Abelard, Peter (1079–1142), §54n10

Abraham, §12.2, §156.3

Academy of Sciences, Berlin, §59n22

Ambrose (ca 339–397), §60n26, §66n12, §72n12, §72n53

Ambrosiaster (dates unknown), §72n53

Ammon, Christoph Friedrich (1766–1849), §83n12

Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109), vi, §41(5), §41.1, §41n12, §50n3, §55n14, §55n15, §60n18, §77n1, §170n24

Aquinas, Thomas (1225–1274), §27n1, §47n17, §55n33

Aristotle (384–322 BCE), §14n17, §28n7, §50n4, §96n19, §112n18

Athanasius (ca. 300–373), §97n6, §99n8, §171n9

Augusti, Johann Christian Wilhelm (1771–1841), §96n2

Augustine (354–430), §52.2, §54n33, §61.5, §61n45, §66n12, §70.2, §74n39, §76n6, §81n14, §111n12, §118.1, §137n28

“Admonition and Grace,” §72n19, §74n23, §111n6, §118n8

Against Julian, §73(2), §73n2

The City of God, §41(8), §41n8, §41.2, §55n46

Confessions, §41n13, §52n7,

Eighty-three Different Questions (388–396), §53n5, §53n12

The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Charity (421), §54n10, §54n37, §70n19, §72n9, §109n36, §119n23

Epistolae classis (411–430), §53n5, §53n13

“Homilies on the Gospel of John,” §56n21

The Literal Meaning of Genesis (404–417), §52n8, §53n15, §123n5

Of True Religion (ca 388–395), §33n23, §66n14

On Diverse Questions to Simplicianus (ca 395–397), §55n17, §55n27, §55n29

On Faith and Works, §151n4

On Genesis against the Manichees, §41(9), §41n9, §41.2, §52n6, §52n11, §72n13, §72n62

On Music (387–391), §52n11

The Spirit and the Letter (412), §74n24, §74n37

The Trinity, §50n3, §171n10, §171n11

To Simplicianus. See On Diverse Questions

Barclay, Robert (1648–1690), §136n14, §139n12, §140n10

Basil of Caesarea (ca 330–379), §54n8, §171n9

Bauer, Johannes, §70n22, §104n53, §105n8, §110n10, §121n5, §122n1, §123n11, §124n10, §157n3, §160n9, §160n13, §165n1

Baumgarten, Siegmund Jacob (1706–1757), §74n20, §74n25

Baumgarten-Crusius, Ludwig Friedrich Otto (1788–1843), §3n5

Bellarmin, Roberto Francesco Romolo (1542–1621), §61n47

Berlin, Schleiermacher’s pastorates in, §19n9

Blair, Hugh, xxii

Boekels, Joachim, §16n15

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (ca 480–524), §14n17, §52n7

Böhm, §25n5

Brandt, James, §80n14, §112n8

Braniss, Christlieb Julius (1792–1873), §14n37

Bretschneider, Karl Gottlieb (1776–1848), §19n13, §105n7, §161n13

Britain, §61n36

Buddeus, Johann Franz (1667–1729), §47n17, §83n17

Bullinger, Henry (1504–1575), §37n3

Calvin, John (1509–1564), §36(3), §36n3, §38(1), §38n7, §40.2, §40n8, §43n3, §44n5, §45.2, §45n20, §55n11, §61n36, §72n47, §73n13, §81n14, §108.4, §108n45, §109n34, §119.3, §119n14, §119n17, §119n20, §120n30, §140.4, §140n15, §141(6)

Caygill, Howard, §67n5

Chrysostom, John (ca 347–407), §43n8, §98n18

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 BCE.), §71n25

Clemen, Carl, xxvii, §25n1, §52n4, §55n1, §72n56, §74n13, §74n36, §75n9, §104n5, §104n58, §110n13, §119n18

Clement of Alexandria (ca 150–ca 215), §3n10, §12n11, §33(3), §33n5, §41n22

Cochrane, Arthur C., xxvii, §109n25

Cross, George, xix

Cudworth, Ralph (1617–1688), §52n12

Daub, Carl (1763–1836), §170n25

Delbrück, Ferdinand (1772–1848), §4

DeVries, Dawn, xxvii, §84n26, §85n11, §103n14, §147n9, §161n12, §161n15, §163n7

DeWette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht (1780–1849), §61n19

