Adye, Sir John, ref1
al-Assad, Bashar, ref1 , ref2
al-Qaeda, ref1
Assessments Staff, ref1 , ref2
Berlin Airlift, ref1
Berlin Blockade, ref1 , ref2
Blair, Tony, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11
Bloody Sunday, ref1
Brook, Norman, ref1
Brown, Gordon, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Bulgaria, ref1 , ref2
Burma, ref1
Butler, Michael, ref1
Cameron, David, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Capel-Dunn, Denis, ref1
carrier pigeons, ref1
Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Central Intelligence Bureau, ref1
Central Interpretation Unit, ref1
‘Central Machinery for Co-Ordination of Intelligence’ report, 1936, ref1
China, ref1
economy, ref1
implications of intervention in Korea, ref1
possible courses of action in North Korea, ref1
reaction to war in Vietnam, ref1
relationship with Soviet Union, ref1
Chinese Communist Army, ref1
‘Chinese Communist Intention and Capabilities 1950/51’ report, ref1
Churchill, Winston, ref1 , ref2
CIA, ref1
Colonial Office, ref1
‘Colonial Security’ report, ref1
Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre, ref1
Cominform, ref1
‘Consequences of Deeper United States Involvement in Vietnam or United States Withdrawal from South Vietnam’ report, ref1
Cooper, Chester, ref1
Council for Mutual Economic Aid, ref1
Cradock, Percy, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Current Intelligence Groups, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Czechoslovakia, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
reform programme, ref1
Dill, John, ref1 , ref2
Dubcek, Alexander, ref1
East Germany, ref1 , ref2
Eden, Anthony, ref1 , ref2
‘Egyptian Nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company’ report, ref1
‘Elint’, ref1
Finland, ref1
Formosa, ref1
France, reaction to invasion of north Africa during World War II, ref1
Ground Forces in Indo-China, ref1
Freedman, Lawrence, ref1 , ref2
Freedom of Information Act, ref1
‘functional topics’, ref1
Galtieri, Leopoldo, ref1
GCHQ see Government Communications Headquarters
General Intelligence Requirements Committee, ref1
Germany, reaction to invasion of north Africa during World War II, ref1
reunification, ref1
significance during Cold War, ref1
Soviet policy on Germany, ref1
Gorbachev, Mikhail, ref1
Government Code and Cypher School, ref1
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Hague, William, ref1
Hankey, Maurice, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Heath, Edward, ref1
Herman, Michael, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Hooper, Robin, ref1
Hungary, ref1 , ref2
Hussein, Saddam, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Hutton Report, ref1
‘Indications of Russian Preparedness for War’ 1948 report, ref1
intelligence, definition of, ref1
Intelligence and Security Committee, ref1 , ref2
Annual Report 1995, ref1
intelligence failures, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
‘Intelligence Machine’ report, ref1
Intelligence Section (Operations), ref1
Intelligence Services Act 1994, ref1
Inter-Service Security Board, ref1
Inter-Service Topographical Department, ref1
Iraq War, ref1 , ref2
Iranian aims, ref1
post-war planning, ref1 , ref2
Shia reactions, ref1
‘Iraqi Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons – Possible Scenarios’ report, ref1
IRA, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Israel, ref1
Italy, reaction to invasion of north Africa during World War II, ref1
Joint Intelligence Committee
ability to adapt to developing situations, ref1
assessments of Soviet capabilities, ref1
balanced tone of forecasts, ref1
elevation to full committee status, ref1
end of the Cold War, ref1
decision to prioritise Soviet activity, ref1
discrepancies between JIC and COS statements, ref1
implications of creation of NSC, ref1
intelligence failures, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
media coverage, ref1
post-war planning, ref1
prediction of Cuban Missile Crisis, ref1
purpose, ref1
relationship with NSC, ref1
relationship with government policy, ref1 , ref2
relationship with policy-makers, ref1
