §118.1

preeminent & primary reference of, §10.3, §10n11

in relationship with God is not quiescent or at rest, §107n2

represents finite being, §36.1, §51.1

requires a finite causality, §49.1

sensory determination of, §30.1

of sin & grace, §118.1

species-consciousness &, §121.3

stirred or moved, §15.1, §49

subordinate reference of, §10.3, §10n11

of those who have faith, §92

three levels of, §5.1, §5n9, §5.3, §5.4

two features of, §4.1

unity of, §3n2

See also Christian self-consciousness

self-consciousness, higher, §13n27

depends on sensory being stimulated, §33.1

determinative feature of, §17.1

free vs. bound, §28.1

lack of pleasure in sinning, due to diminished God-consciousness, §66.1

pre-established harmony between flesh &, §75.1

sensory separated from, yet mutually relatable, §33.1

temporal element in is referred to lower, §5.4

weaker emergence of, §5.5

will to be at one with lower self-consciousness, §57.2

self-consciousness, highest, conjoined with lowest, §5

identifies with all finite being, §8.2

not only carried in thought but in acting as well, §107n2

perseverance of, §5.3

posits sensory kind, §5.3

reflects in thought its immediate relation with God in feeing, §107n2

self-consciousness, immediate, §5.4, §5.5, §16P.S., §156.1

as a distinct formation of feeling, §3, §3.2

higher, §39.3

highest level of, §6.1, §7n5

immediate religious, §37.3

self-consciousness, personal, attained only by being conscious of communal, not considered in & of itself, §123.3

self-consciousness, religious. See religious self-consciousness

self-consciousness, sensory, §5.3, §5.4, §8.2, §11.2, §89.3, §94n12, §111.1

coposited in all Christian religious stirring, §34.1

def. of, §7n5

feeling of absolute dependence &, §46.2

higher, separated yet mutually relatable, §33.1, §34n5

immediate, §5.5

provides boundedness & clarity, §5.3

relation to religious self-consciousness, §57.1

unites with God-consciousness, §48.2

self-contradictory, what is, is neither a thing nor knowable, §55.2

self-initiated activity (Selbsttätigkeit), §9n7, §61n3, §122.1

bearing an influence on, §33.2

capacity for, with receptive self-consciousness, §57.1

combines self-consciousness of dependence & freedom, §49.1

cooperating, §91.1

a distinct impression precedes every, §104.4

elements of, §9.1

emitted from within, §60n4

gained with memory, association & repetition, §61.3, §61n20

vs. mere reaction against life-hindering influences, §78.2

most unhampered, §32.2

of new collective life original in Redeemer, §93

no living being bereft of all, in any moment in life, §108.6

object of activity is given to us, §4.3

receptivity &, §4.1, §46P.S., §71n13

restriction of, points to inoperative mastery, §78.2

root of all species-consciousness, §59.2

during sanctification is willing-to-be-determined-by-Christ, §110.2

transition to free self-initiated activity, §122.1

selfishness (Selbstsucht), personal & broadened kinds of, §121.3

self-organizing activity, found in all spiritual relations, §113.2

self-preservation, generally a duty, how also for Christ, §104.4

self-reproach, in judgment & shame, §3n9

self-righteous “pious,” narrower sense of, §6n15

sending (Sendung), §109n29

sensation (Empfindung), §72n59

or feeling, what remains in resting consciousness, §98.1

state of, vs. state of mind & heart, §85n3

stirred by a stranger’s suffering, §85n3

sense impression plus a notion passes into consciousness of an object, §55.2

sense-perception (Wahrnehmung), §2n8, §5.1, §5n5, §7n5, §33P.S., §46P.S., §50.1, §53.1, §66n2, §72n39, §72n59, §85n2, §92n3, §95n2

base level of inner mental functioning, §98n3

re: creation & God’s consciousness, §46.1

def. of, §3n5

error when internal phenomenon are viewed as externally oriented sensory, §99.2

vs. higher perception, §18n3

included in all Christ’s redeeming activity, §97.3

strengthens consciousness of ourselves as sinful human beings, §98.1

subject-object contrast passes into, §5.4

well-marked domains of experience, §28n9

See also perception (Anschauung)