Dewey, John, §5n37

Dionysius the Areopagite (= Pseudo-Dionysius), §50n3

Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Berlin), §28n5

Duke, James and Francis Fiorenza, §22n11

Eberhard, J. A. (1739–1809), §9n14

Eckermann, Rudolph (1754–1837), §52n13

Eisler, Rudolf, §64n8, §67n5

Endemann, Samuel (1727–1789), §50n7

England, §10n17, §91n1

Erigena, John Scotus (ca 810–ca 877), §55n11, §55n12

Ernesti, Johann August (1707–1781), §104.6, §104n70

Eusebius (ca. 260– ca. 340), §131n7

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1764–1814), §5n12, §28n7, §61n20

Flacius, Matthias (1520–1575), §72n26

France, §10n17, §91n1

Franke, August Hermann (1663–1727), §108n35

Freud, Sigmund (1856–1940), §69n7, §155n5

Fries, Jakob Friedrich (1773–1843), §28n7

Geiseler, Johann Carl Ludwig (1792–1854), §22n11

Gerhard, Johann (1582–1637), §47n21, §53n16, §53n17, §53n20, §54n16, §54n27, §54n33, §54n34, §55n32, §55n33, §66n12, §72n20, §97n7, §97n29, §97n30, §108n62, §109n28, §120n15, §136n4, §137n14, §137n19

Germany, §91n1

Gethsemane, §42.1

Gregory Nazianzus (ca. 329 – 390), §171n6, §171n9, §171n13

Grimm, Jacob, and Wilhelm Grimm, §55n9, §77n10

Hahn, August (1792–1863), §22n11, §25n1

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831), §28n5, §28n15

Henke, Heinrich Philipp Conrad (1752–1809), §83n10

Herrnhuter Brethren, §28n7, §96n10, §104n41, §126n1, §141n19, §170n1

Herz, Henrietta, §77n8

Hess, Johann Jakob (1741–1828), §104n39, §104n41

Hilary of Poitiers (ca 315–367), §41(4), §41(7), §41.1., §41n12, §50n3, §53n11, §53n15, §55n15, §83n17, §97n29

Hippolytus (ca 170 – ca 236), §36n1, §37n15, §41n17, §99n8, §160n3

Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1674), §8n16

Hopkins, Jasper. See Anselm

Hugh of Saint Victor (1096–1141), §72n58, §74n10

Hunnius, Nikolaus (1563–1643), §22n11

Irenaeus (ca. 130– ca. 200), §131n7

James, William, §5n37

Jerome (Hieronymus, 342–420), §72n53

John of Damascus (ca 675 – 749), §41(2), §41n11, §41n18, §52n10, §53n4, §53n10, §54n14, §54n39, §55n36, §66n12, §96n21, §97n6, §97n28, §97n39, §97n42, §97n53

Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), §15n2, §28n5, §28n7, §61n16, §64n8, §67n5, §72n59, §152n6

Karmiris, Johannes, §141n20

Keller, Adelbert von, §77n10

Kienzle, Kathleen and Beverly Mayne Kienzle, xiii, §32n16, §33n3, §36n2, §41n24, §46n8, §46n12, §46n13, §46n14, §47n15, §47n16, §50n7, §52n12, §53n17, §53n22, §54n10, §54n16, §54n27, §54n28, §54n29, §54n34, §55n11, §55n12, §55n15, §55n46, §56n1, §56n10, §56n12, §59n23, §61n34, §61n35, §61n48, §70n7, §70n25, §71n7, §71n10, §71n12, §72n38, §72n53, §72n58, §74n8, §74n20, §74n21, §74n23, §74n35, §74n40, §80n6, §81n4, §81n6, §81n38, §82n3, §83n10, §83n12, §83n16, §97n2, §108n5, §108n6, §108n19, §111n5, §119n2, §119n19, §120n15, §130n5, §134n2, §137n3, §137n26, §138n6, §139n5, §140n11, §140n12, §141n14, §141n15, §141n20, §141n21, §141n22, §141n23, §143n5, §145n7, §156n6

Kierkegaard, Sören (1813–1855), §81n26

Lactantius (ca 240 – ca 320), §56n8

Landsberg an der Warthe, §74n5

Lawler, Edwina, §15n9, §74n17, §103n22, §104n45, §165n1

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716), §28n5, §59P.S., §59n22