role in World War ref1 , ref2
warnings over Vietnam, ref1
Joint Intelligence Staff, ref1 , ref2
Joint Technical Intelligence Committee, ref1
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, ref1 , ref2
Korean War, ref1
Latin America Current Intelligence Group, ref1 , ref2
Lever, Paul, ref1
Lewis, Julian, ref1
Lobban, Iain, ref1
Local Intelligence Committees, ref1
Macao, ref1
Malaya, ref1
Major, John, ref1 , ref2
Marshall Aid, ref1
McArthur, Douglas, ref1
‘Measures to Prevent the Russians Obtaining Strategic Surprise’ report, ref1
MI5, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
MI6, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Miliband, Ed, ref1
mirror imaging, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Nasser, Gamal, ref1
National Security Council, ref1 , ref2
North Korea, ref1
Northern Ireland, ref1
Catholics and Direct Rule, ref1
civil service, ref1
mood of Protestant community, ref1
Norway, German invasion of, ref1
and Soviet Union, ref1
Obama, Barack, ref1
Omand, David, ref1
open source intelligence, ref1 , ref2
Operation Torch, ref1 , ref2
JIC report on, ref1
Permanent Secretaries Committee on the Intelligence Services, ref1
Photographic Reconnaissance Committee, ref1
Poland, ref1 , ref2 , ref3
political intelligence, ref1
Political Warfare Executive, ref1
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, ref1 , ref2
‘Possible Soviet Response to a US Decision to Bomb or Invade Cuba’ report, ref1
Postal and Telegraph Censorship Department, ref1
‘Probably Reactions to the Introduction of Direct Rule in Northern Ireland’ report, ref1
Radio Security Services, ref1
Reilly, Patrick, ref1
Rimington, Stella, ref1 , ref2
Rimmer-Martin review, ref1 , ref2
Rumania, ref1 , ref2
Russia see Soviet Union
‘Russian preparations for war’ report, ref1
Russian psychology, ref1
‘Russia’s Strategic Interests and Intentions from the Point of View of Her Security’ report, ref1
Scarlett, John, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
security intelligence, ref1
Short, Clare, ref1 , ref2
Siam, ref1
‘Sigint Intelligence Requirements – 1948’ report, ref1
Signals Intelligence
South Korea, ref1
United Nations Forces in South Korea, ref1
‘Southern Iraq: What’s in Store?’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Grip on Eastern Europe’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Intentions and Capabilities 1949 and 1956/57’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Motives in Cuba’ report, ref1
Soviet Union, ref1
atomic weapons, ref1
attitudes to use of force, ref1
and Balkans, ref1
birthrate, ref1
Black Sea, ref1
buffer states, ref1
collaboration with UK and US, ref1
demilitarisation of Japan, ref1
disarmament of Germany, ref1
fall of, ref1
and Far East, ref1
and Finland, ref1
fuel and power supply, ref1
industrial capacity, ref1
and Middle East, ref1
military strength, ref1
nuclear offensive, ref1
nuclear sufficiency, ref1
and Poland, ref1
policy in Eastern Europe, ref1
post-war naval policy, ref1
raw materials, ref1
reaction to war in Vietnam, ref1
relationship with Egypt, ref1
scientific and technical developments in ‘weapons of mass destruction’, ref1
standard of living, ref1
Western frontier, ref1
and Western powers, ref1
Spain, reaction to invasion of north Africa during World War II, ref1
Special Operations Executive, ref1
Stalin, Joseph, ref1
Straw, Jack, ref1 , ref2
Suez Canal, ref1 , ref2
‘Supporting the National Security Council (NSC): The central national security and intelligence machinery’ report, ref1
Sweden, ref1
‘Syria: Reported Chemical Weapons Use’ report, ref1
Templer, Gerald, ref1
terrorism, ref1
Thatcher, Margaret, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Tibet, ref1
US Intelligence Community, ref1
Viet Cong, ref1 , ref2
Viet Minh, ref1
Waldegrave Initiative on Open Government, ref1
War Planning Committee, ref1
Warsaw Pact, ref1
Wilson, Harold, ref1 , ref2
WMD (weapons of mass destruction), ref1 , ref2
‘Working Party on Acts of Violence Against Civil Aircraft’ report, ref1
Wright, Patrick, ref1
‘Y’ Services, ref1
Yugoslavia, ref1 , ref2