senses, not in themselves humanly evil, §86n1

sensibility (Sinn, Sinnlichkeit), §4n26, §15n5, §72n59, §84.3, §93n21, §149.2

sensory, §5.4, §5n1, §43.2, §43n10, §72n59, §84.3, §94.3

drive wherein divine causality occurs cooperatively, §81.3

features vs. capacity of God-consciousness, §66.1

influences from, presupposed at higher levels of mentation, §72n59

life, §5.1, §69.3, §69n6

sensory consciousness, three general levels of, §7n5, §86n1

sensory drive, an expression of it in every self-contained sinful element, §81.3

separatist tendencies, §108.5, §108n56, §121.1

servitude, escape from, §84.4

sexual urge is not thoroughly bad, §97.2

shamefulness (Schamhaftigkeit), §61.2

shared feeling (Mitgefühl), §24.3, §85.1, §85n2, §85n6, §139.2

of the church, §137.3

consciousness of sin as a, §100.1

how enacted, with exceptions, §145.1

of a future lack of blessedness, §118.2

no contradiction between, & our God-consciousness, §118.1

right expression of, prevalent in Evangelical church, §115.1

at sensory level in re: is joy, §85.1

as sympathy or compassion, §4n13

re: things Christian, self-consciousness is the general form of, §113.3

with those left behind mars blessedness, §118.2

of the whole exists within the state of each, §142.3

yields being at peace over new converts, §118.1

shared joy (Mitfreude), §4n13, §156.2

shared religious feeling (fromme Mitgefühl), def. of, §9n15

shared sorrow or compassion (Mitleid), §4n13

simplicity, §56.2§56n17, §56n19

sin, §63, §64, §64.1, §64n10, §66n1, §69.2

advantage of, for the sake of redemption, §79.1, §80.2, §80.3, §81.1, §81n1, §81.4, §108.1

attribution of first, §70.1, §72.6

beginning of, where it can occur, §98.1

being without, in any moment does not depend on us, §86.2

blame for, §81.2

blunts & deranges spiritual, §75.2

can be revealed within some good & by virtue of that good, §68.2

can’t exist at all if it can’t be grounded in God, §84.4

collective act of humankind, §72.4, §72.6, §76.1, §82.3, §87.3, §93.3

conditions for actualization of, §98.1

consciousness of, dominates outside of domain redemption, §66.2

consciousness of, two features bound together, §71.3

consciousness of dominion of & disappearing of, §86.2

consciousness of sin & sin, when simultaneous, §66.1, §66.2

conscious of, both grounded in us & beyond us, §69

correctly conceived as collective act of the species, §77.1

critique of concept of, as violating divine law, §66.2

critique of formulas differentiating types of, §60P.S., §74n9, §111.2

critique of “it is not possible to sin”, §98.1

critique of strictly material concept of, §79.1

darkening of God-consciousness by, §70n8

def. of, a distortion of nature, §68

def. of, a hindering caused by autonomous sensory functioning, §66.2

def. of, all that hinders free development of God-consciousness, §66.1

def. of, a moment’s being filled without determining activity of our consciousness of grace, §80.1

def. of, brief, §64n5

def. of, force & work before God-consciousness comes to fore, §67

depends on passivity of will against sinfulness, §67n4

deterioration of world by one’s, §76.3

development of God-consciousness, §66.1

diminishment of (Entsündigung), §84.2, §84n19

does not alter human nature, §72n67

does not contradict original perfection of humanity, §68.2

entire interconnected process of, §77.1

emergence of, §59P.S., §124.1

equality in proper value of all, §74.1

exists in relation to what is good, §81.3

exists insofar as consciousness of sin exists, §68.2

exists when we desire what Christ holds in disregard, §66.2, §66n14

expresses what is isolated from unified whole in our development, §68.2

God as “author” of, §61n1

God-consciousness present in condition of, §66n3

greater & lesser exist only in re: efficaciousness of redemption, §74.1

as ground for evil, consequent requirements, §78

grounded in, §69.2, §79.1

growth in, grounded in susceptibility moving to committing sin, §72n61

against Holy Spirit, notion of, §74.2, §74n30

how it comes to consciousness, §68.2

ignorance of (Unkenntnis) vs.