Leith, John H., §36n1, §99n8

Lübeck, §22n11

Lücke, Friedrich (1791–1855), §22n11

Luther, Martin (1483–1546), §40.2, §40n4, §40n8, §41(3), §41.1, §41n12, §41n14, §41n25, §42n10, §43.1, §43n1, §43n5, §44n1, §44n2, §44n4, §61n43, §71(6), §71n6, §72n11, §77n10, §103.4, §103n38, §104n35, §105.3, §108n42, §108n48, §108n59, §108n62, §112(2), §112n15, §127n3, §131(1), §131n1, §136n17, §137(2), §137n2, §137(4), §137n4, §138(2), §138n2, §140(3), §140.2, §140.3, §140.4, §140n3, §140n9, §141(1), §161n14

Manes (ca 216–270), §76n6

Marheineke, Philipp Konrad (1780–1846), §28n5, §141n17

Melanchthon, Philipp (1497–1560), §27n1, §32n16, §33(1), §61n48, §63n9, §66n12, §70n7, §70n25, §71(10), §71n10, §71n12, §72n26, §73(1), §73n1, §73n8, §74n8, §74n15, §74n20, §74n21, §74n26, §80n6, §81(3), §81n4, §81n38, §108(4), §108(5), §111n5, §119(1), §119n2, §119n19, §134(2), §134n2, §137(3), §137n3, §139n5, §141(5), §141n14, §141n15, §143.2, §143n5, §145(6), §145n1, §156.1, §156n6

Repetitio Confessionis Augustanae (1551), §70(6), §108(4)

Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–1786), §10n21

Michaelis, Johann David (1717–1791), §59n23

Migne, Jacques-Paul (1800–1875), xxvii

Mohammed, §11.4, §32.3

Morus, Samuel Friedrich Nathanael (1736–1792), §41n24, §46n12, §46n14, §47n16, §46n18

Moses, §11.4, §12.1, §12.2, §32n17, §40n8

Mosheim, Johannes Laurentius (1694–1755), §44n5, §47n12, §50n7, §50n18, §52n12, §53n22, §54n29, §55n44, §56n1, §56n10, §56n12, §56n18, §83n12

Müller, E.F. Karl, xxvii

Myconius, Oswald (1488–1552), §104n35

Nemesius of Emesa (4th cent.), §38(2), §38n5, §38n7

Newton, Isaac, §59n22

Nicol, Iain, xxviii, §12n6, §14n31, §23n6, §82n15, §84n26, §101n10, §105n12, §105n33, §106n4, §107n9, §112n15, §118n1, §154n3, §163n7, p. 1042

Nicolaus de Lyra, §72n11

Niemeyer, Hermann (1802–1851), xxviii

Nitzsch, Carl Immanuel (1787–1868), §13n2, §14n22, §22n11, §26n2, §26n4

North American, §61n36

Oecolampadius, John (1482–1531), §104n35, §140n9

Origen (ca. 185 – ca. 254), §41(6), §41.2, §41n22, §72n15, §162.1, §162n3, §171.5, §171n19

Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662), §61n44

Pegis, Anton C. See Aquinas

Peiter, Hermann, xxiv, xxviii, §24n6, §33n5, §48n7, §74n17, §85n1, §98n6, §104n42, §105n7, §108n35, §112n8, §126n6, §161n13, p. 1042

Pelikan, Jaroslav, §72n11

Philips, Buran F., §100n7, §101n7

Philo (ca 25 BCE – ca 50), §40.2

Photius (ca 820–ca 891), §41(6)

Pisecius, Thomas (ca 1580–ca 1650), §53n18

Plato (ca 424–ca 348 BCE), §8n30

Polish Reformed clerics, §61n36

Porphery (ca 232 – 304), §14n17

Prosper of Aquitaine (ca 390–ca 463), §60n26. See also Ambrose

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A., §37n5

Prussian royal family, §28n7

Pseudo-Dionysius (5th cent.), §50n3,

Quenstedt, Johann Andreas (1617–1688), §46n8, §46n13, §47n15, §61n34, §61n35, §72.3, §72n38, §83n16

Rakov, §53n17

Redeker, Martin, xxviii, §2n2, §10n21, §33n25, §41n25, §42n3, §47n4, §50n18, §52n12, §53n20, §55n26, §55n38, §56n18, §57n12, §59n23, §66n12, §72n30, §74n39, §74n40, §81n31, §81n48, §85n1, §96n28, §97n49, §104n13, §104n37, §104n41, §104n42, §116n1, §118n20, §119n18, §120n4, §137n26, §139n12, §143n5

Rees, Thomas, §140n12

Reformers, §37.2, §40.2, §42.2

Reinhard, Franz Volkmar (1753–1812), §33n25, §42n3, §43n9, §47n12, §47n18, §50n18, §52n12, §52n22, §53n20, §54n39, §55n26, §55n38, §56n12, §56n18, §61n22, §72n30, §73n10, §74n35, §74n40, §81n48, §96n28, §97n2, §97n49, §104n37, §111n5, §118n20

