Subjects, Concepts, Themes, Definitions, Word Usage, and Contrasts

absolute dependence, §33.2, §34.3

consciousness of, §4, §8.2

freedom & necessity within, §49.1

or relationship with God, §4.4

on what not present as objects, §56.2

See also feeling of absolute dependence

absolute dependence on God, §83n1

all influences located within, §46

all mediated & unmediated in, §46P.S.

absolutely (schlechthin), def., §91n2

absolute wisdom, where omnipotent love is present there it must be as well, §167.2

absolution in Lord’s Supper, §143.2

acquaintance with (Kenntnis), a form of knowing, §55.1

act (Akt), §44n3, §63n2, §88n8, §117.2

vs. action or activity, §101n8

via creative divine act, §93.3

evil or wicked, §44n3

external to humans (fremden Tat), §63.2, §63n8

on one’s own while interdependent (selbständig), §114n13

action (Handlung), §2.2, §5n11, §81n28

account re: forming of, §9.1, §110.2

of the Christian collective life, §110.2

critical, corrective, restorative & reforming, §80n14

efficacious, §54.1, §61.4, §80n14, §89.2

how it is done vs. what is done, §105n30

symbolic, §15.2

See also broadening action; presentational action; purifying action

activity (Tätigkeit), §4n8, §61n3, §81n28

that people are called to do, §87.2

pleasing to God, increase in, §86.3

solely directed against suffering must be sensory, §78.2

See also Christ, activity of; God, activity of; self-initiated activity

Adam, §59n33, §13n13, §72.5, §72n19, §72n64, §94.3, §99.P.S., §117.1

Christ &, §61.5, §61n49, §72.4

original act of, §69n11

Adam, second, §89.2

Jesus as, §99n25

aesthetic (αỉσθητικóς), §63.1

as chiefly empirical, §9n14

outlook, §9.2

aesthetic (αỉσθητικóς), mode of faith, §63.1, §63n3, §76.1

Islam identified as, §63n3

affect (Affekt), §5n34, §6n10, §15n7

aroused in a given element, §55.3

as a being-affected (effect), §4.1

def. of, §3n15, §7n4

range of meanings, §14n37

affected by (affiziert), §13n29, §14n37

affection (Affektion), def. of, §7n5

affective component, §11n6, §15n2

pathic states, notions of God, §85n2

state, def. of, §3n15

affinity, §151.1


development in without any relapse or struggle, §163.1

intimation of, §158.1

more moderate outlook re:, traces remain in Scripture, §163P.S.

options if Redeemer had not adopted & sanctioned belief in it, §158.1

personal, does not converge with consummation of church, §161.1

prefiguring of, sources, §157.2

there God could not be originator of evil, §162.3

almighty (allmächtig), §54n1, §167n8. See also God, divine omnipotence of

Anabaptist, §138.2, §108n54

angels, revelations regarding, §43

anschaulich, clear-seeing, §55n30

Anschaulichkeit, clarity of perception, §72n37

Anschauung, §126n9. See also perception

Anschauung & Gefühl, §5n37, §61n16, §64n8, §72n39, §72n59, §81n35

Anschauung des Universums, §62n5

Apocalypse (book of Revelation), not apostolic in origin, §103n22

apologetics, §11n2, §11.5, §14n41, §19n8

business of, §28.3

apostles, §45n23, §105.2, §128.2, §139.3, §145.1, §153.2

already had faith before their books, §128.2,

canonical authority of, §139.3

communicated divine revelation that existed in Christ, §130.1

expressed their own faith, §128.2

faith arose from Christ’s own preaching re: himself, §128.2

never attributed anything priestly to themselves, §104.6

See also disciples of Jesus

Arian notions rejected by church re: Christ also re: Holy Spirit, §123.2

ascension, §99, §99.1, §122.1, §158.1, §161.3

ascetic, §105P.S., §108.1, §108n13

actions, in God’s reign there are no purely, nor any arbitrary, §112.4

discourse, def. §85n12

language, §96.2, §96n32, §124.2, §142.2

practices vs. devotion, §87.2, §105n50

assurance (Versicherung), §45.2, §86.3, §86n10


day of, high priest’s role, §104.1, §104.4

in German language, §104n1

theories: refuting, §101.4, §101n18

Versöhnung, or reconciliation, §82n12

atoning death (Versöhnenden Tod), §11n8, §104n1

attribute, vs. nature or essence, §4n1. See also divine attributes

baptism, §108.4, §127, §127.2, §151.2

all traces of child baptism have been inserted in New Testament, §138.1

in any community of faith holds validity for all, §137.1

blessedness accompanies, only with citizenship in church, §137.2

child, can’t engender effects from repentance & faith, §138.1

Christ’s effectual promise reposes in it, §136

complete only if a well-prepared profession of faith follows it, §138

conditions for being the sign & seal of grace, §137.2

connections to Holy Spirit & regeneration clarified, §108.4, §108n43

distinctive efficacious action of, remains suspended until later, §138.2

that effects nothing inwardly is an outward sign of entrance into church, §136.4

external observance of, is not independent of Spirit’s activity in the church, §136.4

faulty rules for keeping internal & external aspects apart, §137.3

greater the effect attached to, the more important to find where Christ’s institution lies in it, §137.1

how Christ actually instituted it, §136.1

by an individual alone is defective administration of church, §137.2

infant, §108.4

initiation into true priesthood of all Christians, held in common, §143.2

leads to preparatory work of Holy Spirit in reign of God, §138.2

observance as act for church taking up individuals into itself, §136

observance (outer) vs. meanings (inner aspect), §137.1

one performed as ordered act of Christ himself, §136.1

performed only by church’s authorization, §137.1

provides only beginning of grace, §108.4

relation to shared feeling of the church, §137.3

value & efficacy of, can diverge without being unchristian, §136.4

baptism & Lord’s Supper, §104n1

being (Sein), §5n18

a process which can be assigned attributes, §74n29

self-identity-of-being-no-matter-where, §53.2

See also Existenz; totality of being

being (Wesen)

God’s, gleaned from divine activity, §74n29

unity of (Einheit des), contrast to being/Sein, §96n24

See also nature (Wesen)

being, totality of (Gesamtsein), given determining factor within the, §30.1

being-one-with-the-whole, feeling of freedom in self-initiated activity in, §32.2


freestanding, def. of, §99.2

as outcropping from the root of inner experience, §14n1

term for some knowledge, §112.1, §112n10

Betrachtung, meanings & uses of, §34.3, §34n13, §50n24. See also contemplation; observation