incomprehension (Unwissenheit), §74n16

of incomprehension, def., §74.2, §74n17

increase in, brings an increase of evil as well, §78.3

individual, fault of others in also lies hidden, §78.3

individual human value same in re:, §74, §74n1

inertia a physical component of, §77n7

intentional vs. unintentional, §74.3, §74n18

is sinner’s own free deed, §81.2

its being with & alongside grace is ordained by God, §80

in itself can’t be ordained by God, in re: to redemption it can be, §81.3

vs. lack of formation, §68.2

mortal & venial, relation, §74.2, §74n20

never just a lack of some capacity, §81.3

no instant can be completely filled up with sin, §81.1

none can exist in sanctification that could end regeneration, §111.1

none is entirely one’s own, §82.3

not conceived as first free deed after awakened God-consciousness, §72.5

not ordained & willed for its own sake alone, §80.2

not ordained by God & does not exist for God, §89

no warrant for bringing forth evil in response to sin, §78.3

of one can bring punishing evil to those not at fault, a glaring injustice, §84.2

persistence of, & divine omnipotence, §65.1

presence of, before God-consciousness emerges, §66n1

presupposes a commanding will of God, §81.1, §81n17

presupposes original perfection of humankind, §68.2

presupposes some degree of God-consciousness, §81.1

of regenerate vs. unregenerate persons, §74.4

reject grading of human states in, §74.3

relationship to redemption not same in all, §74

requires self-consciousness in order to arise, §66.1, §66n5

resistance to, in new human being even in sinful actions, §111.1

rooted in divine causality, §81.2

seed of, §66.1

seen as conflict of flesh & spirit, §66, §67.2

state preparatory to, §94.1

three kinds: knowingly & willingly, premeditated, persisting premeditatively, §111.2

transmission of, passive vs. active, §72.6, §72n72

turning away from God is sin, §63

turning away from sin, §108.1

unintentional, are incomprehension or hastiness, §74.2, §74n15, §74n16

venial, in the regenerate, §74.4

victory over, how & when, §104.4

See also original sin

sin, actual, §§73–74, §73.2, §86n1

all equal re: emergence, nature & character, §74.1

in each generation brings original sin for the next, §72.6

expression of desire vs. defilement of God-consciousness, §74.2

held in common, §84

is appearance of susceptibility to sin, §74.1

is continually issuing from original sin, §73

vs. original, §71.2, §72n21, §74.4

types of, inseparable, §74.2

sin, state of

within interconnected process of nature, §65.1

never simply passive & determined from elsewhere, §81.2

sin, susceptibility to (Sündhaftigkeit), §70n1, §73n4, §81.2, §84, §97.2, §98.1, §110.1

actual sin in relation to an initial, §72.4, §72n7, §72n40

already imparted to every individual, §7.1, §70.1, §70n8, §70n9

before any deed, incapacity for good, §70

can spread to all functions of psyche, §72n59

collective, def. of, §71.2

def., §72n59, §74n3

defiles tendency to have God-consciousness, §70.1, §72.5

disappearing collective life of, §101.4

dominion of, §110.2

fault &, §70n1, §71.1, §71.2, §71n22

feeling of having, held in common, §71.2, §71n21

grounded before & outside each one, can’t be extirpated completely, §110.2

grows through exercise from birth, §71.1

has some locus in oneself, §101.2

influenced by past, influences future, §71.2

inherent in interconnected process of nature, §73.1

innate, §72.5

is self-effected originating original sin, §71.1

natural imperfection &, have same source, §77.2

not based on change of human nature by a first sin, §72

original, §72.5, §72n61, §84.2

punishment &, §71.1

reinforced from outside the self, §110.2, §110.3

removed only through influence of redemption, §70

vs. sinfulness, §72n23

some lack of consciousness re:, §71.3

victim’s susceptibility not cause of evil they experience, §77

sin & evil, §54n36, §76.1, §78n1

sin & grace, §29n6, §64n1, §64.1, §64n2, §64n3, §64n7

sin & redemption, persisting relation to God, §79.2

sinful, §70n9, §74.1, §74.2

non-Christian views of what is, §72.3

status, equality of all in their, §117.2

Sündigkeit, §72n42

sinful humanity (sündigen Menschenheit), §73.1, §73n5

sinfulness, §70n9, §86n1, §87.3, §89.2, §91.2, §117.2, §125.1

characteristics in consciousness of, §66.1

collective life in, §88.1

exercises falsity & perversity insinuating itself into religious consciousness, §126.1