Reinhold, Karl Leonhard (1743–1819), §28n7

Rufinus, §56n7

Sack, Karl Heinrich (1789–1875), §2, §2n2, §14n37

Schäfer, Rolf, xxviii, §2n2, §19n17, §41n12, §42n9, §72n20, §80n8, §81n31, §104n10, §104n13, §104n37, §104n42, §104n70, §107n5, §107n7, §116n1, §119n18, §120n4, §136n9, §139n8, §141n20, §158n7, §161n4

Schaff, Philip (1819–1893), xxviii

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph (1775–1854), §28n7

Schlegel, Friedrich, §5n12, §61n20

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst (1768–1834).

Aesthetik, §9n14, §100n3

Akademievorträge, §5n13, §25n9, §27n12, §168n3

Berliner Gesangbuch (1830), §45n30, §100n3, §135n2

Brief Outline of Theology as a Field of Study (1830), xvii, xx, xxv, xxvii, §1n4, §2, §2P.S.2, §2n2, §2n3, §2n5, §2n7, §2n8, §2n14, §7n13, §8n18, §8n27, §10n8, §10n41, §11n1, §11n5, §14n41, §19n2, §19n3, §19n4, §19n5, §19n6, §19n11, §19n12, §22n11, §23n5, §25n1, §25n8, §26, §26n2, §26n4, §27n4, §27n12, §28n17, §28n19, §28n21, §39n7, §45n24, §54n40, §55n10, §58n1, §60n27, §60n28, §61n1, §61n44, §72n69, §74n32, §78n3, §80n16, §82n5, §83n6, §85n1, §87n5, §108n56, §117n5, §121n3, §132n1, §133n2, §134n16, §138n12, §144n6, §147n17, §149n10, §151n6, §152n5, §169n11, p. 1041, 1042n8. See also Index of References to Brief Outline

Brouillon zur Ethik/Notes on Ethics (1805/1806), §9n7, §165n1

Christian Ethics, Christliche Sittenlehre: Vorlesung im Wintersemester 1826/27, §48n7, §56n6, §61n4, §63n2, §74n17, §78n3, §80n14, §83n6, §98n6, §103n16, §112n8, §120n28

Christian Faith, 1st ed., KGA I/7, xx–xxi, xxiv, xxvii, §8n1, §9n22, §13n11, §23n4, §24n1, §33n5, §41n24, §44n5, §47n4, §47n12, §50n7, §52n12, §53n17, §53n18, §53n20, §53n22, §54n10, §54n28, §54n29, §55n46, §56n1, §56n10, §56n12, §56n18, §57n12, §59n1, §59n23, §61n19, §74n36, §74n39, §75n9, §83n12, §85n1, §94n14, §100n3, §104n13, §104n42, §104n70, §105n7, §110n5, §112n23, §170n25, §171n4, §171n5, §171n6, §171n7, §171n14, §171n18, §172n1, §172n2, §172n3, §172n8, §172n9, §172n11

The Christian Household: A Sermonic Treatise, §61n17, §84n27, §105n33, §107n4, §109n18, §134n12, §134n20, §147n14

Christliche Festpredigten Bd. 1 & 2, §14n14, §97n17, §100n6, §103n21, §103n22, §103n39, §105n21, §117n14, §118n11, §121n1, §121n2, §122n4, §123n11, §137n16, §141n24, §149n4, §159n4, §161n12, §161n15, §163n12, §165n1, §169n1, p.1043

Christmas Eve Celebration, §19n12, §77n8, §100n3, §108n37, §120n25, Church Geography and Statistics, §1n4, §8n18, §74n44, §151n6, §152n5

Dialectic, §3n11, §5n3, §7n13, §8n27, §13n33, §14n39, §16n12, §28n15, §28n18, §33n20, §39n4, §39n5, §41n27, §50n2, §55n10, §67n5, §68n19, §85n1, §169n10, §172n8

on duty. See “Versuch über…Pflichtbegriffs”

educational writings, §84n27, §109n18

essay on shamefulness (1800), §61n12

essays on administrative work, §84n6

Fifteen sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher delivered to celebrate the beginning of a new year, §103n22, §103n45,

1 Timothy (1807), §45n3

Friedrich Schleiermacher on Creeds, Confessions and Church Union, xxvii, §23n6, §112n15, §154n3, §165n1

on hermeneutics & criticism (1829–1830), §60n22

Hermeneutics and Criticism and Other Writings. §25n9, §27n12, §60n22, §159n12

Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGA). See individual volumes in the series