Bible. See Scripture


Begnadigten, persons forgiven & in state of grace, §74n27

being made, by being taken up into community with Christ, §100.1

no degrees of being, all or none, §86n3

selig machen, to make one blessed vs. to save from eternal damnation, §86n3

blessedness (Seligkeit), §5n28, §43n2, §109.1

alone confers value to life, §118.2

can mean salvation, §86n3

eternal, inalterable & undisturbed, §96n3, §163

falsely deferred to next life, §101.3

grounding of, in new collective life, §87, §87.1, §87n1

how it begins & should also come to fruition, §136.1

possession of, as Christ’s gift, §101.2

subject to fluctuation, §5.4, §5n25

unfolding (werdende Seligkeit), §87n1, §87.2, §89.1

why present in church alone, §113.3

See also Christ, blessedness of

blessedness, lack of, §86, §86.1

how Jesus overcomes, §89.2

blessing, §100n10


from fear of death, §75.1

or servitude, §81.2, §81n31

wherein sin predominates, §74.3

Böse, def., §44n6

broadening action, §80.3, §112n13, §124.1, §155.1

call, calling, def. of, §100.2, §103.1, §112.4, §141.1

what defines a person’s, §112.4

canon, §52.2, §52n23, §54n40, §55.1, §99.1

that there is no change in God, §55.2, §55n27

re: uniting of two natures in Christ, §97.1, §97.2, §97.3

See also rule(s) (Regel)

care for preservation of life, §59P.S.

care of souls (Seelsorge), §45.2, §45n24, §72n69, §74.2, §74n32, §83n6

as core of practical theology, §84n27

with instructional purposes, §85n2

caring, for ourselves and others, §43.1, §43n6, §147.3

neglect of, §45.2

catechesis, §19.4, §28P.S., §35.1

no proofs in, §33.3

traditional, §85n2

causation (or causality), §51, §52.2, §81.2

in conversion, §108.6

criteria for using the idea of, §50.3

divine & finite, §51.2

feeling of absolute dependence &, §50.3, §51, §53P.S., §53n27

finite, measured via time & space, §47.2, §53P.S.

free causality, §84n17

natural, §46.2

partial, vs. partial passivity, §51.1

receptivity &, for free agents, §84n21

See also divine causality

causality, natural, complete in itself & founded in divine causality, §120.3


free & natural cooperate, §49.2

free vs. natural, §49P.S.

general vs. particular, §46.2

hindering life—evil at work, §75

intermediate, §47n13

natural, §49.1, §49.2

See also free causes

center (Mittelpunkt), §81n28

certain, just as, §40.3. See also surety (Gewißheit)

change of heart (Sinnesanderung), §108n10

child of God, §109.2, §124.2, §137.2

children, §43.1, §68n8, §93n13, §108.4

consciousness & pre-language mastery, §5.1

individual, growth of spirit in, §68.1

inherent rights, §109.2, §109n18

relationship to parents, §4.2, §107n4

Christ, §§92–105, §110.3, §117.3

action of, is simply continuation of God’s creative activity, §89, §100.2

active & passive states in, §97.3

advocacy of, §104.5, §105.5, §109.3

alone raises all to higher state, §13.1

annunciation of, §42.1

apex & end of all priesthood, §104.6

apex/end of spiritual kingship, §105.3

ascension of, §99

author, new view of worth, §99.P.S.

become human (Menschwerden), §13n11

becoming human of, in same way as regeneration of the human race, §118.1

beginning of life of, §94.3, §97.1

being of God in, §94.3, §100.1, §101.1

being with his disciples, like a household or a school, §122.2

being with requires community, §24.4, §87.3

blessedness of, unshakable in suffering, §104.4

born in fullness of time, §118.1

calling of, §98.1, §104n51

church is organism of, the body of Christ, §127.3

communicated the Spirit, present before his death, §122.1

communication of influence of, §13.2

communication re: self, §59n7, §123.2

as completion of human nature, §47n5

couldn’t err in judging conduct, §98.1

death of, negative results of divorcing sacrifice in, from obedience, §141.2

different from other humans, §11.4, §22.2, §110.3

discourse of, not readily dogmatic, §16.2, §16n7

distinctive miraculous force of, §76.2

divine in, §97.3, §97.4, §99.1, §121.2, §161.3

divine love in, aligns sense perception to spiritual states once & forever, §97.3

does not retain a passive stance or stay in shadows over against the church, §127.2

dominion of, §89.3, §105.1, §105.3

elements of life of, §130.3

existence, self-presentation, §18.1, §18n2

existence of God in him, §124.2

fullest mediator for all times, §104.6

high priestly prayer of, §45n23, §104.5, §104n58, §108.5

historicity of his God-consciousness, §93.3

Holy Spirit &, equal status of divine in each, §170.1

how he can be called our vicar, who makes satisfaction in our place, §104.4, §104n46

human nature of, being-taken-up, §97.2, §97.3, §97.4, §97n4

immediate influences of, in the earliest circle of followers, §115.2

impact of what is divine in, §14n37

impetus of reconciling being of God in, §97.3

impression of, total, §99.1, §99.P.S., §103.2

inner Christ of an individual, must be same as historical Christ, §108.5

inspiration from his being is constant, §103.2

kingly office of, §105, §109.2

life of, not isolated from dying, §101.4

life of, original organ of the being of God in human nature, §100.2

life of, passage of into our own, §141.1

living community with, §118.1

makes an end to political religions & theocracies, §105.3

miraculous appearance of, §93.3

mission of, §109.3

the model of his vital knowledge of God is a fruit of Scripture, §131.2

new collective life &, §93.3

no one or small band can act in his place, §134.2

no pre-existing entity before Jesus, §13.2

no relation to, not also to God, §32.1

original, final completion of human nature, §13n15, §92.1

originally the effective power of new life existed in him alone, §116.1

passion of, throughout public life, §104n13

personal existence of, §127.2

prediction of return not aspect of doctrine re: his person, §99

promises of, §147.2, §147n9

promises of the Spirit of truth, no suggestion of preexistence, §123.1

prototypical is only fitting expression for personal dignity of, §93.2

as prototypical vs. an exemplar, §93.5

public life, all his varied actions were also self-presentations, §130.3

purity & fullness of force of, §99.P.S.

purpose of, to lift humans into communion with God & to reign spiritually, §103.2

resurrection of, §99, §170.3

resurrection appearances, §160.1

return, §99.1, §160, §162.1

as revelation, §13n12

as second Adam, §47n5, §89.1

self-consciousness of, constantly steady, ever identical, §16.2

self-denying love of, is manifested to us in his suffering unto death, §104.4

self-depicted as the one entrusted with judgment, §159.1

self-presentation of, §59n7, §100n13, §104.1, §108.2

similarity: activity of Christ in forming new collective life & divine activity in forming Christ’s personal existence, §101.2

some passive states in, proceed from inter-connected process of human organization, §97.3