implies some natural force preceding development of spirit, §161.1

knowledge re:, §74.2

when no longer productive, consciousness of sin not same, §89.2

possible primordial, §72.6, §72n66

due to relation of intellect & volition, §93.3

in relation to regeneration, §126.1

thoroughly collective in nature, §71.2

sinlessness (Sündlosigkeit), §73n4

assuming, in the Redeemer postulates a supernatural procreation of some kind, §97.2

sinless perfection, def., moral excellence

not enough for attributing, to a being who could rescue us from sin, §88.2

sinning, §73.1, §81.1, §98.1

Sitte, def., §6n4, §60n27

not restricted to morals, §3n13

Sitten, customs in social domain, §61n12

sittlich, domain larger than morals, §9n1

social entities as “persons,” §6n6

sociality (Geselligkeit), free, def., §77n8

societies, §6.1, §10P.S.

society (Gesellschaft), §77P.S.

being determined in a, §10P.S.

readiness for more reflection & contemplation in, §15.2, §15n3

Socinian, §140.4


begetting of, if eternal, §41.1

Christ as, has taken over some power from the Father, §147.1

of God, §13n19, §13n22, §96.1, §96n13, §99.P.S., §103.2

of man, §99.P.S., §99n18

& Word, confusion between, §41.1


endures only in its constancy of consciousness, §161.1

immortality of, §158.1

lower powers of, obedient to higher, §61.5

restoration of all souls, if sudden, §162.1

slight dominion of, §61.5, §61n42

species, §7.2, §10.1, §13.1, §46P.S., §54.2, §61n20, §72n24

completion of, §93.2

concept of, contra demolishing, §117.1

genus &, §7n8, §10.3

human, §82n11, §89.3, §93.2, §109.3, §120.3

impermanence of, §46P.S.

nature of the, (Wesen der Gattung), §72n25

species-character, not lost as a community develops, §7.2

species-consciousness, §6n5, §8n27, §34.1, §38.1, §71.3, §93.2, §121.3, §125.2

anticipatory feeling &, §114.1

bifurcation in vs. gradual transition of ours, §118.1

can be a powerful impetus along with God-consciousness, §121.3

expressed externally only in contrast between reign of God & world, §80.3

expressions of God-consciousness must not refer to, §60.2

feeling of, passes into thinking, doing, §6.2

indicates that divine good will is protective & caring of humanity’s best: God-consciousness, §166.1

interconnection with self-consciousness, §60, §60n1, §73.1

no natural principle developed without Christ being operative in it, §121.3

self-initiated activity at root of, §59.2

turns notions into imitations, §6.2

speculation, §8P.S.2, §13n26, §37n18, §50.3, §50n3, §59P.S., §111.2

vs. actual religious domain, §37.3, §50.1, §50n1

domain of, vs. dogmatic, §20.1

excluded from explication of divine attributes, §90.2

is what is presented if what is historical is separated from it, §126.2

not properly dogmatic, §16P.S.