The Life of Jesus (1832, 1864), §112n20

On Freedom, §112n15

On Religion: Addresses in Response to Its Cultured Critics (1799, 1806, 1821) (OR, On Religion), xvii, xx, xxviii, §2n2, §2n13, §3n13, §4n23, §5n4, §5n37, §6n3, §8n1, §10n1, §11n5, §15n11, §19n12, §20n3, §20n11, §34n10, §55n41, §57n13, §58n1, §60n6, §60n25, §61n16, §62n5, §70n20, §72n39, §72n68, §73n6, §74n28, §81n35, §84n22, §109n39, §111n13, §151n1, p.1040

Discourse I, §16n1

Supplemental note 1, §2n1, §127n4

Supplemental note 2, §9n22, §127n4

Supplemental note 4, §53n27, §62n5

Supplemental note 5, §8n12

Supplemental note 6, §20n3

Discourse II, §3, §3n2, §3n8, §4n9, §6n3, §8n12, §8n32, §10n25, §14n6, §28n15, §48n7, §50n5, §61n3, §110n20, §127n4, §170n1

Supplemental note 1, §7n13, §85n1, §170n1

Supplemental note 2, §62n5, §85n1

Supplemental note 3, §28n15, §62n5

Supplemental note 4, §15n11

Supplemental note 5, §85n1

Supplemental note 6, §85n1, §85n11

Supplemental note 7, §20n5

Supplemental note 8, §7n12

Supplemental note 9, §135n1

Supplemental note 10, §21n2, §23n2, §25n8

Supplemental note 11, §8n22

Supplemental note 12, §8n20, §9n22

Supplemental note 13, §2n12, §9n22

Supplemental note 14, §6n5, §60n1, §108n37, §110n20, §120n25

Supplemental note 16, §5n35, §14n22

Supplemental note 17, §63n2

Supplemental note 18, §4n23, §5n35

Supplemental note 19, §8n29, §62n5

Supplemental note 20, §76n14

Supplemental note 21, §8n29, §82n19

Discourse III, §4n9, §6n3, §8n27, §10n25, §14n6, §133n1, §134n21

Supplemental note 1, §9n20

Supplemental note 2, §8n27, §9n20, §9n22, §121n2

Supplemental note 3, §9n20

Supplemental note 4, §9n20, §14n5

Supplemental note 5, §62n5

Discourse IV, §10n25, §14n6, §100n3, §134n21

Supplemental note 1, §16n4, §125n2

Supplemental note 2, §8n27, §125n2

Supplemental note 3, §16n8, §125n2

Supplemental note 4, §16n8, §125n2

Supplemental note 5, §133n1

Supplemental note 6, §10n17, §87n5

Supplemental note 7, §10n7, §108n57

Supplemental note 8, §126n1, §135n1, §148n4

Supplemental note 9, §20n7, §134n13, §148n4

Supplemental note 10, §9n15, §134n13, §148n4

Supplemental note 11, §125n2, §148n4

Supplemental note 12, §27n2, §127n3, §141n16

Supplemental note 13, §128n7

Supplemental note 14, §2n2, §20n3, §20n12, §87n5, §108n37

Supplemental note 15, §27n2, §125n2, §148n4

Supplemental note 16, §87n5

Supplemental note 18, §2n10, §151n1

Supplemental note 20, §76n14, §87n5

Supplemental note 24, §151n1

Supplemental note 26, §106n14

Discourse V, §2n2, §4n9, §7n12, §7n13, §8n18, §10, §10n1, §10n12, §10n25, §12n4, §14n6, §101n24, §110n20, §134n21, §155n3, §170n1

Supplemental note 2, §71n28, §121n1

Supplemental note 3, §2n1

Supplemental note 4, §8n10, §8n20

Supplemental note 5, §10n7, §13n5, §13n21, §108n1

Supplemental note 6, §10n7

Supplemental note 7, §21n2, §25n8

Supplemental note 8, §14n5, §108n36

Supplemental note 9, §20n12, §170n1

Supplemental note 10, §108n57

Supplemental note 11, §6n2, §13n1

Supplemental note 12, §153n1

Supplemental note 13, §3n3

Supplemental note 14, §8n22, §96n13, §108n1, §110n20, §120n25

Supplemental note 15, §89n2

Supplemental note 16, §89n2

Supplemental note 17, §129n1

Supplemental note 18, §91n1


Supplemental note 1

Supplemental note 2, §134n20

Supplemental note 3, §24n1, §87n5

Supplemental note 4, §24n1, §87n5

“On the Condemnation in Our Confession of Those Who Believe Differently,” §82n15

On the Discrepancy between the Sabellian and the Athanasian Method of Representing the Doctrine of the Trinity (1822), §170n10