Son of God, §13.1, §45.1, §172.3

sovereign rule of (Herrschaft), Christ himself inaugurates, §105.1

spiritual life of, articulates the whole idea of human nature, §118.1

subject of divine revelation, §16.2

substitute for two-natures language: in him was an absolutely clear God-consciousness, a steady living presence, a true being of God, that was exclusively determining every element of his life, §96.2

supernatural became natural in him, §97n38

as supernatural become natural, §93n3

teaching about confirms & applies his teaching re: himself, §89n2

teachings of, §103.2

temptation of, §98.1

those governed by, are ever able to transfer their common calling to others, §105.1

union with, not imaginable without being united with the faithful, §141.1

in us, §100.1, §101.4

why he alone mediates all being of God in world & all revelation of God through the world, §94.2

why he is the end of miracles, §103.4

why his efficacious action must correspond to his dignity, §92.1

will of, §98.2, §104.4

Christ, activity of

attracting or redeeming kind of, requires an inner-out community to arise, §113.2

effects of, intended for all human nature, §100.2

never restrained by resistance from his human nature, §101.2

person-forming, §101.2

summary characteristics, §100.3

Christ, blessedness of, §101, §109.4

communication of, & perfection, §118.2

Christ, coming again of, §160

why treated first as basis for other prophetic doctrines, §159.3

Christ, efficacious action of, §100.2, §101.1, §104.1, §104.5, §108.5, §118.1

proceeds from willing the reign of God, §111.4

we substitute his, for his physical presence, §160.2

Christ, essential sinlessness, §100.1

sufficient ground for in his interior personal existence, §98.1

Christ, God-consciousness of, §43n6, §45n23, §93.2, §103.2, §121.3

an actual being of God in, §94, §94.2

blessedness of &, both condition & are independent of each other, §101.1

determines every element of his life, §94.2, §94n14

development of, as human, §87.2, §93.3, §93.4, §104.4, §121.3

the one totally permeated with God-consciousness, §169.2

why it must be equally posited with his blessedness, §101.1

Christ, high priestly office of, §99.1, §104, §109n17, §120P.S.

active obedience in: fulfillment of the law, §104, §104.1, §104.2

value of active obedience of: God sees us as partners in his obedience, §104.4

value of passive obedience of: we see God in Christ & as partaker of eternal love, §104.4

ways he extends his activity, §143.2

Christ, might of

kingly, separate from Father’s might & from civil government, §105.3

over world, increases by efficacious action of Christ’s command to proclaim the Gospel, §105.2

Christ, perfection (Vollendung) of

absolute, §98

& blessedness of, entire personal spiritual life proceeds with, §137.2

communication of, occurs in process of conversion, §109.4

human nature, §89n2, §98.2

incapable of generating error, §103.3

Christ, person of, §14n12, §16n4, §22.3, §88.2, §§93–99

state of being united was uninterrupted, §106.1

Christ, power of

different from mere teaching, §11.4

natural powers to effect good, §103.4

Christ, prophecy of

end of prophecy re: afterlife, §157.2

essential prophecy fulfilled since Spirit was poured out, §103.3

at one with his teaching thus without predicting, §103.3

surety re: his own destiny, §103.3

Christ, prophetic office, §99.1, §109n17

as apex & end of all prophecy, §103.2

consists in teaching, prophesying & working miracles, §103

receiving from the Father instructions given to followers, §104.1

Christ, reconciling work of, §82n12, §101.1, §104.1

last three points of doctrine on church belong to, §127.3

reconciling world to Godself, §104.4

Christ, redeeming activity, §101.2, §127.3

Christ, reign of, §104.5, §155.2

more firmly established more church & state are sundered, §105.3

what is inside people & their relationships, §105.1

Christ, relation to, §17.1, §32.3, §62.2, §87.1, §106.1

Christ, self-proclamation of, §16.2, §16P.S., §16n3, §16n6

limited range of, §117.2

only source for all doctrine, §19P.S.

Christ, sinless perfection of, §73n5, §76n10, §98, §125.1

communication of, §149.1

Christ, suffering of

& his activity both necessary for redemptive reconciling effect, §104.2

no great value can be placed on, §98.1

Christ, three offices of, §14n41, §102, §104n70, §108n58, §120n31

case against using here, §102.1

harmony among them, §102.3, §103.2

none is lowly, §105P.S.

united in him alone, §102.2

Christ, two natures of, §24.2, §24.4, §88.2, §97.2, §97.3, §99.1, §109.4, §124.2, §126.1

act of uniting & state of being united of, corresponds to regeneration & sanctification in the redeemed, §106.1

Christ, work of, §14n12, §16n4, §18.1, §18n2, §§100–105, §102.1

consistent with creation: world-forming, §100.2

further developments of, possible but new revelation impossible, §103.4

Christendom (Christenheit), §64.1, §64n6, §97n27, §99.P.S., §104.6, §155.2

diseased & to be rejected, §21.2

error in vs. excluding all truth in, §155.1


allowing free room for various frames of mind among, §103.2

becoming non-Christian, §24.3, §24.4

distinctively, §7n16, §32n2, §87.1

mixing what is with what is not, §151.2

qualifications for being called, §108n36

Christian character, §11.3

result incompatible with, §80.4

Christian consciousness

fully holding all shared loci of, §20.1

of grace, common element in, §100.1

redemption never at null point in an actual, §63.3

Christian domain, §9.2, §11.1. See also domain of piety

Christian immediate religious self-consciousness, §8n1

what speaks to the, §101.4

See also religious self-consciousness

Christianity, §2n2, §7n11, §8.4, §9.1, §11.3, §11.4, §11n1, §11n2, §11n4, §11n7, §12, §13.1, §13.2, §13P.S., §13n26, §14n37, §14P.S., §18n7, §19n5, §21.1, §24.3§93.2, §102.1, §129.2

articulating actual nature of, §21.2

Christentum, shared faith & life, §64n6

conditions for being permanent, §13.1

decisive features of, §11.5

fundamental fact of, §117.1

historical elements of, §129.1

how inner-outer unity grounds, §10.1

idea of, §18n3

Judaism &, §11n2, §11n4, §12, §12.2

nature vs. essence of, §72n25

posits redemption as God’s work, §62.2

presupposed it alone will spread to entire globe, §157.1

spirit of, §77P.S.

spread by proclamation alone, §15.2

supreme revelation, §14P.S.

teleological view of, §56P.S., §101.1

when whole peoples adopted it, §117.4

why it is not a political religion nor religious state nor theocracy, §105.3

Christianity, distinctive nature of (eigenthümliche Wesen), §2.2, §2n2, §2n8, §2n14, §9.2, §11n1, §24.2

not detectable purely empirically, §24.3

Christian life, §26n2, §62.2, §77n1, §106.2

Christian piety, §11.3, §28.3, §29.2, §31.1, §32.3, §45.1, §129.1, §131.2

basic form of all, §4.4, §4n23

basis in feeling of freedom, §32n15

what is inapplicable within, §52.1

Christian religious consciousness, §11.3, §26.1, §29.1, §29.2, §45P.S., §62.2

all relates to the Redeemer, §62.3

dogmatics not lacking any essential element of, §18.3

Christian religious (religiöses) life, §32n5

presupposed in all elements of, §56P.S.