structured presentation of doctrine in, §27.4

speculative discourse, about God, §56.1

speech, §16.1, §16n8

spirit, §59.1, §56.2, §70.3

actions of, §60.1

activity of, bears intensive & extensive quantity, §67.2

always embodied, §59n7

Christian, could be recognized only gradually, §129.2

conscious of as one, §67.2

development of, fitful, §67.2

distinctive of Protestantism, §24.3

divine vs. human, §96.1

dominion of, over flesh, §104.4

Evangelical, §24.4

vs. flesh, §68.1, §68n11, §104.4, §157.2, §161.1

freedom of, §84.3

Geist, def., mental or spiritual aspects of Psyche, §72n59

Geist, refers to all mind’s functions, never just to intellect, §69n2, §93n21, §94n19

gifts of, have a determinate basis in human, §7n6, §15.1, §34n2, §126.1, §161.1

by which Gospel is proclaimed, §43n2

includes intellect & objective or subjective consciousness, §60n17

interconnected process of nature &, §60.1

vs. letter, §27.2

as soul, §60.1, §60n12

of truth, §7n13, §130.3

Spirit, activity of, §112.5

efficacious action of, §145.1, §161.1

how identified in different elements & individuals, §131.3

inner workings of it, aimed at presentiment re: imperishability of, rises to surety, §159.2

regeneration, §136.3

spirit, common. See common spirit

Spirit, divine, §12n3, §14n41, §83n2, §108.5

activity of, in collective, §147.2

already present within reason, §13.2, §13n25

from the beginning with God & is God, §170.2

coming of the, §99n30

communication of the, §10.2, §10n6, §116.1, §122.1, §136.3

error that grieves the, §149.3

fruits of, are Christ’s virtues, §124.2

inner ascendancy of, effects

discernment & acquiescence like

Christ exerted, §68.1, §144.1

what it gave to the apostles, §14P.S.

living by, §84n29

in processes of higher life, Spirit, Holy Spirit, & Spirit of Christ, are the same, §100n3

as organ of the world order, §169.3

possesses organism gradually, §149.1

sending of, Christ sometimes ascribes to self & sometimes to Father, §99.P.S.

ultimate effects of, also reason’s, §13.2

See also Holy Spirit

Spirit, the one,

is active within the whole & enlivening it, §121.1

is the same in all who partake of its individualized gifts, §123.3

spirit of truth, §7n13, §130.3

spirits, evil, §43.1, §43n1

spiritual, §48n4, §72n7

vs. from sense-oriented, §28.1

spiritual character of Christ’s works mediated by physical appearance, §105.1

spiritual domain of life via redemption, from meager to advanced levels, §120.3

spiritual life, §14n5, §74.1, §74.4, §75.1 §149.3, §162.2

as communicated perfection & blessedness of Christ, §159.2

innermost mysteries of, §13.1

new, in the Redeemer, §94.3, §94n18

stronger as God-consciousness is greater, §74.1

spiritual manifestation, is temporal & entwined in contrast, §56.2

spiritual nourishment for every person of faith in Lord’s Supper, §140.3

spiritual organ, receptivity & self-initiated activity a single capacity, §55n2, §103n13

spiritual power, §13.1, §14P.S.

spiritual presence of Christ via written word & picture of his nature & work therein, §105.1

spiritual states, §9.1

are not independent of the way they emerge, §127.2

spiritual welfare of human beings, §147.1

state (such as nations), §2.2, §7n2, §17.1

lack of a godly, three kinds of, §33.2

vs. religion, §3.1

varied developments of, §7n1

states (of things), §10P.S., §14.1, §26.2, §26n3, §38.2, §53.2, §60n6, §70.3, §80.4, §81.3

of absolute dependence, §49.1

active, §46P.S.

descriptions of human, are basic dogmatic form, §30.2

faithful vs. nonfaithful, image of separation between, §162.2

of peace & blessedness, made by Christ, §89.3

See also passive states

stirred, readiness to be, §117.4, §117n13

stirrings, §45.2, §54n32, §55n41, §59n8, §69.1, §108.1

accompanying knowing & doing, §60.1

affective, popularly attributed to God, §55.3, §55n42

contain their own inner determinacy, §81.2

expressing restraint or promotion of life, §48

fully within absolute dependence on God, §48

from influence of collective life of Christians, divinely caused, §108.2

of religious consciousness, 56.2

of self-consciousness, §46.1, §48

stirrings of mind & heart

(Gemütserregungen), §15.1, §15n7, §32.1, §48.1, §115.2

Christian religious, §37.1

def. of, §7n5

religious, §17.1

religious, as formed dialectically, §16P.S.