On the Doctrine of Election (1819), §8n32, §14n31, §118n1

On the Glaubenslehre (1829) (OG), xvii, xxviii, xxxi, §3n12, §5n15, §8n29, §11n4, §12n3, §12n10, §13n5, §13n21, §13n34, §14n2, §14n22, §14n34, §15n1, §16n1, §19n9, §19n12, §20n2, §20n5, §22n4, §22n11, §25n8, §28n7, §29n5, §30n10, §32n1, §50n2, §57n12, §61n32, §84n22, §84n31, §93n3, §99n15, §112n23, §125n2, §139n1, §172n10

Traulsen and Ohst edition of, §22n11

Oratio (Address) of Nov. 3, l830, §23n6, §112n15, p.1042

philosophical writings, §60n25

Die praktische Theologie, §28n21, §83n6, §84n6, §100n3, §117n5, §135n2

Psychologie. Aus Schleiermacher’s handschriftlichem Nachlasse und nachgeschriebenen Vorlesungen, §3n15, §7n5, §9n1, §72n59, §76n2, §55n41, §59n12, §72n59, §76n2

psychology of, §34n1

Reformed but Ever Reforming: Sermons in Relation to the Celebration of the Handing Over of the Augsburg Confession (1830), xxviii, §12n6, §25n8, §27n10, §82n15, §84n26, §101n10, §105n12, §105n33, §106n4, §107n9, §163n7

Sämmtliche Werke: Dritte Abtheilung zur Philosophie. Bd. 4.1 (history of philosophy lectures), §16n15

Schleiermacher’s Soliloquies, an English translation of the Monologen, with a critical introduction and appendix, §111n13, §165n1

Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher. See Wilson, Mary

Selections from Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Christian Ethics. See Brandt, James

Sermons, §60n25, §103n34

1790: §13n19, §93n16

1791: §147n4, §147n9, §163n13

1794: §121n5

1795: §93n16, §122n1, §161n12, §162n13

1796: §105n8

1797: §121n5, §157n3, §160n9, §165n1

1800: §104n53, §147n7, §147n16, §160n12, §168n4

1802: §93n16, §110n10, §163n7

1806: §84n15, §104n33, §105n13, §109n15, §110n10, §121n11

1807: §104n45

1809: §98n11, §105n26

1810: §7n16, §40n2, §93n30, §98n10, §103n22, §105n8, §121n10, §124n14, §124n15, §134n15, §137n9, §160n10

1812: §103n21, §105n21, §117n7, §122n4, §136n13, §159n4, §168n4

1818: §104n53, §107n4

1819: §103n32, §122n3, §122n7, §145n8

1820: §81n41, §103n39, §137n16, §145n26, §147n4, §147n9, §156n12, §160n13, §161n12, §162n13

1821: §14n14, §15n9, §87n2, §97n17, §100n6, §103n6, §103n14, §104n39, §104n35, §105n8, §112n30, §120n25, §120n28, §121n1, §121n2, §121n11, §124n1, §161n12, §161n15

1822: §8n21, §61n49, §70n14, §81n16, §87n2, §99n21, §99n25, §104n21, §105n49, §124n6, §161n15, §167n2

1823: §87n2, §89n12, §99n10, §99n20, §99n24, §103n32, §105n16, §109n6, §124n10, §128n9, §136n13, §147n20, §159n5, §160n9

1824: §86n4, §99n14, §99n16, §101n13, §103n8, §103n32, §104n25, §105n21, §116n3, §121n3, §121n9, §122n4, §123n11, §132n10, §136n5, §136n7, §137n15, §139n6, §159n4, §161n1, §163n10, §163n12, §165n1

1825: §76n9, §88n6, §98n3, §99n12, §99n13, §99n14, §99n22, §101n19, §103n14, §103n32, §103n33, §104n2, §104n49, §104n52, §137n15, §148n8

1826: §32n18, §99n14, §99n30, §100n9, §100n12, §101n19, §103n6, §103n22, §104n27, §104n33, §104n45, §104n52, §104n58, §105n13, §105n27, §107n4, §112n30, §122n1, §122n7, §123n9, §123n11, §130n11, §132n5, §136n16, §139n7, §139n11, §147n4, §147n9, §150n1, §162n9, §169n14

