

Exercise: Personal Healing Space

Chapter 1: The Subtle Field of Energy and Consciousness

Exercise: The Golden Light Technique

Exercise: The Visual Screen

Exercise: A Journey through Your Subtle Field

Chapter 2: Take Control of Your Subtle Field

Exercise: Feeling the Chakras in Body Space

Exercise: Sensing the Chakras in Body Space

Exercise: Activating a Chakra

Exercise: A Journey of Discernment

Exercise: Sharing Prana

Chapter 3: Finding a Compatible Life Partner

Exercise: The Inner Vision Mudra

Exercise: The Eye of Brahma Technique

Exercise: Determining Relationship Compatibility

Exercise: The Finger Ring Technique

Chapter 4: Enhancing Compatibility

Exercise: The Soul Vibration Mudra

Exercise: Strengthening Your Gaze

Exercise: Gazing from the Chakras

Exercise: Technique to Restore Soul Vibration Compatibility

Exercise: The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra

Exercise: The Core Values Transformation Technique

Exercise: Filling the Core Field with Bliss

Exercise: Gazing into Elemental Fields

Exercise: Enhancing Elemental Compatibility

Chapter 5: Family Healing

Exercise: Locating Your Field of Death

Exercise: Filling the Field of Death with Prana and Bliss

Exercise: The Authentic Anger Meditation

Chapter 6: Caring for One Another

Exercise: The Nine Cavity Meditation

Exercise: The Enhanced Kanda Technique

Exercise: The Second and Fourth Chakra Meditation

Exercise: The Enhanced Empathy Technique

Exercise: Enhancing Empathy for Yourself

Exercise: Enhancing Empathy for Your Partner and Children

Chapter 7: Strengthening Your Relationship

Exercise: The Governor Meridian Meditation

Exercise: The Conceptual Meridian Meditation

Exercise: The Microcosmic Circuit Meditation

Exercise: The Dantian Eye Scan

Exercise: Releasing Blockages in the Kandas

Exercise: The Mutual Field of Prana

Chapter 8: The Five Elements and Intimate Relationship

Exercise: Strengthening the Water Element

Exercise: The Jing Recognition Technique

Exercise: The Jing Enhancement Technique

Exercise: The Jing Restoration Technique

Chapter 9: Overcoming Self-Limiting Patterns

Exercise: The Granti Cleansing Technique

Exercise: Cleansing the Ego or I-Field with the Bliss Box

Exercise: Filling the Fields of Empathy with Bliss

Exercise: The Self-Esteem Mudra

Exercise: Dantian Vitality Technique

Exercise: The Microcosmic Circuit Meditation

Exercise: Kidney Chi Restoration Technique

Exercise: Releasing Controlling Waves

Exercise: The Stability Restoration Technique

Chapter 10: Making Room for Kids

Exercise: Fertility Cleansing

Exercise: Restoring the Flow of Prana

Exercise: The Prana Mudra

Chapter 11: Keeping Your Pre-Born Healthy and Radiant

Exercise: Pre-Born Bonding Meditation

Exercise: Chanting Personal Mantras

Exercise: Chanting Mantras with Family Members

Exercise: The Fearless Mudra

Exercise: The Beep Meditation

Exercise: The Self-Acceptance Mudra

Chapter 12: Overcoming Birth Traumas

Exercise: Locating a Trauma Scar

Exercise: Releasing Trauma Scars

Exercise: Zone Method for Restoring the Flow of Prana

Chapter 13: Keeping Your Children Radiant

Exercise: The Wood Enhancement Exercise

Exercise: Chanting from the Chakras

Exercise: Dantian Vitality Technique with Your Child

Exercise: Enhanced Discipline Meditation

Exercise: Enhanced Courage Meditation

Exercise: Enhanced Perseverance Meditation

Exercise: The Patience Mudra

Exercise: Long-Suffering Meditation

Exercise: Non-Harming Meditation

Chapter 14: Strengthening the Family Field

Exercise: The Enhanced Empathy Meditation

Exercise: The Trust Mudra

Exercise: The First and Third Chakra Meditation

Exercise: The Jing Enhancement Technique

Exercise: The Second, Fifth, and Thirteenth Chakra Fields Meditation

Exercise: Locating the Family Field

Exercise: The Family Harmony Circle

Chapter 15: Overcoming Parental Challenges

Exercise: The Keep-It-Together Mudra

Exercise: Calm Kundalini Technique

Exercise: Overcoming Resistant Sleep Problems

Exercise: Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation

Exercise: Polar Field Empowerment

Exercise: Strengthening Your Child’s Metal Element

Exercise: Make Toilet Training Easy

Exercise: Calming a Screaming Child

Exercise Part 1: Releasing Blockages in Your Field of Will

Exercise Part 2: Restoring Your Child’s Field of Will

Exercise: The Atman Mudra

Chapter 16: Overcoming Internal Threats to the Family

Exercise: Releasing Poisons of the Ancestors

Exercise: Releasing Cords

Exercise: Releasing Attachment Fields

Exercise: Releasing Clinging Fields

Exercise: The Self-Acceptance Mudra

Exercise: The Self-Esteem Mudra

Exercise: The Prakriti Field Meditation

Exercise: The Purusha Field Meditation

Chapter 17: Overcoming External Threats to the Family

Exercise: The Boundary Safety Net

Exercise: Core Field Meditation

Exercise: First and Second Chakras—Two Kwas Meditation

Exercise: The Self-Love Meditation

Exercise: The Self-Esteem Mudra

Exercise: The Empowerment Mudra

Exercise: Releasing Trauma Scars

Exercise: Microcosmic Circuit Meditation

Exercise: Energizing the Two Kwas

Exercise: First, Third, and Fifth Chakra Meditation

Exercise: The Self-Esteem Mudra

Chapter 18: Empty-Nesters

Exercise: Creating the Mutual Field of Empathy

Exercise: The Radiant Tao Meditation

Exercise: Enhancing Human Love

Exercise: The Third Heart Field Meditation

Exercise: Unconditional Love Meditation

Exercise: Identity Fulfillment Meditation

Exercise: Overcoming Regrets

Exercise: Technique to Overcome Blame

Exercise: Releasing Attachments to People You Resent

Exercise: The Five Elements Water Ritual