struggle, against sin, §93.4, §111.4

subject (Subjekt), §14n27

capable of consciously registering stimuli, §33n7

def. re: having agency, §4n4, §9n13

when object not distinctly separated, §5n2

place within totality of being, §30.1

reciprocity with a coposited other, §4.2

subjective, purely vs. purely objective, §74n28

subjectivity, in religion, §61n32

subject-object contrast, §5.4


of Christ not mentioned at all, §101.4, §101n18

contra positing a divine capacity for, §97.5

Leiden, also means passivity, §104n11

not a lack of blessedness, §101.2

not desirable with domain of redemption, §78.2

for others, by one person, §77.2

supernatural, §26n2

assumptions regarding events, §49P.S.

event cancels concept of nature, §47.2

re: God, §13n5

includes ideas disconnected from Christ, §13P.S.

intervention, §43.1

naturally conditioned, §13n12

perspective, §76n3

used to refer to what is not understood, §46.1

supernatural become moral nature, §88.4

supernatural become natural, §8n32, §13n21, §117.2, §120.1

in Christ, as historical fact, §61n3

does not annul laws of nature, §47n2, §47n5

supernaturalism, vs. rationalism, §22P.S.

superrational, §13.2, §13P.S., §13n5

superstitions, §86.1, §101.4

Supreme Being (das höchste Wesen), §5P.S., §8n12, §8n29, §10n1, §12n1, §16P.S., §42.1, §46.1, §47.1, §49.2, §50.1, §50n5, §50n23, §50.3, §52n9, §55n34, §55.3, §76.1, §81n10, §83n2, §96n24, §97n3

how all three persons might relate to, §171.1

ascribing jealousy to, §162.2

being linked with, brings absolute satisfaction, §110.3, §110n19

complete indwelling of, in Christ, §94.2, §94n13

def. of, §168.1

eternal separation in, not expression of any religious self-consciousness, §170.2

Holy Spirit in re: to, §172.3

influences ordained by, §9.1

no mistake possible in, §107.2

not a nature, §97.5

not a thing, object or being, §56n6

not bound by anything, §56.2, §56n11

perhaps both “God” & “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” designate it in the same way, §172.3

preparing for union with humans in church’s common spirit, §136.1

provides the theater for redemption, §56n22

as referent of feeling of absolute dependence, §8.2

in relation to persons, §4n30, §9n13

responsibility when life is difficult, §48.1

as such, §170.1

unity of vs. plurality of higher beings, §8.1

surety (Gewißheit), §15.2, §29.2, §30.2, §33n2, §46.2, §68n19, §147.2

re: advancing dominion over sin by God-consciousness, §68.3

of Christ’s collaboration, §104.5

connected to God-consciousness, §57.1

def. of, §14n4, §68n19

of faith, §110.2

of feeling, §5P.S.

gaining or obtaining, §18.2, §77.1

in higher self-consciousness, §14.1

knowing as confident, §3.5

purely factual, §14.1

of religious stirrings, §56.2, §61.1

re: Scripture, §27.3

system, §16n1, §19.4, §28.2, §51n3, §82n5

of all being, §8.1

teleological character of Christianity, §56P.S., §58n4, §59.1, §100.1

teleological modes of faith, §85.1, §85n8

defined by ideal aims, §63n3

emphasis on human self-initiated activity in, §63.1

Judaism & Christianity identified as, §63n3

teleological tendency, §9n17, §57n14

telos (final end, consummation), §58n4, §60n18, §85n8

temptation, §98.1

domain of, lies in the domain of one’s calling in the reign of God, §111.4

external, §73.2

story, §45.1, §98n10

susceptibility to, §72.2, §72.4

tension between church & world, why more or less, §113.3

testimony, refers to codeterminates of religious stirrings, §58.1


based on receptivity to grace via faith, §8n27

biblical, proof texts in, §109n21

consummation of, §19P.S.

depends on philosophy for form only, §19P.S.

encyclopedias of, §1.1

as faith seeking understanding, §77n1

historical, divisions of, §19n4, §19n5, §19n6

historical embeddedness of all, §8n18

interdependence of its branches, §19P.S.