1827: §103n22, §110n10, §147n20, §159n4

1828: §103n22, §107n6, §159n4

1829: §104n21

1830: §12n6, §27n10, §82n15, §84n26, §87n2, §99n28, §100n5, §101n10, §103n32, §105n12, §105n33, §106n4, §107n9, §109n6, §112n15, §120n28, §121n4, §124n3, §125n10, §163n7

1831: §8n21, §100n7, §117n14, §119n11, §147n9, §164n1, §165n1, §167n2, §169n1

1832: §104n29, §105n31, §107n4, §118n11, §120n28, §122n7, §130n11, §141n24, §147n16, §148n8, §149n4, §160n9, §167n2

1833: §61n49, §70n24, §72n48, §120n28, §123n11, §124n8, §124n16, §147n9, §163n10, §163n12

1834: §120n28, §139n9

Servant of the Word: selected sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher. See DeVries, Dawn

Soliloquies (1800), §111n13, §165n1

Toward a Theory of Sociable Conduct (1799), §77n8

on translation (1813), §60n22

translations of Plato’s works, §82n17

“Über die wissenschaftliche Behandlung des Tugendbegriffes, 4. März 1819,” §168n3

“Versuch über die wissenschaftliche Behandlung des Pflichtbegriffs, 12. August 1824.” §5n13

Vorlesungen über die Dialektik. See Schleiermacher, Dialectic

Vorlesungen über die Lehre vom Staat, §24n1, §84n6

Schott, Heinrich August (1780–1835), §50n18

Schwartz, Eduard, §96n7

Schwarz, Friedrich Heinrich Christoph (1766–1837), xxxii

Smalcius, Valentinus (1572–1622), §53n17

Socinians, §53.2, §53n17, §55.3, §56n20, §61.4, §61n35

Socinus, Faustus (1539–1604), §52.2, §52n12, §55n46, §61n36

Socrates, §46n10

Sozini, Lelio Francesco Marina (1525–1562), §61n36

Steffens, Henrich (1773–1845), §3n5

Steudel, Johann Christian Friedrich (1779–1837), §42n1, §43n6

Storr, Gottlob Christian (1746–1805), §47n4, §47n13, §49n6

Switzerland, §61n36

Tappert, Theodore G., §111n6

Telfer, William. See Nemesius of Emesa

Templin, Alton, xiii, §53n18, §141n5

Theodoret of Cyrus (ca. 393–ca. 458), §171n9

Theologische Studien und Kritiken, §22n11

Theophilus of Antioch (2nd cent.), §53n12

Thönes, Carl, xxiv, xxviii, §3n9, §4n2, §4n6, §4n11, §4n11, §4n12, §4n13, §4n14, §4n15, §4n16, §4n17, §4n22, §5n2, §5n7, §5n10, §5n11, §5n14, §5n16, §5n23, §5n25, §5n36, §6n13, §6n14, §7n1, §7n2, §7n3, §7n12, §8n10, §8n18, §8n26, §8n30, §8n31, §9n2, §9n4, §9n5, §9n18, §9n19, §10n4, §10n5, §10n8, §10n12, §10n16, §10n17, §11n2, §11n25, §12n2, §13n2, §13n4, §13n6, §13n12, §13n13, §14n6, §14n22, §15n1, §15n8, §16n3, §16n7, §17n1, §17n6, §17n7, §20n9, §21n1, §23n7, §25n5, §25n10, §26n4, §27n3, §27n7, §27n9, §27n13, §27n15, §28n5, §28n6, §28n7, §28n8, §28n11, §28n12, §28n15, §28n17, §28n20, §32n2, §32n3, §32n4, §32n6, §32n9, §32n15, §33n2, §33n4, §33n5, §33n6, §33n15, §34n6, §34n11, §35n2, §35n4, §35n5, §36n7, §36n8, §37n9, §37n19, §42n1, §43n6, §45n7, §45n21, §45n23, §45n26, §48n1, §48n8, §50n1, §50n3, §50n6, §50n8, §51n6, §51n7, §52n1, §52n4, §52n10, §52n14, §53n6, §53n7, §53n9, §53n10, §53n11,§53n12, §53n13, §53n21, §54n2, §54n11, §54n15, §54n17, §54n31, §54n33, §54n38, §54n39, §55n1, §55n2, §55n3, §55n8, §55n9, §55n11, §55n12, §55n15, §55n16, §55n18, §55n24, §55n25, §55n29, §55n41, §56n3, §56n5, §56n9, §56n17, §56n22, §57n2, §57n10, §57n14, §59n1, §60n26, §61n1, §61n5, §61n7, §61n9, §61n13, §61n14, §61n19, §61n21, §61n25, §61n39, §61n46, §63n2, §63n6, §63n7, §63n10, §63n11, §64n1, §64n10, §64n11, §66n1, §66n3, §66n5, §66n6, §67n1, §67n2, §67n4, §67n5, §68n4, §68n5, §68n6, §68n7, §68n10, §68n11, §68n14, §68n15, §68n17, §68n18, §68n20, §68n23, §70n1, §70n8, §70n13, §72n21, §72n24, §72n26, §72n30, §72n33, §72n34, §72n55, §72n61, §72n64, §72n65, §72n66, §72n70, §73n4, §73n6, §73n11, §74n1, §74n4, §74n7, §74n9, §74n22, §75n1, §77n7, §78n1, §78n2, §78n4, §79n1, §79n3, §79n4, §80n1, §80n2, §80n13, §80n15, §81n1, §81n7, §81n14, §81n17, §81n19, §81n21, §81n22, §81n24, §81n32, §81n34, §81n37, §81n40, §81n42, §81n45, §81n47, §82n1, §82n9, §82n10, §82n11, §82n12, §82n13, §82n16, §83n5, §83n8, §83n9, §84n1, §84n2, §84n6, §84n12, §84n18, §84n20, §84n24, §84n28, §167n1