Christian religious self-consciousness, unfolding of, outward, §26.2, §26n2


all refer their community to Christ, §11.2, §11n2

remaining outside the interconnected inner circle, §117.4

as “us,” “we,” “ourselves,” §36n5

Christian self-consciousness, §13P.S., §39.1, §111.2, §121.2, §159.1

analysis of, §111.2

correct & immediate expressions of, §89.2

def. of contemplation of, §17.2, §17n8

as form of the shared feeling re: things human, §113.3

re: growing in perfection traces back to Redeemer as its ground, §100.3

Christian teaching, distinctive, §45.1

Christology, not a logos theology, §13n22, §105n16

church(es), §2.2, §26.2

all within it but not via Holy Spirit’s activity is determined by world, §126.1

begins only with personal efficacious action of Christ, §156.1

belonging to & not, led by life path, §117.3

changeable element traces to what world offers to efficacious action by church’s moving principle, §126.2

Christ’s mission, desire to achieve its purpose lives on in church, §146.1

Christ’s three offices are the essential churchly activities, §127.3

collective consciousness of, §146

continuance of, in co-existence with the world, §114, §114.1, §117.3, §§126–156, §139.1

defects in, stem more from flesh than being with persons not of faith, §162.1

def. of, §6, §6n13, §126.1

doctrine of the one, §12.3, §12n13

each person in, is representative of entire, to the others, §139.2

on earth constantly in conflict, thus never reaches consummation, §157.1

emergence of, §§114–116

essential & invariable characteristics of, §126.2, §127

everything in it is a common deed & work unevenly in individuals, §125.2

external, gradations in development, §134n13

formed out of the world, which exercises influence on it, §148

further progress of, §127.2

God-consciousness in, §127.3

Holy Spirit in the, determined via human nature, §126.1

household of God, §121.1

invisible, §148.1, §148n4, §148.2, §149.1, §150, §153

invisible vs. visible, §8n18, §148, §149, §162.1

law, §145.2

legislative & administrative power via Christ’s kingly office, §144

militant, §105P.S., §105n48

militant vs. triumphant, §157.1, §159.1

mission of, §146.1

as an organic body equipped to be a collectivity of activities, §125.1

organizations of the, issue from leadership ministry, §134

purification of, where it prevails, §27.3

results of, reach more than just those experiencing conversion, §114.1

relates to Christ as outer factor to inner factor, §127.3

role of dogmatic theology in, §19

separations, def., §150.1

as a so-called moral person, §116.1

and state, §2n10, §3.1, §105.3

statistics, §1n4, §19n2

strives to conform to the self-same image of Christ, §126.1

success of, is result not only of its activity but also of divine government of the world, §146.1

true, vs. existing church, §16n8

union, §23.2, §23n9, §83n1, §140.1

what the divine order is in the gradual growth of the, §125.2

why leans as much toward separatism as legalistic righteousness, §126.1

and world, an admixture, §148.1

See also Evangelical church

church, Christian, §2.2, §21.1, §113.4, §115, §116.3, §126.1, §127.3, §164, §172.1

all divisions in, continue only as temporary, §152

desire for the reign of God comprises the unity of life of the, §116.3

in its purity & fullness, is perfect image of the Redeemer, §125

planting & spreading of, §164

unified moral person, not a hereditary or natural person, §21.1, §125.1

as a unity with diversity during apostolic age, §129.2

what occurs in, does so by Christ’s sinless perfection & blessedness, §113.3

church, consummation of, §61n27, §84n23, §105n52, §114, §119, §119.3, §§157–163, §159, §159.1, §159.2

attained only beyond human life on earth, §157

excludes all influences of world upon it, §162

is final answer to our prayers, §157.2

unreliable sense of, on basis of Christian self-consciousness, §114.1

church doctrinal proposals, §81n36,

analogous dissimilarity among three divisions of, §114.2

See also doctrine, ecclesial

church government, §2n14, §144.2, §145.2

church service &, covers the domain of love & care in Christian ethics & practical theology, §85n2

church, inner & outer circles of, distinct difference between, §117.1

have reciprocal working upon the other forming an organic cycle, §116.1

church, inner community/circle of Holy Spirit is the bond of, §116.1

life of the, §117.4

totality of those who live in state of sanctification, §113.1

See also community, inner

church leadership, §2n14, §19n11, §46n15, §134

def., §45n24

egalitarian & communal, §19n3

church, outer community/circle of, §148.2

a larger group affected by the Redeemer & to whom preparatory workings of grace are directed, §113.1

not referred to as “the elect” but simply as “those who are called,” §116.1

See also community, outer

church, visible, §149, §149.1, §153, §154

total suspension of community among parts of, is non-Christian, §151

circumscriptively vs. repletively, §53.2, §53n9

citizen, def. of, §100.3

citizenship shared with those sanctified, §137.2

clergy, formation of, lacks any scriptural foundation at all, §134.2

clergy & laity, §19n3, §74n32, §104.6, §145.2

contrast between is subordinate to unity & self-sameness of the Spirit & direct dependence on Scripture, §135.2

lay leaders, §61n44

co-existence, state of, §53.2, §53n7

cognition (Erkennen), §46n7

cognitive frame, §64n8

for recognizing what is perceived or felt, §72n39

cognizing process, §3.3

collective deed & fault of human race, distributed unequally, §73.2

collective deed & possession, that contains an impression of the sinless perfection of Jesus, §88.3

collective element of spiritual life, §74.4

collective evil, can be related only to collective sin, §78.3

collective fault, §84n17

collective life, §110.2

is less a life in common the more it depends on one individual, §122.2

spirit strengthened via, §67.2

uneven characteristics of self-contained, §94.1

collective life, new (church), §90.1, §93, §101.4, §102.1, §123.3, §149.3

Christ has no successor or surrogate in, §105.1

without institutions re: keys & prayers no order, progress or success in, §127.2

through which soul has effect, §100.2

collective life founded by proceeding from Christ

as creation of human nature first completed, §89, §89n2

in community with him, §88.4

directions regarding, §103.2

individual aims arise only in, §122.3

no redemption outside the, §87.3

collective life of sin, §88.1, §104.2, §106.2, §124.1, §148.1

undermines notion of a pure species consciousness, §121.3

where being in it must cease, §108.2

without restraint, could destroy life itself, §108.2

collective life of susceptibility to sin, §109.2.

See also sin, susceptibility to

collective relationship, starts with awakening God-consciousness, §67.2

collective whole or collectivity (Gesamtheit), §113n3, §125.1

common feeling, §64.1, §72n2, §80.1, §103.3

in the church accompanies its common spirit, §80n4

common life, moving from external activity into communicative presentation of inner life, §139.1

common spirit, §14.1, §59n7, §106n14, §106n15, §116.3, §122, §124.2, §129.1, §141.1

as church is more like a commonwealth than like a household or school, §122.2

contrast civil use of the term, §106n14

essential component of one’s personal existence, §120P.S.