may cohere with philosophy & scientific knowledge, §8n27

mediating, §22n11

nondogmatic disciplines of, §24n7

not of itself religion, §3n2

responsibility of church leaders, §19n3

speculative, purely, §56.2

supernaturalist, §81n36

systems of, §84n22

theoretical disciplines of, §19P.S.

wrongly severed from Christian religion, §33.3, §33n24

theology, Greek, §53.2

theology, natural, §50.1

contra, §11n14, §13P.S., §29.2, §103n16

so-called, or speculative, §83.3

theology, philosophical, §11n1, §19n5, §19n8, §108n56

theology, practical, §84n6

re: wherever God-consciousness operates, §60.3

theology, rational/rationalist §2n6

conditions for its being Christian, §11.4, §11n25

theoretical vs. practical, §26n2

theories, artificially constructed, §72.4

theory vs. allegory, §40.2

thetic, def. of, §18n5, §19n2

three divine persons, §97.2, §171.1

threeness (Dreiheit), §96n23, §97n43, §170n16

presupposition of, in God, §170.2

unity &, how relates to divine causality, §171.4

why we must always begin with the unity, §171.3


efficacy of original perfection of the world, §59P.S.

endless duration of, §52.1, §52.2, §52n13

totality of being, §9.1

tradition, §95.1, §127.3, §128.1

transaction, process of, §115.2

transubstantiation, §140.2, §141.2

Trinity, §96n23, §97.2, §99.P.S.

def. of, §37.1

ecclesial formulation of, does not immediately convey Christian self-consciousness, §170

nomenclature for, §37n11, §37n13

problem can be resolved only by approximation, §172.1

unity of the divine nature & threeness, §170.2

Trinity doctrine, §§170–172

all that is essential re: grace is posited

Greek vs. Latin case re:, §171.2

described here, it is perhaps an initial, preliminary step, §172.2

distinctive properties & equality of persons in, difficulties identified, §171.3

with given features, as the copestone of Christian doctrine, §170.1

indications of what remains to be done, §172.3

inessential features of, §170

little required in the general formulas survives in exposition, §171.5

little toward securing or clarifying the two main positions, §171.3

not closely tied with basic facts of Christianity, §170P.S.

not rising too quickly to judgment re: what it provided, §17.2

origin of, §170.1

still awaits reorganization of it from its very beginnings, §172

subject from §93–§172, §93n3

triune concept first founded on each uniting being traced back to a separate & independent Supreme Being in se, §170.2

Triune God, §82n12, §96n23

triunity, doctrine of,

criteria for inquiry in, §64n9

use of “person” in Western, §96.1

truth, §43n2

acquisition of complete, re: God, §10P.S., §10n36

re: any collective life, §94.1

ascribed to what is thought to be possible, §54.2

of Christian consciousness, §87.1

church’s, into which Holy Spirit can lead, §126.2

clarified to gain greater efficacy, §155.2

conditions for being commensurate with the, §108.5

corrective force of, §153

of customary human nature, §104.4, §104n48

disclosed only through experience, §101.3

exact & irremediable, §44.1

external expression of internal, is falsified to a greater or lesser extent, §149.1

of faith, without ministry it could not be authenticated or efficacious, §127.2

between magical & empirical, §101.3

will prayer bear full, §147.1

tugging sadness & longing (Wehmuth), §108n37, §120P.S.

distinctively Christian feeling, §110n20

turning point, active & passive features, §108.2

typus, §9.1, §93n28

unconscious, §5.1

admixture of receptivity & passivity, §55.1

contaminating influence from, §129.2

error attached unconsciously, §155.2

sensory stimulus falsifying an aim unconsciously, §153.1

unconsciousness, like that of inanimate objects, §108.6

understanding, capacity for, §44.1

uniformly, what the word does & does not mean, §117.1

unite vs. combine, §96.1, §96n23

unity or identity (Einheit), §170n16

in arrangement of world, §59P.S.

def. of, §10n2

depends on more than doctrine alone, §28.2

external, §24P.S.