Tice, Terrence N., xiii, xxi, xxiv, §85n1, §85n12, §86n1, §101n24, §103n6, §112n8, §119n11

Greek or Latin translations by, §32n16, §33n3, §36n3, §37n7, §41n3, §41n6, §41n17, §41n24, §44n4, §44n7, §46n8, §47n4, §50n18, §52n10, §52n12, §53n18, §54n §54n10, §54n16, §54n27, §54n34, §54n39, §55n17, §55n26, §55n27, §55n29, §55n38, §55n46, §56n1, §56n18, §57n12, §59n23, §61n48, §68n14, §70n25, §71n3, §71n10, §71n12, §72n38, §73n8, §73n10, §74n15, §74n20, §74n23, §74n26, §74n35, §80n6, §96n5, §97n6, §97n21, §97n28, §108n5, §108n49, §111n6, §112n14, §120n15, §130n1, §130n3, §134n1, §134n2, §134n4, §137n26, §139n12, §140n1, §141n5, §141n14, §141n20, §141n21, §141n22, §166n3, §170n4, §170n5, §170n7, §171n2, §171n3

interpretations by, §5n4, §5n37, §60n28, §61n44, §165n11

Schleiermacher (2006), §5n38, §85n1, §86n1

trans. Schl’s works, xxvii–xxviii, §3n2, §8n21, §15n9, §61n16, §61n44, §68n19, §74n17, §84n27, §105n33, §107n4, §110n10, §165n1, §167n2, §171n4, §172n7, §172n11

Torrance, Thomas F., §36n3, §137n21, §141n25, §142n3, §147n3

Twesten, August Detler Christian (1789–1876), xxviii, §13n2, §14n6, §14n22, §108n5, §119n2, §134n2, §137n3, §139n5, §141n14, §145n1, §145n7, §156n6

Ullmann, Carl Christian (1796–1865), §22n11

Umbreit, Friedrich Wilhelm (1795–1860), §22n11

Unitarians, §10n17

University of Berlin, §19n9

University of Halle, §9n14

Valantasis, Richard, xiii, §41n17, §52n10

Varnhagen, Rachel von, §77n8

Vorstius, Conradus (1569–1622), §56n20

Walch, Johann Georg (1693–1775), xxviii, §41n25, §103n38, §108n35

Wegscheider, Julius August Ludwig (1771–1849), §54n28, §55n44, §104n70

Weishaupt, Adam (1748–1830), §108n55

Wilson, Mary F., xxviii, §8n21, §85n11, §86n4, §97n17, §100n6, §104n29, §147n7, §159n4, §165n1, §167n2, §169n1

Wittenberg, §22n11

Wolff, Christian (1679–1754), §28n5

Wordsworth, William (1770–1850), §158n3

Zimmer, Friedrich, §147n16, §160n9, §160n12, §163n7

Zwingli, Huldrych (1484–1531), §33(2), §127n3, §136n6, §136n12, §137n25, §140.4, §140n9, §140n11, §140n17, §143.1, §143n2