Gemeingeist, expanded use in 2nd edition, §106n14

is being distinctly formed into each community of faith, §123.3

in it today each goes through the same process the disciples did, §122.3

meanings of, §121.2

ruling force of, must be vouchsafed from false tendencies, §154.1

term designates Holy Spirit, divine Spirit & Christ’s Spirit & third person of Godhead, §116.3

communal body of the faithful appears before God on behalf of humanity as its advocate, §104.6

Christ has no successor or surrogate in, §105.1

Gemeine, §105n2

stimulates sanctification of individuals, §106.2

communal existence, §151.1

communal feeling, §84.4

communal piety, unity in, §10

communicated (Mitgeteiltes), def., §92n2

communicated capacity, from the Redeemer, §29.1

communication, §61n28, §74n42

of Christ’s sinless perfection attributed only to Christ, §88.3

fragmented, appraised, rectified, §28.2

Mitteilung, §74n42, §94n21

popular, poetic & religious, §30.3, §51.2, §55.3

See also religious communication

communication of blessedness, §89.2, §116.3

communication of divine being, §169.1, §169n4

communication of grace comes to one only in new collective life, §90.1

communication(s) of Christians

can be elucidations of divine Word or putting it into action, §135.1

even isolated & informal are what the Holy Spirit effects, §135.1

communication of sinless perfection, §88, §116.3

communion of saints, critique of phrase for those passed away, §104n66

communion with God, §62.2, §62n5, §91, §91n1

consciousness of, being restored via redemption, §164

rests on a communication from Redeemer: grace, §63

communities, religious, §10n25, §16.2, §16n9

all will pass into the new collective life, §93.1

highest stage, each distinctive, §10.2, §10n4

revelation at onset presupposed, §10P.S.

stages of development & kinds, §7

strictly only one universal, §10n7

communities of faith

with Christ & together work upon each other, §139.1

God-consciousness shared in, §60.2

outsiders have incidental part in, §6.4

personally distinctive, §24.3, §24n3

religious, unity & differences, §2n2

required for living piety, §60.2

as sanctuaries, §8n27

community (Gemeinschaft), §77P.S., §104n16

always emerges via communication, §10.2

broadly religious, §105n37

collisions between different ones within the same circle, §113.2

essential elements of religious, §6.2

essential primacy of, §134n21

community, Christian, §115.1

indifference re: civil contrast of ruling authority vs. subject, §105.2

no one form of, is distinctly posited or excluded, §113.1

not animated by love of the fatherland, §105.3

organic, contra claim that Christ had none in mind & it arose later, §105.1

piety in co-posits relation to Christ, §14, §32.1, §32n6

therein all is ascribed to the one Spirit, §121.1

when lack of a godly state is attributable to, §33.2, §33n13

community, inner, §113.2

community, outer, emerged at point of Christ’s appearance in public, §113.2

community of faith & life, §2.1, §11n5, §68.1, §91

Lebensgemeinschaft, §91n6

community of faithful persons, §136.4

Christian self-consciousness re:, §114

efficacious action of Christ’s perfection exists only in, §137.2

community of life with Christ, §91.1, §91n6, §93.5, §104.3, §104.5, §109.2, 111.4

forgiveness of sin &, §109.2

in, no repression or total absence of Christian consciousness possible, §155.2

no return from, into collective life of sin, §119.2

ordinances for, §127

restraints in, natural & social, §101.1

where being in it must begin, §108.2

community of persons of faith remains ever self-identical in its situation in Christ & Holy Spirit, §126

subject to variation & change in relation to world, §126

community of redemption, §118, §121.1

community of the faithful, §113, §139.1

exists in shared elements of sanctification, §106.2

community with Christ, §136

if in it fully, §124.2, §139.1

no vital one without indwelling of Holy Spirit, §124

compassion (Mitgefühl), §104n32

Christ’s in face of guilt & culpability, §104.4

shared (Mitleid), §4n13, §85n2

completeness, §31.1

completeness, but lacking, §19.4

Vollkommenheit, §58n4

Vollstandigkeit, connotations of, §58n4

completion, §46P.S., §46n17

not logical or dialectical, §16.1

exists via receptivity to Christ, §93.1

See also perfection

conceptions (Auffassungen), §15n2

two re: developments in new Christian life, §88.1, §88n3

concepts (Begriffe), §15n2

doctrinal, §19n6

formation & combination of, §13P.S.

mediatorial, §59n7

vs. notions, §60n15

positive, def., §61n25

psychological & ethical factors, §19n6

confession (ὁμoλoγία)

of belief, nominal, §13n29

private, §19.3

vs. proclamation, §16.1

confessions, confessional symbols, §108.1, §109.1, §109.3, §111.2, §112n8, §112.3, §145.2, §156.1

appeal to Evangelical, §27

Bekenntnisschriften, def., §27n5

as brief embodiment of doctrine referring back to Scripture, §135.1

Evangelical church can no longer prize adherence to the ecumenical, §154.2

Scripture interpretation in, §25P.S.

See also Creeds and Confessions Index

confidence, §111.1

confirmation, §138.2, §141.2, §143.2

conflict, §83.1, §145.2

inner, §84n29

need to settle, §16.2, §16n8, §121.2

resolving apparent, §18.2

connection (Verbindung) or union

with Christ, without it no righteousness before God, §104.3, §104n16

vs. other related terms, §104n16

conscience (Gewissen), §6.2

awakened, sharpened, §83.2, §163P.S.

bad conscience, §68.2

collective life proper locus for, §83.2

def. of, §83.1

not the same as appearance of God-consciousness, §83.1

only through, does a state become sin for us, §83.1

Redeemer had only a silent, §83.2

conscious interconnectedness with God in & through world, §62n5

conscious life, nature of lies in free will, §81.2

consciousness (Besinnung), full, in every instance of, absolutely dependent, §36.1

consciousness (Bewußtsein), §5.1, §14n39, §24.2, §59.1, §69.2, §80.3

of being children of God, §124.1, §149.1

of being in need of redemption, §14.1

collective, §73n4

conditioned by memory, §161.1

defective, §147.1

of divine grace & peace is resting in divine good pleasure, §120.3

dreamy elements of, §5.1

each has for all & all for each, §149.1

entangled state of, §60.1

facts of, §28.2, §28n10

of fault & deserving punishment, §109.3

of forgiveness, one bears it as soon as one is conscious of existing within the new collective life, §111.3

general interconnectedness always postulated in, §30.1

of God, imperfect except Christ’s, §86n1

gradations of, §14n39

held in common, §88.3, §123.3

higher, §5n23, §86n1

highest form of life, §51.2

human’s early state akin to lower animals, §5.1

immediate Christian religious, §28.2

re: indwelling God-consciousness, §50.1

that the inner ground for averting, has been lacking, §98.1

of need for redemption, does not develop under dominion of flesh, §84.4

objective, §13P.S.