inner & outer, grounded historically, §10.1

universe (Universum), §3n2, §8n27, §10n1, §34n10, §50n5, §73n7

Unlust, def. of, lack of pleasure vs. pleasure, §66n2

vicarious satisfaction, §104.4

virgin birth, critiqued based on evidence & dogmatic value, §97.2

virtue, def. §61.4

always result of a struggle, §93.4

warranty, §92.2

Wesen, §8n13, §8n15

whole, §3n2, §51n2

how the core of being a human relates to the human organism taken as a, §97.4

parts always interconnected, §30.1

wickedness, §45.2, §48n4, §48.3, §73.2

Böse, or human evil, §73n12, §104n40

both condition & activity, §48.1

can benefit individuals, §48.2

counteraction to good, §45.2

in re: evil, §48.1, §73n12, §75.2, §75n13

among evils, §48.1

increase of, not properly a punishment for sin, §84.1

injustice or, §84.3

interplay & cooperation of, §45.2

not deduced from natural imperfections, §76.1

protection against, §45P.S.

restraints on life, §48.1

strength in re: to good, §48.3

unnecessary distinctions in, §48n10

what can’t provide the nature or idea of, §83.3

wicked people, §48n4, §162.3


act of, §44.1, §110n17

active, to unite with Christ is a good work, §112.1

concurrence of, def. of, §108.6

defects of, §149.1

distinctiveness of one’s, §81.2

fails to stop all intentional sins, §74.2

feeling underlies all expressions of, §3.5

force of (Willenskraft), inherent vs. willpower, §68n1

understanding &, re: ethics & doctrine, §83.1, §83n2

understanding &, usually placed together, §96.1

See also free will

willful mortifications, no support for, §104.6

wisdom. See divine wisdom; “God, is wisdom”

wisdom, absolute, where omnipotent love is present there it must be as well, §167.2

wishes brought before God & combined with God-consciousness, §147.3

wissen, indicates an active process of knowing, §55n10

Wissen, Gewissen, Ungewissenheit, def., §74n28

Wissenschaft. See science (Wissenschaft)


of Scripture & in the church, §86n1

statements of, re: grace, §65.2


as activity of God in & as consciousness, §13n22

God’s, figurative linguistic use of, §99.P.S.

& Son, confusion between, §41.1

that is the Word: Father, Son & Spirit, §137.1

Word, i.e. prophetic activity of Christ, §108.5, §108.6

mediation of, in conversion, §108.5

Word-become-flesh, indispensable condition of his efficacious action, §118.1

world, §17.1, §30.2, §32.2, §34.1, §36, §38.2, §41.1, §41n27, §42.1, §46.2, §55.2, §58.2, §59P.S., §59n1, §59n25, §75, §75.1, §84n17, §84n21, §113.3, §120.3, §126.1, §164.1

being at one with, a living part, §32.2

best, notion of critiqued, §59P.S.

body, §160.2

Christ’s appearance brings something new into the whole, §113.3

constituted with natural evil, §86n1

constitution of, in relation to redemption, §§113–163

def. of, §40.1

end of, §46P.S.

everything particular in, was created only in & with the whole, §100.2

in re: to God, §35.1, §36, §40.1, §55.1

re: human dominion over, §59.2, §59n18

ill that is done to, can return as harm to humans, §76n1

impressions of, harmonize with God-consciousness, §57.1

manifold gradations of life in, §120.3

no consummate knowledge of, §46.1

no consciousness of absolute dependence on, §32.2

not evil in itself, §75n17

original harmony between humans &, §75.1

as original revelation of God (Paul), §10P.S., §10n35

in relation to particulars, §4.2

See also original perfection of the world; perfection of the world,

world-consciousness, §32n15, §46.2, §57.1

has all as its referent, §57.1

world order, §76.1, §84.2

constitutes & surrounds the human species, §84n17, §84n22

World Spirit, §8.4

worship, public, §19.3, §19n10, §139.1

worship of God, §153.1

wounds theology, sensory details of, §104.4

wrath, §85.2

supposed divine, §104.4

wretched state, §11.2

Zustand, meanings of, §74n40, §76n13

Zwinglian, §140.4