of ourselves, as locus for notions, concepts, truth, §34.1

peaceful, joyful, §108.2, §108n26, §108n28

reality-based, vs. fanciful §60n16

of redemption, the fundament of all other God-consciousness, §167.2

at rest, §98.1

subject-object entanglement of, §5.5, §6.1

unsullied human, §53.1

what occurs in the innermost ground of our, §118.2

See also religious consciousness; self-consciousness; sensory consciousness

consciousness of grace, §91, §113.1

contrast: consciousness of sin, §87.1

consciousness of penal desert, §84.4, §84n18

is to divine justice as conscience is to divine holiness, §84.2

consciousness of sin, §87.3, §100.1, §101.1, §109.2, §138.1

Christian religious, two elements in, §86.2

first attains full clarity through perception of Redeemer’s sinless perfection, §100.2

known only through consciousness of grace, §86.2

consciousness, personal,

collective &, when at one, §146.2

two features of experience, belonging to, & to shared consciousness, §88.3

consent, as work of grace, §108.6

to being in community with Christ becomes an active will, §112.1

contemplation, §56.6

levels of, §14n24

particular mode of, §50n24

of self & world in relation to God, §62n5

contrast, §5.1, §140.2

between preaching & legislative administration, §145.2

between sin & grace, §80

both members of, intermingle, §59.1

divine, is placed above all, §55.2

fades away at highest level of functioning, §5.1

faulty, §54.4, §54n18

features of, §23n7

of freedom & bondage, §74.3

free vs. necessary re: causality, §76.1

humans limited by, not free of, §32.2

natural evil & social evil, §75.2

none absolute in organic world vs. math, §41n27

opposites as form of, §51.1

re: what is humanly good & evil, §28.1

of sin & good work, §28.1, §111.1

spontaneity vs. receptivity, §55n2

tension in a, §23.3

contrition or remorse, §108.1, §108.2, §108.3

conversion, §11n9, §108, §109.4

can’t be conditioned by good works, §112.1

def., §107.1

misery not required to accomplish, §86n3

none occurs without mediation of the Word, §108.5

turning, beginning new course, §107.2

unimaginable without justification, §107.1

convert, self-initiated activity through intellect & senses, §108.6

converted, or turned, §70n20

conviction, §2n14, §3.4, §19.1, §27P.S., §42.2, §46.2, §108n20

via defined perception, §13.1, §13n17

objective, §14n38

a quite firm one that one’s own impression is right is no ground of proof, §88.1

ways it can be bolstered, §68n19


between divine causality & human sensory drive, §81.3

God’s, meanings of, §46P.S.

cooperative deed (Mittat), §63n6

copestone (Schlußtein), §170n12

coposited (mitgesezt), §34n7

correlate factors that are, §11.3

tacitly, §108.1

copula (i.e. “is”), is a modality, §82P.S.

created world is good, §41n20, §76n1

creating & sustaining activity in Christ & God, §100.2

creation (Schöpfung), §40, §41, §41n26

all is already ordered vis-à-vis redemption, §164.1

Erschaffung, §61n30

vs. generation, §41.1, §41n15

Mosaic story of, §36.2, §39.1, §40.2, §59P.S.

no instrument or means for, §40.1

not given immediately in self-consciousness, §36.1

refers chiefly to particular things, §38.1

Reformers saw OT account as historical, §40.2, §40n8

reliable because God preserves it as a whole, §57n1

Schaffen, §41n26

Schöpfung, §41n26, §61n30

supplement to concept of preservation, §36.1, §36n7

why doctrine of, precedes preservation, §39.2

creation, new. See new creation

creation of humanity

divided in two moments, §89.2

first completed in Christ, §97.4, §104.4

creation-preservation, doctrine of distinction without real difference, §79n11, §36.2, §39.3

norm for, §37.3

reasons to treat separately, §49P.S.

creedal symbols or documents, §82.1, §82.3, §84n22

authority invested in, §45P.S.

derived from biblical witness to redemption, §27n2

See also confessions, confessional symbols; Index of Creeds and Confessions

critical attention to what has currency, §19, §19n1

critical fruitfulness, of a dogmatic proposition, §17.2

critical realist mode, §60n18

critical work, §2n2

skeptical &, needed the more speculative, §50.1

criticism, higher, §14n36

art of interpretation &, principles of, §97.2

culture (Bildung), §103n40

currency (geltend, Gültigkeit), §1n4, §9.2, §11n24, §16.2, §19, §60n12, §61.4, §129.1, §158.2

array of views gaining greatest, §140.4

of Christ’s commands, §105.1

in the church, §27.1, §39.3, §39n7, §65.2, §80.1, §93.5

from church’s public proceedings, §19.3, §19n10

criteria for, §25.1

def. of, §14n36, §19n1

of differences in disputes, §23.3

vs. doctrines not public yet Christian, §19.3

in dogmatic treatment of shared piety, §19.3

in the Evangelical church, §37.2, §64.1, §88.1, §91.1, §140.1

general type of, §19.4

given as false subsumptions under proper maxims, §149.3

granting restrictively, §95.1

how one view gains greater, §88.1

within a larger compass, §17.1

limitation of doctrine not a criterion for, §19.2

of movements must always remain object of probing, §135.2

never declarable by a particular act, §25P.S.

not giving rise to schism or division, §19.3

in one’s experience, §94n13

proclamation constantly has, in the church, §105.2

proper, §78.2

public, considered a given, §19.4

within a shared domain, §69.2

used as providing only, not total validity, §84n6

what has it now may not be acknowledged later, §145.2

custom (Sitte), §24n6

comprises all modes of action & all religious action, §88n17, §101n4

ethical theory &, §24n9

Dankbarkeit, thanksgiving or gratitude, §146n3

Dasein. See existence


Christ’s relation to, §98.1

condition at, simply an intermediate point, §119.3

does not bring grace to an end, §119.3

dying & afterlife, §81n50, §158, §118

is not the wages of sin, §98.1

decree, divine, §82n11, §104.4

actualized through Redeemer in one point of space & period of time, §97.2, §104n16

always in process of fulfillment, §89.3

best denoted by “new creation” less by redemption, §89.1

contra an aggregate of many, §90.2, §90n2

not dependent on a human foreknowledge in God, §120.4

proposition that expresses a, does not express immediate self-consciousness, §90.2

surety re: natural & redemptive order, §117.4

unity of, §89.3

decree, divine, one single eternal, §12.2, §12n8, §14n31, §41n19, §55.3, §80n9, §84n17, §84n22, §88n18, §94.3, §104n16, §109.3, §120.4

decree of election, includes faith, §120.2

deed (Tat), §10P.S., §13.1, §61n3, §83.1, §110n17

something that really happens, §149.3

vs. Akt, §81n28

definiteness (Bestimmtheit), §16.2, §17n6, §18.1

def. of, §16n1

definition (Erklärung), §44n3

by aggregate of differences, §24.2

contents of particular, §50.1

of dogmatics, §15n2

of God & world independent of faith-doctrine, §40.1, §40n6

most dogmatic, §16P.S.

negatively, §24.2

role of, §16.2

deity (Gottheit)

“being” better than “nature” for, §96.1

in communion with, §8n32

found in selves & world alike, §8n22


condition of partial, §54.1

of evil on sin must be demonstrated experientially, §77

of finitude on one supreme being, §8

on God, §38.2, §47, §48.2

highest meaning of, §4n9

occurs as one has confidence in another, §4n13

vs. passivity, §51.1

on Supreme Being vs. highest collectivity, §8.1

spread between partial & total, §8n10

stages of, §4n9

See also feeling of absolute dependence

dependent, finding oneself-to-be absolutely, §32

depiction (Veranschaulichung), def., §96.2, §96n31


popular & poetic, carry into dogmatic, §53.2

reasons for separating, §90.1


Augustine’s use of, §61.5, §61n45

readiness to succumb to sensory, §72.2

that wills not to miss any opportunity, §73.2

development, §28n5, §33.1, §74.2, §81.2, §110.1, §159.1, §159.2

all inner Christian, proceeds from faith & its action through love, §112.5

child, §61.3, §61n17

Christ’s saving activity suggests concept of, §159.1

in force of God-consciousness, §83.2

interconnection of old & new stages of, lies in unity of divine thought, §88.4

node of, §38.1

peoples stuck at lowest stage of, §33.2

of religious self-consciousness, §59n3

deviations (Abweichungen), §80n16

dubious, §108.3, §108n36

devil, §41n27, §43.1, §43n2, §45, §45n26, §72.3, §80n17, §81n10, §81n11

devotion, contains blessedness only when becomes thought or deed, §87.2

devotional life, inner religious, §15n11

devoutness (Andacht), vs. mere sensory mirth or sadness, §15.1

devout reflection, §38.1

dialectic, §72n21, §85n1

aim of knowing in, §28n16

on the art of philosophy, §5n3

def., §28n16, §28n18

includes epistemology, metaphysics, logic, §60n18

required for theologically scientific work, §85n1


comparing alternative notions, §27.4

definition, in the ancient sense, §28.1

explication, §102.1

dialectical language

features of, §28.2

too defined for any but dogmatic discourse, §28.2

dialogue, implicit, §59n22


def. of, §15n11, §16n8

descriptively, vs. directly stimulative, §19.4

discourse, §52.1, §85n1

expression, features of, §18.3

is released from vagueness & ambiguity, §18.2

religious type language a special domain, §28.1

shaped into well-formed series, §18.3


Differenz, a marked difference without qualifications, §56n15

essential vs. incidental, §9.1

external, determined by time & space, §11.1

inborn, help constitute a distinctive personal existence, §69.1

posit in finite being, not in God, §53.1

relatively vanishing, §10.3

Verschiedenheit, presupposes significant qualifications, §56n15

dignity (Würde) that attaches to an office, §105n5

discernment or insight (Einsicht), §46n3, §68.1, §68n1, §68n2

becomes a governing command, §68n4

discipleship rests on evocation of the word that is that Word re: Father, Son & Spirit, §137.1

disciples of Jesus, §14P.S., §14n40

in Christ’s lifetime could not baptize in the name of the Holy Spirit, §137.1

community among, manifested as Holy Spirit, only after Christ gone, §122.3

didn’t see Christ’s promises were fulfilled in days after resurrection, §160

during Christ’s life they had new life merged with desire to receive from him, §122.3

entered a process of continuing Christ’s community-forming activity, §122.3

expected fulfillment at end of things human on earth, §160

proclamatory presentations of, §129.2

recognized Christ as son of God before resurrection or ascension, §99.1

recognized their receptivity to Spirit in Christ’s company, §122.1

reports re: Christ not available to us on some subjects, §159.2

represented only the external circle of preparatory grace, §122.3

they each moved from receptivity re: Christ into self-initiated activity of imitation & beyond, §122.3

when mere reporters, may be mistaken, §99.2


practical & popular, §55n1

presentational-didactic, §16

rhetorical, §16.1

relations among three modes of, §15.2

well-defined, §15.1

what poetic & rhetorical offer, §17n6

diseased conditions, §21.1, §139.2

spiritual functions under sway of, §81.2, §81n25

disposition, (Gesinnung), def., §72n59

dispute, conduct of, §103.4

distinctive nature (eigentümlichen Wesen), of Christianity, §11n1, §19n8

distinctiveness (Eigentümlichkeit), of religious stirrings, §10n22

divine, the

a powerful impetus of, in Christ the only determinate, in us less, §124.2

implanting, an eternal act of, §13.1, §13n14

divine activity

creative, §94.3

initiating, is supernatural but human receptivity can make it historically natural, §88.4

divine attribute(s), §8n33, §§50–56, §92.2

always inaccurate, §51.1

articulate only some relations to world, §50.2, §82P.S., §82n18

as composite presenting knowledge of divine being, §50.2

correspond to elements of religious self-consciousness, §50.3

deny similarity between divine & finite causality, §56.1

designate how feeling of absolute dependence refers to God, §50, §50.3, §64.2

experienced via divine-human encounter, §13n30

identity/unity of four, §51.2, §51n8

inadequate to convey God in se, §64n9

as modalities assigned to divine causality, §82P.S., §82n17

must permit being thought of without limits, §56n9

oneness, infinity & simplicity, §56

in Part One, not a description of God’s nature, §56P.S., §56n24

place of holiness & justice in re: wisdom & love, §84n31

re: God’s internal life, formal or negative, §50.3, §50n21

re: sin can’t diverge as sin & grace do in Christian self-consciousness, §79.2

revelation of, cannot divide, §118.2

speculative elements excluded from explication of, §50.2, §90.2

statements about, proceed from relationship with divine, §64.2

three methodological paths for, §50.3, §50n10

usual ordering of hides their relationship to basic facts of piety, §31.2

whole doctrine of God not done until whole set completed, §31.2

divine being is one being, everywhere self-identical, §125.1

divine causality, §49.1, §53.1, §80.4

absolutely living, §55.1, §76.1

apprehended in self-consciousness as feeling of absolute dependence, §171.4

contrasts with finite & natural causality, §49.2, §51.1, §51n4, §81.2

defined in relation to sin’s persistent presence, §79.1, §79n7

force ordering a connection of evil with actual sin in the state of common susceptibility to sin, §84

hypostatizing co-existence &, §53.2

interconnected process of nature &, §51.1, §54

no division or contrast in it, §164.3

One in the all, §8n1

presents itself as love & wisdom, §165

same compass as totality of natural causality, §51.1

should not be parceled out among the persons but only proximately, §171.4

timeless & nonspatial, §52.1, §52n6, §52n7, §53P.S.

in what is originative, §10P.S.

divine communication

a particular, to which grace is ascribed but sin lacks, §80.1

status of, §10P.S.

divine cooperation, §47.2, §48.3, §48n12, §79.1

evil &, §48.3

preservation, absolute dependence &, §48.3

divine decree. See decree, divine

divine economy, vs. in se, §41n27

divine force, communicated by means of our God-consciousness, §80.2

divine generativity, always as part to whole not means to end, §168.1

divine good pleasure

election determined solely by, §120

object of, §112.3, §120.3

as ultimate ground for ordering, §117.4, §120.1, §120.3

divine government of the world, §13n16, §14n41, §46P.S., §46n18, §48n5, §84n5, §88n18, §117, §117.2, §146.1, §146.2

in it everything is integrally conditioned by everything else, §163P.S.

is manifested in harmonious ordering of redemptive domain, §165.1

one causality, directed to one aim: development of church or reign of God, §164.3

two periods in: before & after divine-human union in Christ, §164.2

divine holiness, §83, §83n4, §84.4

divine justice &, §107.1, §167.2

divine impetus

for Christ as prophet, §103.2

to conformity with what Christ has been & done & how, §124.2

divine indwelling, acknowledging, §13.2

divine influence, §47.2, §109.1

divine interventions, supernatural doctrine of occasional, §81n49

divine justice, §84.2, §86.2

def., §84

dispenses only rewards, §84.1

locus of, §84.4

ordained the connection that exists between sin & evil, §104.4

relation to church doctrines, §84n23

relation to divine holiness, §84.4, §84n28

satisfied by Christ’s free surrender in suffering & death, §104.4

why readiness to remit sins is assigned to, §85.2

divine knowing, is knowing what is willed & generated by God, §55.1, §55n10

divine legislation & distribution,

designated as divine wisdom, §84.1

their perfection can’t be described as justice, §84.1

divine love, §64n9, §§166–167

in Christ aligns sense perception to spiritual states once & forever, §97.3

everything exists only insofar as it could be an object of the, §169.2

not inferable from advancements of life made at the expense of others, §166.1

only benevolent & protective, §166.1

we have it directly in consciousness of redemption, §167.2

wherein divine being communicates itself in redemptive activity, §166

why it alone among attributes can be equated with God’s being or nature, §167.1, §167.2

why it is the term that directly generates wisdom, §168.1

See also “God, is love”; God, love of

divinely wrought, same as divinely derived from Christ, §87.3

divine mercy, §71n31, §86.2, §100.3

more suited to homiletics & poetry than to dogmatics, §85

why it is mythological, §85n11

divine nature, §97.2, §97n3

in Christ & Holy Spirit, equated in most definite way possible with divine nature in se, §170.1

uniting of, with human nature in Christ & via church’s common spirit, §170.1

divine ordering of the world, §117.3, §119.1. See also divine government of the world

divine presence, referred to causal activity of finite being, §53.1, §53n4

divine principle, §125.1

operation of the, on Christ’s spiritual organ, §103.2

divine recompense, §84.1, §84n10

limited use of concept, §82n19

divine revelation in the soul, a work of the Spirit, §122.1

divine self-communication, occurs among persons of faith in the work of redemption, §100n3

divine sending, of a founder, §10P.S.

divine Spirit. See Holy Spirit

divine summonses, §61.4

divine thought, unity of, §88.4, §88n18

divine Threeness, §§170–172

divine will

never determined by worthiness of a person, yielding reward or punishment, §116.2

object of, is world in totality of its development, §54.4, §96.1

producing collectivity of finite God-consciousness, §81.1

divine wisdom, §46n15, §64n9

active principle in God’s ordering & determining world for redemption, §84n5

is ground of the world being theater of redemption, absolute revelation of Supreme Being, & thereby good, §169

no division in, including none re: presentations, works of communication & divine deeds, §168.1

omniscience &, both attributes bear the same relationship to divine love, §168.1

divine working within a human, §109.1

divine wrath, contra notions of, §84.3, §84n26

Docetic heresy, §22, §93.3, §97.2, §100.3, §158.2

def. of, §22.2, §96.2

denies reality of Christ’s body, §22.2

doctrinal features, brought from other modes of faith, §21.1

doctrinal formulations, appear as a complete whole, §28.2

doctrinal propositions (Lehrsätzen), §10n18, §15n1

description of the three forms of, §35

human life, God’s activity, world’s make-up, §26.1, §30, §30n1

interconnected structure of, §27n3

what gives warranty to, §27n4


actually presented in Part Two, §10n28

authority or valid standing of, in church, §93.5

held in common, purpose for, §25.2

incoherent re: Christ, def. of, §92.2

presuppositions slip into unconsciously, §95.1

See also faith-doctrine

doctrine, body of (Lehrbegriff), §20.1, §20n4

brought to an integral whole, §18.3

church’s, development of, §27.1

church’s, systematic arrangement required, §28.2

dialectical tie to philosophy, §18.3, §19n6

Inbegriff, def., §27n1

Lehrgebäude, §27n6

points of, more exactly defined, §25.2

points of demarcation structured in all, §22.3

realizing a structure of, §21

doctrine, Christian

Christ’s self-proclamation the source, §19P.S.

def. of, §18.3

faith-doctrine, constitution of, §26.2

doctrine, ecclesial, §36, §101.3, §104.4

critical assessment of, §61.5, §81

is product of conflicts, §95.1

tends to ban equality of all sins, §74.1, §74n8

vacillation between heretical tendencies, §65.2

doctrine, prophetic. See prophetic doctrine

doctrine, system of, §8n33, §27.1. See also doctrinal propositions (Lehrsätzen)

doctrine of last things

includes church’s consummation & souls in afterlife, §159

not of same value as genuine faith-doctrines, §159

dogma, generally acknowledged teachings, §27n1

kernel of all: “we have seen his glory,” §14n37


domain, subject is self-consciousness, §58.1, §58n1

explications, §28P.S.

features, fragmentary or chaotic before conjoined, §20.1

form, basic, is description of human states, §30.2

purely, meaning of, §36.2, §36n8

dogmatic language, §49.2

alleviates dangers inherent in one-sided usage, §124.3

correctness of, §17.2

vs. other kinds, §95n1

dogmatic presentations

accessible & perspicuous, §20.2

contra individualistic content, §19n11

freer vs. austere scholastic forms, §99.P.S.

must show doctrines in their relation to be scientifically complete, §96.1

no external domain of its own, §28.2

not a science with self-derived principles, §28.2

religious states of mind & heart essential, §19.4

scientific interconnectedness alone inadequate, §19.4

dogmatic procedures, §50.3

remaining within bounds of, §50.1

dogmatic propositions, §16P.S.

are to contain only expressions of our Christian self-consciousness, §139.1

basic form easily draws deviations from the others, §35.1, §35.3

def. of, §16

other two forms explicated via the first, §30.2

ours express only what is same now as from earliest Christian piety, §113.2

overall procedure for, §18P.S.

principle to combine & arrange, §20

rule for adopting or excluding, §20

three forms of, §64, §65.2, §84n23, §90.1

twofold: ecclesial & scientific, §17

viewed directly, §1.2


Evangelical: sure, comprehensive, §24.2

what most seem not to notice, §23n7


actual truth vs. ecclesial opinions, §19P.S.

arrangement (Anordnung) in, §27.4, §28.2, §28n11

can form own terminology, §19P.S.

compared with On Religion, §58n1

def. of, §1, §1n4, §§2–19, §15n2, §19

dialectical nature of its language, §28

ethical half of, §14n1, §48n1

excise everything heretical from, §21

justifiably in two parts, not necessarily, §26n2

method of, §§20–31

must presuppose faith, §19.4

needs theory of biblical interpretation, §27.3

no selecting various proofs, §33.3

not concern only of clergy/scholars, §20n12

not simultaneously apologetic, §19.1, §19n8

philosophy &, mistaken for each other, §33.3, §33n23

purifying, improving doctrine, §19P.S.

re: Christian faith & ethics, §1.1, §16n8, §26, §27n1, §78n3

relationship to Christian piety, §15

relies on rules of dialectic, §39n4

retain what has ecclesial merit, §21

scientific status essential to it, §28

scriptural, §27.4

dogmatics, Protestant,

creedal commentary nears Roman dogmatics, §27.4

criteria for being ecclesial, §27.4

domain of piety, §10.1, §42.2, §76.1

doctrines in, can surpass Christ’s words, §93.5


Botmäßigkeit, def., §84n29

as holding sway, §68n22

Donatists, §137.3, §137n28